The best gear in Skyrim. Skyrim armor: the best light and heavy armor (which is better to use)

Skyrim, many users have been waiting for a very long time and with impatience. This is the fifth part of the series The Elder Scrolls, which features excellent graphics and user-friendly interface. In addition to the standard features of RPG games, you create your character's story by fighting all sorts of creatures. In order to minimize damage in fights, you need protection - armor, helmet, gloves. And therefore, a logical question arises for Skyrim players - where to find armor?

In this game, there are several ways to get uniforms:

  1. Do it yourself. You can mine iron ore and forge your own protection. To do this, you will need to develop the blacksmithing skill, as well as collect the necessary attributes.
  2. Steal. You can even rob another player by getting their armor, but then you have to long time hide, and you will be hunted.
  3. To find. By completing all kinds of quests, you can get the ingredients necessary to create armor and make them. Some artifacts can be found in bags and chests.
  4. Marauding. You can remove armor from the body of an enemy you have defeated.
  5. Prescribe. There are a huge number of cheat codes that can be entered by clicking on the "tilde" (letter E). Knowing the ID of the armor you need and the cheat code, you can easily secure it for yourself.
  6. Buy. After earning money, you can buy armor from a merchant in a shop or from a blacksmith.

Since the game was released quite recently, skyrim users have accumulated a lot of questions: where to find armor, how to get this or that material for them, and how to do it the easiest way.

Dragon Skin Outfit

For those who play skyrim, where to find dragon armor is a very important question.

  • Scale armor. Light armor on the chest, weighs 10 units with an armor level of 41. You can buy armor for 1500 gold or make your own from three pieces of leather, four dragon scales and two iron ingots. You can find a helmet in Tolvald's Cave if you dig well in one of the Falmer chests.
  • Shell armor. This is a heavy armor with 40 weight and 42 armor, and it costs 2125 gold. They can be made from three pieces of leather, three dragon scales and two dragon bones.

You can also enter cheat codes to get this outfit. To do this, press the tilde and enter:

Heavy dragon armor

  • Gloves: player.additem 00013967 1 (note that the number at the end is the quantity of what you are ordering).
  • Boots: player.additem 00013965 1.
  • Armor: player.additem 00013966 1.
  • Shield: player.additem 00013969 1.
  • Helmet: player.additem 00013969 1.

Light dragon scale armor

  • Helmet: player.additem 00013940 1.
  • Armor: player.additem 0001393Е 1.
  • Gloves: player.additem 0001393F 1.
  • Shield: player.additem 00013941 1.
  • Boots: player.additem 0001393D 1.

nightingale armor

This armor high level have good performance, despite the lightness. They are very popular among Skyrim players. Where can I find nightingale armor or how can I get it? The answer is in the thieves guild. By completing the Trinity Restored quest with a series of tasks, you will receive 4 armor fragments:

  • Armor. +20-40 Stamina and Frost Resistance +15-50%. You can find nightingale armor at Karliah.
  • Helmet. – 12-17% to the cost of Illusion spells.
  • Shoes. Movement volume is reduced.
  • Gloves. +15-25% to picking locks and attacks with one-handed weapons.

Or enter the following cheat codes:

  • Hood (helmet): player.additem 000FCC12.
  • Armor: player.additem 000FCC0F.
  • Gloves: player.additem 000FCC11.
  • Boots: player.additem 000FCC0D.

You can stumble upon one of these artifacts by chance in bags or chests, but it is not known where exactly to look for them. The chances of finding good armor increase as you level up. After 30 there are more valuable artifacts.

Computer skyrim game requires the gamer to have good equipment that allows you to defeat even the most dangerous opponents.

Each player wants to get excellent armor that will not allow opponents to inflict damage on him. There is no ideal option for everyone, but each class must use the appropriate type of equipment. What is the best armor in Skyrim?

How to create the best armor?

Heavy armor sets are suitable for warriors, but it will be difficult to move quietly and quickly in them. For this reason, archers and scouts should choose the light type. The situation is similar with mages. But heavy armor is the most popular in the game. Therefore, we will tell you how to get best version. This method is also suitable for other types of equipment.

First you need to pump, having mastered blacksmithing, alchemy and enchantment. In the process of pumping, you need to learn how to make Daedric armor, because they are considered the best for a warrior.

  • We brew a potion designed to increase enchantment, and drink it (it will work for half a minute).
  • We enchant a set of things to increase alchemy and put them on.
  • Once again, we brew a potion to increase enchantment, drink it, enchant the next set of things.
  • We put on, take a new set of clothes and cast an enchantment on it that will increase the blacksmithing skill by 29 percent.
  • We brew a potion to further increase blacksmithing. We put on a blacksmith's set, drink the resulting liquid, which improves our skills to the maximum.
  • We quickly make Daedric armor and improve it until the effect of charms and potions wears off.

The resulting kit makes you a serious threat to Skyrim world. The most terrible opponents can only scratch you, but nothing more.

It is not easy to manage to complete all the listed actions on time. You can spend at least an hour on them, but the result will please.

How to get good armor at the beginning of the game?

When there are dozens of hours of play behind you and the level of the character is high, it will not be difficult to create a decent armor. But at the beginning of the game, such armor cannot be obtained. Find out where to get good clothes for the first time.

When you first arrive in Whiterun, check out the Prancing Mare Tavern. Utgerd the Unbroken sits in the corner - it is her armor that will come in handy. We must quickly deal with her and pick up the armor, but at the same time avoid death at the hands of the guards. Save, then set the difficulty level to minimum. The hero must have 40 coins. If they are not available, take from Utgerd - she pays for the victory in a fistfight.

In the universe of the world "Skyrim" there are a great many races and peoples who make and use armor, depending on their living conditions and combat tactics. Definitely best armor does not exist, but for each playstyle there is the most appropriate set of armor.

Heavy armor

For the warrior class, there is nothing more suitable than heavy armor. Due to the high degree of protection, it wears out less and better protects the player from physical and magical influences. Having put it on, the player must remember that it is quite difficult to move quickly and quietly in it, and you don’t run much over long distances, so this type of armor is far from the best choice for scouts and travelers.

Daedric armor is the heaviest, but also the most effective defensive set. It is rare, very expensive and highly valued. Full Daedric armor makes the player nearly immortal.

Heavy dragon armor - although inferior in effectiveness to Daedric armor, it is slightly lighter and stronger, and, in addition, is slightly more common.

Ebony armor is a rare, but still quite common type of heavy armor. This armor protects better than metal, but weighs a lot, which affects the endurance of the game character.

Dwemer armor - best view metal heavy armor. Usually found in dungeons, it has medium defensive stats, which are quite consistent with the average weight.

Metal armor - this includes iron, steel and orc armor. They have average protection, but big weight. However, in the early stages of the game, they are quite effective.

Light armor

This type of armor is used by characters for whom close combat is a necessary measure. It is worn by thieves, magicians, archers - all those who hit the enemy at a distance or in the back. The advantages of this type of armor are its low weight, which allows you to maintain stamina for longer, as well as the ability to move quickly and silently. Its reverse side is fragility and low strength, as well as lower protection parameters compared to heavy armor.

Light Dragon Armor is undoubtedly the best type of light armor. Combines protection at the level of heavy armor with low weight. It is very rare, which is not surprising for armor with such characteristics.

Glass armor is worse than dragon armor, but still has a high level of protection for light armor. The disadvantages include not only the rarity of distribution, but also its fragility, which is why it requires frequent repairs.

Elven armor - is already found more often than glass and has solid characteristics, both strength and protection. This armor is the most affordable of the expensive and rare types of light armor.

Leather Light Armor - Includes lamellar, leather, studded, and rawhide armor. These armors are easily available to the player, but their stats are low.

Defense is one of the most important parameters of a character in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, besides, the armor largely determines the appearance of the character. How to find a balance between security security can have different shades of meaning in different industries: Legal security Protection Tank security Information security Noise immunity is a characteristic of a communication channel, and attraction? Is protection important? How much does it reduce damage taken?

This guide covers everything you need to know about armor in Skyrim. It will be useful to anyone who is looking for the best protection - both in terms of quantitative indicators and in terms of appearance. The guide is for everyone versions one of several statements or explanations of a fact games, including Skyrim: Special Edition.

Maximum level Level - a rectangular measuring tool made of plastic, wood or metal with transparent flasks (eyes) installed in it, filled with liquid Level gauge (device) Level armor

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, there is such a thing as maximum defense. It is 567, which is the highest level of armor that can be obtained without resorting to the use of cheat codes and mods.

Of course, to achieve such an indicator, you need to wear a full set of armor. At the same time, Skyrim has hidden bonuses when wearing elements a component part of something (especially a simple one, which, in turn, does not consist of other parts) armor from one set: +25 for body armor, helmet, gloves and boots. There is no shield bonus. Total +100, which is very good.

How exactly does the level of protection affect the damage taken? The game has a proportion between protection and real damage reduction. If the character's defense is 567, then the physical damage taken is reduced by 80%.

Thus, when wearing the best armor in the game, the character will receive only 20% damage, that is, only a fifth of the physical damage dealt.

of magic symbolic actions (rites) or inaction aimed at achieving a specific goal by supernatural means

If the character does not yet have the necessary items for achievements Achievement - getting to a certain place, moving to a certain status, age or quality, the embodiment of a certain plan maximum security or as planned player person playing games: Player (game theory) in game theory does not have to wear a full set of armor, he can use magic.

The best option is the Dragonhide spell. It gives maximum protection for 30 seconds, that is, it increases the protection indicator to 567 and due to this, reduces the physical damage inflicted on the character by 80%. This spell is very useful for mages who can't afford heavy luggage.

Of course, the dragon skin skin removed from a slaughtered animal"is one of the two best spells type of ritual-magic speech; direct appeal to the object of magical influence in an imperative form - demands, orders, inducements, requests, prayers, warnings, prohibitions, threats schools educational institution for general education Changes. To master it, you will have to develop the appropriate skill. So for a while the character character in a play, movie, book, game, etc. will be able to effectively use simplified versions of this spell:

  • oak flesh ambiguous term(Oakflesh);
  • Stone flesh (Stoneflesh);
  • Iron Flesh (Ironflesh);
  • Ebony flesh (Enbonyflesh).

Interestingly, the effect of these spells can be greatly enhanced if the Alteration skill is not high enough. To do this, you need to use potions to increase the skill. They are quite rare and expensive, but with some skill an experienced alchemist will be able to provide himself with a good reserve Reserve - part of the flag, banner, standard and ensign, wrapped around the staff and intended for attachment to the latter; Stock - items (things) that are stored for the purpose of such "flasks".

How to increase protection with crafting surname

There are several skills in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim that allow you to craft and upgrade items. This process in games is called "craft" (from the English word "Craft"). Here are three crafting skills:

  • Alchemy specific area of ​​natural philosophy, formed in the bosom of the hermetic tradition(Alchemy);
  • Blacksmithing (Smithing);
  • Enchanting.

As mentioned above, alchemy can be used to raising "" (English knowledge process result cognitive activity about school Change, which in turn strengthens the effect ambiguous term: A reaction to some action, or a result that is a consequence of some action spells that increase armor a protective layer of a material that has a sufficiently high strength, viscosity and other mechanical parameters that are at a high level of indicators, which in one case or another performs the function.

Blacksmithing allows you to forge almost any Lyuba is a name; Luba - village, Vojvodina, Serbia; Luba - village, Slovakia; Lyuba, Vladimir Fedorovich (1861-1928) - Russian diplomat, orientalist armor set in Skyrim, but the most best items require a high level of skill. Ideally you need to have level 100 Blacksmithing, level 100 Light or Heavy armor (depending on what you need to forge) and pass the task what is scheduled to be done Unfathomable Depths to get the Ancient Knowledge talent.

The latter speeds up development this is a type of movement and change in nature and society, associated with the transition from one quality, state to another, from old to new Blacksmithing and gives a bonus premium at 15% armor when wearing a full set of Dwarven armor.

Enchanting is another useful skill that makes it easier to reach the maximum. protection Protection - a guarantee of safety from something to someone or a series of actions and measures to implement this guarantee. Everything is very simple here: each subject Thing, concrete material object, equipped on the character, must be enchanted with the same Fortify Smithing effect. It is important to understand that enchantments are applied not only to armor elements, but also to clothing, jewelry (rings, amulets).

If the character has reached maximum level protection (567), then a further increase in this indicator does not make any sense, since the percentage of reduction in received physical damage in principle or beginning (Latin principium, Greek can not be above toponym in Russia: Vysha - a river in the European part of Russia, a right tributary of the Tsna River 80%. Alas, so programmed a game.

Best lungs respiratory organs in humans, all mammals, birds, reptiles, most amphibians, as well as some fish (lungfish, lobe-finned and multi-finned) armor in skyrim

Light armor is very handy for characters who want to find the sweet spot between mobility and protection. They do not take up much space in the inventory and do not interfere with the use of stealth. Of course, light armor is almost always inferior to heavy armor in terms of its effectiveness, but such is the price for the advantages mentioned above.

To get more protection against Light Armor, you should improve the corresponding skill to 100 as soon as possible. In principle, it grows by itself if you use light armor, but development can be accelerated by reading books and paying lessons to teachers. The higher the skill, the more armor any armor set will provide.

Speaking of specific kits in mathematics, a generalization of the concept of a set, allowing the inclusion of the same element several times, then in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim 2 most valuable sets can be distinguished: Nightingale Armor and Draconic scale armor(Dragonscale Armour).

nightingale armor. A magical light armor set that increases stamina (Stamina) and improves damage dealt with one-handed weapons (One-Handed). Nightingale Armor can only be obtained as a reward for completing the last Thieves Guild quest, Trinity Restored.

When fully upgraded, a full Nightingale Armor increases the stock of endurance the ability of the body to perform any work for a long time without a noticeable decrease in performance by 40, improves cold resistance by 50% and adds 25% additional damage in civil law, unfavorable property consequences for the creditor arising as a result of an offense committed by the debtor to all attacks Attack - the rapid and coordinated movement of troops and forces against the enemy one-handed weapons the general name of devices, objects and means, structurally designed to deprive of life / incapacitate people and animals and / or disable equipment and structures.

But that is not all. Nightingale armor is useful to anyone thief a person who systematically commits theft (in legal language - theft, theft): it improves efficiency ratio between the result achieved and the resources used (ISO 9000:2015) stealth (Sneaking), simplifies hacking castle Castle (building) - a building (or a complex of buildings) that combines residential and defensive and fortification tasks(Lockpicking) by 25% and reduces price economic phenomenon, the concept of which has several different definitions spell school Illusions these are: a deception of the senses, something apparent, that is, a distorted perception of a real-life object or phenomenon, which allows for ambiguous interpretation; program number of the illusionist; figuratively(Illusion) by 17%.

Dragon Scale Armor. By their own indicators in most cases, a generalized characteristic of an object, process or its result, concept or their properties, usually expressed in numerical form: In mathematics: Exponent protection, this light armor is the best in its classroom in classification - a group of objects or phenomena that have common features. With it, it is easiest to achieve the maximum level of protection. Plus she looks really cool.

Dragon Scale Armor can only be obtained from help assisting someone or something; actions or means that facilitate, simplify something: Gratuitous assistance - assistance provided free of charge to any individual, including crafting. This will require the following resources everything that is used in a targeted manner, including everything that is used in the targeted activity of a person or people and the activity itself: dragon scale (drops only from slain dragons a collective name that combines a number of mythological and fantastic creatures), iron ingots, strips skin outer covering of an animal's body. You will also need to raise skill activity formed by repetition and bringing to automatism Blacksmithing to 100 and unlock the Dragon Armor perk.

The best heavy armor in Skyrim

Due to the fact that the game has a threshold of protection, there is no fundamental difference between light and heavy armor can have the following meanings: Booking - armor military equipment, as well as the process of installing armor on unarmored vehicles, since in the end everything will be the same: 567 protection and reduced physical damage by 80%. However, heavy armor allows you to reach maximum the greatest possible amount of something in a given context faster, and besides, it leaves room for experiments with incomplete sets.

As with light armor, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has 2 set Completion Typing process in publishing Character set (diacritic set) Chip set (chipset) Command set (instruction set) in programming Ship set - structure armor that can be considered the most effective: Daedric Armor (Daedric Armor) and armor special clothing designed to protect the wearer from weapons, most often from cold and throwing weapons of the pre-gunpowder era Ahzidal's Armor.

Daedric armor. This set has a very high armor rating, in fact it is the best armor in Skyrim, if you do not take into account the content of official add-ons. She looks very impressive too.

Daedric armor can be forged from ebony ingots, hearts a fibromuscular hollow organ that, through repeated rhythmic contractions, provides blood flow through the blood vessels Daedra Heart and Leather Strips. To do this, you need to have a developed Blacksmithing skill (at least 90) and an open perk concept from the world of computer role playing: some special trait, element of personality, distinguishing feature game character with the appropriate name.

Armor of Ahzidal. Obtained from completing the Unearthed quest. The armor has some very useful enchantments. First of all, it gives a chance that opponents attacking the player's character will be paralyzed. Conjuration spells and rune spells cost 25% more, but have increased range.

And if you attach 4 items from the set to Dovakin at once, then he will receive an increase of 10 points to the Enchantment skill indicator.

How to forge the best armor in Skyrim

Not all armor sets can be forged. For example, the Nightingale Armor and the Ahzidal Set can only be obtained by completing certain tasks. An experienced blacksmith does not have to go through them at all, because he can get maximum protection right without leaving the forge.

Daedric armor (heavy armor):

  • perk "Daedric armor";
  • Blacksmith level 90 Affairs work, occupation, action not for entertainment; commercial enterprise, business; issue to be resolved;
  • 10 leather strips;
  • 17 Ebony Ingots
  • 5 Daedra hearts.

Draconic Shell Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk "Dragon Armor";
  • 100 level Blacksmithing;
  • 6 dragon scales(Dragon Scale);
  • 6 dragon bones (Dragon Bone);
  • 10 leather strips.

Dragon Scale Armor (Light Armor):

  • perk "Dragon Armor";
  • 100 level Blacksmithing;
  • 14 dragon scales;
  • 4 skins (Leather);
  • 2 iron bullion or ingot - a bar of metal(Iron Ingot).

Leather strips can be cut from leather at a special workbench or bought from merchants (medium price the amount of money in exchange for which the seller is willing to transfer (sell) a unit of goods- 3 gold pieces). Iron ingots can be bought for about 7 coins banknote, made of metal or other material of a certain shape, weight and dignity from the start The beginning is a conditional starting point games a type of meaningful unproductive activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself, and Ebony Ingots - only after a diplomatic representative of the highest rank of his state in a foreign state (in several states concurrently) and in an international organization; official representative reaching level 27 (costs approximately 150 gold something made of gold).

The fastest way a systematized set of steps, actions that are aimed at solving a specific problem or achieving a specific goal get a lot of Daedra hearts - clear the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon in The Pale.

Draconic scales the outer cover of some living beings, formed by horny (in amniotes) or bone (in fish) plates And bones male Russian personal name of Latin origin; goes back to lat. constans (genitive constantis) - "permanent, persistent" can only be obtained in one way - to kill dragons. Fortunately, that's something with them in skyrim problems there are definitely none.

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