War Thunder system requirements. War Thunder system requirements War Thunder game review

War Thunder The review is based on materials from open sources, and the assessment is based on the project’s subjective opinion about the game.

Let's do a short review of War Thunder. This game is intended for both real professional pilots and shooting enthusiasts. You will not find such detail in combat aircraft, tanks and their control anywhere else. The game features a huge fleet of winged vehicles and an equally impressive fleet of tanks. Different countries of equipment manufacturers (Germany, England, USA, USSR, Japan) kindly offer you a choice of fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, as well as all types of tracked monsters, from light to heavy tanks.


The War Thunder review tells us that all events take place during the Second World War, and all fighting, in which you took part, these are real battles that happened at that terrible time. Even the maps are recreated from real pictures satellite, except that changes were made corresponding to that time. This confirms one of the features of the game - maximum realism.

Pilot Modes

The game has several game modes. "Arcade mode" is the most popular among users. Your bird is easy to control. Your task is to hunt enemies. While enjoying an air shooter, you don't think about things like air temperature, humidity, pressure. While in other modes this is extremely important. But more on that later. In PvP mode you can see how effective team game, when you are covering an ally or when in difficult moment help is flying to you. As a team you can achieve big victories!

Here, a lot depends on your ability to fly the plane, and not on the power of the car. In addition, do not forget about the laws of physics, no one has canceled them. It is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the winged vehicle; perhaps some maneuvers should be abandoned, otherwise you will be smashed to the ground. But even here you will have the opportunity to return to the battlefield, since there are usually up to six vehicles in reserve.

There is another, more realistic and more difficult game mode. These are "Historical Battles". The controls remain lightweight, but there are far fewer hints. You will need to return “home” for ammunition and the fuel periodically runs out. Everything is done as realistically as possible. And you won’t have any planes in reserve, so in this mode you need to play as a team and carefully think through your battle strategy. All tasks are extremely close to real historical events of that time.

But this game is also good because it can be played by both beginners and real professionals. The “Realistic Battles” mode is designed for true pilots. Here you will need a joystick to control the plane, but the view from the cockpit will not make your tasks any easier. You need to independently control many sensors and switches, look out for enemies and try to kill them, monitor the weather and temperature. Many players who consider themselves aces switch to this mode, but fail upon takeoff, which infuriates their team's allies.

Game Features

Reviewing War Thunder, we can highlight many features and advantages of this game. Of course, this is hyper-realism. In the cockpit or tank turret you can feel the full control of the equipment. All damage caused to you and you is as close to real as possible. Performing illegal maneuvers in an operational aircraft may result in the fighter losing consciousness and causing the screen to go dark for some time. The size of the maps on which the fighting takes place will pleasantly surprise you. Usually they reach up to 100x100 km. There are places to fly and ride. In addition, the game allows you to destroy bridges, trees and buildings.

Another main advantage of online War games Thunder is that 3 types of troops take part in one battle: aviation, navy and army. This makes the game unique and opens up a huge field of possibilities for users. Developing your pilot's skills, enriching your vehicle with various ammunition or new capabilities will help you win battles and influence the course of events.

The game is also called WT, War Thunder, War Thunder

The War Thunder review is coming to an end, but before you go play, you should take a look at the minimum and recommended system requirements War Thunder.

Today you will learn about shells, as well as their features in the game War Thunder.

It’s probably worth starting the story with an illustration of the damage model for ground equipment. To do this, we will need a special DM mode, where we can check and configure this system.

You need to shoot at the T-34 from the 75 mm KwK40 cannon with an armor-piercing chamber projectile, which has protection and a PzGr39 ballistic cap. The shooting distance is very small so that you can hit the tank without any problems.

If you hit the forehead of the hull for the first time:

The developers decided to mark the movement vector of the squad in white (located in the lower left corner), the yellow dot is the place where the projectile hits the armor, the blue lines are the cone of armor and projectile fragments that are formed after the armor is pierced. The projectile has a bottom fuse and an explosive charge, which should explode almost in the center of the fighting compartment; The yellow circle is the radius where the landmine hits, the green sphere is the radius of damage from shrapnel. The red traces from the center of the explosion are fragments that somehow managed to get into critical modules.

In the screenshot you can see the silhouettes of modules that were able to receive major damage - this includes the crew and breech of the gun (special red boxes), the turret ring, engine and ammunition rack - these are all green boxes. The crew is incapacitated due to critical damage.

The tank's combat capability has been significantly reduced, but it has not yet been completely destroyed if one of the crew members is still alive. It's worth taking a second shot.

The second shell was able to hit the frontal armor, was able to penetrate it and ultimately exploded into pieces inside - now the tank is definitely completely destroyed.


All shells that are currently available for tanks are divided into several types:

  • Armor-piercing kinetic (this also includes sub-caliber);
  • Cumulative;
  • High-explosive fragmentation.

Armor-piercing shells

All kinetic armor-piercing shells have only one principle of operation, and the only difference is that they have or do not have an explosive substance (chamber shells - APHE / APHEBC / APCBC) and the number of penetration indicators. According to the design, everything is in accordance with sharp-headed armor-piercing shells.

How to use this in the game - the projectile has parameters that affect its flight path (mass, speed at launch, as well as ballistic coefficient). And also on its properties (the armor penetration graph depends on the distance, the kinetic damage graph also depends on the distance). Other parameters affect the properties of the explosive charge, if they are present in the projectile. When a vehicle is hit, then some checks and calculations are made:

Testing for a break is when the gauge is several times (10) greater than the normal thickness of the sheet, then it can break through without unnecessary checks.

If there is no break, check for ricochet - at the moment, ricochet can only be done at an angle of 60 degrees. (from normal to armor) and even more, in this sector the probability of a ricochet increases at an angle of 90 - 100%.

If there is no ricochet, check for armor penetration, which takes into account the current penetration of the projectile, the design angle of the armor, as well as what angle of inclination the vehicle has on various terrain. It is necessary to take into account the general angle of the encounter, where you can find out the thickness of the armor, and thereby understand whether the projectile can penetrate it or whether it is not worth even trying. If the answer is no, and the projectile contains an explosive projectile, then it will be able to work on the armor, but the attached equipment may be damaged.

If penetration occurs, then the projectile can damage the armor layer. In this case, any kinetic charge, when it has penetrated, can generate a cone of fragments at the point where the penetration occurred, with which it can hit the crew, as well as the equipment itself. The equipment is located in this sector for a 76mm armor-piercing projectile; the height of this cone is 2.5 m, the opening angle will be 15 degrees. The damage from the fragments is enough to hit one of the crew members, as well as slightly damage the internal equipment. When shard tracing occurs, it checks whether the modules are closed or not.

The projectile itself will continue its flight, and if it can meet any of the modules, then you need to make the checks described above (in this case, a fragmentation cone can only form if the armor thickness is 3-4 mm or more). Checks will continue until the penetration of the projectile becomes excellent enough to penetrate one of the next modules, or when the projectile fuse is triggered (if the projectile contains explosives and the armor is strong enough for the entire platoon), the distance where the platoon of shells passes is 0.5 - 1.5 meters from the point of penetration, depending on the caliber of the projectile and its type.

When the fuse goes off, the shell itself can explode inside the tank, which can generate fragmentation and high-explosive spheres of destruction; modules, as well as crew members who may be inside these spheres, can be damaged by fragments or one of the shock waves.

There is one conclusion for players that a projectile without explosives (solid or sub-caliber) will be able to hit modules not with a “laser beam” along its chosen trajectory, but also in a specially designed radius. Those. if you were able to hit an armor-piercing projectile between the driver and the radio operator in a T-34, the two crew members who will suffer most from the secondary fragments, and the projectile itself, if it has penetration, has the ability to reach the engine itself.

HEAT shells

In terms of their action, they differ significantly from armor-piercing shells. You can read about the principles of the work itself at any time on the Wikipedia website. The shaped charges in the game are absolutely identical to the real prototypes in life.

Penetration does not depend on distance; armor penetration is the same at any distance.

When an obstacle is hit, an explosion will be generated, which can be compared with high-explosive parameters and a fragmentation projectile of a similar caliber, but in this case, thin-walled elements or the crew in open combat vehicles must be damaged.

At the point of the explosion, where an analogue of a cumulative jet is generated, which looks like an armor-piercing projectile, which can penetrate all modules on its trajectory, but the penetration of the jet will be lost, and the trajectory of the jet is small (2-4m), then beyond these boundaries the jet will not can cause damage and simply disappear. Also, after interaction with the armor has occurred, then a fragmentation cone will be generated (but with smaller parameters of its action, as well as dimensions).

Fragmentation shells

These are analogues to aircraft shells, bombs, and missiles, which have been present in the game for a long time. If the armor is hit, then spheres of fragmentation and high-explosive damage will be generated, and if the parameters of the fragments of a given shock wave have the ability to penetrate the armor, then penetration will occur and normal damage will be received. Small and medium caliber projectiles of this type can be fired with bulletproof armor (Flakpanzer 1 ZSU). Only those shells with a caliber of 122mm and higher can be effective against medium and heavy tanks.

Choose the type of projectile based on design features, armor penetration, as well as high-explosive properties, which can significantly diversify tank battle. You need to choose the right ammunition, which opponent you are playing against, it is because of this that you can predict the outcome of your battle, as well as the final result.

Good luck in the game!

Flight simulator. This is not only equipment for training flight school students, but also a computer genre.

Simulators recreate the physics of controlling cars, ships and other equipment.

In project War Thunder, for example, planes, ships and ground combat equipment are simultaneously available.

Models of the 20th century are drawn in detail not only externally, but also internally. The colors, contours, inscriptions, and structure of the control panels are observed.

In general, he gets at his disposal exact copies of historical cars. Task No. 1 is to learn how to manage them.

Objective #2 is to defeat the enemy. The following review will help you decide which side to take and who to fight against.

Review of the game War Thunder

A gameWar Thunder makes it possible to select a car from a list of more than 200 positions. These are just planes.

There are approximately the same number of ground installations, mainly tanks. Models are divided by country of origin.

There are English, American, German, Japanese and Soviet technology. When choosing a car, you simultaneously decide on the country on whose side you will fight.

Some of the cars are highlighted in the selection of the most popular. The list is convenient for gamers who do not want to meticulously study the structure and control features of combat units of the 20th century.

A brief information is attached to each aircraft and tank. However, sometimes it is more convenient to rely on the choice of the majority. It usually relies on reliable, easy-to-manage models.

The nuances of vehicle design are taken into account when conducting battles. Yes, some aircraftWar Thunder require frequent refueling.

There are examples that are more difficult to figure out than others aerobatics. Commands for their execution are given by the keyboard and mouse.

The technique is not only listened to, but also heard. The game uses real recordings of the last century with sounds from battlefields, the grinding of metal, wings cutting through the air.

The whistle of a flying plane is not always associated with reconnaissance or an attack. Sometimes the sound causes the car to fall rapidly.

Each model has its own range of critical damage and breakdowns. There are also common troubles, for example, a hole in the fuel tank.

There are two options left with her: die in battle as a hero, or eject. IN virtual world Most people choose the first option.

This is perhaps the only difference between a simulator and reality. There is no actual death, which means there are more heroes than are described in historical reports.

By the way, about the latter. Some contractions in War Thunder- video, reconstructing the battles of the past.

You can, for example, take part in the battle of Stalingrad. In this case, gamers take either the side of the Germans or join the Soviet troops.

In battles without a historical basis, you are allowed to choose between the armies of 5-6 states.

WebsiteWar Thunder belongs to the company of only one state - Russia. developed by domestic experts Gaijin studios Entertainment.

The developer is independent, considered the largest in the country, founded in 2002. More than 10 years of practice allowed Gaijin Entertainment specialists to create a project that is not inferior to the sensational World of Tanks.

In the field of graphics, for example, the Russian simulator even wins. The age difference has an effect.

Belarusian World of Tanks was released in 2010 War Thunder in 2012 already on a different engine.

Tanks don’t look like rotating models, trees no longer look like a bunch of pixels, almost all objects have shadows worked out, the terrain is more intricate, complex, and therefore interesting for fighting. Wherein, War Thunderfree, like the older “sister”.

Features of the game War Thunder

Graphic arts War Thunder makes the simulator even more realistic and, at the same time, complex.

The enemy may not be visible in skillfully drawn grass and bushes. Some people are happy with such difficulties, while others turn the graphic indicators to a minimum to make it easier.

They are also trying to “get rid” of graphics in order to reduce ping. This is the name given to the computer's response to the server.

Ping is usually measured in seconds. The message to the project chat can take either 3 or 15 seconds. High graphics performance increases ping, which does not suit everyone.

If downloadWar Thunder For comparison with its closest rival World of Tanks, the difference in the control of combat vehicles will become clear.

Both simulators are not arcade-style, that is, they require skill in operating equipment and a period of training.

For comparison, in Tanki Online I sat down and drove off, not taking into account the terrain, the response of the mechanisms to commands.

There are also partial simplifications in the Belarusian project. But the Russian follows the physics of battles to the maximum.

If you apply the brakes sharply, you don’t get an instant stop. If you try to turn quickly, you tip over.

The restrictions imposed on maneuvers more than “pay off” by removing the limits in terms of searching for targets.

As in real life, the tank driver can point the gun at any object. If you want, shoot the planes; if you want, shoot the ships.

True, the individual paint job is visible only to the owner of the car. In the eyes of other gamers, they remain the same.

But, you can post your work to the project group on VKontakte. Discussed here War Thunderfights, as well as registration in the project.

It is client-based, that is, it requires downloading and installing special files on your PC. They will ensure the operation of the simulator only if minimum requirements to the system.

IN War Thunderregistration makes sense if: the processor frequency is 2.2 gigahertz; 8 gigabytes are free on the hard drive; The amount of RAM is 1 gig.

A video card requires a GeForce 6000 or higher. Windows XP and Vista 7/8 are supported operating systems.

Walkthrough of the game War Thunder

Eagles are just as important as the fights. It's not about birds. Golden eagles - currency War Thunder.

It is spent on activating unique features. You can get, for example, a premium account, an elite hangar space, improved equipment, and backup aircraft.

In addition, golden eagles contribute to a rapid gain of experience. So, currency extraction is one of the basics of completing the simulator.

Cheats For War Thunder are monitored by the administration. Therefore, we are studying legal methods of obtaining eagles.

For a beginner, completing training missions is suitable. There are two of them: “Fighter” and “Tank”.

Complete tasks in any order - you get 100 gold. However, going through battles again will not bring you a bonus.

In the future, pay attention to the regularity of your visits. If you log in every day for several weeks, you will probably receive a reward in the amount of the same 100 eagles.

You can also purchase them during promotions from Gaijin Entertainment. The simulator developer organizes gold fights.

It is not difficult to win the required number of victories in the allotted period of time. Go for it.

Here's the download War Thunderfashion it is not recommended to dare. The developer's position is unshakable: - mods and cheats are unsportsmanlike behavior.

First, the administration fires a warning shot in the form of a temporary ban, and if you use add-on programs again, you will be banned forever.

So, treacherous behavior in War Thunder, as during the Second World War, is punished mercilessly.

Introduction to the game.

If you decide to try yourself in this game, I advise you to make a decision first. Will you invest money in it, or will you, gritting your teeth, pump the crews with your “sweat and blood”. In the first case, a beginner will have to invest a considerable amount in upgrading the skills of crew members, in the second, the skills of the crews will develop in accordance with your combat skills. I advise you to “suffer” for a month or two to understand whether you should invest money in the game, or look for something - more suitable for yourself in another place. 5 nations (for now), with two types of equipment (also for now). Maximum level crew in tanks - 150, on airplanes - 75. We will not consider the “Training” process. Everything is clearly shown there and so. Let's just look at the main mistakes of novice players. At the same time, we will consider options for the development of technology for comfortable pumping of equipment in the future.

Main parameters.

Development of crew skills is the main direction for more comfortable gameplay in the game. With zero parameters, the tank crew will die even if they collide with an obstacle. Not to mention the explosion of a high-explosive shell on the armor. Many beginners never fully understand this point. Outraged by the fact that “the shell didn’t even penetrate the armor, and the crew died.” You can compare this with a bell. Place a person inside the bell and hit the bell with a sledgehammer as hard as you can. Maybe you won’t kill him, but he will be very incapacitated. for a long time. But this is only a sound wave effect. And the projectile will also deliver impact. In general, a tanker needs more survivability than a pilot. Therefore, when upgrading tank crews, we first focus on survivability (at least to a value of 2.5), then we upgrade the gunner’s aiming skills (preferably to the maximum), and the loader’s – the loading speed (for small tanks this may not be noticeable, but for heavy ones it is simply necessary) . If you don’t upgrade your “Vigilance,” enemy tanks will appear in front of you as if from underground. If you don't upgrade your radio communications, you won't see the enemy your teammates have discovered on the map. There are many nuances, but our main emphasis is on “Guidance”, “Ranging”, “Loading” and “Survivability”. These skills will allow you to fight at long range and avoid group fights at the initial stage of development. As your Vigilance skill increases, your tank will detect the enemy further and further from its location. One more thing, in my opinion, is the main action, obtaining the “Expert” qualification... Each vehicle has its own required crew level to obtain this skill. But it gives +3 to all parameters to all crew members, both in tanks and in airplanes. This is provided that the full value of any skill is 5 units, “Expert” increases them by another 3. Many people miss this point in the game. Most often, this is the sin of those players who suddenly “swung” to 5 ranks and settled into them without having enough in-game currency for this. But the absence of an “Expert” on a vehicle, whether in aircraft or in tanks, does not make it possible to obtain the “Ace” qualification; upon reaching a certain number of points scored, it is free. It’s just that without an “Expert” they are not taken into account on this vehicle. Yes... "Ace" gives another +2 units to all crew parameters. That is, it gives 100% development of all skills.
All these actions in the development of the crew can be transferred to aviation. But with minor amendments. For a pilot, all health parameters are required, at least up to C. It is necessary to increase the reload speed as much as possible, set the repair level in accordance with the required equipment and “weapon care” so that the bombs fall more accurately, and the machine guns and cannons do not jam.

Beginning of development.

The first entry into the game, training and the first battle are the main criteria for the beginning of your development in the game. If you are given “Golden Eagles” for training, with which you can buy premium equipment and so on, then your first battle will give you premium tank or a plane that will help you speed up the upgrade of crews in a given nation. Each nation has its own premium. Of all the proposed “gift” tanks and aircraft, only one deserves attention. I-153 "Zhukovsky". To obtain it, you need to carry out the first battle on USSR aircraft. Four sets of weapons, good machine gun damage, and most importantly - maneuverability - the main advantage over all gift aircraft. Gift tanks are basically clones of reserve tanks. Just with an increased bonus of research points. Well, the choice is always yours. At the beginning of your game, you will have three vehicle windows available for each nation. later, without spending money, you can add two more to them. That is, in total, five slots for vehicles - for each nation and for each type of equipment. This is quite enough for normal gameplay. But there is a little trick. For tank arcade battles, 3 slots for tanks are required. In arcade aircraft - as much as you like. Taking into account the fact that experience points for crews are common, make the first three slots for tanks and fighters, and the last two for beavers and attack aircraft. Fighters do not need to upgrade their gunner skills; free research points will go towards the tank crew. But the slots for beavers will need to be downloaded completely. The main difference between this game and similar games- purchased equipment will remain in your hangar forever, regardless of the number of slots for it. That is, you can always change the set of equipment in the slots - without extra costs or additional actions. However, let's not forget the main principle of matchmaking in this game. The highest Battle Rating for tanks is determined by the tank with the highest BR. This means that you will be opposed by tanks in the range from -1 to +1 of your maximum BR. For aircraft, the difference in BR reaches 1.4. Take this into account when choosing a technique for combat. If you play as part of a squad, then the BR of the squad will take into account the BR of the tallest tank (aircraft) in your squad.

At the beginning of development, I recommend disabling "Auto Repair". It seems that saving a penny at the beginning will save a lot of lions later. Play for another nation while your equipment is being repaired for free. A sort of pumping conveyor, with free repairs. Buy only the equipment that you really need. Remember, there are promotions in the game when you can buy it at half the price. Place reserve vehicles of all nations in the slots. Develop your crews as much as you have patience. Remember that you can master one technique with all crews, but this will lead to additional costs. Therefore, try to make “sliding” sets of equipment in slots. Like in the first three - Reserve, they opened the fourth slot - reserve there - in the pumped-up slot of the vehicle with BR 1.0... the next slot - if there is 1.0 we set it, if not - 1.3... We get - all the equipment (5 slots) 1.0-1.3. The next round. 1.3-1.7, the next 1.7-2.0. This will allow you to select setups for a specific BR. And it’s not that in the first slot there is only 1.0, in the second 1.3, in the third -1.7 and so on. The exception is for premium equipment of initial ranks. Place it in slots where you need to pump up the crew.

The most important.

For those who are in no hurry to invest money in the game, but want to ride premium equipment, there is one thing you need to understand. The game has a concept - "War Bonds". This is a type of game currency for which you can get premium equipment simply by completing tasks in the game itself. BUT... To do this you need to have a rank 4 technique. average price equipment for bonds - 2,500 - 3,000. This means that you need to earn at least 100 bonds per day. But at rank 2 they give only 20, at rank 3 - 40, only rank 4 gives us 80 bonds per task. That is, with only rank 3 per month you can earn 1,800 - 2,000 bonds. And this is not enough to buy equipment. To quickly develop equipment up to rank 4, I suggest using the model shown in the screenshot. As soon as you gain access to rank 4 vehicles (preferably La-7 with BR 4.0), you can compete once a month to receive promotional vehicles for War Bonds. Why develop the USSR branch and specifically aviation? BB and Su attack aircraft give good opportunity make money, I-15 and I-16 - maneuver and lethality. This is the most convenient branch for quickly achieving rank 4 equipment. As soon as you start earning VO and purchasing advanced equipment for other nations, you will be able to download them with the least effort and hassle. It will take approximately two weeks to a month, depending on your visits, to reach this stage. But during this time you will already decide whether this game is worth your money or not. And most importantly... In the game it is FORBIDDEN to change the mailbox associated with this game account. Or rather, supposedly it is possible, but through the Support Service. But they take into account - only certain moments. So for a normal game, create a separate mailbox that will not be at risk of hacking, through your mail, mailings and other functions of the workbox. But do not lose this box, otherwise your account may be closed, which is undesirable if you invest real money in the game. Remember also that on certain dates the game holds drawings for various prizes and offers discounts on various equipment. So that there are no situations when you have already bought something, and a week later the promotional discount begins. :) Read the news archive, look at the approximate stock chart... Dig around the forums. This game has good prospects, unless of course the developers screw it up themselves.

I'm wrapping up.

Why did I start all this... Why did I put so much text behind it... I just wanted to help novice players quickly understand the very meaning of the game. The main advantage of which is not only the variety of gaming equipment, but also a well-thought-out damage model, which, unlike XP, can destroy the equipment immediately, or allow it to withstand a number of hits with virtually no damage. I had the opportunity to fly a plane without part of the wing, with the landing gear torn off, without elevators and without a tail unit. There were times when they tried to destroy my tank at point-blank range, but they failed, and sometimes a shell fired at random turned my tank into a pile of metal. The game is unpredictable. And this is interesting. Until you try it yourself, you won’t understand. A bunch of equipment, dozens of maps, various game modes - a small fraction of what everyone will find in this game. Choose for yourself what you like. And most importantly. The game does not require your constant presence. :) You can just have a nice time - when you have it... :) And this is an important plus in our time. :) So it's up to you to decide. And for now I don’t see any alternative to this game.. :) Although - it depends on the taste and color... :) Good luck... And I hope that I could somehow make it easier for you game process at the very beginning... :)

War Thunder– multi-user online simulator with realistic military battles on land, air and water. Battles take place with the participation of real equipment and weapons that existed in history.

Detailed technology and big choice The player’s capabilities allow you to immerse yourself in the course of battles and feel the atmosphere of combat.


Realistic game cards based on the sites of major battles that occurred during the military conflict of 1939-1945. There are 3 main modes in the game.

Game modes

  • Arcade— two teams of players use military vehicles different countries with similar characteristics. The physics of the game and the damage received are simplified, but the level of realism is maintained. This mode contains mechanics that make the gameplay easier.
  • Real fight— mode with good physics. “Sniping” is complicated by damage and the absence of a leading marker. Players can only select one nation to replicate real-life battle scenarios. It is also possible to refuel and repair vehicles.
  • Battle simulation— battles with some restrictions in the interface and controls. While flying, you use first-person and gunsight views to air assets. In tank battles, players see the sight, driver's cabin and commander above the military transport.

You can also note:

  • Ground Strike— designed for airplanes. It is necessary to destroy enemies on the ground, shoot down aircraft and destroy airfields. Maps allow you to capture enemy and neutral locations.
  • Ground mission— one or more cars are used using Spawn points, which are acquired after destroying the enemy, his vehicles and capture points. There is no access to enemy target markers, penetration and range indicators.

Key Features

Variety of War Thunder combat modes – key feature games. So the mode can be single, multiplayer or cooperative. In single player, the player fights artificial intelligence, in multiplayer there are two teams of 16 people, and in cooperative there is one gamer and 16 players.

Reference! The developers used materials about military equipment from world museums and archives.

They also did a good job of making damage realistic to accurately account for damage and casualties. Players can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of battle in the sky, test themselves as a shooter or bomber. Another feature is the presence of a large number of battle maps from the Second World War for any type of equipment.


The game is filled with original ideas and interesting features. At times it may seem undeveloped or harsh, but the authors work to provide support and further development. War Thunder was received positively by the gaming community, receiving an 81 out of 100 on Metacritic and praise for its realistic effects and physics.

You can register for the game for free at.

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