Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

Exit the Bulwark gate that protects Raven Rock from the ashes of Red Mountain and head south. Ahead you will see a destroyed building, the so-called. Old Attius Farm, and a warrior fighting the ash spawn, help him deal with the spawn.

This warrior will be the captain of the Redoran Guard, Modyn Veleth. He will tell you that the creatures of the ash are causing a lot of trouble in Raven Rock, and he and his people decided to find out where they are coming from. The trail led them to a farm, where they were attacked. The captain will ask you to help, perhaps you will be able to find something that will lead to the source of the problems.

Indeed, in a pile of ashes left from one of the ash creatures, there is a note from which it becomes clear that the enemy was sent by General Falx Carius from Fort Frostmoth - those who played Bloodmoon may remember this character. Show the note to Velet, and he will also be surprised: after all, the general died 200 years ago.

Velet will ask you to check Frostmoth's fort while he goes to Raven Rock to secure it.

The fort is nearby, in the northeast. Kill the ash creatures on the approaches to the fortress, then look into the courtyard, and keep in mind that these enemies have the unpleasant feature of materializing directly from the ground. Having finished with the "serfs", go into the door on the left (the one right in front of you is still locked).

Before exploring the fort, grab the East Empire Pendant, a box on a shelf in the room immediately to the left of the entrance.

The building is small, it won’t be difficult to get through it, from the unexpected left there will be a dead-end cave with several deposits of heartstones and albino spiders. Returning to the standard corridors of the fort, we soon find ourselves in a small room with coffins, where there is also a diary of a certain Ildari, apparently a necromancer who awakened the general with her experiments. In the same room you will notice a duffel bag and next to it the key to the fort.

The key will open the locked room, get ready to fight Karius and his henchmen. From the general you will receive his unique “Champion's Cudgel.” You can leave the fort through the “front” door.

Return to Raven Rock to Modin Veleth for a hefty cash reward.

Your exploits will not go unnoticed: many residents of Raven Rock will note that their lives have now become much calmer.

Note: Execution of this quest required to receive the other two:

How to start - find the old Attiya farm.

Quest giver - Modin Veleth.

Reward - 5000 gold and the Defender's Club (from Kariya's body).

On the approach to the old Attia farm (to the south of Raven Rock, not far there) you will see an interesting picture - a guard brushes off the ash creatures. If you're a heartless bastard, you can just stand there and watch, but it's better to still help. After killing the creatures, we talk to the guard. It turns out that this is Modin Veleth, captain of the Raven Rock guard. He will complain to you that the creatures regularly attack the city and he decided to find out where they are coming from, after all! The trail led them to a farm, where they were attacked. The captain asks to look for some information that may indicate the source of all these misunderstandings.
We search the corpse of one of the creatures and find a message from a certain General Kariya, who is holed up in Fort Frost Moth. We show the message to Velet and he sends us (there is no one else) to kill this general. Yes, yes, kill right away, because if a dead man wakes up after 200 years and begins to sow chaos and terror, this does not lead to anything good...

We stomp into the fort along the marker, deal with the first victims: there will be few spawn in the courtyard, magicians and archers rule here because there will be a couple of monsters on the towers. Having dealt with them, we go into the fort. A fortress is like a fortress, no special tricks are needed here, then we move forward until we wander into a small crypt. On a stand under the coffin (I don’t know what else to call it, it’s right in the center of the crypt).

We find Ildari's diary (you will meet her again), and in the backpack is the key to Fort Frost Moth. From the diary we learn about how this same Karii rebelled. With the key, we go back a little and open the closed door. Almost immediately you can notice the general, we kill him completely and take the tchotchke from his body - the Defender's Club.

We return to the guard captain and collect the reward (5000 gold). The quest is required for some other quests, so it is highly recommended to complete it.

Entering the Temple of Raven Rock, the High Priest will tell you that in the central hall the dead began to come to life in the form of ashen creatures. He will ask you to clear the temple of them and give you the key to the hall. Head inside the temple and destroy all the evil spirits. After this, inform the priest that the temple is clean and again available to the residents of the city. You will receive gold as a reward.

Upgrading Bone Armor for Glover Malory

Local blacksmith Glover Melory, who is the brother of Delvin Melory from the Riften Thieves Guild, will tell us that Esmond Tyne stole the recipe for improved bone armor, with which he fled to the north of the island. Go in search of him. You can find him, or rather his remains, in the caves of Karstag Castle. You will see them at the very entrance to the cave, on the left. Take the note and return it to Glover.

As a token of gratitude, you will receive a key to the Thieves Guild cache in Glover Melory's house, from which you can take gold, gems and a set of unique Black Guard thieves' armor. Also in the chest is a letter from Glover to Sapphire.

Mystery Sapphire

Read Glover's letter to Sapphire, found in the Thieves Guild cache in Glover Melory's house. It says that the girl with a difficult fate is Glover's daughter. It's time for her to find out who her real family is. Go to Riften's Ragged Flask and show Sapphire her father's letter. In gratitude for the good news, you will receive an exquisite sapphire worth 5,000 septims.

Tome for Sindiri Arano

Sindiri Arano, the wife of the first adviser of House Redoran, will ask you to find an ancient tome for her on the crashed ship "Terrible Squall". This ship was wrecked during fog in the southwest of Soltsheim. Bandits now live at the site of the shipwreck. Deal with the gang and find the required tome in one of the ship chests. By returning it to Sindiri Arano, you will receive a certain amount of gold as a token of gratitude.

Netch Jelly for Milora

The owner of the Raven Rock alchemy shop, Milora, will ask you to find the necessary ingredient for her - netch jelly. She needs five servings. You can find this ingredient from traders, or you can get it yourself by killing poor netches, a whole herd of which can be found on the western coast of Soltsheim.

When you complete Milora's order, she will give you a whole set of various potions. Now you can learn alchemy from her.

Oriental imperial pendants

Trader Thetis Alor, who can be found near his home in Raven Rock, is looking for rare pendants with the symbol of the Eastern Imperial Company. These pendants are scattered throughout the island and stored in special safes. You can find safes in the following places:

♦ Morvane estate

♦ Alora estate

♦ Melory's house

♦ ebonite shaft (two safes)

♦ Broken Tusk mine

♦ ship "Terrible Shkval"

♦ Northern pier

♦ Brodir grove

♦ Mozring pass

♦ Fort Frostmoth

♦ dilapidated trading post

♦ Haknir shoal

♦ camp north of the Sun Stone

♦ parking southeast of the Water Stone

♦ site southwest of the Hrothmund mound

♦ Benkongerike cave

♦ entrance to Ice Cave

♦ most northeastern island

Sujama Sadri

The owner of the “Vomiting Netch” tavern, Geldis Sadri, invented a new variety of sudjama. He will ask you to offer ten bottles of this drink to the townspeople for testing. Walk around the city and offer a drink to the residents, however, not everyone will happily accept your offer. After you manage to distribute all the bottles, return to the innkeeper. As a reward, he will pay you in gold.

Ancient Nord pickaxe

Raven Rock blacksmith Glover Malory will complain that the hereditary miner Cerelius Cretius took from him and does not want to return the ancient Nord pickaxe. This pickaxe is valuable because it can be used to mine the ancient magical ice Stalhrim. This is a very rare and valuable material for creating armor and weapons. You can find a miner in an ebony mine. He will immediately return the pick to you, but will ask you to investigate the circumstances of the death of his grandfather.

The blacksmith, as a sign of gratitude, will leave the pickaxe for you. Do not sell it, only with it you can mine Stalhrim.

Decisive descent

The main source of income and wealth for the residents of Raven Rock for many years was the ebony mine, which is now closed. for a century and a half, it brought income and prosperity to Raven Rock. Cerelius Cretius, the grandson of Horace Cretius, a great expert on ebony veins, does not believe what they are saying about his grandfather disappearing in the mine and wants to investigate the circumstances of his death. He will ask you for help.

Go down into the mine. At the first fork, turn right and reach a passage boarded up with boards, break them and move on. Open the grate into the tomb with the key that Cerelius gave you. To the right of the grate is a safe with an Imperial Company pendant. Go straight, dealing with the draugr, to a hall with a large grate in the floor. Having dealt with the draugr, take the things from the chest on the left and go through the door. Pay attention to the Stalhrim vein, it can be mined with an ancient Nord pickaxe. Walk past the alchemy table, disarm the trap that shoots soul stones, and go through the large door into a large abandoned hall with draugr. To the right is a grate that can be opened with a switch located near the enchanting table. At the fork, taking the book of spells on the left, go upstairs, disarm the trap of the soul stone and go through the gallery. Turning left, you will find yourself in a secret part of the cave. Jump down. Near the strange gate you will find the remains of Horace Cerelia, take his diary and Bloodskal blade. Below you will find the remains of Horace's assistant - Malia.
Read the diary, it says how to open a gate sealed with magic using Bloodskal's sword. You need to be in the direction of the red cracks (two horizontal hits, two vertical, two horizontal and one vertical).

Once the passage is open and move on. Run through the corridor with flying axes, activate the lever and enter the room with the wall of Words of Power shouting “Might - Dragon Incarnate.” Here you will have to fight with dragon priest Zakrisos. As a reward for defeating him, you will receive the Zakrisos Mask. The Black Book of the Winds of Change is also located here.

When you leave the cave, you will find yourself on the Bloodrock mound north of Raven Rock, where the bandits live. Returning to the city, tell Cretius Cerelius everything. In a few days the ebony mine will open again.

March of the Dead

As you exit Raven Rock to the east, you will encounter a squad of Redoran guards fighting ash monsters. Rushing to their aid, you will not be able to save the guards, but Captain Velet will remain alive. After searching what remains of the ash monsters, you will find the Declaration of War document, which should be shown to Captain Velet. What will surprise him most of all is that the document was signed by General Folkes Carius, who had long since died.

Velet will direct you to the ruins of Fort Snowmoth, where the general died, and find out what's going on. Once you reach the fort, go inside. First, at the fork, go left, in the room with spiders, get gems from deposits. Then head to the central passage, there you will find the key and the diary of the necromancer Ildari. After reading the diary, you will understand that she resurrected General Kariya to control the ashen monsters. Now go right along the fork, opening the locked door with the keys. Fight General Karius. Having dealt with the enemy, return to Captain Velet.

As a reward you will receive the Hero's Club hammer.

Served cold

After your victory over General Karius, the trust in you from the authorities of Raven Rock will increase. Captain Veleth will direct you to a meeting with Adril Arano, the first adviser to House Redoran. He, in turn, needs your help to find spies of the House of Hlaalu, who have been hunting for Lleril Morvain, the head of the House of Redoran, for many years.

Let's start the investigation with a visit to the tavern, sit down with Geldis Sadri, who will mention that someone is visiting the Ulen family tomb. As night approaches, head to the tomb and wait. You will see Tylisa Severin enter the tomb, which leads to suspicion that the Severin family is somehow connected to House Hlaalu. Tell Adril Arano about your suspicions. He will offer to get into the Severin estate and find evidence of their work for the Hlaalu house. Adrill Arano will give you the key to the estate.

Go to the Severon estate, located in the northern part of the city. As soon as you enter, Tylisa and her daughter will attack us. After dealing with them, search their bodies and take the key to the safe. In the safe there is a letter with evidence of their guilt. Take the letter to Arano.

Now you have to deal with the head of the Severin family. To do this, you need to go to the center of the island, where the Redoran guards will already be waiting for you. Once there, you will see that the guards are dead. After dealing with the Morag Tong members, go to the nearest dungeon where Severin is hiding. Having dealt with the criminal, return to Arano, who will arrange an audience for you with Lleril Morvain, who wants to personally thank you.

Your reward will be the Severin estate with all its property.

Stash of wine

Ask Captain Veleth about the state of mind of his warriors. He will complain that some soldiers at their posts drink tempered wine, but he does not know where they get it. We need to find a cache of wine and tell Velet. The cache is located in a barrel, which stands between two unfinished houses, which are located on the road leading from the abandoned house to the Earth Stone.

From underground

When you ask the innkeeper Sadri about the rumors, you will learn that south of the city on the Kolbjorn mound and one businessman wants to conduct excavations. Head to the mound and talk to Ralis Sedaris. He will tell you about his grandiose plans, but will complain about the lack of money. You can become a sponsor of his adventure.

Part 1

To begin with, Ralis will ask for 1000 gold. In a few days, a messenger will find us and deliver a letter from Ralis. Returning to the excavations, you will be forced to listen to his complaints about the attack of the draugr. Go to the mound and destroy the living undead. After this, Ralis will ask for another 2000 septims to continue the work.

Part 2

A few days later you will receive another letter asking Ralis to come to the excavations. It turns out that the miners hired by Ralis have disappeared and the draugr have reappeared. You need to go in search of missing miners who might have survived. Get into the mound. In the hall you are the dead miner Brandil. In the room in the center of which there is a ring on a chain, pull it and go right. After activating the second chain, the room behind will open. After it, go left to a grid with four switches, which can be activated in the following sequence 1-2-1-4 (from top to bottom). You will see Mireli's body, you can take the letter that she wrote before her mother's death. Move on. The switch you'll see on the right opens a secret room with Azidal's ring. Now you can leave the mound. 3000 gold to hire more workers and guards.

Part 3

And again Ralis will call you through a messenger. This time the miners will survive, but the guards will die. You will again have to go down to the mound and deal with the draugr. We go to the place where we found Azidal's ring last time and go left. Behind the door, locked with an expert-level lock, are spiders, a chest and an emerald vein; go right and go down, then straight ahead to the chain switch on the left, then right. You will find yourself at a cliff, on the right there is a door and a switch chain that opens a passage to the room with Azidal's gloves. Go down to the left, then up to the right, and you will find yourself in a large hall with pressure plates on the floor. To the left is a room with an artifact. If you step on a tile, it will light up for a few seconds. To open the grate, you need to quickly run around and highlight all the tiles. Take Azidal's second ring and go up. After running along the corridor with the axes, activate the switch chain and exit through the lower part of the excavation from the mound. This time Ralis will demand 5000 gold.

Part 4

After receiving another letter from Ralis and returning to the mound, you will see that the camp is empty, and there are bloody traces of battle everywhere. Ralnis left his diary, from which you will learn that he began to worship Azidal.

Travel to the mound in search of Ralis. At the beginning, go to the excavated wall of Words of Power and learn the "Wind Cyclone" shout. Now go through the hall with the slabs on the floor, dealing with the draugr along the way. Go down the stairs and go into the room where the draugr are sitting on thrones. Deal with them, turn the columns so that the fish are visible on them, and activate the lever. Take Azidal's armor and rotate the columns so there are two birds. This will open the hatch down. Go down, destroy the draugr and get stalhrim. Now turn the pillars so that there are two snakes on them and take Azidal's helmet. Behind the door you will meet Ralis and Azidal himself, by killing whom you will free Ralis from dark spells. Take Azidal's mask and go into the opened passage, there you will find two chests and the Black Book “Thread and Filigree”. To exit the mound, go to the next hall, activate the lever and exit along the stairs.
