Calculate area using Google map. Calculation of distances between cities - get directions by car

For many Internet users, Google Maps has become a universal tool for exploring the planet, getting directions, and street view. But with all this, some users do not know about all the capabilities of this service. Today we will talk about a simple but useful function - measuring distance on Google Maps.

There is nothing complicated about this - first, open the Google Maps service on the Internet Next, we change the scale so that both points, the distance between which we will measure, are visible on the map. Click right click mouse at the first point and select “Measure distance” from the drop-down menu:

After this, the mark of the first point will appear on the map:

You can not stop here, but add other waypoints, and the total distance will be indicated next to the last point:

Measuring distance on Google maps is done in a straight line, but because... a map is a two-dimensional representation globe, then when measuring large distances the line will appear curved, and this will shortest distance between points:

Very often, users are faced with a situation where they need to calculate the distance of a path. However, how and with what help to do this? The first thing that comes to mind is a navigator that can determine distance. However, the problem is that the navigator only works with the road, and if you are, for example, in a park and want to find out how many kilometers you need to walk through desert areas, such a “solution” to the problem will not solve it at all.

However, we would not write the article if we did not have an ace up our sleeve: we're talking about about Maps. The application is updated every day and supplemented with new features; we cannot say exactly when the ability to determine distance appeared, but this is probably one of the most useful functions.

In order to find out the distance traveled or planned path, you need to:

  • Hold your finger on the starting point, after which additional settings will appear
  • Swiping up will reveal the settings in full screen
  • Click on "Measure distance"
  • Swipe across the display and select a waypoint or destination by tapping on a location on the map
  • As you progress, the distance shown in the lower left corner will increase. In order to delete the last point, you need to click on the return button, which is located in the upper right corner next to the “Menu” button. By the way, by clicking on three menu points, you can completely clear the entire route.

    Thus, we have learned to determine the distance of the route of interest.

    It is worth noting the generally stable and high-quality performance of Google Maps. There are many similar applications in the Play Store, including MAPS.ME, Yandex.Maps, but for some reason it is the solution from Google, firstly, that fits best externally into the system, bringing its own Material features, and secondly, it is software implemented in enough high level. Here you can view the street using a StreetView panorama, download offline navigation, and so on. In a word, if you are interested in maps, feel free to download official decision Google.

    You can calculate the distance between cities for free using our website. The distance between cities is calculated using the shortest paths. At the same time, fuel consumption is shown depending on the type and brand of the car.

    The calculation can be useful in the following situations:

    • planning a private vacation trip with the whole family by car or determining the optimal route for a business trip. The calculator will help you calculate fuel costs while traveling (we know the average fuel consumption and its price);
    • will help professional long-distance drivers navigate routes between cities;
    • calculator options are useful for cargo senders when determining the cost of transportation services (the calculator determines the kilometer, the carrier gives the tariffs);

    How to use the distance calculator?

    Setting and planning a route between cities is not difficult. To do this, you will need to enter the starting point along the route in the “From” field. A convenient way to select cities has been created. The arrival field for a given route is filled in similarly. After selecting cities, click the calculation button.

    A map will open with a plotted route and an indication of the starting and ending points of movement and cities. They are indicated with red markers. The route by car between cities is drawn with a red line. The following data is provided on top of the map for reference:

    • estimated route length;
    • travel time;
    • how much fuel is required for the trip.
    • what type of roads along the route;
    • the route is divided into separate sections indicating the length and time of travel.

    This route information can be printed and received in convenient format A4. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the calculation. Set the parameters you need for your trip and request a quote again.

    Additional settings make it possible to make adjustments to speed calculations for each type of road surface. There is an option to select transit settlements.

    A fuel calculator will be very useful. Substitute into it the parameters of the car (average fuel consumption) and the current average prices for 1 liter of fuel. This will allow you to find out the required amount of fuel and its cost.

    Alternative routing methods

    If you have a road atlas at hand, then you can use it to roughly determine the route on the map. A curvimeter, if available, will help determine quite approximately the distance between cities.

    It will be more difficult to find out the time spent on the trip. The entire route will need to be divided into fragments with roads of the same type. Knowing the speed at which you can travel on each class of road and knowing the length of such sections, you can calculate the travel time.

    Data from reference books and atlases on distances between cities can also come to the rescue. Please note that such tables usually indicate large cities.

    Algorithms for calculating distances between cities

    Route calculations are based on an algorithm for finding a path using the shortest principle. Distances between cities by car are determined based on satellite coordinates of settlements and roads. As a result of reading all the data on a computer, the result is given as a simulation option. When planning a long trip, don’t be lazy and take care of your backup options.

    In practice, there are two main methods for calculating distances between settlements:

    • exclusively on existing roads, taking into account access roads;
    • in a straight line (like a bird flies - straight and free). The distance turns out to be shorter, but in practice it has no practical significance - there are no roads along such a route.

    Our program is used to calculate the distance between cities along highways and roads.

    Thanks to the “good corporation”, we can easily find a comfortable road from point “A” to point “B”. But did you know that Google Maps can also measure the simple distance between two points in a straight line?

    1. Open the official website on your PC or Mac Google Maps.

    2. Find the starting point of your route and right-click on it.

    3. In the menu that opens, select Measure distance.

    4. Click on the end point of your route or the next point. The distances will be indicated next to the ruler.

    Note: if you need to change the location of a point, drag it. If you need to delete a measurement, simply click on the point.

    How to measure the distance between two points in the web version of Google Maps

    Distance measurement is also available in the Google Maps apps for Android and iOS. In both cases, the measurement process works almost the same. Let's look at it using the example of a proprietary solution for iOS:

    1. Open the application Google Maps on your iPhone or iPad.

    2. Find the first point and touch it with your finger to set the red pin.

    3. At the bottom of the map, click on the name of the place you marked.

    4. Select Measure Distance from the drop-down menu.

    5. Point the black crosshair of the sight at point “B” of your route by moving your finger across the map.

    6. The distance (in our case in kilometers) will be displayed in the lower left part of the screen.

    You can cancel the measurement by clicking on the Back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen or by clicking on the ellipsis menu - Clear.

    Note: if you need a complex measurement from several points, just continue moving the crosshair after step 6. Point it at the third point on the route - and get the distance in km to it, taking into account the previous two.

    Based on materials from yablyk

    Measuring distances on a map. Study of a site. Reading a map along the route

    Studying a site

    Based on the relief and local objects depicted on the map, one can judge the suitability of a given area for organizing and conducting combat, for the use of military equipment in combat, for observation conditions, firing, orientation, camouflage, as well as cross-country ability.

    The presence on the map of a large number of settlements and individual forests, cliffs and gullies, lakes, rivers and streams indicates rough terrain and limited visibility, which will impede the movement of military and transport equipment off roads and create difficulties in organizing surveillance. At the same time, the rugged nature of the terrain creates good conditions for sheltering and protecting units from the effects of enemy weapons of mass destruction, and forests can be used to camouflage unit personnel, military equipment, etc.

    By the nature of the layout, size and font of the signatures of settlements, we can say that some settlements belong to cities, others to urban-type settlements, and still others to rural-type settlements. The orange coloring of the blocks indicates the predominance of fire-resistant buildings. Black rectangles located close to each other inside the blocks indicate the dense nature of the development, and yellow shading indicates the non-fire resistance of the buildings.

    In a populated area there may be a weather station, a power station, a radio mast, a fuel warehouse, a factory with a pipe, railroad station, flour mill and other facilities. Some of these local items can serve as good reference points.

    The map can show a relatively developed network of roads of various classes. If there is a signature on a conventional highway sign, for example, 10 (14) B. This means that the paved part of the road has a width of 10 m, and from ditch to ditch - 14 m, the surface is cobblestone. A single-track (double-track) railway can pass through the area. Studying the route along railway, you can find on the map individual sections of roads that run along an embankment or in a excavation with a specified depth.

    With a more detailed study of roads, it is possible to establish: the presence and characteristics of bridges, embankments, excavations and other structures; the presence of difficult areas, steep descents and ascents; possibility of leaving roads and driving near them.

    Water surfaces are depicted on maps in blue or light blue, so they clearly stand out among the symbols of other local objects.

    By the nature of the font of the river's signature one can judge its navigability. The arrow and number on the river indicate in which direction it flows and at what speed. The signature, for example: means that the width of the river in this place is 250 m, the depth is 4.8 m, and the bottom soil is sandy. If there is a bridge across the river, then next to the image of the bridge its characteristics are given.

    If the river on the map is depicted with one line, then this indicates that the width of the river does not exceed 10 m. If the river is depicted in two lines, and its width is not indicated on the map, its width can be determined by the indicated characteristics of the bridges.

    If the river is fordable, then the ford symbol indicates the depth of the ford and the soil of the bottom.

    When studying the soil and vegetation cover, you can find forest areas of different sizes on the map. Explanatory symbols on the green fill of the forest area may indicate a mixed composition of tree species, deciduous or coniferous forest. The caption, for example: , says that the average height of the trees is 25 m, their thickness is 30 cm, the average distance between them is 5 m, which allows us to conclude that it is impossible for cars and tanks to move through the forest off roads.

    Studying the terrain on a map begins with determining the general nature of the unevenness of the area of ​​​​the terrain on which the combat mission is to be carried out. For example, if the map shows a hilly terrain with relative heights of 100-120 m, and the distance between horizontal lines (laying) is from 10 to 1 mm, this indicates a relatively small steepness of the slopes (from 1 to 10 °).

    A detailed study of the terrain on a map is associated with solving problems of determining the heights and mutual elevation of points, the type, direction of steepness of slopes, characteristics (depth, width and length) of hollows, ravines, gullies and other relief details.

    Measuring distances on a map

    Measuring straight and curved lines using a map

    To determine on a map the distance between terrain points (objects, objects), using a numerical scale, you need to measure on the map the distance between these points in centimeters and multiply the resulting number by the scale value.

    Example, on a map of scale 1:25000 we measure the distance between the bridge and the windmill with a ruler; it is equal to 7.3 cm, multiply 250 m by 7.3 and get the required distance; it is equal to 1825 meters (250x7.3=1825).

    Determine the distance between terrain points on the map using a ruler

    A small distance between two points in a straight line is easier to determine using a linear scale. To do this, it is enough to apply a measuring compass, the opening of which is equal to the distance between given points on the map, to a linear scale and take a reading in meters or kilometers. In the figure, the measured distance is 1070 m.

    Large distances between points along straight lines are usually measured using a long ruler or measuring compass.

    In the first case, a numerical scale is used to determine the distance on the map using a ruler.

    In the second case, the “step” solution of the measuring compass is set so that it corresponds to an integer number of kilometers, and an integer number of “steps” is plotted on the segment measured on the map. The distance that does not fit into the whole number of “steps” of the measuring compass is determined using a linear scale and added to the resulting number of kilometers.

    In the same way, distances are measured along winding lines. In this case, the “step” of the measuring compass should be taken 0.5 or 1 cm, depending on the length and degree of tortuosity of the line being measured.

    To determine the length of a route on a map, a special device called a curvimeter is used, which is especially convenient for measuring winding and long lines.

    The device has a wheel, which is connected by a gear system to an arrow.

    When measuring distance with a curvimeter, you need to set its needle to division 99. Holding the curvimeter in a vertical position, move it along the line being measured, without lifting it from the map along the route so that the scale readings increase. Having reached the end point, count the measured distance and multiply it by the denominator numerical scale. (In this example, 34x25000=850000, or 8500 m)

    Accuracy of measuring distances on the map. Distance corrections for slope and tortuosity of lines

    The accuracy of determining distances on a map depends on the scale of the map, the nature of the measured lines (straight, winding), the chosen measurement method, the terrain and other factors.

    The most accurate way to determine the distance on the map is in a straight line.

    When measuring distances using a compass or a ruler with millimeter divisions average value measurement errors in flat areas usually do not exceed 0.7-1 mm on the map scale, which is 17.5-25 m for a map of scale 1:25000, 35-50 m for a map of scale 1:50000, 35-50 m for a map of scale 1:100000 70-100 m.

    In mountainous areas with steep slopes, errors will be greater. This is explained by the fact that when surveying a terrain, it is not the length of the lines on the Earth’s surface that is plotted on the map, but the length of the projections of these lines onto the plane.

    For example, With a slope steepness of 20° and a distance on the ground of 2120 m, its projection onto the plane (distance on the map) is 2000 m, i.e. 120 m less.

    It is calculated that with an inclination angle (steepness of the slope) of 20°, the resulting distance measurement result on the map should be increased by 6% (add 6 m per 100 m), with an inclination angle of 30° - by 15%, and with an angle of 40° - by 23 %.

    When determining the length of a route on a map, it should be taken into account that road distances measured on the map using a compass or curvimeter are in most cases shorter than the actual distances.

    This is explained not only by the presence of ups and downs on the roads, but also by some generalization of road convolutions on maps.

    Therefore, the result of measuring the length of the route obtained from the map should, taking into account the nature of the terrain and the scale of the map, be multiplied by the coefficient indicated in the table.

    The simplest ways to measure areas on a map

    An approximate estimate of the size of the areas is made by eye using the squares of the kilometer grid available on the map. Each grid square of maps of scale 1:10000 - 1:50000 on the ground corresponds to 1 km2, the square of the grid of maps of scale 1:100000 - 4 km2, the square of the grid of maps of scale 1:200000 - 16 km2.

    More accurately, areas are measured with a palette, which is a sheet of transparent plastic with a grid of squares with a side of 10 mm applied to it (depending on the scale of the map and the required measurement accuracy).

    Having applied such a palette to the measured object on the map, they first count from it the number of squares that completely fit inside the contour of the object, and then the number of squares intersected by the contour of the object. We take each of the incomplete squares as half a square. As a result of multiplying the area of ​​one square by the sum of squares, the area of ​​the object is obtained.

    Using squares of scales 1:25000 and 1:50000, it is convenient to measure the area of ​​small areas with an officer’s ruler, which has special rectangular cutouts. The areas of these rectangles (in hectares) are indicated on the ruler for each gharta scale.

    Reading a map along the route

    Reading a map means correctly and fully perceiving the symbolism of its conventional signs, quickly and accurately recognizing from them not only the type and varieties of objects depicted, but also their characteristic properties.

    Studying a terrain using a map (reading a map) includes determining its general nature, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of individual elements (local objects and landforms), as well as determining the degree of influence of a given area on the organization and conduct of combat.

    When studying the area using a map, you should remember that since its creation, changes may have occurred in the area that are not reflected on the map, i.e. the contents of the map will to some extent not correspond to the actual state of the area at the moment. Therefore, it is recommended to begin studying the area using a map by familiarizing yourself with the map itself.

    Familiarization with the map. When familiarizing yourself with the map, based on the information placed in the outer frame, the scale, height of the relief section and the time of creation of the map are determined. Data on the scale and height of the relief section will allow you to establish the degree of detail of the image on a given map of local objects, shapes and relief details. Knowing the scale, you can quickly determine the size of local objects or their distance from each other.

    Information about the time of creation of the map will make it possible to preliminarily determine the correspondence of the contents of the map to the actual state of the area.

    Then they read and, if possible, remember the values ​​of the magnetic needle declination and direction corrections. Knowing the direction correction from memory, you can quickly convert directional angles to magnetic azimuths or orient the map on the ground along the kilometer grid line.

    General rules and sequence of studying the area on the map. The sequence and degree of detail in studying the terrain is determined by the specific conditions of the combat situation, the nature of the unit's combat mission, as well as seasonal conditions and tactical and technical data of the military equipment used in carrying out the assigned combat mission. When organizing defense in a city, it is important to determine the nature of its planning and development, identifying durable buildings with basements and underground structures. In the case where the unit’s route passes through the city, there is no need to study the features of the city in such detail. When organizing an offensive in the mountains, the main objects of study are passes, mountain passages, gorges and gorges with adjacent heights, the shape of the slopes and their influence on the organization of the fire system.

    The study of terrain, as a rule, begins with determining its general nature, and then studies in detail individual local objects, shapes and details of the relief, their influence on the conditions of observation, camouflage, cross-country ability, protective properties, conditions of fire and orientation.

    Determining the general nature of the area is aimed at identifying the most important features of the relief and local objects that have a significant impact on the accomplishment of the task. When determining the general nature of the area based on familiarization with the relief, settlements, roads, hydrographic network and vegetation cover identify the type of terrain, the degree of its ruggedness and closedness, which makes it possible to preliminarily determine its tactical and protective properties.

    The general character of the area is determined by a quick overview of the entire study area on a map.

    At first glance at the map, one can tell that there are settlements and individual tracts of forest, cliffs and gullies, lakes, rivers and streams indicating rough terrain and limited visibility, which inevitably complicates the movement of military and transport equipment off roads and creates difficulties in organizing surveillance . At the same time, the rugged nature of the terrain creates good conditions for sheltering and protecting units from the effects of enemy weapons of mass destruction, and forests can be used to camouflage unit personnel, military equipment, etc.

    Thus, as a result of determining the general nature of the terrain, a conclusion is drawn about the accessibility of the area and its individual directions for the operations of units on vehicles, and they also outline boundaries and objects that should be studied in more detail, taking into account the nature of the combat mission to be performed in this area of ​​the terrain.
    A detailed study of the area aims to determine the qualitative characteristics of local objects, shapes and relief details within the boundaries of the unit’s operations or along the upcoming route of movement. Based on obtaining such data from a map and taking into account the relationship of topographic elements of the terrain (local objects and relief), an assessment is made of the conditions of cross-country ability, camouflage and surveillance, orientation, firing, and the protective properties of the terrain are determined.

    Determination of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of local objects is carried out using a map with relatively high accuracy and great detail.

    When studying settlements using a map, the number of settlements, their type and dispersion are determined, and the degree of habitability of a particular area (district) of the area is determined. The main indicators of the tactical and protective properties of settlements are their area and configuration, the nature of the layout and development, the presence of underground structures, and the nature of the terrain on the approaches to the settlement.

    Reading the map conventional signs settlements establish the presence, type and location of them in a given area of ​​the area, determine the nature of the outskirts and layout, building density and fire resistance of buildings, the location of streets, main thoroughfares, the presence of industrial facilities, prominent buildings and landmarks.

    When studying the road network using a map, the degree of development of the road network and the quality of roads are clarified, the traffic conditions of a given area and the possibility of efficient use of vehicles are determined.

    A more detailed study of roads establishes: the presence and characteristics of bridges, embankments, excavations and other structures; the presence of difficult areas, steep descents and ascents; possibility of leaving roads and driving near them.

    When studying dirt roads, special attention is paid to identifying the carrying capacity of bridges and ferry crossings, since on such roads they are often not designed to accommodate heavy wheeled and tracked vehicles.

    By studying hydrography, the presence of water bodies is determined from the map, and the degree of ruggedness of the area is specified. The presence of water bodies creates good conditions for water supply and transportation on waterways.

    Water surfaces are depicted on maps in blue or light blue, so they clearly stand out among the symbols of other local objects. When studying rivers, canals, streams, lakes and other water barriers using a map, the width, depth, flow speed, nature of the bottom soil, banks and surrounding areas are determined; the presence and characteristics of bridges, dams, locks, ferry crossings, fords and areas convenient for crossing are established.

    When studying the soil and vegetation cover, the presence and characteristics of forests and shrubs, swamps, salt marshes, sands, rocky placers and those elements of the soil and vegetation cover that can have a significant impact on the conditions of passage, camouflage, observation and the possibility of shelter are determined from the map.

    The characteristics of the forest area studied from the map allow us to draw a conclusion about the possibility of using it for a secretive and dispersed location of units, as well as about the passability of the forest along roads and clearings. Good landmarks in the forest for determining your location and orienting yourself while moving are the forester’s house and clearings.

    The characteristics of swamps are determined by the outline of symbols. However, when determining the passability of swamps on a map, one should take into account the time of year and weather conditions. During the period of rains and muddy roads, swamps, shown on the map as passable by a symbol, may actually turn out to be difficult to pass. In winter, during severe frosts, impassable swamps can become easily passable.

    Studying the terrain on a map begins with determining the general nature of the unevenness of the area of ​​​​the terrain on which the combat mission is to be carried out. At the same time, the presence, location and mutual relationship of the most typical typical forms and relief details for a given area are established, their influence on the conditions of cross-country ability, observation, firing, camouflage, orientation and organization of protection against weapons of mass destruction is determined in general terms. The general nature of the relief can be quickly determined by the density and outline of contours, elevation marks and symbols of relief details.

    A detailed study of the terrain on a map is associated with solving problems of determining the heights and mutual elevation of points, the type and direction of the steepness of the slopes, the characteristics (depth, width and length) of hollows, ravines, gullies and other relief details.

    Naturally, the need to solve specific problems will depend on the nature of the assigned combat mission. For example, the determination of invisibility fields will be required when organizing and conducting surveillance reconnaissance; determining the steepness, height and length of the slopes will be required when determining terrain conditions and choosing a route, etc.
