Interactive game “Traffic Experts. Interactive game "traffic experts" Game "traffic experts"

Quiz game “Experts”Traffic regulations”.

Extracurricular activity according to the rules traffic designed for students in grades 2-4. The material is designed to help children consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules in a playful way.


1. Consolidation of students’ theoretical knowledge of traffic rules acquired during the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.

2. Promoting the social significance of the life safety course.

3. Instilling in students a culture of behavior on the road.

Participants: students in grades 2-4.

Command structure: 5 people.



Municipal government educational institution secondary school with. Rozhki, Malmyzh district, Kirov region

traffic rules experts

quiz game

Compiled by:

Peremecheva Natalya Mikhailovna,

life safety teacher MKOU secondary school s. Horns

year 2012

Quiz game “Traffic Experts”.

An extracurricular activity on traffic rules is designed for students in grades 2-4. The material is designed to help children consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules in a playful way.


1. Consolidation of students’ theoretical knowledge of traffic rules acquired during the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.

2. Promoting the social significance of the life safety course.

3. Instilling in students a culture of behavior on the road.

Participants: students in grades 2-4.

Team composition: 5 people.


  1. Org. Part
  1. Guys, today we are holding a quiz game on the rules of the road “Traffic Experts”.

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very careful.

Discipline, caution and compliance with traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians are the basis for safe movement on the street.

  1. Hear a little about the history of traffic rules.

In Russia, the rules of the road for horseback riding were introduced by Peter I on January 3, 1683. The decree sounded like this: “The Great Sovereign, aware of the fact that many people learned to ride in sleighs on reins with large whips and when driving along the street carelessly beat people, then from now on you should not ride in sleighs on reins.”

The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London. It was a gas lamp with two filters: green and red. The colors were changed using a hand crank operated by a policeman.

The first traffic signal appeared in the USA in 1919.

  1. Presentation of the jury and teams.
  1. Main part

Stage 1: "Crossroads of Mysteries"

Participants are invited to guess road-themed riddles.

A miracle house on wheels,

They go to work in it,And for rest, for study.And it's called... (Bus)

I'm dashing down the street,But the driver holds the steering wheel tightly.I don’t eat porridge, but gasoline.And my name is... (Car)

On the asphalt road, the cars have shoes on their feet. Let them be too rubber, very strong... (Tires)

Red circle and triangle, Blue quadrangle, We help, we forbid, We all know about the road, Where the danger is, where the ravines are. And we are simply called... (Signs)

A thread stretches, winding among the fields.
Forest, copses without end and edge.
Neither tear it nor roll it into a ball. (Road)

Two pairs of legs on the pavement,
And two hands above your head.
What is this? (Trolleybus)

Two brothers run away, but two catch up?
What is this? (Wheels)

Our friend is right there -
He'll finish everyone off in five minutes.
Hey, sit down, don't yawn,
Departs... (Tram)

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer: this is mine...

I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather,
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground. (Metro)

We are necessary machines
Call us for help.
On our side door
Written - 03. (Ambulance)

We are necessary machines
And if suddenly there is trouble.
On our side door
Written - 02. (Police)

We are necessary machines
We will defeat the fire
If the flame breaks out,
Call - 01. (Fire truck)

Little hand,
What are you looking for in the ground?
I'm not looking for anything
I dig and drag the earth. (Excavator)

One-armed giant
Raised my hand to the clouds
Does work:
Helps build a house. (Crane)

Stage 2: “Automulti”Participants are invited to answer questions about cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

  1. What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (On the stove)
  2. Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (Bike)
  3. How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (Jam)
  4. What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin? (Bike)
  5. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (Into the carriage)
  6. What did old Hottabych fly on? (On the magic carpet).
  7. Baba Yaga's personal transport? (Mortar)
  8. What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on? (By train)
  9. What kind of transport did the Bremen Town Musicians use?
    (Using a cart)

Stage 3: “Understand me”

In this competition you just need to guess the word that the presenter means

1. People walk and drive along it. (Road).

2. An antique vehicle for princesses. (Coach).

3. Two- or three-wheeled vehicle. (Bike).

4. Prohibitory, informative and warning images along the roads. (Road signs).

5. The place where the roads “meet”. (Crossroads).

6. People don’t drive on it. (Sidewalk).

7. It can be on the ground, and under the ground, and above the ground. (Transition).

8. Both the car and the bird have it. (Wing).

9. It determines the speed of the car. (Speedometer).

10 . Rest and storage area for vehicles. (Garage).

11. Traffic controller. (Traffic police inspector).

12. Stopping agent. (Brake).

Stage 4: “Pedestrian ABC”

Testing your knowledge of the basics of the Rules of the Road in the form of solving the “Young Pedestrian” test. 1 point is given for the correct answer. The maximum number of points is 10. Teams are given time.

1. A pedestrian is:
1). A man doing work on the road.
2). A person walking along the sidewalk.
3). A person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it.

2. Which of the following situations can cause road accidents?

1). Crossing the road in an unspecified place.
2). Games on the roadway.
3). Walking along the roadway.

3. What does the combination of red and yellow traffic lights mean?
1). The transition can begin.
2). The green signal will turn on soon.

4. What does a flashing green traffic light mean?
1). The traffic light is not working properly.
2). Green signal time is running out
3). Movement Prohibition.

5. How should a pedestrian column move along the roadway?
1). Along the left edge of the road, towards moving traffic.
2). On the right edge of the road in the direction of traffic.

6. What should a pedestrian be guided by if the traffic controller’s gesture contradicts the traffic light requirement?

1). A traffic controller's gesture.
2). Traffic light signal.
3). Use your own discretion.

7. Where is sledding and skiing allowed?
1). On a road intended for pedestrians.
2). On the right side of the roadway.
3). In parks, squares, stadiums, i.e. where there is no danger of leaving the roadway.

8. What requirements of the Traffic Rules must a pedestrian comply with when crossing the road?
1). Go at right angles.
2). Don't stop on the road unnecessarily.
3). Don't eat ice cream.
9. What is a sidewalk?
1). Road for cyclists.
2). Road for pedestrians.
3). Road for transport.

10. Is it dangerous to walk along the edge of the sidewalk?
1). Not dangerous as the sidewalk is intended for pedestrians.
2). Not dangerous, since vehicles should not drive close to the sidewalk.
3). Dangerous, as you can be hit by nearby vehicles.

Stage 5: "Talking Signs"

Participants are asked to guess riddles about road signs and show the sign on the poster.

If you're in a hurry on your way
walk across the street
Go there, where all the people are,
where the sign... (Crosswalk)

And under this sign for nothing in the world
Don't ride a bike, kids.
(Bicycles are prohibited)

All engines stop
And the drivers are attentive,
If the signs say:
“School is close! Kindergarten!" (Children)

If you need to call your mom,
Call the hippopotamus
Along the way, contact a friend -
This sign is at your service! (Telephone)

Miracle horse - bicycle.
Can I go or not?
This blue sign is strange.
There is no way to understand him! ( Bike Lane)

Everyone knows stripes

Children know, adults know.

Leads to the other side (Crosswalk).

Apparently they will build a house -
Bricks hang all around.
But in our yard
The construction site is not visible. ( No entry)

So it's not dangerous to go.
Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
What do you say, friends? (Movement Prohibition)

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast

People know everything in the world:

Children go to this place.

("Careful, children!")

In cars here, friends,

No one can go

You can go, you know, children.

Only by bicycle. ("Bike Lane")

I didn't wash my hands on the road,

Ate fruits, vegetables,

I'm sick and I see a point

Medical assistance.

What should I do?

What do i do?

I need to call urgently.

Both you and he should know -

There is a telephone in this place.

What is this? Oh oh oh!

The passage here is underground.

So go forward boldly!

You are cowardly in vain,

Know underground crossing

The safest.

Look, this is a dangerous sign -

Man in a red circle

Crossed in half.

He, the children, himself is to blame.

Here the cars are rushing fast,

There may even be misfortune.

On the way here, friends,

No one can go.

("No Pedestrians")

Here's a fork, here's a spoon,
We refueled a little.
We also fed the dog...
We say: “Thank you to the sign!”(“Food station”)

White circle with a red border -
So it's not dangerous to go.
Maybe it’s hanging in vain?
What do you say, friends?(Movement Prohibition).

Stage 6: Competition - quiz

  1. What kind of traffic is there in Russia: left- or right-hand? (Right-handed).
  2. Can a pedestrian walk if the light is yellow? (No, you must stand)
  3. Where can you cross the roadway? (At the traffic light, where the “pedestrian crossing” sign is installed, there is a road marking for a pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing), along the underground passage).
  4. If the traffic light is on at the crossing and the traffic police inspector is also directing the traffic, then whose signals will you listen to? (Traffic police inspector).
  5. What is the purpose of the “safety island”?
  6. Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on?
  7. Where should you walk on the street or road if there is no sidewalk?
  8. Who is responsible for maintaining order on the roads?
  9. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the street (road)?
  10. What is the purpose of the roadway?
  11. Who is the sidewalk for?
  12. What is the name of the part of the road located on both sides of the roadway and used to stop cars and pedestrians?
  13. A device for the movement of cyclists?
  14. What streets are called one-way streets?
  15. What does a green traffic light mean?
  16. Which direction should you look when you reach the middle of the street?
  17. What is the landing pad used for?
  18. Who does the pedestrian traffic light give commands to?
  19. What does a red traffic light mean?
  20. Where should students in grades 1-6 ride bicycles?
  21. Is it possible to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars?
  22. How many wheels does a car have?
  23. In what places is the “Caution, Children!” sign installed?
  24. Where does a pedestrian look when crossing the street?
  25. How many people can ride on one bike?
  26. Passenger pick-up and drop-off location?
  27. Why are vehicles equipped with traffic lights?
  28. A pedestrian who violated traffic rules?

3. Summing up.

While the jury is summing up the results, the game “Traffic Light” is played.

We invite everyone sitting in this room to play,

And we will obey traffic lights together!

Red - we are all standing,

Yellow - clap your hands,

Green - stomp.


Question This type of transport with pedals and a steering wheel was made in Russia by the serf blacksmith Efim Artamonov from the village of Verkhovya in the Urals. On September 15, 1801, thousands of people on the Khatyn Field in Moscow watched in amazement at an amazing two-wheeled cart. And now it is quite common. What is it about? Section "Transport" About the bicycle

Question The name of this vehicle comes from Latin - “producing movement” and Greek - “circle, wheel”. It usually has two wheels located one behind the other. Quite often they attach a passenger stroller and then it becomes a three-wheeler. What kind of transport is this? Section "Transport" Motorcycle

Question Quantity various types There are many more such cars than passenger cars. They are intended for transportation of bulk cargo (cement, flour, sand, etc.). What is this class of vehicles that dump their cargo upon arrival at their destination? Section "Transport" Trucks

Question We were walking home from school, We saw a sign on the pavement: Blue circle, bicycle, There is nothing else. Section “Signs” Mandatory sign “Bicycle path” Indicates that this path can only be ridden by bicycle or walked 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question I want to ask about the sign. The sign is drawn like this: There is a tram in the triangle, And the sign has a red edge. Section “Signs” Warning sign “Intersection with tram line” Informs drivers of the need to take precautions. Installed at the intersection of the road with tram tracks. 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question Triangle. And inside there are children rushing, look! The red color burns with fire, what does this tell us? Section "Signs" Warning sign "Children" Informs drivers of the need to take precautions. Installed near schools and children's institutions. 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question We see a sign above our heads. Road sign, blue. Here is the fork, here is the knife. You obviously can't pass by. Section “Signs” Service sign “Food point” Informs drivers and pedestrians that there is a place nearby where you can have a snack 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question You and I were leaving the circus. Again the sign above the head: In the triangle there is a bicycle. At the edges there is a red color. Section "Signs" Warning sign "Intersection with a bicycle path" Informs drivers of the need to take precautions. Installed where there is a bicycle path, encounters with cyclists are possible. 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question I'm walking in a blue circle. It’s not clear to the whole neighborhood: Why, where am I going? And I myself don’t understand. Section “Signs” Mandatory sign “Pedestrian path” Indicates that only pedestrians can move on this path 1. Name of the sign 2. Purpose of the sign

Question Here you must first look to the left - towards the approaching transport. When you reach the middle, stop and look to the right. If the path is clear, continue the transition. What road are we talking about? Section "Culture" About a two-way road

Name: Quiz game for the senior group “Experts of traffic rules”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scripts, quizzes, Senior group

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADO "Sineglazka"
Location: Noyabrsk, Tyumen region, March 8th street, building 7

Quiz game for the senior group “Experts of traffic rules”

Target: Expand understanding of traffic rules, clarify children’s knowledge about the purpose of road signs and types of transport.


  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about reflective elements (flickers)
  2. Develop auditory perception based on distinguishing sounds on the road, develop children's skills for safe behavior on the roads.
  3. Cultivate the desire and skills of joint discussion, listen to your peer.
  4. Increase the level of logical thinking and concentration.
  5. create a desire to comply with traffic rules.

Material: presentation equipment, electronic presentation, tape recorder, two children's tables, children's chairs, pictures of cars, cut-outs road signs, posters with traffic situations, badges for the “Zebra” and “Traffic Light” teams,

Preliminary work reading fairy tales “At the behest of the pike”, “About Leopold the cat”, “Cinderella”, “The Snow Queen”, didactic games“Road Signs”, “Modes of Transport”, multimedia presentations “Traffic Light”, outdoor game “Pass the Baton”.

Progress of the lesson: Presenter Hello, dear friends! Today is a big and interesting day in our hall! We are starting our fun game– quiz “Experts on traffic rules.” Two teams, Team Zebra and Team Traffic Light, will compete with each other. Now let’s welcome the participants of the gaming program.

Two teams of children, Zebra and Traffic Light, enter to the sounds of the song “Chauffeur.”

Greetings from the teams.

Greetings from the Zebra Team

Zebra is a skilled team

Clever, strong, brave!

Hurry up to compete with us,

We are adults now, not kids.

Greeting from the "Traffic Light" team, motto

“It’s been helping for a long time.”

Children, our friend, TRAFFIC LIGHT!

Explains without stress

Traffic rules for children.

I ask the teams to take their places.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, facing the screen..

Educator: Warm up.

Now I'll check on you,

And I’ll start a game for you.

I'll ask you questions now

It is not easy to answer them.

Let me warm up

Ask you questions.

You guys need to be strong

Know the traffic rules

You really need to answer.

Educator: I remind you of the rules of the game: you need to listen carefully to the task or question, discuss it in the team and give an answer. For the correct answer, the team receives a chip. And so we begin task 1 “The ABC of a pedestrian

Question for the Zebra team

1. What cars can run a red light? (answer options)

— Freight

— Hound machine

- ambulance. Why do you think? The ambulance turns on its siren. Get a chip

Question to the “Traffic Light” team

2. At what light can you cross the road? (answer options)

- Red.

- Flashing.

- Green. This is the correct answer.

Question for the Zebra team

3.If you are traveling on a bus, then you (answer options)


Pedestrian This is the correct answer, get a chip.

Question to the “Traffic Light” team

4 What is the correct way to cross the road after getting off the bus? (answer options)

- Walk around the front of the bus.

- Climb under the bus.

- Go around the back of the bus.

Question for the Zebra team

5.How to the road is marked with a pedestrian crossing? (answer options)

Colored drawings

Special markings - "zebra"

No designation

Question to the “Traffic Light” team

6. Where do people wait for transport? Choose the correct answer

On the bench

In the shop

At the stop

2 task"brave captains competition"

Host: I ask the captains to leave. Listen carefully, only captains answer.

  1. Captain of the Zebra team Question What is the name of the place where two roads? (crossroads)
  2. The captain of the “Traffic Light” team answers the Question: Why can’t you suddenly appear in front of nearby traffic?

(Becausetransportvehicles will not be able to stop immediately due to poor visibility or slippery conditions)

3. Captain of the Zebra team Question What are flickers? (reflective elements) List what types of flickers there are?

4. Captain of the “Traffic Light” team Question Why do you need to wear flickers? They reflect light in the dark and help to see a pedestrian at night. Where can I put on or fasten the flickers?

-Leading: Well done, you completed the task get a chip

Announcing recess! (The name “Change” appears on the screen). The children go to the middle of the hall.

And now I suggest you rest a little. Both teams and guests go through and stand in a large circle.

Physical education lesson “Airplane” for spectators and experts all together

We'll make a big circle

Let's stand in a circle in a crowd.

We'll spin around a little

And let's clap our hands,

We'll stomp a little

And let's clap our hands

Let's turn to each other

And let's jump in a circle.

And now - lean forward:

The result was an airplane.

Let's flap our wings easily

"Relaxed!" - let's say it together.

GAME FOR SPECTATORS AND CONTENTS Presenter: Attention! Magic box! Guys, guess what kind of item is in the “magic box” and who needs it. This object is held in the hands of a person who stands at an intersection and controls the movement of cars. (rod) What is this? Outdoor game “Pass the baton.” Rule of the game: take the baton with your right hand and pass it to another participant. The program is accompanied by music. As soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the baton raises it up and calls any traffic rule (or road sign). Anyone who gets confused or confused sits in a circle.

Leading: rested a little, continue further, move on to the game

Task 3: “Guess the sounds on the road.”

(A welcome melody sounds and the title appears on the screen)

Let's see if you can recognize sounds on the road.

The Zebra team begins then the command “Traffic Light” and so on in turn.

An audio recording of the sounds of a car, a police siren, a tractor, a motorcycle sounds and the teams take turns guessing the sound. Images of cars appear on the screen. Well done guys, get a chip.

Leading: Task 4 “Auto-multi”. You all love watching cartoons. Now let’s check if you know what kind of transport the cartoon characters used.

If you find it difficult to answer, the audience helps

The team answers - Zebra What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (On the stove).

Question to the team Traffic light Leopold the cat's favorite mode of transport? (Two wheeler).

Zebra— What kind of personal transport does Baba Yaga have? (Mortar).

- Traffic light How did the absent-minded man go to Leningrad? (By train).

Well done guys, you also coped with this task. You get 1 more chips

Music is playing. Absent-minded comes out to the music.

Scattered: What kind of stop is this, Bologoe or Pokrovka?

Leading: (this is the city of Noyabrsk kindergarten"Sineglazka")

Scattered: Hello children! Hello adults! My name is the absent-minded person.

Leading: You are in kindergarten, at the game “Traffic Experts”, meet these two teams: 1st “Zebra”, 2nd “Traffic Light” and children spectators

Scattered: Oh, well, it took me a long time to get to you. Guys, the traffic police inspector sent me to you. He said that you would help me understand the traffic signs. On the way to you, I photographed them. But while I was walking towards you, all the signs were mixed up in my bag, collect them and tell me what these signs are?

As soon as the children have collected all the signs, road signs appear on the screen.)

(Participants who are experts in the game sit at tables in pairs and collect signs)

Absent-minded plays with the audience in a game you can throw a ball to children (Warm-up)

Now I'm checking what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No)

What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes)

What do you want - say, every time we walk home, we play on the pavement? (No)

Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No)

Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes)

Say what you want, are we running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No)

Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no passage here” sign? (No)

Say what you want, the red color on the round signs means “it’s prohibited here”? (Yes)

Presenter: an absent-minded person, the guys are ready to help you name the traffic signs.

Final part. Host: Today’s quiz of cheerful traffic rules experts has come to an end. All of you have shown yourself to be real experts. Well done! All this will help you to be an exemplary pedestrian in life.

Absentminded says:

Who is our expert today?

It's hard for me to decide

That's why I want today

I will give you rewards

Game quiz “Traffic Experts” with children 5-7 years old.

Purpose of the lesson. Summarize the knowledge of older children preschool age according to traffic rules.
To consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, and rules of conduct on the roads.
Developmental. Create a desire to follow traffic rules. Develop memory, thinking, attentiveness.
Educational. Foster friendly, friendly relationships between children.
Preliminary work. Develop a game plan, divide the children into teams, Board games and traffic rules posters, conversations.
Material. Models of road signs, toy baton - 2, steering wheels, chips, emblems, balls, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, easels, hoops -2, traffic controller vests, pictures of cars, reflective bracelets.
Progress of the game
The children are divided into 2 groups. To the sound of cheerful music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.
Educator. Guys, you live in a beautiful city, and many guys live in villages and towns with wide streets, alleys and roads. Many cars and trucks move along them. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians.
1. There are so many difficulties on the roads, no doubt.
But we have no reason to be afraid of them,
Because traffic rules
Available for pedestrians and cars.
And so that everyone is in a good mood,
Follow the traffic rules, people!

2. Around the city, along the street
They don’t just walk like that:
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.

3. Be attentive all the time
And remember in advance:
Has its own rules
Driver and pedestrian.
Educator. You guys guessed that today we will talk about traffic rules. But not just talk, but compete in your knowledge about them. We have two teams: drivers and traffic controllers. Team captains...
It will be evaluated by a jury composed of. Offers interesting competitions. For every win in every competition you will receive a chip. Whoever has the most is the winner. And prizes await the winners.
It is now impossible to imagine traffic without a traffic light. You must obey the traffic light instructions without arguing.
And now the warm-up is the game “Drivers - red, yellow, green.” I show the green flag - all the guys walk around the hall, the yellow one marches in place, the red one stands in place. (Children perform)
Guys, remember where they put traffic lights? (at intersections)
Competition 1 “Say the word.”
The Drivers team is listening.
If you are in a hurry to cross the street on your way,
Go there, where all the people are, where there is a sign... (Transition)
Team "Regulators".
You must always know:
There is a pavement for cars, for passers-by... (Sidewalk)
Team "Drivers"
I want to get home
And I pedal.
This is not a moped at all
This is….(Bicycle)
Team "Regulators".
Memorize the simple law:
The red light came on - “Stop!”
And green is ahead -
He tells everyone... (Go)
Educator. Fine! You completed the task.
Competition 2. “Road riddles.”
1. A light where movement is prohibited. (Red)
2. Place of intersection of roads. (Crossroads)
3.What should be in the hands of those accompanying the group. (Checkbox)
4. Commanding the rod, he guides everyone,
And one man controls the entire intersection.
I’m used to stopping with one hand while moving
Five ton truck. (Adjuster)
5. His eyes are colored -
Not eyes, but three lights.
He takes turns on top of them -
Looks at me. (Traffic light)
6. I'm walking around the city,
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure
Rules - I follow them. (A pedestrian)

Educator. Well done guys, you guessed the riddles correctly.
Competition 3 “Road Rules”.
1. Who is walking along the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)
2.A device that regulates traffic? (traffic light)
3. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)
4. Who is called the “driver?” (A person driving a vehicle.)
5. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - “zebra”.)
6.What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (crossroads)
7. Why can’t you suddenly appear in front of nearby traffic? (Vehicles will not be able to stop immediately.)
8. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian traffic light? (Transport traffic lights have three signals - red, yellow, green, and pedestrian traffic lights have two signals - red and green.)
Educator. Okay, we completed the task.
Game "Nimble Pedestrian". All children “Pedestrians” take turns crossing the intersection. Along the way, throw into the green layout - they cross the intersection. If they hit red, they are eliminated from the game.
Everyone completed the task. Let's continue the game.

Competition 4 “Road signs”. Guys, we have helpers on the roads - road signs, best friends pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road. Assignment to the teams: collect road signs and name them. Children collect warning signs (red triangles), prohibition signs (red circles), and 3 information signs (blue rectangles).

Educator. Know the traffic signs and never forget them.
I suggest you guys play the game “Chauffeurs”. Each team has a driver in the hands of the steering wheel. The guys are standing at the bus stop. When the whistle blows, the driver “drives” and the children follow the driver one by one. Whose team arrives faster will win.

Competition 5 Game “Traffic Controllers”.
Teams, team captains with a baton in their hands, at a signal, run to the hoop, stand in the hoop, turn to their team - raise the baton up, into the hoop and run in the opposite direction and pass the baton to another.

Competition 6 Captains competition. Assignment: team captains draw traffic lights.

Educator. And now I invite you to play the game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
I will ask questions, if you agree with him you answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, and if not, then clap your hands.
How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?
Who flies forward without arguing and does not see the traffic light?
Does anyone know that a red light means: “No movement”?
Only where the crossing is, who will cross the road?
Who, not knowing these rules, froze in the middle of the road?
Who pays attention on the road very strictly?
Who can name all the traffic rules without delay?
Does anyone know that a green light means: “The path is open”?
Well done! Now let’s summarize the results of our competition. (Team awards).
Educator. The jury sums up the results. We give medals to all children. Today you passed the exams on the Rules of the Road, and as a gift you received reflective bracelets.

Goals: popularization of traffic rules, prevention of children's road traffic injuries among schoolchildren, strengthening of safe behavior skills on the road; instill in children a sense of help and respect for each other.

Location: gym.

Form of conduct: intellectual and entertaining game.

Equipment: team attributes, circles of 3 colors, wolf costumes, red riding hood, traffic lights, grandmother's house, cars, steering wheels, words with missing letters, road signs for competitions, reminders for 1st grade, diplomas for awarding, medals for winners, music for songs, dances .

Characters:presenter, 2 teams, wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Traffic light, girl Yana, Vanya Sinitsyn, poetry readers.

Progress of the event.


The music sounds, the teams enter, and the presenter.

A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,

We're having fun this morning.

Winter gives us a ringing holiday

And the main guest on it is the game.

She is our big and smart friend,

Will not let you get bored and discouraged,

There will be a noise, cheerful, noisy,

It will help to learn new things.

Hello dear guys, guests, parents. Today we will conduct an intellectual and entertaining game “Traffic Rules Experts”, where all the questions, as you guessed, will be on the topic of traffic rules. Especially during the holiday, our first-graders who are going on vacation need to be attentive.

Today an inspector from the state traffic inspectorate is present in our hall and we would like to give her a short word with a story about the situation on the city’s roads.

The game involves 2 teams. Report to the teams that they are ready to play.

1. The “Traffic Light” team is ready to participate in the “Traffic Rules Experts” game.

Our motto: To strengthen respect

Towards strict traffic rules

We light it right on time

Our green light.

Let mountains and steep slopes get in our way

The Svetoforik team is always ahead.

Team captain…

2. The “Traffic Controllers” team is ready to participate in the game Traffic Rules Experts.

Our motto: We dream of going around the whole world

The path to new stars is open

And without rules we know for sure

We can't be friends with the road

On weekdays and Sundays

So as not to take unnecessary risks

We need traffic rules

Be sure to know at "5".

Team captain…

Our game will consist of 6 rounds and musical rest minutes. And you will be assessed by our jury, which will observe the competitions and sum up the results. For each round you will receive a certain number of road signs. Be attentive, dexterous, witty, cheerful, help each other and you will succeed.


Let's start with a warm-up. I show the card - you take action.

Red - shut up

Yellow - clap,

Green - stomp your feet.

Well done! Many of you were attentive, and the first round will tell us what kind of traffic sign experts you are.

I ROUND “4-to-do”

Here the teams' knowledge of road signs will be tested.

Signs on the board:

Assignment: the captain, after consulting with the team, raises a card with a number on which an extra sign is depicted and must explain why? You are given 1 minute to think. For the correct answer - 1 point.

So that your hands are intact,

So that the legs are intact,

You need to know these signs, you need to respect the signs.

II ROUND “Question and answer”.

In this round you must answer the questions correctly, for the correct answer - 1 point.

1) are children under 14 not allowed to ride a bicycle? (Yes).

2) are small children allowed to ride on children's bicycles on the sidewalk? (Yes).

3) is it allowed to ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars? (No)

5) are the road signs different in every country? (No).

6) are warning signs white triangles with a red border? (Yes).

7) how to cross to the opposite side after getting off the bus? (wait for the bus to leave, walk to the pedestrian crossing, look left, then right).

8) why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than with a traffic light? (Drivers may exceed the speed limit, fail to notice a pedestrian, and drive without following traffic rules.)

Now we will rest a little and watch the sketch Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.

Scene Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf.


Let's remember the fairy tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Simple typical case

From city life.

What you need to remember

About traffic rules

When you go to school or go home.

Let's take a well-known story

From an interesting fairy tale:

Who gets there first?

Sick before grandma?

Music is playing. Little Red Riding Hood appears.

Here's Little Red Riding Hood

The girl is smart and beautiful.

Worthy of your respect

Follows traffic rules.

And the gray toothy wolf

He considers himself cool.

Wolf: I'm not cool, but super cool.

Doesn't want to study well

Doesn't follow traffic rules.

Wolf: Where are you going, Little Riding Hood, diligent girl, honey?

Kr.Sh.: I’m going to see my grandmother,

I bring butter and pies.

The road lies straight to it,

But there are many dangers there.

And there is another one: according to it:

The path is safer, but longer.

I'll take the long road.

Wolf: Go, go, your legs will get tired.

I'll find a shorter route.

I’ll quickly run to your grandmother.

Kr.Sh. Be careful not to get into trouble.

Wolf: Just think, the road!

Just think, cars!

What are people afraid of?

Cars are not mines.

Over there on the hillock

The hut is already visible.

There at the crossroads

And the old lady lives.

Ved. The wolf ran diagonally.

The wolf ran, a car was driving, the wolf got scared and moved back.

Wolf: Oh, I barely dragged my legs.

I don’t understand where to cross, where to find my way.

1. Gray wolf - you are a pedestrian

Remember about the transition

Underground, above ground,


Only this transition will save you from troubles.

2. To everyone who went out for a walk

We will remind you in advance

On the road - not in the forest -

Focus your attention!

Wolf: What kind of three-eyed idol is this?

I haven't seen him even once.

Traffic light: Traffic lights have three eyes.

Submit to them without argument.

Red light - no way through

Yellow - be ready for the journey,

A green light- go.

Wolf: Let other people wait until the green light is given,

I won’t wait in vain, I’ll rush through the red light.

2. He ran a red light

And got into an accident

It's good that he remained intact

A wolf appears with a broken arm.

Wolf. Only teeth were missing.

Even though I'll come running earlier,

Grandma won't have anything to eat with.

Kr.Sh. I'll go guys like this

To avoid getting into trouble

So that there is no dispute with transport,

I'll go where the traffic light is.

Leading. And now for you friends

We'll sing a song

How we need a traffic light

It's useful for all of us to know.

Song "Traffic Light".

III ROUND "Missing letters"

Each team receives cards with words.

Your task is to guess which word is hidden among the letters and fill in the missing letters.

S-E-O-O- M-T-C-K-




Team captains are invited. There are signs on the table. From a variety of signs, you must choose only warning and prohibiting ones. The captain who has found all his signs gets 1 point.

Scene "Trolleybus".

Children line up in a column of two.

The trolleybus goes along the wide avenue.

Here's the stop. People come out.

Vanya Sinitsyn is in a hurry -

He urgently needs to cross the road.

Vanya crosses the street along the zebra crossing,

But for some reason the road

He goes around in front.

Stop, guys!

for your life

Remember: trolleybus

We go around


And about how we study traffic rules, we will perform a song about traffic rules.

IV ROUND. "Traffic light".

There is a traffic light on the board. 3 people are required to participate in this round. Your task is to hit one of the traffic lights. For each hit 1 point.

If you want to stay healthy

On the pavement - don't play, don't ride.

Sketch "Our Yana".

Yana gallops along the road

She has a beautiful ball.

The mischievous man fell from his hands,

Got hit by a dump truck.

A dump truck is driving, a girl is crying.

Hush, Yanochka, don't cry,

Mom will buy a new ball.

This is really not a problem.

It's good that you're safe.

Don't play by the road -

Hands and feet will be intact.

Remember everything, friends:

You can't play near the highway!

For everyone who likes to take a walk

Everyone without exception

You need to remember, you need to know

Traffic rules.

Driver's song.

V ROUND. "Collect a sign"

Two people are required to participate in this round. 1 participant must arrange the circles and triangles to the corresponding pictures, 2 participant must arrange the names of the signs.

VI ROUND.”Guess what.

I will ask riddles, and you must guess them and show the corresponding sign.

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger. (bus stop location)

The driver's sign is scary

Cars are prohibited from entering!

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick. (No entry)

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you “Be healthy!” (Hospital)

Don't load the car here,

Don't park, don't slow down

This sign tells everyone:

“He who stands here is wrong!” (Stopping prohibited)

Song "Traffic Signs".


Our game is coming to an end.

I hope that our first-graders understood how to behave on the road, how to obey traffic lights, and now 1st grade will take an oath. 1st grade to prepare for the oath of the modern pedestrian:

Parents and teachers, we 1st grade students swear:

Walk only on sidewalks

Do not walk on the roadway

Cross the street only where you are supposed to and do not cross in the wrong place,

Only go to green traffic lights and never go to red ones.

We swear, we swear, we swear.

Captains prepare teams for awards.

The jury gives the floor for the award.

And finally, the students will perform the “Traffic Light” dance for everyone.

Different games