Cosmo games on PC. The best space games on PC

On July 20, 1969, the presence of a man on the Moon, flying the flag of the United States of America, marked three brave astronauts. However, this was only a foretaste of the cosmic conquests of our species, who always dreamed of colonizing the universe. Below we have collected seven of the most interesting games that occur in space.

EVE Online

EVE Online- one of the largest MMO games, currently available on the market. Here, the story is shaped by the players, and their decisions can affect almost every aspect of the production - which is why the gameplay is so non-linear and shaped by each EVE Online user. They can enter into alliances, but nothing stops them from betraying each other. The world of EVE Online lives because it is created collaboratively by players who directly influence current events. And did I mention the gigantic space battles, whose participants number not tens or hundreds, but thousands of players? (example - "Slaughterhouse in B-R5RB", in which more than 7,000 vessels took part). Politics, war and betrayal - this is how EVE Online can be described in a nutshell.

Star Citizen

Around Star Citizen, a game still in development at Cloud Imperium Games, has already caused a lot of controversy. This fact should not surprise anyone - a game worth almost 230 million dollars, which the creators collected from players in the form of crowdfunding! What's most surprising is that despite such huge funds raised through social fundraising, this game is still in early alpha (you can join the game now, but you have to pay dearly).

The lucky ones who are already playing Star Citizen are very impressed with the project, as is everyone who has watched the gameplay online. Almost everything is good here, from the crazy animations (and the hired Hollywood star actors - including Mark Hamilla) brought in to participate in the motion capture sessions, to the plethora of gameplay features that have been implemented into the game. The main question is not “is it worth the wait,” but “how much longer should we wait?”

No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky from Hello Games has been repeatedly called "One Man's Lie." Most responsible for this state of affairs is Sean Murray, the face of the development team behind No Man's Sky. Murray, following other industry visionaries such as Peter Molyneux, presented some (or most) of his statements to the media, which led to too much high expectations of players and representatives gaming industry. But there would not have been such a big storm around No Man's Sky if Murray had not made many promises. But a product that did not live up to the expectations placed on it hit the market. After the game was released, the creators spent two years repairing their work - as a result which has led to many patches and additions that significantly improve the gameplay. Thanks to them, we can now recommend No Man's Sky with a clear conscience, because traveling through a randomly generated space is a lot of fun.


Anthem may not be one of the best AAA games released in the first quarter of 2019, but it's worth giving the latest development a chance Electronic Arts. There are real complaints about the game regarding the repetitiveness of the tasks, but in a good team this will not have a negative impact on the entire game. Moreover, the game gives great pleasure... shooting and flying javelins - combat armor used to destroy enemies and move not only horizontally, but also vertically! Moreover, the beautiful visual design makes Anthem one of the most beautiful games that occur in space. Thanks to Anthem's powerful graphics engine, it was possible to squeeze out some of the most beautiful space landscapes in gaming history.

Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program is a game that at first glance may seem like a production intended for the little ones. This impression is especially noticeable when you take a closer look at the characters, who look like... green alien toys from Disney's Toy Story. This association is quickly disappearing because KSP is the most best simulator in the world - the player's task is to plan the entire space mission and send the children into orbital space (and beyond). However, this will not be easy - at every stage of the game you need to take into account physical forces and a huge amount options that can affect the success of not only the flight into space, but also the safe landing of a machine designed by the player on another body in the Kerberus System (equivalent to the solar system).

Dead Space

The list shouldn't be missing a game that horror movie fans will enjoy. Dead Space, produced by Visceral Games, was released in October 2008. The story focuses on Isaac Clarke, an unrecovered engineer who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. As a result of unfortunate events, he was left alone on the American ship Ishimura - a giant spaceship dominated by bloodthirsty beasts that lurk in almost every corner of it. Many players liked this title. Why? First of all, thanks to the use of a number of innovative solutions - how to minimize the number of hud elements (the health bar was placed in the overalls on the back of the main character) and the ability to deprive opponents of their limbs (which could delay or change their behavior). Subsequent releases weren't "as good" as this one, but it's worth testing your fear tolerance with Dead Space. In the evening, being alone at home...

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

« star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic" (not to be confused with the online games "Star Wars: old republic"), released in 2004, is one of the most important video games created by BioWare. Not a single later game from this developer - nor a completely average series Dragon Age, not even the (non-winning) insanely good trilogy Mass Effect- wasn't as good as good old SW: Kotor. This project isn't as good today as it was on release day, but it's worth giving the game a chance because it makes up for visual shortcomings with a well-written story, moral choices, and well-thought-out RPG elements.

Artifacts were first discovered on Mars in 2148 ancient civilization. Soon, terrestrial scientists were able to fully understand the technology of aliens, which provided a serious breakthrough in the technological development of our planet - space and time became subject to man, flights to space to distant star systems. Humanity emerged from its cradle and came into contact with other civilizations of the Galaxy... Almost forty years have passed since the discoveries on Mars. The Alliance of Systems is a dynamically developing interstellar state. The ship "Normandy" - the most modern starship of the Alliance is sent on its first mission. Your name is Shepard, you are assigned as an officer on this ship. Your journey to space begins!


Mass Effect 2

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 2010
  • Genre: RPG action shooter
  • Developer: BioWare

Two years after Commander Shepard repelled the Reaper invasion, humanity has a new enemy, methodically exterminating human colonies on the outskirts of the explored space. To counter the looming threat, the legendary Specter will have to cooperate with the powerful and ruthless organization Cerberus, whose goal is to save humanity from destruction at any cost. To carry out an extremely responsible and dangerous mission, Shepard will have to assemble a squad of experienced and strong fighters and take command of the most powerful spaceship in the Galaxy. However, many believe that even with such resources, the operation is doomed to failure. Shepard must prove the naysayers wrong.


Mass Effect 3

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 2012
  • Genre: RPG action shooter
  • Developer: BioWare

Not everyone is destined to survive. An ancient alien race known as the Reapers has launched a global invasion, leaving ruins of civilizations in their wake. The Earth has been captured, the galaxy is on the verge of complete destruction, and only you can fix the situation. The price of error is nothingness. Your role is Captain Shepard, a character you create yourself. Only you decide how events will unfold, which planets will be explored, and who will be part of the alliance you will assemble to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. You will lead this war at your own discretion: you can attack head-on, pouring fire on the enemy, or draw up a cunning plan for a surprise attack. Gather a versatile squad of professionals or choose the path of a lone wolf. Attack your enemy from a distance or engage him in brutal hand-to-hand combat. Mass Effect 3 will react to every decision you make - this story is up to you to write.


Space Rangers

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 2002
  • Genre: RPG tactics quest
  • Developer: Elemental Games

The action takes place in the distant future, in the year 3000. By that time, people already knew for sure that they were not alone in the Universe, and not only did they know, they had already managed to fight with four extraterrestrial civilizations and sign a peace treaty with them. Naturally, most of the Universe has been explored, many space technologies are open and widely used, people have become part of outer space. It seems that everything is in order, the Universe lives in peace, even the pirates began to calm down after the last joint campaign of the five races against them, but as usual, if everything is fine, then trouble must be expected. Appeared new race Klisan, which destroys everything in its path without giving explanations or communicating.


Space Rangers 2

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 2007
  • Genre: RPG quest strategy
  • Developer: Elemental Games

3300 year. Our galaxy has been invaded by Dominators - combat robots that have gotten out of control. A coalition of five races - the Maloks, the Pelengs, the Humans, the Faeans and the Gaalians - is relying on the Space Rangers to destroy the Dominators. You are now a ranger. Choose a race, get a ship, go on the road. Fight in space and hyperspace. Do trade. Complete government tasks. Free the planets from dominators. And, of course, solve text quests, each of which is a separate adventure. It is impossible to predict how events will develop. The game can end in victory for either side or last indefinitely. Everything depends on the actions of the player and the inhabitants of the living world, in which you can make a career as a vile pirate or a famous hero who will understand the reasons for the appearance of the Dominators and be able to stop this bloody war.


Parkan: Chronicle of the Empire

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 1997
  • Genre: simulator shooter
  • Developer: Nikita

The PARKAN spaceship sets out to search for a missing research vessel and, as a result of an accident, accidentally finds itself cut off from the outside world in an abandoned star sector, in which, after a devastating war, robotic clans remained on scorched planets, extracting fuel and building factories for the production of weapons and repair of starships. The point of the game is for the PARKAN pilot to complete the assigned task and survive in conditions of complete uncertainty and given freedom of action. There are many ways to survive in the game, directly related to the player’s behavior: from petty speculation and peaceful trade to the colonization of planets and outright robbery.


Parkan 2

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 2005
  • Genre: simulator shooter
  • Developer: Nikita

Parkan 2> is a non-trivial fusion of several genres at once, allowing the player to feel like the pilot of a spaceship lost in the Universe. You have to explore hundreds of star systems, take part in a series of heated battles and meet a new enemy - a mysterious creature calling itself Hegemount. The game takes place at the same time as the action of the first part. The player actually has the same goals and objectives, but has an assistant - AI Irene. Become a pirate or a mercenary, get money for the most powerful star cruiser, colonize planets, create your own clan and show everyone who will be the new master of the galaxy. To improve relations with other clans, the player can complete tasks received from their planetary bases. For completion, money is paid in the form of fuel. Depending on how a particular race treats you, additional opportunities open up.


Darkstar One

  • PC games: space
  • Year: 2006
  • Genre: simulator
  • Developer: Ascaron Ent.

Centuries have passed since the end of the General Intergalactic War. An uneasy peace has established between the races inhabiting the developed part of the Universe. A Great Council was created to enforce the truce and control the growing power of each empire. However, in Lately attacks on civilian ships have become more frequent, and the culprit was a race whose representatives live on the very edge of the explored part of the Universe...

Space games are a great genre for those who love the galaxy. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin went into space. This grandiose event showed that man is capable of anything. Those events gave hope that, someday, people will be able to fly freely across the expanses of the Universe, from one planet to another. So far, all this is only in dreams, but those who want to go into space and explore its vastness are invited to visit the virtual space world by playing one of the proposed games about space. With them, flights to Mars, travel between galaxies, and the exploration of new planets became possible. Game developers tried to create a realistic space world that allows you to make all your dreams of stellar reality come true.

1. Entropia Universe

Entropia Universe is a unique cosmic Universe with a real payment system. The player is invited to buy and sell a variety of items for real money. It is possible to display them on the map.

Players are given the opportunity to deposit and withdraw money, earning money from purchases and sales.

In Entropia Universe, players have several huge planets to choose from, open to endless exploration. Here you can hunt, work, perform various tasks to earn money. The economy in the system is stable. There is no intervention from the administration here. Players determine their own prices.

The Entropia Universe simulator opens up the opportunity to decide on your own play style. He can work monotonously in a mine or hunt in the vastness of the cosmic universe. A unique hero system helps create non-repetitive characters. Players themselves add originality to their characters: this system helps to emphasize individuality.

The game about space captivates with its realism and seriousness. Here, every mistake costs money - every step needs to be calculated.

2. Star Ghosts

Star Ghosts - cosmic. From the first minutes gameplay is invited to plunge into the world of endless outer space. It is addictive: original soundtrack, clear interface, the ability to spend time with other gamers online.

A large number of characters and tasks will not let you get bored - there is always something to do, if you wish, you can create weapons for your ship yourself. Crafting adds advantages to Star Ghosts.

For greater realism, a full-fledged market system is provided in which absolutely everything is allowed to be sold, including weapons - there are no restrictions. Upon reaching the fifth level, you need to be prepared to face the cosmic universe in all its cruelty, when every ship flying past can attack with the aim of capture.

Star Ghosts are a new achievement of science fiction writers. The project absorbed everything that could be and provided an opportunity not only to play, but also to earn extra money.

3. Star Conflict

Star Conflict is a popular MMO action game. The scenario revolves around a struggle between two sides, chosen at random. In Star Conflict, the point is constant improvement, updates, and purchases of new ships. All this is done in between star battles.

The game has excellent quality graphics. This is not just a space arcade game, but a huge project where you can fight, control spaceships and more. From the very beginning of the space game, you are asked to choose which side you will play on. Not only the external differences of the starships, but also the sets of bonuses depend on the choice. The Empire is characterized by thick armor, while the Jericho good protection. The Federation is famous for its great speed. The choice of ships is huge, each race has its own set of devices. You can choose a type based on the characteristics of enemy ships.

There are three types of starships in Star Conflict: frigates, interceptors and attack aircraft. Interceptors are famous for their excellent maneuverability and high speed, with which they can easily fly behind enemy lines, destroying their fleet. Interceptors are fragile, but capable of shooting far.

Home impact force are stormtroopers. They are more powerful than interceptors, but slower. Stormtroopers have "survivability". They have average weapons, average speed and average firing range. Each vessel of this type has a special module that gives individual characteristics to the attack aircraft.

Frigates are heavy power. They shoot well from afar and are tenacious. But they are not agile. Small ships are capable of spinning a frigate, shooting it from the tail. If you learn to play it well, this type of machine will become a serious weapon.

At the start, the player receives the first rank - there are 15 in total. In each battle, experience points are awarded, which are spent on improving the level.

The game has no equal in its niche. The developers chose the direction well and created a truly interesting project that found fans.


Prey is one of the most major games about space, which was appreciated even by critics. This space game is one of those that is better not to know anything about. And all because this is not just a game, but a real study that can impress even a person who is far from the gameplay. It attracts with an unusual plot in a sci-fi style.

The plot takes place on the Talos space station. She survived the disaster. Most of the personnel died. Monsters are roaming everywhere. Main character– Morgan, amnesiac scientist. To survive, he will have to improvise. Most of the time the player needs to explore the world, trying to restore fragments of history, solving various technical tasks, looking for different ways, making something. When completing tasks, the hero is upgraded.

In addition, the scientist has to fight monsters. The game teaches you to think, be attentive, cunning, and calculating. The hero is given few supplies and he has to do his best to get something.

In every fight you need to think to stay alive. Most often you approach enemies with empty pockets and poor health. In these situations, you have to improvise, using any raised objects. And these are not all the surprises that can be expected during Prey walkthroughs.

5.Mass Effect

Mass Effect is a large-scale space game set in the future. In this other universe, humanity ranks last among the interracial alliance. The main character is Captain Shepard. He and his team will have to uncover a conspiracy and stop evil from destroying life in the galaxy.

The plot of Mass Effect is interesting, but everything here seems already familiar: main character walks accompanied by two companions, travels across the galaxy, saving worlds. The developers have equipped different characters with different skills - they depend on the class. The soldiers are equipped good weapon, increased life. Technicians are characterized by knowledge of codes and the ability to open any locks; biotics are a kind of sorcerers. They are frail in body, but can kill enemies with telekinesis and other supernatural abilities.

According to gamers, the game about space deserves attention. It seems to have a classic scenario, but this does not prevent it from dragging on for several game hours.

6. Dead space

Dead space- a real space action movie, a cross between horror. From the very first minutes it becomes clear that this is not quite ordinary science fiction. According to legend, humanity stopped searching for oil and gold, and went to explore space, extracting minerals outside the Earth. Moreover, mining is carried out in the most brazen manner: a ship flies to the planet, takes a giant piece of soil and flies away.

This plan worked for almost all ships, but one was unlucky. The biggest earner stopped communicating. Initially, this was written off as a normal breakdown, and a team of specialists was sent to help. But the problem did not lie in the breakdown of communications. The starship has been captured by monsters. For them, the human body is a building material.

Dead space completely immerses you in the world of an unusual cosmic universe, and then lets you float freely. A simple mechanic, Isaac, must save himself at any cost, contact the authorities and get away from this captured ship.

7. Eve online

Among space games, one of the most unusual is Eve online. Its plot from the first minutes draws you in for long game hours, forcing you to travel into the distant future - thousands of years into the future...

The events of Eve online take place in the future, when Earth's scientists have found a way to move in space and time. This technology made it possible to populate other planets. One day, a cataclysm disrupted the connection through the tunnel, and many colonies were cut off from supplies of resources and food. From this moment on, the real struggle for survival begins: interplanetary conflicts began to develop into a real war.

The player will have to choose an empire to fight for. The main task is to increase its position on the world stage. To do this, you can use any methods: trade, mine ores, or start a war.

Eve online is not easy to control, but you get the hang of it quite quickly. Initially, gamers are confused on the map, not understanding what to do and where to fly, but after that everything quickly falls into place. Soaring through galaxies, fighting, looking for minerals - all this is interesting and worth it to test your strength in outer space.

8. Lost Planet

Lost Planet is an arcade game that can amuse even the most serious gamer. The plot tells about an alien planet, huge insects. Earthlings decided to go into space and study one of the planets, but, as it turned out, it was not empty. Local inhabitants bury themselves under the snow. The research group is practically alone, not counting the enemies. The hero gets a modest arsenal, a grappling hook and a couple of cars.

The developers managed to surprise with good graphics and voluminous episodes, although some moments lack realism. But this drawback is not noticeable against the background of the overall impression of the game about space. This simple arcade shooter is impressive and captivating. Ice planet and giant beetles, hundreds of researchers, the need to survive at any cost. This is what you will have to face in Lost Planet.


The action takes place in the distant future, during the dominance of the machines of capitalism and clones. The player is invited to explore 18 worlds with high techno-organic horrors. Battles are fought here, characters fight against corruption and greed. There is no need to fight alone - you can join the millions of Tenno who have already awakened from their sleep.

Warframe features over thirty fully customizable warriors. Each of them has their own abilities. The player has the opportunity to select an arsenal and expand the existing one. There are over three hundred weapon options and the ability to change them and fake them to suit your playing style.

In Warframe, everyone makes their own path. The character can be led undetected or break through further and further with battle, opening up new paths.

Warframe - free game about space. There are no barriers here that prevent you from joining the new world and starting to fight for it.

10. Star citizen

A space simulator that is rightfully considered an ambitious development in recent years. Star citizen There is one unusual feature - it is published with the money of the players themselves, and not with the funds of the developers.

Events take place in the vicinity of the Milky Way, in the united Earth Empire. If desired, you can explore it, live there, trade, fly, fight. There are battles on ships with a first-person view of combat.

Star citizen provides one huge world, complex and dynamic. The economy here is developing rapidly. The gamer is offered many opportunities, including a well-thought-out solo company. The highlight of the game about space is that there are many different types of ships available here, freedom of choice of actions.

11. Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars is a global space strategy game with a colony management simulator. According to the scenario, players must build a base, monitor its inhabitants and their needs and standard of living.

The mission begins with a flight to a neighboring planet. The financing of the entire trip depends on the leader of the expedition and the organizer of the flight. It is important to correctly decide what exactly will be taken with you. Having arrived on the planet, the player will have to choose a landing site. Tips and guidelines help with this. They also tell you what difficulties you may encounter in the future.

Colonization begins with the construction of domes. As soon as all communications inside are completed and launched, a group of future Martians can be sent. They will populate the planet and begin their development on it. The colony encounters many troubles, including falling meteorites, lack of resources, routine, and Martian dust.

12. Star Wars: Empire at War

Star Wars: Empire at War is a multiplayer strategy based on the Star Wars plot. Here players can decide for themselves which side to fight on: the dark side or the good side. In any of them the player will have to play in all possible modes.

The gamer must capture all the planets in the galaxy. On each of them you can build different buildings, factories, and produce units for defense. The army moves from one planet to another, capturing them. Battles are fought automatically or manually.

The battle can be fought on the planet itself or in outer space. Players like the last option better. Here, each side has one main structure - a station where units are built and upgrades are carried out. By improving it, you get the opportunity to create new warriors.

The developers created a quite good story with good graphics, and drew special effects. It is possible to control the camera, zoom in and out of focus. There is a live camera mode, which makes the fights seem like a full-fledged scene from the film.

The entire game about space is accompanied by good sound with decent voice acting for each movement: the steps of the soldiers are different, the sound of iron can be heard and more. The new Star Wars has pleased users with its unusualness and is quite worthy to go explore the cosmic Universe.

13. Elite: Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous is an epic embodiment of the classic space science fiction: open world, complete freedom, influence on the development of the plot, the whole galaxy at your disposal - the whole Milky Way.

The game begins with the ownership of a small ship and a small amount of local money. Adventures will allow you to gain new skills, knowledge, power and everything you need to survive and take your place in the star elite. The era of galactic warriors and superpowers, the actions of each person have a huge impact on the events of the game about space. The government collapses, victory and defeat replace each other, the boundaries of space change. And all this depends on the player’s tactical move.

The plot unfolds among millions of stars and planets, asteroid fields, black holes. The developers tried to create beautiful graphics and accurate dimensions, and they succeeded. What happens in Elite: Dangerous doesn't happen in other space games. This is one of the best space simulators.

14. Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is a unique MMO first-person shooter. Even critics appreciated it. The developers managed to present the world differently from what it really is. The full-fledged universe seems vast, and the plot is not entirely ordinary. According to it, humanity understands that the time has come to colonize Mars. Arriving on the planet, people encounter an unusual sphere. She was transported to Earth. She gave new scientific knowledge to all of humanity. Of course, there were races who wanted to get the sphere. The war began, humanity was on the verge of extinction. Those who protected the find gained magical abilities and immortality. Having defeated one race, another - the Cabal - attacked the Earth.

You have to fight the enemy, explore the universe, and level up your character. There are several missions to choose from: hold open events on different systems, patrol, look for important targets, destroy monsters, their bosses and more. The gamer can complete tasks in a team or go on a journey alone.

15. Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program is a simulator of a moderate arcade type. It opens up the possibility of flying a rocket through one of the star systems. According to the scenario, there is the planet Kerbin with its indigenous inhabitants, who have reached technologies comparable to our developments of the seventies. They decide to fly up to see what is there. A starship is being created, and you control the entire space program. You have the opportunity to create a mini-rocket that will launch the local “loon” into outer space. And here you will encounter unexpected surprises. At first glance, they are funny, but in order to complete a space exploration program, you have to put in a lot of effort, ingenuity and a lot of experimentation.

When creating Kerbal Space Program, the developers were able to create something between arcade and hardcore style. It seems like a simple plot, a simple beginning and a gradual increase in complexity attracts gamers.

16. Take On Mars

Initially, Take On Mars was a fairly easy development where you need to study Mars, ride a rover, take soil samples for research, get acquainted with local minerals and listen to the howling of the wind. But everything has changed, the game about space has become completely different. A mixture of science fiction and realism, stories of colonists, construction of buildings and the use of advanced scientific achievements - this is what the once simple exploration game. Now Take On Mars is a full-fledged colonization of the Red Planet, the main task of the gamer is to stay alive.

The developers thought through a completely realistic world, drawing every detail: dunes, craters, sunsets, equipment. You will face the lifeless Martian sands, where dangers lie. Will the hero be able to finish what he started? Everything depends on you.


SpaceEngine is hundreds of galaxies, stars, straight out of astronomy textbooks and turned into an unusual, vast game world. The size of the Universe and its greatness are fully felt in SpaceEngine. She can make you think about your pettiness and worthlessness. Comparing a person with this world, it seems that he is just an invisible atom.

The project gives absolute freedom to move around space. You can fly wherever you want, move from one star to another, explore clusters of galaxies, hover in orbits, visit nebulae, look at a black hole. The simulator will be appreciated by those who dream of going to the stars, conducting research and seeing it in real life.

18. Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is another space game created in the style of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Its actions take place in the future, thousands of years in advance, but before the appearance of Darth Vader.

The creators successfully continued the Star Wars scenario, offering gamers a game world. In them, everyone must decide for themselves which side to take, for whom to fight. The choice may fall on the Sith Empire or fight for the Republic. Then you have to decide on a character and you can fly off to explore the endless space.

The gameplay of STAR WARS is made in a classic style. The entire plot turns on the side of the chosen character. The ships, the storyline, and the missions performed depend on it. Some of them need to be completed in a company, while others can be completed independently.

19. Kingstars

Kingstars is a large-scale cosmic project where everyone can feel like a strategist. The hero has a unique opportunity to begin his journey from managing a small planet to conquering the entire universe.

Kingstars is supported from any flash browser, which is very attractive. There is a very low threshold here system requirements. This solution allows you to play from a PC without installing a client.

Kingstar begins with character selection. His goal is to develop the planet, search for minerals, develop deposits, build global defense structures and protect his territory from outside invasions.

From the first minutes after registration, a newbie must decide on a server. The bonuses with which he will begin to build his world depend on his choice. After the training course, the gamer takes the reins into his own hands and sets off on an adventure. To successfully complete missions, you need to extract resources, build structures, improve existing ones, create an army, and fight battles. The hero has space cargo carriers at his disposal, which deliver different types cargo to any corner of the Universe, stars. Despite the simplicity of the battle, the space game is a lot of fun positive emotions.

20. Stellar Age

Unique project with a single space map, where fierce battles for dominance over the Universe take place. Stellar Age is a social MMO strategy. From the first minutes you can engage in battle with enemies, defend yourself, spy, and travel across galaxies. Super zoom allows you to see the cosmic world in a different light.

On your own planet, it is proposed to start mining, develop technology, and improve defense. Completing various tasks helps raise your rating, create a fleet, and the right strategy will protect the planet from marauders and invaders, and will also help expand the territory of ownership.

The galactic map includes hundreds of solar systems and celestial bodies where other characters live. Having made friends, it becomes possible to communicate with them. Allies can do much more than a solo player. The outcome of events depends on the chosen strategy.

The strategy proposes 20,000 solar systems with more than 300,000 planets. More than a dozen types of ships are available for their development. After the battle, you can disassemble enemy ships for resources. And that's not all there is to it. A well-thought-out plot, high-quality graphics and huge opportunities will not let you get bored.

21. Population Zero

Population Zero is an MMO where the player finds himself on a separate planet and tries to survive. All actions take place in open world. Despite the banality of the plot, the space scenario is captivating.

People decided to colonize a distant universe by sending a ship to it. Upon reaching orbit, the reactor exploded, triggering a safety system that sent the colonists in their capsules to Kepler's surface.

Many argue that the project offers the same thing as many others in this genre: a disaster on an unknown planet, the survival of a handful of people, finding out the cause of the disaster, the development of a nation from the Stone Age to modern technology, leveling up characters and more. The only difference is servers with other players. Gamers can unite or try to survive on their own, fighting for resources, territory, and the aggressive fauna of Kepler. The hero can join a variety of groups, create his own equipment, and do whatever he deems necessary for survival.


Every year the fantasy world is replenished with new territories and monsters. It’s simply not possible to see everything, but every gamer has a unique chance to try playing some of the best games, take part in unusual missions, and visit other galaxies copied from astronomy textbooks. The variety of options for games about space allows you to choose exactly the plot that you like most. All you have to do is try to play the game you like and decide whether it suits you or not.

Games about spaceships– these are the unexplored expanses of deep space, large-scale battles in zero gravity and the conquest of fantastic star systems.

The selection includes the best action, strategy and sandbox games, according to players and critics. With single and passing together, and most with Russian localization.

1. Star Conflict – space MMO from the creators of War Thunder

"" - spectacular battles of futuristic ships in colorful interplanetary space, many modifications and a decent selection of modes. No surprise, this is Gaijin.

Video games Star Conflict

There is a lot of content, high-quality graphics, and all this is in freetoplay without intrusive internal purchases. 6 years after its release, it is still one of the coolest representatives of the genre.

  • Game website:

2. EVE Online – the legendary galactic sandbox

"" is without a doubt the best stellar MMORPG of all time. Realistic physics controlling ships, exploring distant worlds, corporate wars, piracy and everything that comes to mind.

Video games EVE Online

It's hard to believe that the game came out 15 years ago, because it's still popular. The secret of success is complete freedom and a huge world created and managed by the community.

  • Game website:

3. Elite: Dangerous – a huge space adventure

“ ” – 400 billion star systems, traveling alone and in multiplayer, version for virtual reality. This is the third sequel to the cult game, released back in 1984.

Video games Elite: Dangerous

As in the case of the previous position on the list, you will have to spend time learning it by watching a dozen videos on YouTube. But it's worth it.

  • Game website:

4. HELLION – shooter, sandbox and survival

HELLION - Set in the near future, 23rd century, the player wakes up in the ruins of an interstellar colony, discovering that the planet isn't particularly habitable and the other astronauts aren't all that friendly.

Video games HELLION

It's complicated and cruel game, allowing you to experience all the hardships of the life of an ordinary interstellar pilot. No arcade style and absolute oppressive silence of outer space.

  • Game website:

5. Space Launch Engineer – rocket design simulator

“Space Launch Engineer” is a cozy indie with challenging rocket creation. What’s noteworthy is that earlier the same developer released a subway train control simulator, a log collector simulator, and a quadcopter flight simulator.

Video games Space Launch Engineer

The game looks very simple at first glance, but in reality it turns out to be hardcore. There are various missions, but most boil down to taking into account the input conditions and creating a rocket that can take off.

  • Steam page:

6. Everspace – space game with roguelike elements

"Everspace" is something like "Diablo" in space. Crowds of space enemies, a sea of ​​loot and a lot, sometimes even too much death.

Everspace video games

There is also a magnificent, bright picture, although not trying to be realistic. There is a version for VR devices.

  • Game website:

7. Starpoint Gemini Warlords – 4K strategy and a little RPG

Starpoint Gemini Warlords is a large single-player strategy game that combines several genres. The game continues the story of the second part, inviting the hero to try himself in the role of an exile of the Solar System.

Video games Starpoint Gemini Warlords

The combat system is not the most convenient in the genre, but otherwise everything is excellent. This is a worthy continuation of a good series. There is support for mods and add-ons.

  • Game website:

8. Rebel Galaxy – pirate world of wild space

"Rebel Galaxy" - single-player space role-playing game, whose name literally translates as “Rebel Galaxy”, and this reflects its essence well.

Video games Rebel Galaxy

This is something like the good old “Space Rangers”, only in real time, with an emphasis on combat rather than trading and farming.

  • Game website:

9. Cosmonautica – cozy time management with good humor

“Cosmonautica” is a tube indie, a cartoon simulator of a space merchant, a taxi driver, a diplomat and quite a bit of a fighter.

Video games Cosmonautica

This is probably the most unusual project in the selection. It is easy to learn, looks nice in appearance, and even runs not only from a PC, but also from mobile devices.

  • Game website:

10. Strike Suit Zero – arcade space game with an interesting plot

“Strike Suit Zero” is a colorful living universe of the not very distant future, where the main character is invited, of course, to save the Earth from impending destruction.

Video games Strike Suit Zero

The game is quite dynamic and moderately difficult. Separately, it is worth noting the excellent soundtrack and support for the game on three displays simultaneously.

  • Game website:

If you were unable to find in this collection perfect game about spaceships, pay attention to other lists - about aliens and aliens, the best space strategies and browser games about space.

All the best games on PC that allow you to take control of a spaceship and go exploring the boundless space. Or engage in battle with alien aggressors. Or engage in space piracy - it all depends solely on the player’s preferences. Here you can also find projects of various genres, allowing you to control not just one ship, but an entire star flotilla, build your own space empire, conquer planets and even solar systems. Strategies, sandboxes, simulators, multiplayer and single player - in this section you will find all the games related to spaceships and travel through the endless universe.







Best Spaceship Games

1. No Man's Sky

A scandalous game about exploring an infinitely vast, procedurally generated universe, released in August 2016 on PC. And although initially No Man’s Sky turned out to be not as wonderful as the developers from , subsequent numerous patches and updates were still able to bring it into proper form. The hero sets off on a spaceship on a spaceship, visiting planets along the way, where he completes tasks and collects materials to improve his spaceship. And all this in order to be able to make longer flights with each new upgrade, reaching new unexplored areas of the galaxy. Until, finally, the ship reaches its center - the key goal in No Man's Sky.

2. Elite: Dangerous

One of the most popular games about spaceships on PC, released by the studio in 2015. The player receives a spaceship and a small amount of money at his disposal, after which he sets off to conquer the vast expanses of the virtual galaxy. Complete freedom of action in a procedurally generated galaxy of unprecedented size, consisting of more than 400 billion star systems.

3. EVE Online

Free online game about spaceships. Perhaps one of the most famous MMOs with a space setting. is an amazingly beautiful and opportunity-rich game about the distant future, in which outer space has been successfully mastered and is a haven for several hundred thousand space pilots belonging to various factions. Players can expect not only a stunning space setting, but also an impressive selection of ships, parts for upgrading them, and a wide range of available activities. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to become a member of any faction - it is quite possible to remain an independent mercenary or space mercenary. Besides free version, which can be downloaded from the link below, players can also purchase a paid subscription, which opens up many new features.

4. Star Control: Origins

A spaceship game released on PC in 2018. The player takes on the role of captain of the first interstellar spaceship in the history of human civilization. This means that unimaginable adventures await him, contacts with amazing alien civilizations and, of course, epic space battles against the evil race of Scryves, who want to destroy humanity and many other intelligent races.

5. Rebel Galaxy

An incredibly exciting and mesmerizingly beautiful action/simulation game in which players can expect exciting battles on spaceships of various classes. However, there are many others interesting activities: reconnaissance and research missions, trade, diplomatic negotiations - all in the best traditions of cosmos.

6. Star Conflict

7. Everspace

A space simulator with elements from the independent studio ROCKFISH Games, released in 2017. A beautiful and atmospheric game, not without an interesting plot that takes the player on a journey through an endless, randomly created universe. Procedural generation makes each such journey unpredictable, full of unexpected dangers, chance encounters and finds.

8. Starbound

An unusual two-dimensional exploration game that allows you to explore a vast randomly generated universe with many planets, between which the player can travel on his spaceship. Key Features: excellent, a large number of recipes for, the ability to build buildings and improve your own spaceship.

9. Eve Valkyrie

A sci-fi action game about battles on spaceships with a first-person view and support for VR devices. The action takes place in the same setting as EVE Online, one of the top spaceship games. Players can expect whirlwind multiplayer battles in five different modes featuring ships from the most different classes. Excellent graphics and special effects, high dynamics and, unfortunately, not the most convenient controls.

10. Endless Sky

A two-dimensional space simulator with very great possibilities for the player. Trade, battles, research - in Endless Sky any path is open to the user. In addition to freely roleplaying the role you like in Endless Sky, you can take on quests storyline, also providing the player with a fair amount of freedom in decision making. The game comes with a detailed editor that allows you to create new planets, ships, equipment, and even write new quests. And with all this abundance, Endless Sky is a completely free game.

11. Battlefleet Gothic

An exciting sci-fi strategy with an unusual spaceship control system, borrowed from the popular board game Battlefleet Gothic, as well as the setting presented here. The game takes place in the world of Warhammer 40,000, during the Black Crusade, led by Abbadon the Despoiler, who is one of the most powerful champions of Chaos. In order to stop the invasion, the commander-in-chief of the star fleet of the Gothic sector (in the role of the player) sends imperial warships to meet the chaosites. There are two add-ons for Battlefleet Gothic: Space Marines and Tau Empire, which add new factions to the game: the Tau Empire and Space Marines, along with new spaceships.

12. Starpoint Gemini Warlords

13. RymdResa

A sci-fi 2D roguelike with pixel graphics dedicated to exploration and survival in space. Procedural generation and RPG elements give the project replayability and unpredictable developments, and the powerful atmosphere of cosmic loneliness and relaxing music create the illusion that you really are many light years away from Earth. Plus, the game contains fascinating voice stories that can tell many secrets and fascinating stories.

14. Space Rangers Series

A series of games with a fantastic setting from Elemental Games, whose gameplay combined elements of several genres at once. The first part of "Space Rangers", released in 2002, was a space RPG with turn-based battles, text quests and arcade mini-games. The second part (2005) received, in addition to all this, a full-fledged RTS element, represented by planetary battles. Space Series Rangers is one of the most unique and original games about spaceships and more. Therefore, it is especially pleasant that in 2013 it received an independent addition - “ Space Rangers HD: Revolution" with support for modern resolutions.

15. Homeworld series

Different games