Minecraft desiccating. Making a wither skeleton in Minecraft - the necessary manipulations and battle

Hello minecraft players. The sailor is with you and now I will tell how to make a wither in minecraft.

Minecraft bosses

Many games have bosses. They are much stronger and larger than normal enemy mobs. Minecraft is no exception. And although this game does not have a plot, bosses are still present. And so, today I will tell you how to make one of them.

First, we need to get to the lower world. To get there we need a portal. About how to do it, you can find an article on our forum. Don't forget to take your shovel and sword with you. We are looking for sand of souls and we get four pieces. You can take it home. Now it will be more difficult. Find the Wither Skeleton Skull. It is very difficult to find her. You need three skulls.

Let's move on to creating. Your best bet is to craft a withers underground. We dig a room about sixteen by seven blocks. We put one block of soul sand. On it another one, and from the one on top of the side we put another block of soul sand. It turns out something like a torso. Put the skulls on the top three blocks and the wither is ready. Then we wait until health appears and we can start the battle.

There was a sailor with you. Today we talked about bosses in our favorite game. Until next time on the Play`N`Trade portal, as well as a pleasant game!

An impressive part of your time spent in Minecraft will be spent on battles with mobs that will seek to destroy you. Therefore, you will need serious weapons, as well as knowledge about which mobs are stronger, which are weaker, which have immunity or weakness to any objects, potions or spells. But among ordinary mobs, bosses stand out, which are much stronger and more dangerous than ordinary representatives of opponents. They have more health, do terrifying damage and have several dangerous attacks at once. One of the most terrifying bosses can be called the Wither - in fact, you can not fight with him, but then you will not receive an incredible trophy, the Star of the Nether, thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to craft some unique items. And this means that you still need to know how to summon the Wither in Minecraft.

What is the Wither?

The Wither is a boss that terrifies with both its appearance and its attacks. You should know how to summon the Wither in Minecraft, but at the same time you should also imagine what you are going for. This boss looks like a huge black skeleton without arms and legs, but with three skulls, he has the ability to fly, which makes him very dangerous. When you first summon him, he does not look very impressive, while having only half health. But do not think that this is a chance for you to kill him as soon as possible - while he is passive, you will not be able to attack him. It will slowly gain the missing health, increase in size, and when it reaches its peak, it will carry out an explosion that will damage everything that is near it. Therefore, it is worth choosing the place of summoning wisely - as you can see, knowing how to summon the Wither in Minecraft is not enough. There are other factors to consider.

Calling process

You have already learned about what this boss is - it's time to move on to the main question of how to summon the Wither in Minecraft. You can do this only if you create the right altar. To do this, you need Soul Sand and Wither Skeleton Skulls. You can find this sand in the Nether. There you will also find wither skeletons. You will have to kill at least three to get the result you wanted. At the same time, not each of the mobs can drop a skull, and you will eventually need three of them.

When you have the ingredients you need, choose a location and lay out the altar. Remember that one of the skulls must complete the construction of the altar, otherwise it will not activate. So first lay out three soul sand blocks, then place another one to the side of the center one. The skulls, however, you need to lay out on the other side along three blocks of sand. When the last skull becomes part of the structure, the Summon of the Wither is activated. It is better for you to move away so that you are not hit by a powerful explosion, and also take the most advantageous position for attack and defense, since the blows of this boss can cause you serious damage. The Wither Skeleton in Minecraft is a much simpler opponent, although it is much stronger than normal skeletons. In general, all this means that the Wither is one of the most difficult opponents in the game, and you need to adhere to specific tactics against him.

How to deal with the Wither?

It is worth rejoicing that you do not need to think about where to find the Wither in Minecraft. Since you call him, and at the same time he remains in a passive state for some time, replenishing health, you find yourself in an advantageous position. You can choose your own location, create traps and all conditions for a comfortable battle. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is most convenient to attack the Wither with arrows, keeping a safe distance. But there is one nuance here - when the boss's health reaches the level with which he arrived in this world, he will have new armor. She will protect him from arrows and others, so here you have to take up the sword and go to fight face to face with the enemy. Here it is important for you to pay attention to the skulls that the Wither throws at you - they can be dangerous. Although the black version does not cause much direct harm, it is poisonous, so you will gradually lose health. Blue skulls do more damage and have a wide blast radius.

Drop from the Wither

You do not need to directly fight the boss - he is aggressive towards all creatures except undead. Therefore, you can witness the great battle "Minecraft": the Wither against the dragon. You will be able to finish off the Wither and collect a drop from him - the Star of the Nether, a rare material that will come in handy for making incredible things.

The Wither is a hostile boss that can be summoned in the nether or in the main world. Compared to other mobs, the wither has a huge size and no less health, so before calling it you need to be well prepared. It is advisable to stock up on health potions and diamond armor, also choose a deserted and convenient surface for you, since after the appearance of the wither will begin to destroy everything. It is impossible to find a wither, only if it is summoned like a golem. In this article, you will learn how to summon a wither in.

Collection of material.

To summon the Wither, you need 4 Soul Sands and 3 Wither Skeleton Heads. The required skulls drop out after killing the Wither Skeleton. This hostile mob looks like a skeleton, but only with a taller height and black bones. By the way, a wither skeleton appears only in the lower world near the hellish fortress. Soul sand can be found in the nether world and can be detected by the slowdown function that this block possesses.

How to summon a wither.

To summon a wither, place the blocks in the following order:

1. We put four sands of souls in the form of the letter "T". That is, first one block from the bottom and three horizontally on it.
2. Next, place the three skulls horizontally on top of the three blocks of soul sand.

After that, a wither will appear with half life. After some time, he will restore health and produce an explosion, from which it is better to stay away. After the explosion, the wither will begin to destroy everything, including you.


Now you know how to summon a wither in Minecraft. Eat the Golden Apple before battle to prevent the possibility of dying from Wither Poison. A dead wither can drop an underworld star, which is used to build a lighthouse.

Minecraft has enough enemies to cause trouble. And the player spends most of the time listening for hostile mobs nearby. However, the developers at Mojang made it possible for experienced players to spawn a wither mob with 300 health. And in order for the players to risk knowingly, they made a drop from it in the form of the "Nether Star" extremely rare and very tempting for the creators of the pyramid and the lighthouse.

To summon a Wither Skeleton, you must first obtain three Wither Skeleton Heads. This is probably the most difficult task in preparation for the wither spawn, since the loss of a head from such a skeleton is a rare drop, and you have to kill more than a dozen mobs in order to get three future wither heads. Then you need to find four blocks of soul sand, which is already easier.

To spam a desiccant, you need to expose soul sand in the shape of the letter "T": one block at the base and three above it. Then, on these three blocks, set all the heads of the withers facing you. If the call is successful, a special sound will sound, and a scale with the wither's health will appear at the top of the screen. Everything, now it remains only to join the battle.

Video guide:

The Wither in Minecraft is a mob boss that you need to call so that he appears, and then fight him. Read how to do this in the article.

The Wither is a very strong boss and it will be difficult to kill him if you play without mods. It is very difficult but possible.

He will spawn in hell. That is, you will need a portal to hell about this below.

So how do you summon him?

First you need a portal to hell that is crafted from obsidian, well, I wrote about this in the article.

So then, when ready, we go to hell and look for green skeletons. They respawn in hellish castles. It's a simple red castle, when you see a hellish brick building - go in, you can't go wrong. There we are looking for these green skeletons and kill them. We need to knock out 3 of their skulls from them. Skeletons rarely spawn, and drops from nikhs are even rarer :). We will need to kill about 20 skeletons to knock out only one skull. There are 3 of them, so you will have to cut about 50-60 skeletons, maybe more, depending on the location of the god of randomness to you :). Then you need to get sand of souls - there is a lot of it everywhere and continue to enjoy playing Minecraft :). Just kidding. Next, we call on the wither himself. We choose the place where we want to call him. You can summon anywhere, even in hell, even in a simple world, in short, choose a place and do the following: put the sand of souls in a T-shape and put 3 skeleton skulls on top. Voila, the wither is summoned.

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