Mods for World of Tanks - aiming is easier and the shot is more accurate. Mods for World of Tanks Mods wot 9 7

The appearance of World of Tanks is equated by many with a new stage in online games, and there is some truth in this. The game attracts tens of millions of users all over the world, it is extremely simple, democratic and captivating literally from the first seconds. Its creators have done a titanic job, but no one has yet managed to create an ideal that can satisfy all players without exception. And therefore it is not surprising that soon after the creation of the game, mods for World of Tanks, allowing to significantly facilitate its passage.

What mod assemblies exist for World of Tanks?

The developers of World of Tanks provided modders with the opportunity to show all their skills, which they did not fail to take advantage of. But before we talk about the mods themselves, it’s worth understanding the concept itself. This is an abbreviation for the word modification, i.e. additions or changes to the original game files, improving one or another aspect of it - from a slight change in the sight to global improvement graphics. Mods for World of Tanks packaged in an archive, easy to install and provide ample opportunities for tuning your favorite game.

If you look into history, the first fashions in and sights. The skins demonstrate weak points in opponents' tanks and allow, in a fast-moving battle, to quickly select a place that is not protected by armor, of which there are from 10 to 30% in the average tank. A There are options for every taste - from minimalist to ultra-modern.

But all this turned out to be not enough, and now you can download mods for WoT, allowing you to radically improve your favorite game. Among them:

- the most necessary and convenient mod.
– a mod with amazing potential that allows you to get a lot additional information before and after the start of the battle.
, new and much more, up to complex changes.
Mods for World of Tanks They allow you to literally reassemble the game, adjusting it to your requirements and wishes.

Where to safely download mods for WoT

The answer is very simple - our website was created for these purposes. We have both individual modifications and extensive mod builds for World of Tanks. The functionality of the mods has been verified experienced players, and every file uploaded for download is scanned by an antivirus. Just download mods for WoT, install and enjoy the game - that’s why we created our website.

The name itself comes from the word “modification”, which means in the context under consideration “to change”, “to modify”. From the translation it is already clear that they are used to change the gameplay, including the visual one. They are program code that is simply embedded into the game. Thanks to this, the appearance of the sight, icon images, etc. can change.

The first mods appeared immediately after the release of the game, the developers of which deliberately left the possibility of making changes. First of all, the sights were modified and so-called “skins” were introduced into the game, which later began to be called simply skins. They made life easier for players.

But not everyone can write a working mod, because this requires certain programming knowledge, and you also need to take into account the current version of the game. Now mods for World of Tanks are relevant, which you can download on our website. Their developers do not guarantee their functionality on other versions of the game, so before installation it is advisable to make a backup of important files. You may also come across change builds for a game, which are a specific set of files that the developer believes are most important.

Mods available for download on our website

At the moment, more than 800 modifications have been released, which are useful to one degree or another. Therefore, it is very difficult to describe each of them. For simplicity, they can all be combined into groups.

All mods for WOT are divided into the following groups:

  • Changing hangars. This group allows you to change the appearance of hangars (their background, for example) or the location of tanks in them. The simplest example is a mod like “Tanks in two rows”;
  • Sights. Using this group you can change standard sight in the game, which, according to many players, is not convenient enough. Sights can be minimalistic or provide the player with detailed information about the enemy tank;
  • Olenemer. This group has very broad functionality, allowing you to assess the chances of victory and obtain information about the effectiveness of allies and opponents even in the process of preparing for battle. These data are approximate, because a lot depends on the “straightness” of the player’s hands, but still this information gives a significant advantage;
  • Skins. In this group it is worth highlighting mods that display penetration zones. The fact is that the game features a very large number of tanks, which have their own weak and strong points, which are difficult for even an experienced player to remember. Penetration zone skins are colored markers that mark those places where hitting will give the best effect. In this case, some modifications also take into account the angle of attack and the distance to the target. Among these mods, special attention should be paid to those options that allow you to determine the location of the ammunition rack. After all, hitting this place allows you to decide the outcome of the fight with one shot;
  • Map changes. These mods are about improving the standard mini-map. It will indicate basic information about the tanks, their radii of exposure, direction of movement and muzzle rotation, etc.;
  • Mod assemblies. They are presented in various famous players in WoT. They present a certain set of modifications that are convenient, according to the developer. Their advantage is that there is always a choice whether to install all components or select specific ones;
  • Changes in the ears. Here are mods that allow you to modify the so-called “ears”, which are represented by tank icons on the sides of the screen. Changes can be made to them such as viewing radii or HP of tanks.

The main advantage of using them is that you can almost completely change the game interface and get certain advantages. But the changes will only be available to you. Some experienced players may be against using the same skins, citing the fact that they were invented for noobs. But for beginners this is a real gift, because they can fully enjoy the dynamics of the game.

Why is it preferable to use mods for World of Tanks presented on our website, since today many developers offer them for download? There are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, we always check each modification for functionality in the current version of the game;
  • Secondly, every archive you download is checked by us for malware;
  • Thirdly, our website presents the most current fashions today.

All this allows us to conclude that our mods are the most useful for you and safe for your computer. To verify this, you just need to visit our website and download the mod you need. Each of them is represented by an archive containing screenshots from which you can determine the functionality, as well as installation instructions. The assemblies are accompanied by a convenient installer. Therefore, to enjoy the effect of the modification, you will only need a few minutes.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tanker, you probably also use mods for World of Tanks 1.1.0. This is one of the advantages of the game - the ability to change what you don’t like, adjust the interface to suit yourself, create own settings. The options that are offered to players are quite formulaic, uninformative, and most experienced gamers have not been satisfied with them for a long time. This is why fans create their own modifications, which are used not only by themselves: truly useful scripts become popular and are used by players everywhere.

Several groups of modifications can be distinguished:

  • Aimed at changing the external component: interface upgrade, coloring of military equipment;

  • Aimed at increasing efficiency in battle: adding indicators and information to the sight, detailed statistics on players and others.

There are a lot of modifications, but you shouldn’t try to install everything at once, study, take a closer look at what you really need. There are the most popular mods that many people use:

  • Destroyed tanks are painted white. A very useful thing in battle, you can immediately see where the damaged equipment is;

  • Deer Messenger is a mod with an original and self-explanatory name; even in download mode you can find out detailed statistics on enemies and allies, find out the chance of winning and other information;

  • Zoom – allows you to zoom out the camera to the maximum distance and view the battlefield from above;

  • Aiming angles in the horizontal plane - must be set for effective game on PT and artillery;

  • Improved mini-map - the map displays the tanks' exposure zones, the direction of the combat vehicle's barrel, the direction of the tank's hull and other data.

There are entire packs (assemblies) of mods that contain everything a real tanker needs. The most popular assembly is “Jovesmodpack”.

It should be said that mods for WOT, which give you an advantage in the game, the developers do not welcome and can punish the player who uses such changes. Such prohibited mods include, first of all:

  • Enable foliage transparency. A mod, after installing which all foliage from trees and bushes disappears, it becomes easier to navigate, and visibility improves.

  • Colored tracers with fade-out delay function. Seeing where the shell was fired from, it will be easier for you to figure out the location of the anti-tank missile or artillery.

  • A laser sight is also considered an unfair method of combat. Allows for better aiming weak spots enemy tank.

  • A mod that shows on the mini-map where an unlit tank is firing from. A good way to combat PT.

  • A manual fire extinguisher magically turns into an automatic one. Now it is enough to buy a regular manual fire extinguisher and at the right time it will react to a fire on its own.

The list goes on, but these are the main prohibited mods for World of Tanks. You can use them, but at your own peril and risk. If they find you out, they will take action. When using these mods, you need to think about this, so you shouldn’t, for example, make streams where you drive around bare trees and post them for free viewing.

In conclusion, I would like to warn you against mistakes and, as a result, the loss of your account. Beware of sites where you are offered to download scripts, bots to earn silver or level up experience in WoT.

On the site you can download mods for WOT 1.1.0, which will make your game more attractive and effective. We try to give you the latest versions, we constantly update the database of scripts, on the pages of the mod for WOT there is information that will help you with the installation. Collapse text

Mod is a capacious and laconic word that represents a whole series of changes and additions to an existing one. computer game. In some cases, mods even involve a whole system of improvements and transformations that can qualitatively improve game process and make it more attractive to players. However, many people who play World of Tanks, even the most avid players, do not always correctly understand the meaning of this word; mod is an abbreviation for English word“modification”, which is translated into Russian as change, modification, transformation. Thus, a mod, regarding computer games itself, is a uniquely developed application that contains a number of updates and additions.

Main feature modifications is the fact that World players of Tanks - WOT has the opportunity to personally introduce the necessary improvements into the game. A development kit (SDK) will help game lovers with this, thanks to which players will radically change the gameplay, as well as significantly facilitate it.

Mods allow you to diversify both the functional part of the game, that is, they increase the capabilities of the tank itself, and the aesthetic part, which is aimed at making changes to the visual diversity of the World of Tanks game. Thus, we can distinguish 2 main types of modifications: “external” and “internal”. "External" modifications are aimed at transforming appearance tanks, for example, the player can paint his tank any color and put any pattern on it. “Internal” ones make it possible to improve the functional features of tanks, equip them with various types of sights, aiming, and information indicators.

Various modifications in game World of Tanks is not used only by the lazy, because their advantages are visible to the naked eye. There are even entire collections of modifications, they contain the main, frequently used and most effective mods. Of course, in the existing variety of developed modifications, the leaders that are most loved by the players also stand out. The most best mods, according to World of Tanks fans, are the following applications.

The Deer Meter is an advanced player's statistics in battle, which displays three main parameters that are of great importance in the World of Tanks game. shows the following parameters: generalized efficiency rating, the player’s win rate, calculated as a percentage, and the number of battles the player has fought. The rounded effectiveness rating is a conditional digital characteristic of the player’s actions during the battle. The player's victory rate is the percentage of battles, that is, the percentage of battles won out of the total number of battles fought. Deer Meter displays existing statistics in certain colors that correspond to the player's skills and rating.

Horizontal Aiming Angles () are a very convenient modification designed for artillery self-propelled guns and tank destroyers. This mod will help its owners cope with several tasks at once that arise during the game World of Tanks with artillery self-propelled guns and tank destroyers. Players using this mod can see the limit of the gun that is allowed when rotating it. The main advantage of the UGN is the fact that players can turn the barrel towards the enemy tank without turning the entire body of the tank, without knocking down the adjusted sight and without unmasking their tank. Horizontal Aim Angles is a very useful and effective mod to use.

Skins. These modifications attract players different levels games for both beginners and avid World of Tanks players. In most cases, tanks are protected by armor, but there are certain places where this armor is weak or non-existent. For this purpose, mod developers created skins with penetration zones that show the most vulnerable spots of enemy tanks during the battle. Don’t forget that in addition to skins with penetration zones, there are also regular skins that change the color of military equipment. Today there is a huge selection of skins not only for combat vehicles, but also for hangars.

A selection of the latest and most popular modifications awaits you in materials prepared by experienced players in the RU region. Download all the latest mods from

Mod Wargaming.FM

Modification for listening to the “tank” radio wave Wargaming.FM in the World of Tanks game client! Four channels work for you around the clock with a variety of music for every taste, entertainment programs and funny presenters. The mod allows you to influence the radio airwaves: choose which song to play more often and which less often. And most importantly: you can listen to Wargaming.FM radio not only in the Hangar, but also in battle - and as you know, it’s easier to win with good music!

These applications (services) are products of third parties that are not related to and distributed absolutely free. Under no circumstances will be responsible for the legality of the application (service) and will not compensate for losses caused by its use or inability to use it.

At the moment, installing modifications may affect the functionality of the Training Site. If you want to try it out, run the client in safe mode using the launcher.


The XVM mod is a complex mod that allows you to change the game interface: markers above tanks, a carousel of tanks in the Hangar, a damage panel, a list of players, a minimap and much more.

This modification is included in many popular modpacks.

Mods make the game brighter and simplify the process. Popular game tanks is constantly updated and the developers make changes to improve it Game Mode. The graphics are becoming closer to reality, and the goal is for the game to not differ from reality. It’s good that there are craftsmen who have figured out how to help them and diversify our game, making fashion. When updating the game, WOT patches need to be updated.

Mirtankov, helps players in the game World of Tanks (World of Tanks) by checking mods, helping with installation and solving problems with their operation. Currently the update is in WOT game It is necessary to update the mods: penetration zones, hangars, sights, damage panels, mini-maps, sounds and icons.

Download ready-made mod assemblies for World of Tanks right away.

A mod (short for modification) is an addition to a computer game, usually developed by fans of the game or third-party developers. In World of Tanks there are modifications to the combat interface (GUI), tank models, as well as various improvements to the maps.

Many WoT players use mods to increase FPS, improve the appearance of tanks, improve graphics, etc. The most popular mods in WoT mods are sights, sound mods, mini-maps, laser sight, zoom mod (maximum camera distance for Arta and regular ones), user meter (aka deer meter and WoT mod xvm), modified hangars, skins, well and of course penetration zones! There are also prohibited mods, which some still use - the WoT colored tracer mod.

How to install a mod for WOT?

Now mods need to be installed in the folders "res_mods\\" and "mods\\". If your mod stops working after updating, then simply move it from the folder from the previous version to the folder new Builds mods and some mods may not work or work with bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Pay attention to the patch number on which this mod was tested. Please be patient and stay tuned for updates. If after updating the mod/build your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the game cache clearing script and run it, the problem should be solved.

You can also send your own World of Tanks mods that you would like to see in the game. Mod authors You can also add your own creations to different sections of the site.

Some mods after the patch comes out World of Tanks you need to install it in the scaleform folder, not flash. Read more in the included instructions. Stay tuned. Have a good game tankers!

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