Hints for the quest in the office. Corporate men's quest in the office

So, you have come to get a job. You have an interview with the head of a company who is famous for his integrity and unpredictability. The administrator tells you all this before letting you inside the room itself and closing the door behind you.

You enter the room and find yourself in the office. Before you:

  • director's desk (with drawers, some of them locked);
  • table for visitors;
  • a few chairs;
  • a shelf with books, awards and souvenirs;
  • soft corner with coffee table;
  • safe.

The boss has a computer with a monitor and a desk lamp on his desk. On the coffee table there is an aquarium with fish (the fish most likely can be artificial). There are blinds on the windows, carpet on the floor, and paintings on the walls. There is a floor lamp in the corner

The first thing you notice is a note lying on the table. The note reads something like this: “How can you be so late! I went on holiday to St. Helena Island. Communication via computer."

You go to the computer and see on the monitor the program window and the “Video chat - call” button. Press the “Call” button.

A cartoon starts (an animated cartoon character in the form of a man in business clothes against the backdrop of some beach or mountains says): “Hello. We are pleased to welcome you to our office. So, do you want to get a job in our company? To begin, I suggest you fill out our questionnaire..."

A window with a questionnaire appears. It has two points:

  • What's your gender;
  • professional skills (here you need to select the option: “I can work”, “I can not work”).

(If the “I can work” option is selected in the questionnaire)

"Congratulations. You are suitable for us. I think $1 million a year will suit you. Sign all the necessary documents with my secretary."

Chef: “Get our guests dressed in the necessary manner. They suit us"

The shot of the secretary disappears from the screen. The chief remains. He says: “So, I hope for fruitful cooperation (for 1 million then!). Goodbye."

(If the “I may not work” option is selected in the questionnaire)

“Unfortunately, you are not suitable for us. I think we will offer $1 million a year to someone else. My secretary will show you out."

The buzzer sounds. The screen splits, revealing a similar animated secretary character in the second half of the screen. There is a dialogue going on:

Secretary: “I’m listening, Rolls Rollsovich”

Chief: “See our guests off. They don't suit us"

Secretary: “Of course, Rolls Rollsovich. I’ll do it now, Rolls Rolsovich.”

The shot of the secretary disappears from the screen. The chief remains. He says, “Well, thanks for your time. We will continue to search for the employees we need (for 1 million!). Goodbye".

The screen goes blank.

And in both cases, no one can go out anywhere since the door is closed.

Now it's time to turn on logic and imagination.

You must press the “Call” button again. Now the secretary appears in the chat window and says: “Oh! Sorry! There was an overlap. I lost my door keys. I'm really sorry. But please don't worry. Rolls Roysovich, who is currently on holiday in St. Helena, keeps the key in his office. True, I don’t know where it lies, but Rolls Roysovich (I’ll tell you a secret - because of his sclerosis) always leaves clues for himself. I hope you find him, because (I’ll tell you a secret) Rolls Roysovich will not arrive from St. Helena Island any time soon.”

The secretary's image disappears. The screen returns to its original state.

Now, if you click the “Call” button, a window appears with the words “Login not authorized. Enter the access code" and the fields:

  • Name (two fields, one empty - in theory you should enter the name “Rols” here and the second, as a hint, filled in “Rolsovich”);
  • Access code.

All. You have received a task to find the key to exit the room. If you do not perform the above-described manipulations with the video chat, then the task does not change, you just lose the hint (name of the director of Rolls)

On the start screen, among other things, there is a “Skip” button. When you press it, the “Login is not authorized” screen immediately appears. Enter the access code" (bypassing the video chat and, accordingly, depriving you of prompts).

The key to the entrance doors lies in a wooden box that hangs near the door itself. The box has three locks, each with its own key. Locks are designated by color (“red,” “green,” and “blue”). The keys found later will also have keychains of the corresponding colors. Thus, to exit the room you must find the “red”, “green” and “blue” key.

How to find the red key.

Office chairs have one leg each with its own color. That is, for one it is blue, for the second it is red, for the third it is yellow, and for the fourth it is green. The rest of the chair legs are in their original black color. On the floor of the office (on the carpet) there are two marks in the form of blots of different colors (red and black). In theory, you should take a chair with one of the legs red and place it with the “red” leg on the red mark, and the “black” leg on the black one. The marks on the floor are located at a distance corresponding to the legs on the chair located diagonally, i.e. the chair occupies the only correct position in space.

There is a table lamp on the table. On the tabletop you notice a mark (quite visual, conspicuous), which can easily be associated (in shape and pattern) with the lamp stand. Your task is to place the lamp in the right place and turn it on. If a chair with a colored leg is in the correct position, you will see a shadow from the back (on which the pointer will be attached). A shadow in the form of a pointer (something like an arrow) will point to the location of the cache in the floor.

The found place on the floor contains a hiding place like “pick up the tiles” and see a niche.

Without a chair with a shadow indicator, you will not find the cache unless by accident. To turn on the lamp, insert the plug into the socket. But if you move the lamp to the place indicated by the mark, then the cord is missing. That is, first you must find a carrier that lies somewhere in one of the desk drawers.

In the cache found with the help of a lamp and a shadow, find a receipt in which we're talking about about the fact that someone received the 4th volume of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia from the warehouse and GOST was indicated:

GOST – (4, 16, 19 and 20 are the serial numbers of the letters “G”, “O”, “S” and “T”)

On the shelf, in addition to other books, there are 4 volumes of TSB. Volumes starting with the letters “A”, “B”, “D”, “E”).

In the found document (invoice) we see the letters “B”, “E”, “G”, “A” below. The letters were added with a pen, that is, the owner of the office left himself a hint.

Your task is to arrange the TSB volumes so that the letters correspond to the word “running” and using the hint (GOST – calculates the serial numbers of the letters “B”, “E”, “G”, “A”. It turns out 2, 6, 4, 1.

There will be a box with a digital code hidden on the shelf with books. You can enter code 2641 and find the “red” key in the box.

How to find the "green" key.

On the calendar that lies on the table on one of the sheets we see the inscription “Buy Vasnetsov, price – 24 in Malevich’s painting” (stands for 24 squared, i.e. 576)

There are 4-5 reproductions of paintings hanging on the walls of the office. One of the paintings “Alyonushka” by Vasnetsov. Each picture has its own number written on the back (on Vasnetsov, No. 132).

You find the key to drawer #1 in the director's desk somewhere in the room. In locker No. 1 (except for all the office trash) find the other half of a souvenir figurine such as “dolphins” or “hugging people” or “two halves of a heart.” In general, a figurine consisting of two parts that should be placed side by side (like yin-yang). One figurine stands on a shelf in a visible place, the second is found in a box.

If we put the figures together, then from the bottom (on the bottom of the folded stand) we can read “Price minus number plus dog.” The dog in the room will be depicted only in one place - in the family photo that stands on the table. We take the photo out of the frame and see on the back the number (written opposite the dog) 15. Total: “The price of the painting minus the painting number plus the dog” is 576 – 132 + 15 = 459.

"459" is the code for combination lock, which hangs on a box, which in turn looks like a cache (hidden under the table). To understand that this box relates specifically to this task, another painting by Vasnetsov (or just a painting) is drawn on it. In the box we find the “green” key.

How to find the "blue" key.

In the computer drive we find a disk on which a code is written with a marker (something like: SK23VX93). We can enter the name “rolls” and the found code in the fields “Login is not authorized. Enter the access code" (see above) and press the "enter" button on the screen or keyboard. If both the name and code were entered correctly, then a page appears with an image of the safe (the one in the office) and its brief characteristics.

In the picture, in addition to the characteristics (height, width, weight, wall thickness, etc.), there is a signature like: “The safe was manufactured by the Dubolom company.” Our motto: “Musician or dictator will win with Dubolom!”

Various souvenirs will be placed around the room and each will have its own number written (somewhere on the side or below). Among these souvenirs (based on the example of the motto mentioned above) there will be souvenirs with the image:

  • guitar (grand piano, treble clef...);
  • bust of Pinochet (Caesar, Stalin, Milosevic...);
  • sports cup for victory in any sport;
  • oak leaf (twig).

The numbers from these souvenirs, added up in the order in which the words are used in the motto, are the code to the safe. To be on the safe side, there is a photograph on the wall of a group of people (like the “Stupid” staff), with the same motto written below. This is for if you suddenly haven’t mastered the computer.

We calculate the code from the found figurines and open the safe. In the safe we ​​find a figurine of a knight with a spear (the spear can be separated if desired). A large (strong) magnet is attached to the bottom of the figure.

In the aquarium, at the bottom we can see a key. Using a magnet, we remove the key from the aquarium. The top of the aquarium is covered with a lid, which prevents the key from being removed from the bottom with your hands. If the key falls and is outside the range of the magnet, then using a spear (detached from the figurine) you can move it closer and grab it with the magnet.

Using the found key, we open drawer No. 2 in which, among other office supplies, we find a “blue” key. Use three colored keys to open the cabinet near the door. We take the main key. We open the front door and go out.

The final. Applause.

Quest games - most interesting option corporate parties. Quests for corporate parties come in various types: urban, closed, combined with a banquet, etc. During such team games, participants investigate detective stories, undergo a series of tests, make scientific discoveries, and create creative projects.

Modern corporate parties are increasingly taking place in the format of team building. One type of team-building activities are quests - games that teach participants to cooperate and make decisions in critical situations.

To organize a quest at a corporate party, you need to take into account many organizational aspects - think through the goal and plot of the game, assign a role to each participant, write a script and provide a comfortable atmosphere taking into account the solution possible problems psychological or gaming nature.

Corporate quest: concept and meaning

In the modern entertainment industry, quests are gaining more and more popularity - active team games with many puzzles and tasks, the chain of which leads to some goal.

The key point of this game may be a time limit or solving all problems before achieving the final result. Interactive quests originate from computer games of the same name, which is why they are often called quests in reality.

As corporate team building events, quests are received with a bang.
Their popularity is explained by the exciting team game, which fuels curiosity and promotes involuntary communication between participants.

Advantages of quests for corporate events

The benefits of this type of entertainment for corporate events can hardly be overestimated. Since it has a number of advantages:

  • Formation of important qualities for working interaction
    During the quest, participants learn cooperation and mutual assistance, consciously choose a leader and obey him, distribute areas of responsibility, make constructive decisions in tense situations and under tight deadlines. These qualities are necessary for successful teamwork.
  • Fashion and originality
    “Fresh” trends in corporate parties are gradually replacing banquets and other outdated forms of office celebrations. Creative ideas, activity and energy “charge” the team with positive energy and set them up for productive work.
  • Involvement of everyone present
    The format of the event requires equally active participation of all members of the team - there are no observers or secondary participants.
  • Individual approach to program development
    During the preparation of a corporate quest, the interests of employees, their composition, and level of intellectual or physical fitness are taken into account.

The team game program and its implementation can be ordered from an event agency or prepared on your own.

Types of corporate quests

The classification of types of team games depends on their location and genre diversity.

Most popular types

The following types of quests are most often used at corporate events:

Role-playing (character) quest

This is one of the most inexpensive corporate events in the quest format. The essence of this game is to transform the participants into other images. To do this, each player receives a card describing his new role. His task is to fit into the described image as much as possible. The outcome of the game depends on acting skills and internal “reboot”. According to the script, you will need to build new relationships, unravel intrigues and even fall in love.

The themes of such quests can be varied - historical sketches, detective stories, melodramatic pictures, fantastic tales, action adventure, etc. Any venue can also be chosen - an office, an open air space, a banquet hall... Details in role playing games a little, since he plays a minor role. The main goal of the participants is to open up in communication with others, achieving their goals.

Searches in a closed room

The goal of this type of game is to escape a confined space within a certain time. As a rule, the number of participants in such quests is small - up to five people. They find themselves in a locked room filled with riddles, puzzles and many amazing things. Looking for clues, they need to open the lock with the found key and go “free”.
Quest rooms can not only exist in specially equipped places. To organize a corporate quest, specialists go to the customer and bring with them everything necessary to create a gaming space.

City quest

This is quite active entertainment for a large number of people. Without being limited to the walls of an office or restaurant, participants move around the city (sometimes using bicycles or cars), completing tasks and looking for clues in various places. One of the types of such corporate events is a quest tour - a combination of a quest with a bus tour of the city.

Active outdoor quest

This type of team game is held at a recreation center or in another suburban area, where you can not only get in touch with nature, but also practice navigation. Often such games in open areas are associated with performing sports tasks.

“Pulsating” quest

In this case, active team game echoes a more relaxed type of corporate event - a banquet. Such events take place in the banquet hall and do not violate the table format.

To prevent those present from getting bored, the organizers occasionally “shake them up” with short 15-minute game breaks. They are usually connected by one storyline. At the end of the banquet, the climax comes - the revelation of the main intrigue of the game.

Quest genres

Based on genre diversity, the following types of quests can be distinguished:

  • Historical
    Participants are reincarnated as famous historical characters or find themselves “abandoned” in any historical era. They will have to unravel the intrigues and mysteries of the past.
  • Detective
    Investigating crimes and finding the criminal is a key goal similar games. Often the criminal is discovered among the participants, and this intrigue lasts until the last minute.
  • Creative
    These are multi-layered tasks, as a result of which you need not only to solve all the riddles and achieve the final result, but also to create a creative product - draw a picture, make a film, etc. The creative process will be constantly hampered by suddenly appearing obstacles and inexplicable things that need to be eliminated as soon as possible.
  • Adventure
    These events involve numerous tests, the completion of which depends on the cohesion of the team of participants. These can be tasks for endurance, dexterity and other physical qualities, intellectual puzzles, tasks to test the strength of team spirit, etc.
  • Extreme
    This is entertainment for thrill-seekers, in which the game is closely intertwined with reality. Before going through a series of tasks, participants must overcome their fear. Often scripts for such entertainment are written based on thrillers.
  • Business games
    The purpose of these events is to create a new business project. Such quests are closest to the participants by the nature of their professional activities. Often, customers of corporate quests ask organizers to create a scenario for a corporate quest in the style of an quest in accordance with their work tasks in order to immerse players in an environment as close as possible to everyday work.

Principles for constructing assignments

Quest games of any type can be subject to the following principles for constructing tasks:

  • Games with helpers
    At each stage of the event, disguised presenters guide participants, giving them impetus or hints for further actions.
  • “Links of the same chain”
    From a team building point of view, these are the most productive quest tasks for a corporate event.

    Each participant is a link in a single chain in the game, without which the common goal will not be achieved.
    This applies to collecting information, finding clues, and completing a certain part of the task. Often such events involve the use of a vast territory - each mini-team can perform its task in different parts of the city.

Stages of organizing a corporate quest

Choosing a venue for a team game

Depending on weather conditions and time of year, events can be held indoors or outdoors.

  • In summer
    Better to choose fresh air— a recreation center, the territory of a sanatorium, a dacha, a forest, a park or a cozy place within the city with gazebos, benches, green spaces, etc. Professional agencies organize colorful and vibrant off-site quests for corporate events anywhere, bringing with them decorations, props and costumes.
  • In winter or cool weather, in rainy weather
    You should focus on corporate events in closed spaces. This could be one spacious room with many tables for a large number of participants, a small enclosed space, or several rooms.
    The most common places are office, banquet hall, shopping entertainment centers, equipped quest room, cafe or restaurant, premises of a recreation center or sanatorium, country house.

Initial preparations

  • Determining the Goal of the Game
    Depending on the topic and location, a quest at a corporate party can pursue one of the key goals: getting to know the city, unleashing creative potential, team building, etc.
  • Filling a corporate event with a specific plot
    The plot is selected based on the interests of the employees. As a rule, this is the theme of famous films, works of art or legends.
    Examples of event themes are detective stories based on Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christie, adventure quest with pirates or cowboys for a corporate party, various science fiction stories (the invention of the elixir of youth or the powder of immortality), etc.
  • Formation of teams
    The optimal number of people for the quest is about ten. If the audience is large, create several teams of 5-7 participants each, otherwise not everyone will have time to prove themselves in completing the tasks.
  • Determining the duration of a corporate event
    The quest itself takes about two hours. add here an introductory briefing (it can last up to half an hour) and a 15-minute final reflection. Often after the game there is a small buffet or post-quest party where participants exchange their experiences and emotions.

Development of a corporate quest script

Before filling the event scenario with tasks, decide on the principle of the game.

You can play in three ways:

  • for time tracking,
  • by the number of points
  • until the end of the task.

In addition, there are quests:

  • linear
    in this case, you need to move on to the next stage of the game only after solving the previous one.
  • nonlinear
    the non-linear type is more often used for a large audience with several teams.

Travel route

The first thing you need to start with is drawing up a route for the participants. In order not to tire the players, there is no need to take too many stopping points - 8-10 will be enough. The distance between them is determined taking into account many factors - the age of the participants, the area of ​​the playing area, the principle of movement.

For walking quests, you should not go beyond the 1 km mark. Players can move along pieces of the collected map or according to clues received at each point.

Tasks for the game

The selection of game tasks is the next important detail in preparing a quest script for a corporate event. They should be of different difficulty levels, but you shouldn’t choose ones that are too easy or too confusing so that the game doesn’t stall.

If participants cannot complete tasks, offer them additional hints or easier tasks for penalty points.

Possible types of tasks are puzzles (charades, rebuses, logic problems etc.), tasks with props, active actions, tasks with an alternative reality (look at the card through a special program on your smartphone).

How to make a quest interesting and effective: some organizational details

You can organize a corporate quest yourself or seek help from specialists.
Specialized agencies will provide everything you need, from an individualized script to room decoration and costumes.

For those who decide to hold the event themselves, drawing up a quest script for a corporate event is only a small part of the work. When preparing and organizing an event, pay attention to the following points:

  • Selection of the key idea on which the plot component and the principle of constructing tasks depend
  • Detailed description of the role of each participant (or mini-group)
  • Calculation of possible unplanned situations that can slow down the progress of the game, and search for their solutions
  • Thinking through additional tips if tasks turn out to be too difficult for players
  • Colorful design of the game venue to immerse participants in its atmosphere
  • Preparing an appropriate set of “artifacts” and other details
  • The presenter has organizational skills, the ability to interest participants in the idea of ​​the game, smooth out conflict situations and set up productive teamwork.
  • Awarding the winners and participants, holding a photo session at the end of the game
  • Complementing the corporate event with a small buffet and background music.

How to attract a team to the game: ideas for quest situations

To interest employees and involve them in the game, you need to come up with an intriguing beginning - the so-called backstory. We offer you several examples of how interesting it is to invite colleagues to the “playing field”.

Option 1: Email

The event organizer sends emails to all participants informing them of the theft from the company’s servers important information. Every employee of the company is invited to investigate this intricate crime - the time and place of the party are announced.

Option 2. Planned vacation with “interference”

This idea is suitable for preparing a quest for a corporate event in nature in the summer. At a general meeting, you agree to hold the event at a recreation center or other country premises. Arriving at the place, the participants realize that inexplicable things are happening and find themselves drawn into a strange investigation.

Option 3. Stealing the bonus

A stolen bonus is a great motivation for employees to pass a multi-level test and get their money back.
At a general meeting in the office, the boss reads out a solemn speech and congratulates everyone present on the award, but suddenly it turns out that someone has stolen the key to the safe with money.

The task of those present is to find the key to the safe using the clues left by the attacker.

Quests for corporate parties are one of the most exciting and useful types of leisure time. To interest all participants in an intriguing event, you need to think through every little detail.

However, the result will be worth it - unforgettable impressions will warm with memories of a bright holiday for a long time, and the united team after the game will go out to new level communication and cooperation.

Video examples of corporate quests and games

Watch video examples of corporate quests and games that take place both outdoors and indoors.

Do you want to give a birthday (or other occasion) gift to your loved ones in an unusual way? There is a great solution - test your ingenuity and ingenuity! Let the gift not come so easily. The hero of the occasion must find a gift, following cunning clues that will gradually lead him to his cherished goal.

This quest (tasks) is suitable for both children from 8 years old and adults (for example, husband, wife, friend, young man, etc.).

Quest script for finding a gift

  1. You hand the birthday boy a beautifully packaged small box, and in it lies a crumpled note. (you can fill the box with confetti, raffia, strips of paper, etc., so that you still have to find the note):

You didn't expect such a gift -

A piece of paper gathered into a ball?

But this is just the beginning of the marathon!

You'll have to work hard, my friend!

To get the first clue, solve the riddle:

Two bellies, four ears - what is it?

Answer: pillow.

The next riddle lies under any pillow in the apartment (on which they sleep or in sofa, decorative pillows).

  1. Hint #2

Choose a book from your home library. Now you need to make up a word for the next hide and seek place from numbers that will indicate the page, row and serial number of the desired letter.

We write on paper by hand or print it out. We put the note in this book, and the book under the pillow. Encrypt the word PLATE (You can also add color or purpose for complexity, for example, GREEN PLATE, SOUP PLATE).

For example:

The note will look like this (“address” of each letter on a new line):

page row. letter(we don’t indicate this in the note, the detective must guess what these numbers are)

That is, the letter " T" is located in your book on page 150, row 10 from the top, and it is the 4th letter from the beginning of the line. It seems like it takes a long time, but in fact everything is easy and quick to do. It will be interesting for the quest participant, the main thing is to remember, well, or write down the letters.

P.S. Instead of a plate there can be: a flower pot, a favorite cup, the bottom of a lid. In general, anything, but the bottom of something is better. 🙂

3.Hint #3

Glue to the bottom of the selected plate (or something else) QR code. You can download it here ->

How to use the application:

  1. Take mobile phone with a camera,
  2. Launch the program to scan the code,
  3. Point the camera lens at the code,
  4. Get the information!

You'll have to be well prepared. 🙂 If a detective looks at the code like you know who (there have been cases:), then don’t give up, let him think. Well, or give him the phone and let him try to call you.

The following is encoded: It's time to refresh yourself, my friend! Eat a delicious pie!

As an option: if it’s not possible, or you didn’t have time to print it, then tip #2 we encode the word not plate, but COMPUTER (laptop, tablet), because The code can also be read from the monitor or tablet screen. The quest participant must lift the lid of the laptop, or move the mouse on the PC, turn on the tablet, and there will be a picture with a code open.

  1. Hint #4

Prepare a separate pie (bun, cupcake, cake) in advance (either bake it yourself and hide a note inside, or buy a pie and put the hint at the bottom of the plate/box in a small bag.) You can put it in the refrigerator.

In the hint: Get the word right and you'll get the next clue!

The letters are written randomly (preferably in different colors), or you can cut out each letter separately and put it in a small envelope and attach it to the note.

We write the letters of the next cache: OVEN

Alternatively: microwave, bottle, pan, coffee pot.

  1. Hint #5

We continue our home quest to find a gift.

In the oven (can be hidden under pans and pots if they are stored in the oven) the following task:

A little more, a little more! And the difficult journey will end!

Solve the riddle and get the following clue:

In a fairy tale he can fly,

At home - become a decoration.

Answer: Carpet

  1. Hint #6

Let's hide the next message under the rug! It’s good if there are several carpets in the apartment, the search will take longer!

There's a mystery under the carpet:

Round, smooth like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash,

It will fly away beyond the clouds.

Answer: balloon

Prepare a balloon.

  1. Hint #7

Place the following clue in the balloon and inflate it. The ball itself must be hidden somewhere, let the quest participant look carefully, it’s not so simple)).

Examples of hide and seek: on/in the closet, under the bed, on the balcony, in a bag.

As an option: you can inflate several opaque balloons so that you still need to determine which balloon contains the clue. You can also use a helium balloon.

To get the clue, you need to burst the ball.

The test participant finds a task in the ball where he must guess the place of hide and seek.

In the note: Next clue in white high-rise building!

Answer: closet.(replace with the color of your cabinet)

We hide the note on a shelf in the largest closet in the house so that a piece of paper (an envelope, a tail of string tied to the note) sticks out.

  1. Hint #8

Hint found in the closet:

Just a little left! Well done!

The centipede will help you find the next clue,

who has a back, but never lies down!

Answer: chair

We hide the next clue on the chair (glue it to the bottom or to the leg with tape).

9. Hint #9

There is one last step left and the quest to find the gift will be completed!

In the last clue under the chair:

Looks like the whim was a success!

You were able to find the answer to everything!

And you can get your prize

Where does the sun's light come from!

Answer: window

Hiding the gift behind the curtains on the windowsill!

Cards for the quest

To save time during preparation, we suggest purchasing a set of ready-made cards for the quest (in in electronic format) for only 65 rubles.

You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 minutes) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the “Place an order” button. You will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill out the fields and select a convenient payment method.

All you have to do is print it out and hide it around your apartment.
What is included:
1. Cards with tasks (the text of the cards is adapted separately for girls and boys)
2. Blank cards for your own corrections or assignments
3. Individual letters (of the entire alphabet) for task No. 4
4. QR code (encryption for this scenario)
5. Additionally - a stylish “happy birthday” card. It can be attached to a gift that the player finds.

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 10 minutes. (check your spam folder), then write to us immediately in tech. support (address below), we will resend.

By placing an order (by clicking on the “place order” button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site.

A home quest (in this case, more like an “office quest”) is a chain of several tasks. Each task is a beautifully designed card with an entertaining puzzle, the solution of which indicates the place or object where the next task is hidden. Players must solve all the problems sequentially and at the final stage find a gift or congratulation. In other words this game also called “searching for a gift using notes,” although the purpose of the search is not always a gift. In the case of a corporate quest, this is simply a great opportunity to entertain, congratulate and at the same time unite the men of your office.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are completed in several versions - each option has its own answer. This is made to make it easier for you to select places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Please note that the words are grouped together. Within a group, answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words we also indicate whether it is intended for of this assignment sample.

Calendar/calculator, battery/picture, keyboard/phone, ice/tea, glass/mat, book/folder, shelf/cooler/template, mirror/wardrobe, plant/bedside table/template, lamp/window sill/template, cash register/sofa/ template, coffee maker/copier, chair/marker, sink/figurine/template.

Description of tasks

Below is short description each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. Task “Mustachioed Cipher”

It is necessary to solve a simple but very interesting “mustachioed” cipher.

2. Task “Secret Message”

3. Quest “Great Battles”

History knowledge task. It is necessary to remember the great military battles in order to find the key to the solution.

4. Task “Count the cubes”

5. Task “Football clubs”

There will definitely be football fans in the team. They will be able to complete this task!

6. Question

Interesting question about an office item.

7. Task “Tablets”

An interesting puzzle for imaginative thinking and the ability to concentrate.

8. Task “National drinks”

It is necessary to remember national drinks different countries to decipher the clue word.

9. Task “Draw a star”

You need to draw a star in a certain way to read the clue.

10. Task “Auto-puzzle”

11. Task “Hint”

Take the “hint” shown on the card and find out where to go next!

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates into which you can write your own tasks.

We'll tell you what quest ideas you can use to open own business. Learn how to choose the most suitable topic without making mistakes.

The method of having a fun time in search of various clues, solving problems and puzzles is not new, but it came to Russia only in 2012. This is not only an interesting idea for shared leisure time, corporate parties and family holidays, but also a promising idea for business.

How to come up with quests yourself and which ideas are the most profitable? The answers to these and other questions are in a new article.

Quest as a good business idea

Quest rooms or quest rooms are a popular area of ​​the event business, along with attractions and game rooms. Performance interesting tasks within one or several rooms, or an entire city - an excellent alternative to a regular feast, a trip to nature, or another way to have a pleasant and interesting time.

Opening your own business in this field is not difficult. You need a room, task scenarios and the necessary props. The organizational form for registering a business is individual entrepreneur. OKVED 92.72 - “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups.”

Such a business is promising in cities where the population is slightly over 400,000 people. In some small cities there are no quest rooms at all or only 1-2 such establishments operate.

With a competent approach to marketing, studying the competitive environment and offering quality services, the revenue of a quest room with 3-4 groups of visitors on weekdays and 8-10 on weekends will be 252,000 rubles per month. According to analysts, the profitability of this business idea exceeds 100%.

Comparison table between strong and weaknesses business ideas for opening a questroom:

Weak sides Strengths
Difficulties in coming up with and implementing original ideas Cooperation with cafes, restaurants, hotels, children's playrooms will become a source of stable income
Negative reviews will spoil the impression of the location and weaken customer interest Your own website and social networks are an effective way to attract new customers
Not all clients like prepayment work, and without it there is a high risk of customer no-show The key to success is friendly staff, interesting surroundings and originality of adventures
The need to frequently change the program in each location, otherwise the interest of visitors will disappear Convenient work schedule. Easy to adapt to customer wishes
Prospects for business expansion. In one city you can open several questrooms with different locations

Why do people participate in quests?

Reasons why people willingly choose this type of holiday:

  • this is an interesting pastime (in 1 hour the team solves 15-20 sequential and parallel problems);
  • an opportunity to escape from everyday worries and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game;
  • training for intelligence;
  • testing your abilities and reaction speed in situations requiring quick decision making;
  • the opportunity to see your friends, work colleagues, family members from a new perspective;
  • a way to tickle your nerves, get extreme sensations, and show your hidden talents and abilities;
  • gaining new experience;
  • getting pleasure, positive emotions;
  • a memorable way to celebrate a birthday, February 23, March 8, company anniversary, wedding, or any other memorable event.

Participation in quests is a way to unite the team. This type of leisure is one of the team building tools that shows the role of each employee in the team.

Quests are not limited to the territory shopping center or a closed questroom. Some of them involve moving around the city. Players then use scooters, bicycles or cars to quickly move around in search of clues.

If you don't know the city well, this is good way get to know it or look at long-familiar places with fresh eyes.

What types of quests are there?

The types of this fun leisure activity vary by location, theme, focus, age of participants (family for moms, dads and children, 18+ (erotic), children's, economic, intellectual, wedding).

Let's take a closer look at the most common directions.

Quest room (Questroom)

This is a special room (one or several rooms) with a themed interior, inside which various tips and tasks are hidden. The players' task is to find clues, go through all stages of the test and get out of the questroom.

Each room has a separate stylistic design, immersing participants in the fabulous atmosphere of the gaming action. Lighting and musical accompaniment(depending on the scenario and equipment of the establishment).

Live quests

This type involves the distribution of roles between players according to the proposed scenario. The basis of a reality game is the script of a book, film, or computer game, which “comes to life” through the efforts of the players. This form of quest is used to unite the team, as a group psychotherapeutic method.

Children and adults can take part in the live quest. For children, plots from children's works and cartoons are used as scripts.

Outdoor quest

You can play not only indoors, but also outdoors. Outdoor form - searching for treasure, passing various tests, holding relay races in nature. It complements a corporate trip, birthday celebration, or leisure time at a children's camp as an entertainment program for schoolchildren and students.

City quests

Have you not yet settled into a new city or, on the contrary, are you very familiar with your native places? Take part in the city quest. Look for clues on the sidewalks, walls of houses, solve riddles to find the final point of the game route before others.


Participation in this program is a great way to test your speed of thinking, resourcefulness, and ability to quickly navigate a situation. The goal is to find a way out of a labyrinth room or confusing passages and passages built in the open air. Going through labyrinths is equally enjoyed by adults and children.

Children's questroom

This is a room with a children's interior, designed for active games, searching for treasure, solving riddles, finding a way out of the maze. The complexity of the tasks and the duration of the event depend on the age of the participants. For younger children school age some scenarios include the participation of adults (animators, presenters, parents).

A virtual reality

Want to spice up your favorite computer game? An indoor quest with a themed interior and “revived” characters from the famous computer saga performed by real actors - maximum immersion in virtual reality.

Depending on the chosen scenario, you will have to overcome difficulties, face dangers, negotiate with “evil heroes” or “kill” them.

TOP 5 popular ideas for quests

There are many ready-made scenarios, but consider even the best methods only as an example, a basis for creating your own unique idea.

We bring to your attention 5 examples of the most popular ideas as a source of inspiration for developing your own game program.

Idea 1. Quest with notes

The essence of the idea is simple: participants find the first note with a task or riddle, after solving it they will find the next clue and so on along the chain. The outcome of the game is finding the treasure, receiving symbolic prizes and souvenirs, or leaving the questroom. For a 1 hour program you will need 15-20 notes.

You can even play this game at home or in the office. Pick up tasks with hints, hide them in different places in the apartment and play. This is an original way to give a birthday gift, confess your feelings or just relieve boredom.

Idea 2. Quest with a map

You can go through the stages of the quest with a map on the scale of an apartment, a house yard, or even a city. Take a map of the area - draw a schematic plan of a house or yard with landmarks, as well as cross dots indicating places where “artifacts” are hidden.

Connect the artifacts with each other according to their meaning (for example, the pieces of a puzzle, connecting which you will get a solution image) so that they become the key to the answer.

Idea 3. Photo quest

Participants are divided into teams and given a map or route diagram and a camera. The route map indicates the locations where the objects that need to be photographed are located. At the end of the game, the teams show their photos to the presenter. He evaluates the speed and quality of each team’s task and announces the winner.

The second version of the photo quest is the use of photographs and images as clues for finding the key or solution to the task.

Idea 4. Quest “by the arrows”

The mechanics of this game are elementary. Participants are over 3 years old. For the game, draw arrows pointing to the next location. Play in the apartment, in the forest, in the park, in the yard. Overcoming obstacles on the way from location to location will complicate the process and make the quest interesting and dynamic.

Idea 5. Quests with riddles and puzzles

Do you like anagrams, puzzles and riddles? A dynamic intellectual quest is an excellent memory and thinking training. The answer to each of the tasks will smoothly lead you to deciphering the main riddle and receiving a symbolic prize - a comic medal, a certificate or a funny souvenir.

The advantage of this adventure is that it can be carried out anywhere, even during a long journey in an airplane or car.

A prison, a detective solving a crime, a mysterious street, finding a way out in an empty room are the most popular ideas for a game plot.

The choice of topics for quest scenarios depends on the target audience for which you are preparing the program. Consider the age of the participants, their interests, and professional activities.

Regardless of the chosen topic, the program should contain 10-20 tasks on logic, intelligence, physical activity, observation, sensory organs, as well as several “wow-effects”, that is, unexpected turns of events, finds.

The program is often based on the plot of a film, computer game or book. Choose those topics that are at the peak of popularity today. Always relevant " star Wars", adventure historical stories (pirates, robbers), computer games(“Minecraft”, “Resident Evil”, “Lara Croft”).

When compiling a program based on a film or game, carefully study the source. You don't have to play it exactly storyline.

Take a mechanic, a character, or one of the episodes that can easily be developed into an interesting, unique story. For maximum immersion “into the theme” you will need costumes, surroundings, props, and interior decor.

For psychotherapeutic quests, the leader must know exactly the problem that the participants want to “play” for psycho-emotional release.

5 common mistakes when organizing a quest

It’s easy to make a mistake when organizing a program by choosing the wrong props, not taking into account the specifics of the event location, or being too clever with the script.

Mistake 1: Using fragile props

Any props that can tear or break are not suitable for the event. It will deteriorate and cannot be reused. Shards are a potential risk of injury. This is a bad reputation for a questroom. Even if no one gets hurt from the spoiled props, visitors are unlikely to like it.

Use beautiful, interesting props as decoration for a photo zone. Unusual surroundings and a themed interior are a way to attract the attention of customers.

Mistake 2. The game is too long (lack of dynamism)

Even if the quest is based on puzzles and riddles, it should have dynamics. Diversify the list of tasks with dynamic tasks, add “wow” effects, for example, unexpected actions that players need to perform in order to get the next puzzle. Tasks must constantly replace each other. There shouldn't be too many or too few.

Play with problems from mathematics and physics to make their solution dynamic. Invite guests to test some laws of physics in practice by conducting simple experiments

Mistake 3. Neglecting safety precautions

The place where the event is held must meet fire safety standards and sanitary requirements. This is especially important for children's quests that involve dynamic movements of participants.

Make sure that all locations, props, and the process of completing tasks are not hazardous. This requirement is mandatory for all types of quests (away, city and even home, organized for preschoolers).

Mistake 4. Incommensurability between the scale of the location and the number of participants

In a spacious room, a small group of participants is forced to look for clues longer and spend more time solving problems. In cramped conditions, a large company, especially one consisting of men or teenagers, will not be able to quickly move from point to point or perform relay tasks.

Make sure that the number of guests corresponds to the area of ​​the quest room and, if it exceeds the optimal one, then only by 1-2 people.

Error 5. The quest stages are not united by one theme

If all the stages of the game are not interconnected and there is no connection between them, you will not end up with a quest, but simply a set of game tasks, after completing which the participants will not understand the general idea of ​​​​the event.

If you are organizing a thematic quest based on a movie or game, take as a basis not only the images of the heroes or the main confrontation between antiheroes, but also the plot mechanisms so that the participants can indirectly guess what awaits them in the next location.

The single meaning of all actions and tasks that participants have to perform in order to achieve the main goal is the difference between a quest and role-playing sports games.


  1. Anyone can write a quest. The main thing is to focus on the audience for whom the program is being written, and read reviews from participants in different programs.
  2. To promote a new gaming program, use prizes for the winners: souvenirs, tickets to a concert, to a club.
  3. Organizing fun adventures for a group of players is a profitable type of business.
  4. Don't buy expensive paraphernalia for locations. You can do a lot of things with your own hands or borrow them for free from neighbors or friends.
  5. (3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)
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