Walkthrough of the game secrets of the ranch. Walkthrough of the game Nancy Drew: The Mystery of Shadow Ranch

As usual, at the very beginning we select the difficulty level of the passage between “Junior” and “Senior Detective”, which will later affect the complexity of some puzzles. For example, on “Senior” you have to assemble a picture from ten parts instead of five, and there is also no list of tasks in the notebook - figure out what they say yourself. As before, if you fail, if you were kicked out of the ranch, bitten by a snake, picked the wrong vegetables, or you didn’t have time somewhere, you can always launch a “second chance”, and the game will continue right before the problem point.
So, Nancy must investigate her next mystery, this time she was brought to an ordinary American ranch. After the introduction, look around the room. Look at your phone and read your email. There will be a message from your old friends - Bess and George, who want to talk to you, and urgently. Looking ahead a little, we will say that we will not be allowed to see them in person again, we will only have to listen to their advice over the phone. Select the name Rawleys from the menu and hang up the phone. Chat with Ed and Beth, Uncle and Aunt Bess and George. As it turns out, Ed was bitten by a snake that snuck into their bedroom, and not just some harmless snake, but a real poisonous rattlesnake. Some kind of ghost horse will also be mentioned in the conversation, but so far no one has bothered to explain to Nancy what it is eaten with. Now call Bess Marvin, from whom you will learn that their plane was delayed, and she and George seem to be stuck at the airport for a long time. By the way, they will continue to communicate in this way throughout the game, then the flight will be delayed again, then the fog will prevent the flight, etc.
Flip through the entertaining book on the table next to the fireplace (with pictures) to understand the different breeds of horses. Look at the broken clock on the mantel and the newspaper in the left corner, all by the same fireplace. On the bookshelf on the left you will find a second book on horse breeding, telling you how to properly feed horses and so on. You can unearth another book on the opposite book stand. Look at the portrait of a woman on the wall - this is Frances Humber, however, for now this still doesn’t mean anything. Finally, listen to the disappointing weather forecast on the radio and move to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, look at the refrigerator with magnets, look through the notes and pay attention to the sheriff's phone number, which will immediately end up in your notebook on your mobile phone. Do you like to cook? Then be sure to open the box with recipes on the table in the center of the room. Then talk to the cook, who has been stirring something on the stove all this time. This guy will tell you about a strange horse that jumps outside your window at night. He will also tell you a sad legend about a certain bandit (it is the ghost of his horse that prevents everyone from sleeping), who fell in love with the sheriff’s daughter (and you saw her image in the portrait) and... was eventually caught and hanged. Since then, the ghost of his horse has been running around the area and preventing local residents from taking walks at night.
Go out into the backyard, go into the stables, look at the vegetables in the beds and talk to Dave, who is hanging around next to the chicken coop. He will tell you about the ghostly horse and at the same time give you the key that the ranch owners left him. Return to the room where you started and use the key to open the top lid of the table to the left of the fireplace, under the portrait of a bull's head. Grab three strange levers from here and a letter for Mary Yazzie. Also look at the equipment sale note and read the threatening letter from Jane Nash.

Next stop is the stables. Talk to the head cowboy, Tex, who will let you ride his horse if you get some necessary items and also answer all his questions. So, you need to get a hat, gloves, a flask of water, a saddle and a bridle. You will ride a horse named Bob, then you can look at him in the stall. Now take a look at the saddle and gloves on the pin next to the "Bob" sign. There is no need to take them now, since there is still a lot of work to do, and they won’t let you go outside the stable with them - you will still have to return them back. Grab the hat lying on the barrel. Afterwards, go to the kitchen and talk to the cook, trying to beg him for a flask. He'll immediately enlist you to gather ripe vegetables for him, build a picnic fire in the yard, and fetch a bucket of water.
Head to the backyard again. Remove the tray from the wall, it is next to the thermometer, take the red bucket from the fireplace, and take out a strange note from the coals. Go to the sunflower beds, here you will collect vegetables. To figure out what ripe fruits should look like, go to the Internet from your mobile phone and select the search - “picking vegetables.” Then take a tray on the wall of the house, next to the door, and collect all the vegetables that have already “reached condition”. Take them to the cook, he will give you a basket to collect the eggs. True, unfortunately, it is full of holes, with a broken side. I'm not kidding. In general, get acquainted with your first puzzle. You need to collect all the pieces of the basket so that the pattern matches, you can still turn them over. When you insert the twig into the right place, you will hear a corresponding sound, and after that you will no longer be able to move it. At the "Junior" level, solving this puzzle will be a little easier, although at the "Senior" level it will not be so difficult. When you assemble everything correctly, a red rope will appear on the right. Click on it, you will tie the broken pieces together, restoring the integrity of the basket, and you can go for the eggs.
Talk to Dave next to the chicken coop and start collecting eggs. Don't touch that chicken that has a warning sign nailed next to it - it will simply peck you. If you try again to disturb this feathered misunderstanding, you will listen to angry comments from your aunt and uncle, and the game will end ingloriously. Basically, collect all the “safe” eggs, then go to the kitchen (because you have to), return to the chicken coop and pick up the last egg from the cage of an aggressive laying hen who has wandered off somewhere. Take your harvest to the cook and ask him for a flask. Do you know how to make a fire? It's time to remember how this is done, because that's what we'll do right now. Let's start by collecting branches. Go out into the yard and grab branches: to the left of the porch (if you stand with your back to the garden and look at the house), to the right of the wooden shed with red peeling paint, by the fence between the beds, to the right of the entrance door to the chicken coop. From the last place, turn 180 degrees and pick up the last branch from the rusty cart and cactus.
Now let's chop some wood. This new puzzle. Go to the ax and logs and get ready to swing the sledgehammer. Here you need to correctly set two indicators (after placing a wooden log with a wedge on a stump): the angle of impact and the location of the impact, marked by footprints. Then click on the image of the sledgehammer and... look at your own mistake. Then adjust and hit again. Sooner or later you will succeed. As a result, you should cut all three logs in half. Collect them and go into the house. Take two newspapers from the fireplace (at the same time you will read about the bank robbery) and carry all your belongings to the place where you will make a fire. Place the crumpled newspaper first, then the branches and finally the logs. If you do everything right, the chef will come out of the house and praise your work. All that remains is to fill the red bucket with water in the red barn and place it next to the sun loungers.

It's time to take a horse ride. Go to the stables and talk to Tex, he will tell you that you can go. Don't forget to look at the poster with the horse and the names of different parts of its body, this will come in handy later. Take the saddle and gloves and put it on Bob. Raise the stirrup and tighten the girth several times until the seat is tight enough. Now get on horseback, Tech will start asking his questions. The list of questions and correct answers is given below:

Where's the horse's hock? (On its back legs.)
- Where's the horse's frog? (On the bottom of hoof.)
- How tall is a horse that"s fifteen hands? (Five feet.)
- What kind of a horse is a Paso Fino? (A gaited horse.)
- How do you know if a horse is colicking? (It keeps lying down and then standing up.)
- What is the difference between a bay and a chestnut? (A bay has black points.)
- What tribe bred the first Appaloosas? (The Nez Perce.)
- What part of the horse is most likely to be hurt when it founders? (Its feet.)
- What part of the saddle should be checked before you go out on the trail? (The cinch.)
- What is a mule? (The offspring of a female horse and male donkey.)

That’s it, the coach was happy and allowed me to ride around the area. Drive out the gate and select Mary's Gifts on the map.
Go inside the gift shop and look at the chest with the inscription "eh ah". Below the inscription there are three holes into which you can insert your pens, but how to turn them remains to be seen. Look at the pictures in the two albums by the window, just under the “closed” sign. And look at the folder with the big letters "FH" on the cover. At the other window, look through the brochure "Arizona's petrified world". Play the game on the slot machine - you must, by clicking on the arrows, guide the bird from one corner of the screen to the other - to where the hole is. Two coyotes will hunt for it, so you must deceive them. In one move you can move the icon only one square, opponents also move one square per turn. The main thing is to lure them closer to you, and then run to the hole. In total you need to overcome three levels, you will receive a coin as a reward. Look at the books writer Charleena Purcell, remember her phone number - 917-555-7962, it will be in the phone book. Look at the small photo of the horsewoman behind the counter and talk about everything with the saleswoman of this souvenir shop. Pass her the envelope you took in the conversation at the ranch. She was going to buy something from the Rawleys, but they didn't seem very happy with her offer. Talk to her about her horse, about the token you won in the machine, and about the chest. It turns out she never knows how to open it. Look at the "eh-ah" chest again, Mary will agree to give you some of its contents if you open it. Leave the house (apparently, the mobile phone does not work inside the house) and call Charleena.
At first her agent will ask for a long time why you decided to bother such a great writer, but then he will connect you. She will tell you that the initials on the chest belong to: EH - Eldridge Humber, AH - Abigail Humber, and the drawing with doves itself is probably dedicated to the date of their wedding - April 9, 1811. Now you know how to open the chest. You need to reproduce this date (4-9-1811) using three pens, however, there are no numbers here. Each handle has 12 positions (like on a watch). They need to be arranged as follows, the first at 4 “o’clock”, the second at 9, and the third at 11. Having opened the chest, take the watch, you can take the rest of the things, but you can still leave the house with only one item. Return to the ranch.

Remove the saddle from the horse and place it where you got it, on the beam in the utility room next to the groom Tex. Several objects will fall to the ground, pick up the blue envelope. From it you will learn that Jane Nash is Tex's sister. Immediately, without leaving the cash register, talk to Tex, who will try to get out of such a relationship. In the kitchen, talk to the cook about Mary. Go to the room with the fireplace, look at the triangular chest in the corner with birds. There are three of them: red, yellow and blue. Each bird has a hole just right for your hands. As before, you need to place each handle and turn it to the desired position. Look at the broken clock above the fireplace. Take a closer look at them, they are painted in different colors - red marks are at 12, yellow - at 7 and blue - at 2 o'clock. Accordingly, insert the handles into the chest and turn them: blue - to 2, red - to 12 and yellow - to 7 o'clock. A secret door will open, where you will find a Maryl Humber magazine, an envelope for Frances (with a map) and a watch. Insert the chain into the watch and it will open.
Now you must open their secret bottom by solving a simple puzzle. On this watch you can press buttons 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. Each time the puzzle changes, so there is no clear and unique solution. The principle is simple - press any number, then another, if they remain pressed, then you have made the right choice. Eventually, you must press all 6 numbers. The watch will reveal its secret, and you can pick up the chain and look at a photograph of two old-fashioned people. You still have a second watch like this, remember? Look at them in your inventory, open them using a piece of the chain from the first clock and solve the second puzzle in the same way. This time you can press 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. When you decide, you will see half of the photo. Turn it over and read the inscription "green bottle under". Call Charlene and tell her about your discoveries. Then go out into the yard. There will be a small performance: the cook will play the guitar and sing, and the rest of the workers will hurl curses at him. Honestly, there's a reason... Finally, you'll see a ghost horse rush past the ranch and break the pump.
The morning will come and Beth will call you. After talking with her, call the sheriff back. Go to the kitchen, the cook has left, open and examine the table in the right corner. Look at the geological map, at this moment Shorty will catch you. Apologize and ask what you can do to help him. To begin with, he will ask you to bring him the ripest vegetables, just like yesterday. If you forgot what they should look like, look it up on the Internet from your phone. Take the tray on the wall of the house, near the door. As you approach the beds, you will hear some noise - it’s a rattlesnake. To prevent it from biting you, do not go between two beds, but look at them from the side of the sunflowers. Or come next time. Take the vegetables to the cook, he will ask you to bring him eggs as well. Don't forget about the biting hen. Shorty won't find this enough, and he'll ask you to make a birthday cake for Tex, saying it's his birthday today. Finally, ask him for a flask.
Look in the box on the table and read the recipe for Shadow Ranch Cake. Then look at the table next to the stove. As if by magic, all the necessary ingredients will appear on it. Place two sticks of butter, five (1/3 scoop) cups of milk, two eggs, three teaspoons of bakery powder, 2 pints (large scoops) of flour and 7 cups of sugar in a plate. Don't forget about three teaspoons of vanilla. It's like some kind of home economics lesson, honestly... Next you need to pour the dough into a large round bowl (not small or square), put it in the oven and set the time (45 minutes) and medium temperature. Nancy will say “wonderful” when everything works out. However, you still need to taste it, maybe it’s not so edible. Then everything will have to start from the very beginning.

Now cover the resulting cake with frosting from the bowl nearby. A new puzzle will start, similar to a basket puzzle - you need to assemble a flower on your pie from the pieces, and then paint it with two colors. The tulip itself is red, and the leaf is green.
Go out into the courtyard and go to the pumping station, a wooden building with peeling red paint. There is a warning on it: "Do not enter, crime scene..." left by the sheriff. Call the sheriff and talk to him about everything, he will eventually allow you to enter. Inside, look at the pipe, corroded as if by acid, and pick up the stone arrowhead nearby (1). Turn left, open the grate and go down the stairs. A wandering underground passage will lead you to a new door, behind which you will stumble upon Dave. It turns out that he is looking for treasures here, he will even show you a piece of an old photograph (the other half is yours), on the back of which it is written “stairs to cellar”. Look at the shelf on the left, take the wallet and look at it more closely, some detail is missing in the pattern. Go up the stairs that your interlocutor just climbed. She will lead you to a room with a fireplace, go back downstairs.
Open the barred door, go down the stairs, turn 180 degrees and look at the topmost step. This is a lid, lift it, you will find another puzzle. It is somewhat reminiscent of the famous “tags”, that is, you can move puzzle pieces to empty spaces. As a result, you must move the plate with the initials "FH" to the right, first making room for this. At the "Junior" level, this puzzle can be solved in nine moves, and at the "Senior" level you will need twice as many. In place of this die you will find a green bottle containing several letters. The first mentions a scarf and beads, the next mentions crackers, a meeting place, and the last mentions a flower on a cake.
Talk to Dave again, he is at the chicken coop and will ask you to do him a favor. Francis will also show the letter and tell you where the prison mentioned in the letter is located. Go into the house, look at the painting of Frances, and even closer at her scarf. Open the Internet on your phone and select "common knitting stitches". Nancy will say "the daisy stitch...". Call Bess Marvin and tell her about your findings. Visit the stable and talk to Tex, ask him about his sister. He will ask you to feed the horses and chickens. Look at the green board, it says what and how to feed horses and poultry. Under this board there will be 5 boxes of food, number them from 1 to 5 from left to right. First, let's feed the laying hens - from the rightmost (fifth) box, scoop up two mugs of feed, take it to the chicken coop and pour it into the feeder on the corner. Now let's take care of the horses. So, the ration for Bob: two mugs from the first box, one from the second and two from the third (middle). The total feeding weight will be 4.5. Pour the food into the bucket tied next to Bob. Clyde should be fed like this: three portions from the first box and one from the second (the weight will be the same). And finally, for Ace you need to mix one mug from the first box, two from the second and one from the third. Feed the last horse and talk to Tex again. He will offer to practice horse riding.
Take your saddle and gloves and saddle Bob, tighten the girth and ride out to the paddock. Have you already studied your route on the poster before? If not, then I remind you that you need to go around the first barrel on the right, the second and third on the left. You need to do it in less than 10 seconds; to do this, while driving, click as close to the barrels as possible to make turns faster. Sooner or later you will succeed. Have you ridden enough? We throw a lasso - take a rope and throw it on a broom. You only need to throw at the moment when the rope rotating in your hands looks like a perfect circle. A few successful throws and after talking with the gloomy cowboy, you will receive your own lasso. Take a saddle and gloves, saddle your horse. Then call Charleen "e, she will tell you about the coin you found. Apparently, it was intended for some kind of machine. Open the gate and go to Dry Creek. On the road you will see Mary Yazzie along with some kind of horse.

In the abandoned town of Dry Creek, go to the "General Store" and take the pen (note the sign) next to some "kerosene" on the porch. On the right, look at the dilapidated toilet, pick up the arrowhead (2) next to it (an inconspicuous gray dot to the left of the cabin). There might be a scorpion or rattlesnake crawling out, then look for the tip next time. Go to the sheriff's office, look at the sign on the porch. There are many similar signs in this city, so look carefully.
Try to open the last chamber - it is locked. Go outside, find a barrel next to the gallows - pick up the arrowhead (3) from the ground next to it. Go further and take a closer look at the combination lock on the door of the house with the sign "Cappy's". Try using the phone - it doesn't work here. It doesn't matter, go to Mary and from there call the sheriff, find out the code: 9274. Go to Mary's gift shop, Once you're here, look at the piece of wood on the windowsill on the far wall. Talk to the owner of the shop. She will be very upset when she finds out that she was seen near the ranch.
Download at "Trail Stop". Pick up the arrowhead (4) to the right of your trusty four-legged friend, go to the next screen and pick up another similar arrowhead (5) to the left of the path. Still ahead, on the right you will see Charlie’s grave, the meeting place of lovers. Turn around and approach a large flat stone, you will hear a characteristic sound. Don't come any further - it's a snake. Return to the path and on the next screen, pick up the triangular tip (6) from the ground again. A little further, to the left of the cow’s skull, pick up another tip (7) from the ground.
Next stop is Cougar Bend. Pick up the next tip (8) next to the rock, look up. There is a piece of wood sticking out there that you need to throw a lasso on (remember that the throw will only work when a perfect circle appears). Climb the rope up and look at all the rock paintings that will automatically appear on your map. On the right, at the base of the branch, lift the tip (9) and look at the image of the “mouse” on the stone. You need to find 17 similar rock hieroglyphs on this rock, don’t forget to click on all of them so that they appear on your map. Only after this should their icons be placed on the rock map exactly in the places where you found them. After checking out everything on the rock right in front of you, climb the rocks on the left (pick up the tip (10) at the base of the first rock) to the very top and continue looking for symbols. If you correctly substitute the symbols on the card in the inventory, in the empty cells, letters will appear at the bottom of the card, from which the phrase “beneath cappys keys pappys name please” will subsequently be formed.
Go to "Mary's Gifts" and call Charlene. She will tell you about Dirk's father ("pappys" - in this case, meaning "dad"). Go to "Dry Creek" again and set the code on the lock that locks the door at "Cappy's" - 9274. Inside, look at the imprint on the bar counter on the left, the electricians' manual on the small table against the wall opposite the entrance, someone's sleeping place in the corner (apparently, someone was hiding here recently), a slot machine, looks like a one-armed bandit. Finally, look at the piano, open the cover under the keys - you must enter the password. The password is Dirk's father's name: "Cashmeer". The puzzle is quite tricky. If you press one letter, several adjacent ones will change. For example, if you press the first one, the fourth one will also change. Resetting the combination to its original position is quite simple - you need to move away from the piano, return and look at the puzzle again. So, let's number all the letters from one to eight. Press the 7th until the letter “E” appears (several times), then set the 6th to “E”, 8 to “R”, 3 to “S”, 2 to “A”, 5 to “M” ", 1 - "C", 4 - "H". The cache will open and you can read the note.

Mary's Gift - call Charlene. Then search the Internet for "cattle brands", this will come in handy. Go to the store and look at the set of tuning forks (the riddle mentioned some forks, but they are very similar to them) in the folder with with the letters "FH", which is on the windowsill, by the window. Talk to Mary, if she can lend you them? She will ask you to bring her 10 arrowheads for decorating the store and will give you a box to collect them. Let us remind you that two are in Dry Creek, four in the Trail Stop, three in Cougar Bend and one at the pumping station on the ranch. Mary, it turns out, only needs 9, she will return one to you. Take the tuning forks from the table.
Ask Mary about “beads” - you’ll have to solve a new puzzle and finish decorating the window display for her. You need to sort the rings by color and similarity.
Identical rings of the same color must also be sorted by size, from smallest on the left to largest on the right. At the bottom there is a scale that shows which size should correspond to which design. The smaller one is XC - crescent, then: S - butterfly, M - cross, L - tick, XL - "A", XXL - "flower". So, as a result, on one line there should be products similar to each other (for example, the first column on the left is displayed), and in one column there should be only one color. The colors should be (from left to right): three blue, three red and three green. Having laid out all the rings, you will receive a box of beads.
Dry Creek. Go to the sheriff's office, look at the symbols on the board in front of the entrance. They look like an inverted "B" and "D". Click on them and the lid will open. Take the box. Now go to Cappy's, place the box on the counter (there is a trace of the corresponding shape left there). Insert the red pen into it, which you found at the General Store, get ready to solve a new puzzle. Each tuning fork has a letter at the base. Place them on the box, in the holes at the top so that the word "Francis" appears. R, N and S are written on the box itself. If installed correctly, then turn the handle, you will hear a piercing sound and the sound of broken glass. This is the lamp on the right on the wall that has broken.
Take it out and read the note, which says that you need to look under the zebra stone, only for this you will need a magnet. This stone is located next to Charlie's grave (there you heard the rattlesnake), and the magnet can be obtained from the cook's refrigerator at the ranch.
So we're going to the ranch. On the way, you will see Mary talking to Tex outside her store. What would that mean? Remove the saddle from the horse and hang it in its rightful place, go out into the yard. It's getting dark. Return to the stable (no horses are visible) and take the gloves from the saddle. This time you will take only them. Go fix the chicken coop. Select the gloves in your inventory and click them on the pliers next to the hole in the grate. The puzzle is quite simple, although tedious.
It is necessary to repair the grill by inserting all the broken pieces into it. Just like a regular paper puzzle. Once repaired, Nancy will discover that her gloves are glowing! A glowing horse will immediately appear.
Morning will come, the phone will ring. It was Bess and George who decided to call and find out the news. After the conversation, go to the kitchen, take the apple magnet from the refrigerator and talk to Shorty. Go out into the yard, pick up a horseshoe from the ground. You need to collect vegetables and eggs again (oh, not again...) so that the cook will give you a flask of water. Collect only ripe ones, otherwise everything can end very badly - you will simply be kicked out of the ranch. Again, consult the Internet. In general, you should collect 4 Northern Lights tomatoes from the left bed, and two Beefsteak, Golden Queen and two Black Turtle beans from the right bed. Collect the eggs as usual, first all except the “killer chicken”, return to the kitchen, then pick up the last one. Get your well-deserved water flask.

Talk to Dave and Tex, give the latter the horseshoe. He will say that you can’t go - the bridle is broken, so you will have to fix it. Look at the poster on the wall, "The Anatomy of the Horse Hoof". There is a jar, and in it there is a bridle. You need to match all the pieces correctly. For clarity, you can first look at the bridle that hangs in the utility room, to the right of the poster with a cowboy. Talk to Tex, saddle Bob and go to Mary's Gifts. Talk to Mary, Nancy will make her spill the beans about her relationship with Tex - they are lovers.
Dry Creek. Go to Cappy's, look at the books on the table, or rather at the place where they were before. Now look in the corner where the bed was - there is only a box and a key left. Take the key. Nancy will be hit on the head with something heavy. .. after which she will find herself in the prison cell where she was so eager to go. Look at the chair behind the bars, use the lasso to put it on its legs. Actually, it would be interesting to see how you can throw a noose through the bars of the prison cell. Now look at the sink , to the right of it, the former prisoner counted the time he spent in the cell (crossed out lines). You must put a letter under each cluster of these lines, for example, if there are five lines (you need to count everything, both vertical and inclined), then it is “E” , if one is "A". The result will be "U", "N", "D", "E", "R", "B", "A", "N", "K", "L" , "A", "M", "P".
Explore another part of the chamber, pick up bricks from the floor. Look at the key above the chair and start throwing bricks at it. You need to set the throw angle to the second arrow on the left, and select the middle arrow for strength. The key will be on the chair. Throw a rope to throw him towards the camera. Pick up the key and open the cell door with it. Nancy will pick up a piece of paper on which a certain code is deciphered. Now you can decipher the note you found while making a fire at the ranch. Leave the prison on the street and go to the bank building, it is opposite the gallows. Look at the right corner, move the brick and read the note. You need to get a ring. Go to the ranch where you will talk to Dave. He will give you his aunt's ring. Then call the sheriff and return to the ghost town.
Go to Cappy's, throw your coin into the slot machine. Turn the knob. You must install the most ferocious gang of four people. They can be easily distinguished by their faces. After the first attempt, leave the required slots by pressing the buttons under them, and turn the knob again. If If you win, you will receive two coins. If you lose, you can play the coyote machine again in Mary's store or load your last save (you signed up, right?) After you win, insert the ring you received from Dave into the red mark on the machine, throw a coin, spin the handle - this time you must identify the cutest and most good-natured gang of robbers.Your win this time will be the key.
Trail Stop. Go to Charlie's grave, to the left from it, you will come to a large stone with stripes (this is a zebra stone). Move it to the side, then lift the lid - a new puzzle will appear. There are a lot of them here for one game. You need to use an apple magnet to move all four chips located in the corners to the center. Part of the labyrinth is closed with wooden sticks, so you have to poke around at random. All chips have their own designations and each one must be brought to its place. So, in the pink circle you need to put “Mn” (manganese - manganese), in the greenish one “Cu” (cupper - copper), in the silver one “Si” (silicon - silicon), in the orange one “Fe” (ferrous - iron).

Immediately, without a break, the next puzzle will start - a box with flowers will appear in front of you. Take her with you. Download to Mary's Gifts, read the mail on your phone, then search the Internet for "Kelleher". Next, look at the wallet that you are carrying in your inventory, and add beads to it. This was described in a letter from George. String the beads on a needle to get this combination, from left to right: yellow; black and red with a black cross (repeat this combination 4 times); red, white, red, pink with a red cross - repeat 4 times. Nancy will say that the flower turned out similar to poppy (poppy).
Let's take on the puzzle with flowers. You already know about all the favorite flowers that were mentioned in letters, notes, etc.: yellow rose, tulip, lily, sunflower, chamomile and poppy. Take a closer look at the box you picked up under the zebra-colored stone. Place a yellow rose in the center, a sunflower to the left, and a lily to the right. On top is a poppy, on the bottom left is a chamomile, and on the bottom right is a tulip. The box will open, read the note. Then use the slot machine key to open the top compartment. The second bottom will open, and you will become the happy owner of another note with the symbols that you saw on the rock. Open the map and connect them with lines as shown in the note. First the top row, then the bottom. The result will be something resembling a capital Latin V. Nancy will say so - “V”, from “Valentine”.
Cougar Bend. Climb the rock again and look for a symbol that resembles a "V", it was not connected by lines in the picture. You'll have to throw the lasso and climb onto the ledge. Move the cobblestone with this symbol, read the note about Charlie's grave and take the flat stone with you.
Mary's Gifts. Show the found stone to Mary. She will polish it, a pattern will appear. Leave the store, Bess will call you. Go to the Trail Stop, to Charlie's grave. A stone with a pattern will appear. Turn your head around to find a similar tree in the area .It is located just behind the zebra stone.Go there.
"?" (new location). The road will lead you to a rock with a branch sticking out of it at the very top. Throw a lasso at him and you will fall into a cave. Read the coded message ending with a "V" on the wall. If you translate it into a readable language (and from it directly into Russian), you should get the following: “brown, green, yellow, red (a staircase will appear here when passing the maze), blue, orange, green, yellow (staircase), brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown, green, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, blue, green, brown, yellow, V". Thus, you need to carefully look at the colored stones above the passages, and so go through the entire maze. The jars will contain keys that need to be collected. There are 5 of them in total. You will have to climb the stairs several times, and at the end you will come to a door that you will need to open with the keys found in the jugs. Enter the hiding place, look at the writing on the walls, open the chest on the table. Here they are - Dirk Valentine's treasures. Golden hearts, a whole pound, or even more. Go out the door and meet the main villain. You'll never guess - it's fat Shorty. When this idiot finishes talking, run and go down the stairs, then into the passages: green, red, green. You will come to a hole in the floor that is covered by a carpet. Swap two stones in this cave, green and red, so that the villain confuses the passages and falls. Unfortunately, he won't break his neck. That's all, listen, how it all ended, Nancy's girlfriends have finally arrived, and they will even show you them - though only their legs. Nancy will also invite you to help her solve a new case, which will take place in one of the old castles in England. But this, as they say, is a completely different story.

Level: Junior Detective
Nancy arrives at Rowley's invitation to Shadow Ranch to spend her vacation there with Jess and Bes. But the girlfriends didn’t make it, and a ghost of a horse appeared on the ranch.
While playing, don't forget to check the Internet on Nancy's phone! And don’t forget to tighten the girth on your horse’s saddle, ask permission to ride it, and don’t meddle with dangerous animals!

First day.
We call Rowley, look at the email on the phone, then call Bes and Jess. We look around the room. We find Prairie’s book in the bookcase, look at the picture, turn on the radio, look at the book on the table. In the bookcase next to the secretary we find a guide for a novice horse breeder. There is a broken clock on the mantelpiece and a newspaper below. There is a box in the corner next to the secretary. We go to the kitchen and find the sheriff’s number on the refrigerator. We turn right and talk to the cook Sam. We turn around and go outside. We go straight and approach the man near the chicken coop. We talk with Dave and take the key from him. We go into the stable and talk with the groom Tex. We examine the posters on the walls. Take the hat from the barrel and the saddle with gloves above the name Bob. Let's return to Sam. We go to the secretary and open it with the key. We read the threatening letter and take the letter for Mary. We read the note about the sale of the chest and take three levers from the top shelf. We approach the chest in the corner and insert the levers into it. Under each lever we got a bird of a different color.
Let's remember the broken watch. There, each color corresponds to a number. We set the first lever (red) to 12 o'clock. The second (blue) is at 2 o'clock. The third (yellow) is at 7 o'clock. We take the watch from the hiding place and open it, there are active numbers on the dial: 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Press the first number, if it remains pressed, press the second, etc. All numbers must remain pressed. If you do not leave the location of the clock, the combination of numbers remains unchanged and is selected very quickly. We take the item from the secret compartment of the watch. There was a letter and a diary in the cache, which we read, and from the envelope with the letter we took the diagram. We look on the Internet for information about roses. We approach the fireplace and take two newspapers below. We leave and turn to face the door. Click on the numbers on the right and take the basket from the wall. We turn around, walk forward to the end of the vegetable beds (sunflowers) and pick up the branches. We turn around and go to the front door; to the left of it next to the bushes there will be more branches. They will also lie to the right of the chicken coop door. We turn around and pick up more branches from the cart with the cactus. We also select them from the right of the red shed. Let's look at the firewood.

We put the first log and take a sledgehammer with a wedge. A mini-game appears in front of us. We look at the location of the log on the log - this determines what position we should put our feet in. If the log is on the right at the bottom, then we place the legs in the same way, etc. we look at the location of the wedge in the log. If it is in the middle, then click on the average impact value. We take the logs. We approach the fireplace and take the bucket. We go into the red house and on the right we fill the bucket with water (we put it in the trough and press the valve). We return to the fire pit. We look at the place where it is directly bred, and take the note from the ashes. We put newspapers, branches and logs in the fire pit. We put a bucket next to it. We go to the vegetable beds.

We watch the harvest on the Internet and collect vegetables. First, we look at the name of the vegetable in the garden, then its description on the Internet. If you are careful, everything will be very simple. We take the vegetables to Sam, take the egg basket, look at it in the inventory and click on the damaged part. We assemble the side of the basket, click on the red thread three times. Let's go to the chicken coop. We pay attention to the sign about a dangerous chicken and if it sits under the sign, we do not touch it. We collect the eggs, go to Sam and return for the egg of the aggressive chicken. We take them to Sam and take the flask. We go to the stables and ask for a ride. Let's go to Bob, go to his left side, put on the saddle and tighten the girth! We press on Bob’s neck and lead him into the pen, press on the saddle and begin answering 10 questions. If you carefully study the posters and books, the answer will not be difficult. In addition, there are only ten questions and if you don’t answer, Tes will repeat it and the answer can be found by searching through it. We go to the front, open the corral and a map appears in front of us. We're going to Mary's store. We go into it and give the letter to the owner. We look around the store. We look at the slot machine and after winning three levels we take a coin.
1st level 2nd level

Level 3

We look at Bertha Purcell's books and her number will be in our phone. We find tuning forks on the table and look at the photographs. We look at the chest with doves on the lid. We leave the store and call Bertha. We go back, approach the chest and insert the levers we found earlier into it, turn them. We set the first clockwise at 4 o'clock, the second at 9 o'clock, the third at 11 o'clock. We take the watch from the chest and look at it in the inventory. We take an item with a chain from the inventory and click it on the clock. The active numbers here are: 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1. We proceed in the same way as with the previous clocks. We turn over the found photo and read “green bottle under...”. We're going to the ranch. We remove the saddle from the horse and put it in place. Pliers and a letter fall out of it. We read the letter and talk with the groom. We go to Sam, and then go out into the yard.
Second day.
We go to the kitchen and under the picture with a horse we open the drawer in which we find a geological map. We talk with Sam. We take the basket from the wall and go collect vegetables. We take them to Sam and go collect the eggs. We return to the cook. We are looking for a cake recipe in the box on the table. We turn to the table next to the sink and begin to cook. Place in a bowl: two sticks of butter, two eggs, five cups of milk, two cups of flour, three spoons of baking powder, seven cups of sugar, three spoons of vanilla. We move away from the table and click bake. Pour into a medium bowl. We set the time to 45 minutes and the intensity to medium. We taste the cake and click on the bowl of icing. Lay out the flower and color it. We go to the pumping station (red shed) and try to open the door. We call the sheriff. We go inside and, to the left of the pump, click on the active point and select the tip. We look at the shelves, there is a grate under them. Click on it and go down. We pass to the next grate, open it and find ourselves in the basement of the house. After the conversation, we find acid and a wallet on the shelf, which we take with us. We get out through the passage with the grate, go down the stairs and turn to face it. We look at the top step and open it. In the puzzle we need to move the red stripe with initials one step and we will find a green bottle with letters. We return to the basement, go up the stairs and go into the house, look at the picture in more detail. Let's go talk to Dave. We read the letter. We go to Tes, talk to him, and then go feed the animals. We look at the green board with rations. We number the food boxes from left to right from 1 to 5.

Bob: 1 box 2 mugs, 2 box 1 mug, 3 box 2 mugs. We leave the location, a window appears to pour out the cooked food or not. If you have prepared everything correctly, click no, and go to the horses. We pour the food into a bucket suspended in front of Bob. We return and put the bucket in place.

Clyde: 1 drawer 3 mugs, 2 drawer 1 mug.
Ace: 1 box 1 mug, 2 box 2 mugs, 3 box 1 mug.

Chicken: 5 boxes 2 mugs. We go to the chickens, find the active point in the grid and pour the food into the automatic feeder.
We talk with the groom, take the saddle, and put it on Bob. Don't forget to tighten the girth. We get on the horse and take the lasso. Place the cursor over the broom and click it when the lasso begins to make a perfect circle. After lassoing the broom five times, click on the barrel and try to get around the obstacles in 10 seconds. We take the well-deserved lasso, ask permission to ride, and take the saddle. We are going into a dry stream. On the threshold of the store near the kerosene lamp we select a red handle. To the right of the store next to the wooden shed we take the tip (a scorpion or snake may appear, then just come back for it later). Let's go to the sheriff and try to open the last cell. On the street next to the barrel we take the tip. We go to Cappy's building.
It is locked with a combination lock. We go to Mary and call the sheriff. Lock combination: 9274. Talk to Mary. We are going to the wild ramp. On the right we select the tip. We take a step and select the tip on the left. Three more steps and the tip is on the left. There is another one next to the skull. We turn back and look at Charlie's grave on the left. Turn right and click on the stone. We hear a rattlesnake and leave. We are going to the Anasazi Gorge. We go forward and at the foot of the rock we find the tip. We will examine the entire section of the rock accessible below to find petroglyphs. There are seventeen of them in total and when you click on them, they will automatically appear on your diagram. Each petroglyph must be dragged to the place in the diagram where it stands on the rock. The little white squares on the diagram will tell you where to look for petroglyphs on the rock. On the left there is a climb up one side of the cliff.

When you go down, don't miss another tip at the very bottom. There is a piece of wood at the top of the rock, we throw a lasso over it and climb up. On the right we find the tip. We get down and go to the store. We look at the table with cut stones and a photograph of a girl with a white horse. Let's talk to Mary. Let's leave the store and call Bertha, as well as Jess and Bes. Now you can go to the dry stream to open the door with combination lock. We enter the building and find a sleeping bag on the floor in the corner, next to a piano with an active point below. We click on it and we are asked to enter the code word: JONATHAN (dad's name). Let's number the letters from left to right from 1 to 8. First set the 7th letter, then 6, then 8, 3, 2, 5 and 4. A cache will open in which we will find a note. Let's pay attention to the books on the table, on the bar counter we will find a jar of crackers, and next to it there is an active place for some item. We go to the sheriff's office and on the thresholds we find an active point marked with a symbol.

We open the cache and take out the stand for tuning forks. We go to the store, look at the tuning forks and ask Mary about them. We exchange our tips for tuning forks and take them away. We go out and call Bertha and GRS. We drive into a dry stream and enter a building with a combination lock. We place a stand for tuning forks on the bar counter and insert a red handle from the inventory into it from the side. We set up the tuning forks. Each tuning fork has its own letter, we need to make up the word FRANCIS. Three letters are already written on the stand itself, add the remaining ones with tuning forks and turn the handle. We take the note from the lamp and read it. We go to the ranch, remove the saddle from Bob, take it to its place and go out into the yard.

We return to the stable and take the gloves. We go to the chicken coop and click on the active point on the side of the grill. We take the gloves from the inventory and use them on the pliers. Nancy will notify you about the correct location of a piece of the grid. If it is silent, it means the piece was not inserted correctly.

Day three.

We go to the kitchen and remove the magnet from the refrigerator and talk with Sam. We leave the house and pick up a horseshoe. We collect vegetables and eggs. We look at email and the Internet. We talk with Dave and Tex. Assembling the bridle. It is in the jar next to the poster. Let's go talk to Mary. For the beads we have to decorate the window display. We first arrange the rings by shape (sample on the left), by color (each cell has its own color), and then by size. Below, under the rings, it is written how to determine their size. We arrange the rings from smallest to largest. When we take the ring, it turns over and we see some kind of sign. We correlate the sign with what is written below and we get that “OM - moon” means a very small ring, and it is placed first in its color and shape group, etc. We take the beads and begin to embroider the flower on the wallet. We take the wallet and, without leaving it, open the inventory, take the beads and apply them to the wallet. We type the pattern: yellow, black, black-red, black, black-red, black, black-red, black, black-red, red, white, red, red-pink, red, white, red, red-pink, red , white, red, red-pink, red, white, red, red-pink.

We go to the dry stream once again to look at the books with glowing powder, look at the box with the key in the corner and smoothly move into the prison cell. There are dashes next to the washbasin, each group of dashes representing a letter. It should look like: UNDERLAMP BANK.
We take a brick from the next chamber. Opposite the cell door, use a lasso to lift the chair. We look at the key and set the throw force to medium, and the arrow to the second from the left. We use the lasso on the chair, select the key and open the grate. We select a note with encoding. We go to the bank and find the active point under the white lamp, open the cache and read the message. We go on a wild path and find a striped stone there, move it aside and move the iron rounds located on the sides to the multi-colored ones in the middle. Cu – green round, Mn – pink, Si – silver, Fe – orange. If you exit the puzzle several times in a row, the wooden planks covering the labyrinth will disappear. We take out a box of flowers from the hiding place and take it with us. We go to the ranch, talk with Dave, take the ring from him and return to the abandoned city. Let's go play the slot machine. We look at the machine, save (we have one coin, it’s unlikely to win the first time, and running to the coyotes every time is not a necessary waste of time). We insert the coin into the slot, apply the ring to the red button and press the lever. Evil and nice bandits appear before us. Under the cute ones, press the red buttons and press the lever again. We win and take the key. Now let's look at the flower box.

(Figure 1. Nancy Drew Mystery of Shadow Ranch walkthrough)
We read the note on the right, insert the key from the machine into the hole, read another note. We connect the petroglyphs in the diagram according to the order located in the note.

(Figure 2. Nancy Drew Mystery of Shadow Ranch walkthrough)

We go to the Anasazi gorge, climb to the top of the rock and find a stone with a pattern that we got in the diagram. We move this stone and find another note, which we read, and take the stone. We go to Mary and give her the stone for polishing. We go to an abandoned ramp and approach Charlie's grave. A stone with a pattern appears in front of us, and we begin to turn around its axis until Nancy finds what we are looking for. Having arrived at the place, we go to the right, and then straight to the rock. We throw a lasso on the log lying on top and climb into the dwelling. We go forward to the clue scratched on the wall. You can decipher it using the note that we found when we got out of prison. Next we will have a labyrinth.

Above each passage there are stones that we will use to navigate. Maze passage: brown stone, green, yellow, red, blue, orange, green, yellow, brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown, green, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, blue, green, brown, yellow. Along the way we look into the jugs, some of them will contain keys (there are five in total). You will have to deviate from the path twice to find the next jug with the key. The first time at the beginning, the second at the end. At the end, a door with five different keyholes will appear in front of us, into which we insert, selecting the shape, five keys. Click on the lock, go into the door and open the chest standing on the table. We go out the door, and after meeting the criminal we go down the stairs and go to a hole covered with a carpet. We remove the red stone from the wall, turn to the correct passage and replace the green stone with a red one. We turn back and insert the green stone into the empty space.

Junior and senior detectives differ in the complexity of the puzzles.
Frank and Joe Hardy provide clues.
Tasks are marked only after a location change.

First day

We are visiting Bess and Jess's relatives Ed and Diana Rowley in Tumbleweed, Arizona. We are met at the airport by David Gregory, a ranch worker. We call our friends and find out that they are stuck in Omaha due to plane malfunctions. Jess bought a book about 19th century clothing and jewelry - something to remember.
We call Rowley - Ed was bitten by a snake that ended up in their bedroom and now they are in the hospital. Rowley is asked to deliver a letter for Mary Youngson, which is in the secretary. The key to the secretary must be taken from David, and you can only get to Mary on horseback. They start talking about the ghost horse, but the conversation is interrupted.

1. Inspect the ranch

We go out into the yard and go to David for the key to the secretary. David tells us about the ghost horse. We open the secretary, read the deed of sale of the chest, the letter from Jane Nash, take the letter for Mary and the master keys.
We go to the stables and talk to groom Tex Britten. He explains what needs to be done to leave the ranch and what to do when returning.
Leave: take a hat, gloves, saddle, water flask
Return: unsaddle the horse, hang the saddle in place.
We also have to pass an exam on his knowledge of horses. Let's go look for information.
We look at all the posters in the stable - “The structure of a horse’s hoof”, “It is dangerous to ride without tightening the girth”, “Quarter horse”.
Let's go to the house.
In the living room on the table is “The Beginner's Guide to Horse Breeder, Volume 1,” and in the closet is Volume 2. I think this information is enough for Tex to pass the exam.
At the same time, we’ll read newspapers by the fireplace (the third newspaper in a row is “Pravda” - :)), and look at the faulty clock on the mantelpiece. There is a large chest in the corner. Let's try using picks on the lid - they fit, but how to turn them?
Let's look at Bertha Purcell's book in the closet. Let's listen to the news on the radio.
Let's go to the kitchen. Meet Sam Thurmand. He tells us about Frances Humber - a former rancher, her sheriff father, Dirk Valentine and his ghostly horse. So this is whose large portrait hangs in the living room!
He will give us a flask in exchange for the collected vegetables, and we also need to prepare everything for the fire.

2. Help at ranch-1

We go out into the street, take a basket on the wall next to the entrance, and go for vegetables.
Vegetable collection-1:
Sam asked to collect only ripe vegetables. We find out what they look like - we go online via mobile phone.


left bed – “Northern Lights” tomatoes – 4, right bed – “Beefsteak” tomatoes – 2, “Golden Queen” tomatoes – 2.

Sam gives the egg basket. Let's go to the chicken coop. We put the egg in the basket - it breaks. We need to weave it. The task is not difficult, but you need to very carefully place the parts one to the other - then they will “stick”. We stitch the basket with thread.

Junior Detective

Senior Detective

Checking the chicken coop. If there are no eggs, you will have to wait and do something else in the meantime.
We are preparing a fire.
In the house by the fireplace we pick up two newspapers.
We are looking for twigs for the fire, there should be 5 of them:
look at the chicken coop door - on the right

We immediately turn around - at the rusty trolley in the center of the yard

between the vegetable beds

at the entrance to the house - on the left

look at the pump room door - on the right

We chop wood. I numbered the angle of impact from left to right from 1 to 5, the position of the legs - from left to right from top to bottom from 1 to 9.
kick 2, legs 4
kick 5, legs 8
kick 3, legs 3
Call me Nancy - the Tin Woodman!
We take the firewood. Place 2 newspapers, 5 twigs and 3 split logs in the fire pit. We take from there some crumpled piece of paper with an incomprehensible code. We take a bucket, go to the pumping station, pour water and put the bucket in place.
Now let's check the chicken coop.
All chickens are like chickens, but one of them pecks. If you disturb her, you will see a horror movie on your computer screen. Therefore, you need to wait until she goes about her business and then pick up the egg. In total we bring Sam six eggs, he gives a flask of water.

3. Leaving the ranch

Let's go to Tex. We have an exam waiting for us.
We take a saddle, gloves, a white hat. We go to Bob, hang the saddle on him, be sure to tighten the girth (when the blue hand appears, you need to lift the blanket and tighten the girth three times), click on the reins (we bring Bob out, then click on the reins again, and Nancy will climb onto the horse) - we ready.
Correct answers for Tex:
where is the hock joint located - on the hind legs
where the arrow is located - on the underside of the hoof
how many feet are in 15 palms - 5
what type of horse is the Tennessee Walking Horse?
how can you recognize colic in a horse - it constantly lies down and gets up
What is the difference between bay color and red color - black tail, mane and legs
what Indian tribe began to breed Appaloosa - Nez Perce
Which organ of the horse is affected by laminitis – legs
what you should always check before riding a saddled girth horse
who is a mule - a hybrid of a mare and a donkey

4. Mary and her store

We give the letter to Mary and ask her about the chest that she bought from Rowley. The chest is locked, but if we open it, she will allow us to take something from it. On the chest are the initials EH-AH in a heart and doves. It can be opened if you find out who made it. We try to attach the master keys - they fit, but how to twist them?
We look at the display case by the window. We read a brochure about Arizona fossils, find out that iron (Fe) colors fossils orange, red and yellow, copper (Cu) - blue and green, manganese (Mn) - pink and purple, silicon (Si) - gray and white. We read information about petroglyphs. We look at a box of tuning forks with the initials FH.
There is a slot machine in the corner. At the stand we see what the arrowheads of the ancient Indians look like.
We read the annotation to Bertha Purcell’s book “Prairie Wind”. Her phone number is listed there - apparently for good reason.
We go outside and call Bertha (her phone number will automatically appear in the mobile phone). Maybe we'll learn something useful?

5. Opening chests

Bertha talks about the Humber family. EH-AH are the initials of Frances Humber's grandparents. They married on September 4, 1811. This means that the code for the chest is 4, 9, 11. We take the master keys, set the numbers, and open the chest. We take a pocket watch from there, which is still closed.

We return to the ranch.
We put the saddle back in place, and a greeting card from Jane Nash addressed to Tex falls to the floor. It turns out that she is his sister! We ask Tex about her, he is rude and refuses.
Let's try to open the second chest.
Let's look at the lid. Each hole is located inside a bird design - pink, blue and yellow. A hint is drawn in the center - a clock dial. Let's look at the clock on the mantelpiece again - the same colors. Pink corresponds to the number 12, blue – 2, yellow – 7.

We take out the master keys, set the code 12, 2, 7. Open the chest.

We read Sheriff Humber's diary - the sad love story of Frances Humber and Dirk Valentine. We read a letter from Dirk Valentine, in which he writes about Frances’ favorite colors and the colors on her favorite things. Let us note that he gave his beloved a flower – a Harrison rose (you can read more about it in Nancy’s mobile phone). We take a lined piece of paper with rocks on which we need to put petroglyphs, write down the numbers “9, 12, 15, 22, 5, 25, 15, 21”. If we take the English alphabet, “I love you” is encrypted in numbers. We take another pocket watch. There is no walkthrough for this riddle, because... the dialing sequence is randomly generated. Active numbers are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. You need to click on the numbers and remember the sequence in which the numbers “stick”. When they are all “stuck,” the clock will open. Inside is a photograph of Frances Humber and her father and a winding mechanism. We use it on the second watch, which we found in the chest in the store. We open them in the same way as the previous ones. Active numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. We take out half of the photograph - Frances Humber is on it. On the back is the inscription: “Green bottle under...”
Evening comes (if it hasn’t arrived, it means you haven’t completed something). Everyone is sitting around the fire, listening to Sam's songs, when suddenly a ghostly horse gallops towards the ranch from afar, and then breaks a pipe in the pump house.

Second day

6. Secret passage and green bottle

We talk with Rowley - they ask us to contact the sheriff. We go to the kitchen, there is a piece of paper on the refrigerator with the sheriff’s phone number (his phone number will automatically appear in the mobile phone). We go outside to inspect the pumping station. There's another sheriff's phone number on the door, in case you forgot to look at the number on the refrigerator.
We call the sheriff - he allows us to look inside. We examine the pipe opposite the entrance - it is completely rusty. We see a grate near the floor to the left of the entrance, open it - well, as usual, there is a secret passage... We go along it and find ourselves in the basement in which David is located. We talk to him. It turns out he's looking for Dirk Valentine's treasure! His great-great-grandmother was Sister Frances Humber. He shows us half of the photograph he found - Father Francis is in it. On the back is the inscription: “stairs to the basement.” David leaves, we take a wallet embroidered with beads from the shelf, we look at it - something is missing here. We find a bottle of acid - I wonder why it is needed? Most likely, someone poured acid onto the pipe in the pump room so that it would corrode the iron so that they could then easily hit the pipe and it would burst. Everything is clear, this is not without reason - someone is taking revenge on Rowley or wants to kick them out of the ranch.
If you go up the stairs, you find yourself in the living room. If you click on the book in the left closet in the living room, the door to a secret passage opens. But we'll go and see what's in the green bottle under the stairs. Let's go down from the basement into the secret passage, and Nancy should say that this is exactly the staircase that is needed. Let's turn around and click on the top step.
It is necessary to move the plates so as to free the plate with the letters FH.

Junior Detective

Senior Detective

We take out the bottle, it contains letters from Dirk to Frances. Please note the following: the pattern on the shawl in Frances's portrait, Cappie's wallet, crackers, cake, letter paper. Frances' favorite flowers (and Harrison's rose from the sheriff's diary) are listed here. Well, the action plan is clear.
Let's go to the living room. We look carefully at the shawl. We go online, find an article about knitting, and look at the patterns. Click on the shawl again - the pattern is called “daisy”.
Let's call our friends - they have a book on clothes and accessories of the 19th century. They will get information about the wallet and call you later.
Let's go to Tex. He admits that Jane Nash is his sister, Rowley fired her for her temper. After that, he himself got a job at the ranch and does not want the Rowleys to know about their relationship, because trouble has begun at the ranch, and Tex may be blamed for it. He has a motive - revenge for his sister. We can't go for a ride until we help Sam with the housework.
Let's go to David. He asks us to fix the partition for the chickens in the evening, but we will have to remember to wear gloves. We ask him about the letter Frances wrote to his grandmother. We read the letter - there is a lily drawn on it. David also says that the prison where Dirk Valentine was kept is located in Dry Creek.

7. Helping at Ranch 2

We go to Sam, but he’s not there. Well, let's see what he's hiding in his chest? Geological map! What for? The map shows the telephone number of the South-Eastern Geological Society. Sam returns - we were caught. We talk to him. He admits that he was looking for gold on Rowley's property, but found nothing. Sam was in the pump house and saw a pipe that was rusted through and believes that it broke due to the stomping of a horse.
We go out into the yard and call the geologist. He reveals that Sam bought the map because he heard about Dirk Valentine's treasure, who hid it at the base of a shadowy mountain. It is impossible to find gold in these parts, so Sam is lying.
We return to Sam and apologize. We ask if he needs help. Vegetables again...

Left bed – beans 5, Ivory tomatoes – 2, right bed – Beefsteak tomatoes – 2, Black turtle beans – 3.

Let's go get the eggs. We take 6 pieces, do not touch the monster chicken. Sam gives him a flask of water and asks him to bake a cake.

8. Baking a cake

We look at the recipe in the box on the table.
The conversion of one unit of bulk weights to another hangs on the refrigerator.
You will need:
1 pint = 2 glasses
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
butter - 2 times, egg - 2 times, milk - 5 times, flour - 2 times, baking powder - 3 times, sugar - 7 times, vanilla - 3 times.
Pour the dough into a medium container and bake at medium temperature for 45 minutes.
Now we decorate the cake with icing. We assemble a flower from pieces of marzipan. If the pieces are placed correctly, they will “stick”. When we put everything together, you will get a tulip. Take a brush and paint the flower. The cake is ready.

Let's go see Tex, whose birthday is today. His character has not improved; he still does not allow him to leave the ranch.

9. We feed chickens and horses

The weight of the feed is indicated in kilograms. We number the boxes from 1 to 5 from left to right.
1- oats, 2- feed mixture, 3- corn, 5- chicken feed.
In the first box there is a measure weighing 1 kg, in the second - weighing 1.5 kg, in the third - 0.5 kg. Thus,
Bob: 2 times out of 1, 1 time out of 2, 2 times out of 3
Clyde: 3 times out of 1, 1 time out of 2
Ace: 1 time out of 1, 2 times out of 2, 1 time out of 3.
Then 2 times out of 5 we go to the chicken coop and pour it into the chicken feeder.
Finally, Tex allows him to take Bob, but says that he needs to learn how to throw a lasso and quickly go around obstacles on a horse.

10. Earn a lasso

To get a lasso from Tex, you need to throw it on a broom 4 times out of 5.
The secret of the throw: hold down the left mouse, wait until the lasso turns into a perfect circle, release the mouse.
Now we take the dressage exam. You need to jump between three barrels in less than 10 seconds. The route is drawn on a poster on the fence of the stables.
Secret: as soon as the blue arrow appears on the screen, you need to quickly click on the barrel. We complete the task in 9.5 seconds and get a lasso.
We're leaving. On the way we meet Mary Youngson - which means the store is closed. We'll visit her later. It's time to deal with the lined piece of paper from Dirk's letter.

11. Anasazi Gorge and petroglyphs

We carefully look at the rocks and transfer all the petroglyphs to a piece of paper. You need to find 17 drawings. Click on the petroglyph, a leaf appears on the screen, and place the drawing in the right place. Some petroglyphs can be seen if you climb up - this is where you will need a lasso.

When you do everything correctly, the phrase will appear at the bottom of the sheet: “Write daddy’s name under the piano keys.”

Let's go to Mary. When we ask her what she was doing on the Rowley lands, she responds by saying that she was not there. Strange…
Let's call Bertha, maybe she knows something? Bertha says that “dad” is Dirk Valentine’s father Jonathan. So, you need to find and write the name “Jonathan” on it.
We are going to the new location “Dry Stream”.

12. Dry stream

We're walking down the street. On the sides of the street there are dilapidated buildings of a store, a post office, a sheriff's house with a prison, a bank, and Cappy's bar. Let's go to the sheriff's house - we need a key to open Dirk's cell. We go to the bar - there is a lock on the door. “Closed by order of the sheriff.” The phone doesn't work here, so we return to any location, for example, to Mary's store. We find out the code from the sheriff - 9-2-7-4. We return to Cappy's bar. We see a “Guide for Electricians” on the table. What is it doing here? Some powder is scattered on the table...
On another table is a can of crackers with the label worn off. Maybe Bertha will help us again? Nearby there is some kind of recess in the table.
There is a slot machine under the window. We see that someone lives in the bar - water, boxes, a mattress.
There is a piano in the corner. Open the panel - we need to type the name “Jonathan”.

Let's number all the letters from 1 to 8.
1 turns 1 and 4, 2 - 1, 2 and 5, 3 - 2 and 3, 4 only itself, 5 - 1 and 5, 6 - 6 and 8, 7 - 6 and 7, 8 - 2, 4 and 8.
press 5 until we set it to 5 A (5 times)
press 1 until we set it to 1 D (3 times)
press 3 until we set it to 3 O (3 times)
press 8 until we set it to 2 F (1 time)
press 7 until we set it to 7 A (3 times)
press 6 until we set it to 6 T, and to 8 H (1 time)
press 4 until we set it to 4 N (3 times)

We get the note:
“At the entrance to the sheriff you need to find
Something that can be started.
Add a handle and forks,
Place them in their places.
And you will be able to continue your search.”
Let's look at the terrace near the prison. One floorboard opens (it has the initials “D.V.” on it) - we take out the box that Dirk made.

We turn around, approach the store on the right - and here is the handle.

We take the box to Cappy's bar and put the box in the recess on the table, insert the handle. On the lid of the box is the inscription “-R-N-S”. Where can I get forks?
Let's go to Mary.

13. Tuning forks, crackers and a wallet with beads

Let's call Bertha. When will she have free time, she will send us the name of the crackers.
Checking the mail - Bess and Jess sent us a letter about beadwork.
I'll have to embroider the flower according to the pattern they sent me to find out what kind of flower the end result will be. We don't have beads.
We ask Mary if she knows about Dirk Valentine's treasure. She knows, but doesn't believe it. We ask her if she came across Frances’ cutlery – forks, spoons... She didn’t see them either.
Let's look at the tuning forks on the table - they are very similar to forks. Mary will agree to give them to us in exchange for ten arrowheads.
Mary will also give us beads if we decorate a display with rings.
You need to put rings by color in size from smallest to largest. We take any line. A sample ring is located on the left. We collect in this line rings only of the shape as in the figure on the left. First we arrange three blue rings in size from small to large, then three red ones, then three green ones. This puzzle is randomly generated and there is no ready-made solution.
The finished showcase looks like this:

We're talking about Mary's display case, and we have the beads.
We string the beads like this: yellow, (black, black with a red checkered pattern) - 4 times, (red, white, red-pink) - 4 times. If you make a mistake, click on the needle and the last bead will return back to the box. In the end, we got a poppy.

We are looking for tips.
There are 2 of them in Sukhoi Stream - to the right of the store, near the toilet. There is a scorpion sitting there that cannot be touched. You need to change the location and come back later, then he will no longer be there. The second tip is near the barrel to the right of the post office.
In gorge 3 - near the rock at the bottom in the center; on the lower left, where you can climb up the rocks; at the top, where you need to climb using a lasso.
On the Wild Path - 4. Everyone is lying near the path (if you go straight from Bob and don’t turn anywhere). Let's pay attention to the striped stone, under which a snake hisses (no need to touch the stone) and Charlie's tombstone.
We return to the ranch. On the way we see Mary with Tex.
We ask Tex if he saw Mary at the ranch, he denies everything and suggests leaving her alone. We go to the pumping room, look at the rusty pipe - next to it lies the blue 10th tip.

We check our mobile phone, Bertha sent us the address of a site about crackers - Kelleher. We read an article on the Internet, there is a picture of a sunflower on a can of crackers. Well, we found out the names of all six colors.
We go to Mary and ask her what she talked about with Tex. It turns out that they are in love with each other, but they hide it so that the Rowleys do not think that he is in league with Mary and fire him. The fact is that Mary has been arguing with Rowley for a long time about their land, because Tex found a lot of fossils on the site, from which Mary makes souvenirs and then sells them. Another mystery solved.
We take the tuning forks and go to Dry Stream.
We put the tuning forks to make the word “Francis”, turn the handle, and suddenly the lamp on the wall breaks. There is a note in it:
“Found under a striped stone, a magnet will help with locks.”
We saw the striped rock on the Wild Trail and the magnet on the refrigerator at the ranch.
We return to the ranch.
Evening came. All that remains is to fix the partition for the chickens. We go to the stables to get gloves. There are no horses in the stalls. We put on gloves, take pliers and carefully place the pieces of wire against the partition. if the piece is placed correctly, it will “stick.”
When everything is done, we look at the gloves and see that they glow. Again, a ghostly horse gallops towards the ranch from afar. Now the ranch is left without electricity.

The third day

We talk with Bess and Jess. The gloves glow just like the ghost horse, and we got them covered in some powder at Cappy's bar. So it's interconnected.
We take the magnet from the refrigerator and go outside. There is a horseshoe by the porch. Maybe it's from a ghost horse's hoof? It's time to return to Dry Creek.
Let's go to Tex. Not so! We need to help Sam again. We talk with Tex about the horseshoe - there is a stone stuck in it, very similar to the stone from Dry Creek.
Let's go to Sam.

14. Helping at Ranch 3

We collect vegetables again.
Left bed - Northern Lights tomatoes - 4, right bed - Beefsteak tomatoes - 2, Golden Queen - 2, Black Turtle beans - 2.

We take the basket and collect 6 eggs (one of them was laid by a monster chicken, so you will have to return for this egg a second time).
Let's go to Tex. Now you need to assemble the bridle. Well, he has tasks, however... The finished bridle hangs on the wall next to the door - you can see how to assemble it correctly.
If we place the parts correctly, they “stick”. First we put the leather oval, then the straps, then the silver part, the blue part on it and lastly the rope.
We give the bridle to Tex and go to Dry Creek.

15. Prison

Let's go to Cappy's bar to look at the glowing powder. The book on electricity disappeared, as did the things. We come up to look at things closer and see some kind of key on the box, we reach for it and get hit on the head.
We were locked in a cell. There are strange lines on the wall. What if these are letters of the alphabet? We write the alphabet on a piece of paper, count the number of all the lines in each letter and translate. First, dash 17 is the letter “P”, then 16 is “O”, etc. After entering each letter, press “Enter”.
It turns out: “Under the bank lamp.”

It's time to get outside.
There is a key hanging on the wall. If you try to get it, it will fall to the floor and the game will end. Therefore, we throw a lasso and pull up the chair under the key. We turn around and take two bricks from the next chamber, set the angle to 2, impact force to 2.

The key is on the chair. Again we throw the lasso and take the key.
We leave the cell and pick up a piece of paper with a code on the floor. Using this code, we translate the message on the crumpled piece of paper from the fire: “You will need to take more things if there is nothing at the ranch. Check the bookcase again, Dirk could have hidden it under the sheriff’s nose.” Yes, we have a whole gang of bandits here!
Let's see what lies under the bank lamp (you need to move one of the bricks).

This is another message from Dirk: “There are different ways to play the same game. The ring you and Ellie have, put it in the machine at Cappy’s bar.”
We need to talk to David.

16. Cappie's machine gun

We return to the ranch. David gives his grandmother's ring and recommends calling the police about the attack. After talking with the sheriff, we go to Dry Creek. We go to Cappy's bar, go to the machine, apply the ring, nothing happens, we need a token. Let's return to Mary.
The game has three rounds. You need to get the cuckoo into the hole before the coyotes eat it.
N – down, L – left, R – right, V – up.
Junior detective:
N 2 times, P 2 times, N 5 times, P 5 times
N 3 times, P, V, P, N 5 times, P 5 times

Senior Detective:
N 2 times, P 2 times, V, N 6 times, P 5 times
B 2 times, P 7 times, L 3 times, H 4 times, P 3 times
V 2 times, P 2 times, N 2 times, L 2 times, V 3 times, N 3 times, P 2 times, V 3 times, P 5 times, V
We take the token.
Let's go back. I recommend saving the game so as not to have to go for the token again if you lose, because... The sequence of throwing out pictures is random, and there are only two attempts.
If you collect evil characters, you will only win additional tokens.
So throw the token into the coin slot and place the David Ring on top.
After the first attempt, click on the red buttons under the characters to capture the correct pictures. When you win, you will receive a key.
We are going to the Wild Path.

17. Striped stone on the Wild Path

Let's go to the stone. If a snake hisses there, it’s better to move away and return - it will no longer be there. We lift the stone and open the chest. It was not for nothing that we read the brochure about fossils in Mary's store.
Using a magnet, you need to move the chips with the names of minerals into the central field. We compare the name of the mineral and its color (iron Fe - red, copper Cu - blue, manganese Mn - pink, silicon Si - gray). The matter is complicated by the fact that the boards are in the way, and we do not see bends and obstacles in the way of the chip. Secret: you need to pat the lid of the chest 5 times, then the boards will disappear.
Finally, the chest is open. Take a magnet and place all the chips in the center.

We take out the box. You need to set all six of Frances’ favorite colors on the lid (the sequence of colors is determined by the selection).
We put a rose in the center, a poppy above it, a sunflower on the left, a lily on the right, a chamomile and a tulip below.

We open the lid - there is another lock. On the right is Dirk's message: “To solve my riddle, make the ballerina dance.” We insert the key won from the machine and open the lock.
Instructions inside. You need to draw a line along the symbols on a piece of paper with petroglyphs without lifting your hand. The sequence of characters is specified. We draw a line, we get the letter “V” - Valentine.

We are going to the Anasazi Gorge to look for a stone with the V symbol.
We look for this symbol on the map - it is at the top. We throw the lasso and climb up. We pick up the cobblestone with the V symbol, under it there is a note and a rough stone. The note instructs you to go to Charlie's grave, turn around and look through the stone. We've already seen Charlie's grave on the Wild Trail.
We are going to the Wild Path. We approach Charlie's grave, Nancy takes out a stone - it is very scratched, it will have to be polished somewhere. We return to Mary and ask her to polish the stone. After this we see that this is a very beautiful landscape agate. It depicts a tree.

We return to Charlie’s grave, take out the agate, turn around and see on the opposite side the same tree as on the agate. We saddle up Bob and go to the new location “?”

18. Labyrinth in the Rock settlement

Let's go forward, throw the lasso, climb up. Before us is a labyrinth.
A map of the labyrinth is engraved on the wall at the entrance. You will also need a note from prison - there is a decoding of the symbols. The path is like this:
chocolate - kiwi - yellow - red - blue - orange - kiwi - yellow - chocolate - blue - kiwi - orange - blue - chocolate - kiwi - orange - red - blue - yellow - kiwi - blue - kiwi - chocolate - yellow.

We walk through the labyrinth, simultaneously collecting five keys that are in pots.
Go right to Chocolate and left to Kiwi (i.e., green) - turn right, here is the 1st key in the jug.

Now go left to Orange - here is the second jug, where the 2nd key lies.

We return back to the 1st jug (back to the orange). There will be a Yellow one immediately to the left.
We turn right and go to Krasny – there are stairs up. The 3rd key lies in the jug on the approach.

We turn right into Blue - there is a staircase down here.
We go to Orange, turn right to Kiwi, then right to Yellow - there is a staircase up here. We turn left and go to Chocolate, right to Blue, left to Kiwi.
Immediately left to Orange, right to Blue, left to Chocolate. Now you need to take one step forward towards Kiwi and turn back. There is a 4th key in the jug here.

Now we turn around again. To Kiwi, to Orange, right to Red, left to Blue, to Yellow, left to Kiwi, to Blue. On the right under the Red one is a jug with the 5th key.

In Kiwi, turn left - there will be stairs up. The door to Chocolate and Yellow is in front of you.
We insert the keys into the lock. Here it is, a treasure!
We go out and meet the villain. We must trap him.
I recommend saving the game, because... you will have to act very quickly.
Let's run down. In the hall where we found the fifth jug, we need to quickly swap the red and green stones above the doorways.
The villain falls into a trap as we watch the end credits

Copying of material is permitted only with the indication of the author of the passage, known on the Internet as Julia-10

Nancy arrives at Rowley's invitation to Shadow Ranch to spend her vacation there with Jess and Bes. But the girlfriends didn’t make it, and a ghost of a horse appeared on the ranch.

While playing, don't forget to check the Internet on Nancy's phone! And don’t forget to tighten the girth on your horse’s saddle, ask permission to ride it, and don’t meddle with dangerous animals!

First day.

We call Rowley, look at the email on the phone, then call Bes and Jess. We look around the room. We find Prairie’s book in the bookcase, look at the picture, turn on the radio, look at the book on the table. In the bookcase next to the secretary we find a guide for a novice horse breeder. There is a broken clock on the mantelpiece and a newspaper below. There is a box in the corner next to the secretary. We go to the kitchen and find the sheriff’s number on the refrigerator. We turn right and talk to the cook Sam. We turn around and go outside. We go straight and approach the man near the chicken coop. We talk with Dave and take the key from him. We go into the stable and talk with the groom Tex. We examine the posters on the walls. Take the hat from the barrel and the saddle with gloves above the name Bob. Let's return to Sam. We go to the secretary and open it with the key. We read the threatening letter and take the letter for Mary. We read the note about the sale of the chest and take three levers from the top shelf. We approach the chest in the corner and insert the levers into it. Under each lever we got a bird of a different color.

Let's remember the broken watch. There, each color corresponds to a number. We set the first lever (red) to 12 o'clock. The second (blue) is at 2 o'clock. The third (yellow) is at 7 o'clock. We take the watch from the hiding place and open it, there are active numbers on the dial: 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Press the first number, if it remains pressed, press the second, etc. All numbers must remain pressed. If you do not leave the location of the clock, the combination of numbers remains unchanged and is selected very quickly. We take the item from the secret compartment of the watch. There was a letter and a diary in the cache, which we read, and from the envelope with the letter we took the diagram. We look on the Internet for information about roses. We approach the fireplace and take two newspapers below. We leave and turn to face the door. Click on the numbers on the right and take the basket from the wall. We turn around, go forward to the end of the vegetable beds (sunflowers) and pick up the branches. We turn around and go to the front door; to the left of it next to the bushes there will be more branches. They will also lie to the right of the chicken coop door. We turn around and pick up more branches from the cart with the cactus. We also select them to the right of the red shed. Let's look at the firewood.

We put the first log and take a sledgehammer with a wedge. A mini-game appears in front of us. We look at the location of the log on the log - this determines what position we should put our feet in. If the log is on the right at the bottom, then we place the legs in the same way, etc. we look at the location of the wedge in the log. If it is in the middle, then click on the average impact value. We take the logs. We approach the fireplace and take the bucket. We go into the red house and on the right we fill the bucket with water (we put it in the trough and press the valve). We return to the fire pit. We look at the place where it is directly bred, and take the note from the ashes. We put newspapers, branches and logs in the fire pit. We put a bucket next to it. We go to the vegetable beds.

We watch the harvest on the Internet and collect vegetables. First, we look at the name of the vegetable in the garden, then its description on the Internet. If you are careful, everything will be very simple. We take the vegetables to Sam, take the egg basket, look at it in the inventory and click on the damaged part. We assemble the side of the basket, click on the red thread three times. Let's go to the chicken coop. We pay attention to the sign about a dangerous chicken and if it sits under the sign, we do not touch it. We collect the eggs, go to Sam and return for the egg of the aggressive chicken. We take them to Sam and take the flask. We go to the stables and ask for a ride. Let's go to Bob, go to his left side, put on the saddle and tighten the girth! We press on Bob’s neck and lead him into the pen, press on the saddle and begin answering 10 questions. If you carefully study the posters and books, the answer will not be difficult. In addition, there are only ten questions and if you don’t answer, Tes will repeat it and the answer can be found by searching through it. We drive forward, open the paddock, and a map appears in front of us. We're going to Mary's store. We go into it and give the letter to the owner. We look around the store. We look at the slot machine and after winning three levels we take a coin.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

We look at Bertha Purcell's books, and her number will be in our phone. We find tuning forks on the table and look at the photographs. We look at the chest with doves on the lid. We leave the store and call Bertha. We go back, approach the chest and insert the levers we found earlier into it, turn them. We set the first clockwise at 4 o'clock, the second at 9 o'clock, the third at 11 o'clock. We take the watch from the chest and look at it in the inventory. We take an item with a chain from the inventory and click it on the clock. The active numbers here are: 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1. We proceed in the same way as with the previous clocks. We turn over the found photo and read “green bottle under...”. We're going to the ranch. We remove the saddle from the horse and put it in place. Pliers and a letter fall out of it. We read the letter and talk with the groom. Let's go to Sam's and then leave to the yard.

Second day.

We go to the kitchen and under the picture with a horse we open the drawer in which we find a geological map. We talk with Sam. We take the basket from the wall and go collect vegetables. We take them to Sam and go collect the eggs. We return to the cook. We are looking for a cake recipe in the box on the table. We turn to the table next to the sink and begin to cook. Place in a bowl: two sticks of butter, two eggs, five cups of milk, two cups of flour, three spoons of baking powder, seven cups of sugar, three spoons of vanilla. We move away from the table and click bake. Pour into a medium bowl. We set the time to 45 minutes and the intensity to medium. We taste the cake and click on the bowl of icing. Lay out the flower and color it. We go to the pumping station (red shed) and try to open the door. We call the sheriff. We go inside and, to the left of the pump, click on the active point and select the tip. We look at the shelves, there is a grate under them. Click on it and go down. We pass to the next grate, open it and find ourselves in the basement of the house. After the conversation, we find acid and a wallet on the shelf, which we take with us. We get out through the passage with the grate, go down the stairs and turn to face it. We look at the top step and open it. In the puzzle we need to move the red stripe with initials one step and we will find a green bottle with letters. We return to the basement, go up the stairs and go into the house, look at the picture in more detail. Let's go talk to Dave. We read the letter. We go to Tes, talk to him, and then go feed the animals. We look at the green board with rations. We number the food boxes from left to right from 1 to 5.

Bob: 1 box 2 mugs, 2 box 1 mug, 3 box 2 mugs. We leave the location, a window appears to pour out the cooked food or not. If you have prepared everything correctly, click no, and go to the horses. We pour the food into a bucket suspended in front of Bob. We come back and put the bucket in place.

Clyde: 1 drawer 3 mugs, 2 drawer 1 mug.
Ace: 1 box 1 mug, 2 box 2 mugs, 3 box 1 mug.

Chicken: 5 boxes 2 mugs. We go to the chickens, find the active point in the grid and pour the food into the automatic feeder.
We talk with the groom, take the saddle, and put it on Bob. Don't forget to tighten the girth. We get on the horse and take the lasso. Place the cursor over the broom and click it when the lasso begins to make a perfect circle. After lassoing the broom five times, click on the barrel and try to get around the obstacles in 10 seconds. We take the well-deserved lasso, ask permission to ride, and take the saddle. We are going into a dry stream. On the threshold of the store near the kerosene lamp we select a red handle. To the right of the store next to the wooden shed we take the tip (a scorpion or snake may appear, then just come back for it later). Let's go to the sheriff and try to open the last cell. On the street next to the barrel we take the tip. We go to Cappy's building.

It is locked with a combination lock. We go to Mary and call the sheriff. Lock combination: 9274. Talk to Mary. We are going to the wild ramp. On the right we select the tip. We take a step and select the tip on the left. Three more steps and the tip is on the left. There is another one next to the skull. We turn back and look at Charlie's grave on the left. Turn right and click on the stone. We hear a rattlesnake and leave. We are going to the Anasazi Gorge. We go forward and at the foot of the rock we find the tip. We will examine the entire section of the rock accessible below to find petroglyphs. There are seventeen of them in total and when you click on them, they will automatically appear on your diagram. Each petroglyph must be dragged to the place in the diagram where it stands on the rock. The little white squares on the diagram will tell you where to look for petroglyphs on the rock. On the left there is a rise up one side of the rock.

When you go down, don't miss another tip at the very bottom. There is a piece of wood at the top of the rock, we throw a lasso over it and climb up. On the right we find the tip. We get down and go to the store. We look at the table with cut stones and a photograph of a girl with a white horse. Let's talk to Mary. Let's leave the store and call Bertha, as well as Jess and Bes. Now you can go to the dry stream to open the door with a combination lock. We enter the building and find a sleeping bag on the floor in the corner, next to a piano with an active point below. We click on it and we are asked to enter the code word: JONATHAN (dad's name). Let's number the letters from left to right from 1 to 8. First set the 7th letter, then 6, then 8, 3, 2, 5 and 4. A cache will open in which we will find a note. Let's pay attention to the books on the table, on the bar counter we will find a jar of crackers, and next to it there is an active place for some subject. We go to the sheriff's office and on the thresholds we find an active point marked with a symbol.

We open the cache and take out the stand for tuning forks. We go to the store, look at the tuning forks and ask Mary about them. We exchange our tips for tuning forks and take them away. We go out and call Bertha and GRS. We drive into a dry stream and enter a building with a combination lock. We place a stand for tuning forks on the bar counter and insert a red handle from the inventory into it from the side. We set up the tuning forks. Each tuning fork has its own letter, we need to make up the word FRANCIS. Three letters are already written on the stand itself, add the remaining ones with tuning forks and turn the handle. We take the note from the lamp and read it. We go to the ranch, remove the saddle from Bob, take it to its place and go out into the yard.


We return to the stable and take the gloves. We go to the chicken coop and click on the active point on the side of the grill. We take the gloves from the inventory and use them on the pliers. Nancy will notify you about the correct location of a piece of the grid. If it is silent, it means the piece was not inserted correctly.

Day three.

We go to the kitchen and remove the magnet from the refrigerator and talk with Sam. We leave the house and pick up a horseshoe. We collect vegetables and eggs. We look at email and the Internet. We talk with Dave and Tex. Assembling the bridle. It is in the jar next to the poster. Let's go talk to Mary. For the beads we have to decorate the window display. We first arrange the rings by shape (sample on the left), by color (each cell has its own color), and then by size. Below, under the rings, it is written how to determine their size. We arrange the rings from smallest to largest. When we take the ring, it turns over and we seesome sign. We correlate the sign with what is written below and we get that “OM - moon” means a very small ring, and it is placed first in its color and shape group etc. We take the beads and start embroidering the flower on the wallet. We take the wallet and, without leaving it, open the inventory, take the beads and apply them to the wallet. We type the pattern: yellow, black, black-red, black, black-red, black, black-red, black, black-red, red, white, red, red-pink, red, white, red, red-pink, red , White Red, red-pink, red, white, red, red-pink.

We go to the dry stream once again to look at the books with glowing powder, look at the box with the key in the corner and smoothly move into the prison cell. There are dashes next to the washbasin, each group of dashes representing a letter. It should look like: UNDERLAMP BANK.

We take a brick from the next chamber. Opposite the cell door, use a lasso to lift the chair. We look at the key and set the throw force to medium, and the arrow to the second from the left. We use the lasso on the chair, select the key and open the grate. We select a note with encoding. We go to the bank and find the active point under the white lamp, open the cache and read the message. We go on a wild path and find a striped stone there, move it aside and move the iron rounds located on the sides to the multi-colored ones in the middle. Cu – green round, Mn - pink, Si - silver, Fe – orange. If you exit the puzzle several times in a row, the wooden planks covering the labyrinth will disappear. We take out a box of flowers from the hiding place and take it with us. We go to the ranch, talk with Dave, take the ring from him and return to the abandoned city. Let's go play the slot machine. We look at the machine, save (we have one coin, it’s unlikely to win the first time, and running to the coyotes every time is not a necessary waste of time). We insert the coin into the slot, apply the ring to the red button and press the lever. Evil and nice bandits appear before us. Under the cute ones, press the red buttons and press the lever again. We win and take the key. Now let's look at the flower box.

We read the note on the right, insert the key from the machine into the hole, read another note. We connect the petroglyphs in the diagram according to the order located in the note.

We go to the Anasazi gorge, climb to the top of the rock and find a stone with a pattern that we got in the diagram. We move this stone and find another note, which we read, and take the stone. We go to Mary and give her the stone for polishing. We drive to an abandoned path and approach Charlie’s grave. A stone with a pattern appears in front of us, and we begin to turn around its axis until Nancy finds what we are looking for. Having arrived at the place, we go to the right, and then straight to the rock. We throw a lasso on the log lying above and climb into the dwelling. We go forward to the clue scratched on the wall. You can decipher it using the note that we found when we got out of prison. Next we will have a labyrinth.

Above each passage there are stones that we will use to navigate. Maze passage: brown stone, green, yellow, red, blue, orange, green, yellow, brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown, green, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, blue, green, brown, yellow. Along the way we look into the jugs, some of them will contain keys (there are five in total). You will have to deviate from the path twice to find the next jug with the key. The first time at the beginning, the second at the end. At the end, a door with five different keyholes will appear in front of us, into which we insert, selecting the shape, five keys. Click on the lock, go into the door and open the chest standing on the table. We go out the door, and after meeting the criminal we go down the stairs and go to a hole covered with a carpet. We remove the red stone from the wall, turn to the correct passage and replace the green stone with a red one. We turn back and insert the green stone into the empty space.

Publisher in Russia and the CIS countries: "New Disk"
Russian-language Nancy Drew website: http://www.nancydrew.ru/

Nancy Drew is an observant young lady who manages to find a reason to investigate every incident. That is, sticking your curious nose into all the cracks and pestering others with leading questions. And all this, with constant success, leads the tireless Nancy to unravel the mysteries.
Books written by Caroline Keene have been republished many times in many countries around the world. If you look hard enough, you can easily find them in our bookstores.

This time Nancy was invited to visit the ranch of Edd and Diana Rowley, the aunt and uncle of her friends Bess and Jess. In order to relax and have a good time. But upon arriving, Nancy finds out that her friends - they were on a different flight - are still missing. Moreover, the ranch owners themselves are not there...

System requirements

Operating system Microsoft Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP
Processor Pentium-II 400 MHz
605 MB of free hard disk space
3D video adapter with 16 MB memory
16-bit sound card DirectX compatible
CD Reader

It is highly recommended that you close all other programs on Windows before starting the game.

Walkthrough or "How it was in the game..."

Nancy talks about all the previous events in a letter to the family's housekeeper, Drew Hannah, so a long cutscene will not distract us from the investigation. Once in the living room, we look around properly. To begin with, we go to the coffee table and study the first volume of the book from the series “Entertaining horse breeding for dummies.” We read carefully - not only is it interesting, it will also be useful in the future.

Then we approach the fireplace. There we note that the clock on the mantelpiece shows the wrong time, and in the paper tray (to the left of the fireplace) there is a newspaper with an article about extreme heat. We notice all the small details - we are detectives. Nancy puts the most important things in her notebook, where she can look at it from time to time to refresh her memories.

Then we move to the left side of the living room. In the corner is a triangular chest with a puzzle on the lid. There are some things in the chest itself. There is a secretary even further to the left, but it is locked. What a pity! To the left of the secretary, by the window, two bookcases were freely located. On the shelf on the right is the second volume on entertaining horse breeding. We read carefully. Turning left again, we run into a wall with windows and the front door. There is a note on the door notifying us that the porch is still broken and asking us to use the back door.

The question arises: how did Nancy manage to get into the house through the front entrance if renovations are underway and the door is generally closed? But that's beside the point...

To the left is another bookcase. Among other books we find there a novel autographed by the author, Bertha Purcell, signed by Diana Rowley. There is nothing else interesting on this wall. We return to the original position.

To the right of the fireplace, on the wall, hangs a portrait of Frances Humber. Even further to the right is a radio that will tell us about the terrible heat, the sale of livestock and miracle vitamins for animals. We go out to the kitchen and the first thing we do is rush to the refrigerator. We look at the sheriff's phone - it is automatically entered into the memory of Nancy's mobile phone. We glance over the table of measures (this will be very useful in the future) and turn to the right. To our left are a stove and an oven, to our right is a table with a box of interesting recipes (I carefully copied it on a piece of paper), straight ahead - in the back of the kitchen - a man is standing with his back to us. We are trying to communicate, but he asks us to first contact the owners by phone. We call Rowley and find out that Edd was bitten in the hand by a poisonous snake, so at the moment Diana is guarding her husband in the hospital, where they will stay for some time.

Nancy is asked to take the key to the secretary from David, pick up the letter from it and take it to the addressee. After talking with Rowley, we return to the conversation with Sam Thurmond, a local chef. He tells us about the ghost of a horse, which all the inhabitants of the ranch saw shortly before the accident, and the legend about the owner of this horse (when it was not yet a ghost), Dirk Valentine and a girl named Frances, who used to live in this house. It is her portrait that hangs in the living room. Of course, Nancy's eyes lit up from such a story.

After chatting with Sam, we go into the yard. We turn to the door and study the thermometer - it’s hot. We go to the man standing next to the chicken coop. This is David. We talk with him about life, we get the key to the secretary. David clearly doesn't like our presence at the ranch.

We go through the gate decorated with a skull - this is a stable. On the left is a stall, on the right is an ammunition box and fodder in one bottle. Inside we will find several saddles, harness, a stall with food, posters and the groom Tex. A very stern man, I must say. He tells us the rules of behavior with a horse and does not allow us to ride without passing an oral exam (I’ll say right away that any mistake leads to Nancy’s expulsion from the ranch) on knowledge of the subject. But before the exam, we need to get cheat sheets (for the player) and a flask (Nancy) - we should ask Sam for it. But before returning to the house, we take a saddle from the lower right corner (on the holder is the horse’s name: Bob), and a hat from the bedside table. We go out into the stall and approach Bob, our horse. We saddle up and tighten the girth. The training was successful. We remove the saddle and go hang it in place. We pick up the dropped letter and read it - this is a greeting card to Tex from his sister. The corresponding mark appears in the notepad.

While we are walking towards the house, we are overtaken by a call from Bess and Jess, who are stuck at the airport due to a plane breakdown (they never make it to the ranch before the end credits). Having discussed with them all the events at the ranch, conveyed the local legend about the robber, his lover and the ghost of the horse, and also built a working version, we finally reach the living room. We open the secretary with the key and begin to rummage through the owner's papers. We extract the bill of sale for the chest, the desired letter for Mary, and a threatening note from Tex’s sister. From the upper left compartment we take three strange types of pieces of iron. We insert them into the lid of the triangular chest. Come over. Now we will look for the code, but there will still be time.

We return to the stable for a couple of minutes to interrogate Tex about his sister’s note. There is no need to be shy about taking a person away from work and driving him to white heat, and after a few such interrogations he will tell you everything himself. So, if you believe Tex’s words, he doesn’t communicate with his sister often, and if he were Rowley, he would fire her because of her scandalous nature. We carefully take notes and go beg for a flask from Sam.

The talkative cook happily loaded Nancy Cinderella with tasks. To begin with, he demanded that they bring him fresh vegetables from the garden beds, and then fill a bucket of water and prepare everything for making a fire. I always suspected that chopping wood was a purely feminine activity. Sam only confirmed my opinion.

We go out into the yard, turn to the door and remove the wicker basket (I would say that it is a tray) from the wall next to the thermometer. We go to the beds and almost right next to the fence we pick up twigs for kindling. Then we pick two clearly ripe tomatoes. Pink ones raise questions, so we climb through for the correct answer. mobile phone in Internet. Having collected everything we can, we go to the fireplace and pull out the burnt encryption from the fire pit (the letters in the words are rearranged, but you can read them, but the symbols are difficult to understand),

Make a mistake twice and bring the wrong thing to the cook - he will complain about you to the owners, and Nancy will go along the stage of suitcase-station-house. That's when "Second Chance" comes in handy - the opportunity to return to the game before making a mistake. Pick all the beans from the left bed, you can’t go wrong. She has already matured. After harvesting, we have to go to the chicken coop again - without touching the white chicken!

We bring the eggs to the kitchen, but Sam again asks us for a favor - today is Tex’s birthday, and if Sam bakes the cake, the birthday boy won’t touch it. The icing is already ready, but the cake itself is up to us. Sam doesn't limit us by time. We take a flask of water from him and go read the recipe for the Shadow Ranch cake. How interesting that Frances wrote this recipe. The top of the baked goods is decorated with a marzipan flower. And here is a flower... Okay, let's write it down (next to it are the measures that Nancy will use).

1 cup butter - 2 packs
2 eggs
1 2/3 cups milk - 5 ladles
4 cups flour - 2 pints
1 tablespoon baking powder - 3 teaspoons
2 1/3 cups sugar - 7 scoops
3 teaspoons vanilla

Bake in a medium pan for 45 minutes at medium temperature. Taste the cake and decorate with icing sugar. After this, we assemble Frances’s marzipan flower from the pieces, focusing on the contours of the flower on the top of the cake. As a result, we got a flower called a tulip. Using two colors of food coloring, color the stem with leaves and the flower itself.

After we have deftly baked and decorated the cake, we can continue our investigation. The entrance to the red building is closed by order of the sheriff. We call Fernandez and get permission to enter and inspect the damage. The pipe was indeed very rusty, just like Sam said. On the ground just to the left of the pipe lies an arrowhead. And under the bottom shelf of the rack there was something interesting. All this time the grate hid the entrance to the secret passage. We go to the end, climb out in the basement of the house and stumble upon David. A delicate situation... We interrogate a secret treasure hunter and find out that his grandmother was Frances Humber's cousin, and the heiress of her entire fortune. At least he's not a criminal. But David had the second half of the photograph from the watch. On the back it says: "stairs to the basement." We look at Frances' letter to her cousin - in the upper right corner we see another flower - a lily. Now we know Dave's secret and promise to insure him and fix the chicken cage. After a heart-to-heart conversation, David left, and we were left alone with the basement. It's better for us.

We look around. There is a bottle of acid on the shelf. On the shelf below is a beaded wallet. We pick it up and study it carefully. It looks like some flower is missing. We go into the hole again, go down one step, turn around and study it properly. Below it is a puzzle similar to tag. A chip with the initials F.Kh. you need to move one cell to the right. Below it is a green bottle. Inside we find Dirk's letter. Encrypted. Everything you can take away: Frances's shawl, embroidered wallet, knitting book, meeting on Friday at the big stones. Riddle...

Below it is another letter. About four packages of crackers, an agate stone and a meeting on Tuesday at the cactus. And here is the third letter. About the cake and the flower on Frances' letters, and the meeting on Thursday at Charlie's grave. We leave through the secret door (from the outside it is disguised as a bookcase) and go look at Frances’ shawl in the portrait. A funny pattern. We admire it, but we understand little. We take out our mobile phone and search through the browser. We read about agates and knitting. The next flower will be a chamomile. It doesn't get any easier hour by hour.

We call our girlfriends and hold an emergency meeting. We give Bass and Jess a party task to find in their thick book on the 19th century information about the manufacturer of a beaded wallet. We call Bertha Purcell and find out about the one and a half cent coin we won. Then we call Diana Rowley and make inquiries about Tex’s sister. Let's go ask the stern groom for a horse. But this hater of city ladies orders that the chickens and horses be fed first. We're in a hurry, we're in a hurry.

We approach the chests with grain, open the one on the far right - this is a mixture for chickens. We pour two buckets into the yellow bucket on the scales, refuse to empty it and go feed the chickens. Raise the lid, pour out the grain, close the lid. Let Tex burst with anger! Now we come to the difficult stage - the horses also want to eat.

Bob's diet: 2 measures of oats (leftmost box), 1 measure of corn (second box from left), 1.5 measures of feed mixture (third, corner box). We weigh it. 4.5 kilograms - everything is strictly according to the books!

Diet for Clyde: 3 measures of oats, 1.5 mixtures. But this does not reach 4.5 kilograms, so we add another measure of corn.

Diet for Ace: 1 measure of oats, half a measure of corn (in fact, you will have to take 2 measures of corn), 3 measures of feed mixture (in fact, you need to take half a measure of the mixture).

We feed the last horse, put the bucket in its place and go to show off to the stern groom. But the uncle got a bit of an idea and decided to let us practice throwing a lasso and jumping against the clock. And Tex himself will take our exam. As always. But we can ride Bob about our business. After we pass the exam :).

We saddle Bob, tighten the girth, and take him out into the pen. There are already three barrels carefully prepared by Tex and a broom leaning against a piece of wood. A lasso hangs nearby. First we drive up to it - it’s easier. We take it, unwind it, and when the rope forms a perfect circle, we throw Five hits out of five, and we are halfway to success.

It's more difficult with horse racing. You have to do it in ten seconds without hitting a single barrel. A click of the mouse spurs the horse. Each mistake adds five seconds to the final time, so one mistake is enough to fail everything. The route map can be seen on the wall in the stall. We go around the first barrel on the right, and the second and third on the left,

...after which we stop next to Tex. We muster up a great deal of patience and get started. One click almost to the barrel is enough. Gone! Tex's jaw dropped. It serves him right! Let's take our lasso.

We are going to Dry Stream. We approach the house closest to us on the right. There are symbols carved on the veranda: a mirrored “B” and a capital “D”. Dirk Valentine? We go to prison. The cameras are locked, we don't have the key. Let's walk around the city. On one of the slings we find a letter, capital "P". We turn 180 degrees and go to the barrel - next to it on the ground lies an arrowhead. The next couple of houses - at the post office there is another belt with letters. Looks like a capital "U" and "A". On the opposite side of the street there is a Cappy store. Whole, clean. There is a brand new lock hanging on the door - a chain with a code. Sealed by order of the sheriff. It is useless to call, since there is no signal in the mountains.

We go back and turn to the wooden toilet. There is something lying in the sand, but when we try to pick up the object, a terribly disgruntled scorpion crawls out at us. And he's clearly not in the mood. We retreat ignominiously and return to Shadow Ranch... to drive past the cooing Mary Youngson and Tex. Interesting arrangement. When questioned, Tex denied everything. We visit Mary. But before entering the store, we call Sheriff Fernandez and find out the lock code: 9274. We go talk to the Indian woman, and by cunning we force her to admit that she and Tex are having an affair. At the same time, we learn about the reason why Mary so wants to buy part of the land from Rowley.

We go outside and call Bertha Purcell to find out about Dry Creek. It turns out that Capp at one time was something like a mayor in the town. But this did not stop him from running his own tavern with a real piano. It's time to visit Dry Creek again. This time the scorpion did not crawl out to greet us, so we calmly picked up another spear tip from the ground near the toilet.

We approach Capp's establishment, dial 9274 on the lock and go inside. The sleeping bag in the corner, thermos, water in a plastic bottle and toothpaste are clearly not nineteenth-century items. Someone definitely lives here. We approach the slot machine and throw our coin into the slot. It is necessary to achieve the appearance of four of the most notorious scoundrels. A total of two attempts are given for each coin. The scoundrels that fall out after the first attempt must be fixed with buttons. If all else fails, you can win another coin from the machine from Mary. If you win here, you will receive two one and a half cent coins.

We continue to look around. There are books on the table. The top one is a manual for electricians (the literature also somehow does not fit into the concept of the nineteenth century). The book is covered with a layer of dust. There is a cracker jar on the bar, but the name is impossible to read. We return to Mary's shop and ask the owner about Dirk Valentine's treasures. On the street we call Sheriff Fernandez and tell him that someone is hiding in Dry Creek. We return to the ranch and interrogate the workers. Sam denies the presence of treasures (like Mary), Tex denies Mary's visit to the lands of Edd and Diana (just like Mary herself denies it). David alone does not deny anything, but he is trying to find out if Nancy has a boyfriend. Hee hee.

We are going to the Anasazi Gorge (Anasazi is an ancient Indian tribe that inhabited part of Arizona). We walk around and carefully look at the rock paintings - they immediately appear on the map left by Valentine Francis. We pick up three arrowheads from the ground in different places of the gorge.
In the right side of the gorge (to the right of the stairs) we take out the lasso and lift our heads up. We see a log sticking out.

We cling on and climb up. Along the way we look at all the petroglyphs, pick up the spear tip at the top and collect five more petroglyphs for our piggy bank.

We go down the rope, move away and look at the rocks. We take out our drawing and begin to place the collected petroglyphs in place as they are carved on the rocks. As a result, at the very bottom you will see “write your dad’s name under the piano keys.” We go to Mary's store, call Bertha Purcell and find out about Jonathan Valentine, Dirk's father, and also ask the writer to find out the full name of the crackers in the tin. We check the mail and find a letter from friends about bead embroidery. Now we know what kind of flower was embroidered on the wallet and how to restore it. But for this we need beads. We go to Mary and ask for beads. While she is looking for a box, we must set up a display case and arrange the rings according to the size and color of the stones. It's very simple and doesn't take much time.

We finish sorting and return to Mary. We take the beads. Let's look around everything in the store again. Next to the booklet is a cut of rosewood, and on the table to the right of the rings is a set of tuning forks with Frances Humber's initials on the bag. We talk with Mary about the tree again. If necessary, we stock up on one and a half cent coins for saving the cuckoo from the coyotes. We return to Dry Stream, go to Kepp's tavern, go to the piano and open the puzzle under the keys. The code is Dirk's father's name: Jonathan. We start with the penultimate letter. Click on it until you see “A”. Let's move on to the sixth letter - we are interested in "T", click on the last one - "N", then the third - "O" (the second letter will be set automatically), the fifth - "A", and the first - "D". All that remains is to restore the fourth - “H”, and the cache will open.

We take the note: “At the entrance to the sheriff you need to find something that can be started. Add a pen and a fork. Place them in their places. And you can continue the search.” The forks appear to be tuning forks from Mary's shop. We don't have a pen yet. Will seek...

We reach the toilet and see that on the left (the right side of the store porch) something is red. Let's get closer... Here it is, the desired pen, lying near the hand mill.

We approach the porch of the prison, lift the floorboard under the initials of Dirk Valentine (inverted “B” and “D”). We find some kind of mechanical device. Again we rush to Mary to ask for tuning forks, taking the device with us. Without going to the store, we look on the Internet about crackers - they were called “Sunflower”. Here's another flower for our collection. Now let's fix the wallet. Using Jess and Bass's letter as a guide, we string beads onto a thread in the following sequence: yellow, alternating black beads four times with black beads with red corners; red, white, red, red with pink corners - repeat four times. The end result will be something resembling a poppy. We ask Mary for tuning forks for a while, but she can give them to Nancy for good if we bring her ten arrowheads. We will put the tips in a special box. So far we only have six pieces. But we have not yet visited a place called the Wild Path. Let's jump there.

We select the seventh tip to the right of the path, opposite Bob. We take a step forward - to the left of the path we raise the eighth tip. The next step will take us to Charlie's grave. A snake hisses under a striped stone opposite the grave; it’s better not to go there. We go further along the path - we pick up the ninth tip. We reach the skull - the tenth tip lies in the dust on the other side of the road. We return to Mary and give the box to her. But then it turns out that one tip is extra, and we get it back. At the same time we take away the tuning forks. It's time to solve another puzzle.

We go to Dry Creek, go to Cappy and place the box on the bar counter, to the right of the can of crackers.
We insert a pen, arm ourselves with tuning forks and begin to act. The tuning forks are engraved with letters, as are the lids of the box. We put tuning forks in the grooves of the lid to make the name Francis, and turn the handle. There is the sound of breaking glass - a wall lamp has broken. Inside was another note from Dirk: “The magnet found under the striped stone will help you deal with the locks.”

We return to the ranch, unsaddle Bob. Evening is coming. We return to the ammunition room and take the gloves from the saddle. We have a chicken coop renovation job to do. We will repair the right wall of the chicken coop. We take the gloves from the inventory and click them on the pliers. Those who like to assemble puzzles will enjoy the task. Immediately after finishing the job, Nancy will notice that her gloves glow in the dark.

And immediately a ghostly horse will appear as a harbinger of misfortune - a wire will fly off the pole and the ranch will be plunged into darkness.

The next morning begins with a call from Bass and Jess with good news: they will finally make it to the ranch. Some day. We say goodbye and go get a magnet from the refrigerator. A few moments later, the red apple magnet ends up in Nancy's pocket. We agree on our own to help Sam collect vegetables and eggs once again... We go out into the yard and stumble upon a strange horseshoe. Let's go show it to Tex. He determines that the stone in the horseshoe is clearly from the abandoned city.

We quickly collect vegetables for Sam (we pick off everything except the Ivory variety) and eggs, ask for a flask of water and go to Tex for permission to go for a ride. The stern man decided to complicate our lives and dismantled Bob's bridle. Until we get it together, we won’t go riding. We are guided by the bridle hanging to the left of the door (it would be better to redraw it on a piece of paper if you are not a horse lover and cannot assemble the harness with eyes closed). We take out the contents of the jar and get started.

After everything went well, we again ask Tex to allow us to take a ride and set off to look for adventure in an abandoned city. We go to the tavern. The books disappeared, as did the things in the corner. We play in the slot machine - if anyone didn’t do it the first time - we collect four bandits, we get two coins. Let's go look at the box in the corner, we see a key lying on it. When we try to lift it, we hit it on the head with a heavy object and immediately pass out.

We come to our senses on a bunk in Dirk Valentine’s cell behind a locked door. Not bad. To the right of the sink we see crossed out sticks. But we will deal with them later. We turn 180 degrees and pick up bricks from the floor. We're going to have to artistically throw bricks at the key. So, the disposition is this: the key hangs on a nail to our right. A little further on there is a chair lying on its side. Goal: get the key.

We unwind the lasso (don’t ask me how to do this while sitting indoors in cramped conditions - I’m not a cowboy), throw it over the back of the chair, and put the chair in a vertical position. Using bricks we knock the key off the nail, setting the force and height of the throw. After the key is on the chair, we again throw the lasso over the back and drag the chair. The key falls to the floor in our direction and ends up in Nancy's hands. Now let's calmly take care of the writing on the wall. The code is simple, one dash is equal to one letter of the alphabet. That is, four vertical and one oblique - the fifth letter, that is, “D”. We arm ourselves with the alphabet and count. We write the found letter under the sticks. We get “under the bank lamp”. We open the lock of the camera, go out and come across paper - the key to decipher a piece of paper from the hearth. Now we can read what is written there. From the note it becomes clear that the criminals have an accomplice in the house, as we suspected. Well, it still feels good to be right.

We approach the bank, peer into the bricks on the right corner and take out a note from the hiding place: “There are different ways to play the same game. I know them and I will help you play. Put the ring that you and Ellie have in the machine that is in Cappy's bar. We need a ring.

We return to the ranch, unsaddle Bob, take the saddle to its place and go talk to Dave. We ask the young man for his grandmother’s ring for a while and tell him about the incident in Sukhoi Stream. Before returning to Cappy’s establishment, we call the sheriff and repeat our story. Civic duty has been fulfilled, now you can go.

We approach the slot machine, save the game, insert David’s grandmother’s ring into the red oval on the machine and receive the task of collecting the kindest four characters. Be prepared to download several times. This time we will get a key as a prize. In anticipation of the imminent solution to the mystery, we gallop towards the Wild Path. We reach the striped stone, with considerable effort we move it to the side and stumble upon a puzzle.

In the center of the maze there are four multi-colored circles, in the corners there are four chips with the elements: iron (Fe), silicon (Si), copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn). Using a magnet, you need to drag each chip through the labyrinth, which for fun is still closed on top with six slats, to its corresponding circle: iron - to orange, silicon - to gray, copper - to blue-green, manganese - to pinkish-violet.

As I already mentioned, there are six slats nailed on top of the labyrinth, so most of the time you will have to act by touch - the groove of the labyrinth is narrow, chips will often be lost. Focus on sound, it's easier.

When all the chips are in place, the cache will open. There will be a box inside. To open it, you will have to rack your brain again.

Press into the middle of the picture to make a yellow rose appear. On the left we put a sunflower (a flower from crackers), on the right - a lily (a flower from Frances' letters). At the top we click until the poppy appears (like on a wallet), at the very bottom we are interested in chamomile and tulip. The box opens. Inside we find a note and another locked compartment. We read the note and open the ballerina with the key. There is another clue inside. She is associated with petroglyphs in the Anasazi Gorge. It’s easier to solve riddles while on the spot. We're going to the gorge.

Upon fulfilling the condition, we got a handwritten Latin V - Valentine. And we have just such a petrogram on the map - V, tilted to the right. We throw the lasso, climb onto the rock, move the stone with the petroglyph to the side. Beneath him in the niche was another note and a white oval stone.
"At Charlie's grave, lift it up. Turn around and you will easily find the path to the treasure. Go there. Yes, and I'm not talking about the Charlie who is buried in Dry Creek."

Why are all the action notes written in blank (and off-white) verse, but the note about Charlie is in prose? Apparently, this part should not be taken into account - it is a distraction for outsiders. We take the pebble with us - it is badly scratched - and go to Mary's shop to polish the round one. A few minutes, and we have in our hands a landscape agate with an image of two trees in the shape of the letter V. Not believing Dirk, we return to Charlie’s grave, known to us, turn 180 degrees and immediately see the tree from our agate. It turned out that this place is quite far away, so we rode on horseback.

There is only one road, it is impossible to get lost. We raise our heads up, see a log sticking out, throw the lasso, and rise. Dirk hid his treasures in an ancient Anasazi dwelling carved out of stone. Amazing. We go forward along the winding corridor and see another encrypted message on the wall. As written in the key, the letters in the words are rearranged, and squares with vertical lines indicate colors. We look carefully and write down on a piece of paper the order in which to go. After which we hit the road. The colors indicate the correct door. Don't forget to pick up five keys from the vases along the way!

Brown (chocolate), green (kiwi) - there is a jug with a key inside in the corner, yellow - we go forward and take the key from the vase under the opening of the "orange" door, red - the stairs up and the key in the jug on a piece of the wall, blue - the stairs down , orange (orange), green, yellow - stairs upstairs, brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown - another vase with a key inside, green, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, blue - vase with a key under the opening of the “red” door next to the hole covered with a rug, green, brown - stairs up, yellow - door.

The “yellow” door is locked with five keys that we found in vases on the way here.

We open the lock (strange, no puzzles) and go inside. The room is painted with hearts and, one might say, romantically decorated. In the right corner there is a small chest filled with golden hearts. This is Dirk Valentine's treasure.

We close the chest and exit the door to see Sam walking through the maze below. He launches into spatial speeches explaining what is happening. We run downstairs as soon as he finishes ranting, go down the “brown” stairs and find ourselves in the hall. We change the stone above the red door (where they took the last key from the vase) with the stone above the green door. Then, from a safe place, we watch as the criminal falls into the pit. This all leads into the final cutscene, where everything ends well: Dave gets the treasure, the Rowleys continue to run the ranch, Mary and Tex officially start dating, the horse no longer gets the glow cream, and the frog travelers finally make it to the ranch. And Nancy Drew, nicknamed Iron Pants, goes to England to investigate the curse of Blackmoor Manor.

Don't want to join? ;).

"...And how it was in the book"

I don’t want to reveal all the secrets of the book - it’s worth reading. But without a book, some aspects of the game will be incomprehensible. Firstly, it was no coincidence that newspaper headlines mentioned bank robbers spotted in the area. The book not only contains Dirk Valentine's treasure, but also the robbers. Sam was one of this gang. Secondly, the moment with Dave’s question about Nancy’s young man is depicted in detail in the book and is directly related to the investigation.
Thirdly, Tex wasn't dating Mary, but...

However, I won’t tell you anything more. Read for yourself, the book is shorter than this game. But she is no less interesting.

Conclusion and assessments

Well what can I say? It's rare that you come across a truly interesting game. So interesting that after its completion I read the book with pleasure. "The Secret of Shadow Ranch" was completed in a little less than two days with a break for sleep and food. It's impossible to tear yourself away. Several points remained unclear even after reading the book, but oh well...

And if you consider how much material on the Internet I had to rummage through in order to quickly answer Tex’s questions, rather than leaving the location and going back into the house to read “Entertaining Horse Breeding” in two volumes, then the benefits of the game become obvious - I can now describe it since the summer differences in color or hoof structure, as well as tell the history of the Appaloosa. So in any case, the game is worth the candle, despite the fact that the main criminal was figured out in the first third of the game. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the parts about Nancy Ironpants and her friends.

And finally, a little technical information. The game has two difficulty levels to choose from. I played on low. If you choose a more difficult passage, then forget about the help of Bass with Jess and Joe with Frank, although the latter did not help much anyway. Well, the puzzles, of course, will become more difficult.

Otherwise, a great game and a great gift for a teenage girl. I don’t know if a boy would want to play for a girl :).

The scores will be as follows:

Graphic arts: 80%
Sound: 80%
Game process: 90%

General impression: 83%
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