How many blocks does the piston move? How to make sticky pistons in Minecraft and how to use them? Making a piston in Minecraft

Before thinking about how to craft a piston, let's see what kind of item this is and how it can be used in the game. After this, you can start learning crafting.

What is this?

So, what is a piston in Minecraft? In general, this is a so-called block that can influence others, pushing them in horizontal or vertical directions - depending on how it is installed.

How to craft a piston and use it? Let's see how useful this item can be, because making it will not be so easy. To begin with, it is worth understanding that the piston can move several blocks, up to 12 pieces at a time. Great lift!

In addition, after you have learned how to craft sticky pistons, you will be given a great opportunity to build cunning traps for ill-wishers and other players. For example, you can push an enemy into a pit.

Remember that pistons can block fluids. This way you can make a good trap. The main thing is not to get caught yourself. Now let's talk in Minecraft.


So, let's start with you in order to study our today's crafting of items. In order for you to create a piston, you need to stock up on so-called boards. Without them, you won't be able to do what you set out to do.

In Minecraft, a board is a basic resource used in construction. It turns out when working with wood. In general, there are as many as 6 types of wood. They are all the same in properties, but different in color. Oak boards are perfect for the piston.

Try to stock up on this resource for future use. After all, boards can be disassembled into wooden sticks, which are also an important component in crafting game items. So, after you have a sufficient amount of resource, you can start looking for the remaining components.

Cobblestone and iron

Another item that will help answer how to craft a piston in the game Minecraft is a cobblestone. Another resource needed in the toy. It turns out when working with stone. More precisely, when exposed to any stone block. Sometimes it can result from the interaction of lava and water.

Another resource used in crafting is iron. It is obtained when working with iron blocks, but can also be found in its pure form. So to speak, it is produced by natural forces.

If you are thinking about it, but don’t know where to get it iron ingot, then try to work a little with iron blocks. Or kill the iron golem. One “mob” drops from 3 to 5 ingots. You can also obtain this resource through firing. But these are not all the components that will be useful to you to create a piston.

Red dust

In order for almost any mechanism to work in the Minecraft game, you will have to find the so-called red dust. This is the main material that ensures the operation of all systems in the game. A kind of source of energy.

If you are wondering how to craft a piston in Minecraft, you will have to think carefully about where you will get the red dust. Without it, no matter how hard you try, the mechanism will not be created. This is all due to the fact that he simply cannot act.

Red dust is obtained by processing red ore blocks. Can be used to craft the game's red torch). Dust can be bought from merchants or obtained from witches. In addition, as already mentioned, this material can be obtained by working with red ore.

In order to be able to create a piston, you must collect all necessary resources in a certain quantity. So, for example, only one unit of red dust is required. You need the same amount of iron ingots. But you will have to take 3 pieces of boards. Add 4 cobblestones to the pile. Now you can use the piston the way you want. For one craft you get one unit of an item. If you want to make a sticky plunger, you'll have to get some goo.

The piston was suggested to be introduced on the Minecraft forum. It was proposed by a player under the nickname Hippoplatimus. And later this person independently created this block and, by his will, it was introduced into the game. And for good reason, this block is useful to players and plays a significant role in the game.


It provides block pushing in minecraft, with the help of it you can build many different mechanisms in minecraft, which make life in the minecraft game much easier. This is a special, unique mechanism that pushes blocks in different directions. In horizontal, vertical. If you want everything more mechanized, then crafting it is worth it.

The power of the piston in Minecraft is great, it is capable of moving as many as 12 blocks. It has unique properties and is made for the convenience and creativity of using items used by the player. Thereby providing a more automated existence in the world of Minecraft. Everything can be controlled either with a lever or a button and there is no need to perform unnecessary movements. He can also influence players or make any movements towards objects that you want to use.

But pistons in minecraft have one feature: they cannot push some things, blocks. For example, they cannot push obsidian, because it is bedrock, or tablets, stoves, chests, spawners.

One piston can even push the other if it is in a compressed state. Some items, such as a torch, fall out when moved, or, for example, pumpkins.


Pistons in minecraft are activated in an interesting way, it can be activated by a red stone signal or otherwise called redstone. Red stone cannot be made, it is mined in mines at a depth of 1-20 blocks, it cannot be made.


There are 2 types of piston in minecraft, which differ in their properties. There is a sticky piston and a regular one.

Regular piston (video)
How to make a piston in minecraft, many players ask this question. You can craft it using boards, cobblestones, red dust and iron ingots. (craft is shown in the screenshot below) To craft a regular piston, you don’t need to look for the necessary resources for a long time, because they are found often. Therefore, players who have not had time to get used to the world can afford to craft this piston, because making it is not so difficult.

When you make it, you can use boards of any type, which makes crafting much easier for the player.

Sticky piston (video). It's not that difficult to make. It is made like a regular one, it also pushes up to 12 blocks. But it has one feature that is important to players. It has the property of returning the block to the same place in which it stood, i.e. it can be deactivated. Which allows you to create even more opportunities to interact with him. It has no gravity, so sand and gravel can be kept in the air without falling down, which allows it to be unique and so useful to players.

Craft. You can do it using mucus and a regular piston, as shown in the screenshot. You can craft a sticky piston without much difficulty and it is available to almost every player. You can also watch the video on how to craft a piston.

Minecraft is famous for the fact that in this game the user is given complete freedom of action. This is a sandbox game that has adopted many features from Action, RPG and even complex games. logic puzzles, full of all sorts of mechanisms, secret labyrinths and traps. It is this side of Minecraft that we will talk about now.

For those who play Minecraft, it is far from a secret that in the game there are electrical circuits created using redstone (red dust) that are responsible for the operation of various mechanisms. One such mechanism is the piston. Let's first figure out how to craft a piston or how to make a piston in Minecraft.

Types of pistons in Minecraft

There are two types of pistons in Minecraft:

  • Ordinary;
  • Sticky.

What is the difference between these two types of pistons?

  • Regular piston when a signal is applied to it, it moves the block in front of it and remains in this position until the signal disappears. In this case, the block remains in the place where the piston moved it.
  • Sticky piston“sticks” to the block, and when the signal disappears, the block returns along with the sticky piston to its original position.

How to craft a regular piston

First, let's look at crafting a regular piston. So, for one piston we need:

  • 3 boards (made from wood blocks);
  • 4 cobblestone blocks;
  • 1 iron ingot (obtained by smelting iron ore in the oven);
  • 1 red dust (remember that it can only be dug with an iron pickaxe).

We fill the entire top row of the workbench with boards, place cobblestones in the side cells of the bottom and middle rows, put iron in the very center and red dust in the remaining cell. The piston is ready!

How to craft a sticky piston

In order to craft a sticky piston, you need to combine a regular piston and slime in the crafting window.

Slime can be knocked out, oddly enough, from slugs, which, unfortunately, are very rare.

So we learned how to craft (make) a piston. Remember that Minecraft is a world of not only free adventures, but also interesting mechanisms. Try to understand them, and then the gameplay will take on new colors.

How to make a piston video

Crafting mechanisms in Minecraft are extremely varied. Working with a piston means it will push objects when activated. The piston first appeared in Minecraft in version Beta 1.7, but it was not conceived by Mojang, but by a forum user named Hippoplatimus.

Crafting a piston will not require significant costs to create, so its availability in farms is becoming more widespread. You can use a piston (more precisely, its retractable part) to stop the water; for example, to harvest crops from blocks, you can open the piston so that the pouring water washes away the crop from the ground. Using a piston is rational, for example, to kill mobs. To craft a piston, you need to fill the top row in the crafting window with boards, fill the remaining cells in the right and left columns with cobblestones, place an ingot in the middle of the window (technically, this will be the piston itself), and Place a red dust particle in the bottom cell of the middle column. The resulting mechanism is installed with the front (motor) part facing the player, and is activated by the red stone system.

Video guide:

The piston is one of the indispensable elements of the Minecraft game. With its help, players have the opportunity to create different mechanisms to advance their heroes.

How to make a piston in Minecraft - appearance

  • At first there was no piston launch in the game. One of the players suggested introducing it into the Minecraft toolkit. He independently developed the first version of the piston and sent it to the developers for review. A subsequent update added this tool to the game. After this, all players were able to use the new feature in Minecraft.
  • At first, some problems often appeared when activating it. The most common of them is throwing the character up.
  • The developers decided to slightly improve the functionality and eliminate shortcomings. When update 12w27a (1.3.1) was released, the piston began to work much better; players no longer encountered such difficulties. From that moment on, the piston became one of the most useful and used tools in the Minecraft game.

How to make a piston in Minecraft - the purpose of the combination

  • The “piston” function is needed to create objects in the game such as a car, elevator, mechanical door, trap or cannon. The appearance of these objects is possible because the piston is capable of moving the game blocks horizontally and vertically. However, the maximum movement is possible only for 12 blocks.
  • This tool affects some objects and individual characters. Thanks to the piston, obsidian and bedrock can be moved in the game.
  • In the game, this move is unaffected by lava and water, and is also capable of destroying torches and pumpkins. However, it is easy to break with a regular blow.
  • Due to the content of a certain code in some blocks, the piston will not be able to affect them. Such exceptions include: portal; sign; spawner; box.

How to make a piston in Minecraft

In order not to look for a piston in the game, you can try to create it yourself. There are 2 types of tools for this:

  • regular piston;
  • sticky piston.

To create a regular move, the player will need the following materials:

  • iron ingot;
  • boards – 3 pcs.;
  • cobblestones – 4 pcs.;
  • red dust.

These materials can be obtained in the game as follows:

  • iron ingot is mined by melting ore;
  • to create boards you will need wood species;
  • cobblestones are mined with a pickaxe from stone blocks;
  • Red dust is mined from red ore blocks, and they are hidden underground at the diamond level.

A sticky piston is created when it is necessary to obtain a mechanism that can return the blocks to their original positions. It allows you to improve the operation of some game systems.

To create a sticky piston you need:

  • find slime that appears from small cubic slugs that live in caves and mines;
  • attach it to the main mechanism of a conventional piston.

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