Marine armor fallout 4 on the map. Far Harbor: Marine Assault Armor

Common armor in Fallout 4

Synth armor

A very interesting set of armor that the Institute equips synths with when they come to the surface.

Leather armor

This set of armor is almost the most common in the initial stages of the game in Fallout 4. There are three types of this armor, according to the degree of protection: light, strong or heavy leather armor. A set of leather armor consists of 5 elements, one for each limb, plus the torso; leather armor does not have a helmet, but due to the fact that each element can be worn separately, you can choose some other helmet for this armor.

Characteristics of leather armor:

  1. Torso
    1. light - defense: 3, weight: 5, cost: 25, id: 0007B9C6;
    2. durable - defense: 14, weight: 10, cost: 50, id: 0007B9C6;
    3. heavy - defense: 24, weight: 15, cost: 75, id: 0007B9C6;
  2. Hand (left/right)
    1. light - protection: 1, weight: 2, cost: 8, id: 0007B9C7/0007B9C3;
    2. durable - protection: 6, weight: 4.6, cost: 18, id: 0007B9C7/0007B9C3;
    3. heavy - defense: 11, weight: 7.2, cost: 28, id: 0007B9C7/0007B9C3;
  3. Leg (left/right)
    1. light - protection: 2, weight: 2, cost: 10, id: 0007B9C4/0007B9C5;
    2. durable - protection: 7, weight: 4.6, cost: 20, id: 0007B9C4/0007B9C5;
    3. heavy - defense: 13, weight: 7.2, cost: 30, id: 0007B9C4/0007B9C5;

Metal armor

Raider armor

Raiders are not whimsical comrades, they make their armor according to the principle: “I made it from what I had,” or whoever likes it, using the dendro-fecal method. The type of armor is often the most exotic; everything is used, fittings, pieces of plating, in general, everything that comes to hand. This armor set consists of 5 elements, since raiders do not recognize helmets.

Example power armor raiders:

Characteristics of raider armor in Fallout 4:

  1. Torso
    1. light - defense: 4, weight: 7, cost: 18, id: 0018E415;
    2. durable - protection: 14, weight: 12, cost: 33, id: 0018E415;
    3. heavy - defense: 24, weight: 17, cost: 48, id: 0018E415;
  2. Hand (left/right)
    1. light - protection: 1, weight: 3, cost: 6, id: 0018E411/0018E413;
    2. durable - protection: 6, weight: 7, cost: 81, id: 0018E411/0018E413;
    3. heavy - defense: 11, weight: 10, cost: 156, id: 0018E411/0018E413;
  3. Leg (left/right)
    1. light - protection: 2, weight: 3, cost: 8, id: 0018E40F/0018E40D;
    2. durable - protection: 7, weight: 7, cost: 13, id: 0018E40F/0018E40D;
    3. heavy - defense: 12, weight: 10, cost: 18, id: 0018E40F/0018E40D;

Combat armor

A good set of armor, with normal protective characteristics, consists of 6 elements. This is the pre-war armor of US soldiers; everything that was found in warehouses and military bases went to the “people”. You can find such protective ammunition in locations with military purposes, or remove it from a defeated enemy. If this option is for you, then look for Shooters, they like to equip themselves with combat armor.

Characteristics of combat armor:

  1. Helmet - protection: 10, weight: 4, cost: 25, id: 0011E2C8;
  2. Torso
    1. light - defense: 15, weight: 8, cost: 60, id: 0011D3C3;
    2. durable - defense: 25, weight: 11.7, cost: 140, id: 0011D3C3;
    3. heavy - defense: 35, weight: 15.5, cost: 220, id: 0011D3C3;
  3. Hand (left/right)
    1. light - defense: 9, weight: 2, cost: 25, id: 0011D3C7/0011D3C6;
    2. durable - defense: 13, weight: 4.5, cost: 85, id: 0011D3C7/0011D3C6;
    3. heavy - defense: 17, weight: 7, cost: 145, id: 0011D3C7/0011D3C6;
  4. Leg (left/right)
    1. light - defense: 8, weight: 2, cost: 25, id: 0011D3C5/0011D3C4;
    2. durable - defense: 12, weight: 4.5, cost: 105, id: 0011D3C5/0011D3C4;
    3. heavy - defense: 16, weight: 7, cost: 185, id: 0011D3C5/0011D3C4;

Diamond City Security Armor

All the guards in the Diamond City settlement wear this kind of armor, it looks quite ridiculous because this armor was created based on the uniform of a baseball catcher, if you remember that Diamond City is a former baseball stadium, then this choice of armor for the settlement’s guards becomes clear, apparently on There were a lot of such uniforms in the stadium warehouses.

Characteristics of the armor of Diamond City guards:

  1. Helmet
    1. simple - defense: 5, weight: 1, cost: 5, id: 000af0f6;
    2. heavy - defense: 5, weight: 1, cost: 5, id: 000af0f7;
  2. Torso - defense: 15, weight: 4, cost: 10, id: 000af0ee;
  3. Hand (right\left)
    1. forearm - defense: 4, weight: 1, cost: 5, id: 000af0ec/000af0eb;
    2. shoulder - defense: 5, weight: 1, cost: 5, id: 000af0ed/000af0ea;
    3. armor - defense: 15, weight: 4, cost: 10, id: 000af0f2/000af0f1;

Armor of the Pack

This armor appeared in Fallout 4 after the release of the Nuka-World add-on. Raiders of the Flock group are equipped with this armor; accordingly, the armor is made in their “corporate” style. Unlike other types of armor, this armor comes in only two variations, regular and heavy, and there is no helmet in the armor, well, raiders don’t like helmets.

Characteristics of the Flock armor:

  1. Torso
    1. normal - defense: 25, weight: 10, cost: 75, id: xx02741e;
    2. heavy - defense: 43, weight: 19, cost: 138, id: xx027414;
  2. Hand (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 11, weight: 6, cost: 40, id: xx027415/xx027417;
    2. heavy - defense: 18, weight: 11, cost: 94, id: xx02740b/xx02740d;
  3. Leg (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 12, weight: 6, cost: 40, id: xx02741a/xx02741c;
    2. heavy - defense: 19, weight: 11, cost: 94, id: xx027410/xx027412;

Trapper armor

This armor set is included in the Far Harbor DLC; the “pure” Fallout 4 does not have this armor set. The armor of trappers is somewhat similar to the armor of raiders, it is assembled from whatever comes to hand, mainly old tires are used for this armor, which are held together with various metal plates. Just like the Raider armor, this armor does not have a helmet. Trapper armor ranges from regular to heavy.

Trapper armor characteristics:

  1. Torso
    1. normal - defense: 16, weight: 12, cost: 33, id: xx00ee79;
    2. heavy - defense: 26, weight: 17, cost: 48, id: xx00f04e;
  2. Hand (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 10, weight: 7, cost: 11, id: xx00ee75/хх00ee76;
    2. heavy - defense: 14, weight: 10, cost: 16, id: xx00f04a/xx00f04b;
  3. Leg (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 9, weight: 7, cost: 13, id: xx00ee77/xx00ee78;
    2. heavy - defense: 13, weight: 10, cost: 18, id: xx00f04c/xx00f04d;

*xx is the number in order of the installed DLC

Adept Armor

The Adept Armor was added to the game with the Nuka-World expansion. The Adepts have not one set of armor, but 4, and they are all different, this includes armor made of metal and armor made of belts and even armor made of spikes, but in this section we will focus on the most successful set of armor - the armor of the Adepts made of belts, this armor protects well and is relatively light.

This is interesting: Adepts have metal armor with 122 points of damage resistance, but it weighs 109 points.

Characteristics of Adept armor made from belts:

  1. Torso - defense: 26, weight: 19, cost: 75, id: xx026bab;
  2. Hand (left/right)— defense: 12, weight: 10, cost: 40, id: xx03b559/хх03b558;
  3. Leg (left/right)— defense: 13, weight: 10, cost: 40, id: xx03b556/xx03b555;

*xx is the number in order of the installed DLC

Marine Corps Armor

This armor set was introduced in Fallout 4 DLC Far Harbor and is considered one of the best in terms of damage protection to armor weight ratio. In terms of its characteristics, this armor is inferior only to power armor, but they cannot be put on the same level, after all, power armor is a separate class. Armor Marine Corps was released before the Great War and all the sets in the game are armor that was released at that time. The followers of Atom can boast of such equipment.

Marine armor, in terms of damage resistance level, has a different division, different from other sets of armor, it can be:

  • Zealot - light armor class;
  • Assault - medium armor class;
  • Inquisitorial - heavy armor class.

Characteristics of Marine Corps armor:

  1. Helmet - protection: 19, weight: 14, cost: 90, id: xx056f7d;
  2. Torso
    1. Zealot - defense: 38, weight: 19, cost: 150, id: xx009e5b;
    2. assault - defense: 50, weight: 25, cost: 210, id: xx056f80;
    3. inquisitorial - defense: 49, weight: 25, cost: 210, id: unknown;
  3. Hand (left/right)
    1. Zealot - defense: 17, weight: 10, cost: 100, id: xx009e56/xx009e57;
    2. assault - defense: 22, weight: 14, cost: 140, id: xx056f7b/xx056f7c;
    3. inquisitorial - defense: 22, weight: 14, cost: 140, id: unknown;
  4. Leg (left/right)
    1. Zealot - defense: 18, weight: 10, cost: 115, id: xx009e59/xx009e5a;
    2. assault - defense: 23, weight: 14, cost: 175, id: xx056f7e/xx056f7f;
    3. inquisitorial - defense: 23, weight: 14, cost: 175, id: unknown;

*xx is the number in order of the installed DLC

Where to find Marine Corps armor : There are several ways to get Marine Corps armor, the easiest is to buy armor in the Core from Brother Kane, the second way is to complete the quest “It’s better not to remember”, and the third way is to kill an enemy wearing such armor, usually zealots.

Operator Armor

This set of armor was introduced into Fallout 4 with the Nuka-World add-on; raiders from the Operators group were equipped with this armor.

Operator armor characteristics:

  1. Torso
    1. normal - defense: 27, weight: 19, cost: 75, id: xx03b8ae (xx028743);
    2. heavy - defense: 45, weight: 33, cost: 138, id: xx028738;
  2. Hand (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 13, weight: 10, cost: 40, id: xx03b8aa/хх03b8ab;
    2. heavy - defense: 20, weight: 19, cost: 94, id: xx028731/xx028733;
  3. Leg (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 14, weight: 10, cost: 40, id: xx02873f/xx028741;
    2. heavy - defense: 21, weight: 19, cost: 94, id: xx028735/xx028737;

*xx is the number in order of the installed DLC

Robot armor

One of the most exotic armor sets in Fallout 4, was introduced into the game by the Automatron add-on. This type of armor is used by bandits of a group who call themselves “Rusty Devils”, and you can also get it from them. Armor is made from various parts of different robots and comes in three types: regular, durable and heavy.

Robot armor characteristics:

  1. Helmet
    1. robot eye - defense: 8, weight: 3, cost: 20, id: xx00864c;
    2. assault gun - defense: 9, weight: 3, cost: 20, id: xx00864a;
    3. security robot - defense: 10, weight: 4, cost: 20, id: xx00864e;
  2. Torso
    1. normal - defense: 14, weight: 8, cost: 25, id: xx00863f;
    2. durable - defense: 27, weight: 15.5, cost: 100, id: xx00863f;
    3. heavy - defense: 39, weight: 23.1, cost: 175, id: xx00863f;
  3. Hand (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 8, weight: 3, cost: 8, id: xx008644/xx008642;
    2. durable - protection: 16, weight: 7.9, cost: 58, id: xx008644/xx008642;
    3. heavy - defense: 23, weight: 12.8, cost: 108, id: xx008644/xx008642;
  4. Leg (left/right)
    1. normal - defense: 8, weight: 3, cost: 10, id: xx008648/xx008646;
    2. durable - defense: 16, weight: 7.9, cost: 60, id: xx008648/xx008646;
    3. heavy - defense: 23, weight: 12.8, cost: 110, id: xx008648/xx008646;

*xx is the number in order of the installed DLC

Power armor

This type of armor is essentially an exoskeleton that is covered with durable armor. A resident of the Commonwealth in power armor is a strong opponent, he can be called a small tank. For example, the most powerful armor set has normal level protection against damage is about 120 points, but a set of power armor, depending on the type and condition, has protection against damage from 500 to 1300 points, the difference is obvious. Of course, power armor has its drawbacks, but its characteristics outweigh any drawbacks.

Armored suits

This type of armor in the game is represented by separate elements, does not provide a noticeable addition to damage protection and is presented for additional ambiance. Usually these are elements of armor on the main character's torso or various helmets. As an example, a prominent representative of armored suits will be the “Pre-War Vault-Tec Security Guard Armor”, this armor can only be seen at the beginning of the game, on one of the guards; in the game it can only be obtained using cheat codes (id: 000821b4).

In this article we tried to tell you all the information we know on the topic “Armor in Fallout 4”. If you did not find something in this article, or you have comments, then write them in the comments. Thank you for rating the article!

But except for the helmet. But you can buy a Marine Corps Tactical Helmet. It is quite possible to temporarily use it with the Marine Zealot Armor set until something else is found.
Assault armor Marine Corps.

Far Harbor Marine Armor Sets DLC Fallout 4
Marine armor sets Far Harbor DLC Fallout 4.
Marine armor sets are completely new types of armor that were introduced in Fallout 4 in the Far Harbor DLC. This armor has good parameters and is presented in the form of two regular sets and one legendary. The basic version is referred to as Marine Zealot Armor. The higher performance version is referred to as Marine Assault Armor. A legendary set armor is referred to as Marine Corps Reconnaissance Armor.
Below we will take a closer look at how to obtain and collect all types of Marine armor, what they look like and what perks they have.

We do not provide screenshots of all the armor parts (except for the Reconnaissance Armor).
Marine Zealot Armor.

This list includes all parts of the reconnaissance armor (helmet, arms, legs, body) and wetsuit. I hope this helps someone)

This armor set can be assembled with a helmet, and at the same time you can also find a Marine Wetsuit and a Marine Tactical Helmet. You won’t have to buy anything, but if you haven’t yet been carried away by the plot component of the Far Harbor DLC, then the important moment has come.
According to the story, after you find Kasumi, she will ask you to investigate. Also, after a conversation with DiMa, the quest Find Your Place will open. According to it, you have to hack Faraday’s terminal, take the program, and then go to the Core, to the Core control room (entrance at the very top of the Children of the Atom faction headquarters) in order to study DiMa’s memories and complete 5 puzzles. Go through the Core Control location to the end, and in the last room you will find a large computer.

Download Faraday's program and start solving puzzles. Actually not complicated, but note that in the last simulation it is more convenient to direct the beam through the left firewall, and then in a circle clockwise.
After solving the last 5th puzzle, a task (Miscellaneous) will appear to find three containers with marine armor. If you select this task as active in Pip-Boy, all three points will be displayed on the map. They are underwater.

In addition to a bunch of tasks, settlements, heroes and guns, it also introduces several types of new armor into the game. In appearance and practicality, these kits are associated with a nautical theme, since the events of the DLC take place on an island. You can find fishing clothes, wetsuits and equipment for real deep dives. Below we will look at how you can get all the Far Harbor armor.

Diving suit


There are several methods to obtain a wetsuit. The fastest and earliest is to purchase it from a merchant named Kane, who hangs out at the Children of the Atom base. If you do not want to spend your hard-earned money, then there is an option to resort to free method. But to do this you will have to complete the hacking puzzles that await you in the main quest chain.

Having done this, find a cargo container that is located almost in the open sea, far from the coast of the island. The treasured suit will be located at the bottom, so stock up on anti-rads so as not to die during the dive. There you will also find the Marine Tactical Helmet and a number of other parts of this armor.

B armor Marine

Very interesting-looking and strong inside armor, presented in three variations: Fanatic, Stormtrooper and Inquisitor. There is also a fourth, legendary version - the Marine Scout Armor.

The first three variations are different modifications standard armor. You can get them from merchants on the island, but some of the elements are not sold. For example, you will find a helmet in the same place as the wetsuit.

Marine Armor - Zealot

The very first armor assembly, which can be obtained almost at the beginning of the passage. After starting the introductory quest on the island, stop by the Children of Atom and join their faction.

After this, you will be able to trade with local merchants, in our case with Kane. It is he who sells the complete set of Fanatic armor, not counting the helmet. The tactical helmet is located in the same place as the wetsuit.

Marine Armor - Assault

To obtain the second armor option for free, you will have to partially complete the main one. quest Far Harbor. Once you reach the DiMA Memories quest, complete all five puzzles and you will be given a side quest to find the armor pieces.

You will visit three points where armor pieces are located. Stock up on antirads and grab a diving suit if you have already completed the corresponding quest.

By the way, the Stormtrooper and Inquisitor modifications are identical in appearance, but have different characteristics in terms of resistance. You will find them in the same place.

Legendary Marine Armor - Scout

Parts of this assembly are purchased from merchants that are scattered throughout the island.

- A helmet that gives a unit of agility and perception is sold by Brooks in Far Harbor;

- A breastplate that reduces external damage by 15% if the player does not move is available from Koga in Acadia;

- The right hand, which speeds up the attack by 10%, is sold by Mia from the Children of the Atom;
- Left hand that slows down time if HP falls below 20%, also in the Children of the Atom, in Kane;

- The left leg is located in the southwestern part of the map, near a large building that looks like a dry closet. There you will find the corresponding container. No one has found his right leg yet.

R both Followers of the Atom

To receive this mantle, you must become a member of the Children of the Atom faction. During the quest “The Court of Brother Devin” you will be given a robe, as well as a bag for your head, which completes the image of a psychopath. There, take the recipe for a potion that removes infection and restores health by 100 units.

To the Fisherman's suit

Developers Fallout games 4 Far Harbor promised, and kept its promise to the gaming community, a wide and multi-imaginative universe with cool new content. The add-on opens up a huge world for players with a bunch of all kinds of new items and monsters. However, among all the available advantages Fallout add-ons 4 far harbor you can mark a new reservation. This article will focus specifically on costumes and armor.

To obtain some things you need to fight, and some are found when traveling to very distant places on the island. Each item has its own bonuses to the character's characteristics. For example, increasing resistance to radiation or increasing hit points to skills. The article contains explanations for various costumes, masks, armor and the like.

The plot of the Far Harbor add-on takes place on an island, so most of the costumes are made for exploring the shore of the island, as well as for underwater raids. Most of all, the addition of fishermen and hunters from whom you can get a brand new suit.

Fishing costume

Quite a lot of costume combination options are presented on the island. The set consists of the main components - a hat and a jacket. Can be purchased from a merchant, and some items drop from Brooks.

Docker suit

This copy is purchased from Brooks. Its price is 15 caps.

Captain's hat

After completing the quest from Teddy Wright, which is called "Life on the Edge", you will receive the captain's hat.

Hunter costume

The kit contains a camouflage suit, a hood, and a mask. Numerous arrangements of this species can be taken from hunters in Far Harbor.

More than 10 unique armor items have been added to Far Harbor. Most items can be purchased from merchants, such as Marine Corps Recon Armor, which is completely sold through various merchants. The rest of the things can be obtained by completing quests, found in the vastness of the Island, or stolen/picked up from the bodies of defeated enemies.

Name Armor type Special Ability How to find
Marine Corps Recon Helmet Marine helmet +1 to Dexterity and Perception. Far Harbor, available from Brooks.
Intelligence Marine body armor Reduces damage while stationary by 15%. Sold by Koga in Acadia.
Marine reconnaissance armor for the right hand marine armor for right hand Increases movement speed by 10%. Sold by Sister May in the Core.
Marine reconnaissance armor for the left hand Marine armor for the left hand Slows down time briefly in battle if your health is below 20%. Sold by Brother Kane in the Core.
Inquisitor's Hood Headdress + 1 to intelligence. Radioactivity increases the wearer's intelligence. Core. Reward from High Confessor Tekt for completing the Witch Hunt quest after joining the Children of Atom.
Rescue suit Costume Underwater breathing, 250 radiation resistance. Complete additional quests in Far Harbor to receive the quest "Winds of Change", after completing it, talk to Captain Avery.
Harbor legend Costume +2 to perception. Reduces damage from swamp creatures and insects by 15%. Reward for completing the quest "The Great Hunt".
Robe of the High Confessor Costume +2 to stamina. Worn by the High Confessor Tect, can be removed from a corpse or stolen with the Pickpocket ability of rank 4.
Pirate cocked hat Headdress + 1 to charisma. Can be found in the Vault 118 Museum during the quest "Brain Death".
Stronghold of Atom Marine body armor Radioactivity increases resistance to normal and energy damage. Reward from High Confessor Tekt for completing the quest "Reformation" after returning to the Core.
Refined gentleman Headdress Reduces damage from robots by 15%. Sold by Pearl in Vault 118.
Chase form Costume +1 to Stamina and Perception. Acadia, worn by Chase, can be removed from a corpse or stolen with the Pickpocket ability of rank 4.
Captain's cap Headdress + 2 to intelligence. Increases movement speed by 10%. Far Harbor, reward for completing the quest "Ritual of Initiation".
Shield of Acadia Synth armor for the torso +1 to agility, intelligence and endurance. Acadia, reward from DiMA for keeping his secrets, during the quest "The Way Life Should Be."