Didactic games for teachers and educators. Consultation for educators “Didactic games in preschool educational institutions and their management

Didactic games in preschool educational institutions.

Game is the leading activity of a child preschool age. In the game, the child goes through the process of socialization, learns to communicate with peers, move, manipulate objects, etc. Children's games are very diverse and can have several classifications. We will focus on didactic games.

Didactic games include- educational games with rules, games and exercises with didactic toys and materials, some activity games.

Didactic game At the same time, it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of teaching children, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

In didactic games, learning is of a playful nature. Relying on the involuntary attention of children, adults must intensify their cognitive activity, arouse interest in surrounding objects, improve their experience, and develop skills and abilities.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 “Zvezdochka” Didactic games in preschool educational institutions Performed by teacher of the highest category Pushkina V.A.

There is no and cannot be complete without play mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. A game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Didactic games include - Educational games with rules - games and exercises with didactic toys and game materials - activities.

Didactic game Game method Form of teaching Independent game activity Means of comprehensive education of a child

Didactic games contribute to *the development of cognitive and mental abilities*development of children's speech *social and moral development of a preschool child.

According to the degree of activity of the Game activities. Autodidactic games.

Based on the availability of gaming material Games with objects and toys Desktop-printed Verbal

Structure of a didactic game The main components include: didactic task game actions game rules result didactic material Additional components: plot role

Guiding a didactic game Familiarizing children with the contents of the game and using it in it didactic material Explanation of the course and rules of the game Showing game actions Determining the role of an adult in the game Summing up the game

Organization of a didactic game Preparation for conducting a didactic game Conducting a didactic game Analysis

Preparation for conducting a didactic game - choosing a game in accordance with didactic objectives; determining the place and role of play in the system of education and upbringing; establishing relationships and interactions with other forms educational process; preparation of play equipment; determining the game time in the daily mode

Conducting didactic games - determining the number of players; -familiarize children with the content of the game, game rules; game activities, didactic material; development in children of a playful mood and desire to play; display of game actions; directing the course of the game, ensuring the activity of all children, providing assistance to those in need; summing up the game.

Analysis of the game allows us to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children; allows you to properly organize individual work.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 1 Novozavidovsky

Consultation for educators:

"The role of didactic games in the development of preschoolers."

The world enters the lives of children gradually. First, the child comprehends what surrounds him at home, in kindergarten. Daily impressions of communicating with people play a significant role in this. Direct contact of a child with objects available to him allows him to know them distinctive features, but at the same time raises many questions in him. This means that the world, having slightly revealed its secrets, stimulates curiosity in the little person, the desire to learn as much as possible. Only an adult can help a child understand the essence of the phenomena that interest him.

Play allows the child to satisfy children's curiosity, involve the child in the active assimilation of the world around him, and help him master ways of understanding the connections between objects and phenomena.

Didactic games were created for learning through play. Their main feature is that the task is offered to the child in game form. Children play without suspecting that they are mastering some knowledge, mastering the skills of operating with certain objects, and learning a culture of communication with each other. Any didactic game contains cognitive and educational game components, game actions, game and organizational relationships.

The content of didactic games forms in children the correct attitude towards the phenomena of social life, nature, objects of the surrounding world, systematizes and deepens knowledge about the Motherland, about the defenders of the Fatherland, people of different professions and nationalities, an idea of labor activity. The close connection between education and people’s lives is the source of the ideological orientation of education. Knowledge about the surrounding life is given to children according to a certain system. Thus, the introduction of children with difficulty takes place in the following sequence: children are first introduced to the content of a certain type of work (builders, grain growers, vegetable growers, etc.), then - with machines that help people in their work, making work easier, with the stages of production when creating necessary items, products (building a house, growing bread), after which the meaning of any type of labor is revealed to the children.

Many didactic games are aimed at assimilation, clarification, and consolidation of this knowledge.

Games such as “Who built this house?”, “From grain to bun”, “Where did the table come from?”, “Who made the shirt?” etc., contain didactic tasks, in solving which children must demonstrate specific knowledge about the work of builders, grain growers, carpenters, weavers, etc., about the machines that help them in their work, about the stages of production.


Consultation for educators kindergarten“Use of didactic games from waste material”

Probably every teacher has some kind of professional disease: you try to find an interesting use for every waste material.

How can you pass by such bright and colorful bottle caps, and bottles also come into use, but now about caps, plastic mayonnaise jars and clothespins.

The lids, made of plastic in different colors, are easy to clean and can be processed if necessary, come in different sizes and attract the attention of children of all ages, so they can be used in games for the sensory development of children from the very beginning. early age. A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space. And multi-colored lids (from mineral water and lemonade, drinking yogurt, kefir) of different shapes, sizes and colors are almost always at hand. Why don't we use them in educational sensory games? The development of fine motor skills, normalization of the condition of the small muscles of the hand, and the development of visual-motor coordination can be achieved in games with small objects - multi-colored caps.

Didactic games "with colored lids and screwing objects" - contribute to the child's sensory development, speech development, thinking, logic, attention, memory, perception, fine motor skills, broaden the horizons of young children, as well as preschool children.

While playing, the child learns to compare, compare, establish simple patterns, and make independent decisions.

While playing, each child becomes familiar with sensory standards (color, shape, size, texture of an object).

The child develops an interest in the world around him, the child shows perseverance and independence; learn to interact with peers.

1 child or a subgroup of 4 children play.

Children play with a teacher who plays the role of a leader.

The presenter explains the rules and talks about each task.

We start the game with simple tasks.

An adult should not require children of the third year of life to independently use the name of color; it is important that the child actively completes tasks, taking into account these properties, since it is in the process practical work accumulation occurs about the properties of objects.

Encourage not only a successful solution, but also children's attempts to overcome difficulties.

I will bring to your attention games in which you can use non-standard equipment, as a means of sensory development in young children and older preschool children. These games can be used in independent games children in classes with didactic material.

To implement the above-mentioned tasks, a corner for sensorimotor development of children was created in the group.

In our group, in the sensorimotor corner, we present various games and manuals that children enjoy playing with.

Didactic game “Magic Butterfly”

Found it on the Internet similar game and decided to make it myself this game for your children.

The children played this game with great pleasure, found lids that matched the color, and screwed in the lids. The game captivated even the shyest children.

"Dry pool".

Goal: Formation of sensory abilities. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Material: a set of colored lids collected in a plastic basin, small toys.

Progress of the game: A teddy bear (toy) comes to visit the children. He brought a bowl with colored lids, but he doesn’t know how to play with them.

Educator: Let the children play with the bear, he invites the children to look at the basin with colored lids (the children look at the lids).

1 game.

The teacher pours the lids out of the basin and asks the children to collect them in the “pool” and scatters them again. Children collect, and so on several times:

The teacher asks questions to the children and the bear. If the children answer incorrectly, the bear helps, names the correct answer, and the teacher thanks the bear for this.

Questions for children:

What color are the lids?

How many caps (many or few?)

Show only red, blue, yellow, etc.

Game 2

The teacher suggests collecting a beautiful yellow, red, blue, etc. flower from the caps.

The children collect, and the bear learns from them how to collect flowers too.

Game 3

The teacher hides toys in the lids, asks the children to lower their hands into the “pool”, mix the lids, then find and take out the toys. Children are looking. They take them out and show them to the bear. The bear praises the children.

Then the bear thanks the children for showing them how to play with the lids. Says goodbye and leaves. The teacher invites the children to play with the lids themselves.

Games with various jars

Didactic game “Open - close”

Goal: to teach children to understand simple instructions (close - open), when performing actions, to encourage them to pronounce words (“on”, “give”, “so”) reflectedly or independently, to develop fine motor skills hands

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the child what magic jars he has. At the same time he names the colors and repeats them together with the child. Then he invites the child to open them and see what’s inside. And then invite the child to close the jar with a lid.

Children love sounds, so you can put toys in these jars. This will be interesting for young children.

If they cannot open it with their hands, children can open it with their teeth. That's what they are!

Game exercise “I’m going shopping”

Children used mayonnaise jars with interest in independent games.

Didactic game “Hide the mouse.”

Material: cards of four colors, in the middle a white rectangle with a drawn mouse (houses for mice) and rectangles of the same four colors (doors).

How to play: You can use a cat doll to play. Children need to hide the mice from the cat (“close the doors”).

The teacher tells the children a fairy tale about a mouse.

There lived a mouse. This mouse loved cheese. And to get to the cheese, you had to run past the cat every time. The mouse was very afraid of the cat. And the cat was just waiting for the mouse to go get the cheese. So our mouse is going to get some cheese, and the cat is hiding and waiting. The mouse sneaks quietly, quietly, but you can’t fool the cat! Oh, now the cat will catch up with the mouse!

Where should our mouse go?

Let's help the mouse, hide it in the house and close the doors.

Children match the houses with the colors of the doors and hide the mice.

Didactic game “Decorate the sun”.

Goal: continue to get acquainted with color and color relationships.

Material: sad and cheerful sun, 9 multi-colored rays and 9 bows of the same colors.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children a sad sun that has lost its rays. And he invites the children to decorate the sun with multi-colored rays and bows that match them.

Children match colors. At the end of the game, the children are happy with the result.

Games with clothespins

Didactic game"Needles for a hedgehog"

Goal: continue to introduce children to wild animals, in particular the hedgehog; develop children's ideas about primary colors; develop visual perception, fine motor skills; cultivate perseverance.

Material: picture of a hedgehog, clothespins of different colors, Hedgehog toy.

Progress of the game.

The teacher reads a poem about a hedgehog to the children.

Hedgehog prickly covered in needles
He also came from the tree with a prick.
He carried maple leaves for the house.
There is a bunch of yellow thorns.
-Leaf, straw, everything for the house.
I’ll build a house and close the door.
Yes, go to bed and sleep sweetly.
Only in the spring will I open the door.

And then a hedgehog appears with no head or legs.

Or you can ask the children a riddle about a hedgehog.

Instead of a fur coat there are only needles.
Wolves are not afraid of him either.
A sharp ball, no legs visible,
Of course his name is...

Didactic game “Rays for the Sun”

Goal: to develop in children creative imagination, logical thinking, consolidation of colors, counting; cultivate friendly relationships.

Material: sad and cheerful sun, clothespins of different colors.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children a sad sun that has lost its rays. And he invites the children to decorate the sun with colorful clothespins. The children enjoyed playing this game. At the end of the game, the children are happy with the result.

In the future, it will be possible to complicate this game by giving children the task of alternating the colors of clothespins, or first pinning green ones, then red ones, etc.

Salybaeva Angela Ramazanovna,


MBDOU TsRR d/s "Tanyusha"

Surgut district, Fedorovsky village

The leading activity of preschool children is play. A didactic game is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a gaming method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and With independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child.
Didactic games promote:
- development of cognitive and mental abilities: obtaining new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; developing the ability to express one’s judgments and draw conclusions.
- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of vocabulary.
- social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, knowledge of the relationships between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc.
The structure of the didactic game form basic and additional components. TO main components include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. TO additional components: plot and role.
Conducting didactic games includes: 1. Familiarize children with the content of the game, use didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas are clarified). 2.Explanation of the course and rules of the game, while strictly following these rules. 3. Showing game actions. 4. Defining the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, questions, reminders). 5. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management. Based on the results of the game, one can judge its effectiveness, whether it will be used by children in independent play activity. Analysis of the game allows us to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means properly organizing individual work with them.

Learning in the form of a didactic game is based on the child’s desire to enter an imaginary situation and act according to its laws, that is, it corresponds to the age characteristics of a preschooler.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys).

2.Desktop printed games.

3.Word games.

Didactic games – differ in educational content, cognitive activity children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, the role of the educator.

Games with objects - are based on the direct perception of children, correspond to the child’s desire to act with objects and thus get acquainted with them. IN In games with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects, size, and color. When introducing children to nature in similar games I use natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, various flowers, pine cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which arouses keen interest in children and an active desire to play. Examples of such games: “Make no mistake”, “Describe this object” , “What is this?”, “What’s first, what’s next,” etc.
Board - printed games -This interesting activity for children when familiarizing themselves with the surrounding world, the world of animals and plants, phenomena of living and inanimate nature. They are varied in type: "lotto", "dominoes", paired pictures." With the help of board and printed games, you can successfully develop speech skills, math skills, logic, attention, learn to model life patterns and make decisions, develop self-control skills.

Word games is an effective method of nurturing independent thinking and speech development in children. They built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental problems: they describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them from the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena.

IN In the process of games, children clarify, consolidate, and expand their ideas about natural objects and its seasonal changes.

Didactic games - travel - are one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children.

Didactic game in experimental activities - contributes to the formation of children's cognitive interest in the environment, develops basic mental processes, observation, and thinking.

Cooperative activity parents and teachers - individual parent counseling, information stands, moving folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - gives a more effective result in working with children.
To develop children's knowledge about the world around them, systematize them, and cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, I use the following didactic games:

Material used:

Games with objects
"What it is?"
Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about inanimate objects.
Material: natural - sand, stones, earth, water, snow.
Progress of the game. Children are offered pictures and, depending on what is drawn on it, they need to arrange the natural material accordingly and answer what is it? And what is it? (Big, heavy, light, small, dry, wet, loose). What can you do with it?
“Who eats what?”
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about animal food.
Progress of the game. Children take out from the bag: carrots, cabbage, raspberries, cones, grains, oats, etc. They name it and remember what animal eats this food.
"Children on a Branch"
Target . To consolidate children's knowledge about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to select them according to their belonging to the same plant.
Progress of the game. Children look at the leaves of trees and shrubs and name them. At the teacher’s suggestion: “Children, find your branches” - the children select the corresponding fruit for each leaf. This game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. The children themselves can prepare the material for the game.
“Find what I’ll show you”
Didactic task. Find an item by similarity.
Equipment. Place identical sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. Cover one (for the teacher) with a napkin.
Progress of the game. The teacher briefly shows one of the objects hidden under the napkin and removes it again, then asks the children: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it’s called.” Children take turns completing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin are named.
“What first - what then?”
Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.
Progress of the game. Children are presented with objects: an egg, a chicken, a model of a chicken; kitten, cat; puppy, dog. Children need to place these items in the correct order.
Printed board games
"It is when?"
Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena in nature.
Progress of the game. Each of the children has object pictures depicting snowfall, rain, sunny day, cloudy weather, hail is falling, the wind is blowing, icicles are hanging, etc. and story pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to correctly arrange the pictures they have.
"Magic Train"
Target. To consolidate and systematize children’s ideas about trees and shrubs.
Material. Two trains cut out of cardboard (each train has 4 cars with 5 windows); two sets of cards with pictures of plants.
Progress of the game: On the table in front of the children there is a “train” and cards with pictures of animals. Educator. In front of you is a train and passengers. They need to be placed in the carriages (in the first - bushes, in the second - flowers, etc.) so that one passenger is visible in each window. The first one to place the animals correctly in the carriages will be the winner.
Similarly, this game can be played to consolidate ideas about various groups of plants (forests, gardens, meadows, vegetable gardens).
"Four Pictures"
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about the surrounding nature, develop attention and observation.
Progress of the game. The game consists of 24 pictures depicting birds, butterflies, and animals. The presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to the game participants (from 3 to 6 people). Each player must pick up 4 cards of the same content. The player who begins the game, having examined his cards, passes one of them to the person sitting on the left. If he needs a card, he keeps it for himself, and any unnecessary one also passes on to the neighbor on the left, etc. Having picked up the cards, each player places them face down in front of them. When all possible sets have been selected, the game ends. Participants in the game turn over the collected cards and lay them out four at a time so that everyone can see them. The one with the most correctly selected cards wins.
Word games
“When does this happen?”
Target. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge about the seasons.
Progress of the game.
The teacher alternately reads short texts in poetry or prose about the seasons, and the children guess.
“Find something to tell me about”
Didactic task. Find objects using the listed characteristics.
Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that the distinctive features of the objects are clearly visible to all children.
Progress of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher asks one of the children: “Show it on the table, and then name what I told you about.” If the child has completed the task, the teacher describes another object, and another child completes the task. The game continues until all children guess the item from the description.

“Guess who it is?”
Target. Strengthen children's understanding of the characteristic features of wild and domestic animals.
Progress of the game. The teacher describes the animal (its appearance, habits, habitat...) children must guess about whom we're talking about.
“When does this happen?”
Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena.
Progress of the game. Children are offered leaves of different plants with different colors, cones, a herbarium of flowering plants, etc. depending on the time of year. Children need to name the time of year when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.
Outdoor games
“What do we take in the basket?”
Goal: to consolidate in children the knowledge of what crops are harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
Learn to distinguish fruits based on where they are grown.
To form an idea of ​​the role of people in conservation of nature.
Materials: Medallions with images of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.
Progress of the game. Some children have medallions depicting various gifts of nature. Others have medallions in the form of baskets.
Children - fruits, disperse around the room to cheerful music, with movements and facial expressions they depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.
Children - baskets must pick up fruits in both hands. Necessary condition: each child must bring fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.
Tops - roots
Did. task: teach children to make a whole from parts.
Materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.
Game progress: option 1. Take two hoops: red, blue. Place them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop you need to put vegetables whose roots are used for food, and in the blue hoop you need to put those whose tops are used.
The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable there. (in the area where the hoops intersect there should be vegetables whose tops and roots are used: onions, parsley, etc.
Option 2. On the table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take the tops, the second - the roots. At the signal, everyone runs in all directions. On the signal “One, two, three – find your pair!”, you need
Ball game "Air, earth, water"
Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about natural objects. Develop auditory attention, thinking, and intelligence.
Materials: ball.
Progress of the game: Option 1. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names an object of nature, for example, “magpie.” The child must answer “air” and throw the ball back. To the word “dolphin” the child responds “water”, to the word “wolf” - “earth”, etc.
Option2. The teacher calls the word “air”; the child who catches the ball must name the bird. For the word “earth” - an animal that lives on the earth; for the word “water” - the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.
Nature and man.
Did. task: to consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
Materials: ball.
Progress of the game: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by human hands or exist in nature, and people use them; for example, forests, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, but houses and factories are created by humans.
"What is made by man"? asks the teacher and throws the ball.
“What is created by nature”? asks the teacher and throws the ball.
Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember miss their turn.
Choose what you need.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking and cognitive activity.
Materials: subject pictures.
Progress of the game: object pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or sign, and the children must choose as many objects as possible that have this property.
For example: “green” - these can be pictures of a leaf, cucumber, cabbage, grasshopper. Or: “wet” - water, dew, cloud, fog, frost, etc.
Where are the snowflakes?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory and cognitive activity.
Materials: cards depicting different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
Game progress: option 1 . Children dance in a circle around cards laid out in a circle. The cards show various states water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
While moving in a circle, the following words are said:
So summer has come. The sun shone brighter.
It's getting hotter, where should we look for a snowflake?
With the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom the required pictures are located must raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:
Finally, winter has come: Cold, blizzard, cold.
Go out for a walk. Where should we look for a snowflake?
The desired pictures are selected again and the choice is explained.
Option 2 . There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children must distribute their cards to the hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.
The conclusion is drawn from the answers to the questions:
- At what time of year can water in nature be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late autumn).
The birds have arrived.
Did. task: to clarify the idea of ​​​​birds.
Progress of the game: the teacher names only the birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children must stomp or clap. For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.
Children stomp – What’s wrong? (flies)
- Who are these flies? (insects)
- Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, macaroni.
The children are stomping. - birds arrived: pigeons, martens...
The children are stomping. Game continues.
Birds have arrived: Tit pigeons,
Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, swifts,
Storks, cuckoos, even scops owls,
Swans, starlings. Well done to all of you.
Result: the teacher, together with the children, identifies migratory and wintering birds.
When does this happen?
Did. task: to teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of poetic words, show the beauty of different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.
Materials: for each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Progress of the game: the teacher reads a poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season mentioned in the poem.
Spring. In the clearing, blades of grass appear near the path.
A stream runs from a hillock, and there is snow under the tree.
Summer. And light and wide
Our quiet river. Let's run to swim and splash with the fish...
Autumn. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow,
The winter crops are just turning green in the fields. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
Winter. Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets, Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
Did. task: to clarify children’s knowledge about the flowering time of individual plants (for example, daffodil, tulip - in spring); golden ball, asters - in autumn, etc.; teach them to classify on this basis, develop their memory and intelligence.
Materials: ball.
Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws the ball, naming the time of year when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child names the plant.
What is made of what?
Did. task: to teach children to identify the material from which an object is made.
Materials: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell, key, etc.
Progress of the game: children take different objects out of the bag and name them, indicating what each object is made of.
Guess what.
Did. task: to develop children’s ability to solve riddles, to correlate a verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify children's knowledge about berries.
Materials: pictures for each child with images of berries. Book of riddles.

Progress of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up the answer picture.
Edible - inedible.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.
Materials: basket, object pictures with images of edible and inedible mushrooms.
Progress of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put a picture of the answer to an edible mushroom in baskets.
Place the planets correctly.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the main planets.
Materials: belt with sewn rays - ribbons of different lengths (9 pieces). Caps with images of planets.
It's so hot on this planet
That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet, and where is it located? (Mercury because it is closest to the sun).
And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold,
The sun's rays did not reach her with warmth.
-What kind of planet is this? (Pluto because it is farthest from the sun and the smallest of all the planets).
The child in the Pluto cap takes hold of the longest ribbon No. 9.
And this planet is dear to us all.
The planet gave us life... (all: Earth)
-In what orbit does planet Earth rotate? Where is our planet from the sun? (On the 3rd).
A child in an “Earth” cap takes hold of ribbon No. 3.
Two planets are close to planet Earth.
My friend, name them quickly. (Venus and Mars).
Children wearing “Venus” and “Mars” hats occupy the 2nd and 4th orbits, respectively.
And this planet is proud of itself
Because it is considered the largest.
-What kind of planet is this? What orbit is it in? (Jupiter, orbit No. 5).
The child in the Jupiter cap takes place No. 5.
The planet is surrounded by rings
And this made her different from everyone else. (Saturn)
Child - Saturn occupies orbit No. 6.
What kind of green planets are they? (Uranus)
A child wearing a matching Neptune cap occupies orbit #8.
All the children took their places and began to revolve around the “Sun”.
The round dance of the planets is spinning. Each has its own size and color.
For each, the path is defined. But only on Earth is the world inhabited by life.
Useful - not useful.
Did. task: to consolidate the concepts of healthy and harmful products.
Materials: cards with images of products.
How to play: Place what is useful on one table, and what is not useful on the other.
Healthy: rolled oats, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.
Unhealthy: chips, fatty meats, chocolates, cakes, Fanta, etc.

Used Books:

A.I. Sorokina “Didactic game in kindergarten”.

A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten."

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002253, barcode (receipt No.) 62502669050070 Date of dispatch December 12, 2013

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Consultation for educators

Didactic game, its role in the development of preschool children

Prepared by: Akselrod E.V.

The leading activity of preschool children is play. A didactic game is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of teaching children, an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.
Didactic games promote:
- development of cognitive and mental abilities: acquiring new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; developing the ability to express one’s judgments and draw conclusions.
- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of vocabulary.
- social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, the knowledge of relationships between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. .
The structure of the didactic game is formed by basic and additional components. TO main components include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material. TO additional components: plot and role.
Conducting didactic games includes: 1. Familiarizing children with the content of the game, using didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas are clarified). 2.Explanation of the course and rules of the game, while strictly following these rules. 3. Showing game actions. 4. Defining the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, questions, reminders). 5. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management. Based on the results of the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used by children in independent play activities. Analysis of the game allows us to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means properly organizing individual work with them.

Learning in the form of a didactic game is based on the child’s desire to enter an imaginary situation and act according to its laws, that is, it corresponds to the age characteristics of a preschooler.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys).

2. Printed board games.

3.Word games.

Didactic games - differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher.

Games with objects- are based on the direct perception of children, correspond to the child’s desire to act with objects and thus get acquainted with them. IN In games with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects, size, and color. When introducing children to nature in such games, I use natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, various flowers, pine cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which arouses keen interest and an active desire in children to play. Examples of such games: “Don’t make a mistake”, “Describe this object”, “What is it?”, “What comes first, what comes next”, etc.
Board - printed games-This An interesting activity for children to get acquainted with the surrounding world, the world of animals and plants, phenomena of living and inanimate nature. They are varied in type: “lotto”, “dominoes”, paired pictures.” With the help of board and printed games, you can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life patterns and make decisions, and develop self-control skills.

Word games is an effective method of nurturing independent thinking and speech development in children. They built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental problems: they describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them from the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena.

During the games, children clarify, consolidate, and expand their ideas about natural objects and its seasonal changes.

Didactic games - travel - are one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children.

Didactic game in experimental activities - contributes to the formation of children's cognitive interest in the environment, develops basic mental processes, observation, and thinking.

The joint activities of parents and teachers - individual counseling of parents, information stands, moving folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - gives a more effective result in working with children.
To develop children's knowledge about the world around them, systematize them, and cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, I use the following didactic games:

Material used:

Games with objects
"What it is?"
Goal: to clarify children’s ideas about inanimate objects.
Material: natural - sand, stones, earth, water, snow.
Progress of the game. Children are offered pictures and, depending on what is drawn on it, they need to arrange the natural material accordingly and answer what is it? And what is it? (Big, heavy, light, small, dry, wet, loose). What can you do with it?
“Who eats what?”
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about animal food.
Progress of the game. Children take out from the bag: carrots, cabbage, raspberries, cones, grains, oats, etc. They name it and remember what animal eats this food.
"Children on a Branch"
Target . To consolidate children's knowledge about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to select them according to their belonging to the same plant.
Progress of the game. Children look at the leaves of trees and shrubs and name them. At the teacher’s suggestion: “Children, find your branches” - the children select the corresponding fruit for each leaf. This game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. The children themselves can prepare the material for the game.
“Find what I’ll show you”
Didactic task. Find an item by similarity.
Equipment. Place identical sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. Cover one (for the teacher) with a napkin.
Progress of the game. The teacher briefly shows one of the objects hidden under the napkin and removes it again, then asks the children: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it’s called.” Children take turns completing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin are named.
“What first - what then?”
Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.
Progress of the game. Children are presented with objects: an egg, a chicken, a model of a chicken; kitten, cat; puppy, dog. Children need to place these items in the correct order.
Printed board games
"It is when?"
Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena in nature.
Progress of the game. Each of the children has object pictures depicting snowfall, rain, a sunny day, cloudy weather, hail is falling, the wind is blowing, icicles are hanging, etc. and story pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to correctly arrange the pictures they have.
"Magic Train"
Target. To consolidate and systematize children’s ideas about trees and shrubs.
Material. Two trains cut out of cardboard (each train has 4 cars with 5 windows); two sets of cards with pictures of plants.
Progress of the game: On the table in front of the children there is a “train” and cards with pictures of animals. Educator. In front of you is a train and passengers. They need to be placed in the carriages (in the first - bushes, in the second - flowers, etc.) so that one passenger is visible in each window. The first one to place the animals correctly in the carriages will be the winner.
Similarly, this game can be played to consolidate ideas about various groups of plants (forests, gardens, meadows, vegetable gardens).
"Four Pictures"
Target. Strengthen children's ideas about the surrounding nature, develop attention and observation.
Progress of the game. The game consists of 24 pictures depicting birds, butterflies, and animals. The presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to the game participants (from 3 to 6 people). Each player must pick up 4 cards of the same content. The player who begins the game, having examined his cards, passes one of them to the person sitting on the left. If he needs a card, he keeps it for himself, and any unnecessary one also passes on to the neighbor on the left, etc. Having picked up the cards, each player places them face down in front of them. When all possible sets have been selected, the game ends. Participants in the game turn over the collected cards and lay them out four at a time so that everyone can see them. The one with the most correctly selected cards wins.
Word games
“When does this happen?”
Target. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge about the seasons.
Progress of the game.
The teacher alternately reads short texts in poetry or prose about the seasons, and the children guess.
“Find something to tell me about”
Didactic task. Find objects using the listed characteristics.
Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that the distinctive features of the objects are clearly visible to all children.
Progress of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher asks one of the children: “Show it on the table, and then name what I told you about.” If the child has completed the task, the teacher describes another object, and another child completes the task. The game continues until all children guess the item from the description.

“Guess who it is?”
Target. Strengthen children's understanding of the characteristic features of wild and domestic animals.
Progress of the game. The teacher describes the animal (its appearance, habits, habitat...) the children must guess who they are talking about.
“When does this happen?”
Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena.
Progress of the game. Children are offered leaves of different plants with different colors, cones, a herbarium of flowering plants, etc. depending on the time of year. Children need to name the time of year when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.
Outdoor games
“What do we take in the basket?”
Goal: to consolidate in children the knowledge of what crops are harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.
Learn to distinguish fruits based on where they are grown.
To form an idea of ​​the role of people in conservation of nature.
Materials: Medallions with images of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.
Progress of the game. Some children have medallions depicting various gifts of nature. Others have medallions in the form of baskets.
Children - fruits, disperse around the room to cheerful music, with movements and facial expressions they depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.
Children - baskets must pick up fruits in both hands. Necessary condition: each child must bring fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.
Tops - roots
Did. task: teach children to make a whole from parts.
Materials: two hoops, pictures of vegetables.
Game progress: option 1. Take two hoops: red, blue. Place them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop you need to put vegetables whose roots are used for food, and in the blue hoop you need to put those whose tops are used.
The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable there. (in the area where the hoops intersect there should be vegetables whose tops and roots are used: onions, parsley, etc.
Option 2. On the table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take the tops, the second - the roots. At the signal, everyone runs in all directions. On the signal “One, two, three – find your pair!”, you need
Ball game "Air, earth, water"
Did. task: to consolidate children's knowledge about natural objects. Develop auditory attention, thinking, and intelligence.
Materials: ball.
Progress of the game: Option 1. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names an object of nature, for example, “magpie.” The child must answer “air” and throw the ball back. To the word “dolphin” the child responds “water”, to the word “wolf” - “earth”, etc.
Option2. The teacher calls the word “air”; the child who catches the ball must name the bird. For the word “earth” - an animal that lives on the earth; for the word “water” - the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.
Nature and man.
Did. task: to consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
Materials: ball.
Progress of the game: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by human hands or exist in nature, and people use them; for example, forests, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, but houses and factories are created by humans.
"What is made by man"? asks the teacher and throws the ball.
“What is created by nature”? asks the teacher and throws the ball.
Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember miss their turn.
Choose what you need.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop thinking and cognitive activity.
Materials: subject pictures.
Progress of the game: object pictures are scattered on the table. The teacher names some property or sign, and the children must choose as many objects as possible that have this property.
For example: “green” - these can be pictures of a leaf, cucumber, cabbage, grasshopper. Or: “wet” - water, dew, cloud, fog, frost, etc.
Where are the snowflakes?
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory and cognitive activity.
Materials: cards depicting different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
Game progress: option 1 . Children dance in a circle around cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, etc.
While moving in a circle, the following words are said:
So summer has come. The sun shone brighter.
It's getting hotter, where should we look for a snowflake?
With the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom the required pictures are located must raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:
Finally, winter has come: Cold, blizzard, cold.
Go out for a walk. Where should we look for a snowflake?
The desired pictures are selected again and the choice is explained.
Option 2 . There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children must distribute their cards to the hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.
The conclusion is drawn from the answers to the questions:
- At what time of year can water in nature be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late autumn).
The birds have arrived.
Did. task: to clarify the idea of ​​​​birds.
Progress of the game: the teacher names only the birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children must stomp or clap. For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.
Children stomp – What’s wrong? (flies)
- Who are these flies? (insects)
- Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, macaroni.
The children are stomping. - birds arrived: pigeons, martens...
The children are stomping. Game continues.
Birds have arrived: Tit pigeons,
Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, swifts,
Storks, cuckoos, even scops owls,
Swans, starlings. Well done to all of you.
Result: the teacher, together with the children, identifies migratory and wintering birds.
When does this happen?
Did. task: to teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. With the help of poetic words, show the beauty of different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.
Materials: for each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Progress of the game: the teacher reads a poem, and the children show a picture depicting the season mentioned in the poem.
Spring. In the clearing, blades of grass appear near the path.
A stream runs from a hillock, and there is snow under the tree.
Summer. And light and wide
Our quiet river. Let's run to swim and splash with the fish...
Autumn. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow,
The winter crops are just turning green in the fields. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
Winter. Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets, Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
Did. task: to clarify children’s knowledge about the flowering time of individual plants (for example, daffodil, tulip - in spring); golden ball, asters - in autumn, etc.; teach them to classify on this basis, develop their memory and intelligence.
Materials: ball.
Progress of the game: children stand in a circle. The teacher or child throws the ball, naming the time of year when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child names the plant.
What is made of what?
Did. task: to teach children to identify the material from which an object is made.
Materials: wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell, key, etc.
Progress of the game: children take different objects out of the bag and name them, indicating what each object is made of.
Guess what.
Did. task: to develop children’s ability to solve riddles, to correlate a verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify children's knowledge about berries.
Materials: pictures for each child with images of berries. Book of riddles.

Progress of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and pick up the answer picture.
Edible - inedible.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.
Materials: basket, object pictures with images of edible and inedible mushrooms.
Progress of the game: on the table in front of each child there are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put a picture of the answer to an edible mushroom in baskets.
Place the planets correctly.
Did. task: to consolidate knowledge about the main planets.
Materials: belt with sewn rays - ribbons of different lengths (9 pieces). Caps with images of planets.
It's so hot on this planet
That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet, and where is it located? (Mercury because it is closest to the sun).
And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold,
The sun's rays did not reach her with warmth.
-What kind of planet is this? (Pluto because it is farthest from the sun and the smallest of all the planets).
The child in the Pluto cap takes hold of the longest ribbon No. 9.
And this planet is dear to us all.
The planet gave us life... (all: Earth)
-In what orbit does planet Earth rotate? Where is our planet from the sun? (On the 3rd).
A child in an “Earth” cap takes hold of ribbon No. 3.
Two planets are close to planet Earth.
My friend, name them quickly. (Venus and Mars).
Children wearing “Venus” and “Mars” hats occupy the 2nd and 4th orbits, respectively.
And this planet is proud of itself
Because it is considered the largest.
-What kind of planet is this? What orbit is it in? (Jupiter, orbit No. 5).
The child in the Jupiter cap takes place No. 5.
The planet is surrounded by rings
And this made her different from everyone else. (Saturn)
Child - Saturn occupies orbit No. 6.
What kind of green planets are they? (Uranus)
A child wearing a matching Neptune cap occupies orbit #8.
All the children took their places and began to revolve around the “Sun”.
The round dance of the planets is spinning. Each has its own size and color.
For each, the path is defined. But only on Earth is the world inhabited by life.
Useful - not useful.
Did. task: to consolidate the concepts of healthy and harmful products.
Materials: cards with images of products.
How to play: Place what is useful on one table, and what is not useful on the other.
Healthy: rolled oats, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.
Unhealthy: chips, fatty meats, chocolates, cakes, Fanta, etc.

Used Books:

A.I. Sorokina “Didactic game in kindergarten”.

A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten."
