Complete walkthrough of Serious Sam HD "Legend of the Beast". Guide and walkthrough for "Serious Sam: The Second Encounter" All the secrets of Serious Sam the second coming

7.5 from the editor




Serious Sam: Second Encounter HD

  • Publisher: Devolver Digital
  • Publisher in Russia: New Disk
  • Developer: Croteam
  • Website: Official site
  • Game engine: Serious Engine 3
  • Genre: Action
  • Game mode: Single player, multiplayer
  • Distribution: DVD-ROM (1)

System requirements:

  • Windows XP
  • Pentium 4/Athlon 64 3 GHz
  • 512 MB
  • nVidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1600
  • 2.5 GB

About the game

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter is another variation on the theme of an arcade shooter with hundreds of enemies and dozens of different types of weapons. The game is distinguished by the presence of a cooperative tournament for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, and by the fact that it is adapted for consoles. It is also worth noting the excellent graphic design of the project.

The action of the game this time is not limited to one region: in addition to South America, together with Sam the player will be able to visit Babylon and medieval Europe.
You can fight with all the same types of weapons as in the first part, plus three new ones will be added to them: a flamethrower, a sniper rifle and a chainsaw. The chainsaw is a powerful and effective weapon, using the same fuel as the flamethrower. And the flamethrower, as in any shooter, will be simply lethal.

Game Features:

  • 3 new terrain types (South America, Babylon, Medieval Europe)
  • 3 new weapons
  • 20 new maps in multiplayer mode
  • original soundtrack

Differences from the original version

  • New models for the Sniper Rifle and Flamethrower: Sam is seen holding the weapon with both hands.
  • Animations for the Sniper Rifle that were not available before.
  • At the beginning of the first level, the player starts not falling from the plate, but right in the lake: this is probably due to a bug in the original, when the player could get stuck.
  • Enemies can be cut into two halves using a chainsaw.
  • Support for modern gamepads.
  • New secrets have been added: for example, at the first level you can now get a Thompson machine gun and ammunition by cutting down any 4 trees.
  • The traps on the "Pit" level have been changed. For example, room No. 3 has been changed where it is completely round
  • All-new models of Cool Sammy and Mysterious Mia.

Game process

Unlike the original, new game modes have been added. Now a list of all available game modes:

  • Single player game
    • The campaign is a classic solo playthrough.
    • Survival - you need to stay alive as long as possible, fighting against arriving enemies. Fights take place on special maps.
    • Multiplayer game
      • Cooperative play
        • Classic co-op mode - completing the “Campaign” together with other players.
        • Collection - a joint “Campaign” on the account. The main difference from "Classic Co-op Mode" is that players have 3 shared lives per level (the number of lives increases as the score increases).
        • Survival - Players fight shoulder to shoulder against incoming enemies on special maps.
      • Confrontation
        • Hunt - Kill enemies, collect items and look for secrets to score higher than other players.
        • Capture the Flag - Capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your base while guarding your own flag.
        • Dangerous fight - a classic death match.
        • Instant kill - the difference from "combat" is that Demise occurs with one shot.
        • Last Hero - Kill all other players to win the round.
        • The last command is the command option " The last hero».
        • Heavy Burden - Your score increases as long as you hold the Burden.
        • Team Hunt is a team version of the Hunt.
        • Team fight - team death match.
  • At the "Land of the Damned" level you can find a snowman with Biomechanoid rocket launchers.
  • At the "Great Cathedral" level there is a secret laboratory in which there is a huge capsule with Ugh-Zan the Third.
  • The blond guy Sam wanted to talk to at the beginning of the game is Duke Nukem.
  • In the "Land of the Damned" level you can see "Serious Santa". When you shoot at this very “Santa” you can get some good “gifts”, but if you shoot at him with a grenade launcher, it will spoil all the raspberries!
  • The Russian edition of the game used the same translation and voice acting as in the localization of the classic version.
  • At the “Great Cathedral” you can find a portal that will take Sam to a foggy place with pumpkins from which Kukuryito will jump out.
  • Sam's first level requires him to get into the temple. However, if you turn left just before the gate, you can find a broken ship of the Croatimovites, on which they rammed Sam’s ship and themselves with halos above their heads.
  • You can also find a secret dance hall next to them.
  • In the "Valley of the Jaguar" level, you can see the inscription on the mountain "Crollywood", which is a combination of the names Hollywood and Croteam (the company that developed the Serious Sam series)
  • If you open the coffins at the Citadel level, the game developers will jump out of them and start hugging you.
  • On the "Sierra De Chiapas" cut down three trees with a chainsaw, then a Thompson Automatic will appear at the end of the valley.

Did you know that...despite the fact that the game is a literal remake of the original, some little things have been changed. So, at the beginning of the first level, Sam starts not falling from a flying saucer, but right in the lake. In addition, the traps in the Pit level have been changed and new secrets have been added.

Legend of the Beast

Legend of the Beast (Russian: Legend of the Beast) - paid downloadable add-on for the game Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, set in Egypt. The add-on includes 3 new levels and a new boss - Khnum! And so we have compiled a complete video walkthrough for you...

Children of Amon Ro

The level is not high at all, and the only opponents are Rocketeers, Kamikazes, Yellow Arachnoids and a few Skeletons from Clear. The difficulty is that from the beginning of the level we have only 30 health, and that we will run the entire level only with pistols, and only at the end will they give us a shotgun (if we don’t use one of the secrets).

The level starts in an empty room. We leave it and find ourselves on Fresh air. We shoot at the oncoming rocket launchers and kamikazes. There is a dark square in the right wall of the right arch. We touch it and get light armor and a green flask (secret No. 1). Behind the arches we see a shotgun, unfortunately, hidden from us by golden bars. Be careful: there are two rocket men standing on the houses to the left and right. We collect everything we can here and return to the first courtyard.

We go to the right door, if you look from the beginning of the level. We find ourselves in a large courtyard with houses. Rocketeers and kamikades are scattered around the yard and constantly appear, and in the center there is a pair of arachnoids. There is also a second pistol in the center. Shooting the headless ones and trying not to catch the eyes of the arachnoids, we walk along the wall to the opposite side of the yard. One of the sections of the wall is darker than the surrounding ones. We touch him, he drives away and reveals to us a shotgun, buckshot and an image of a Serious Bomb (secret No. 2). Now we get rid of the arachnoids, take the pistol and press the lever on the statue. A bunch more headless people appear, a couple of skeletons and an arachnoid at the exit. We clear the area and carefully inspect everything around for armor, health and ammo. In the left corner of the courtyard, as seen from the entrance, there is a first aid kit. If you approach it, it will jump over you. Let's take it (skeret No. 3).

We go up the slope and go into the room above the arches. Inside are a couple of headless men, ammo, and another pistol.

We go further and find ourselves in the second courtyard. In this courtyard in the center there is a small lake across which there is a bridge. There are also rocket launchers and kamikazes scattered around here. I advise you to take pistols, stand at the edge of the wall and shoot the rocketeers, but first kill the arachnoid that is shooting at you in the distance from the foliage. Kamikazes will run into the wall below you and accumulate. When there are enough of them, kill one of them. This will cause everything to explode at once with a great roar. As soon as there are no more enemies, we go to the bridge. Below it there is a teleport, which for some reason counts as 2 secrets at once (secrets No. 4 and No. 5). He will take us to a room with blue armor, but to take it, we need to jump through the spikes that are constantly closing in the middle of the room. Returning back, we turn the lever on the statue and fight with the newly arrived monsters.

Now we return to the place where we saw the shotgun behind the golden bars. A couple of clears and headless will appear there. We grab the shotgun and go to the exit.

Holy Spirits

At the very beginning of the level, there are several rocket men standing right in front of us, who immediately start shooting at us. We kill them. We examine the second tower on the right. On the side opposite the starting point, under the roof there is a button with a target. We shoot at her, and several boxes with buckshot appear in the middle of the yard (secret No. 1). We hide behind the third tower from the arachnoid that appears. We look out, shoot, quickly hide back. Along with the arachnoid, rocket men, kamikazes and one zumbul appear - they do not cause problems. Let's go to the next yard.

Shooting the headless ones, we jump to the left and go behind the wall. There is a shallow pool surrounded by columns, in the center of which there is a pedestal with a chainsaw. We grab the saw and run behind the middle column at the far wall. We cut down all the gnaars that are running towards us. Along with them, a zumbul appears, from whose missiles we hid behind a column. He will be stuck in the pool, so we can safely saw the gnaars until they run out. We carefully examine the column in the right corner of the far wall, when viewed from the pedestal. On one of its sides there is a small lever. We turn it, and 16 tablets appear around the pedestal (secret No. 2). We go to the exit, but not to the one through which we entered.
An arachnoid has appeared on the left, above the entrance with two statues, so we don’t go out into the courtyard until we shoot all the headless ones in sight. Having done this, we quickly run under the left wall of this passage - there we are temporarily out of reach for him. Here we kill a couple of kamikazes and a flamethrower that were standing around the corner. We look up - the arachnoid is already standing above us and trying to shoot, but in vain. We kill him before he falls from the wall onto our head. Now we go to the building to the right of the entrance to the courtyard. Inside there is a pink flask and buckshot, picking up which will summon a couple of gnaars and a skeleton. Then we go to the building, above the entrance to which there was an arachnoid.

In a room with columns behind which a couple of rocket men are hiding, go left. There is a hall with columns and several more headless ones. In the next room there are again columns, but behind them there are already Gnaars. We collect everything here and return to the fork. Let's go right this time. Killing the headless ones, we go up the stairs and go past the balcony where the arachnoid stood. And in the next room we select the key. We return to that balcony and, bending down, hide from the new arachnoid behind the ledge, then jump off and hide behind the obelisk. We kill the headless and the gnaar, and then, looking out from behind the obelisk, we kill the arachnoid. Let's go to the next yard.

Here we are met by several rocket scientists. We reach the middle of the courtyard, and a crowd of various headless, gnaars and zumbulas appears in front of us. After that, we go into the building on the right. Gnaars and a couple of skeletons with them begin to run towards us from all sides. And again we go to the next yard.

Upon entering, we immediately notice a small gnaar boldly running towards us from afar. While he is running, we manage to shoot two flamethrowers on the pyramid on the left with pistols and pick up a saw. We walk a couple of steps, and a huge crowd of rocket men appears around us and in the distance there is one zumbul. Running sideways and dodging missiles, we kill them all one by one. We go into the pyramid and cut down the gnaar. Carefully examine the ceiling on the left side of the room. There is a dark square there. Shoot him and he will drive away. Jump up and you'll be thrown into a small room with a rocket launcher. Don't waste it - there are no missiles on the level. We jump back, go down and take the double-barreled shotgun. On the way back, a gnaar appears on the stairs right in front of us. When we go up to the room, 4 more appear. Outside, 3 skeletons are running around on the street. We go to the gate opposite. A reptilian and a small crowd of rocket men appear near them, and a little later several kamikazes will come running from all sides. We quickly get rid of the reptilian using a rocket launcher, or kill the headless ones with pistols or a shotgun. Let's go to the gate.

There is a lone rocket man standing on the right. We reach the middle of the courtyard, and a zumbul and two flamethrowers appear in front, and clears are jumping from the right wall. First, we go behind the towers on the right so that the zumbul does not interfere with us, and we destroy the clears, and then we kill the zumbul.

In the next courtyard there are a couple of flamethrowers, a gnaar is flying to the left, and kamikazes are running towards us from different directions. For some reason, one (or more than one?) of them always remains somewhere behind the wall and screams out of reach there = (There is a double-barreled shotgun and a door ahead, for which you need a key. We go left. There are two passages. We go to the left. Here a couple of rocketeers and a flamethrower on the wall. We go further, there are 3 gnaars near a house without a roof: two small flying ones and one large walking one. A rocketeer is hiding around the corner. We go into the house, take armor. We are attacked by a crowd of gnaars, and with them several more kamikazes , so you won’t be able to simply saw them all while standing in the corner.Naw them while running around the building, and shoot the headless ones in time.

We return and go into the right passage. There is a green flask surrounded by pills. Take any one, and two small gnaars will attack you - one flying and the other normal. Take 6 more, and rocket men will appear on the walls, gnaars will jump from there, a few more with clears and kamikazes will come running from the exit. Take 7 more and several more rocket men will appear on the walls, and several more kamikazes will run past the exit. Nothing bad will happen for the remaining 2. Now, finally, you can go into the building.

We go into the room with columns, shoot the headless ones and go right. There are a bunch of rocket guys, a couple of flying gnaars, a flamethrower at the top left, and a pool. We jump into the pool and swim into the passage from the entrance. There is a first aid kit (secret No. 4). In the same room you can see the Red Armor on a ledge. To the left of the ledge, a dark rectangle is clearly visible - this is actually an invisible platform that you can jump onto, and from it to the armor. But the secret here does not count for the fact that you take the armor. For it to count, you need to find a very small lever in the pool - it is located on the wall opposite the entrance to the room. Turn it and the invisible platform will become visible (secret #5). Now you can safely take this armor. But for this you still need to go upstairs. We go back to the room with columns and into the remaining passage. We go up the stairs, kill the rocket man and the gnaar. We find ourselves in a room with a swimming pool, but from above. We kill the headless ones and take the red armor. It’s impossible to jump back from here, so we jump down and go up the stairs again. We go into the passage on the other side of the room. We find ourselves in a narrow corridor. It contains a pair of rocket launchers on one side and a flying gnaar on the other. The nearest passages lead to a platform from which you can quickly get to a closed door, but it’s too early to get there. There are several rocket scientists here. We go to the right end of the corridor and enter the room. Here is the key. We take it, and gnaars and kamikazes begin to run along the corridor, and a flamethrower appears on the wall. We shoot them from afar. A skeleton appeared on the platform directly opposite the exit. In the courtyards where the entrance to the building is located and between the courtyards with the entrance and the door, rocket men appeared, and in the courtyard with an already open door - rocket men, 2 zumbulas, and a flamethrower. We kill everyone. Let's go through the door.

There are several headless and zumbulas here. The door on the left requires a key. We go through the door that is in front of us. We shoot the headless ones, collect armor and health, if necessary, and go through the next door. Headless again. We go into the building. We find ourselves in a large hall with columns, headless ones, a pair of zumbuls, and in the center there are an adult arachnoid and a machine gun. This is where the rocket launcher comes in handy. We quickly get rid of the arachnoid, take the machine gun and bullets, and crush everyone around, including the clears that appear. We go into the rooms behind the distant columns, kill the headless people there and pick up more cartridges. We leave the building and go around it. There are skeletons running around here, and when we go halfway (from either side of the building), a pair of headless ones and a flying gnaar will appear in front and behind us. Let's go through the door.

In the next courtyard we kill several headless people and move on. We are met by several more headless people. There are 2 mini-yards surrounded by a fence, and 2 underground rooms. Each has something, and when you pick up this something, various headless ones appear, including kamikazes, and zumbulas. In the room on the left there are cartridges, in the courtyard on the right there is blue armor, behind this courtyard there are two green flasks, in the courtyard on the left there is a first aid kit, behind it there are bullets, and in the room on the right there are a lot more cartridges, armor and health. Having collected everything and killed everyone, we take the saw in our hands and go to the house in front of us. Right outside the doors there are two flying gnaars and a skeleton, which we immediately cut out. We select the ankh and go back. A couple more Zumbuls and a bunch of kamikazes had already appeared there. We go to the previous courtyard.

Then 2 zumbulas and a flamethrower appeared on the wall. And in the courtyard with the building where we took the machine gun, skeletons and kamikazes will run towards us from both sides. I advise you to stand on the corner to shoot enemies from afar with a machine gun while there are bullets. You will also meet a couple of Zumbuls there. And if you then go along the left side, another crowd of rocket men and zumbulas will appear. At the exit from the territory there are two arachnoids.

In the next courtyard there is only one zumbul. We go through the doors. Here on the left there are a bunch of kamikazes and zumbuls running from the wall. In the door on the right. This yard is the last one. From the other end of the yard, a pair of male gnaars are running towards us. We wait and drink. Also, on the other side of the yard there are several headless ones - we shoot them with pistols. We collect buckshot and bullets. We reach the middle of the courtyard, and headless people, gnaars, skeletons and zumbuls begin to appear around. We crush everyone and go to the exit.

Great Obelisk

We leave the room where we appeared. We find ourselves in a large courtyard. In front of us stands the Great Obelisk and several headless ones. A large biomechanoid is wandering on the left. We need to go to the Obelisk. To get into it, you need to go through a building connected to it by a bridge. To get into this building, you need to find a key. But you can go around the building and jump onto the bridge with a rocket jump, or, if you know the technique of climbing steep inclined planes (to do this you need to run not perpendicular to the base, but at a large angle), then you can get there without wasting a rocket and health. This way you will shorten the lion's share of the level, but miss the secrets and the rocket launcher (if you didn't pick it up in the secret in the last level).

Bulls are falling from the wall of the obelisk on the right, and at the other end of the courtyard there is a red mechanoid. When you kill the mechanoid, another one will soon appear, and when you destroy all the bulls, skeletons from the clergy will begin to jump from the wall on the left. After all this, we move on. If we go the honest way, then we need to go left. I advise you to first go to the right, collect ammo there and kill Zumbul at the same time. We go left along the path. As we pass the turn, assorted headless creatures begin to appear all around. We run along the slope to the doors - it’s convenient to shoot back from there. Kamikazes are running from the other side. Don't let them accumulate too much in the corner, otherwise they can get over each other's heads... that is, over each other's shoulders. As everyone was killed, we go through the gate on the left.

When you enter the next area, look to the right. At the top, on the wall of the Great Obelisk, there is a ledge on which the Heart is located. To get it, you need to launch a rocket there (secret No. 1). If you have nothing to fire, don't worry - there's a rocket launcher nearby. We collect a bunch of cartridges in front of us and move along the path further. We are attacked by a crowd of headless people, several zumbuls and bulls. Behind the sphinx statue is a yellow arachnoid. We jump onto the lamp, and from it onto the pedestal of the statue. There is a lever on the sphinx. We turn it, and the pedestal moves away, revealing bullets and green armor (secret No. 2). Let's go to the obelisk.

We go up the stairs and find ourselves in a large hall with columns, biomechanoids, skeletons and a rocket launcher in the middle. There are 5 rooms here - 2 on the right, 2 on the left and 1 in the front. Visiting each summons a new batch of skeletons and mechanoids. In every room there are light armor, health, rockets and buckshot. In the far left room there are bullets instead of buckshot. There is a lever hidden behind the lamp on the far right. We turn it and a section of the ceiling slides down. We ride it up to the secret room and find a bunch of helmets and ammunition there (secret No. 3). There is a figurine in the room in front. We take it and make our way to the exit.

If we haven’t broken that ledge with the heart yet, then we’ll go back and break it. Go ahead. We are again attacked by a crowd of headless people, and with them also several small mechanods and a couple of bulls. Let's go to the next yard. Here we are met by a bunch of blue mechanoids. And when we pass a third of the yard, another one appears. We pass another third and red fur appears on the right. We pass through the next gate and find ourselves in the first courtyard.

There are already bulls and large furs running everywhere here. We throw missiles at them. When we approach the doors for which we took the key, a large mechanoid stands in front of them, and clears begin to jump from the roof. If we now go again to the doors on the left and enter them, then the Heart and the Red Armor will appear in front of us (secret No. 4). Quickly take them and run back before the doors close, otherwise you will have to run around the Great Obelisk again, only now there will be no enemies here. Let's go to the Obelisk.

In the building in front of the Obelisk, we are attacked by a bunch of chaotically running skeletons from the clergy, and four flamethrowers fire at you from above. After some time, the Zumbul joins them. We cross the bridge and enter the Obelisk.

After passing a couple of stairs, we find a room with a cross-shaped hole in the floor. We collect first aid kits and armor here, if necessary, and jump down. We find ourselves in a room filled with blood-red light. On the other side of the room, a huge horned creature - Khnum - rises from the throne. Trying to kill him by simply shooting is pointless - even from missiles the damage is very small. To kill him, you need to activate 4 round panels located in the corners of the room. Although, when you approach them, no signs appear that they can be used, they can and should be used. Dodging the spheres launched by Khnum and trying not to come close to him, we activate the panels. After this, you need to shoot from any weapon at two panels under the ceiling, to which the white stripes from the panels lead, which we have already activated. This will activate a beam that will hit the center of the room, and if Khnum is there at that time, then 2/5 of his health will be taken away. Do this 2 more times and he's dead.


This walkthrough was written with a SERIOUS level of difficulty. It's just a hobby. In this game, no passage is required - everything is clear here, there is only one road. However, I took the liberty of saying something. Maybe it will be useful to someone. And I tried to describe almost all the secrets. If anyone has found secrets that I haven’t described, write: I’ll take note. In general, a joke from his own tactical data applies to the game with Sam: “Go left, go right. Find something. Fight. Don’t slow down - sneak.” The main thing is movement and search.

SIERRA DE CHIAPAS (12 secrets)

As soon as we fall into the water, we bend our faces towards it and go deep under the water. We dive quickly, holding down the “sit down” key (“F” by default). There we will find a ROCKET GUN (secret No. 1). Having taken it, we quickly emerge: now holding down the “jump” key (“space” by default).

Before sailing to the Chainsaw on the bridge, we sail to the island in the opposite direction. There we take green armor among the bushes (secret No. 2), and find a telephone booth (secret No. 3), which you can call by pressing ENTER once or twice (as you set in the settings). You can read the message, again, by clicking once or twice with the right mouse button, and then using the right button again to return to the game.

Now swim to the new weapon, take it, and move forward to the temple. Anyone who attacks us here can be defeated with just a Chainsaw, without losing health or armor. You just need to skillfully move to the sides and not stand still.

Before entering the opened gates of the temple, we go around it on the left side. There is a dark spot in the wall (secret No. 4): we launch a rocket there, and then cut into pieces all the Krotin residents who were responsible for our accident. And let them not pretend to be angels!

We go into the open hole, there we will find ammunition for missiles and a stage (secret No. 5). We watch the show to the end, and then we leave and go straight into the ravine.

Here we will find the wreckage of the Krotinovsky tarantass (secret No. 6), and a little further, at the very end of the ravine, rockets (secret No. 7).

On the way back you will have to fend for yourself. We return to the temple, go through the gate. Before taking the sniper, we aim at the top of the entrance to the temple: a scorpion will appear there. We immediately remove it through optics ( right button mice). Then the harpies will arrive. Well, in general, we fight, try out the running boots in action, and then go to the temple.

We buy a flamethrower and kill new enemies. I won’t give recipes for every case: I’ll have to write a whole Operation Guide for the game. I can only say that with good skills it is very easy to play and without losses. Fast, but easily hit enemies can be taken down from afar. With Skeletons of Clear you need to move quickly (see ENEMIES), and from Scorpions you can hide behind stone ledges. Dive, shoot, and take cover again. You can even kill them with a pistol.

You will reach the entrance to a small tunnel. There will be rising and falling blocks on the right, and a black spot on the left. You to him. There's a secret room on the left (secret #8).

You will go through the blocks, then through a room with a stove and two buttons (did you understand that in order to open the door on the other side, you need to press these buttons, and between this, hide in the niches in the floor?).

Go out into nature. Go to the abyss on the left. In the abyss lies a ROCKET GUN (secret No. 9). Taking it, we jump onto the platform below, and then into the teleporter. We'll find ourselves on a cliff. We jump onto the lower rock, then onto the ground, on the opposite side of the abyss.

There will be a fight here. After you kill everyone, look around. You will see a light boulder near the left side of the rock. Fire a rocket at him! This is the entrance to the secret cave (secret #10). Enter it and dive into the pond. We swim with the “squat” position, when it becomes impossible to swim, we switch to “jump”: we will swim to the top of the rock.

After crossing the bridge, we'll get hold of sniper rifle cartridges and Serious Health (secret No. 11). Now down again, and we go to the reservoir. It's guarded, so be on your guard.

We dive into the pond at the entrance to the Temple, knock down the Fishes there, and then take the First Aid Kit from the very bottom (secret No. 12).

We emerge and go to the Temple to finish the level.


Go ahead and sing! To new adventures.

I don’t know about anyone, but all my shields and health went to hell. And I started the level as a newborn, with 100% health.

We are walking the path of the Mayan warriors. We don’t relax for a second and don’t part with the sniper. At any moment, monsters may appear, very far away. We are preparing to meet them.

They jumped forward on the teleporters in a zigzag pattern. From the cliff to the teleporter, and again to the cliff on the left. From the cliff to the teleporter, and when the moving one approaches, simultaneously with teleportation up, press “jump” and move towards the last teleporter. From this last one, we immediately fly to the door.

In the new room, first jump along the teleporters on the left to the button. We bring down a couple of Reptilians at the other end of the room. We return to the door, jump onto the approaching teleporter, and then, without stopping, jump over to the rock. Now we jump forward along the blue water slopes to the button on the left.

Then, in one fell swoop, follow two teleporters to the door, where we take Serious Armor. To the left of the door there is a platform, jumping onto it, we will jump up and find cartridges for a sniper rifle (secret No. 1). I don’t know how on easy levels, but on difficult levels Veribul appears at the bottom. We jump again onto the platform, then up: having noticed us, Veribul will fall into the abyss. Let's jump down.

Let's go ahead, and you'll figure out what to do along the way. You will go to the Grenade Launcher. Take it and immediately switch to the Rocket Launcher: we launch 10-15 rockets into the tunnel, so that all the herd that has rushed towards us will remain there. Then we take health and ammunition. Let's go out.

As you exit the tunnel, turn around: there is a dark green area above the exit. Rocket there! The “Golden Man” will roll down to us - invulnerability (secret No. 2). Let's not touch it. We go forward and shoot as many monsters ahead as possible with a sniper rifle. Then we run back for invulnerability, and try to finish off as many monsters as possible in close combat.

Now you can go forward to the pyramid in the center. From it we go to the pyramid on the right. Here, too, you will have to fight. At the very top of the pyramid, on its right side, there is a dark spot. Fire a rocket at him! There is a Machine Gun here (secret #3).

Walk forward along the pyramid until you get the Golden Jaguar. Now to go out. Carefully, from the top of the pyramid, through the optics, we shoot all the monsters in the area before they notice us (for me, from load to load, the number of monsters varied from four to one).

Before going to the pyramid in the center, you can walk into the hollow on the right, where there is a huge boulder on the rock, and there take the Blue Armor (secret No. 4). Naturally, you will have to protect your property.

Now we go towards another pyramid. Before climbing it, you can walk along the ravine towards the giant letters CROLLI WOOD. Nothing will happen, but you will get another mark that you found secret #5.

Now, with fighting and retreats, we break into the pyramid. You can pick up sniper cartridges and a first aid kit behind it.

In the pyramid, after the room with the spikes, in a small room there is a jump pad in the far left corner. He will take us to the cartridges and Blue armor (secret No. 6).

Now all that remains is to take the second Golden Jaguar, break through back to the pyramid in the center, install the Jaguars, and then fight your way up to the Last, Great Pyramid.

In the small house to the left of it you can get cartridges for the Machine Gun (secret No. 7), and between the right house and the Pyramid in the corner there is a Bottle of Health (secret No. 8).

Climb to the very top and enter the Pyramid to finish the level.

THE CITY OF THE GODS (15 secrets)

Replenish your ammunition as much as possible, and go out into the thick of the battle through any of the two doors. You won't have to come back here.

At first you will be confronted by light opponents, then Klir Skeletons will join them. And as soon as you take the Thomson machine gun on the pedestal, kamikazes will come running and harpies will fly in. There will be some other monsters, but it’s not difficult to finish them off if you stay alert all the time and walk with caution.

Now the secrets. If you go from the gate from which we came out along the wall to the right, and then cut down the tree between the pavilion and the wall, you will find a First Aid Kit (secret No. 1).

There is a small house nearby, and next to it there is a fire in a bowl. This thicket is the only one on the level that does not break. I don’t know what this is connected with.

In the corner, diagonally from the first secret, lies a Serious Bomb. And behind the pavilion is a tablet. This is secret number 3. Immediately after taking it, three Large Mechanoids will appear, which will need to be overwhelmed.

And in the fourth corner, behind the houses, you can find secret No. 4: cannonballs for the Cannon, which we don’t have yet, but will have soon.

We go to the temple, which is between the third and fourth secrets. Here you will immediately need to send several monsters to the next world, and then use a rocket to break the fallen slabs to the right of the entrance. This is secret number 5.

Go to the symmetrical corridor, take the Mask, fight. Then go out and take the Mask to the altar.

Now to the Temple at the opposite end of the territory. From the door, use a sniper rifle to shoot everyone inside. The mask is behind the door immediately to the left. There's ammunition behind the door upstairs. And behind the stairs at the bottom is Serious Health. As soon as you take it, immediately move around the corner from the passage: Veribul will come running, and there will be a second one in the tunnel. At the exit - Big Mechanoid.

Carry the Mask to the altar. Now you can go through the gate to the next training ground, naturally with a delay for the showdown.

With minor complications you will make your way through the maze with arrows. From the gate to the next clearing, shoot all the handsome men on it with a sniper rifle. Then prepare the machine gun and go ahead. The kamikazes will come. Mercenaries will run up from the building opposite the entrance. There will be Small Biomechanoids and Scorpios.

Behind the building from which the Mercenaries ran out are cannonballs (secret No. 6). And in the building itself there is a lot of other ammunition. Naturally, under guard.

Walking around the territory, behind one of the trees (to the left of the entrance gate), you will find a mini-teleportal to a secret territory (secret No. 7). It's kind of like the "Sacred Courts" in First Sam: all the monsters are either very small or very large. But there is a lot of ammunition, health, armor. You'll see for yourself. At the end you will find a Cannon and a teleporter back.

We go through the gate under the Two-Headed Snake. There will be a lot of fighting at this training ground. Everything is as usual: we take down opponents from afar, we don’t rush forward, and if necessary, we retreat. We constantly move forward-backward-left-right. We try not to let anyone get close to us. We move away from under the fire. Forward!

You will reach the gate. Let's go in. Here are Small Biomechanoids, Kamikazes and Scorpions. There are also Large Biomechanoids.

Secrets in this territory: Behind the distant house, which is approximately opposite the entrance to this territory, there is a first aid kit (secret No. 8).

And nearby - look around - on one of the houses there is a Two-Headed Snake. Here is secret number 9: cannonballs for the Cannon. But before you go there, launch a couple of missiles there: opposite the entrance is a stationary Cannon.

We go to the gate under the Two-Headed Snake. There are a couple of Pumpkinheads here. And under the ceiling, on the second pyramid looking down, is Serious Health (secret No. 10).

You can slide down an inclined ramp, or you can jump over the railing.

And while we are rolling down, grab ammunition, health, and maybe even armor, and then jump out: in the end we will certainly stumble upon stakes. Maybe they are turned off somehow, but I haven't found how.

Below we deal with the army of Clear Skeletons. To the right and left of the exit door, in the walls, are two secrets (Nos. 11 and 12). These are the cannonballs and three Zumbuls playing cards (launch the rockets at the dark spots on the walls).

The next secret (No. 13) is in the right branch of the corridor, where there are pits with spikes: we jump there. Let's find Green Armor and a First Aid Kit. However, there are a couple of small Pumpkinheads here, so stay alert.

After disassembly, at the destroyed bridge over the lava, on the right, near the lava itself, you can take a package of rockets (secret No. 14).

You can cross the Lava on the left: there is a platform floating on the surface. We jump onto it, and when it approaches that shore, we jump over to it.

SERIOUS SAM: THE SECOND ENCOUNTER SECRETS, some secret-like non-secrets, plus an endgame spoiler Date: February 2002 Author: LM Copyright info: This document may be freely copied and reproduced. INTRO SEQUENCE: "IN THE LAST EPISODE" (1 secret) Note: Secret not found. It would seem that the player cannot influence what happens in the intro. However, when you access the "Statistics" section of Sam's computer display at the start of the next (first playable) level of the game, you will notice that the current total number of secrets stands at 13 whereas the subtotal for level 1 is only 12; there is a discrepancy in kills statistics as well. That means that you have already missed one secret, and yet you have not even started playing. MISSION ONE: MESOAMERICA LEVEL 1: SIERRA DE CHIAPAS (12 secrets) CRASH SITE 1 . From the starting position, dive all the way down to collect a weapon in the lit spot near the bottom. 2. Once you surface from #1, get onto the small peninsula with a tree to collect an armor piece. 3. Still on the #2 peninsula, walk towards the phone booth to "discover" it. (You might as well get inside and make a call.) NEAR THE FIRST TEMPLE 4. Skirt the outer left wall of the temple. Find a darker section on the wall near the spot where it meets the mountain. Blast it to discover an entrance. 5. Get through the hole you created in #4, and go down to discover a "hall of fame." (Stick around for a silly presentation.) 6. From #5, get outside and walk straight to discover remains of the crate bus that collided with Sam's spaceship in the intro. 7. From #6, continue up the slope until you collect an ammo pack. INSIDE THE FIRST TEMPLE 8. At the end of the corridor with hazy sunlight coming through the openings in the roof, there will be a T-junction. Turn left, away from the corridor with crushing blocks. Go on to find a "secret Mental"s room." (Use the jump pads marked by lit letters, in this order: M, E, N, T, A, L; a niche with a healing pack will open on the other side. After you collect the pack, you can jump on any pad to get back.) SECOND VALLEY 9. When you exit the temple, you will notice a pit not far off. There is a ledge in the pit that you should jump down to, to collect a weapon. (When done, drop to the lower ledge to be teleported.) 10. After you pass the first suspension bridge and before you reach the second one, look for a conspicuous rock on the mountainside on your left. Blow it up to discover a cave. (Go inside, dive, and swim on.) 11. When you emerge from the water passage you entered in #10, cross the suspension bridge to collect a healing pack on the other side. 12. When you reach the second temple, dive into the pond to find another healing pack in the lit spot near the bottom. LEVEL 2: VALLEY OF THE JAGUAR (8 secrets) Note: One secret not found. Maybe non-secret A is actually a secret too stubborn to register. STILL INSIDE THE TEMPLE 1. When you get across the cave outfitted with both floating and stationary jump pads and find yourself on the final ledge, jump onto the smaller ledge located slightly lower, on the left, to be catapulted onto the overhang above the larger ledge for some ammo. VALLEY Non-secret A. As soon as you get out of the temple into the open, turn around and you will notice a camouflaged ledge on the hill slope Blow it up to release an invulnerability power-up. 2. When you get to the top of the pyramid to the right of the entrance, slide down to the nearest ledge on the right side and blast the dark er section on the wall to reveal a weapon. 3. Proceed to the corner of the valley where you can see a huge ball sitting at the top, to collect an armor piece. 4. Head for the corner of the valley diagonally across from #3, where you can see the "Crollywood" sign, to get a "movie studio" secret registered. 5. Go inside the stone hut to the left of the pyramid that has an antenna on top. There is a small ammo depot there. 6. From #5, circle the base of the pyramid to collect a healing pack, which is located where its right side meets the grassy slope. INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE VALLEY 7. After you pass the windy room with spikes on both side walls, you will find yourself in a corridor with four health vials. At the end of it, there is a bounce pad in the alcove on your left. Jump up and collect the items sitting on the overhead beam. LEVEL 3: THE CITY OF THE GODS (15 secrets) FIRST LARGE COURTYARD 1. When you leave the ammo depot (where you start) and enter a courtyard, walk to the right and cut down the tree in the corner closest to the entrance. This will reveal a wedge-shaped area between the stone hut and the perimeter wall Collect the healing pack there. 2. In the right-hand corner furthest from the entrance: In the area between the building with facade columns and the perimeter wall, find a darker section on the building and blast it to find an armor piece. 3. In the left-hand corner furthest from the entrance: Get behind the corner building to find a health pill. Pick it up to activate a "secret bloodbath." 4. Get inside the building where you are supposed to find the scary mask; it is on the same side of the courtyard as #3. Blow up the fallen pillar to reveal a corridor. 5. Follow the corridor you found in #4 into a room with cannon balls. Destroy the central pillar there to find a weapon. 6. Visit the remaining corner of the courtyard to collect an ammo pack. NEXT LARGE COURTYARD 7. On the left side, behind the third tree from the entrance, there is an unobtrusive twinkling teleport that takes you to a "yard of strange-looking heads." Non-secret A. In the #7 secret, blast the "strange-looking heads" for a higher kills count. 8. Back in the courtyard you teleported from, go behind the large building opposite the entrance to collect an ammo pack. VILLAGE AFTER THE "VERY LONG RUN" 9. Find a hut with a snake ornament on the roof. Enter the hut (and sidestep quickly) to discover a "lost Spanish cannon." (Destroy the canon.) 10. Reach the section of the perimeter wall that is directly opposite the entrance. There is a healing pack behind the hut that stands at an angle to the wall. UNDERGROUND COMPLEX 11. In the village, you enter the building that leads underground. In the middle of the first hall, there is a healing pack pulsating just under the ceiling. Blast the stone piece it is sitting on to collect it. Non-secret A. After you get through the door at the end of the hall just mentioned, there will be a sloping passage. If you jump over the rails there, you will find yourself in a chute. As you slide down, several power-ups get spawned. However, the chute ends in spikes. Once or twice I was able to jump out of the chute before getting killed by the spikes (I even managed to grab a couple of items before escaping). I think you should bump into a side beam to achieve this feat. It happens really fast, so I am not certain. Maybe there is an easier way. 12. In the hall into which you are dropped from the sloping passage mentioned in the non-secret, blast the central section of the wall on the right to find some items. 13. Repeat #12 on the left wall to discover a "secret poker game." 14. In the windy corridor with rectangular holes in the floor and round holes in the walls, enter a secret passage through the first round hole on your right. 15. In the lava cave, go to the right, towards the half-submerged building. There is a low-lying ledge between the building and the rock wall, with an ammo pack on it. Non-secret B. In the pit where everyone jumps up and down, picking up a second health pill creates temporary "gravity off" conditions, meaning that everyone will stop at different altitudes for a while. I think this procedure can be repeated indefinitely, since the pills are respawned. LEVEL 4: SERPENT YARDS (10 secrets) FIRST COURTYARD 1. Go right from the entrance and collect an ammo pack in the corner. 2. Same as #1, only in the left corner: Pick up the armor shard there to discover a "suicidal plant. " 3. After the explosion in which red mechanoids get released from a rectangular enclosure, search inside the ruins for a healing pack. FORCE-FIELD PASSAGE 4. After you cross the force field, go behind the stone hut on the right to collect an ammo pack. MOON PYRAMID 5. Approach the flattened head to the right of the structure that housed the mask of Ix Chel (only possible after you capture the mask). Blast the head after it attacks you (or just let it explode) to get a healing pack. 6. From #5, walk to the rear of the Moon Pyramid and use the switch there to activate a "mega ultra explosion." BACK IN THE SNAKE-GATE COURTYARD 7. Before leaving through the Snake Gate, get inside the "bad head" building (accessible only after you pick up the Ix Chel mask) to collect an armor piece. COURTYARD PAST THE SNAKE GATE 8. In the far right corner, collect a health pill to reveal a "secret watcher." 9. Shoot the watching eyes spawned in #8, to activate a "mighty kamikaze." LAST HALL 10. Destroy the two jaguar statues on the overhang above the exit to release a healing pack. LEVEL 5: THE PIT (10 secrets) FIRST CORRIDOR 1. Behind the fourth pillar on the right, there is a darkened passage to a spot with a healing pack. PAST THE "DANGEROUS FORCES" HALL 2. At the end of the first corridor with arches, there is an twinkling teleport in the lamp on the left. Use it to collect an armor piece. STONE BRIDGE STRUCTURE 3. Near the end of the first bridge, jump onto the side ledge on the right to find a twinkling teleport just off the bridge. Jump into it to get some ammo. Use the nearby teleport to return to the bridge. 4. Right after you enter the stairwell tower, go right to find a healing pack under the staircase. 5. In the seventh window up the staircase, there will be a mini-version of the red reptiloid demon. Kill it to release a healing pack. 6. At the L-shaped intersection on the upper bridge, destroy the two lamps on the first (as you approach) outer ledge to summon "annoying Pinky"s lost brothers." 7. From #6, go to the other ledge at the same intersection and use the "secret broken teleport" in the right lamp. (Once teleported up, you will have to jump towards the armor piece to get it.) PAST THE "NEWTON"S NIGHTMARE" TUBE 8. In the corridor following the room with a stone head and two Serious bombs, destroy the eight lamps to have some ammo spawned. FIRST COURTYARD 9. After you repel the first enemy attack, the gate with the snake ornament will be opened. Walk up the staircase, turn right, and use the teleport in the corner lamp. Jump down to the roof of the booth where you have been teleported, and collect some "rocket-festival gear." 10. After #9, quickly jump off the booth onto the perimeter ledge and then towards the healing pack sitting between the two nearby lamps. A "rocket festival" will be activated. MISSION TWO: MESOPOTAMIA LEVEL 6: ZIGGURAT (10 secrets) ZIGGURAT PROPER 1. From the starting position, walk around the building to collect a weapon. 2. In the hall with spiral staircases on the central pillars, one of those pillars has a side opening. From the opening, you can jump down safely and collect the healing pack that you may have noticed from upstairs earlier. FIRST WINGED-HORSE COURTYARD 3. After you enter, head right and look for a darker section on the wall of the ziggurat where it meets the perimeter wall. Blast it to find a healing pack. 4. As in #3, only to the left of the entrance: Pick up the ammo pack sitting in the corner to discover a "suicidal avenger plant. " 5. There is a darker section on the perimeter wall behind the tower housing the "hawk wing" artifact. Blast it to find an armor shard (and a monster). BUILDING AT THE END OF THE COURTYARD 6. When you enter, you will notice a supply depot through a grating on your right. After you unlock the door on the same side, enter and go to the right. Move into the dark area between the first two pillars on the right wall; you will find the items you have noticed. FIRST RESIDENTIAL AREA 7. There is a solitary plant in the desert at some distance from the village, to the right of the entrance to this area. Collect the speed power-up there. 8. Still near #7, blast the plant to find a damage power-up. COURTYARD IN THE RIGHT SECTION OF THE SECOND RESIDENTIAL AREA 9. Walk to the wall opposite the entrance, past the lone statue of a winged horse. Turn left there and collect the health pill near the two- story building to enable a "Boxing Barry" secret. Then, walk along the building until you hear a squeaking sound. Look up and shoot off the flapping window shutter. A green reptiloid will be spawned on the roof of the opposite building, only to be knocked out. 10. After you touch the green stone, exit the tower housing it and go 10 o"clock. Blast the darker section of the wall in the niche and enter. Look up, and you will see a wooden platform up above. Blast it, too; an invulnerability power-up will be released. LEVEL 7: THE ELEPHANT ATRIUM (12 secrets) STILL INSIDE THE BUILDING 1. From the first hall, go through the door on the right, turn left, go up the staircase, and make two lefts. You should be on the platform overlooking the first hall. Use the bounce pad on the left to get on top of a pillar and jump your way to the healing pack on the other side. ELEPHANT SQUARE 2. On the left side of the outer wall of the "Holy Bathhouse" (the building with two warrior statues), blast the darker section to find an armor piece. 3. If you go left from the entrance to Elephant Square, you will find a health pill by the perimeter wall. Pick it up. Several mechanoids will be spawned, and the wall will be partly blown up, revealing a secret yard. 4. When you reach the end of the #3 yard, you will find a detonator switch. Use it to destroy a pyramid. SMALL COURT PAST THE DOOR OF PURITY 5. Now, this one is really frustrating. When you have eliminated the initial enemy presence, six Kleer skeletons will be catapulted, one by one, into the court from behind the perimeter wall to the right of the entrance. If you succeed in taking each one out before it touches the ground (only possible with the sniper rifle, I think), you will receive a congratulatory message. NEXT ACCESSIBLE COURTYARD 6. From the entrance, make two rights and pick up the ammo pack. A "mutated plant" will appear. 7. As in #6, only on the left: You will notice a darker section on the wall of the entrance building. Blast it to find an armor piece. 8. Diagonally across from #6, there is a niche in the perimeter wall, with a healing pack. COURTYARD WHERE YOU FIRST SEE THE GOLDEN ELEPHANT STATUE 9. Go around the pit with the statue and use the switch on the wall to unseal a secret yard. SECRET YARD 10. You will know you have reached the secret yard (that you unsealed in #9) when you see a red phone booth. Go to the end of the yard to find some useful items. LAST WINGED-HORSE COURTYARD 11. To the right of the horse statue, there is a building with a locked door. If you go to the left of the statue, you will find a switch to the left of the up staircase. Use the switch to unlock that door. (Visit the building, naturally.) 12. Approach the horse statue from behind. Get as close as you can to its, ahem, rear. When the "Use" message appears, press the Use key to harness some "secret horse power." LEVEL 8: COURTYARDS OF GILGAMESH (11 secrets) FIRST COURTYARD 1. Go to the right of the entrance and use the two ledges on the wall to get onto the otherwise inaccessible platform. You will find a healing pack there. NEXT COURTYARD 2. Dive into the left pool and go through the only opening without a grating. Collect the ammo pack. 3. Go to the other pool and collect the ammo pack sitting by the pool. 4. Dive into the #3 pool. Right after the underwater hall with a pillar in the middle, you will find yourself in a room where you can: (a) surface to catch some air; (b) swim all the way down; (c) go to the right towards the exit. Opt for (b) first, then go straight and swim up to find a secret room. COURTYARD AFTER THE "NASTY DIVE" 5. Look for two golden domes located outside the courtyard, and you will notice a red-and-white practice target on a tower that is also located outside. Shoot the target, and a niche on the right side of the perimeter wall will be opened. 6. From #5, walk along the perimeter wall until you reach the corner, then turn left. Collect the ammo pack behind the pyramid to discover "a mutated plant and friends." 7. From #6, walk along the perimeter wall some more, and you will reach the point opposite the niche opened in #5. Blast the darker section to reveal a "don"t push" detonator switch. (Ignore the message and push the switch.) BUILDING YOU ENTER AFTER GETTING THE GOLDEN LION STATUE 8. Go through the opening on the right, and you will reach a hall with a pulsating heart. Collect it to get the secret registered. 9. When you have fought your way through a particularly nasty narrow corridor (you will know), walk to the left to find an armor piece in a niche. MOVING PLATFORM 10 .At some point, the "leap of faith" platform will be passing under a small ledge with a pulsating heart (on your left).If you time your shot correctly, you can blast the ledge so that the heart falls onto the platform. (I think your cue should be Sam"s second utterance while under attack, something like "Now I am seriously serious.") LAST COURTYARD 11. There will be an outside tower on your left. Shoot the red-and-white target on it to observe some wild hearts and eventually get one. LEVEL 9: TOWER OF BABEL (10 secrets) CEREMONIAL HALL 1. Find a niche in the wall to the left of the exit to collect some ammo. CHAMBER OF COSMOS 2. Between the second pillar (from the entrance) and the staircase, jump down into the lower niche to collect a healing pack. (You will be teleported back. This secret can be obstinate, so you may need several tries to make it register.) 3. After the narrow bridge and before another up staircase, visit the lower platform to collect some ammo. 4. In the lower area, where you get via the elevator, shoot any of the mouse- sized holes to summon "deadly midgets." 5. In the area where you slide down towards the exit door, go to the floor lamp located on the right side of the slide. Use the bounce pad behind the lamp to be catapulted onto a platform where you find some ammo. (There is a teleport in the corner there to take you back.) FIRST COURTYARD 6. In the left section of the courtyard, there is a pillar in the perimeter wall, with a bas-relief of a warrior. At some point, its eyes start to glow. I do not think you have to wait for that, though; just blast the pillar at any time to find a "passage to Egypt." Non-secret A. Once on the movie set in the #6 secret, you can destroy the mini- version of Ugh-Zan III to spawn an armor piece. Non-secret B. Still in #6, a healing pack can also get spawned after some additional destruction, but I am not certain what exactly triggers that. One thing for sure: you may not kill the mini-version of your own character, Sam. COURTYARD PAST THE ONE WITH THE SECOND TABLET OF WISDOM 7. Go to the perimeter wall directly opposite the entrance, behind the flat statue. There is a darker section on the wall of the building there, on your right. Blast it to collect an invulnerability power-up. COURTYARD PAST THE ONE WITH THE THIRD TABLE OF WISDOM 8. Go 1 o"clock from the entrance and pick up the health pill in the corner to summon a "mighty gizmo." BACK IN THE FIRST COURTYARD 9. When you return to the " magnificent view" courtyard, go to the left of the base of the entrance to the Tower of Babel, to collect an invulnerability power- up. 10. Rather than going into the Tower of Babel right away, revisit the courtyard to the left of it - the one where you got the first tablet of wisdom. Go in for a "secret round two," i.e., for another raid through the courtyards surrounding the tower, following the now-familiar path. MISSION THREE: EASTERN EUROPE LEVEL 10: THE CITADEL (16 secrets) Note: Before starting the level, read secret 11 below. STARTING COURTYARD 1. The third hut on the left side has a squeaking door. Destroy the door (with the knife) to collect a weapon inside. BUILDING AT THE END OF THE COURTYARD 2. Soon after you leave the Kill-o-Matic room via the elevator, you will notice a niche (with a switch) in the wall. Come closer, and a "Use" message will appear, as will a green reptiloid behind you. Use the switch then, to knock out the monster. STONE BRIDGE 3. Jump off the bridge onto the rock base of the first stone pillar on your left to collect a healing pack. (Use the glowing bounce pad to get back.) FIRST COURTYARD PAST THE BRIDGE 4. Go behind the hut in the corner to the right of the entrance to collect an ammo pack. 5. Same as in #4, only at 2 o"clock from the entrance. 6. In the smaller, enclosed area to the right of the courtyard, discover two sets of graves by the perimeter wall. (You may open each grave, if so inclined.) NEXT COURTYARD 7. In the far left corner from the entrance, there is a dead tree. At some point, apparently after you collect the nearby napalm capsules, the tree turns into a "secret jumping plant." SECOND COURTYARD AFTER THAT ONE 8. In the far right corner from the entrance, there is a barrel by the building. Destroy it and get behind the building to obtain an invulnerability power-up. 9. Diagonally across from #8, to the right (if you look from your #8 position) of the entrance, there is an area with a phone booth behind the stone hut. Move in to find some ammo. ROOM WITH BIG COGWHEELS 10. From the entrance, go through the small opening on the left, into the water. Dive, turn around, and look for a niche with a healing pack. CLOCK COURTYARD 11. To discover this secret without resorting to a cheat, you need to get from the level"s starting position to this courtyard in time for the clock to strike midnight. You start the level at about 11:45 p.m. (virtual time), which makes it a tough task indeed, especially since you probably want to check the previous areas thoroughly enough to discover the other secrets. A "midnight mega secret" gets enabled at midnight: the door of the hut located to the left of the entrance ledge opens, providing access to some very useful "midnight items." Entering the hut gets the secret registered. You have 1 minute to claim the goodies, after which the door closes again. I wonder if the door opens again, e.g., if you leave the game running for 24 hours, but I am not obsessed enough to try that. Anyway, if your only concern is to make the secret register, you can go behind the hut and get close enough to its rear wall. For some reason, you will pick up the damage power-up from inside the hut and get the message about finding the "midnight items." 12. Go behind the clustered buildings to the right of the exit gate, to find an armor piece. NEXT COURTYARD, WITH A DRAWBRIDGE 13. Collect some ammo behind the hut to the left of the courtyard entrance. 14. Diagonally across from #13, there is an armor piece behind the corner hut. WATER CAVE 15. After you fall from the chute into the water, search the bottom for items. The secret registers when you collect a 50-point healing pack. KILL-O-MATIC HALL Non-secret A. Before any enemies appear, you can blast the thumping spikes off the pillars and blow up the pillars themselves for better fighting conditions. LAST COURTYARD 16. There is a barrel in a corner, which you can destroy to reveal an armor piece. LEVEL 11: LAND OF THE DAMNED (13 secrets) FIRST VILLAGE 1. One of the huts at the start of the village, on the left side, has a squeaking door. Blast the door and step inside to collect a damage power-up. 2. Press the switch on the windmill to summon a "secret Santa." Non-secret A. Find and shoot the running Santa for a present. If you choose to dispatch him with the single revolver (or better yet, the flamethrower, using short bursts; that will sometimes produce an amusing effect) rather than a more devastating weapon, you will be able to maximize Santa's gift output. 3 . In the second half of the village, beyond the windmill, look for Santa's feet in a chimney. Blast the chimney to unplug the "secret jammed Santa." 4. There is a snowman close to #3. Shoot it to find an armor piece. SECOND VILLAGE 5. Pick up the armor piece in front of the bespectacled snowman, who will then attack you. Terminate this "snowman avenger." 6. The hut just to the right of the #5 avenger has a squeaking door. Blast the door and step inside to collect an invulnerability power-up. 7. Not far away from #6, on the right side of the village, there is a snowman with a switch. Use the switch to summon another "secret Santa." Non-secret B. Same as #A. YARD WITH THE MOUNTAIN ENTRANCE 8. Shoot at the snowman repeatedly to find that you were dealing with an "incredible shrinking snowman." FIRST LAVA CAVE 9. In the middle of the stone passage that serves as a bridge, there is a gap. Drop through the gap into the familiar twinkling, to be teleported to a healing pack. SECOND LAVA CAVE 10. When you enter, you should be able to discern a glow on a stone ledge up ahead. Blast the ledge, and an ammo pack will fall onto the passage below, where you will pick it up when you reach it. (You may also destroy the ledge when you get across the lava to the other side of the cave, but the ledge will be even less visible then.) 11. Before leaving this cave, go to the left of the exit and then to the left of the boulder that gives the impression of blocking the passage. Follow the narrow ledge to collect a weapon. THIRD LAVA CAVE 12. When you reach the point where you have to use floating platforms to proceed, get on the one on your left that is furthest away from your position and closest to the two-pronged solitary rock standing in the middle of the lava lake, also on your left. The platform will start sailing towards the rock. As you get nearer, you will notice a ledge by the rock, with some goodies. Grab them when you feel it is safe (the armor piece counts as a secret), and jump back onto the platform, which will make a full circle around the rock. (You may want to forgo the platform and just wade to the ledge, since the platform moves rather slowly and you are open to enemy fire all along.) 13. When you cross the arched bridge that leads to the exit from the cave, circle its base to collect a healing pack. LEVEL 12: THE GRAND CATHEDRAL (6 secrets) CORRIDOR OF DEATH 1. Turn to the right from the entrance and blast the darker section on the perimeter wall to discover some items. 2. In the far right corner of the second leg of the corridor, there is a dude with an Afro looking out from a window. Shoot him to have a damage power-up launched from behind the perimeter wall onto the passage. 3. Towards the end of the third leg of the corridor, blast the darker section of the left perimeter wall to discover a teleport to a "pumpkin field" (go there). 4. In the sixth leg of the corridor, blast the darker section on the left wall to discover another teleport, which leads to an "embryo museum" (again, go there). 5. At the start of the seventh and final leg of the corridor, look to your left. In the middle window of the bastion you will see a Scythian witch-harpy mooning you. Kill the witch to have an invulnerability power-up launched onto the passage from behind the perimeter wall. FINAL COURTYARD 6. At some point during the final battle, you will receive a message about a pink secret having been enabled. That refers to the pink section of the perimeter wall just to the right of the bounce pad on the right side of the courtyard (if you are looking from the starting position). The message means that you can now approach that section and just crawl inside to retrieve a healing pack, at which point the secret will register. Major spoiler. Apparently, Mordekai the Summoner summons his minions and teleports himself back and forth only when you are in his line of sight. If you are wise (or cowardly) enough to choose your position correctly, i.e., hide somewhere behind the protruding features of the cathedral on either side, you should be able to dispatch the monster pretty easily, without being bothered by lesser enemies - or the boss himself. Peek outside just enough to be able to shoot at his shoulder or some other part of his anatomy. The sniper rifle is your best bet.

Game description

Croteam was once famous for its excellent action games. Not too much time has passed since the developers released it, and it was decided to make a wonderful sequel called Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. Cool Sam will return to the fans and will be able to please them with a new story.

The graphics were left the same by the developers, with the exception of new models and, accordingly, textures. Since the same engine was used, there are no significant differences to be found. Physics will remain at the same level, and the effects will be improved, but not significantly. The audio accompaniment will leave a huge impression. The sound effects remained the same, that is, explosions, screams, roars, etc., but the music changed dramatically. She will completely fit the atmosphere that surrounds Sam. Players can also expect Sam’s famous phrases, such as: “No one will calm down until you gouge out his eye.”

The plot of the game has not changed. It has already been said that history will change, that is, the situation will be different, but the history will be the same. The world is once again on the brink of destruction and Sam has to save it. Namely, you will have to save from an alien attack. This time Sam will be sent back in time. The player expects three episodes that will take place in three different worlds:

South America.
You will encounter Mayan buildings, while there will be no civilization itself, only monsters. The terrain of this episode involves huge spaces that are difficult to navigate, but not because it takes too long to walk, but because you will literally have to walk over mountains of corpses and cross rivers of blood.

Mesopotamia (Babylon).
Who wouldn't want to visit Babylon? Beautiful architecture, exotic vegetation and a huge number of monsters. There will be no large areas here, and therefore you will have to move around in buildings with monsters like a herring in a can. Traps await the player at the levels of the second episode. Unfortunately, Sam does not have the ability to see traps, so he will have to use his eye, already quite experienced after South America, to assess the situation and climb through the most dangerous traps. Fortunately, not all of Babylon's traps kill Sam, but only severely injure him.

Middle Ages.
Elements from the Gothic style will delight lovers of antiquity. The traps of the third episode kill immediately, so you obviously have to play it safe several times or often save the process.

A variety of types is guaranteed and will please both the gaming veteran and the novice gamer.

For the most part, the enemies migrated from the first part, but the developers still added some for variety. For example, you can meet a Halloween-themed alien whose weapon is a chainsaw - in the hands of the enemy this weapon is incredibly dangerous, just like in the hands of Sam.

Sam became more experienced after “first blood”, therefore stronger, and therefore he was given a new arsenal, perhaps not the best, but reliable. Here's some of what it will be like to fight against aliens:

An excellent weapon for close combat. You may recall that in the first part Sam had to use a 35-centimeter army knife. But with a knife you need to strike, which reduces the chance of survival in a fight with a monster, and even more so with monsters. And the Chainsaw is a great help in case of lack of ammunition.

Flame weapons have appeared in the game. And it pleases. It is pointless against bosses, but against a large number of small monsters getting in the way. The “trick” of the flamethrower is that after setting an enemy on fire, it burns itself out without any extra help.

Sniper rifle.
To the delight of snipers, the developers introduced such a wonderful weapon. Ordinary ordinary aliens are killed with one shot, and more complex ones with three or four. A sniper rifle will save you in cases where you don’t really want to approach, because it is equipped with an optical sight.

If you are a meat lover, then this game obviously for you.
