Latest satellite maps. Satellite map of Russia online

Service " Google Maps» (Google Maps) is one of the most powerful mapping services in the world. Its capabilities allow you to enjoy satellite images of the surface of our planet. You can also use the interactive map, easily plot a convenient route from point A to point B, get up-to-date information about traffic jams and much more. At the same time, not all users are fully familiar with the capabilities of this service, which in a certain way prevents its full use. This material is designed to eliminate such “blank spots”; in it I will talk about Google maps, which are available online in real time and in excellent quality, and I will explain in detail how to use their capabilities.

Studying the functionality online service Google Maps

Google Maps is a web service that provides detailed visual information about geographical regions and locations around the world. In addition to displaying a conventional road map, the service also offers air and satellite images various places, there are photographs taken using various vehicles.

This is what the Google Maps start screen looks like:

Google Map includes several popular services:

  • The route planner offers the creation of routes for drivers and pedestrians who want to get from point A to point B;
  • The Google Maps API makes it possible to insert maps from Google Maps into various websites;
  • Google Street View (Google Street View) allows users to view the streets of various cities around the world, virtually moving through them;
  • Google Maps for mobile platforms offers GPS navigation mobile devices to position the user on the map;
  • Ancillary services offer images of the Moon, Mars, clouds, etc. for astronomers and just amateurs.

To start working with Google maps in full screen, launch the service A schematic map of the world will open in front of you (depending on the user’s location, usually this is a map of Europe).

Instructions for using Google maps

The Google Maps service interface looks like this:

Additional options in the Menu item

Also in the Google Maps menu bar, which opens by clicking the menu button at the top left, the following useful options are presented:

  • « Satellite» - switches to photographic map display mode created using satellite photos. Clicking this option again switches the map back to schematic mode;
  • « Traffic jams»—shows current traffic jams in major cities. The color gradation from green to red shows the speed of traffic in the indicated traffic jams;
  • « Transport» — allows you to display a diagram of public transport movement in the right place;
  • « Relief» – will allow you to display the relief of a given area
  • « Transfer of geodata» - allows people to track each other's location using Google Maps;
  • « My places» — allows you to navigate between places you added in the Google Maps service;
  • « Your impressions» - will allow you to add any text impression about any of the places on the map (as well as attach a photo of this place).

Activating Google Maps satellite view

Displaying Google maps using satellite photos is one of the most popular forms of working with the Google Maps service. It allows you to enjoy the view of the desired geographical location created using satellite images, as well as images from special devices operating at bird's eye height (from 240 to 460 meters).

The resulting photographs are regularly updated (their age is no more than 3 years). They enable each user to enjoy a satellite view of the desired places, visually plot the most convenient road from one place to another, and so on.

Google Earth - allows you to enjoy high-resolution images

Among the capabilities of the Google Maps service is the Google Earth service. In addition to the technology of the already known satellite surface mapping globe, Google Earth allows you to view 3D images of many colorful places, while photos of some famous tourist sites have the highest resolution.

A special feature of this service is also two, in our opinion, main functions:


The Google Maps service allows you to both view satellite maps in real time for free and use various forms of navigation to plot a user-friendly route. At the same time, Google Maps’ competitors are “Yandex.Maps”, “ Bing Maps", "Apple Maps" and other analogues are generally inferior to Google maps both in coverage area and in general functionality. Therefore, we recommend using Google maps to search and visually view the geographic location you need.

Satellite map Russia - high-resolution images taken from space by orbital stations. The image that the user sees consists of many individual images. The high quality of equipment used at orbital stations made it possible to achieve highest quality shooting. As a result, we have access to high-precision images on the screens of mobile devices and PC monitors. high resolution, the image on which is very accurate and clear.

The satellite map of Russia displays high-resolution images in real time. You can see almost all Russian cities on them. By zooming in and out of objects, moving the cursor over individual sections of the map, you will be able to view streets, buildings, individual structures and squares. How larger value city, the more detailed the satellite map section will be for it.

Satellite map online in real time 2016 - exploring the country together

High resolution satellite maps online 2016 - a set of high-precision images through which you can study settlements of different sizes at a specific point in time. The user, selecting the object and scale he needs, receives a snapshot of it at the same point in time. By selecting the appropriate parameters instead of the “satellite view” mode, you can display the image:

  • landscape view;
  • schematic representation of Russia and its individual cities;
  • Satellite view - real image.

Online high-resolution satellite maps of 2015-2016 are the most user-friendly models of interactive map images from the website service. They will allow you to travel throughout the entire state, from anywhere in the world. Satellites make it possible to track current data on the location and condition of certain objects from different settlements vast Russia.

Google Maps is a leader among modern mapping services providing satellite interactive maps online. At least a leader in the field of satellite imagery and in the number of various additional services and tools (Google Earth, Google Mars, various weather and transport services, one of the most powerful APIs).

In the field of schematic maps, at some point, this leadership “was lost” in favor of Open Street Maps - a unique mapping service in the spirit of Wikipedia, where every volunteer can contribute data to the site.

However, despite this, the popularity of Google Maps remains perhaps one of the highest of all other mapping services. Part of the reason is that Google Maps is where we can find the most detailed satellite photos for the largest regions of any country. Even in Russia such a large and successful company as Yandex cannot surpass the quality and coverage of satellite photographs, at least in its own country.

With Google Maps, anyone can view satellite photos of the Earth for free almost anywhere in the world.

Image quality

The highest resolution images are usually available for the largest cities in the world in America, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Asia, Oceania. Currently, high-quality images are available for cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants. For smaller cities and other populated areas, satellite imagery is only available in limited resolution.


Google Maps or “Google Maps” was a real discovery for Internet users and indeed all PC users, giving an unheard of and previously unseen opportunity to look at their home, their village, cottage, lake or river where they vacationed in the summer - from a satellite. To see it from above, from a perspective from which it would be impossible to see it under any other circumstances. The discovery, the very idea of ​​giving people easy access to satellite photos, fits harmoniously into Google's overall vision of “easily providing everyone with access to any information on the planet.”

Google Maps allows you to see from a satellite simultaneously those things and objects that cannot be observed at the same time when observed from the ground. Satellite maps differ from regular maps in that they simple maps colors and natural forms of natural objects are distorted by editorial processing for further publication. However, satellite photographs preserve all the naturalness of nature and the objects being photographed, natural colors, shapes of lakes, rivers, fields and forests.

Looking at the map, you can only guess what is there: a forest, a field or a swamp, while on satellite photography it’s immediately clear: objects are usually round or oval shape the unique swamp color is the swamp. The light green spots or areas in the photograph are fields, and the dark green ones are forests. With enough experience in orientation in Google Maps, you can even distinguish whether it is a coniferous forest or a mixed forest: coniferous has a browner tint. Also on the map you can distinguish specific broken lines piercing the forests and fields of the vast Russian expanses - these are railways. Only by looking from a satellite can you understand that railways are much larger highways influence the natural landscape around them. Also in Google Maps It is possible to overlay maps with the names of regions, roads, settlements on a national scale and the names of streets, house numbers, metro stations on a city scale on a satellite image of an area or city.

Map mode and satellite view mode

In addition to satellite images, it is possible to switch to the “map” mode, in which it is possible to view any territory on the surface of the Earth and study in detail the layout and location of houses of any more or less large city. In the "map" mode it is especially convenient to plan your movements around the city if you have already seen enough satellite views of your city.

The search function by house number will easily point you to the right house giving the opportunity to “look around” the area around this house and how you can drive/approach it. For search required object Just type in Russian in the search bar a query like: “City, street, house number” and the site will display you the location of the object you are looking for with a special marker.

How to use Google Maps

To begin, open some place.

To move around the map, left-click on the map and drag it in any order. To return to the original position, press the centering button located between the four direction buttons.

To enlarge the map, click on the button "+" or roll the mouse roller when the cursor is over the map. You can also enlarge the map double click mouse in the location you are interested in.

To switch between satellite, mixed (hybrid) and map views, use the corresponding buttons in the upper right corner of the map: Map / Satellite / Hybrid.

Russia or the Russian Federation is a unique country that combines European and Asian features. The map of Russia is amazing: the country occupies a huge territory of 17 million km 2 and is located simultaneously in Northern Asia and Eastern Europe.

143 million people live in Russia. Russian Federation is a kind of “melting pot of nations”: representatives of more than 200 nationalities live here. The country is a federal republic with a presidential form of government. The country's territory is divided into 46 regions, 9 territories, 21 republics, 4 autonomous okrugs, one autonomous region and 2 cities of federal significance. It is noteworthy that the Kaliningrad region is located on the territory of the European Union and has no borders with the Russian Federation.

Today Russia is one of the dynamically developing states that rule world politics. The Russian Federation is a member of numerous world political organizations such as the UN and the G8. Despite the relative stability and significant development of the country since the fall of the Soviet regime, the Russian economy is largely dependent on energy resources, in particular on oil and gas prices.

The capital of Russia is Moscow - one of the most expensive and beautiful cities in the world.

Historical reference

The Russian Federation is the successor to several states. The country traces its history back to 862, when Kievan Rus was formed. In the 12th century, numerous Russian principalities were located on the territory of Russia, which united in the 15th century. Russian state. In 1721, Tsar Peter I created Russian Empire. In 1917, the revolutionary movement of socialism overthrew the monarchical regime and first formed Russian republic, then the RSFSR, and in 1922 the USSR.

During the Soviet regime, the country was separated from other countries of the world by the “Iron Curtain”, some of the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated. In 1991, the USSR collapsed and the Russian Federation emerged.

Must Visit

Russia is a country on whose territory there are many cultural, historical and natural monuments. It is recommended to visit the business and cultural centers of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal, the cities of the Golden and Silver Rings, Orthodox monasteries and churches, the Caucasus Nature Reserve, the volcanoes of Kamchatka and much more.

Interactive map of Russia- a modern and convenient way to find the desired map of any region or city. This map allows you to view cities as in satellite mode, and in schematic map mode. You can view from a satellite with the ability to zoom in on any city and switch between different providers and map types. Additional services are available - photos of cloud cover in real time, traffic jams (only for large cities), photos of the area, a weather layer displaying the current weather for each locality, and a brief forecast for the next 4 days.

For most objects on the map of Russia - Google Maps satellite photos are considered the best in quality

The quality of satellite photography often varies by region, as satellite images need to be constantly updated. Therefore, different providers may have different photo quality for a specific city or region. However, the best quality photos in most cases are found on Google Maps. Photos of Yandex maps are often of lower quality, but they may be newer, so for new buildings you can get by with Yandex. OVI maps - surprisingly, in some cases it has photographs that are even better than those in Google Maps,

Open Street Maps

OSM is a phenomenon of modern computer society, because the map is compiled by ordinary people (volunteers), (unlike the 2gis map and others). But despite this, OSM is considered the most accurate and detailed map not only for Russia, but for the whole world. Even such giants as Yandex or Google cannot compile maps as accurately and efficiently as a community of passionate amateur cartographers does. New buildings (and it is by them that it is easy to determine the relevance and “freshness” of the map) are almost always present on OSM (and even the foundations of new buildings), while in Google and Yandex they may be present alternately, or not present at all. In addition, Open Street Maps is probably the only map that displays paths in parks and forests and many other additional objects that are usually not available on other services.

Russia - physical map one file, which shows the largest cities, main ridges and plains. The map is very clear and easy to understand, although not detailed enough.

Physical card - option 2

Google Maps is a leader among modern mapping services that provide satellite interactive maps online. At least a leader in the field of satellite imagery and in the number of various additional services and tools (Google Earth, Google Mars, various weather and transport services, one of the most powerful APIs).

In the field of schematic maps, at some point, this leadership “was lost” in favor of Open Street Maps - a unique mapping service in the spirit of Wikipedia, where every volunteer can contribute data to the site.

However, despite this, the popularity of Google Maps remains perhaps one of the highest of all other mapping services. Part of the reason is that Google Maps is where we can find the most detailed satellite photos for the largest regions of any country. Even in Russia such a large and successful company as Yandex cannot surpass the quality and coverage of satellite photographs, at least in its own country.

With Google Maps, anyone can view satellite photos of the Earth for free almost anywhere in the world.

Image quality

The highest resolution images are usually available for the largest cities in the world in America, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Asia, Oceania. Currently, high-quality images are available for cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants. For smaller cities and other populated areas, satellite imagery is only available in limited resolution.


Google Maps or “Google Maps” was a real discovery for Internet users and indeed all PC users, giving an unheard of and previously unseen opportunity to look at their home, their village, cottage, lake or river where they vacationed in the summer - from a satellite. To see it from above, from a perspective from which it would be impossible to see it under any other circumstances. The discovery, the very idea of ​​giving people easy access to satellite photos, fits harmoniously into Google's overall vision of “easily providing everyone with access to any information on the planet.”

Google Maps allows you to see from a satellite simultaneously those things and objects that cannot be observed at the same time when observed from the ground. Satellite maps differ from ordinary maps in that on simple maps the colors and natural forms of natural objects are distorted by editorial processing for further publication. However, satellite photographs preserve all the naturalness of nature and the objects being photographed, natural colors, shapes of lakes, rivers, fields and forests.

Looking at the map, one can only guess what is there: a forest, a field or a swamp, while on satellite photography it is immediately clear: objects, usually round or oval in shape, with a unique swamp color, are swamps. The light green spots or areas in the photograph are fields, and the dark green ones are forests. With enough experience in orientation in Google Maps, you can even distinguish whether it is a coniferous forest or a mixed forest: coniferous has a browner tint. Also on the map you can distinguish specific broken lines piercing the forests and fields of the vast Russian expanses - these are railways. Only by looking from a satellite can one understand that railways have a much greater influence on the natural landscape surrounding them than roads. Also in Google Maps, it is possible to overlay maps with the names of regions, roads, settlements on a national scale and the names of streets, house numbers, metro stations on a city scale on a satellite image of an area or city.

Map mode and satellite view mode

In addition to satellite images, it is possible to switch to the “map” mode, in which it is possible to view any territory on the surface of the Earth and study in detail the layout and location of houses of any more or less large city. In the "map" mode it is especially convenient to plan your movements around the city if you have already seen enough satellite views of your city.

The search function by house number will easily point you to the desired house, giving you the opportunity to “look around” the area around this house and how you can drive up/approach it. To search for the required object, just type in Russian in the search bar a query like: “City, street, house number” and the site will display to you the location of the object you are looking for using a special marker.

How to use Google Maps

To begin, open some place.

To move around the map, left-click on the map and drag it in any order. To return to the original position, press the centering button located between the four direction buttons.

To enlarge the map, click on the button "+" or roll the mouse roller when the cursor is over the map. You can also enlarge the map double click mouse in the location you are interested in.

To switch between satellite, mixed (hybrid) and map views, use the corresponding buttons in the upper right corner of the map: Map / Satellite / Hybrid.
