Walkthrough of the game Barrow Hill. Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle: Walkthrough

Matt Clark's debut adventure differs from most quests, where all events, as a rule, are strictly linked into a single chain, but is distinguished by its non-linear progression, so many actions in the game can be done in any order. The sequence suggested below is just one of many options. Also, almost all locations are immediately available for your exploration, with the exception of several closed areas. While wandering around the neighborhood of Barrow Hill, try to pay attention to any details; an item found and placed in your inventory will definitely come in handy later (there are simply no extra ones) or a personal note will contain a hint for finding a key or even a code for a locked door. By the way, some of the codes in the game are generated randomly, so it is not at all necessary that the sets of numbers indicated below will work for you too. So let's begin:

In the rural wilderness of Cornwall, far from the noise of the city and civilization, on a dark night your car stalls for some unknown reason. Try to walk along the road between two large stones - the force field will not let you through. It turns out that someone (or something) really doesn't want you to leave this place. Note the porcini mushrooms on the right, then continue along the road. There are steps leading to the left, and at the very top there is a footpath sign, but it is dark there, so you can’t get through without additional lighting. On the right, the path descends to an ancient stone structure (there is a water source inside), the entrance to which will also need to be illuminated later. Return to the main road and go to the gas station. On the left, look carefully at the red mailbox, take out Elsie’s postcard to Marianne from it. The text mentions the autumnal equinox, as well as a telecommunications tower for cell phone communications, this information will be very useful in the future. Go around the motel, there are three locked rooms and a machine selling cans of drinks.

There is a car with the engine running near the pump, but no people are visible around. Near the right rear tire, look at the Omega 3 Regeneration Hair Tonic lying on the ground. Examine the things piled near the open door. Take a blue pencil (wax crayon) as a souvenir, and from the pile of soil on the right, an encyclopedia book on mushrooms, Cornish Fungi Kingdom. In the inventory it will change its name to Fungus Guide. Now go to the toilet, there is nothing interesting here, except perhaps for a box of matches that lie on the toilet in the men's section. Be sure to take them with you. Come inside the Service Station and carefully study all the information regarding the Barrow Hills stones, leafing through postcards and looking at the drawings. In particular, you will learn a lot of interesting things about myths and demons, mystical mushrooms, what names the stones have: Baligo, Melkah, Dolment, Hammer stone, Henrik, Gavrok, Cailleach. On the right, next to the basket of food, there will be a box of postcards. This is a classic puzzle that you can assemble from small pieces, although it is not at all important for completion. Knock on the door marked Office, from where the sounds of a clearly frightened person can be heard. The face of Ben, the station manager, will appear in the door window, and he will report that someone is watching him. Visit this guy often for tips, his monologues are random.

Go to a cafe, go to the cash register and take out a piece of paper from under it. This is a note to Ben from George, it contains the code to the 2nd room in the motel. It's always different so you'll have to read it yourself, mine was 754. Read the notes on the notice board, there are also some business cards with phone numbers. Go to the kitchen, the door is to the left of the cash register. It's dark here, even if you poke your eyes out, but at a distance arm's length there is a lamp. It stands on the table on the right, yellow. To light it, you must first turn the lever on the lid to the right, then turn the lamp with the nozzle towards you. Take out a box of matches, take one out of it, strike it on the box and light the nozzle. Take the lamp into your inventory (lantern), now it can be used to get into dark and previously inaccessible areas. Turn around and open the fuse panel. The instructions on the left say that the fourth is responsible for the light in the kitchen. Press the button at the bottom to turn off the power, then remove the fourth fuse (counting from the left). Open it, and that's it - the contact is broken. Take a roll of wire tucked behind the panel at the top, rewind the fuse, assemble it and insert it into place. Press the button below, let there be light!

Look out the window and see the top of a telecommunications tower. Listen to the radio, you need to tune it to frequency 15. You will hear a broadcast from Emma Harry, a local radio presenter whose station is nearby. She will tell her her phone number, but the interference will not allow her to make it out clearly. Open the cabinet next to the poster and take the wicker basket from there. Under the cabinet there is a box with egg cups, take them for yourself. Before going outside, talk to Bob again, and then open door N-2 at the motel. Look at the map above the table, you can find the location of the stones: four stand on the road to the main circle, which in turn consists of seven cobblestones. Listen to the radio on frequency 15, take a trowel from the green toolbox on the table, and from the right drawer of the table mobile phone. It is completely discharged, put it in the charger on the nightstand next to the bed. You hear the sound of a car driving away, you can go check, but the car is already gone. Return to your room and pick up your charged phone. Read a magazine about Pete Aston's archaeological excavations lying on the bed. From here you will know which hole corresponds to which stone.

Go outside and go to the back entrance of the cafe, near which there is a swing. There will be a wooden fence nearby, bend the board, go around the building and look into the kitchen through the window. Then walk past the trash cans (are you scared?!.) and look out the office window, where you will see Ben. Turn around, read the newspaper hanging from the tank, and approach the grate of the telecommunications tower. It is padlocked, but you can easily enter the protected area through the large hole underneath. Approach the tower, open the box and pay attention to the operating frequencies of the station - between 830 and 865. Open the small door on which this is written, you will see ten buttons in two rows and the number on the display 717. It is necessary to press the buttons (some increase, others decrease frequency), set the number in the specified range. For example, like this: in the right row, press the top, middle and bottom buttons, and in the left row only the bottom one. It should be 862. The phone is now working, so you can call the numbers that were listed on the board in the cafe. There will be no particular benefit from the calls, but during a new conversation, Ben will share fresh information. At the same time, he will hand over a piece of paper with the code for motel room N-1. It's always random, I got 454.

Enter the road with the Barrow Hill Service Station sign, face it and go right. Examine the red telephone booth; the receiver is disconnected, and some muffled sounds are coming from it. And God bless them, go further along the road, stopping at the sign. Examine the scarecrow and the three-wheeled motorcycle. Further along the road you will see a smoking jeep with the number 4x 68578. This number will still play a role. Try to walk between two stones, but an invisible barrier (similar to the one next to your car) will not let you through. Take the radio from the driver's seat of the car and tune it to frequency 15, 3. This time you will definitely hear the number of the radio station, which is located in Barrow Hill: 585-21-31. Don’t try to call from here, nothing will work anyway, there is no signal. Examine the objects lying around in disarray near the jeep. Take out Morse Conrad's driver's license from a pile of dirt, look through a piece of newspaper and a note, leaf through a book with beautiful photographs of local attractions, sorry not in color. Pick up the pocket PDA. Call him from your inventory and look at the three cameras installed at the excavations, as well as Conrad's notes, he will indicate the code for his door (3) in the motel - 273. You will probably have a completely different number.

To the left of the jeep there is a passage between the stones that will lead to an abandoned barn. The doors are closed, but we are not looking for easy ways. Take the box on the left, place it on the barrel and climb into the window under the roof. It appears that this attic serves as a hideout for opponents of the excavation. Take a couple of steps towards the table, the floor will treacherously fall apart and you will fall down. Turn on the lamp and look around. Go up the stairs, examine the objects on the table, then take an acorn from one of the windows and binoculars from the other. With its help you can see the stones on the hill. Get down, it's time to get out. The front door is locked with a padlock, which we will now cut off. Take a rubber tube on the floor next to the barrel, and a gas torch from the box in the cart. Look at the gas cylinder, attach a tube to it, and a gas burner to it. Release the gas by opening the valve, take out the matches and light the burner nozzle. Get out and go back to the jeep and then to the gas station.

Take out your mobile phone to call Emma, ​​the girl from the radio station. Phone number, if you suddenly forgot, 585-21-31. A frightened woman's face will appear on the screen, and then you will see how her beloved dog dies, attacked by an insidious stone. Go to the scarecrow, behind the three-wheeled motorcycle there is a gap in the fence, and you can now go through there. The path will lead to a swamp, where some ruins and Emma's van are located. Head to the van and go inside. On the right side of the bed are parts of a metal detector that has yet to be assembled. Look at the dog's name, it is written on his bowl. Connect to the computer and enter the password, which is the dog's name - Wincey. Launch your browser, view Emma's favorite pages, but most importantly, read her diary, from which it follows that she found a certain artifact. To the right of the console is a panel with cassettes, you can listen to them all. And a little to the right is a cabinet with pots in which mushrooms grow. According to the reference book I found earlier, the mushrooms in the left pot on the bottom shelf are Liberty cap, and the one on the right is Destroying angel. Take a copy to your cart.

Go out into the swamp and go to the ruins of the church. There is nothing interesting in the ruins themselves, but the cross in front of them is of interest, and quite a lot at that. Go around it, knock off the plate at the base with a trowel and take the metal artifact from the secret niche. There is also a drawing and an old book here. Return to the motel.

Go to the wooden table, it is to the right of the 3rd motel room. Go deeper into the forest, use the lamp to see the sign put up by opponents of the excavation. At the base of the sign, look at the pile of dirt and posters, and to the right of it, look for someone's lost shoe on the ground. Turn right and forward twice, you will see a sign indicating a walking trail. You go to the right, you will come across stones in a row on the left and lamps illuminating them on the right. In this place there are frequent attacks by the killer stone, which does not discriminate between people and kills everyone. If the lamps go out and a huge boulder appears in front of you, then this is it. Do not touch him, but rather quickly leave this place. The stone appears randomly in different places on the hill. After some time, go back (the stone should disappear, if not, then do other things) and continue along the road. Examine the tent (the newspaper is the only interesting object here) and the sieve for sifting the soil. Further, the road will lead to the most important place in history - seven large stones of bizarre shape, displayed in a clearing in the form of a circle. While you can't do anything with them, return to the tent. The path to the right of it stretches to another group of stones, among which is an altar. Between the two stones there is also an invisible field blocking the road. Studying the surface of the stones, you will come across a handprint on one, and on the altar itself you will find a depression. For what? Everything has its time.

Return to the service station, it's time to visit the remaining motel rooms that you have access to. Bob should have told you the code to room N-1, and the code for room N-3 was written into the PDA that was lying next to the broken jeep. Look into the third room, all the walls of which are full of strange writings and are hung with eerie pictures. It feels like some maniac whiled away his nights here. Take a piece of paper from under the pillow, it mentions a broken seal, one part of which can be found using GPS (exact coordinates are also indicated). Take the torn piece of paper out of the bucket and fold the text out of it: . This means that the code for the suitcase should tell you the number of the jeep. Go to the table with the suitcase, open the drawer and take out the voice recorder from it, listen to all the archaeologist’s recordings by clicking on. He will talk about the artifacts that are part of the seal. The last entry will mention a guardian stone that has awakened and begun its hunt. Now let's open the suitcase. Remember the jeep number (4x68578), to get the required code you need to multiply 4 by 68578. You get 274312, enter this code and study all the documents inside. It describes the various organic substances or objects that were most often found in the studied trenches. For example, barley seeds were found in the fifth, and remains of berries and mushrooms were found in the fourth. This will help in identifying the gift that needs to be brought to each of the stones.

Matt Clark's debut adventure differs from most quests, where all events, as a rule, are strictly linked into a single chain, but is distinguished by its non-linear progression, so many actions in the game can be done in any order. The sequence suggested below is just one of many options. Also, almost all locations are immediately available for your exploration, with the exception of several closed areas. While wandering around the neighborhood of Barrow Hill, try to pay attention to any details; an item found and placed in your inventory will definitely come in handy later (there are simply no extra ones) or a personal note will contain a hint for finding a key or even a code for a locked door. By the way, some of the codes in the game are generated randomly, so it is not at all necessary that the sets of numbers indicated below will work for you too. So let's begin:

In the rural wilderness of Cornwall, far from the noise of the city and civilization, on a dark night your car stalls for some unknown reason. Try to walk along the road between two large stones - the force field will not let you through. It turns out that someone (or something) really doesn't want you to leave this place. Note the porcini mushrooms on the right, then continue along the road. There are steps leading to the left, and at the very top there is a footpath sign, but it is dark there, so you can’t get through without additional lighting. On the right, the path descends to an ancient stone structure (there is a water source inside), the entrance to which will also need to be illuminated later. Return to the main road and go to the gas station. On the left, look carefully at the red mailbox, take out Elsie’s postcard to Marianne from it. The text mentions the autumnal equinox, as well as a telecommunications tower for cell phone communications, this information will be very useful in the future. Go around the motel, there are three locked rooms and a machine selling cans of drinks.

There is a car with the engine running near the pump, but no people are visible around. Near the right rear tire, look at the Omega 3 Regeneration Hair Tonic lying on the ground. Examine the things piled near the open door. Take a blue pencil (wax crayon) as a souvenir, and from the pile of soil on the right, an encyclopedia book on mushrooms, Cornish Fungi Kingdom. In the inventory it will change its name to Fungus Guide. Now go to the toilet, there is nothing interesting here, except perhaps for a box of matches that lie on the toilet in the men's section. Be sure to take them with you. Come inside the Service Station and carefully study all the information regarding the Barrow Hills stones, leafing through postcards and looking at the drawings. In particular, you will learn a lot of interesting things about myths and demons, mystical mushrooms, what names the stones have: Baligo, Melkah, Dolment, Hammer stone, Henrik, Gavrok, Cailleach. On the right, next to the basket of food, there will be a box of postcards. This is a classic puzzle that you can assemble from small pieces, although it is not at all important for completion. Knock on the door marked Office, from where the sounds of a clearly frightened person can be heard. The face of Ben, the station manager, will appear in the door window, and he will report that someone is watching him. Visit this guy often for tips, his monologues are random.

Go to a cafe, go to the cash register and take out a piece of paper from under it. This is a note to Ben from George, it contains the code to the 2nd room in the motel. It's always different so you'll have to read it yourself, mine was 754. Read the notes on the notice board, there are also some business cards with phone numbers. Go to the kitchen, the door is to the left of the cash register. It’s dark here, even if you gouge out your eyes, but there is a lamp at arm’s length. It stands on the table on the right, yellow. To light it, you must first turn the lever on the lid to the right, then turn the lamp with the nozzle towards you. Take out a box of matches, take one out of it, strike it on the box and light the nozzle. Take the lamp into your inventory (lantern), now it can be used to get into dark and previously inaccessible areas. Turn around and open the fuse panel. The instructions on the left say that the fourth is responsible for the light in the kitchen. Press the button at the bottom to turn off the power, then remove the fourth fuse (counting from the left). Open it, and that's it - the contact is broken. Take a roll of wire tucked behind the panel at the top, rewind the fuse, assemble it and insert it into place. Press the button below, let there be light!

Look out the window and see the top of a telecommunications tower. Listen to the radio, you need to tune it to frequency 15. You will hear a broadcast from Emma Harry, a local radio presenter whose station is nearby. She will tell her her phone number, but the interference will not allow her to make it out clearly. Open the cabinet next to the poster and take the wicker basket from there. Under the cabinet there is a box with egg cups, take them for yourself. Before going outside, talk to Bob again, and then open door N-2 at the motel. Look at the map above the table, you can find the location of the stones: four stand on the road to the main circle, which in turn consists of seven cobblestones. Listen to the radio on frequency 15, take a trowel from the green toolbox on the table, and a mobile phone from the right drawer of the table. It is completely discharged, put it in the charger on the nightstand next to the bed. You hear the sound of a car driving away, you can go check, but the car is already gone. Return to your room and pick up your charged phone. Read a magazine about Pete Aston's archaeological excavations lying on the bed. From here you will know which hole corresponds to which stone.

Go outside and go to the back entrance of the cafe, near which there is a swing. There will be a wooden fence nearby, bend the board, go around the building and look into the kitchen through the window. Then walk past the trash cans (are you scared?!.) and look out the office window, where you will see Ben. Turn around, read the newspaper hanging from the tank, and approach the grate of the telecommunications tower. It is padlocked, but you can easily enter the protected area through the large hole underneath. Approach the tower, open the box and pay attention to the operating frequencies of the station - between 830 and 865. Open the small door on which this is written, you will see ten buttons in two rows and the number on the display 717. It is necessary to press the buttons (some increase, others decrease frequency), set the number in the specified range. For example, like this: in the right row, press the top, middle and bottom buttons, and in the left row only the bottom one. It should be 862. The phone is now working, so you can call the numbers that were listed on the board in the cafe. There will be no particular benefit from the calls, but during a new conversation, Ben will share fresh information. At the same time, he will hand over a piece of paper with the code for motel room N-1. It's always random, I got 454.

Enter the road with the Barrow Hill Service Station sign, face it and go right. Examine the red telephone booth; the receiver is disconnected, and some muffled sounds are coming from it. And God bless them, go further along the road, stopping at the sign. Examine the scarecrow and the three-wheeled motorcycle. Further along the road you will see a smoking jeep with the number 4x 68578. This number will still play a role. Try to walk between two stones, but an invisible barrier (similar to the one next to your car) will not let you through. Take the radio from the driver's seat of the car and tune it to frequency 15, 3. This time you will definitely hear the number of the radio station, which is located in Barrow Hill: 585-21-31. Don’t try to call from here, nothing will work anyway, there is no signal. Examine the objects lying around in disarray near the jeep. Take out Morse Conrad's driver's license from a pile of dirt, look through a piece of newspaper and a note, leaf through a book with beautiful photographs of local attractions, sorry not in color. Pick up the pocket PDA. Call him from your inventory and look at the three cameras installed at the excavations, as well as Conrad's notes, he will indicate the code for his door (3) in the motel - 273. You will probably have a completely different number.

To the left of the jeep there is a passage between the stones that will lead to an abandoned barn. The doors are closed, but we are not looking for easy ways. Take the box on the left, place it on the barrel and climb into the window under the roof. It appears that this attic serves as a hideout for opponents of the excavation. Take a couple of steps towards the table, the floor will treacherously fall apart and you will fall down. Turn on the lamp and look around. Go up the stairs, examine the objects on the table, then take an acorn from one of the windows and binoculars from the other. With its help you can see the stones on the hill. Get down, it's time to get out. The front door is locked with a padlock, which we will now cut off. Take a rubber tube on the floor next to the barrel, and a gas torch from the box in the cart. Look at the gas cylinder, attach a tube to it, and a gas burner to it. Release the gas by opening the valve, take out the matches and light the burner nozzle. Get out and go back to the jeep and then to the gas station.

Take out your mobile phone to call Emma, ​​the girl from the radio station. Phone number, if you suddenly forgot, 585-21-31. A frightened woman's face will appear on the screen, and then you will see how her beloved dog dies, attacked by an insidious stone. Go to the scarecrow, behind the three-wheeled motorcycle there is a gap in the fence, and you can now go through there. The path will lead to a swamp, where some ruins and Emma's van are located. Head to the van and go inside. On the right side of the bed are parts of a metal detector that has yet to be assembled. Look at the dog's name, it is written on his bowl. Connect to the computer and enter the password, which is the dog's name - Wincey. Launch your browser, view Emma's favorite pages, but most importantly, read her diary, from which it follows that she found a certain artifact. To the right of the console is a panel with cassettes, you can listen to them all. And a little to the right is a cabinet with pots in which mushrooms grow. According to the reference book I found earlier, the mushrooms in the left pot on the bottom shelf are Liberty cap, and the one on the right is Destroying angel. Take a copy to your cart.

Go out into the swamp and go to the ruins of the church. There is nothing interesting in the ruins themselves, but the cross in front of them is of interest, and quite a lot at that. Go around it, knock off the plate at the base with a trowel and take the metal artifact from the secret niche. There is also a drawing and an old book here. Return to the motel.

Go to the wooden table, it is to the right of the 3rd motel room. Go deeper into the forest, use the lamp to see the sign put up by opponents of the excavation. At the base of the sign, look at the pile of dirt and posters, and to the right of it, look for someone's lost shoe on the ground. Turn right and forward twice, you will see a sign indicating a walking trail. You go to the right, you will come across stones in a row on the left and lamps illuminating them on the right. In this place there are frequent attacks by the killer stone, which does not discriminate between people and kills everyone. If the lamps go out and a huge boulder appears in front of you, then this is it. Do not touch him, but rather quickly leave this place. The stone appears randomly in different places on the hill. After some time, go back (the stone should disappear, if not, then do other things) and continue along the road. Examine the tent (the newspaper is the only interesting object here) and the sieve for sifting the soil. Further, the road will lead to the most important place in history - seven large stones of bizarre shape, displayed in a clearing in the form of a circle. While you can't do anything with them, return to the tent. The path to the right of it stretches to another group of stones, among which is an altar. Between the two stones there is also an invisible field blocking the road. Studying the surface of the stones, you will come across a handprint on one, and on the altar itself you will find a depression. For what? Everything has its time.

Return to the service station, it's time to visit the remaining motel rooms that you have access to. Bob should have told you the code to room N-1, and the code for room N-3 was written into the PDA that was lying next to the broken jeep. Look into the third room, all the walls of which are full of strange writings and are hung with eerie pictures. It feels like some maniac whiled away his nights here. Take a piece of paper from under the pillow, it mentions a broken seal, one part of which can be found using GPS (exact coordinates are also indicated). Take the torn piece of paper out of the bucket and fold the text out of it: . This means that the code for the suitcase should tell you the number of the jeep. Go to the table with the suitcase, open the drawer and take out the voice recorder from it, listen to all the archaeologist’s recordings by clicking on. He will talk about the artifacts that are part of the seal. The last entry will mention a guardian stone that has awakened and begun its hunt. Now let's open the suitcase. Remember the jeep number (4x68578), to get the required code you need to multiply 4 by 68578. You get 274312, enter this code and study all the documents inside. It describes the various organic substances or objects that were most often found in the studied trenches. For example, barley seeds were found in the fifth, and remains of berries and mushrooms were found in the fourth. This will help in identifying the gift that needs to be brought to each of the stones.

Now go to the first room. Here you need to pick up the tracking device (GPS Unit) from the stand to the left of the stepladder. Select it in your inventory, activate it and go to the speakers. The device will show the exact numbers when you approach the fire extinguisher on a pole next to a running car. Take a closer look at it, lift it and take away the artifact (it looks like a fragment of a plate or saucer). GPS can be turned off.

Enter the station premises and go to the office door. The sound of broken glass will be heard behind her, after which Ben's muttering will stop. I wonder what happened there, and where did our only interlocutor go so far? Go around the building, you will come across a broken window and a destroyed wall. Go through this gap into the office, look at the security camera recordings. You will see how the guardian stone dealt with its victims. Look at the filing cabinet on the left; in the top drawer there is a note with the code for room N-1, however, now this is no longer relevant. From the second, take out a bottle of whiskey and study its composition: barley and clean water. The third keeps another note, this time regarding a non-functioning soda can vending machine. Go to the table in the corner and take batteries from one table drawer and sheets of paper from the other. Unlock the lock on the door, go outside and head to Emma's house in the swamp.

Go into the trailer and start assembling the detector. You need to connect all the parts, see the picture for a hint: attach the wire to the tube, attach the ring to the left end of the tube, and the battery box to the right, and two more small parts as connections at the ends of the tube. Now insert the batteries, the metal detector is ready to use. Before starting the search, you can do a little more digging in the computer, the password remains the same. Read again the page about scientific names - common-scientific-names.co.uk. Comparing with the data from the notes in the hotel suitcase, we get that sodium chloride - salt (salt), alt (tea, what's the juice? give the password to the computer and read the house on the swamp. selling cans of drinks. cabbage soup yes,

Let's start looking for items that will need to be donated to the stones. We’ve already found two types of mushrooms (in pots in a trailer in the swamp), so let’s take the third one for company. It grows next to a telephone booth, and is called, according to the reference book, false death cap. Continue along the main road and forward three times after the letter box at the gas station. On the right, take the red berries. Continue to the end and grab the mushroom near your car (shaggy ink cap). Opposite the stone structure to the right of the road (now you have a lamp, you can go down into the cave to the source of water) there are steps going up. Follow them upward, turn on the lamp, forward a few more times, pick a mushroom with a red head (dryad slumber) on the right. Visit the archaeologists' camp, turn on the metal detector next to the tent and look at the swing with a sieve for sifting earth. Using a trowel, dig into the pile on the left and you will see a flask. Take it and use the egg cup on it from inventory. Get ready to encounter ancient magic: a voice that appears from nowhere will say: . There is nowhere to go, it will have to be restored. At the same time, an egg cup filled with whiskey (whisky offering) will appear in your inventory (top). You will find the last mushroom halfway to the altar stone. You need to look to the right of the steps, where you can see mushrooms with yellow caps (parasol mushroom).

Return to the gas station, go to the cafe. From the table next to the back door (on the right, by the window), move the menu to the side and take the salt shaker. Pour salt into the egg cup to get a salt offering. Use a trowel to hack the cash register and take one pound coins. Go to the office, to the right of the desk there is a door that leads to the backyard. We haven't appeared here yet. Turn around and look at the little one. Insert a coin into the machine, pull the handle several times and collect the 50p coins that fall out. Grab the glass from the headlight (lens) from the box, lift the ladder, place it on the roof and climb up. There, move along the tiles to the left, lift the lid and go down into the garage. Look at the table with chessboard and pour oil from the oil can into the egg cup, get an oil offering. Again the voice-over will report about the balance that must be restored: Yes, we already know.

To leave the garage, you need to go down the stairs to the basement and remove the hickey on the door next to the car. Next, go to the drink machine next to the motel and throw coins into it to get three cans. With blackberries, gooseberries and pears. You can also buy an apple, but you won't need it. Turn around and go to the Mercedes. Near the right rear wheel, pick up a bottle of Omega 3 Regeneration (note the marine enhanced note), use an egg cup on it and pour some of the contents. So much for the fish offering. There must be a balance: the ghost literally following on your heels does not want to change the record.

Do you like to cook? But you have to! Go to the kitchen, where you go to the blender. The note said there should be twice as many blackberries. Well, pour the blackberry drink from the can into the blender twice. Makes one liter. Now add the pear and gooseberries, bringing the volume to two liters, the liquid will light up. Use an egg cup. Receive a fruit juice offering, and a familiar voice will sing a famous song: about balance: Now go to the stove, opposite it is a cutting board. Place a basket of mushrooms and berries on it. Place red berries, an acorn, and a red dryad slumber mushroom in a mortar. Use a pestle to mix the contents. Pour into egg cup, get plant mixture offering. If other ingredients were mixed by mistake, you can always try again.

Now we go to the source next to our own stalled car, where all the troubles began. Go down to the grotto, but don't go into it yet. Light the flat stone at the entrance and use paper and pencil on it to sketch the text. Inside the grotto, on the left in the box, there is a book for visitors' impressions, which will help expand their horizons about this place. Go to the wall with candles and then to the left, study the drawings on the wall. In the niche opposite, insert the metal artifact into the round panel on the wall. On right stone plate will move to the side, and a box will appear behind it. Open, inside the coins, drawings, a book page, prompting the ritual. Go to the candles and light them in this order: first the blue one (the left one in the second row) and then the gray one (the right one in the bottom row). The music will start, fill the egg cup with water. The seventh and final blessed water offering is ready.

It's time to restore balance. Head to the four stones on the road illuminated by lamps. Attach a piece of paper to each of the four stones, then use a pencil to create sketches. The same sheet must be applied all the time; after the first use, it will appear in the top menu. As a result, in the picture you will be able to see a ray of light that passes through one of the stones and falls on the altar. Now make offerings to each of the seven stones using the gift-filled egg cups. Baligo - fish (fish), Melkah - oil (oil), Dolment - plant (plants), Hammer - barley (barley), Henrik - water (water), Gavrok - fruit (fruit), Cailleach - salt (salt). If the offering is chosen accurately, you will hear a voice and a rainbow will appear above the stone. If it is incorrect, then you can try something else, only in this case you will have to prepare the missing gift again. Look at the dug hole, rummage in it with a trowel, and you will see the imprint of the artifact. Attach two pieces of the artifact you have to it; at least one more is missing. Come out of the clearing with stones in the direction of the tent, your mobile starts ringing. This is Emma, ​​she wants to give away the rest of the artifact, because she still values ​​her life a little more than some archaeological antiquities. Take another step forward and pick up the third piece of seal from the path.

From the tent, go to the altar, place all three parts of the seal on it. Then insert the glass from the car headlight into the adjacent stone, and place your palm on the other one in the indicated place. A few special effects, the broken seal will be intact again, take it for yourself (restored artifact). Return to the seven rainbow stones and dig into the trench with a trowel. In the place where the seal print was previously seen. The ground beneath your feet will collapse and you will fall into an underground crypt. Separate niches radiate away from the central cave, where you can once again see all the offerings made. And listen to that same voice! When finished, place the fused artifact on the stone table in the center. Balance has been restored, watch the final video. Congratulations, you have completed the game! And at the same time we learned a lot of interesting things about the famous Barrow Hill.

The main character found himself in the forest at night with a stalled car. It is useless to try to start her. We go straight to the gas station. On the right is the gas station itself, and on the left are rooms for tourists. We go into the gas station building. We knock on the iron door with the sign “Office”. We listen to the speech of a frightened man, whose name, as it turns out later, is Ben.

Let's go to the dining room. There is a note under the cash register, we take it out. It contains the code for the second number. In my case, the code would be 688. Most likely, this number is variable. We go outside. There are someone's things lying around the Mercedes. Let's examine them. Take a book and a marker. Nearby there is a bunch of something incomprehensible. Let's click on it.

We go to room No. 2. We enter the code from the note and go inside. We examine the desk. The first drawer contains a cell phone. The battery is almost empty. The charger is on the cabinet near the bed. Connect the phone to the charger. We read the notes in the room. Having examined every millimeter of the number, we go outside.

There are three plastic buckets near the entrance to the service station. In one of them there is a box of matches. We take it and go to the kitchen.

There is a gas lamp near the entrance. We turn the small lever, click on the lamp, and take out the matches. We take a match and click it on the side of the box. We bring a lit match to the hole in the lamp from which gas comes. Click the right mouse button. The lamp came on. Now we turn to the right. There is a shield on the wall. Let's open it. Repair the fuse as shown in screenshot. Now we go to the hanging cabinet. Open it and take the basket. Under the cabinet, on the table, there are egg cups. We take a couple of pieces. You can listen to the radio that is on the windowsill. After that, we return to the cafe . We approach the cash register. Using a child's scoop, open it and take a few coins.

Now you need to fix the cellular translator. We go out through the emergency exit of the cafe onto the street. We turn left. You should see a fence with a hole. Click the mouse to move one board and climb through. We're at the back of the station. We go along the wall. You must come to the window. If you look into it, you can see a room and a man who has locked himself in the office. Now let's turn around. You should see the broadcaster. Someone had bent the grate at the bottom of the door, so getting through the fence would not be difficult. Open the shield and press the buttons to get into the operating range. Which keys need to be pressed are shown in screenshot.

There is a connection, but it’s too early to call anyone. It's time to take a walk around the area. We follow the path that starts to the right of the maintenance building. It’s dark ahead, so we take out the flashlight that we took from the kitchen and point it at the darkness. We are moving forward all the time. The path ends at a jeep and a couple of blocks of stones. Near the car there is the same pile as a Mercedes. Let's examine it. In it we find a driver's license. There are sheets of paper nearby. We read what is written on them. We take the communicator, which is lying near the sheets. Someone left a radio on the seat of the jeep. It's time to find out how things are going at Barrall Hill Radio. We turn on the receiver and listen to the presenter’s speech. Then we take out the communicator and read the two documents that are in it. One of them contains the code for the lock of the third room. Before leaving, remember the license plate number of the car: in 4 minutes you will really need it. The lock code will be different for everyone. In my case it was 251.

We open the door from number 3 and go inside. A bit strange environment. We study the papers that are scattered in different corners. There is an archaeologist's voice recorder in the desk drawer. Let's listen to all the recordings. There is a case with a combination lock on the table. We remember the jeep number, 4x68578. This is an example that needs to be solved. Multiplying a five-digit number by four, we get the number 274312. We dial these numbers on the case lock. It opens. It turns out that there are documents there. Let's read them. Another important thing in the room is a note under the pillow. It contains the coordinates of the artifact that the scientist hid. You need to get a GPS navigator.

Let's go to Ben. We knock on his door several times. He should give you a piece of paper with the code for the first room. Let's go to the room. There is a GPS navigator there. We take it and go outside. We turn on the device and begin the search for the artifact. The numbers from the note should lead you to the fire extinguisher near the gas pump. We raise it with a mouse click. An artifact appears. Let's take it.

To the right of the Mercedes is a bottle of hair balm. We lift it, take the egg mold, open the lid. The mold will automatically fill with balm. Now let's go to the cafe. There is a salt shaker on the middle table. We lift it and take the mold. The mold will automatically fill with salt.

We go to the archaeologist's jeep. There is a path to the right of the car. Follow it. You will come out to an abandoned house. There is a box lying near the building. Take it, turn right and place it on the barrel. Climb onto it and climb through the window. Go forward. Suddenly you fall down. Look around and find the stairs. Climb up it. Go to the windows. There is an acorn on one of them, take it. Study the notes, look through binoculars. After exploring everything interesting, go downstairs. Door leading to Fresh air, locked with a padlock. There is a gas cylinder nearby. Not far from him, on the floor, lies a hose. And in one of the drawers there is a burner. Place the hose on the cylinder and attach the hose to the burner. Open the valve on the cylinder and hold a match to the burner. The flame will melt the castle.

We return to the station. We go to the mailbox, which stands opposite the rooms. Click on the path three times. We turn right. We pick red berries from the piece. Now we need mushrooms. We take out a book about mushrooms that we picked up near the Mercedes. Leafing through the book. Now we go to our car, but stop near the stairs (see screenshot). We climb them. Several mushrooms grow under the tree. We cut one and move further into the forest. We light the way with a flashlight. We find a booklet from opponents of the excavations and an illuminated path. Suddenly the light goes out, and when it comes on, a block of stone appears in front of us. This means that it is too early for us to move forward - we are returning to the station. We go to the second room and take the phone. We turn on the radio and tune it to the clarity of the Barrol Hill radio station. The presenter asks to call her and tell her what time it is. We go outside.

We dial the number 585-21-31. Let's watch the video. It shows a section of terrain familiar to us. We run to the scarecrow that we met on our way back from the jeep. Let's climb over the fence. Underfoot lie the remains of a dog. A hole appeared in the fence near the three-wheeled motorcycle. Let's click on it. She took us to the swamp. We walk along the boards to the trailer from which the presenter was broadcasting. We study the room. Turn on the computer. It requires a password. Enter "Wincey". Open the “My Blog” folder. It says that the radio presenter found part of the artifact and hid it. In the trailer, on the bed, lies a disassembled metal detector. We assemble it as shown in picture. But it won't work: it doesn't have batteries. We return to the service station.

As soon as you get to the gas station, the phone will ring. We listen to Harry's speech. Now let's go to Ben. There is the sound of breaking glass and human screams - something happened to Ben. To get to his room, you need to go around the building from the other side. Think about where you went to turn on your cell phone service. We are going the same way. Wow!. Not only is there no glass, but also no wall. We go into the room. We study everything. Open two desk drawers and take out the batteries along with a stack of blank sheets. Look around and find a door that leads to a courtyard littered with various kinds things.

Go to the slot machine. Place a coin in it and pull the handle. Play until you come across three identical pictures. For winning you will receive moments. Take them. Go further to the iron barrels. Near them, below, in a cardboard box, there should be glass from a car headlight. Take him. Now go to the fence and lift the wooden ladder. Place it on the roof and climb up. Find the entrance on the roof. Open it and go downstairs. You will find yourself in a garage. There is a wooden door next to you. Open it and go inside. In the room, on the table, there are chess and a can of motor oil. Click on the oil can. Now select an egg mold from the boarding school. The mold will automatically fill with car oil. Now leave the room and go down to the car. There is an exit next to the car.

It's time to go to the swamp. Enter the trailer. Take a metal detector and insert batteries. Not far from the trailer there are the ruins of some building (Most likely a chapel) and a cross. Go there. Turn on the metal detector and explore the ruins. When the arrow of the device twitches, take out the trowel and dig the ground. Look screenshot , it shows the location of the artifact. Now go to the cross and go around it from the side. There is a hiding place on the back wall. Take a trowel and remove a key, a drawing of a spring, and a book from the hiding place.

There is a drinks machine near the mailbox. Buy a drink with pear, blackberry and gooseberry. Now go to the kitchen. There is a mixer near the door. Open the lid. Pour the gooseberry and pear drink into it and pour in the blackberries twice. If you did everything correctly, the liquid will glow. Take the egg cup to the mixer and pour it into the resulting cocktail. Now go to the cutting board. Click on the basket in your inventory so that it appears on the table. Place an acorn, red mushrooms, and red berries in a mortar. Give it a shot. Pour the resulting mixture into an egg mold.

Almost everything is ready. All that remains is to explore the spring. It is located on the road along which you walked to the gas station at the beginning of the game.

We go inside the spring. Turn left. There is a box with a notebook on the stone shelf. Read it. It says that one of the stones needs water from this source. Go further inside. Turn right. You will see another room with a stone circle in the middle. Insert the key found in the swamp into this hole. You have opened a cache with a box. It contains papers with instructions for the ritual associated with the stones. Also among the papers there should be a verse related to the candles of the spring. It contains encrypted instructions for the ritual with candles. First of all, you need to light a blue candle, then a brown one. After you light the candles, take out the egg cup and scoop water into it.

Cross the road and go up the steps into the woods. Turn on the lamp and go forward. Walk past the sign to the archaeological camp. Approach the tent. Turn on the metal detector. On a small hill made of earth, the device should give a signal. Take the trowel and dig up the archaeologist's flask (see screenshot). Open it and take out the egg mold. The alcohol will automatically pour into the mold. Stand as shown in drawing.

Follow the first arrow. You will see a mound. Before the ritual, save the game, because if you make a mistake and put the wrong gift on the stone, then a lightning strike will destroy the treat and you will have to do it again. We move from right to left. Place a mold with white liquid on the first stone, and burgundy liquid on the next one. Then comes light green, orange, dark green, black, blue. Go to the center of the mound. Take a trowel and clear a place for the artifact. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to do anything: we only have two fragments. We return to the archaeological camp. The phone will ring. The radio presenter will say that she wants to give you the missing part of the artifact. We move on to the location with the camp. There should be a third piece right under your feet along with a note. Now you need to turn right and follow the second arrow. Go downstairs. You will come out to three stones. Place the artifact on the lowest stone. Place the headlight glass in tall stone on the left, then place your hand on the stone on the right. Take the artifact and return to the mound. Go to the center and put the artifact in its place. You will find yourself in an underground hall. Place the artifact on the center stone. Watch the final video.

Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle

Matt Clark's debut adventure differs from most quests, where all events, as a rule, are strictly linked into a single chain, but is distinguished by its non-linear progression, so many actions in the game can be done in any order. The sequence suggested below is just one of many options. Also, almost all locations are immediately available for your exploration, with the exception of several closed areas. While wandering around the neighborhood of Barrow Hill, try to pay attention to any details; an item found and placed in your inventory will definitely come in handy later (there are simply no extra ones) or a personal note will contain a hint for finding a key or even a code for a locked door. By the way, some of the codes in the game are generated randomly, so it is not at all necessary that the sets of numbers indicated below will work for you too. So let's begin:

In the rural wilderness of Cornwall, far from the noise of the city and civilization, on a dark night your car stalls for some unknown reason. Try to walk along the road between two large stones - the force field will not let you through. It turns out that someone (or something) really doesn't want you to leave this place. Note the porcini mushrooms on the right, then continue along the road. There are steps leading to the left, and at the very top there is a footpath sign, but it is dark there, so you can’t get through without additional lighting. On the right, the path descends to an ancient stone structure (there is a water source inside), the entrance to which will also need to be illuminated later. Return to the main road and go to the gas station. On the left, look carefully at the red mailbox, take out Elsie’s postcard to Marianne from it. The text mentions the autumnal equinox, as well as a telecommunications tower for cell phone communications, this information will be very useful in the future. Go around the motel, there are three locked rooms and a machine selling cans of drinks.

There is a car with the engine running near the pump, but no people are visible around. Near the right rear tire, look at the Omega 3 Regeneration Hair Tonic lying on the ground. Examine the things piled near the open door. Take a blue pencil (wax crayon) as a souvenir, and from the pile of soil on the right, an encyclopedia book on mushrooms, Cornish Fungi Kingdom. In the inventory it will change its name to Fungus Guide. Now go to the toilet, there is nothing interesting here, except perhaps for a box of matches that lie on the toilet in the men's section. Be sure to take them with you. Come inside the Service Station and carefully study all the information regarding the Barrow Hills stones, leafing through postcards and looking at the drawings. In particular, you will learn a lot of interesting things about myths and demons, mystical mushrooms, what names the stones have: Baligo, Melkah, Dolment, Hammer stone, Henrik, Gavrok, Cailleach. On the right, next to the basket of food, there will be a box of postcards. This is a classic puzzle that you can assemble from small pieces, although it is not at all important for completion. Knock on the door marked Office, from where the sounds of a clearly frightened person can be heard. The face of Ben, the station manager, will appear in the door window, and he will report that someone is watching him. Visit this guy often for tips, his monologues are random.

Go to a cafe, go to the cash register and take out a piece of paper from under it. This is a note to Ben from George, it contains the code to the 2nd room in the motel. It's always different so you'll have to read it yourself, mine was 754. Read the notes on the notice board, there are also some business cards with phone numbers. Go to the kitchen, the door is to the left of the cash register. It’s dark here, even if you gouge out your eyes, but there is a lamp at arm’s length. It stands on the table on the right, yellow. To light it, you must first turn the lever on the lid to the right, then turn the lamp with the nozzle towards you. Take out a box of matches, take one out of it, strike it on the box and light the nozzle. Take the lamp into your inventory (lantern), now it can be used to get into dark and previously inaccessible areas. Turn around and open the fuse panel. The instructions on the left say that the fourth is responsible for the light in the kitchen. Press the button at the bottom to turn off the power, then remove the fourth fuse (counting from the left). Open it, and that's it - the contact is broken. Take a roll of wire tucked behind the panel at the top, rewind the fuse, assemble it and insert it into place. Press the button below, let there be light!

Look out the window and see the top of a telecommunications tower. Listen to the radio, you need to tune it to frequency 15. You will hear a broadcast from Emma Harry, a local radio presenter whose station is nearby. She will tell her her phone number, but the interference will not allow her to make it out clearly. Open the cabinet next to the poster and take the wicker basket from there. Under the cabinet there is a box with egg cups, take them for yourself. Before going outside, talk to Bob again, and then open door N-2 at the motel. Look at the map above the table, you can find the location of the stones: four stand on the road to the main circle, which in turn consists of seven cobblestones. Listen to the radio on frequency 15, take a trowel from the green toolbox on the table, and a mobile phone from the right drawer of the table. It is completely discharged, put it in the charger on the nightstand next to the bed. You hear the sound of a car driving away, you can go check, but the car is already gone. Return to your room and pick up your charged phone. Read a magazine about Pete Aston's archaeological excavations lying on the bed. From here you will know which hole corresponds to which stone.

Go outside and go to the back entrance of the cafe, near which there is a swing. There will be a wooden fence nearby, bend the board, go around the building and look into the kitchen through the window. Then walk past the trash cans (are you scared?!.) and look out the office window, where you will see Ben. Turn around, read the newspaper hanging from the tank, and approach the grate of the telecommunications tower. It is padlocked, but you can easily enter the protected area through the large hole underneath. Approach the tower, open the box and pay attention to the operating frequencies of the station - between 830 and 865. Open the small door on which this is written, you will see ten buttons in two rows and the number on the display 717. It is necessary to press the buttons (some increase, others decrease frequency), set the number in the specified range. For example, like this: in the right row, press the top, middle and bottom buttons, and in the left row only the bottom one. It should be 862. The phone is now working, so you can call the numbers that were listed on the board in the cafe. There will be no particular benefit from the calls, but during a new conversation, Ben will share fresh information. At the same time, he will hand over a piece of paper with the code for motel room N-1. It's always random, I got 454.

Enter the road with the Barrow Hill Service Station sign, face it and go right. Examine the red telephone booth; the receiver is disconnected, and some muffled sounds are coming from it. And God bless them, go further along the road, stopping at the sign. Examine the scarecrow and the three-wheeled motorcycle. Further along the road you will see a smoking jeep with the number 4x 68578. This number will still play a role. Try to walk between two stones, but an invisible barrier (similar to the one next to your car) will not let you through. Take the radio from the driver's seat of the car and tune it to frequency 15, 3. This time you will definitely hear the number of the radio station, which is located in Barrow Hill: 585-21-31. Don’t try to call from here, nothing will work anyway, there is no signal. Examine the objects lying around in disarray near the jeep. Take out Morse Conrad's driver's license from a pile of dirt, look through a piece of newspaper and a note, leaf through a book with beautiful photographs of local attractions, sorry not in color. Pick up the pocket PDA. Call him from your inventory and look at the three cameras installed at the excavations, as well as Conrad's notes, he will indicate the code for his door (3) in the motel - 273. You will probably have a completely different number.

To the left of the jeep there is a passage between the stones that will lead to an abandoned barn. The doors are closed, but we are not looking for easy ways. Take the box on the left, place it on the barrel and climb into the window under the roof. It appears that this attic serves as a hideout for opponents of the excavation. Take a couple of steps towards the table, the floor will treacherously fall apart and you will fall down. Turn on the lamp and look around. Go up the stairs, examine the objects on the table, then take an acorn from one of the windows and binoculars from the other. With its help you can see the stones on the hill. Get down, it's time to get out. The front door is locked with a padlock, which we will now cut off. Take a rubber tube on the floor next to the barrel, and a gas torch from the box in the cart. Look at the gas cylinder, attach a tube to it, and a gas burner to it. Release the gas by opening the valve, take out the matches and light the burner nozzle. Get out and go back to the jeep and then to the gas station.

Take out your mobile phone to call Emma, ​​the girl from the radio station. Phone number, if you suddenly forgot, 585-21-31. A frightened woman's face will appear on the screen, and then you will see how her beloved dog dies, attacked by an insidious stone. Go to the scarecrow, behind the three-wheeled motorcycle there is a gap in the fence, and you can now go through there. The path will lead to a swamp, where some ruins and Emma's van are located. Head to the van and go inside. On the right side of the bed are parts of a metal detector that has yet to be assembled. Look at the dog's name, it is written on his bowl. Connect to the computer and enter the password, which is the dog's name - Wincey. Launch your browser, view Emma's favorite pages, but most importantly, read her diary, from which it follows that she found a certain artifact. To the right of the console is a panel with cassettes, you can listen to them all. And a little to the right is a cabinet with pots in which mushrooms grow. According to the reference book I found earlier, the mushrooms in the left pot on the bottom shelf are Liberty cap, and the one on the right is Destroying angel. Take a copy to your cart.

Go out into the swamp and go to the ruins of the church. There is nothing interesting in the ruins themselves, but the cross in front of them is of interest, and quite a lot at that. Go around it, knock off the plate at the base with a trowel and take the metal artifact from the secret niche. There is also a drawing and an old book here. Return to the motel.

Go to the wooden table, it is to the right of the 3rd motel room. Go deeper into the forest, use the lamp to see the sign put up by opponents of the excavation. At the base of the sign, look at the pile of dirt and posters, and to the right of it, look for someone's lost shoe on the ground. Turn right and forward twice, you will see a sign indicating a walking trail. You go to the right, you will come across stones in a row on the left and lamps illuminating them on the right. In this place there are frequent attacks by the killer stone, which does not discriminate between people and kills everyone. If the lamps go out and a huge boulder appears in front of you, then this is it. Do not touch him, but rather quickly leave this place. The stone appears randomly in different places on the hill. After some time, go back (the stone should disappear, if not, then do other things) and continue along the road. Examine the tent (the newspaper is the only interesting object here) and the sieve for sifting the soil. Further, the road will lead to the most important place in history - seven large stones of bizarre shape, displayed in a clearing in the form of a circle. While you can't do anything with them, return to the tent. The path to the right of it stretches to another group of stones, among which is an altar. Between the two stones there is also an invisible field blocking the road. Studying the surface of the stones, you will come across a handprint on one, and on the altar itself you will find a depression. For what? Everything has its time.

Return to the service station, it's time to visit the remaining motel rooms that you have access to. Bob should have told you the code to room N-1, and the code for room N-3 was written into the PDA that was lying next to the broken jeep. Look into the third room, all the walls of which are full of strange writings and are hung with eerie pictures. It feels like some maniac whiled away his nights here. Take a piece of paper from under the pillow, it mentions a broken seal, one part of which can be found using GPS (exact coordinates are also indicated). Take the torn piece of paper out of the bucket and fold the text out of it: . This means that the code for the suitcase should tell you the number of the jeep. Go to the table with the suitcase, open the drawer and take out the voice recorder from it, listen to all the archaeologist’s recordings by clicking on. He will talk about the artifacts that are part of the seal. The last entry will mention a guardian stone that has awakened and begun its hunt. Now let's open the suitcase. Remember the jeep number (4x68578), to get the required code you need to multiply 4 by 68578. You get 274312, enter this code and study all the documents inside. It describes the various organic substances or objects that were most often found in the studied trenches. For example, barley seeds were found in the fifth, and remains of berries and mushrooms were found in the fourth. This will help in identifying the gift that needs to be brought to each of the stones.

Now go to the first room. Here you need to pick up the tracking device (GPS Unit) from the stand to the left of the stepladder. Select it in your inventory, activate it and go to the speakers. The device will show the exact numbers when you approach the fire extinguisher on a pole next to a running car. Take a closer look at it, lift it and take away the artifact (it looks like a fragment of a plate or saucer). GPS can be turned off.

Enter the station premises and go to the office door. The sound of broken glass will be heard behind her, after which Ben's muttering will stop. I wonder what happened there, and where did our only interlocutor go so far? Go around the building, you will come across a broken window and a destroyed wall. Go through this gap into the office, look at the security camera recordings. You will see how the guardian stone dealt with its victims. Look at the filing cabinet on the left; in the top drawer there is a note with the code for room N-1, however, now this is no longer relevant. From the second, take out a bottle of whiskey and study its composition: barley and clean water. The third keeps another note, this time regarding a non-functioning soda can vending machine. Go to the table in the corner and take batteries from one table drawer and sheets of paper from the other. Unlock the lock on the door, go outside and head to Emma's house in the swamp.

Go into the trailer and start assembling the detector. You need to connect all the parts, see the picture for a hint: attach the wire to the tube, attach the ring to the left end of the tube, and the battery box to the right, and two more small parts as connections at the ends of the tube. Now insert the batteries, the metal detector is ready to use. Before starting the search, you can do a little more digging in the computer, the password remains the same. Read again the page about scientific names - common-scientific-names.co.uk. Comparing with the data from the notes in the hotel suitcase, we get that sodium chloride - salt (salt), alt (tea, what's the juice? give the password to the computer and read the house on the swamp. selling cans of drinks. cabbage soup yes,

Let's start looking for items that will need to be donated to the stones. We’ve already found two types of mushrooms (in pots in a trailer in the swamp), so let’s take the third one for company. It grows next to a telephone booth, and is called, according to the reference book, false death cap. Continue along the main road and forward three times after the letter box at the gas station. On the right, take the red berries. Continue to the end and grab the mushroom near your car (shaggy ink cap). Opposite the stone structure to the right of the road (now you have a lamp, you can go down into the cave to the source of water) there are steps going up. Follow them upward, turn on the lamp, forward a few more times, pick a mushroom with a red head (dryad slumber) on the right. Visit the archaeologists' camp, turn on the metal detector next to the tent and look at the swing with a sieve for sifting earth. Using a trowel, dig into the pile on the left and you will see a flask. Take it and use the egg cup on it from inventory. Get ready to encounter ancient magic: a voice that appears from nowhere will say: . There is nowhere to go, it will have to be restored. At the same time, an egg cup filled with whiskey (whisky offering) will appear in your inventory (top). You will find the last mushroom halfway to the altar stone. You need to look to the right of the steps, where you can see mushrooms with yellow caps (parasol mushroom).

Return to the gas station, go to the cafe. From the table next to the back door (on the right, by the window), move the menu to the side and take the salt shaker. Pour salt into the egg cup to get a salt offering. Use a trowel to hack the cash register and take one pound coins. Go to the office, to the right of the desk there is a door that leads to the backyard. We haven't appeared here yet. Turn around and look at the little one. Insert a coin into the machine, pull the handle several times and collect the 50p coins that fall out. Grab the glass from the headlight (lens) from the box, lift the ladder, place it on the roof and climb up. There, move along the tiles to the left, lift the lid and go down into the garage. Look at the table with the chessboard and pour oil from the oil can into the egg cup, get an oil offering. Again the voice-over will report about the balance that must be restored: Yes, we already know.

To leave the garage, you need to go down the stairs to the basement and remove the hickey on the door next to the car. Next, go to the drink machine next to the motel and throw coins into it to get three cans. With blackberries, gooseberries and pears. You can also buy an apple, but you won't need it. Turn around and go to the Mercedes. Near the right rear wheel, pick up a bottle of Omega 3 Regeneration (note the marine enhanced note), use an egg cup on it and pour some of the contents. So much for the fish offering. There must be a balance: the ghost literally following on your heels does not want to change the record.

Do you like to cook? But you have to! Go to the kitchen, where you go to the blender. The note said there should be twice as many blackberries. Well, pour the blackberry drink from the can into the blender twice. Makes one liter. Now add the pear and gooseberries, bringing the volume to two liters, the liquid will light up. Use an egg cup. Receive a fruit juice offering, and a familiar voice will sing a famous song: about balance: Now go to the stove, opposite it is a cutting board. Place a basket of mushrooms and berries on it. Place red berries, an acorn, and a red dryad slumber mushroom in a mortar. Use a pestle to mix the contents. Pour into egg cup, get plant mixture offering. If other ingredients were mixed by mistake, you can always try again.

Now we go to the source next to our own stalled car, where all the troubles began. Go down to the grotto, but don't go into it yet. Light the flat stone at the entrance and use paper and pencil on it to sketch the text. Inside the grotto, on the left in the box, there is a book for visitors' impressions, which will help expand their horizons about this place. Go to the wall with candles and then to the left, study the drawings on the wall. In the niche opposite, insert the metal artifact into the round panel on the wall. On the right, a stone slab will move to the side, and a box will appear behind it. Open, inside the coins, drawings, a book page, prompting the ritual. Go to the candles and light them in this order: first the blue one (the left one in the second row) and then the gray one (the right one in the bottom row). The music will start, fill the egg cup with water. The seventh and final blessed water offering is ready.

It's time to restore balance. Head to the four stones on the road illuminated by lamps. Attach a piece of paper to each of the four stones, then use a pencil to create sketches. The same sheet must be applied all the time; after the first use, it will appear in the top menu. As a result, in the picture you will be able to see a ray of light that passes through one of the stones and falls on the altar. Now make offerings to each of the seven stones using the gift-filled egg cups. Baligo - fish (fish), Melkah - oil (oil), Dolment - plant (plants), Hammer - barley (barley), Henrik - water (water), Gavrok - fruit (fruit), Cailleach - salt (salt). If the offering is chosen accurately, you will hear a voice and a rainbow will appear above the stone. If it is incorrect, then you can try something else, only in this case you will have to prepare the missing gift again. Look at the dug hole, rummage in it with a trowel, and you will see the imprint of the artifact. Attach two pieces of the artifact you have to it; at least one more is missing. Come out of the clearing with stones in the direction of the tent, your mobile starts ringing. This is Emma, ​​she wants to give away the rest of the artifact, because she still values ​​her life a little more than some archaeological antiquities. Take another step forward and pick up the third piece of seal from the path.

From the tent, go to the altar, place all three parts of the seal on it. Then insert the glass from the car headlight into the adjacent stone, and place your palm on the other one in the indicated place. A few special effects, the broken seal will be intact again, take it for yourself (restored artifact). Return to the seven rainbow stones and dig into the trench with a trowel. In the place where the seal print was previously seen. The ground beneath your feet will collapse and you will fall into an underground crypt. Separate niches radiate away from the central cave, where you can once again see all the offerings made. And listen to that same voice! When finished, place the fused artifact on the stone table in the center. Balance has been restored, watch the final video. Congratulations, you have completed the game! And at the same time we learned a lot of interesting things about the famous Barrow Hill.

The main character found himself in the forest at night with a stalled car. It is useless to try to start her. We go straight to the gas station. On the right is the gas station itself, and on the left are rooms for tourists. We go into the gas station building. We knock on the iron door with the sign “Office”. We listen to the speech of a frightened man, whose name, as it turns out later, is Ben.

Let's go to the dining room. There is a note under the cash register, we take it out. It contains the code for the second number. In my case, the code would be 688. Most likely, this number is variable. We go outside. There are someone's things lying around the Mercedes. Let's examine them. Take a book and a marker. Nearby there is a bunch of something incomprehensible. Let's click on it.

We go to room No. 2. We enter the code from the note and go inside. We examine the desk. The first drawer contains a cell phone. The battery is almost empty. The charger is on the cabinet near the bed. Connect the phone to the charger. We read the notes in the room. Having examined every millimeter of the number, we go outside.

There are three plastic buckets near the entrance to the service station. In one of them there is a box of matches. We take it and go to the kitchen.

There is a gas lamp near the entrance. We turn the small lever, click on the lamp, and take out the matches. We take a match and click it on the side of the box. We bring a lit match to the hole in the lamp from which gas comes. Click the right mouse button. The lamp came on. Now we turn to the right. There is a shield on the wall. Let's open it. Repair the fuse as shown in screenshot. Now we go to the hanging cabinet. Open it and take the basket. Under the cabinet, on the table, there are egg cups. We take a couple of pieces. You can listen to the radio that is on the windowsill. After that, we return to the cafe . We approach the cash register. Using a child's scoop, open it and take a few coins.

Now you need to fix the cellular translator. We go out through the emergency exit of the cafe onto the street. We turn left. You should see a fence with a hole. Click the mouse to move one board and climb through. We're at the back of the station. We go along the wall. You must come to the window. If you look into it, you can see a room and a man who has locked himself in the office. Now let's turn around. You should see the broadcaster. Someone had bent the grate at the bottom of the door, so getting through the fence would not be difficult. Open the shield and press the buttons to get into the operating range. Which keys need to be pressed are shown in screenshot.

There is a connection, but it’s too early to call anyone. It's time to take a walk around the area. We follow the path that starts to the right of the maintenance building. It’s dark ahead, so we take out the flashlight that we took from the kitchen and point it at the darkness. We are moving forward all the time. The path ends at a jeep and a couple of blocks of stones. Near the car there is the same pile as a Mercedes. Let's examine it. In it we find a driver's license. There are sheets of paper nearby. We read what is written on them. We take the communicator, which is lying near the sheets. Someone left a radio on the seat of the jeep. It's time to find out how things are going at Barrall Hill Radio. We turn on the receiver and listen to the presenter’s speech. Then we take out the communicator and read the two documents that are in it. One of them contains the code for the lock of the third room. Before leaving, remember the license plate number of the car: in 4 minutes you will really need it. The lock code will be different for everyone. In my case it was 251.

We open the door from number 3 and go inside. A bit strange environment. We study the papers that are scattered in different corners. There is an archaeologist's voice recorder in the desk drawer. Let's listen to all the recordings. There is a case with a combination lock on the table. We remember the jeep number, 4x68578. This is an example that needs to be solved. Multiplying a five-digit number by four, we get the number 274312. We dial these numbers on the case lock. It opens. It turns out that there are documents there. Let's read them. Another important thing in the room is a note under the pillow. It contains the coordinates of the artifact that the scientist hid. You need to get a GPS navigator.

Let's go to Ben. We knock on his door several times. He should give you a piece of paper with the code for the first room. Let's go to the room. There is a GPS navigator there. We take it and go outside. We turn on the device and begin the search for the artifact. The numbers from the note should lead you to the fire extinguisher near the gas pump. We raise it with a mouse click. An artifact appears. Let's take it.

To the right of the Mercedes is a bottle of hair balm. We lift it, take the egg mold, open the lid. The mold will automatically fill with balm. Now let's go to the cafe. There is a salt shaker on the middle table. We lift it and take the mold. The mold will automatically fill with salt.

We go to the archaeologist's jeep. There is a path to the right of the car. Follow it. You will come out to an abandoned house. There is a box lying near the building. Take it, turn right and place it on the barrel. Climb onto it and climb through the window. Go forward. Suddenly you fall down. Look around and find the stairs. Climb up it. Go to the windows. There is an acorn on one of them, take it. Study the notes, look through binoculars. After exploring everything interesting, go downstairs. The door leading to fresh air is padlocked. There is a gas cylinder nearby. Not far from him, on the floor, lies a hose. And in one of the drawers there is a burner. Place the hose on the cylinder and attach the hose to the burner. Open the valve on the cylinder and hold a match to the burner. The flame will melt the castle.

We return to the station. We go to the mailbox, which stands opposite the rooms. Click on the path three times. We turn right. We pick red berries from the piece. Now we need mushrooms. We take out a book about mushrooms that we picked up near the Mercedes. Leafing through the book. Now we go to our car, but stop near the stairs (see screenshot). We climb them. Several mushrooms grow under the tree. We cut one and move further into the forest. We light the way with a flashlight. We find a booklet from opponents of the excavations and an illuminated path. Suddenly the light goes out, and when it comes on, a block of stone appears in front of us. This means that it is too early for us to move forward - we are returning to the station. We go to the second room and take the phone. We turn on the radio and tune it to the clarity of the Barrol Hill radio station. The presenter asks to call her and tell her what time it is. We go outside.

We dial the number 585-21-31. Let's watch the video. It shows a section of terrain familiar to us. We run to the scarecrow that we met on our way back from the jeep. Let's climb over the fence. Underfoot lie the remains of a dog. A hole appeared in the fence near the three-wheeled motorcycle. Let's click on it. She took us to the swamp. We walk along the boards to the trailer from which the presenter was broadcasting. We study the room. Turn on the computer. It requires a password. Enter "Wincey". Open the “My Blog” folder. It says that the radio presenter found part of the artifact and hid it. In the trailer, on the bed, lies a disassembled metal detector. We assemble it as shown in picture. But it won't work: it doesn't have batteries. We return to the service station.

As soon as you get to the gas station, the phone will ring. We listen to Harry's speech. Now let's go to Ben. There is the sound of breaking glass and human screams - something happened to Ben. To get to his room, you need to go around the building from the other side. Think about where you went to turn on your cell phone service. We are going the same way. Wow!. Not only is there no glass, but also no wall. We go into the room. We study everything. Open two desk drawers and take out the batteries along with a stack of blank sheets. Look around and find a door that leads to a courtyard littered with all sorts of things.

Go to the slot machine. Place a coin in it and pull the handle. Play until you come across three identical pictures. For winning you will receive moments. Take them. Go further to the iron barrels. Near them, below, in a cardboard box, there should be glass from a car headlight. Take him. Now go to the fence and lift the wooden ladder. Place it on the roof and climb up. Find the entrance on the roof. Open it and go downstairs. You will find yourself in a garage. There is a wooden door next to you. Open it and go inside. In the room, on the table, there are chess and a can of motor oil. Click on the oil can. Now select an egg mold from the boarding school. The mold will automatically fill with car oil. Now leave the room and go down to the car. There is an exit next to the car.

It's time to go to the swamp. Enter the trailer. Take a metal detector and insert batteries. Not far from the trailer there are the ruins of some building (Most likely a chapel) and a cross. Go there. Turn on the metal detector and explore the ruins. When the arrow of the device twitches, take out the trowel and dig the ground. Look screenshot, it shows the location of the artifact. Now go to the cross and go around it from the side. There is a hiding place on the back wall. Take a trowel and remove a key, a drawing of a spring, and a book from the hiding place.

There is a drinks machine near the mailbox. Buy a drink with pear, blackberry and gooseberry. Now go to the kitchen. There is a mixer near the door. Open the lid. Pour the gooseberry and pear drink into it and pour in the blackberries twice. If you did everything correctly, the liquid will glow. Take the egg cup to the mixer and pour it into the resulting cocktail. Now go to the cutting board. Click on the basket in your inventory so that it appears on the table. Place an acorn, red mushrooms, and red berries in a mortar. Give it a shot. Pour the resulting mixture into an egg mold.

Almost everything is ready. All that remains is to explore the spring. It is located on the road along which you walked to the gas station at the beginning of the game.

We go inside the spring. Turn left. There is a box with a notebook on the stone shelf. Read it. It says that one of the stones needs water from this source. Go further inside. Turn right. You will see another room with a stone circle in the middle. Insert the key found in the swamp into this hole. You have opened a cache with a box. It contains papers with instructions for the ritual associated with the stones. Also among the papers there should be a verse related to the candles of the spring. It contains encrypted instructions for the ritual with candles. First of all, you need to light a blue candle, then a brown one. After you light the candles, take out the egg cup and scoop water into it.

Cross the road and go up the steps into the woods. Turn on the lamp and go forward. Walk past the sign to the archaeological camp. Approach the tent. Turn on the metal detector. On a small hill made of earth, the device should give a signal. Take the trowel and dig up the archaeologist's flask (see screenshot). Open it and take out the egg mold. The alcohol will automatically pour into the mold. Stand as shown in drawing.

Follow the first arrow. You will see a mound. Before the ritual, save the game, because if you make a mistake and put the wrong gift on the stone, then a lightning strike will destroy the treat and you will have to do it again. We move from right to left. Place a mold with white liquid on the first stone, and burgundy liquid on the next one. Then comes light green, orange, dark green, black, blue. Go to the center of the mound. Take a trowel and clear a place for the artifact. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to do anything: we only have two fragments. We return to the archaeological camp. The phone will ring. The radio presenter will say that she wants to give you the missing part of the artifact. We move on to the location with the camp. There should be a third piece right under your feet along with a note. Now you need to turn right and follow the second arrow. Go downstairs. You will come out to three stones. Place the artifact on the lowest stone. Place the headlight glass on the tall rock on the left, then put your hand on the rock on the right. Take the artifact and return to the mound. Go to the center and put the artifact in its place. You will find yourself in an underground hall. Place the artifact on the center stone. Watch the final video.

Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle

Take out your mobile phone to call Emma, ​​the girl from the radio station. Phone number, if you suddenly forgot, 585-21-31. A frightened woman's face will appear on the screen, and then you will see how her beloved dog dies, attacked by an insidious stone. Go to the scarecrow, behind the three-wheeled motorcycle there is a gap in the fence, and you can now go through there. The path will lead to a swamp, where some ruins and Emma's van are located. Head to the van and go inside. On the right side of the bed are parts of a metal detector that has yet to be assembled. Look at the dog's name, it is written on his bowl. Connect to the computer and enter the password, which is the dog's name - Wincey. Launch your browser, view Emma's favorite pages, but most importantly, read her diary, from which it follows that she found a certain artifact.

The game is non-linear.

It is impossible to die in the game.
If you encounter a hunter stone that is blocking the road, there is no need to be scared and run away. This is simply a reminder that the action you have planned is premature and you need to do other things in the meantime. You can even touch the stone - try it.
Today is the day of the autumn equinox. You're driving around Cornwall and listening to the radio, but suddenly... dark forest your car stalls. There is nothing left to do but walk for help.

1. Service station. Meet Ben

Walk along the road and look around.
After a few steps you will see steps on the left, go up - the path leads into the forest, but because of the darkness it is impossible to go further, you need to find a lamp. On the other side of the road there is some kind of stone structure, but without a flashlight it is impossible to see what it is.
Go further, finally, a service station will appear ahead. There is an empty car with the engine running near the gas station. Come closer and pay attention to the Omega-3 hair balm, which lies near some shapeless heap. To the left of the gas station there is a motel with three rooms, closed for combination lock(to go up to the rooms, you need to come close to the bench).
Try to go into the forest between the bench and the green car - it’s dark, you need a lamp.
Walk along the terrace past the rooms and examine the range of drinks machines - one drink costs 50 rubles (pay attention to the color of the coin).
Opposite the motel there is a cafe and office, to the left of them is an annex with toilets. Enter the men's room and take matches from the toilet - they will come in handy.
Walk around the front of the car parked at the gas station and, near another shapeless pile, pick up a blue pencil and a book about mushrooms.
Open the door to the hall, study the posters on the wall and the booklets on the stand. This area is called Barrow Hill. There is a mound around which the ancient Celts placed two circles of ritual stones. Pay attention to the drawing of seven large stones, zoom in and write down their names from left to right: Baligo, Melkah, Dolment, Hammer, Henrik, Gavrok, Cailleach.

One of the booklets tells about the autumn equinox - on this day the Celtic gods descend to earth to receive gifts. At this time, mushrooms called “dreams of dryads” grow in the forest. Open the book about mushrooms (located in the top inventory) and find a picture of these mushrooms - they are bright red.

To the left is a locked door with a barred window. Click on it, and a frightened employee will appear in front of you. Listen to him carefully: these are your further tasks - find and light a lamp, find and turn on a mobile phone.
Go to the hall, go to the cash register and take out the note from under it. It states that you need to take dinner to motel room 2, and contains the lock code (the code in each game is randomly generated, there is no walkthrough). The cash drawer is locked - some kind of tool is needed. Examine the notes on the notice board, go to one of the tables and read the letter. As it turns out, the manager locked in the office is called Ben.

2. Pete Aston's number. We fix the lights in the kitchen and repair the radio broadcaster

3. Conrad Morse's number. Important information

Return to the road and turn left, turn on the lamp and walk forward until you see a stalled jeep. Remember his number: 4X68578. Walk forward and pick up the PDA from the ground. Nearby lies a newspaper with information about the disappearance of a group of workers at an excavation and a piece of paper from a burnt diary. To the right lies another shapeless heap, rummaging through it, you will find the burnt license of Conrad Morse. Click on the PDA in your inventory and read the information about the progress of the excavations. This is the code for lock number 3 at the motel where Conrad is staying. This is also a random number set at the beginning of the game.
Listen to Barrow Hill Radio. Emma is clearly uncomfortable, and she convincingly asks to call her at the studio. There is no signal here, we need to return to the station.
Go back and open motel room 3. Scattered throughout the room are drawings and pages from Conrad Morse's diary. Open the right desk drawer and take out the voice recorder. Turn it on by pressing the blue button and listen to all the recordings (you can switch them with the “+” button). Morse says he found a fragmented artifact on the mound and hid the fragments in various places.
Look at the table - there is a suitcase with a combination lock.
Take the burnt piece of paper out from under the pillow: Morse writes that one of the fragments of the artifact can be found using GPS, and gives the coordinates: 2778.446, 7854.445. When you raise your head, something large flashes outside the window for a moment.
There are scraps of paper in the trash can under the sink. Put them together and you can read the following: “I changed the lock code on my case using my Jeep's license plate number.”
The jeep number, in case you forgot, is 4X68578. Obviously, the letter "X" is a multiplication sign. If you multiply the numbers, you get 274312, this is the lock code.
Read all the documents in the suitcase and look at the photographs in the envelope.
Morse ordered a soil analysis from eight pits.

1st pit – oil
2nd pit – fruits (blackberries 2 times, gooseberries, pears)
3rd pit – bones of fish Melanogrammus Aeglefinus and Gadidae
4th pit (in a separate document) – seeds of a tree of the Quercus family, red berries and mushrooms
5th pit – barley
6th pit – sodium chloride (sodium chloride)
7th pit – nothing, but was often used to store liquids
8th pit – bones and charcoal.

Match this information with the entries in Pete Aston's diary (it indicates the order of the excavations). You should get something like this:

Melkach's soil contained oil, Gavrok's had a mixture of fruits, Baligo's had fish bones, Dolment's had a mixture of plants and mushrooms, Molot's had barley, Cailleach's had sodium chloride, Henrik's had liquid.

Go outside.

4. Radio station in the swamp. Assembling a metal detector and looking for artifacts

It's time to talk to the radio station host. When you get through, you will see a video of Emma's dog throwing herself onto a huge stone. Then only screams are heard, and the picture on the phone takes on the appearance of a starry sky. We need to find the station and find out what happened.
Return to the forest and go left to the garden scarecrow, turn right (poor Vincey!) and go up the steps.
You will come out into the swamp. The lights of a radio station are visible in the distance. Use the boards to cross the swamp and go to the trailer.
Near the entrance there is a dog bowl with the inscription “Wincey”, behind it is a box from a metal detector (on the box it is written that the detector comes without batteries), the detector itself lies in a disassembled state on the bed.

Assemble the detector as follows: take a wire and attach it to the tube, then attach a small triangular part to the left end of the tube, and a small dumbbell-shaped part to the right end of the tube. Attach the power supply to the right end of the tube, and the ring to the left end of the tube. You won't be able to take the detector with you yet, because... it doesn't have batteries.

There is a shelf with mushrooms nearby, take a closer look - these are not the mushrooms you are looking for (you need red ones).
There is a computer on the left, the password is obvious - “Wincey”.
Read the information in the My Blog file: Emma found part of the artifact and hid it somewhere nearby. Click on the “Favorites” tab and explore the sites Emma visited. A very useful site is on the last line of the list - it provides translations of various terms. It turns out that everything is simple: Melanogrammus Aeglefinus and Gadidae are cod and haddock, Quercus is oak, sodium chloride is salt.
We need to return to the station and look for batteries for the detector, and at the same time the GPS.
Walk into the hall and you will hear Ben's wild screams, glass breaking and crashing. Look through the window on the door - there is no one inside. Leave the office and go around the back, moving the board in the fence near the playground. The outer wall of the building is destroyed, Ben has disappeared. To the left of the entrance there are screens with CCTV cameras. Watch the footage and you will see a car pull up to a gas station and two people get out. Suddenly a huge stone appears from the darkness, and instead of people there are shapeless heaps. Horror... That's what you dug into!
There is a closet to the right of the entrance. Open the top drawer - there is a note with the code for the door of room 1 in the motel - a random number given at the beginning of the game.
Go to the table, check the drawers, take the batteries and clean paper. Open the door to the left of the table to avoid taking a detour, and you will find yourself in the hall.
Go to room 1, open the door and look at the wall next to the night light. There's a small device hanging here - it's a GPS.

Go outside and turn on the device. Approach the fire extinguisher near the abandoned car - the GPS will show the exact numbers indicated by Conrad Morse. Click on the fire extinguisher, lift it and take away the fragment of the round seal.

Return to the radio station. Insert batteries into the detector - now you can look for an artifact hidden nearby.
Walk along the boards to the destroyed wall - these are the remains of an old cemetery. Turn on the metal detector and look under the wall among the bushes - there is something under the stones. Dig up the ground with a trowel and take out the second part of the artifact.

Turn around and pay attention to the cross. Go around it - there is a cache on the other side. Use a trowel on it and take out a large key from the niche (it will go into your inventory), a drawing of a spring and an old book in which we're talking about about the ritual.

5. Collecting gifts for ritual stones

Get out onto the road and go right to the accident site. Find a passage into the forest on the left and follow it to the old stable. Check the doors - they are closed. Go around the stable, take the box, turn right and place it on the barrel. Climb through the window.

Go to the table, but the floor will collapse and you will fall down. Turn on the lamp and climb up the stairs. Examine the leaflets on the table - this is the headquarters of protesters against excavations. Turn left and take Trevor Spencer's diary from one of the windows. He writes that something strange is happening on the mound, and at night one of the stones began to disappear somewhere. You can look through binoculars, and in the light of the moon you will see ritual stones - there are six of them. Take the acorn from the other window and go downstairs.

The door is padlocked from the inside, but there is a gas cylinder nearby. Look down and to the left of the cylinder, pick up the hose. Turn around and find a burner in one of the drawers. Hang the hose on the cylinder, on it - the burner, turn the valve on the cylinder and bring a match to the burner. The castle is cut off, you can move on.

Return to the station and go to the room where Ben was hiding.
There is a door to the right of the table, open it and go out into the backyard, which is littered with all sorts of rubbish.
To the right of the door is slot machine. Take the money from your inventory and throw it into the coin acceptor. Press the handle until you win - the prize will be coins that can be used to buy drinks.
From the door, walk forward one step and turn right. Go to the gray sofa and look down - there is a car headlight here, take it with you.

Turn around and pick up the broken ladder. Turn right, place it against the roof and climb into the attic.

Turn right and open the door. Look at the table - there is an oil can next to the chessboard. Take the egg cup out of your inventory, click on the lever on the oil can and pour oil - the element for the first stone has been found (Chalk).

Go downstairs, remove the latch on the door and go out into the yard.
Go to the drinks machine, throw a coin into the coin slot and click on the pictures of blackberries, pears and gooseberries. Take three cans and go to the kitchen.
There is a mixer near the door. Open the lid, in the inventory click on the gooseberries and pears once, and on the blackberries twice (as was written in Morse’s instructions). If everything is correct, the liquid in the mixer will glow. Bring the egg cup to the mixer and pick up the offering for the second stone (Gavrok).

Return to the yard and approach the abandoned car. Lift up the Omega 3 hair conditioner, open the lid and pour into the egg cup - this is a gift for the third stone (Baligo).

Now you need to collect the fruits for the fourth stone.
You already have an oak seed (acorn). You need to look for red berries and red Dryad's Dream mushrooms.
Get out onto the road and go right towards your car. Three steps from the red mailbox, turn right, there is an active point near the large tree. Take a closer look and pick the red berries from the branch.

From the tree, walk forward six steps and turn right - there are steps in front of you. Go upstairs, turn on the lamp and take the red mushrooms into the basket.

Return to the kitchen and go to the cutting board. Click on the basket in your inventory and all the fruits you have collected will automatically appear on the board. Place red mushrooms, acorns and red berries in a mortar. Crush, place the resulting mixture in an egg cup - the element for the fourth stone (Dolment) is ready.

Go out to the cafe, go to the table by the window. Move aside the menu and take the salt shaker. Pour salt into the egg cup - a gift for the fifth stone (Cailleach).

It's time to explore the spring - it is located on the road to your car.
First, illuminate the monolith to the right of the entrance. Take the paper from your inventory and attach it to the monolith. Translate the inscription with a pencil onto a sheet of paper - you will find out that the spring is named in honor of Saint Anneka. Go downstairs and find a box on the left at the entrance containing a visiting book. The last entry confirms your suspicions - the stone named Henrik needs water from this spring.
Go into the hall, in front of you is a source with five candles. Turn right, there is a round hole in the wall. Insert the key you found in the cache in the swamp into it and turn right.
You have opened a cache in which there is a small box. Read all the documents one by one. The first leaf is a page from an old book that you saw in a hiding place in the swamp. The second sheet contains instructions for the ritual of restoring balance: first you need to shine the lens through one of the stones, and then put your palm on the other stone.

The third drawing is a poem that encrypts the order of lighting candles to get magical water.

Ah, Anneka, Anneka,
Descended from Heaven
To our holy LAND,
Bless us with holy water,
So that our souls will rise again.

Obviously, you need to focus on color: first you need to light a blue candle (sky), and then a brown one (earth).
Once you have done this, take out the egg cup and scoop out the water. The gift for the sixth stone (Henrik) is ready.

As you remember, in Trevor Spencer's diary it was written that Morse lost his flask of whiskey at the excavation site (whiskey is a spirit made from barley). It's time to explore the forest near the excavation site.
Cross the road and go up the steps to the path where you saw the magic mushrooms. Turn on the lamp, count two steps forward from the mushrooms and turn left. Walk past the sign to the path to the archaeologists' camp.
To the left of the path there are four stones in a row, illuminated by spotlights. Take a closer look at the first stone - there is some kind of image on it. Take a sheet of paper from your inventory and draw the drawing with a pencil. Use the same piece of paper (it is in the upper inventory) and transfer images from all the remaining stones onto it. After this you will receive a hint.

Go forward to the tent. Turn on the metal detector, go to the sieve and use the trowel on the pile of earth to the left of it - you will dig up a flask. Unscrew the lid and take out the egg cup. The final offering (Hammer) is ready.

6. Restoring balance

Stand so that there is a sieve in front of you. If you go forward, you will come to a mound with seven stones, if you go left, then to three stones.

From left to right from the entrance (based on the clue on the poster in the lobby):
Baligo - balm, Melkah - butter, Dolment - a mixture of mushrooms and berries, Hammer - whiskey, Henrik - water, Gavrok - fruit juice, Cailleach - salt.
The difficulty is that the egg cups are mixed up, and the easiest way to navigate is by color. So, from left to right: blue, black, dark green, yellow, light green, burgundy, white.

Go to the excavation (where the shovel is) and use the trowel on the ground. There's room for an artifact here, but you only have two pieces so far.
Go back and Emma will call you. She will say that she brought the last part of the artifact. Step forward and pick up the missing piece from the path.
(If you do not fulfill all the conditions and immediately go to the excavation site and place the debris in the excavation site, the game will end.)
Head to the group of three stones. The order of the ritual is as follows: first place the fragments in the altar stone (it is flat and there is a round depression in the center), then place the headlight in the high stone on the left, and finally go to the stone on the right and put your hand on it.
Take the restored artifact, return to the mound and dig out the ground with a trowel.
You will fall down. Place the artifact on the central stone and watch the final video.

Copying of material is permitted only with the indication of the author of the passage, known on the Internet as Julia-10

Matt Clark's debut adventure differs from most quests, where all events, as a rule, are strictly linked into a single chain, but is distinguished by its non-linear progression, so many actions in the game can be done in any order. The sequence suggested below is just one of many options. Also, almost all locations are immediately available for your exploration, with the exception of several closed areas. While wandering around the neighborhood of Barrow Hill, try to pay attention to any details; an item found and placed in your inventory will definitely come in handy later (there are simply no extra ones) or a personal note will contain a hint for finding a key or even a code for a locked door. By the way, some of the codes in the game are generated randomly, so it is not at all necessary that the sets of numbers indicated below will work for you too. So let's begin:

In the rural wilderness of Cornwall, far from the noise of the city and civilization, on a dark night your car stalls for some unknown reason. Try to walk along the road between two large stones - the force field will not let you through. It turns out that someone (or something) really doesn't want you to leave this place. Note the porcini mushrooms on the right, then continue along the road. There are steps leading to the left, and at the very top there is a footpath sign, but it is dark there, so you can’t get through without additional lighting. On the right, the path descends to an ancient stone structure (there is a water source inside), the entrance to which will also need to be illuminated later. Return to the main road and go to the gas station. On the left, look carefully at the red mailbox, take out Elsie’s postcard to Marianne from it. The text mentions the autumnal equinox, as well as a telecommunications tower for cell phone communications, this information will be very useful in the future. Go around the motel, there are three locked rooms and a machine selling cans of drinks.

There is a car with the engine running near the pump, but no people are visible around. Near the right rear tire, look at the Omega 3 Regeneration Hair Tonic lying on the ground. Examine the things piled near the open door. Take a blue pencil (wax crayon) as a souvenir, and from the pile of soil on the right, an encyclopedia book on mushrooms, Cornish Fungi Kingdom. In the inventory it will change its name to Fungus Guide. Now go to the toilet, there is nothing interesting here, except perhaps for a box of matches that lie on the toilet in the men's section. Be sure to take them with you. Come inside the Service Station and carefully study all the information regarding the Barrow Hills stones, leafing through postcards and looking at the drawings. In particular, you will learn a lot of interesting things about myths and demons, mystical mushrooms, what names the stones have: Baligo, Melkah, Dolment, Hammer stone, Henrik, Gavrok, Cailleach. On the right, next to the basket of food, there will be a box of postcards. This is a classic puzzle that you can assemble from small pieces, although it is not at all important for completion. Knock on the door marked Office, from where the sounds of a clearly frightened person can be heard. The face of Ben, the station manager, will appear in the door window, and he will report that someone is watching him. Visit this guy often for tips, his monologues are random.

Go to a cafe, go to the cash register and take out a piece of paper from under it. This is a note to Ben from George, it contains the code to the 2nd room in the motel. It's always different so you'll have to read it yourself, mine was 754. Read the notes on the notice board, there are also some business cards with phone numbers. Go to the kitchen, the door is to the left of the cash register. It’s dark here, even if you gouge out your eyes, but there is a lamp at arm’s length. It stands on the table on the right, yellow. To light it, you must first turn the lever on the lid to the right, then turn the lamp with the nozzle towards you. Take out a box of matches, take one out of it, strike it on the box and light the nozzle. Take the lamp into your inventory (lantern), now it can be used to get into dark and previously inaccessible areas. Turn around and open the fuse panel. The instructions on the left say that the fourth is responsible for the light in the kitchen. Press the button at the bottom to turn off the power, then remove the fourth fuse (counting from the left). Open it, and that's it - the contact is broken. Take a roll of wire tucked behind the panel at the top, rewind the fuse, assemble it and insert it into place. Press the button below, let there be light!

Look out the window and see the top of a telecommunications tower. Listen to the radio, you need to tune it to frequency 15. You will hear a broadcast from Emma Harry, a local radio presenter whose station is nearby. She will tell her her phone number, but the interference will not allow her to make it out clearly. Open the cabinet next to the poster and take the wicker basket from there. Under the cabinet there is a box with egg cups, take them for yourself. Before going outside, talk to Bob again, and then open door N-2 at the motel. Look at the map above the table, you can find the location of the stones: four stand on the road to the main circle, which in turn consists of seven cobblestones. Listen to the radio on frequency 15, take a trowel from the green toolbox on the table, and a mobile phone from the right drawer of the table. It is completely discharged, put it in the charger on the nightstand next to the bed. You hear the sound of a car driving away, you can go check, but the car is already gone. Return to your room and pick up your charged phone. Read a magazine about Pete Aston's archaeological excavations lying on the bed. From here you will know which hole corresponds to which stone.

Go outside and go to the back entrance of the cafe, near which there is a swing. There will be a wooden fence nearby, bend the board, go around the building and look into the kitchen through the window. Then walk past the trash cans (are you scared?!.) and look out the office window, where you will see Ben. Turn around, read the newspaper hanging from the tank, and approach the grate of the telecommunications tower. It is padlocked, but you can easily enter the protected area through the large hole underneath. Approach the tower, open the box and pay attention to the operating frequencies of the station - between 830 and 865. Open the small door on which this is written, you will see ten buttons in two rows and the number on the display 717. It is necessary to press the buttons (some increase, others decrease frequency), set the number in the specified range. For example, like this: in the right row, press the top, middle and bottom buttons, and in the left row only the bottom one. It should be 862. The phone is now working, so you can call the numbers that were listed on the board in the cafe. There will be no particular benefit from the calls, but during a new conversation, Ben will share fresh information. At the same time, he will hand over a piece of paper with the code for motel room N-1. It's always random, I got 454.

Enter the road with the Barrow Hill Service Station sign, face it and go right. Examine the red telephone booth; the receiver is disconnected, and some muffled sounds are coming from it. And God bless them, go further along the road, stopping at the sign. Examine the scarecrow and the three-wheeled motorcycle. Further along the road you will see a smoking jeep with the number 4x 68578. This number will still play a role. Try to walk between two stones, but an invisible barrier (similar to the one next to your car) will not let you through. Take the radio from the driver's seat of the car and tune it to frequency 15, 3. This time you will definitely hear the number of the radio station, which is located in Barrow Hill: 585-21-31. Don’t try to call from here, nothing will work anyway, there is no signal. Examine the objects lying around in disarray near the jeep. Take out Morse Conrad's driver's license from a pile of dirt, look through a piece of newspaper and a note, leaf through a book with beautiful photographs of local attractions, sorry not in color. Pick up the pocket PDA. Call him from your inventory and look at the three cameras installed at the excavations, as well as Conrad's notes, he will indicate the code for his door (3) in the motel - 273. You will probably have a completely different number.

To the left of the jeep there is a passage between the stones that will lead to an abandoned barn. The doors are closed, but we are not looking for easy ways. Take the box on the left, place it on the barrel and climb into the window under the roof. It appears that this attic serves as a hideout for opponents of the excavation. Take a couple of steps towards the table, the floor will treacherously fall apart and you will fall down. Turn on the lamp and look around. Go up the stairs, examine the objects on the table, then take an acorn from one of the windows and binoculars from the other. With its help you can see the stones on the hill. Get down, it's time to get out. The front door is locked with a padlock, which we will now cut off. Take a rubber tube on the floor next to the barrel, and a gas torch from the box in the cart. Look at the gas cylinder, attach a tube to it, and a gas burner to it. Release the gas by opening the valve, take out the matches and light the burner nozzle. Get out and go back to the jeep and then to the gas station.

Take out your mobile phone to call Emma, ​​the girl from the radio station. Phone number, if you suddenly forgot, 585-21-31. A frightened woman's face will appear on the screen, and then you will see how her beloved dog dies, attacked by an insidious stone. Go to the scarecrow, behind the three-wheeled motorcycle there is a gap in the fence, and you can now go through there. The path will lead to a swamp, where some ruins and Emma's van are located. Head to the van and go inside. On the right side of the bed are parts of a metal detector that has yet to be assembled. Look at the dog's name, it is written on his bowl. Connect to the computer and enter the password, which is the dog's name - Wincey. Launch your browser, view Emma's favorite pages, but most importantly, read her diary, from which it follows that she found a certain artifact. To the right of the console is a panel with cassettes, you can listen to them all. And a little to the right is a cabinet with pots in which mushrooms grow. According to the reference book I found earlier, the mushrooms in the left pot on the bottom shelf are Liberty cap, and the one on the right is Destroying angel. Take a copy to your cart.

Go out into the swamp and go to the ruins of the church. There is nothing interesting in the ruins themselves, but the cross in front of them is of interest, and quite a lot at that. Go around it, knock off the plate at the base with a trowel and take the metal artifact from the secret niche. There is also a drawing and an old book here. Return to the motel.

Go to the wooden table, it is to the right of the 3rd motel room. Go deeper into the forest, use the lamp to see the sign put up by opponents of the excavation. At the base of the sign, look at the pile of dirt and posters, and to the right of it, look for someone's lost shoe on the ground. Turn right and forward twice, you will see a sign indicating a walking trail. You go to the right, you will come across stones in a row on the left and lamps illuminating them on the right. In this place there are frequent attacks by the killer stone, which does not discriminate between people and kills everyone. If the lamps go out and a huge boulder appears in front of you, then this is it. Do not touch him, but rather quickly leave this place. The stone appears randomly in different places on the hill. After some time, go back (the stone should disappear, if not, then do other things) and continue along the road. Examine the tent (the newspaper is the only interesting object here) and the sieve for sifting the soil. Further, the road will lead to the most important place in history - seven large stones of bizarre shape, displayed in a clearing in the form of a circle. While you can't do anything with them, return to the tent. The path to the right of it stretches to another group of stones, among which is an altar. Between the two stones there is also an invisible field blocking the road. Studying the surface of the stones, you will come across a handprint on one, and on the altar itself you will find a depression. For what? Everything has its time.

Return to the service station, it's time to visit the remaining motel rooms that you have access to. Bob should have told you the code to room N-1, and the code for room N-3 was written into the PDA that was lying next to the broken jeep. Look into the third room, all the walls of which are full of strange writings and are hung with eerie pictures. It feels like some maniac whiled away his nights here. Take a piece of paper from under the pillow, it mentions a broken seal, one part of which can be found using GPS (exact coordinates are also indicated). Take the torn piece of paper out of the bucket and fold the text out of it: . This means that the code for the suitcase should tell you the number of the jeep. Go to the table with the suitcase, open the drawer and take out the voice recorder from it, listen to all the archaeologist’s recordings by clicking on. He will talk about the artifacts that are part of the seal. The last entry will mention a guardian stone that has awakened and begun its hunt. Now let's open the suitcase. Remember the jeep number (4x68578), to get the required code you need to multiply 4 by 68578. You get 274312, enter this code and study all the documents inside. It describes the various organic substances or objects that were most often found in the studied trenches. For example, barley seeds were found in the fifth, and remains of berries and mushrooms were found in the fourth. This will help in identifying the gift that needs to be brought to each of the stones.
Now go to the first room. Here you need to pick up the tracking device (GPS Unit) from the stand to the left of the stepladder. Select it in your inventory, activate it and go to the speakers. The device will show the exact numbers when you approach the fire extinguisher on a pole next to a running car. Take a closer look at it, lift it and take away the artifact (it looks like a fragment of a plate or saucer). GPS can be turned off.

Enter the station premises and go to the office door. The sound of broken glass will be heard behind her, after which Ben's muttering will stop. I wonder what happened there, and where did our only interlocutor go so far? Go around the building, you will come across a broken window and a destroyed wall. Go through this gap into the office, look at the security camera recordings. You will see how the guardian stone dealt with its victims. Look at the filing cabinet on the left; in the top drawer there is a note with the code for room N-1, however, now this is no longer relevant. From the second, take out a bottle of whiskey and study its composition: barley and clean water. The third keeps another note, this time regarding a non-functioning soda can vending machine. Go to the table in the corner and take batteries from one table drawer and sheets of paper from the other. Unlock the lock on the door, go outside and head to Emma's house in the swamp.

Go into the trailer and start assembling the detector. You need to connect all the parts, see the picture for a hint: attach the wire to the tube, attach the ring to the left end of the tube, and the battery box to the right, and two more small parts as connections at the ends of the tube. Now insert the batteries, the metal detector is ready to use. Before starting the search, you can do a little more digging in the computer, the password remains the same. Read again the page about scientific names - common-scientific-names.co.uk. Comparing with the data from the notes in the hotel suitcase, we get that sodium chloride - salt (salt), alt (tea, what's the juice? give the password to the computer and read the house on the swamp. selling cans of drinks. cabbage soup yes,

Let's start looking for items that will need to be donated to the stones. We’ve already found two types of mushrooms (in pots in a trailer in the swamp), so let’s take the third one for company. It grows next to a telephone booth, and is called, according to the reference book, false death cap. Continue along the main road and forward three times after the letter box at the gas station. On the right, take the red berries. Continue to the end and grab the mushroom near your car (shaggy ink cap). Opposite the stone structure to the right of the road (now you have a lamp, you can go down into the cave to the source of water) there are steps going up. Follow them upward, turn on the lamp, forward a few more times, pick a mushroom with a red head (dryad slumber) on the right. Visit the archaeologists' camp, turn on the metal detector next to the tent and look at the swing with a sieve for sifting earth. Using a trowel, dig into the pile on the left and you will see a flask. Take it and use the egg cup on it from inventory. Get ready to encounter ancient magic: a voice that appears from nowhere will say: . There is nowhere to go, it will have to be restored. At the same time, an egg cup filled with whiskey (whisky offering) will appear in your inventory (top). You will find the last mushroom halfway to the altar stone. You need to look to the right of the steps, where you can see mushrooms with yellow caps (parasol mushroom).

Return to the gas station, go to the cafe. From the table next to the back door (on the right, by the window), move the menu to the side and take the salt shaker. Pour salt into the egg cup to get a salt offering. Use a trowel to hack the cash register and take one pound coins. Go to the office, to the right of the desk there is a door that leads to the backyard. We haven't appeared here yet. Turn around and look at the little one. Insert a coin into the machine, pull the handle several times and collect the 50p coins that fall out. Grab the glass from the headlight (lens) from the box, lift the ladder, place it on the roof and climb up. There, move along the tiles to the left, lift the lid and go down into the garage. Look at the table with the chessboard and pour oil from the oil can into the egg cup, get an oil offering. Again the voice-over will report about the balance that must be restored: Yes, we already know.

To leave the garage, you need to go down the stairs to the basement and remove the hickey on the door next to the car. Next, go to the drink machine next to the motel and throw coins into it to get three cans. With blackberries, gooseberries and pears. You can also buy an apple, but you won't need it. Turn around and go to the Mercedes. Near the right rear wheel, pick up a bottle of Omega 3 Regeneration (note the marine enhanced note), use an egg cup on it and pour some of the contents. So much for the fish offering. There must be a balance: the ghost literally following on your heels does not want to change the record.

Do you like to cook? But you have to! Go to the kitchen, where you go to the blender. The note said there should be twice as many blackberries. Well, pour the blackberry drink from the can into the blender twice. Makes one liter. Now add the pear and gooseberries, bringing the volume to two liters, the liquid will light up. Use an egg cup. Receive a fruit juice offering, and a familiar voice will sing a famous song: about balance: Now go to the stove, opposite it is a cutting board. Place a basket of mushrooms and berries on it. Place red berries, an acorn, and a red dryad slumber mushroom in a mortar. Use a pestle to mix the contents. Pour into egg cup, get plant mixture offering. If other ingredients were mixed by mistake, you can always try again.

Now we go to the source next to our own stalled car, where all the troubles began. Go down to the grotto, but don't go into it yet. Light the flat stone at the entrance and use paper and pencil on it to sketch the text. Inside the grotto, on the left in the box, there is a book for visitors' impressions, which will help expand their horizons about this place. Go to the wall with candles and then to the left, study the drawings on the wall. In the niche opposite, insert the metal artifact into the round panel on the wall. On the right, a stone slab will move to the side, and a box will appear behind it. Open, inside the coins, drawings, a book page, prompting the ritual. Go to the candles and light them in this order: first the blue one (the left one in the second row) and then the gray one (the right one in the bottom row). The music will start, fill the egg cup with water. The seventh and final blessed water offering is ready.

It's time to restore balance. Head to the four stones on the road illuminated by lamps. Attach a piece of paper to each of the four stones, then use a pencil to create sketches. The same sheet must be applied all the time; after the first use, it will appear in the top menu. As a result, in the picture you will be able to see a ray of light that passes through one of the stones and falls on the altar. Now make offerings to each of the seven stones using the gift-filled egg cups. Baligo - fish (fish), Melkah - oil (oil), Dolment - plant (plants), Hammer - barley (barley), Henrik - water (water), Gavrok - fruit (fruit), Cailleach - salt (salt). If the offering is chosen accurately, you will hear a voice and a rainbow will appear above the stone. If it is incorrect, then you can try something else, only in this case you will have to prepare the missing gift again. Look at the dug hole, rummage in it with a trowel, and you will see the imprint of the artifact. Attach two pieces of the artifact you have to it; at least one more is missing. Come out of the clearing with stones in the direction of the tent, your mobile starts ringing. This is Emma, ​​she wants to give away the rest of the artifact, because she still values ​​her life a little more than some archaeological antiquities. Take another step forward and pick up the third piece of seal from the path.

From the tent, go to the altar, place all three parts of the seal on it. Then insert the glass from the car headlight into the adjacent stone, and place your palm on the other one in the indicated place. A few special effects, the broken seal will be intact again, take it for yourself (restored artifact). Return to the seven rainbow stones and dig into the trench with a trowel. In the place where the seal print was previously seen. The ground beneath your feet will collapse and you will fall into an underground crypt. Separate niches radiate away from the central cave, where you can once again see all the offerings made. And listen to that same voice! When finished, place the fused artifact on the stone table in the center. Balance has been restored, watch the final video. Congratulations, you have completed the game! And at the same time we learned a lot of interesting things about the famous Barrow Hill.

WalkthroughStem-versions of the game with localization from "PrometheusProject»

Gameplay Features

Control in the game is carried out exclusively with the mouse - by clicking the left mouse button (LMB) on the modified cursor.

The menu option is located in the upper area of ​​the screen and is opened by hovering the cursor over this area and clicking LMB. Menu has a set of standard options.

Inventory is located in the lower area of ​​the screen, and is opened by hovering the cursor over this area. To view an item in your inventory, you need to hover the cursor over it and right-click (RMB).

Preservation The progress achieved in the game is made manually in the selected slot. Save folder ( The Dark Path) is located at the address (for Windows 7 ): CUsersUser(or assigned username) → Saved Game.

About the game

The game is a direct sequel Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle. Events in it develop ten years after the incident in a place called Barrow Hill.

About the guide

The game is non-linear and can be completed in different sequences of actions. The given guide describes the actions, the step-by-step implementation of which will allow you to complete the entire game. Collection necessary items described for each individual task. By default, it is assumed that players have sufficiently explored the game locations, but in some cases the direction of movement is indicated.

    Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the text of the walkthrough. To view pop-up screenshots, click on the links highlighted in dark red in the text.


Commented by Emma Harry fromBarrow Hill Radioconveying the latest news, main character, a journalist, travels by car to an old grove in the woods of Cornwall. Emma remembers the people who disappeared ten years ago and the ancient forces that have awakened. The journalist's car stops in front of a service station, the territory of which is fenced with a metal fence.

Let's get into the game.

Enter the territory of a car service station

Place of remembrance

We return to the car (LMB click on the cursor in the form of an arrowhead).

We turn the radio tuning knobs (LMB click on the arrows on the left and right), switch channels. On the Classic channel we listen to a curt message from Gus Beven: “We need help... she's coming for us... we're at the Barrow Hill auto repair shop.”

We get out of the car (click on the diagonal arrow “to the right”).

Let's take a step forward.

A mobile phone rings.

We move the cursor to the bottom area of ​​the screen and open the inventory. We click LMB on the phone, accept a call from Mia Kendell.

Connection is cutting off. Mia, hearing the sounds of singing in the distance, continues to run away from something that is chasing her.

We bring our gaze closer (when hovering over an object, the cursor takes the form of a magnifying glass) to an improvised altar with burning candles. We look at the right edge of the altar. We take the box of MATCHES (when you hover over the box, the cursor takes the form of an arrowhead).

Exit the approach (LMB click on the “back” arrow). Move away from the edge of the altar (two clicks of the LMB on the “back” arrow). We move the cursor over the red candle, and it takes the form of crossed instruments. Open the inventory, click LMB on the box of MATCHES, drag them onto the candle. Press LMB again and take the LIT CANDLE with you. We exit the approach (LMB click on the “back” arrow), move away from the table (two more LMB clicks on the “back” arrow). Let's go: right, step forward, left. We climb through manhole in the fence.

Exercise done.

Supply electricity to the car service station

Near the car service station

We turn left. Let's take a closer look at the electric shield. We see that you need a key to open the electrical panel.

Move away, turn right, take a step forward

The phone rings again.

We accept the challenge.

Mia calls again. She says she doesn't believe her brother Ben, who disappeared ten years ago, is dead. The girl wants to figure this out.

Let's take a step forward. Turn left and climb over fence, and we find ourselves in the courtyard of the repair bay (garage).


Let's move along DIAGONAL left arrow. We go forward and open the office door. Let's look closer to table, we take the KEY from the electrical panel. We move away from the table and leave the office. We turn right. We accept calls by phone.

Mia calls. She talks about how she, along with Gus and Ollie, were “hunting.” Mia created a pentagram and made a sacrifice, but the Dark Path did not help. The girl asks to get them out of the trap they fell into. Mia reports seeing an "old tractor."

We take a step forward and turn left in front of the pyramid of stones.

We take a step forward to the barrel in which the fire is burning, and we take another step towards the dolmen.

We see a flash of light and hear a scream.

Making our way through manhole to the cave.


We hear a cell phone signal. Let's go forward. Let's look closer to apparatus, we answer a call from Emma, ​​who believes she is talking to Mia.

Emma advises Mia to leave everything as it is and not try to find out what happened to Ben. Seeing that she is not talking to Mia, Emma turns off the device.

We notice that our cell phone has disappeared, and instead of it we have Mia's phone.

    Note. The guide conditionally omits exploration of the cave for now. All the necessary information available here, as well as items needed to solve other problems, will be studied, and items will be obtained by performing specific actions. Mia is invited to study the information contained in her cell phone on her own.

Let's look closer to candles, burning on the right, near the computer.

We take the FLASHLIGHT and the DARK PATH BOOK. We move away, turn around and leave the cave. We turn left and walk one step forward into the forest. Apply to active zone FLASHLIGHT, follow one movement forward.

At an intersection with four directions of travel (there are two road signs near the trees), we turn around. We answer the phone call.

EmmaXArry says that he believes that we will be able to convey to people the information that during excavations ten years ago ancient forces were awakened, and that it is necessary to restore the balance that existed before that.

Turn left, make one move forward, and go down the steps. Let's go along diagonal arrow to the left. Next, we make two movements straight (we pass by telephone booth), then: → . We find ourselves near our car. We follow: → → ← (we make our way through the hole).

Near the car service station

We turn left and bring our gaze closer to the electrical panel. We open it with the KEY and solve the puzzle: connect three colored wires to the terminals on the left and right.

We create three electrical circuits and supply energy to the car service station.

Exercise done.
