What to do in Skyrim? Walkthrough of the main story of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Skyrim map is actually not Bethesda's largest.

The game is finally available on PS4 and Xbox One. I bought it, put it into the console, and then it started...

Now I’ll quickly tell you everything and go back to chop. But first, a photo.

This box is from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind I kept it for 13 years to get into the historical frame.

By the way, the first game I bought with my pocket money. I am still amazed at the quality of the translation and voice acting - in those days both were in Russia knew how to do it with dignity. The game is not even pirated, which was considered shameful back then.

How things have changed. One thing remains the same - coolness The series Elder Scrolls, now the fifth part.

What's new in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

For those who have not played Skyrim, I advise you to scroll through and read what the point is. Well, for the rest - technical information about the re-release of one of best games the last decade.

Firstly, a game available for the first time on PlayStation 4 And Xbox One. Original version 2011 supported PS3 and Xbox 360, was terribly slow and virtually unplayable. Now most of us have a PS4 (if not, I recommend it) or an Xbox One, powerful PCs have become expensive and not really needed, there’s not much to play in the fall and winter - in general, the perfect time to release one cool thing. No brakes...

Secondly, V new version noticeably better graphics. Now I’ll fill you with terms, put your palms up. Added advanced lighting effects, depth of field, shading for flora (get it? Get it?), improved texture resolution, reduced contrast for a more realistic picture, increased saturation of natural colors, changed water shader...

Briefly speaking. The game has become more beautiful. On Xbox One and PlayStation 4 it comes in FullHD resolution, 1080p, that is, everything looks clear.

Third, All add-ons (DLC) and patches are included here. That is, this is the most complete, most thoughtful, most complete version of Skyrim from the developers' point of view. Many bugs were actually fixed, but at the same time the funniest or most useful ones were deliberately left out. Be sure to run up to the local giants and wait a couple of seconds. I give bonus points if you name the character Gagarin in advance.

Fourthly, the game supports mods. That is, you can download improvements, additions, hacks and even changes gameplay directly from the browser in the game itself - and change everything that happens in Skyrim beyond recognition. In this regard, the version for Xbox One, not to mention PC, wins: it supports mods with the addition of new models and textures.

It is worth remembering that the game without mods is still huge and gorgeous. All these are rather “cheats” and entertainment for those who have already completed the storyline and quests.

Finally, fifthly, A fully localized version of Skyrim is being sold in Russia. That is, yes, full translation into Russian: all the voices, all the text, all the menus, everything in general. You don't need to know English.

But personally I prefer English speaking version, fortunately you can always enable it in the settings. Our voice acting is too pompous, with strange intonation in places. Plus the books and sometimes the text of the subtitles are not translated quite correctly, but these are nitpicks of a fan.

Skyrim Special Edition available for PS4 and Xbox One in digital version, as well as on discs in stores in your city. I took the disc, but I recommend taking the digital one, because you don’t need to worry about the safety of the “blank” after playing 200+ hours (1/3 of the game).

You can find the PC version on Steam, everything is as usual. If you used to play on a computer, and now you have a console, take it on the console, everything is fine there, and it’s really convenient to control with a joystick. I got used to it in 10 minutes, now I don’t notice it at all.

That's why I love Skyrim and have played so much of it. I even bought it again.

Skyrim is more than just a game. And better

It's very different from on-rails and boring blockbusters. After all, here you can do All.

There is a huge world here in which a lot happens without your knowledge. Made to be interesting you. Every minute on the endless map - snow-capped mountains, forests, endless underground tunnels, diverse cities and ice blocks - something happens.

Mysteries, murders, great battles and conspiracies, family feuds and clan wars. More than 10 full storylines, often intertwined with each other. Countless secrets, challenging tasks for advanced players and hundreds of ways to level up.

This game does not contain fashionable Western trends, political and social commentary, instructive moral stories, stupid political correctness, stupid jokes and humor for preschoolers and preschoolers. But there is a universe thought out to the smallest detail that can give 100 points ahead to most book sagas and series.

What am I even talking about, if in Skyrim you can sit on a chair, eat virtual bread and read in-game books? With each new book you will better understand what is happening around you and why. This is not necessary, but the main thing is that Can. You can still:

  • take care of the garden
  • build dachas
  • develop business
  • to ride
  • DIY
  • collect
  • almost cross-stitch...

Decide for yourself what to do, no one will lead you by the hand.

Typical 20 minutes in Skyrim

It means he's running hare.

Well, you go about your business like this and think - let me hit him with a bow. You miss 20 times, he’s fast and jumps more. It’s an idyll, good music is playing, butterflies are flying around, and you’re trying to catch them so you can make medicine later. Well, you shoot to the side.

SUDDENLY a dragon flies up and starts pouring fire. Okay, you start chopping the dragon, some cool clothes might fall out of it, and you won’t be able to hide.

While you are chopping down the dragon, three white-skinned bullies in full uniform are trying to approach you: steel, Nordic armor for 800 gold, an ebony sword. Actually, they are assassins, hired by an unnecessary NPC in a remote town. You casually stole 30 gold coins and a master key from him. And he took it and remembered it.

So, these guys are moving slowly, their script is like this. The dragon lands, everything happens very quickly. Three corpses, one at all flies away Over the horizon.

You look - and there is such beauty... oh, there are Dwemer ruins. We need to loot, the money is just running out. You'll go there next.

With this thought, you climb into your inventory and put in your hands an absolutely inadequate Daedric ax, which you sawed off on the machine, cast the wildest spells and gave the most correct name, and in caps - P*ZDEC.

But after 20 minutes you, a level 45 hero, a descendant of dragons and a legend of Skyrim, stand and steal 600 gold from the pocket of the skills trainer. And rightly so.

Why share if you don't have to share? Break the rules, find tricks. Do whatever you want. It's your game. And may the whole world, all the quests, all the great things wait while you prepare potato soup at home in Whiterun.

It seems like chaos, but in reality - endless story your adventure. This is why we love Skyrim.

Stop, you already bought it anyway. Who am I telling this to?

If I played Skyrim for 2 hours every day, it would take me 300 days to complete the game 100%. All the add-ons, all the quests, basically everything that is possible.

300 days of daily adventures for 3500 rubles. A game that you will immerse yourself in for a long time - and which will be exactly what you want. It's not just a good buy, it's banal best buy for consoles. And if you have a PC, and you previously bought a regular Skyrim version on Steam, then the new one is already available to you completely free.

No matter how trivial it may be, the whole plot is tied to prophecy. It so happened that the events preceding and occurring at the moment of the appearance of the Main character in the world Skyrim, almost completely coincide with this very prophecy. The latter says that the greatest of dragons will soon appear - Alduin, after which all those who were not lucky enough to be born a dragon will have to become dead, and in general a complete Armazdian will come.

Concerning events, proving the entry into force of the prophecy, then this is nothing more than Civil War, which began between the Empire and the Stormcloaks. This is what all movables call themselves Ulfric Stormcloak, who, by the way, killed the previous king of Skyrim - Toruga. After which the full-scale fighting between these two factions.

An introductory course on quests and working with the Skyrim magazine

In the fifth part of the scrolls, the mechanics of the journal and the passage of quests were slightly adjusted, that is, they were made simpler and more understandable for more public. Working with tasks has become so easy that even a child can cope, with the exception, perhaps, of a couple of quests. All you need is open magazine ("J" key default), then click By the required task and close this interface.

After these manipulations in top of the screen, where the cardinal directions and nearby icons are displayed settlements including dungeons, you will see marker in the form of a triangle with a diamond at the top. This is the direction in which you need to move in order to complete the selected quest. You will see the same marker when you open the map ( "M" key default). It is worth noting that when selecting in the magazine several tasks, you will accordingly receive several markers, which is not so convenient in some cases.

Passing quests

During passing main quest line you will go from simple prisoner before savior of the world, destroy more than a dozen dragons, and also get one of them as a means of transportation. In general, according to the series of games The Elder Scrolls one gets the impression that in order to save the world, you must be a prisoner, but oh well.

Skyrim has difficulty level adjustment, which you can find in the game settings.

Quest “To Freedom!” – acquaintance with the harsh Skyrim

The game begins in a carriage where you are with others prisoners Imperials. From the dialogue with your fellow sufferers you will learn that you are being taken straight on the chopping block. Well, any control functions There are no options yet, except for camera rotation, so you have no choice but to look around and enjoy the beauty of the game.

After arriving at the execution site, one of the Imperials will contact you, the dialogue with whom will turn into character Creation. The editor provides quite a lot of options for choosing appearance Main character(heroines), so you can hang here for a long time. Having decided on appearance savior of the world, you are invited to go straight to the chopping block, here all the efforts of creating a character would crumble under the executioner’s ax, but by a funny coincidence the Main character is saved from inevitable death by a suddenly appearing the Dragon.

So the reptile that arrives on time begins destroy a village, after which, naturally, there is no time for executing prisoners. Taking advantage of the turmoil, you need to leave this place, which is not friendly for the Hero. There is nothing complicated here, to get started, just follow the character with marker over your head to the nearest tower. Continue up the stairs, and then jump into the nearest building through the hole in the wall made by the dragon. At the exit from this building you will meet an already familiar Imperial soldier, you shouldn’t run away right away, wait out the dragon’s attack and follow the Imperial.

After a short escape from the dragon's attacks, you will be faced with the choice of going to the tower for Hogwart(Imperial soldier), or Ralof(Storm Brother).

  • Followed the Stormbrother- In the tower you will be attacked by Imperial soldiers, and after escaping you will need to proceed to Riverwood to Ralof's sister.
  • Followed the Imperial Soldier- In the tower you will be attacked by the Stormcloaks, and after escaping you need to proceed to Riverwood to the blacksmith Hadvart.

From the dungeons of the tower you will go down to cave, after wandering around for a bit, you and your companion will finally get to freedom. On this cheerful note this quest will end.

Quest “Before the Storm” – bad news for the Jarl of Whiterun

After you and your companion leave the cave, an entry will appear in the diary that will mark a new task entitled " Before the storm“. Its essence is to deliver news of the dragon attack to the Jarl of Whiterun.

Directly at the exit from the cave, Hogwart or Ralof, depending on who entered the fortress, will advise you to visit a village called Riverwood. It is located northeast of your location. However, first you need to go to riverbank to the northwest and choose your sign - thief, magician or warrior. This will allow you to learn the relevant skill groups twenty percent faster. After this manipulation, you can safely continue your journey and head to Riverwood.

Upon arrival in Riverwood, proceed to the house:

  • Blacksmith Alvor, if you chose an Imperial soldier Hogwart, you will find his house in the northern part of the village.
  • Hoda and Gerdun, if you chose Storm Brother Ralofa, their house can be found in the southeastern part of the village.

On this action the nonlinearity of the main story quest will end. Both NPCs will send you to Jarl of Whiterun, you will find this town north of Riverwood. At the entrance to Whiterun you will be met by a guard, tell him that you must tell the Jarl something important news about the dragon attack and he will let you in.

Once in Whiterun, head northeast to Dragonsreach and inform the Jarl about the dragon attack, after which you will complete this quest.

“Windy Peak” – search for the Dragonstone in an ancient Nordic temple

After you report Earl Balgruuf the Elder, about the dragon attack, he consulted with his advisors will take you to Farengar Secret Fire, a local magician at court. The latter will ask you to find a certain Dragon stone. According to Farengar, this stone is located in the ancient Nordic ruins called Windy Peak.

You will find Windy Peak on southwest from Whiterun, just follow the direction marker at the top of the screen. I would like to note that if you have done side questgolden claw“, which can be obtained in Riverwood and you have fully explored Windy Peak, then most likely you will already have the Dragon Stone, in this case, simply give it to Farengar and complete the task, but if you have not done such manipulations, then you are welcome to proceed to Windy Peak.

Having reached the above Nordic ruins, move into their depths, simultaneously destroying the enemies who have encroached on your life. At the first levels Windy Peak you will only meet bandits, however, as you go deeper you will encounter spiders and draugs. In general, everything is according to the standard of the genre, “the further into the forest...”.

Carefully inspect the locations and collect everything valuable, at the initial stage of the game, money will be very useful to you.

First puzzle a simple mechanism in the form of three rotating stands and a locked cage with a lever in front of it. If you look closely at the puzzle room, you will see that above the cage the same patterns are located as on the pedestals, although one of the stones with a similar pattern has collapsed, but you can still see what was carved there. Remembering the order of the patterns, turn rotating tables in the same position and pull the lever, if you did everything correctly, then the grille will open.

Keep moving deeper Windy Peak and soon you will stumble upon a web that blocks the path further, just cut it down, or destroy with a spell. After this, immediately prepare for battle, you will be attacked huge spider, having defeated which you need to free the bandit who has fallen into the web, you will see him immediately behind the defeated spider. There is no need to relax, the bandit will start immediately scoot from you, so don’t hesitate and finish him off, simultaneously taking him from his lifeless body golden claw. If the bandit is still ran away don't be discouraged, after going a little further, you you will find his corpse.

Continue your way deeper into the ruins. After defeating many draugs, you will come across arched door, in the center of which are built three stone circles with drawings. Each of the circles can be rotated. Open your inventory, click on the Golden Claw and roll the mouse wheel, on the palm of the Golden Claw you will see in what order the patterns on the door should appear. After that, click on the circle in the middle of the door and it will open.

Move on until you find a huge one burial hall, and there is a wall with A word of power. Approach her and study the corresponding word, having done this you will witness how from the sarcophagus Draug breaks out, having defeated the last one, take it from him Dragon stone.

Taking the Dragon Stone Farengar and talking to Jarl of Whiterun You complete the quest and receive as a reward a random piece of armor and the opportunity to purchase house in Whiterun.

The task “Dragon in the Sky” - the beginning of the formation of Dovahkiin

After talking with Farengar you will witness how the huskal of Earl Whiterun will inform the court magician that there was a dragon spotted. Airilet, that’s the name of the huskal girl, will ask you to follow her and discuss a plan for further action with the jarl. Well, that would be said. Move for Irileth to Balgruuf.

There will be no long discussion about what the Whiterun leadership will do with this dragon. You will be sent along with the aforementioned Airileth to tower near the city, which is located on southwest from Whiterun. In general, the jarl will mention that this is a reconnaissance mission, but we know that. Go to the tower and find Huskal Airileth there.

When you arrive, you will find destroyed tower who was attacked by a dragon. Airileth will order everyone to disperse and explore the area. Let's go inside the tower, a guard will run out to meet you and say that the dragon is still somewhere nearby. After a short period of time the dragon will return. Now it's no longer a matter of talking. Deal with the flying lizard, by the way legendary level the complexity of doing this will not be so simple. Main avoid attacks the dragon, and attack yourself at a time when he is busy with guards and everything will work out for you.

Having defeated the dragon you consume his soul. Your first shout will be learned automatically, you just need to open the magic menu, go to the shouts section and select the appropriate one. Next, press the “ C” and you will see your new ability in action.

Having dealt with all the difficulties, go to Whiterun to the Jarl and report on the work done, thereby completing the quest “ Dragon in the sky" Balgruuf will give you the title of thane, and will also reward you with his own huskal, Lydia.

“The Path of the Voice” – 7000 steps on the way to the top of the world

After defeating your first dragon and entering Waitra, you will hear a loud voice saying “Dovahkiin” - this is nothing more than call of the greybeards. Talk to the Earl of Whiterun Balgruuf, who will advise you to go straight to High Hrothgar, where you can begin to comprehend the teachings of the Greybeards on voice control.

Path to High Hrothgar lies through the village Ivarstead, where you need to go. The road ahead is not long, so stock up on the necessary potions and supplies. In front of Ivarstead you will see a stone bridge, crossing which you will enter the path of 7000 steps - the road to High Hrothgar.

While traveling through the expanses of Skyrim, collect all the ingredients you see, this is how you will quickly upgrade your alchemy skill

Moving along these stairs you will meet many enemies on your way, the type of which depends on your level. Having reached your cherished goal, enter inside Hrothgar, one of the Greybeards will come to meet you - Arngeir. He will ask you to prove that you are Dovahkiin, just activate the learned cry at him, and this will end the test.

After a short briefing, you will be taught the second level of screaming. Ruthless force. Having learned the wisdom of this tuum, you will have to pass a short exam. To do this, activate the scream on the three illusions created by the Greybeards. It is worth focusing on what is needed hold down a key responsible for screaming until he will charge, and only then let her go.

Having demonstrated your skill, go for Greybeard Borri to the courtyard of High Hrothgar, where you learn a new cry, entitled " Whirlwind, rapid rush" After this, you need to pass another exam, where you must show how you have mastered the new tuum. All you need is to have time to activate the word of power before the gate is open, it won’t be too difficult, so I think you’ll pass the test with ease.

After passing these two exams, talk to Arngeirmo, thereby you complete the walkthrough quest “The Path of the Voice” and receive the next task.

Skyrim walkthrough of the quest “Horn of Jurgen”

After passing two exams, the elder of the Greybeards Arngeir will entrust you with the last - the third test. You need to go to the ancient Nordic ruins of Ustenegrev and get there Jurgen's horn.

Ustenegrev is located in the northwestern part of the map. If you have never been to those places, use fast travel to Whiterun, and from there on a cart go to Morphal, Ustenegrev is located near the northeast of this city. Once in the ruins, you will encounter necromancers, draugs and frost spiders, who naturally are not happy with you and will try with all their might to send you to the next world. However, they will not be the main obstacle. The fact is that on the way you will come across some kind of puzzle, which is three magic stones and bars behind them. As you pass the stones, you will notice that the bars open, but as soon as you pass the last stone, they close almost immediately. Required in mode sprint(key Alt by default) run past the stones, and then immediately activate the word of power called “ Jerk”, thereby you will move behind the bars and they will no longer close.

In the room with three stones that open bars, you will find a wall with a word of power.

Proceeding further into the temple you will come across trap in the form of floors emitted fiery jets. Here the “Dash” shout will help you again, using which you can easily overcome this difficulty that has arisen on your way.

In Jurgen's tomb itself, only disappointment awaits you, because what you are looking for there's no horn there, and instead you will find a note. In addition, this quest will go to the failed section, but don’t be alarmed, everything is as intended. After reading the note you found, you will learn that the one who beat you in search of Jurgen's horn is waiting for the Main Character in Riverwood, or to be more precise in the tavern " Sleeping giant" Go there and talk to Delphine, saying that you want to rent a room in the attic. Delphine will answer that they don’t have a room in the attic, but she understands what’s going on. After talking with her, move to the room located on the side of the entrance to the tavern (northwest part of the building). Delphine will follow you and give you Horn of Jurgen, then you need to return it to Arngeir in High Hrothkar.

Having received Horn of Jurgen The Greybeards will teach you the third word of the cry Ruthless force and proclaim Dovahkiin, after which the quest will end.

Quest “Blade in the Dark” – introduction to the secret Order of Blades

Exercise begins after the Sleeping Giant in Riverwood Tavern, Delphine will give the Horn of Jurgen to the Main Character.

Follow Delphine in her secret room, where she will tell you that she has been looking for the Dragonborn for a long time, since only people endowed with this rare gift are given the ability to completely kill dragons, absorbing their soul. Having explained to the Main Character what they want from him, Delphine will ask to show in practice how the protagonist absorbs dragon souls and will make an appointment in Grove Keen.

Kin Grove is located south of Windhelm, if you have not yet discovered those lands, do so. fast travel before Whiterun, and from there go by cart to Windhelm. When you arrive at the meeting place, a girl named Iddrit will run up to you and tell you that a dragon has just attacked their settlement. After speaking with the frightened woman, head northeast from Kin Grove to dragon burial site. Once you get there, you will witness Alduin raising his fellow dragon from the dead. Saloknira.

After the heroic victory over Saloknir talk to Delphine, thereby you will complete the task " Blade in the Dark».

“Diplomatic immunity” – all about the Thalmor plans

You start this is the task after you defeat the dragon Saloknira and talk to Delphine. The latter believes that they are responsible for everything that happens Thalmor who pursue their own goals.

Agent Delphine's Blades offers to meet her at Riverwood, where you need to go. You will find Dolphin in the tavern “ Sleeping giant“. According to her, she found a way to get into the Thalmor embassy and find out more about their plans. You need to move to Solitude and in the Laughing Rat tavern find Delphine’s ally - Malborna.

After giving Malborn the equipment and listening to his offer of help, give him necessary things, which you will need at the embassy. Malborne will return this ammunition when you get to the Thalmor and meet with him. Next step will be a meeting with Delphine, who is already at the Katla farm, located not far southwest of Solitude. Give Delphine the rest of your equipment, which can only be picked up after end of the quest. Then take it from her smart clothes And dressy shoes. Done, now you can safely move to the Thalmor embassy and find out what they are up to.

Upon arrival, hand over to the embassy guard invitation and head inside where a high elf will approach you Elven and will start asking questions, however, Malborn will distract the curious woman and you can calmly go to the reception. Next you need to somehow distract guests, in order to quietly leave this Thalmor party and continue to carry out his plan.

Depending on what interventions you have already made in the game world, there will be ways of distraction attention.

  • Perhaps the easiest and most affordable way is to take it from Malborn or any maid booze and then give it away Redgar Razelan. The last person who receives alcohol will distract the public with his behavior and you can calmly leave the reception.
  • The second is no less easy way. Talk with Ericur, after which he will begin pester the maid, which will give him a turn-turn. Offer Erikur your help in seducing the maid who refused him. However, you will not be able to convince the maid of any connections with Erikur. But don't despair, go back to Erikur and say that the maid agrees and waits. As soon as Erikur approaches the maid and begins to harass her again, go to Malborn and quietly leave the reception.
  • If you completed Ondolemar's quest "" in the city of Markarth Search and arrest", That Ondolemar will agree to help you divert everyone's attention to yourself, and you will be able to leave the reception unnoticed.
  • Eastern Imperial Company employee Ort Endario will help you if you have completed his task " The sun rises in the east».
  • Elisive the Beautiful will respond to your request for help if you have a title thana of Haafingara.
  • Having a well developed eloquence skill Talk with Vittoria Vici and ask her to distract the attention of the guests, after which she will put on a small performance, and you will discreetly leave the reception.

After distracting the guests' attention follow Malborn to the pantry and take away the things that he was supposed to bring to the reception. Next, go through the door opposite the chest and here, as your heart desires, you can kill everyone, or you can play spy. However, the goal is still the same - search what the Thalmor know about dragons.

Exit to the courtyard of the Embassy and follow Elwen's private quarters. Upon entering the building you will be attacked by two guards, one of them will have key to the interrogation chamber, take it, by the way, exactly the same one is inside the chest in the northwestern part of the building.

After receiving the key, go to dungeons of the Thalmor embassy, the entrance is located in Elven's Personal Chambers. In the torture chambers you will find a captive Breton Etienne, talk to him and find out what he knows. The prisoner will tell you that the Thalmor don't have no information about the appearance of dragons, but they are looking for Blade by name Esbern, which you can find in Riften.

The time has come to leave the inhospitable Thalmor, freeing Etienne you will witness how in the dungeon the guards will burst in, it turns out they captured Malborn and demand that Main character I gave up, but it’s too late to turn on the rear. Calm down the guards and take the key to the hatch from the body of one of them, with which you can leave this casemate.

After leaving the Thalmor embassy, ​​go to Riverwood and talk to Delphine. Tell her that the Thalmor are looking for a certain Esbern, after which you complete the walkthrough quest “Diplomatic immunity”.

“Rat cornered” – the search for Esbern

Quest will begin as soon as you tell Delphine what you learned at the Thalmor embassy. The main task for you in this quest will be to find another Blades agent - Esberna.

You can start completing the task several ways.

  • Travel to Riften and find a character named Brynjolf, which is located in the tavern " Wild Flask", or in the tavern " Bee and sting", on either market square and find out from him where to find Esbern. In this case, you need to complete the quest for joining the Thieves Guild.
  • If you have developed the skill of eloquence, then about Esbern you can ask Kirava at the Bee and Sting inn, or with members of the Thieves Guild, at the Wild Flask inn.
  • On one's own will go to the tunnels under Riften, the location is called " Rat hole", and find Esbern hiding there.

You can get into the “Rat Hole” through a door located on the lower levels of the city, almost right next to water. The dungeon can be divided into four levels.

  • On the first robbers and several Golden Rats live - feel free to get rid of them.
  • On the second level are members of the Thieves Guild. Here you need to talk to Veskel Warrior and find out from him exactly where Esbern is.
  • On the third level you will be met by Thalmor agents, you don’t have to stand on ceremony with them either.
  • On the fourth level you will find Esbern.

Once you reach the character you are looking for, tell him passphrase and he will open the door for you and then share the information he has. After speaking with the hidden Blades agent, you will complete this quest.

Skyrim walkthrough of the quest “Alduin’s Wall”

The quest begins after you talk to Esbern about what this Blade agent knows about dragons. Next you need take Esbern to Riverwood, Sleeping Giant Tavern. It's worth mentioning that upon exiting Esbern's room in the Rat Hole, you the Thalmor will attack, the battle with which otherwise should not pose any special problems.

Having overcome the troubles that arose along the way and back to Riverwood to Delphine, you will witness a meeting of old acquaintances and Esbern's long story about Alduin's Wall. A new acquaintance will also tell you that this wall can be found in Sky Haven Temple, where you immediately need to go.

Once you reach the indicated location, you will encounter many Outcasts, who set up camp here and with whom you will certainly have to deal. After this, you will come across two puzzles.

  • First puzzle consists of three rotating stone pedestals that need to be turned so that everyone can see Dovahkiin sign, you will see it in the screenshot. After this, the bridge should lower and open the way for you further.
  • Second puzzle These are push tile floors. Stepping on the wrong slabs will activate fire trap. To prevent this from happening, step on the slabs with the sign of Dovahkiin. When you reach the end of the room, pull the ring and disable the trap.

Having overcome the puzzles you will find yourself in a room with Bloody Seal, which can only be activated by the blood of a dragonborn. Once again proving that you rightfully call yourself Dovahkiin activate printing and open the passage to Alduin's Wall.

In the room with Alduin's Wall you can find the Blades armor and the unique one-handed sword "Dragon Scourge".

Exercise will end after Esbern explains to you meaning of the message on the wall and subsequent conversation with Delphine.

Quest “Throat of the World” – conversation with the Greybeard elder

Quest begins after talking with Delphine in Sky Haven Temple. Having learned that Alduin can only be defeated with a special shout, the agent of the Blades will send you to High Hrothgar to the Greybeards.

Arriving at the guardians of the teaching of the voice, talk to Arngeir and find out about the cry that can overcome such strong opponent like Alduin. It's important to tell Arngeir the truth about where you learned this method of fighting the dragon – the Time Eater.

To your disappointment, Arngeir admits that they will teach you the necessary word of power. can not, the cry, by the way, has a sonorous name “ Dragon Slayer" The fact is that in order to pronounce this tuum, you need to accept all the anger that those who created it experienced back in the days of the persecution of the dragon cult, which is why the Greybeards do not use it.

Ask Master Arngeir in more detail about the Dragon Slayer, and, after a short explanation, he will advise you to contact Elder of the Order of the Greybeards– Paarthurnax. After finishing the dialogue, follow Arngeir into the courtyard of High Hrothgar, where he will train I'm screaming at you Clear sky " With this help you dispel ice storms, blocking the path to Paarthurnax and you can meet him.

Having reached the top “ Throats of the World” talk to Paarthurnax, while observing all ancient customs. There is nothing complicated, Elder Greybeard himself will conduct the dialogue in the right direction. The end of the acquaintance will be the use of the cry “ Fire Breath" After this, it’s time to ask a new acquaintance about how to learn the cry “Dragon Slayer” you need. However, even here the Main Character will fail - Paarthurnax does not know this toum, but not everything is so bad. Friendly dragon offers will go back in time and learn the Dragonkiller at the moment when this thu'um was used to fight Alduin.

After talking with Paarthurnax, you can enhance one of his three shouts:

  • Fus- Ruthless force.
  • Faym- Ethereality.
  • Yule- Fire breath.

To travel through time you will need an Ancient Scroll, which will help you find it Greybeard Arngeir or Agent of the Blades Esbern.

“Ancient Knowledge” – in search of the scroll of the Ancients

Exercise begins after talking with Paarthurnax- the elder of the Greybeards, who will tell you where the Main Character can learn the cry “Dragon Slayer”. According to Paarthurnax, the protagonist needs to find the Ancient Scroll and use it to travel to the past, where the knowledge of the sought-after thu'um is still preserved. To find out more about ancient scroll you need to choose to talk to a Blades agent Esbern(at Alduin's Wall), or with Greybeard Argueir(High Hrothgar). In general, there is no difference, both NPCs will send you to College of Mages of Winterhold. To get inside the guild, talk to Faralda, who will offer to take a simple exam, however, if you say that you are Dovahkiin, then you will be let in after you demonstrate the use of any scream.

The task “Beyond the Ordinary” is directly related to the completion of this quest.

Next, go to the library keeper - Orku Uraga. Ask him about the Ancient Scroll, the orc will share information only if you say that you are Dovahkiin. Having found the necessary books, Urga will put them on the table nearby, the reading is called “ " And " Impact of the Elder Scrolls" Read the book “Reflections on the Elder Scrolls”, after which the task “Beyond the Ordinary” will begin, during which you will find Ancient scroll.

Skyrim walkthrough of the quest “Beyond the Ordinary”

After reading the book Reflections on the Elder Scrolls”ask Urag about this hard-to-read tome, after which Urag will tell you about the book’s author named Septimius Segonius and where to find it. Head north from the Winterhold Mages Guild, Septimius is located in the location of the same name “Septimius’s Post”.

Guided by the advice of Septimius, move to southwest from Winterhold to the ruins Alftand, then go down to Animatorium, and from there to Alftand Cathedral. Here you need to find the Dwemer Mechanism, activating which will open a passage to Black Reach. Once inside the Black Reach, find the entrance to Mzark Tower, the marker will prevent you from getting lost.

The Mzark Tower is a corridor, at the end of which there is a semi-spherical room with a huge mechanism. You need to go up to control panel this mechanism and insert the cube given to you by Septimius into Dictionary stand- right pillar. Now you need to in the right order press the buttons on the remote control, there are four of them in total, the middle stand is apparently something like a screen.

In order to get scroll, click:

  • Four times per third button– hear a click made by the dictionary stand
  • Twice on second– the first button will open
  • Once per first– a flask with an Ancient Scroll will appear

Having received Ancient scroll, You complete the quest “Ancient Knowledge”, however, to complete the task " Beyond the ordinary", which in principle is no longer so important, it is necessary pick up Septimius' Dictionary from the Vocabulary Stand and give it to the owner. Then Septimius will tell you that he is looking for the Daedric prince - Hermaeus Mora and will ask you to get the blood of the elves, one sample of each type. At the exit from Septimius's Post, Hermaeus Mora himself will contact the Hero and say that he will speak to the Main Character again after completing Septimius's task.

Having collected the blood, give it to Septimius, after some manipulation he will open the Dwemer cube located in his cave, in which you will find the book “ Ogma Infinium” and complete the quest “ Beyond the ordinary».

Quest “Curse of Alduin” - the first battle with the strongest of dragons

Exercise begins after you get to Mzark Tower Ancient scroll. You need to go to the Throat of the World location to Paarthurnax. The latter will indicate the place where you need to read the scroll.

Open your inventory and use it Ancient scroll, after which the Main character will be transported to the past. No action with game world you won't be able to commit there, so just watch. Upon returning to the present time, a new cry will be added to you " Dragon Slayer", as well as the problem in the form of Alduin attacking the protagonist.

At battle with Aludin use your new thu'um on him Dragon Slayer, which will make the dragon land, Alduin himself does not sit on the snake. After you bring the enemy's health to a certain level, he will fly away, and you complete this quest.

“Fallen” – capture of the dragon and peace in Skyrim

Exercise begins after your first time defeat Alduin in the location “Throat of the World”. You need to find out where the defeated dragon went.

The first thing you need to do is talk about the choice:

  • With Paarthurnax– you will find it in Throat of the World.
  • With Arngeir- is in High Khrotkar.
  • With Esbern– studies Alduin's Wall in Sky Haven Temple.

Any of the above NPCs will send you to Whiterun to Jarl Balgruuf the Elder, since it is in this city that there is an opportunity capture dragons, who probably know where to find Alduin.

Apparently for some political reasons, Jarl Balgruuf will refuse to help the Main Character until he achieves conclusion of peace between the warring sides of Skyrim, and this is as you probably already know Stormcloaks And Imperial Legion.

If you have already chosen your side and ended the war in Skyrim, then you can start capturing the dragon, more on that below, but if disagreements between the Empire and the Stormcloaks not settled, then first you need to complete the quest “ Endless time».

Quest “Endless Time”

A place for reconciliation there will be warring parties High Hrothgar, so the first thing you need to do is talk to Arngeir, who, having built up his worth a little, will agree with the role assigned to him.

After you negotiate with Greybeard, go to:

  • To Solitude, here you need to find General Tullius, he leads the Imperial Legion's forces, and sends him to the negotiating table.
  • To Windhelm, here you need to come to Ulfric Stormcloak, who dominates the Stormcloaks, and also send him to the negotiating table.

In addition to the Heads of the warring parties, already acquaintances will appear at the negotiations without an invitation Agents of the Blades Esbern and Delphine, as well as representative of the Thalmor Legion- Elenwen.

As soon as all the invited and not so invited have gathered in High Hrothgarth, talk to Arngeir and take your place at the table. During the negotiations themselves, the Main Character will have a lot of options for answering the questions posed. However, no matter how it is, the world will be enclosed in any from options for the development of events. The only difference is further factions to the protagonist, as well as in what plots will remain for the Empire, and which for the Stormcloaks.

After making peace, talk with Esbern who will teach you a new cry" Call of the Dragon", if before the start of the quest " Fallen", the civil war was over, then he will teach you how to scream Paarthurnax.

Having learned the necessary thu'um, go to Dragon's Reach and talk to Jarl Balgruuf, you need him to start construction of a trap for the dragon.

After all the preparations, head to Dragon's Reach gallery and using the cry “ Call of the Dragon” , summon Odahviing. It is clear that he will not fall into the trap on his own, so you will have to use a shout on him “ Dragon Slayer” and gradually retreat deeper into the Gallery. Once Odahviing gets close enough, the trap will slam shut, and you can calmly discuss with the dragon all the questions that interest you.

Quest “House of the World Eater” – in pursuit of Alduin

Quest begins after the dragon Odaving tells where Alduin fled. You need to ride a dragon to the Skuldafn temple, and from there get to Sovngarde.

After talking with Odahviing, go up to the upper tier Dragonsreach Galleries And release captured dragon, you can pull the lever yourself, or you can ask the guard. Then speak again with Odahviing, who will keep the agreement and will take you The main character to the temple of the Dragon Cult Skuldafn. After landing, the protagonist immediately faces a fight with draugs and dragon, so be prepared for a grueling battle. The draugs methodically fire at the hero from the other side of the bridge, so it is logical to first deal with them, and only then defeat the dragon.

On the way to the portal to Sovngarde, a three puzzles:

  • WITH first puzzle you will encounter in the second room of the Skuldafn Temple. She represents herself three rotating cabinets and a lever behind them. If you carefully examine this room, you will see that on the walls next to the outermost (left and right) cabinets, as well as above the two grates in the front of the room, patterns are drawn. Simply turn the end tables to according to patterns, and then, depending on which grille needs to be opened and the cabinet in the middle. Since the path leading to the portal lies through the grate on the left, the order of the patterns on the tables will be the same as in the screenshot.
  • Second puzzle waiting for you in the room with raised wooden bridge. This task is even easier, next to each rotating cabinet there will be a corresponding picture, you just need to turn the cabinets in in the right order, and then pull the lever on the top level of this room and the bridge will lower. From left to right: Fish, Snake, Bird.
  • Third puzzle this is a door that has three revolving stone rings. In front of it you will meet Draug, the overlord from whom you need to remove the Diamond Claw. Then look at the pattern on the palm of the resulting Diamond Claw and turn the spinning circles according to the prompt. Top down: Wolf, Butterfly, The Dragon. Next, press the button in the middle of the door and it will open.

Walking into a room with a word of power " Storm, Storm Call", move along the corridor on the left and leave the Temple. Then turn left and go up to the portal to Sovngarde. Having reached it, you will witness how the Dragon Priest Nakrin takes the Staff necessary to activate the portal. Destroy the priest and take the staff. Then put it back where Nakrin took it from and jump into the portal. Once you get to Sovngarde, the quest “Home of the World Eater” will be completed.

Skyrim walkthrough of the Sovngarde quest

Quest begins after you go through the portal to Sovngarde. You need to login Hall of Valor and together with three heroes of past years, develop plan to destroy Alduin.

Sovngarde represents a certain receptacle of souls, where those who are worthy feast at an eternal festival in the Hall of Valor, waiting for the moment when the god Shor will call them to last battle. This quest is not anything complicated, you can call it one of the simplest quests in the main storyline. The only obstacle for you will be shield bearer of the god Shor– Tsun, which is necessary win, so that the Main Character gains access to the Hall of Valor. You will find Shor at the Whalebone Bridge, just follow the path from where you appeared and you will certainly encounter him.

The fog of Sovngarde can be dispersed using the Clear Sky thu'um.

Upon entering the Hall of Valor, first talk to Ysgramor, and then with Hakon One-Eye, Felldir the Old And Gormlaith Golden Hilt. After the protagonist listens to their plan, this quest will end.

“Dragon Slayer” – the last fight with Alduin

Exercise begins after the protagonist discusses the past with three heroes battle plan against Alduin.

You need leave the Hall of Valor and move to the place where your comrades are waiting for you - Ysgramor, Hakon And Felldir. Uniting your cry with them “ Clear sky“, dispel the fog sent by Alduin, this must be done three times, since the evil dragon sends it again and again. After he gets tired of doing this, Alduin will fly in on his own and then the usual fight with the dragon awaits you. Use “ Dragon Slayer” and hit Alduin with everything you can get your hands on.

After defeating the main antagonist of the main storyline, you can learn a new thu’um from Tsuna “ Call of Valor». Leave Sovngarde You can again by talking to Tsun.

On this cheerful note and ends main storyline of the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

In some ways, Skyrim is similar to Diablo, if you can’t complete something on a difficult difficulty level, set it to easy and don’t worry 😀 It’s the same in Skyrim. Adept – medium difficulty level. It is very easy to play, so it is better to switch to Expert. But many of you will start trolling, saying that only real professionals play the master. Master is indeed difficult to play, but certain builds are easy to play. Therefore, if you are not a nerd, put Adept or Expert. There is almost no difference between Expert and Master. The difference in the amount of time it takes you to kill a mob, the drive no longer increases.


You have a general level and a skill level in the game. The overall level (level) increases when you increase skill levels. Mobs adapt to your general level. Those who have played Morrowind already know what it is. If you have pumped up a considerable level of acrobatics by jumping around the area, then when your jumping magician meets a serious enemy in a cave, he can only jump in front of him and after a few seconds lie down and gnaw on the asphalt. So, when playing as a warrior or mage, do not rush to level up your eloquence or stealth to 100.

What's the easiest way to upgrade some skills?

Stealth. It's easy to level up by placing your character in the wall behind one of the guards near the gates of Whiterun. Press Ctrl, then CapsLock, and leave it until the morning. In the morning your stealth should be 100.

Eloquence. It's easy to level up by simply chatting with the bartender at the Riften Tavern. Ask him to talk about “Black Briar”, all the time clicking “Persuasion”. You can also give a coin to a poor person on the street or visit the temple of Dibella with a blessing.

Pickpocketing. Easy to download in any city via F5-F9. The more expensive the item you want to steal, the more experience you will receive. At first it is better to use gloves or amulets for sleight of hand.

blacksmith craft. It’s a very good deal for the money, you need to upgrade it after leveling up your eloquence, so the prices will be better. All the ingredients you need can be bought from blacksmiths. There are rumors that it is best to swing through rawhide bracers, but it turns out that it is more profitable through iron daggers. You can also make a small profit from sales of enchanted weapons if you simultaneously upgrade your enchantment skill.

Enchantment. To level up this skill you will need hundreds of filled soul stones. You can make a special dagger with soul capture, let’s do it for 1 second - this will give you 1000 uses (believe me, this is quite enough, most enemies fall with one hit). We just run around and finish off half-dead mobs with enchanted weapons and fill the soul stones. If you are playing as a mage, there is a special spell for capturing souls. Next, enchant the wound’s daggers for Banishment (if you have it). Then you will make a huge profit from the sales of each dagger. There will only be problems with finding sellers to whom you can sell enchanted loot.

Alchemy. I believe that it should be upgraded last, after enchanting and blacksmithing. To upgrade this skill you will need tons of plants, so we collect everything that comes our way. It is best to upgrade by crafting invisibility potions and paralysis poison with health damage.

Weapon Skill. You can download this skill on Vilkas, he will join you on one of the quests in the Companions storyline. You can’t kill him, but you have to wait until he comes to his senses, when you remove all his HP, but this is a very long time...

Just chips

  • Daedra is the most best armor in Game. But at the beginning of the game you can achieve the “cap of armor” in almost any armor. But for this you will need to develop your Alchemy, Enchantment and Blacksmithing skills to 100 points.
  • At the soul icon you can enchant an item. But if your Enchantment column is empty, you need to first remove the enchantment from the enchanted item and then you can learn the enchanted ones.
  • If the enchanted weapon runs out of charge, then we charge it with the help of soul stones. Select a weapon in the inventory and press the T key.
  • To learn the Scream, you need to have read the word from the wall and absorbed the dragon soul. Click on the cry you want and press R.
  • You can wear Daedra armor by level 20. But you will need to plunder many different mines to find ebony ore and find Daedra hearts.
  • Your mercenary can wear the armor you give him. You can give him 1 arrow and a bow, he will shoot this arrow right and left, and you can pick up arrows after him, so from 1 ebony arrow you will get 100 pieces.
  • Do not throw away the staves of the Atronachs - this is an excellent shield against magicians and various other mobs.
  • If you are sent to the mountains, you can steal a horse and while away your journey; the horse can even move up very steep climbs.
  • If a dragon flies and doesn’t want to land, it means he has nowhere to sit. Run and look for the plain.
  • Black soul stones are filled with the souls of people, regular ones - with other mobs. The most useful soul stones are the great stones; all the rest can be used to level up the Enchantment skill.
  • In the thieves guild in Riften, in the sewers, there is a woman who buys everything.
  • You can’t leave your things anywhere, otherwise they will disappear. Better buy yourself a house in Whiterun, there will be a chest for things.

Necessary clarifications

As is known, in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim There are no rigidly defined classes. However, this does not mean that the game cannot be played as a Thief or. Thanks to new system character leveling game mechanics Skyrim will vary from class to class. Who is the Thief suitable for? If you enjoy sneaking up on enemies to scout out the situation and carefully plan your attack while maximizing your sneak attack bonuses, the Thief is your choice.

For guides on and when creating a character, read the separate game guides The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. In short, I can recommend Khajiit (due to the nice ability Night vision and bonuses to thieving skills) or Breton (due to the useful 25% magic resistance and lack of bonuses to thieving skills).

Khajiit's signature ability is Night Vision (can be activated or deactivated at any time)

As a constellation at the beginning of the game, a Warrior (for quickly developing Shooting and Blacksmithing) or a Thief (for developing numerous thief skills) is perfect. Next, you can change the constellation by asking for the blessing of the Atronach or Lord stone. As a base of operations, it makes sense to first stop in Whiterun (where one of the first quests will take you), and then head to the city of thieves, Riften.

In Game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim There is a character level limit of 81 (at the time of writing this article), at which you can get 80 perks. However, you should remember that it will take you a very long time to level up to level 80, and the higher the level of your character, the more time it will take to increase it.

PS: Your idea of ​​the “ideal Thief” may be completely different from mine.

Skyrim: A Thief's End

What's good about the Thief? Of course, using Stealth skills and all the benefits they bring. It’s clear that the Thief knows how to take everything that is bad, but for me this is not the main thing. I'm interested in taking out enemies using stealth bonuses, and doing it from a safe distance. The main and, perhaps, only weapon of the Thief in my understanding of this character is the Bow. Does the Thief Archer need to upgrade any melee weapons? In my opinion, no.

Yes, in the Stealth branch there are separate skills for daggers, which give a considerable 15-fold bonus to damage in the case of a hidden attack with each dagger (after all, in Skyrim you can hold a dagger in each hand). But as practice has shown, there is no particular point in such monstrous damage.

Firstly, such damage is only needed for bosses and Dragons who can see you perfectly. Those. it is unrealistic to implement it.

Secondly, while you are sneaking up on the enemy, it is easier and faster to shoot him with a bow from a respectful distance. Those. daggers are unprofitable from the point of view of the time spent on killing (plus, to successfully use daggers you will have to pump up the Stealth branch very closely). So it makes sense to rely on daggers only if you are a stubborn role player and want to play a Thief who kills his victims with daggers.

The Thief Archer's main weakness is melee combat. Those. infrequent encounters with random monsters on the surface. If you accidentally run into some bear or saber-tooth tiger, the Archer Thief will have big problems. Of course, you can walk with a shield (and at the very beginning of the game you will have to walk with a shield and sword in any case), put a block, going completely on defense, and relying on a companion. Or you can try to pump up the branch of Destruction magic, which is responsible for cold damage (which is very, very expensive in terms of distribution of perks).

Pumped up frost will allow you to mow down small things like wolves in close combat and slow down large “game”, which you can then finish off with a bow, or wait for your companion to do it for you. By the way, in the Destruction magic branch you can improve your ability to set magic traps. In my opinion, a very useful and natural skill for a Thief. But I repeat, even minimal leveling of individual branches of Destruction magic takes up a lot of perks.

By the way, about the companion. The companion (whoever he is) often interferes with the Archer Thief, exposing his broad back to the arrows. And although companions in Skyrim do not die themselves, they are only partially immortal. If you plant an arrow in the back of a companion, he will definitely throw off his hooves. To prevent this from happening, you can take away the melee weapon from your companion and give him a bow. And only give out a sword when you really need a swordsman companion. In most cases, the Archer Thief needs an archer companion (or a mage from the school of Destruction). The same Lydia (your housecarl from Whiterun) with a bow poses a serious threat.

An effective Thief in Skyrim is a skilled Archer, wearing Light Armor and using the Stealth skill to gain bonuses when shooting enemies from a safe distance. As additional skills uses Blacksmithing to upgrade bows and armor, Lockpicking to make picking locks easier, Destruction magic for close combat in random encounters and setting traps, Restoration magic for healing during and after combat, and Enchanting to reload weapons and create enchanted items and armor.

Since our Thief doesn’t particularly need either Magic or Power Reserve, all points received when leveling up are spent on increasing Health. This makes our character a surprisingly healthy and completely non-magical creature. Yes, he will quickly run out of strength, but overall he will be a completely capable character.

Now let's look at these skills in more detail.

Skills required for a Thief in Skyrim

  • Shooting Skills

Shooting is a very large branch with 16 skills. Moreover, if you are going to play a Thief Archer, you will have to upgrade your Shooting skill completely. All skills are extremely useful. As you level up your Shooting skill, you will want to use any other weapon less and less.

Shooting skill

Archery allows you to deal massive damage with a bonus for stealth. Plus, you won't only get a bonus for the first shot - the fact is that each attack will make you only slightly more noticeable to enemies. Plus, you can always hide and wait until the noise subsides and then continue shooting enemies. In my opinion, any character can safely take Shooting, this skill is so good. However, you need to be careful with Shooting - with it, any character quickly turns into an Archer, and leveling up your skills in handling melee weapons, the school of Destruction and wearing armor slows down sharply.

  • Stealth Skills

The Stealth branch has 13 skills. The archer thief is very effective and can attack from a long distance, so it doesn’t make much sense to level up the entire Stealth branch (you will be very hard to see at a great distance). The skills presented in this thread ( Assassin's Blade, Silence, Shadow Warrior) are needed, for the most part, when playing a Thief-Assassin with daggers.

Skill "Stealth"

So if you decide to focus on Shooting, it is quite enough to spend 9 perks on leveling up your skills: level up Stealth itself to the end, the right branch to the skill True sight and the left branch to Muffled footsteps.

  • Hacking Skills

Paradoxically, there are so few locks in Skyrim that most character classes don’t need to be hacked at all (to practice lockpicking, you can walk from house to house in the city at night). In addition, hacking depends more on the ability to use the mouse than on leveling up the skill itself.

Hacking skill

There are a total of 11 skills available in this branch. Ultimately, it makes sense to upgrade the main branch (4 skills) plus skills gold digger And Treasure hunter. Purely out of greed.

  • Blacksmithing Skills

IN Blacksmithing 10 perks, however, there is a trick here. This constellation is a vicious circle, so you don’t necessarily need to upgrade all your skills. To make and improve light armor, just select only the left branch plus the skill Blacksmith Wizard(to improve enchanted armor). And that's only 6 perks. However, it should be noted that the most powerful weapon in Skyrim - Daedric. However, there are already mods for creating weapons from dragon bones.

Blacksmithing skill

To quickly level up your Blacksmithing, buy leather and strips of leather (and also collect and process animal skins) and iron from blacksmiths, and produce leather bracers and iron daggers. This will allow you to level up the Blacksmithing branch very quickly. So, by level 10-15 you can show off in full elven armor. And don't forget to upgrade your weapons and armor. For the Thief, this branch is very important in the sense that he will not really be able to upgrade Light Armor. To increase your protection class you will have to improve your armor at workbenches. And for this you will need a high Blacksmithing skill.

  • Enchanting Skills

If you want to create magic items and armor yourself, you will have to download Enchantment. And believe me, enchanted weapons and armor are worth it! In the Enchanting branch, you can either spend all 13 perks or save a little. It is also beneficial for the Archer to improve the skill of casting Fire spell and stop there - this way you can set enemies on fire with your arrows. But, say, against enemy magicians it is more profitable to use Thunder spells, taking away Magic.

Enchantment skill

To quickly level up Enchantment, enchant more! And also use enchanted weapons - the ability to enchant will be quickly upgraded when recharging enchanted weapons with soul stones.

There are only 9 skills in the Light Armor branch, and one of them ( Wings of the Wind) is practically useless for the Archer Thief (who does not spend his Stamina as actively as the Warrior). In general, I have a hard time believing that a good Archer will be able to fully upgrade Light Armor. In order for Light Armor to level up well, you need to take a lot of hits in Skyrim.

Skill "Light Armor"

The idea of ​​playing a Thief in general and an Archer in particular is to avoid getting hit. So, be mentally prepared for the fact that Light Armor will be poorly upgraded, and that in order to increase the protection class, in any case, you will have to actively upgrade Blacksmithing.

  • School of Destruction Skills

The only reason why an Archer Thief might need to level up the Destruction magic branch is for close combat and setting up magic traps. In Skyrim, as many as 17 (!) skills are allocated for the school of Destruction. So it only makes sense for a Damage Mage to fully upgrade Destruction. It’s simply stupid for a thief to spend so many perks on some kind of magic.

Skill "Destruction"

In my opinion, in addition to the Novice skill of Destruction magic, it is enough to download the right branch ( Double destruction And Shock wave), "frosty branch", Student(and if the pumping goes well, then Adepta) schools of destruction, as well as Rune Masters. Those. maximum 9 perks, which is also a lot. This way you can protect yourself from random encounters with monsters on the surface. However, I personally am ready to question the advisability of leveling up Destruction - the quick save and load buttons have not yet been canceled.

Total for leveling up the Thief in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Total for leveling up the Thief in game Skyrim you will need 67 perks! And if you refuse to upgrade the last two skill trees (Light Armor and Destruction magic), another 18 “extra” perks will be freed up. If you wish, you can save a little on leveling up Enchantment (there are two independent branches, one of which you can skip leveling if you wish), and further limit the leveling up of the Stealth and Hacking branches.

To become a real master of stabbing daggers in the back, you need not only to improve your skill Assassin's Blade, but also upgrade the entire Stealth branch. Which, in my opinion, is uneconomical.

The remaining skills are not of particular value to the Archer Thief. So, the Thief absolutely does not need two-handed weapons, heavy armor, blocking, as well as all schools of magic, with the exception of the already mentioned school of Destruction and the initial skills of the school of Restoration. Skill trees such as Alchemy, Speech and Pickpocketing (mainly for those who like to play the role of a classic Thief) are of dubious use. There still won’t be enough perks to seriously upgrade them.

Assassin thief with dagger

Love the cautious approach but don't know how to apply it to The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim? Do you want to upgrade your Thief, but don’t know which skill branches to develop? In the guide The Thief's Path I will reveal the secrets of properly leveling up skills and distributing perks.
3. Selection of top equipment - Ancient Shadow Boots, Ancient Shadow Gloves, Linvi Armor, Linvi Hood.
4. Selection of top weapons - Dragon Bone Dagger, Zephyr Bow
5. Selection of jewelry - Amulet of Articulation, Gold Ring
6. Enchantment - Any, Those that give bars to characteristics.
7. Potions - Elixir of Light Legs, Elixir of Enchanter, Elixir of Vigor
8. Poisons - Paralysis Poison (any) - Useful Against Fat Enemies, Anti-Magic Poison - I think it’s clear why and who to hit. Noxious Poison of Fatigue - Cuts Energy Regen, i.e. the enemy will quickly become exhausted.
9. Screams - Swift Dash - It’s easy to catch up with anyone, Dragon Slayer - We sit down the dragon and stuff it with punches in the face, FUS-RO-D4 - We push away everything and everyone.
10. Magic school Illusion - Invisibility
11. Important - Remember, the Assassin is not a Tank, he cannot absorb damage.

Instead of Linwee's armor, you can equip the Nightingale or Shadows, and if you are a major, then the Dragon Bone Armor will be an ideal option.
The dagger can be taken from Daedric Artifacts
Also pay attention to the signs of the Thieves Guild
Join the Thieves Guild
The "Paralysis" weapon enchantment is also the icing on the cake.

Almost five years after its first release, the gigantic, amazing Skyrim created waves of pleasure that we still happily ride today. Its world remains one of the most detailed and meticulously crafted in video games, its AI systems making you feel connected to the characters and their real-life wants and needs. The mighty Dovahkiin entices you to go on an adventure, because he is the only one capable of competing with the characters of Tolkien himself.

Yes, this is a truly powerful development team that was able to be the first to create a game with its own “dragon language”, not to mention sophisticated methods of execution and murder. They've bolstered this with patches that give us extra bells and whistles, and an endless quest log that keeps you playing for days before you realize you've been drawn into this world.

In 2015 Bethesda trying to promote "Fallout 4", and there's no mention of Skyrim II/Elder Scrolls VI yet. However, there are many stories about The Elder Scrolls Skyrim that are worth telling you.

10. The Skyrim theme was sung by 30 people at the same time, and the song was overdubbed three times

Powerful, epic, inviting to battle and daring, the theme of Skyrim sounds as if an entire army of warriors is roaring in the vocals.

In fact, 30 people sang the main vocals, then this recording was overdubbed two more times, creating the effect of a huge squad of fighters preparing for battle.

9. Paarthurnax and Mario were voiced by the same person

Charles Martinet, responsible for Mario's shrill "It's Me!" voice, also voiced the powerful and divine Paarthurnax for Bethesda.

Unfortunately, when you encounter an ancient dragon, you won't hear him say "It's me, Paarthurnax!", but you will now look at him differently.

8. The language “Fus Ro Dah” was invented by Adam Adamovich, who died in 2012

The creator of some of Bethesda's most celebrated work as a concept artist, including Fallout 3, Adam passed away in 2012. But his work will be remembered not only for the visual styles for Fallout 3 and Skyrim, but also for the Draconic writing.

Does everyone have a tattoo that says "Fus Ro Dah"? Then you have Adamowicz to thank.

7. Bethesda gave a child named Dovahkiin free games for life

Before Bethesda took home its "Coolest Developers Ever" award again in 2015 (thanks to loyal fans sending thousands of bottle caps of free copies of Fallout 4), they first decided to honor the couple who named their child after a Skyrim hero on release day.

Yes, Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer was born on 11/11/11, his parents are Eric and Megan. And Bethesda offered free games for life to those who named their child that way. They were also given a whole mountain of accessories, which they are still collecting.

6. Skyrim has 70 actors who recorded more than 60 thousand lines of dialogue

To give life to heroes, you need to spend a lot of time. Many other developers, when it comes to lines, simply repeat existing lines from many characters. But Skyrim excelled in this regard.

They hired over 70 actors to record various lines, resulting in the game having over 60,000 lines in total, including repetitions of the iconic "I took an arrow to the knee" line.

5. Voice of Winnie the Pooh and Taz (from Looney Tunes) in the game

Another moment that proves how brilliant and versatile the actor's voice can be. Jim Cummings owns not only the pleasant voice of Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon, but also the insanely waving tongue of the Tasmanian Devil (Taz). It was he who voiced many of the old characters in Skyrim that can be found in the game.

4. Skyrim's Map Isn't Actually Bethesda's Biggest

While the level of detail and precision in Skyrim is unparalleled, Bethesda already outdid itself in 1996 when measured by square miles in the game world.

Their second creation, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, covers 62,394 square miles, 4,000 times larger than Skyrim.

3. We Almost Got Game of Thrones

Even before the HBO series aired, its creators thought it would be a good idea to tie the episodes into the game.

Todd Howard mentioned that the team decided to adapt their material to fit their style, but then decided against it, even though they fully believed in Skyrim. They decided that they could create/continue their mythology. Todd said they were "close" to getting it right. Ultimately, we should be glad that the creators decided to stick to their style.

2. Emil Pagliarulo wrote the famous phrase “I took an arrow to the knee”

The now legendary phrase “I used to, but then I took an arrow to the knee” was taken from the novel “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.

But Kotaku, in an interview with Todd Howard, revealed that the line was written by Pagliarulo to make the guards feel more human.

1. Skyrim is the only Western game to score all 40 points in Famitsu

Eastern markets are considered incredibly unresponsive to Western game design. That's why Xbox never caught on with them, and shooters there are considered a young market. This is also why, even though The Elder Scrolls games are the best RPGs, they don't compare to Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy” when it comes to sales.

Yet these cultural differences could not withstand the authority of Skyrim, and such a famous magazine as Famitsu (a Japanese gaming magazine) awarded it a full 40/40, placing Skyrim on par with " The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", " Metal Gear Solid" and "Dragon Quest IX".

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