How to update minecraft version 1.8. Updates

Today, there are a large number of exciting flash games that find fans among all ages. The most popular game can rightfully be called Minecraft.

What is Minecraft and what exactly makes the game stand out among the variety of exciting online entertainment? The essence lies in the incredible adventures of square-headed men in “square” worlds. The player becomes the center of the game; he must create his own universe and realize himself within its framework.

What is the latest version of Minecraft?

The popularity of the game prompted Mojang developers to create more and more new versions. Currently their number exceeds several dozen. The first, server version of the game was released in 2011 and since then the creators have not ceased to delight fans with fresh versions of exciting adventures and improved technical characteristics.

The latest version of the Minecraft flash game 1.8.3 was released on February 20, 2015. The goal of the developers was to fix a bug that bothered many users. The fact is that often while loading a certain world, the game would end unexpectedly, which caused a lot of inconvenience.

How to update the version of Minecraft?

In order to get the most new version Minecraft, the game needs to be “updated.” According to the official version, this is done automatically, but if there are some errors, the program may not download new module on one's own.

In this case, you should take a few simple steps. You need to open the launching module and click on the “create a new profile” button. After that, in the options you should select “use version” and find the “use new version” section. The game will be updated.

If you need to update pirated version, then the algorithm of actions changes slightly. When you start the game, a sign with inscriptions will appear, including “Force update” and “Enter Game”. First, check the box next to “Forceupdate”, and then press “Enter Game”.

What can you upload to Minecraft?

Mods will help make the game even more fun. Mods are additions to the official version, which in most cases are written not by developers, but by fans.

The OptiFine mod will help get rid of “brakes” and minor defects. Thanks to TooManyItems, the player has the opportunity to control big amount items in Minecraft.

According to the editors of the site, those who like to download various auxiliary programs cannot do without Minecraft Forge, which helps to avoid “conflict” between different mods.
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All gamers have probably heard more than once that some games need to be updated. But others function quite normally as is. What's the secret here? How to figure out whether you need specific player an addition to his favorite game or does he already have it in the final version? Naturally, it is worth considering this situation using the example of one of the most popular computer games today. Is it necessary to do this at all? What does this mean?

Computer game updates

Before moving on to an actual example of how to update Minecraft, it is worth paying attention to game updates as such. Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Most often, developers release a ready-made project that you can safely play. But sometimes they improve additional content after the release of the main game. And when a block of such content is ready, they release an update that players can download. This is not a forced action, since the game works without updates. But if you don’t download them, then you may miss out on many interesting and important aspects of the game - new levels, unusual armor, clothes, weapons, original items and even entire storylines and campaigns. Therefore, it is recommended to always update computer games, especially since if you own a licensed version, this is usually very simple. The same can be said about this game - if you have a purchased license, the question of how to update Minecraft may not bother you at all.

Updating licensed Minecraft

As always, buying an official one is the best cure for all ills. You get full technical support, access to all functions and properties, free game over the network and many other benefits. And most importantly, you won’t need to ask the Internet or your friends how to update Minecraft, because it’s done extremely simply. When you enter the game, you are asked to enter your nickname under which you play. Please note that under the nickname field there is a small item called Forced Update - if you check the box next to it, then when you enter the game the client will search for you latest updates, their downloading and installation. You don't have to make any extra moves - you already know how to update Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.7.2 and any other version. And then you will understand why it is better for you to buy a license rather than use pirated ones, since their update process is much more complicated.

Everything from scratch

If you have a pirated version of the game and you decide to update Minecraft to 1.7.4 or any other version, then you can go the most in a simple way. You simply delete your client and download the one whose version is the most current. You install the game again and play - that’s the whole question. However, there is one big, even huge “but” here - absolutely all game information is deleted. You will not be able to save your character, your world and everything that happened in it. All this will disappear along with the old client, and on the new one you will have to start all over again. This is a quick decision that entails serious consequences that not everyone will agree to. As you can see, updating Minecraft, which was downloaded and not purchased, is very simple, but the result can hardly be called satisfactory. True, there are other ways.

Update without downloading the client

You can make your task a little easier and get the Minecraft update without downloading the client from torrents or file hosting sites. If you have a downloader - a special program that downloads and installs the client, then you can remove everything except it, and then run it so that it installs the latest version of the game for you. True, the problems of the first option remain in place - all your achievements will be destroyed. So this is not the greatest progress in updating the pirates that one could dream of.

Optimal method

If you have a pirated version that needs to be updated, but you don’t want to lose your achievements, then you have a chance to do everything the way you would like. To do this, you will have to search the entire Internet and find the necessary files that need to be replaced in order for the game to be updated. Most often, complete instructions are already written in such kits, following which you can achieve your goal.

But there is also a certain danger here. As you know, Minecraft is a game that is very sensitive to version compatibility. And if any of your files do not match or conflict, then you will have to use the first or second methods indicated earlier. So hope for the best and try to update your game, keeping all your progress. But even better - buy it licensed version, since you have already realized how much more convenient and practical it is to use.

Are Minecraft updates needed?

You have already figured out how to update Minecraft if you have a licensed version, and what to do if you got a pirated version. You now even know how to take advantage of the chance to keep your character, your cards and other data in the pirated version when updating. But one very important question remained unanswered - are these updates really necessary to suffer so much? After all, it was already said earlier that some games can be played quite easily without updating them. In the case of Minecraft, this situation is also possible - you can play old version, when a new one has already come out, and no one will block you from doing anything. You can even play online, since not all servers are based on latest version"Minecraft" - there is no shortage of servers on the Internet with clients 1.5.2, 1.6.1, and so on. But at the same time, you must understand that each update means the addition of an impressive number of items, materials, recipes, mobs, bosses and even worlds. And you won’t get access to all this, you won’t be able to try it out, while other players will be able to play with new features, enjoy them and discuss them. It's not a tragedy if you don't update your client, but you have a lot to lose if you don't.

How to update minecraft?

The Minecraft game is updated once a month. New versions usually fix bugs from previous builds and introduce blocks, mobs or items that were not present in earlier versions. Occasionally occur global updates, significantly changing the mechanics of the game.

Game update

On Wednesdays, preview builds of versions that will be released later become available. To install the preview version of the game, follow the instructions:

  1. In the lower left corner of the launcher (software interface), select a profile from the drop-down list and click the “Edit Profile” button.
  2. In the window that appears, find the “Version Selection” section.
  3. Check the box next to "Enable experimental development versions ("snapshots")".
  4. Click the “Save Profile” button in the lower right corner of the window.

How to update the licensed version of Minecraft

It should be remembered that the licensed version of the Minecraft game is updated automatically. If this does not happen, after launching the game through the launcher, follow these steps:

  1. In the lower left corner of the software interface, select a profile from the drop-down list or create a new one by clicking the “New Profile” button.
  2. Next, in the window that appears, find the “Version Selection” section.
  3. In the above section, find the “Use version” item.
  4. Select the required version from the drop-down list.
  5. Click the “Save Profile” button in the lower right corner of the window. The “Ready to play Minecraft [version number]” message located in the lower right corner of the launcher should change the version.
  6. Click the “Play” button located at the bottom (center of the software interface window).

The new version will download after some time, and you can start playing.

If the method described above did not help update the game to the latest version, remove it from your personal computer, download the Minecraft.exe file from the official minecraft website again and install the game again. After this, the program will be updated.

How to update the pirated Minecraft client

To update the pirated version of Minecraft, follow these steps:

  1. To get started, launch the launcher.
  2. Next, in the top line from the drop-down list, select the desired profile or create a new one by selecting “Configure accounts”.
  3. In the second line from the drop-down list, select the desired version and click the “Install” button.

After the update, the game will launch automatically. If you still have questions about how to update Minecraft, watch a short instructional video.

The Bountiful Update- This Minecraft version 1.8, which will be released in the coming weeks. The pre-release is now available for download. The full update will be available for download on Tuesday, September 2, 2014.

This update has been over 300 days in the making and the wait has not been in vain. Minecraft 1.8 update is valid GENEROUS.

So, let's look at some of the many things that await us in Minecraft 1.8

List of main changes in the game ( Minecraft version 1.8):


Debug screen

  • Now, with the debug screen enabled, you will see the coordinates of the block by looking at it.
  • The right side of the display shows, as you look at the block, a small amount of information and NBT data.
  • For example: by looking at a door, you can know which way it is facing if it is open.
  • All blocks have their own information, which is displayed on the right side of the F3 debug screen.

Block IDs

  • Instead of digital IDs, item names are used.
  • Example: id: " minecraft:stone«.

Resource Packs

  • Now a card can be supplied with a specific resource pack (i.e. it will necessarily be included only on this card).
  • Example: A resource pack named in the map folder (.minecraft/saves/TheMapWithTheThing/


  • Added “skin customization” tab
  • Through this button you can adjust the visibility of each part of the body.
  • The cloak can only be disabled through this button.
  • Skins and capes can be distributed through servers.
  • Skin crashes on servers will occur less frequently and have less impact.
  • Changing skins no longer requires a client reboot; in the worst case scenario, logging in again will update everyone's skins.


  • A display with 3 buttons appeared.
  • Up and down arrows to move servers. By clicking on the third button, you can connect to the server.


  • You can see the entity's hitbox by using F3+B.

Game process

  • Certain resources are required to make enchanting possible.
  • Currently the only (known) resource is ultramarine.
  • One of the hover charms is written in English. The rest of the spells will also be applied. For example, if the tooltip says "Sharpness", you know that the remaining enchantment cannot be Celestial Punishment or Arthropod Scourge, as they are not compatible with each other. However, they can be Knockback or Aspect of Fire.
  • Only one (randomly selected) enchantment will appear in the tooltip.
  • Enchantments only cost 1-3 levels.
  • Each additional level increases the level[?] of the spell.
  • In multiplayer, the player will have to enchant an item in order for his/her own enchantment list to update.
  • Levels are more difficult to obtain.
  • Now shows one of the enchantments that will be cast.
  • The enchantment list does not reset if you remove an item from the enchantment table and put it back there.
  • The list of enchantments is updated when any item is enchanted.
  • Residents are divided by class.
  • Residents can harvest crops.
  • Improved trade balance.
  • Transactions have become less random.
  • Trading has become more useful.
  • Trading will provide experience.
  • The anvil has been redesigned for new system enchantment.
  • The cost of renaming will cost 1 level.
  • Repair costs are “compressed” for all items.
Console Commands
  • Added arguments to the /clear command (maximum number of items and NBT tags).
  • The /tellraw command can now print values ​​from SSIS in a message.
  • Example: /tellraw @p (text:"Have ",extra:[(score:(name:"Searge",objective:"reward"),(text:" diamonds")]).
  • The /say command can be used with the @e selector.
Villager mechanics
  • Residents can plant and replant crops.


  • All mobs have received new AI.

Country people

  • When directly hit by lightning, they turn into a witch.


  • Wolves attack skeletons even if they haven't attacked the player.


  • Skeletons run away from wolves.
  • Skeletons

Slime and Lava Cube

  • We got a new AI.
  • They can swim in water.

Wanderers of the Land

  • We got a new AI.
  • They move faster.

Zombies and Zombie Pigmen

  • They run away from creepers if they explode.


  • They run away from creepers if they explode.

Blocks and items


  • Pink-brown stone.


  • A white stone with a granite-like texture.
  • Appears in two versions: “Raw” (like cobblestone) and “Smooth”.


  • A gray stone with a granite-like texture.
  • Appears in two versions: “Raw” (like cobblestone) and “Smooth”.

Slime block

  • This block resembles a slug
  • If you jump on this block, a trampoline effect will appear.
  • Slows down when walking on it.
  • The slime block can pull blocks back, pull/push blocks next to it, when moving them with pistons. (Like a sticky piston).
  • Up to 12 blocks of slime can be moved by pistons if there is no block blocking the path.
  • Blocks that can be moved by pistons can be moved if stuck to a slime block.
  • An upward piston with a slime block on it will throw players/mobs into the air.
  • New possibilities for interaction between pistons and mucus blocks will allow you to create mob farms in the air.
  • Allows you to make more intricate redstone circuits, such as clocks.


  • Behaves like a regular block, but is completely transparent.
  • Can transmit redstone signal and allows it to be placed on top of itself.
  • Cannot be destroyed like Bedrock.
  • Can be obtained with the command /give @p minecraft:barrier<количество>.
  • When destroyed, particles of flowing lava and flowing water are displayed.

Iron hatch

  • Opens when a redstone signal is given.
  • It does not open by pressing RMB, unlike wooden hatches and doors.


  • It has several variants of prismarine, differing slightly in shade.
  • Also has crafting.

Sea lantern

  • Generated underwater in underwater fortresses.
  • Emits light with an intensity of 15 units.

Wet sponge

  • Jeb is currently testing this block.
  • The sponge has the ability to draw water into itself, however the water will flow back because it has been updated to create a source of streams.
  • After removing the water, the sponge immediately becomes darker and no longer absorbs water.
  • Also has a new texture similar to the old gravel texture with dark yellow dots.

Polluted ground

  • Replaces areas of bare ground in the Big Taiga and Savannah biomes.
  • If the whole world consists of earth, then it will gradually be replaced by polluted earth.
  • Can be mined by hand (no Silk Touch required).
  • Crafting Recipe: The dirt and gravel should be placed diagonally to each other in the shape of a 2x2 square in the crafting grid.


  • Has 16 colors and many patterns.
  • Can be worn on the head.
  • Crafted from 6 blocks of wool and a stick.

Armor stand

  • You can put armor and heads on it.

Of course, these are not all the changes; more detailed ones will be available closer to the full release of Minecraft 1.8

There is one in this update sad news.

Steve is no more.

He was removed from the game in Minecraft RS 1.8 and replaced with Alex. Over the entire 5 years of his life, he killed millions of zombies, skeletons, mined tens of thousands of glasses of diamonds, killed dragons hundreds of times, tamed a dog millions of times, built architectural masterpieces hundreds of thousands of times, mined more than 10,000,000 trees, carried millions of times heavy armor, was in hell tens of thousands of times, and they changed him to some pathetic Alex. R.I.P.

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