Original title: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Complete walkthrough of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Star wars knights of the old republic Dantooine walkthrough

Here we will cover the answers to all the questions that a person playing KotOR may have, no matter whether he is a beginner or an experienced player.

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Technical issues
Where can I get patches?
Where can I get a good localization tool?
What codes are there in the game?

Game process
What planets are there in the game?
Who can be on the team?
How strong and weak sides do my companions have?
What is a workbench for?
Will it be possible to become a Jedi?
How to get past the rancor in the sewers?
How to find Mandalorians who need to be destroyed?
In what order should you go through the planets after Dantooine?
How to save a hunter surrounded by droids?
What, in general, is with the dialogues on Kashyyyk?? All the lines are mixed up!
How to destroy an installation at an underwater station?
How to get out of the trap received from the Rodian near the bar?
How to solve the three rod puzzle in the Tomb of Naga Sadow?
What numbers should you choose to solve the puzzle when playing as T3?
Planet of Lost Ships
How to correctly pass the 9 tile trap in the Rakata Temple?
Star Forge
How to build a dialogue with Bastila so that she remains alive?


Original name: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Genre: RPG

Developer: Bioware
Publisher: LucasArts
Publisher in Russia: no and not expected

PC, Xbox

Release date (US)
Xbox version: 15.07.2003
PC version: 19.11.2003

System requirements
Minimum: PII 800MHz, 256Mb RAM, GeForce 2
Recommended: P IV 1800MHz, 512Mb RAM, GeForce 4 (128 Mb)

Odyssey engine


Disks in full version:
1 DVD or 4 CD

Technical issues

Where can I get patches?

Which one should I put? Of course, the last one. :] It includes fixes for the previous two.

Where can I get a good localization tool?

What codes are there in the game?

Various - from banal invulnerability to obtaining any skill and almost any item from the game.
The full list can be seen.

Game process

What planets are there in the game?

In the game you can visit the following planets:
1) Taris is a peaceful planet temporarily occupied by the Sith. At the upper levels, business and modern technology flourish; at the bottom there is crime and violence.
2) Dantooine is a peaceful, thriving planet, the location of the local Jedi Enclave.
3) Tatooine is a hot, sandy place inhabited by the mysterious Tuskens. The latter actively interfere with mining, almost driving the miners into the only spaceport on the planet, Anchorhead.
4) Kashyyyk is a world with a humid tropical climate and vast jungles that cover the entire surface of the planet. The homeland of the Wookiees and the hunting ground of the corporation of slave traders who flew in for live goods.
5) Korriban is a place that is very attractive to new visitors because, firstly, of the ancient tombs of the Sith Lords, and secondly, the local Dark Jedi Academy.
6) Manaan is a neutral world, which is a huge ocean inhabited by fish-like Selkath. Produces a substance called “kolto”, which is indispensable in the treatment of any wounds. Naturally, both the Sith and the Republic strive to win the planet over to their side. For trade with the outside world, the city of Ahto City was built right on the water.
7) The unknown world is a forgotten planet, the homeland of the once great Rakata race.

In addition, it was originally planned to introduce the planet Sleheiron (the homeland of the Hutts) into the game, but, unfortunately, the idea did not survive to release.

Who can be on the team?

Trask Algo (Trask Ulgo) — soldier, is given at the beginning of the game and accompanies the main character aboard the Endar Spire. Killed there by Darth Bandon.
Kart Onasi (Carth Onasi) — soldier, conventional weapons - two blaster pistols
Vao Mission (Mission Vao) - young Twi "lekk- scoundrel. Joins the player on Taris.
Zaalbar (Zaalbar) - Wookiee- scout. Joins the player on Taris.
Bastila Shen (Bastila Shan) — Jedi Guardian, uses a double-edged lightsaber. Joins the player on Taris.
T3-M4droid expert, joins the player on Taris.
Kenderos Ordo (Canderous Ordo) — soldier, Mandalorian mercenary. Joins the player on Taris.
Juhani (Juhani) — Jedi Guardian, belonging to the Cathar race. Joins the main character on Dantooine.
HK-47battle droid, the usual weapon is a blaster rifle. He has a cynical dark humor and a desire to destroy all organic life. Joins the player on Tatooine. As it later turns out, its first owner was Revan himself.
Jolie Bindo (Jolee Bindo) - elderly Jedi Advisor. Joins the player on Kashyyyk.

What strengths and weaknesses do my companions have?

Bastila can fight in close combat, and can support allies with the Force. The only bad thing is that it shoots poorly - but why would a Jedi shoot?..
Kenderos It shoots well, and in close combat it looks almost better, thanks to its large health reserve. A regenerative implant allows him to quickly recover from injuries he receives. The downside is that he is good for nothing except fighting.
Kart- a good shooter and can hold his own in close combat. Only a little weak in health, but good armor will solve this too.
HK-47 is strong due to its specialization in small arms, and a character with a developed Repair skill can further increase its effectiveness. In principle, he cannot fight in close combat.
Jolie Bindo He casts healing powers quite well, and can also use combat powers, but in close combat he is almost nothing. Even a lightsaber can't save the old man.
Juhani- a good combat Jedi, also suitable for sabotage attacks.
Mission he can shoot a little with a blaster, he can wave a sword a little... but that’s all. She does not last long in serious battles, and T3 will successfully replace her as a hacker and cracker.
T3-M4 looks like a clear “knowledge worker”, namely a cracker and hacker. Its combat use is quite limited, since it does not shoot particularly effectively, and it does not know how to swing a sword at all. At the same time, you can’t deny its durability – especially if you splurge on several armor plates. And in close combat, unlike the HK, it can show itself - if you arm it with a flamethrower or a cryogenic cannon. Beware, enemies, of the little “bucketroid”!
Zaalbar... classic Wookiee - strong, healthy and clumsy. Not bad in close combat with two blades, can shoot from a personal Bowcaster, but in the later stages of the game it is of little use - enemies become much more protected.

And remember that you can develop any of your companions at your discretion, so you may end up with a team with completely different characteristics than those described here.

What is a workbench for?

At the workbench you can improve some types of equipment, making them more powerful or durable.

Will it be possible to become a Jedi?

Yes, the hero will have the opportunity to choose a Jedi class according to the plot immediately after completing Taris.


How to get past the rancor in the sewers?

On a severed hand near the entrance to his home, you can pick up a synthesized smell. If you put it in a pile of scraps along with a grenade, the rancor will eat it and die. But if you manage to defeat him in a fair fight (with the help of mines and grenades), you will receive 750 exp.


How to find Mandalorians who need to be destroyed?

They divided into 3 groups - one to the north of the grove, one to the south and one in the grove itself. When you get rid of all three, another one will appear in the grove, led by their leader.

In what order should you go through the planets after Dantooine?

There won't be much difference, but on Tatooine you will have a good battle droid at your disposal, and on Kashyyyk you will have a Jedi advisor.4. Discard fuel from injector.
5. Pump fuel from the container into the injector.
6. Fill the container.
7. Pump fuel from the container into the injector.


How to get out of the trap received from the Rodian near the bar?

The sequence of answers “Time” - “Tomorrow” - “Grave” - “Fire” will lead you outside.

How to solve the three rod puzzle in the Tomb of Naga Sadow?

Using the remote control, redirect the energy rings in this order:
1. From left to right.
2. From left to middle.
3. From right to middle.
4. From left to right.
5. From middle to left.
6. From middle to right.
7. From left to middle.
8. From right to left.
9. From middle to left.
10. From right to middle.
11. From left to right.
12. From left to middle.
13. From right to middle.
14. From left to right.
15. From middle to right.
16. From middle to left.
17. From right to left.
18. From middle to right.
19. From left to middle.
20. From left to right.
21. From middle to right.

Difficult? There’s no point in going where you don’t ask. :)


What numbers should you choose to solve the puzzle when playing as T3?

Planet of Lost Ships

Star Forge

How to build a dialogue with Bastila so that she remains alive?

In the intervals between battles with her, you need to show trust in her and hope with every response that she can be turned to the Light again. At the end, you can try to appeal to her feelings (only for male characters).

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Knights of the Old Republic, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Knights of the Old Republic. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Knights of the Old Republic Walkthrough read on our website.


Your character will leave the healing capsule in Peragus. We go out into the hall. If necessary, return to the capsule and heal. Kreia will then inform you that danger awaits you (a crowd of ironclads). She will also tell you about communicating with the Force. We eliminate the piece of iron and turn off the field near the door. Go down to the prison and make acquaintance with Atton Random. You have a new friend, a piece of iron, he will tell you that he knows the code for the atmospheric tray, but it is voice. Only a military man could have said it, but he is dead. In the room nearby, we take the Sonic Imprint Sensor from the container and again communicate with the piece of iron. You need to force him to tell you the code. As a last resort, use the terminal in Droid Control and blow it up. We open the door of the atmospheric tray and take the spacesuit from the closet, then unlock the next door and you will find yourself outside the asteroid. We receive the codes, they will be encrypted, the code for the turbolift is “3, 17, 13, 5, 7.”


Leave the apartment and head to Module 082 West. At the docks you will be persuaded to deliver the droid to the Ithorians. We communicate with him near the entrance to Bai 2, and then go to the launch pad and to the boat. When you are in the cafe, Benok will start a conversation with you. Chat with everyone else there and solve the Ithorian's difficulty. We communicate with Khabat and run to the docks. Along the way, you will receive a notification from Moz that the Ithorians are under attack. We go back and destroy everyone at the entrance. Afterwards, go to the vivarium and chat with Moza. Get the key from him and go save Khabat. On the boat, the piece of iron will tell you that he downloaded something from the Atris archives. It will contain a recording of the Council meeting at which you were expelled from the Order and the sword was taken away. You will also know on which planets you need to look for members of the Council. Next, talk to the group and Handmaiden will appear, she is your new one. Bao-Dur will begin to tell you about the lightsaber, and he will lend his help to assemble it. Once you have collected all the details, talk to him alone. He will also be able to improve the droid. We communicate with Handmaiden, she will tell you about how it arose. She will also teach you combat attacks. Then he will learn about the Force. Afterwards you can choose one of four galaxies for your next journey, the first galaxy named Dantooine, the second Onderon, the third Shaddaa and the fourth and final one Korriban.


Let's talk to the team and go inside. In one of the rooms, Jorran has closed himself in the corner, talk to him. The next station is the Crystal Cave. We follow the mercenary, you will find yourself in a secret detachment. Before you leave the catacombs, we look into the cave that is located further and collect crystals. Your boss will thank you. Afterwards, Vruk will tell you why the Jedi need to hide.

Nar Shaddaa

Deal with them, or pay them off, if you’re not too lazy to shell out the dough. Find a card with a new identification code for Aton, if you manage to find it, there will be no difficulties in the future. After that, teach a lesson to several thugs who are tormenting the poor guy, and then talk to him. Chat with another friend at the wall. At the crossing you will see several more criminals who are going to extract money from the next victim. Discourage them from doing this, or pay them off. Then go to Exchange headquarters. We cure the victim or kill, as you wish. Afterwards, go to the cafe, and then to the docks. Etton will catch up with you and tell you to be careful. Then Mira will appear, we notify the piece of iron C7-E3, which is located near the console, of our arrival. He will not let you through, but will send C6-E3 to help. He will hint to you that it is necessary to destroy C7. If this happens, then C6-E3 will be able to activate the doors. After eliminating C7, you will see a door that will be locked with a code, combine the row of numbers that are above with the row of numbers that are below and turn the three blocks. The order will be: the middle block will be counterclockwise, the left block will be counterclockwise, the right block will be clockwise. You will find yourself in a telecommunications room with a piece of hardware B-4R5, he will monitor the traffic of cargo ships. He will provide you with the codes and a blank transport card.

Goto boat

Go back to Ebon Hawk and insert the part into NK-47. Talk to the piece of hardware, and then we communicate with the piece of hardware GO-TO, he will explain to you your goals that need to be achieved. We communicate with everyone else, and then fly to the next galaxy.


Here you can choose one option from several: either shoot a little from the gun, or immediately go to the Moon. The landing will take place in a clearing near a waterfall. The ship will have minor malfunctions. You need to get to the nearest warehouse and find a way to fly to the Onderon galaxy. We follow from Ebon Hawk to the eastern side, Ettog will pick you up near the spaceship. There you will find a laptop, and more will be said about Revan. Run into the jungle and eliminate everyone there. How to find a converter with several parts, fix the wires and set up the computer. Also in the jungle you will be able to find a foreigner who managed to get lost in it. Come to his aid, let's save him from angry animals. Then tell Xarge about this, Kreia will join you and teach you how to fight. We communicate with the most important things. You will need to activate the explosion device near the cannon warehouse.


When you find yourself in the sellers' territory, you will be able to see how the Vaklu military is approaching the press, accusing it of having ties with the Republic. We save her, or we just pass by. Next, talk to a couple of guys. Captain Riiven will tell you about the murder. We return back to the doctor’s office and go to the cafe, which is located nearby. We talk to Panhard, who is near the stage, and then talk to Nikko. Leave the cafe and examine the crime scene. You will find a lot of debris near the bloody stain, you should pay attention to the wreckage of the droid. Let's go back and talk to everyone else about the droid. Leave the cafe again and purchase the remaining parts from the 1B-8D piece of iron. We show them to Keefe and show Nikoo the killer. After everything, we communicate with Riiken and eliminate the group that will happen in the cafe. We take the disks and take them to the doctor.


Next, you need to defeat Malak in battle, his subordinates will immediately disappear. Go through the doors that will be in the middle. You will see a laptop at the next door. We eliminate the opponents and move on. We choose the side of Kreia or the rest. As soon as you find yourself at the academy, we run immediately to the terminal, look on the map, to the southwest. There we enter the code and get access to the library. To open the door to the training room, take the test, which consists of five questions. Once you've done everything, return back to the valley, and then to the boat.


Later you will learn about the beginning of the civil war in Onderon. One part of the servants remained with the princess, while the other followed the general's side. The revolutionaries have attacked Dxin, you need to disarm them. Next, the groups are divided into two, join the group for a hike in the jungle. Eliminate all the Sith that will be in the camp, before doing this, clear the tunnel of explosives. Go to the terminal and read the alerts, follow the direction of Fredon Ned's tomb. To get there, you need to kill all the Sith that get in your way. Once you find yourself in the tomb, press the lever on the terminal on the north side to get into the Sith Krupt. We open the sarcophagus near the statue and take the items of the king of Onderon. Afterwards we approach the Mandalorian Kharga, he will send you back to the camp. The main character will be given a warship that can get to Onderon.


We eliminate Vaklu's employees on the site and move to another map. Climb into Tourette Tower and disable the barrier that blocked the road to the castle. Cut off the next barrier with your lightsaber. Once you are at the castle, go to the throne room. Colonel Tobin will close the doors in front of you, you will need to find a way to unlock it. In the northern part there will be a warehouse with good items, enter the code: 66, 45, 39.

At the warehouse you will meet Jedi Kavar, go deal with the riot in the castle. After a few rooms, you will see Captain Kadron. He will tell you about the second console, which you need to go to, it is located in the south in the castle. With the help of a satellite, you can quickly be transported to the castle, or run to the castle like this. Afterwards we go to the Primar Security Complex, cut down the force field using the terminal, Captain Riken is closed in it. We switch all functions to the next terminal, it is still controlled by the princess’s supporters. Next, run to save the princess herself, one of the mutants has cut down the field, he will begin to kill everyone. Eliminate it immediately. You should deal with General Vaklu, either kill him or leave him alive, the choice is yours. Kreia will be able to resurrect one of the employees, she will also say that she is on the side of the general and will go to eliminate Tilos. Chat with Kavar, he will teach you how to fight correctly, and then he will go to Dantooine. And by the end, Talia will give you a gift, return back to Ebon Hawk and fly to Dantooine.


The Jedi are waiting for you in the Enclave, everything has already been restored and rebuilt. We talk with several Jedi for a long time, by the end they will remove you from the Force. Kreia will arrive here, eliminate them and disappear immediately. Handmaiden will say that everything is over, and you should return to Atris on Tylos. She is very cunning. We return to Ebon Hawk, where Eton will open your eyes to Kreia’s troubles, and Visas will say that he is in love.


Win the battle with Handmade, we catch up with Atris in the Meditation Chamber, then we communicate and continue the battle. She does not agree to accept your proposal. Once the damage is almost zero, she will still agree to talk again. She will tell you about the plans of Kreia, who plans to eliminate the Sith and Jedi, as well as the Force. She is going to do this with your help. Kill Atris, or let her live. In the room next to it, you will meet Handmand, who survived. After talking with Lieutenant Green, we go to the entertainment module, and then to the shuttle, it will take you to the devastator. Once on the boat, you must complete two tasks, the first is to find and eliminate Darth Nihilus, and then blow up their ship, for this you need to plant four explosives on different sides. There will be a Sit Lord on the bridge, and you will have to fight him, the battle will not be easy. After that, all that remains is to plant the explosives that are left and go back to the shuttle. Once you plant the third explosive, the fourth one will suddenly detonate during the battle with the Sith, so you will have to find a new explosive. We follow to Maintains Bay and use Missle Bay Control. Click on the active startup sequence, the defined emergency sequence. Then we take the Proton Core from Missle Bay. We install the fourth bomb and return back to the shuttle. You will see a huge explosion of the ship. Chat with Anasi, he wants to know how Revana is.

Malachor 5

We run to the entrance to the next map, Malachor Depths. We follow in the direction of Trayus Academy, an ambush will be waiting for you there. The doors will immediately close and a large Storm Beast will come out to you. Once you destroy it, the doors will become accessible. A guard will meet you near the Academy. We destroy the Henher rug. Next, you will control a small flying droid, also known as Bao-Dur’s faithful companion. Go to four government ship consoles, you must repair the Shadow Mass Generator. You shouldn't fight mutants, you have no chance of winning. Next, you need to eliminate Malachor 5. Then GO-TO will appear, and Ebon Hawk will fall into the abyss. Once you are at the Academy, go to the Trayus training ground, and then back to the previous map, but at a different destination. Once Zion appears, you must defeat him four times. After the battle, go to Trayusa central, there you will meet with Krei. Let's deal with her. Find out the fate of Tylos, Dantooine and other friends and watch the final video. Walkthrough of the game Knights of the Old Republic completed.

Star Wars: KotOR

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

To begin with, a short introductory speech. StarWars: KotOR contains not only a rich set of characteristics, abilities and feats, but also extensive and multi-stage dialogue trees, as well as a lot of main and a bucket of secondary quests, in which you can often choose between several options for actions, some of which will move you on the dark or light side of the Force. This solution does not adhere to any particular approach, but rather leans toward the light option. Probably more than half of the side quests will only be mentioned in passing, so don't expect an explanation of all the tasks and a description of the consequences of all actions. The emphasis is on the main storyline, with minor additions.
If one of your partners is killed, do not be alarmed; after the battle he will get up and, holding his side, limping, will hobble after you. It will be possible to quickly heal. From most zones you can quickly travel to the ship using a button on the map screen. You don't have to run to the ramp every time. There, on this navigation screen, you can quickly and without unnecessary problems change or select new partners. First, your entire team (you can only bring two with you, but there will be nine in total: Trask Ulgo, Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Wookiee Zalbaar, Jedi Bastila Shan, droid T3-M4, Canderous Ordo, Juhani, battle droid HK-47 and Jedi Jolee Bindo) will be waiting for you in a safe place, in some warehouse or base, and after you get the Ebon Hawk at your disposal, he will hang out on the ship. Weapon: lightsabers, blasters and armor can be upgraded on a special table by stuffing crystals and additional bells and whistles into them.
Sometimes you can make them yourself using special equipment. Remember that heavy armor will block some Jedi techniques, so choose: either light protection, but with additional feints, or a trusty sword and strong body armor. During the battle, you cannot change armor, only weapons, so you need to take care of this in advance. Dozens of NPCs roam on each planet, there are merchants and shops where you can buy weapons and equipment. If you ask to reduce the price, then the merchants, of course, will reduce it (sometimes twice or more), but then your dark side will increase. The most valuable items and weapons, as a rule, cannot be bought; they are lying around in deep caves with terrible monsters, locked in boxes, or they are carried with them by irresponsible citizens, parting with them along with their own lives at the very last moment. You can develop and upgrade your character in any direction, but I would advise you to pay attention to “Treat Injury”, the higher this skill is, the more health you can restore with medical packs. Well, stop shaking the air with your tongue, let's go!

Endar Spire - Motherland, ugh, the Republic is in danger!

Your ship is attacked by a Sith fleet who are looking for an important Jedi, as a result of which it will receive damage incompatible with carefree sailing in outer space, and will fall on the city-planet (or vice versa, the city-planet) Taris. But while it hasn’t crashed yet, you have to wander around it, breaking through to the escape capsules. As soon as you wake up from the noise overboard, a Trask Ulgo soldier will run into your cabin and tell you about the attack, that it would be nice for you to take your things from the box, and gossip a little more about the controls. It cannot be said that such instructions greatly enhance the first minutes of acquaintance with the toy, but we have seen worse examples. Take the junk, try it on yourself, and include Trask in your team. It’s better to fight back together than alone. Switch to him and open the door. You need to get to the control room. Open the next door with your first partner. Hack or shoot two soldiers, at the same time you will get acquainted with the combat interface.You can also change the actions in the combat icons that appear above the opponents (attack with a sword, an energy beam, a grenade; the further you go, the more options will appear) by scrolling through the images with tiny arrows at the top or bottom of these small ovals.
On the left, from the container, take the credit cards and medical pack. And from the chest on the right, grab swords and battle armor for company. Next, also try not to let chests and containers pass you by. In almost every one of them there is something to profit from. Even if some item is not needed, it can always be sold, and credit cards are valuable here. In the next corridor, watch the shootout scene, then take out the three remaining soldiers. They didn't have much time left. All doors will be blocked except one, so head there. Behind it you will find two Jedi fighting with lightsabers. Both will finish each other off, to your great joy. Take your things, fight the two soldiers and go out the door. You will find yourself on the bridge, everyone has disappeared somewhere, it’s time for you to look for a way to salvation. Again, kick a bunch of soldiers, leave the bridge, and through the door. By the way, it’s time to increase the level, which you will know when the arrow on the character’s portrait starts blinking.
After a couple of doors, a dark Jedi with a red sword will appear, and your partner will go to fight him, leaving you alone with your thoughts, because the door will close behind him. Well, go to the "Starboard Section". The radio will tell everyone to move towards the escape capsules. Defeat the new soldier, take the parts from the box and repair the droid. He will help you get to the next room. Finally, get into the "Escape Pod".

Taris - Hope dies last.

The ship will fall on a planet where you must find and save the hope of the entire galaxy - the young Jedi Bastila. You will again have a strange dream about a dark Jedi. This planet is controlled by the Sith, so it’s better not to stick your head out too much, but try to steal clothes and pretend to be their ordinary soldier. Go out and take Carth with you. Deal with the soldiers, take the items from the box. You can break the door in the corridor. Next, go to “Upper City”. Get involved in an argument and save the alien at the far gate, from whom local bandits are trying to extort money. Go to "Upper City North", then to "North Appartments". Break the door on the right and talk to Largo. Then a soldier will stop you and tell you that you can only enter in a special uniform.

A bunch of Sith are mocking the alien, get involved in a fight and chop the Sith into pieces. Talk to the rescued one, he will tell you about the gangs in the lower city and Gadon Thek "a, the leader of the Hidden Beks bandit sharashka. Search the bodies, now you have a Sith uniform. Return upstairs and go to the side where there was a droid store. You can buy in this store droid, only then it will explode, and you will get your money back - even more than you paid if you threaten the saleswoman (plus the dark force). Go through the door opposite, the Sith Guard will stop you. Change into the Sith uniform and calmly go to "Lower City" .
Take part in a little chaos again and go to "Hidden Becks Base". Tell the girl at the entrance that you want to talk to their leader. At the base, talk to Gadon about the escape capsule. He will tell you that the woman from the capsule was captured by another gang and only the one who wins the swoop race can get it. You will have to participate. Just first you need to get to the base of another gang and steal there is an Important Technical Item for the local "motorcycle" in order to gain a significant advantage in the race. You cannot get to the Vulkar base through the main entrance, you can only get there through roundabout routes. A girl with the strange name Mission, along with her friend Wookie, can help you with this. will offer to exchange the form of the sieves for papers that will provide you with further unhindered passage. Change without hesitation.
Go out into the corridor and go all the way. A Sith guard guards the entrance to the Undercity. Show him the papers and get into the elevator. Immediately upon arrival, bandits will press you against the wall and begin to demand money. You can give them money and medicine or not - the choice, as always, is yours. Showdowns, of course, showdowns, but you shouldn’t forget about the main thing - here you need to find the leader of Gendar." In the pen with the monster, you will meet Mission Vao, which you can include in your team. Hurray, a new addition, it’s high time. The girl will agree to take you to the bandit base, but only if you help her save her furry friend. Agree.
In "Lower Sewers" kill a couple of monsters; behind them there will be two doors. One leads to the Vulkar base, but the passage is blocked by an impassable blue field. Mission will turn it off later. The other one will lead you to her friend. Go there, go out to the three doors. There are two Gamorrean Elites behind the right door, so you'll have to sweat a little. Then the girl will open the door and meet her beloved Wookiee. He will be so grateful to you for his salvation that he will agree to be with you to the end (his or yours, it doesn’t matter so much). Go back to the blue box, Mission will turn it off. Go out to the waterfall, where a battle takes place between the guards and the monsters. You can wait until it ends and then calmly finish off the winners.
Then go to the left door, and at the new waterfall, where the droid will attack you, go to the right. The path will lead you to a huge monster, the likes of which you have never met before - Rancor. It is not easy to defeat him, oh, how difficult it is. You can use different tactics, for example, first throw grenades and then run into the tunnel and fire from the tunnel itself. It is so big that it simply cannot fit in there, and then goes back to its place. The correct way is to place monster bait on the pile of bones (taken from one of the corpses along the way) along with a grenade. The little animal will eat it and hoard it. Oddly enough, for killing with conventional weapons, eskpas pay three times as much. By the way, a funny glitch appeared - when a dead mountain of meat fell on my hero, he stopped moving, getting stuck in it up to his ears. Only when it evaporated after a few seconds was it possible to move.
Behind the door that was guarded by the monster, there will be a new guard and the entrance to "Vulkar Base". There are quite a lot of rooms here, and there are also enough soldiers. In the dining room, talk to the waitress Ada. She will tell you about the prototype you are looking for. It's probably in the garage somewhere on the lower level. You can break down the door to the armory, which is guarded by two soldiers, and collect a whole heap of weapons. Connect to the console and look at the images from different cameras, then set off an explosion to kill most of the guards in the barracks. Here you can open all the doors and load base maps, overload and blow up the computer so that the security guns are turned off. Of course, if you have enough chips.
Go down to the garage (take the access card from one of the corpses in the barracks) by elevator. In the room where there is a console, take the Pazaak and Garage Head Cards from the table. Log into the computer and open all the doors. In the southeast part of the garage, you need to open the door - either using the access card or from the computer. Here you will find the required part and negotiations with the enemy gang. They will offer to take part in the races on their side and, in addition, kill the leader of your gang. Choose as you see fit. I refused, killed them all, took the “Swoop Accelerator” and returned back to Gadon, who was the first to offer participation in the race. Now you will become a full participant in this very race. Approach the race manager and declare your participation, a mini-game will start "You just need to beat the record you set to win the race. It's not difficult if you drive carefully over the accelerating plates and change gears in time. Although then it turns out that your record will be broken, and you will have to set a new one. That is, ride one more time.
Bastila, having escaped from the cage, will start a fight in which you will also have to participate. Nobody asked about your desire to wave your fists, as usual, but the Jedi should not be offended. Now this powerful girl will join your team, and then you will all find yourself in the shelter together. This is a special place where all the members of your “crew” will be while you walk around the planet. You can also quickly move here by clicking on a special option in the menu. Talk to Bastila and tell her about your visions and the battle with the dark Jedi. It turns out that you are somehow connected to the Force, and in order to finally figure out exactly how, you will need to get to the Jedi Council. Of course, for starters, it would be nice to find a way to get away from this planet. When you leave the shelter, you will be met by a messenger from the Canderous Ordo (the local crime boss), who will want to grind with you. Go to the Cantina bar in Upper City. Here you can take part in a tournament in the arena, improving your combat abilities. Talk to Ordo there, who, like you, wants to escape from the planet and will tell you about his crazy plan. You will need to steal the launch codes from the Sith military base. To get into it, you will have to get a droid that can break open the doors.
Go to the droid shop and talk to the owner. Say you want to purchase the latest model "T3-M4". She will agree to sell it for two thousand, but she can give it up for one and a half thousand if you bargain well. Or even give it away for free if you scare her properly (+ to the dark side). Now head to the base ("Sith Base"), switch to the droid and open the gate for it. Give the girl at the table 50 credits for a tip, and she will quickly run away and not raise the alarm. There will be three doors in front of you: the left one leads to a room with security, there will be a corridor straight ahead, and the right one is generally drawn just for beauty. At the end of the corridor, a familiar alien will ask you to save him. It is in the capsule, and you need to switch all the switches on the wall to the "off" position - red. This is a small puzzle, if you accidentally make a mistake and all the switches are in the “On” position, then the alien will immediately be fried in his cone. Who wants alien stew?
Take the "sith base passcard" from the box in the east. Go to the southeast, where there will be a powerful assault droid and two laser cannons. After him, get into the elevator and kill the Sith Governor in his apartment. Before the battle, you will try to dissuade him from leaving the dark side, etc. It won't work, unfortunately. Search the body, now you have all the necessary launch codes. Get upstairs and go to the bar "Javyar's Cantina", which is located on the "Lower Level", not far from Gadon's lair. Talk to Ordo, he will join your company. Watch the video about how Lord Malak orders the destruction of the planet Taris, where you have the misfortune to be right now, in case anyone has forgotten. Then you will talk with Davik and become, as it were, his guest of honor, but in fact you will be in his apartment as a prisoner.
You need to disable the security system on the ship, and only then fly away from the planet on it. Find the console, it's in the room next to the hangar, and hack it or use the access card of one of the guards. Turn off all systems and open the doors. Soon Davik and Calo will rush into the hangar - finish them off. You will knock one down yourself, and the ceiling will suddenly fall on the other. A dog's death! Get into the "Ebon Hawk" ship, on which you will fly away from the planet, which at that moment will begin to be attacked by the guns of the Malak ship. A mini-game will immediately start (in the spirit of the arcade "beachhead"): you need to destroy all enemy fighters at using the ship's cannon before they destroy your ship. Talk to the team and fly to Dantooine.

Dantooine - Dedication.

Look into the room with the Jedi Council, who will advise you to retrain from a full-fledged Jedi. Again you will begin to see strange visions in which the two most important villains will appear. By the way, in one of the rooms of the complex you can buy a deck for playing Pazaak and play several games. The rules are quite simple, it is very similar to Poker, but you can win (more realistically and have more opportunities) only when you have an impressive set of cards in your hands. As you travel the galaxy, buy or find cards to increase your chances of winning.
Go to the "Training Room" next to the Council room and get acquainted with the different types of Jedi there to decide which one you want to train as. There are only three of them: Guardian, Consular or Sentinel. Tell the Jedi Council about your bad dream and agree to train as a Jedi. Watch funny mini-scenes smoothly flowing into each other, clearly showing how you master combat techniques, learn to meditate and lift objects into the air, etc. Typical Jedi training, just like the movie prototypes. In general, now you are a Padawan and in the future you can gain the status of a Jedi, but not everything is so simple. Talk to the teacher, Master Zhar, who will ask you to take the test. To make sure that you understand everything correctly and are worthy of such a high title. The answers to the questions are as follows:

There is no emotion... peace
There is no ignorance... knowledge
There is no passion... serenity
There is no chaos... harmony
There is no death... the force.

Now you have passed the first test, then Zhar will tell you about the second test (you will have to assemble a lightsaber with your own hands) and will direct you to Master Dorak. Go to the room with the Jedi and talk to Dorak. He will ask you to choose the color of the sword and, accordingly, your Jedi path. The blue color of the sword is the Jedi Guardian cutting his way with the sword; yellow - Jedi Sentinel, a sword in half with the Force, and, finally, green corresponds to the Jedi Consular, an active user of the Force. Next, he will begin to ask you questions to determine your preferences and ask you to make your choice again, this time final. I chose Guardian"a. Then he will give you a crystal for creating a lightsaber (exactly the color of the path you chose - I was given blue). Return to Zhar and you will build your own Jedi sword. The teacher will also tell you about the crystals that you can insert into your sword (there can be three of them in total, counting one for the color) and about the last test. You need to clear all rabble grove of meditations.
Go out to the Courtyard, a local resident named Jon will stop you and complain about the Mandalorians who killed his daughter. Send him to hell or agree to help and punish the scoundrels - it’s up to you. Next to the small boat is Elise, who will ask you to find her droid companion. Another side quest for those who like to wander around the bush. Opposite there is an alien merchant, from whom you can also buy maps of the area, and, you know, quite inexpensively. Go to the grove in the southeast, where you will be attacked by kath hounds, strange toothy creatures that look a little like lions. Further in the “Matale Grounds”, you will immediately see a Mandalorian terrorizing peaceful aliens. Figure it out and give everyone what they deserve. On this On the map, clear the area in the east, a little further than Matale Estate, away from the “lions.” Two paths lead to the south and one to the north, go in a south-west direction, to the “Grove”.

On this map, new monsters will attack you, and a woman will crawl out next to “Ancient Grove” and, taking out a red Jedi sword, will rush into the attack. Unfortunately, your partners will be frozen and will not take part in the battle. Once you've given this bastard a hard time, she'll want to talk to you. It turns out that this same Juhani, a former Jedi student, is the cause of all the troubles, the invasion of monsters in the vicinity of the town and so on. So now you need to either convince her to come down from the dark side, where, according to her, she has slipped too much, or simply destroy her. As they say, no person, no problem.
Return to the Jedi Council premises and talk to Zhar in the training room. If you failed Juhani, an indignant Jedi will stop you on the way and begin to reproach you for not doing everything possible to save the lost one. Don’t pay attention, she will fume and leave . After talking with the master, go to the Council and talk to everyone there. The Council will tell the story of the fall of Revan"a and Malak"a, in which there are still many dark spots to be revealed. After defeating the Mandalorians, they set off to explore the distant corners of the galaxy in search of unfinished remnants enemy and disappeared.
After some time, they returned, but not alone, but at the head of a powerful fleet, some of the ships of which were of unknown alien design. And then a new war began, and if it weren’t for the Jedi Bastila with her abilities, the victory of Revan and Malak would have been complete and final. The conversation is suddenly interrupted by the intervention of a local resident from a noble family, who demands to go in search of his son, who, as he assumes, was kidnapped by another locally respected family. You can agree to participate in the search or engage directly in the main quest - studying strange ruins that can shed light on the story of the fall of the main villains.
Leave the city and go to the "Strange Ruins" in the southeast. Don't forget to bring Bastil and a droid with you, with which you can open the entrance doors in the ruins. Behind the next doors you will find a missing Jedi who was sent by the Council to delve into the ruins, and you will meet an ancient droid that has been hanging around here for about twenty thousand years , that is, five thousand years before the creation of the Republic. A conversation with this droid will reveal to you the plans of Malak, who found out about the super-mega weapon "Star Forge" and now wants to conquer the universe with its help. You also need to find out more about this device, information about which is stored behind the doors, just behind the droid. To get there, you first need to visit a couple of rooms, on the right and left, which are guarded by powerful battle droids, the battle with which will not be easy. There are also computer terminals that require you to select three words out of six offered. When you need to enter words from the “life-giving” series, click: oceanic, grassland, arboreal. "Death-giving" - respectively, desert, volcanic and barren. If you do everything correctly, you will have access to the main doors; if you make a mistake, the droids will rise again and you will have to crush them again.
Return to the informant droid and go through the door to the south. There you will find an ancient flower-shaped terminal that displays a star map. Bastila will try to figure it out, but some details are still missing to determine the exact location of the Star Forge. Therefore, we will have to visit four more new planets in search of additional information. Return to the city and talk to the Jedi Council. Yoda's local great-great-great-grandfather will show you a new mission. You need to visit four planets that were indicated on the star map and find the coordinates of the superweapon. Although no one yet knows exactly what it really is, and nothing is said about it in the Jedi archives, caution will not hurt. You can always return to Dantooine to buy something or get advice from wise elders. There are still a few side quests left on this planet, and you can also look for lightsaber crystals here, so go for it if you want. At the exit from the Council building, Deesra will meet you and warn you against possible dangers. Run to your ship and fly to Tatooine.
- Tatooine - Dragon Slayers.

Before landing, they will show a couple of videos: in the first, Lord Malak orders a mercenary to catch your partner Bastil, and in the other, you will again see visions, this time about a new terminal with the next piece space map. The planet is one large, endless desert, but with caves in which strange people are hiding. Most likely, the desired device is hidden in one of the caves. Get off the ship and talk to the Czerka Corporation officer. He will require you to pay a registration fee of one hundred credits and tell you a little about the planet you landed on. Continue on to "Anchorhead". There is a droid shop, the office of the only corporation on the planet, a bar, and you can also take part in races. Go to Czerka's office and talk to the officer there. To leave the city, you need to have a hunting license, but they will agree to give it to you in exchange for help with the desert people. These harmful sand people got into the habit of destroying mines and breaking mining machines. Agree to help with this problem and, having received a license, leave the office. An alien will stop you and advise you to take a translator droid with you in order to solve the problem with the sand people peacefully. If you heed the advice, then go to the droid store. Talk to the owner, Yuka Laka, and ask him about the HK-47 model. He'll charge a hefty price of 5,000 credits, but will drop it to four if you decide to bargain. If you scare him, he will reduce it a little more, to 2500, but in this case you will get a plus to the dark side. Buy the robot and leave the city, killing three Dark Jedi with lightsabers along the way, in "Dune Sea". Show the guard your permission, he will let you through.

In the desert outside the city walls you will be met by a woman looking for her husband. Go to the "harvester" straight ahead, above which two local suns hang. To his left you will see Tanis Venn surrounded by several battle droids. His wife programmed them in such a way that they will immediately explode as soon as Tanis takes even a step to the side. You can help him if you fix the robots. Then the Sand People will attack you, take their clothes and change the clothes of all your partners except the robots. "shaggy carpet", Wookiee, such clothes will not be available, so it is better to leave it on the ship. Behind the harvester, next to the broken machines, you will fall into a trap.
You can pay off or fill the stupid “pigs” with their impudent snouts. Continue north and into the sand people village. If you get too close to them or try to talk to them, they will immediately attack. Those clothes that you put on yourself can deceive the sand warriors only from afar, but not from close range.
In the village, talk to the chief of the people, and the robot will begin to translate. Try to convince him not to touch the miners. He will want vaporators from you, or they will continue their sabotage. Here, as usual, there are two options. Just take everyone out and clear the village, or run to the city, to the corporation’s store, to get the necessary bells and whistles. Return with them to the village to the boss (as a sign of gratitude, he will give you his wand; you will need to drag it to the corporation office) and ask them to tell you about the history of his people. Usually they don't like to say this to strangers, but to the bravest warriors - you're always welcome. To prove your toughness, you need nothing more than to kill the local dragon and bring the leader proof of his death.
Exit to the map with the crawler and from there to the "Eastern Dune Sea". Near the cave with the dragon (krayt dragon), talk to the hunter, Komad, who will share his plan to destroy this fat beast. If you immediately climb into the cave with the dragon, he will eat you, so it’s better not to rush. First you must get food for local animals, a cross between a mammoth and a goat, it can be found in the dwellings of the sand people or bought in the city. Then you should lure the hairy Bantha to the den with the dragon. Click on the animals grazing nearby, and they will follow you. As always, Elite will arrive in time at the wrong time Warrior's. After dealing with them, bring the animals to the den and talk to Komad again. Then watch how the animal crawls out of the cave and blows itself up on mines skillfully placed by the hunter. Talk to Komad again and go into the cave. By the way, you received the "krayt dragon pearl", so now you can go to the shaman of the sand people and listen to their story. Inside the cave there will be several corpses that can be searched, crystals for lightsabers and a computer panel with a "Star Map". Click on it and you will be one step closer to solving the location of Star Forge. Leaving the cave, you will run into Calo Nord, the same mercenary who was sent on your trail by the Malak radish. Kill his gang and return to the ship to fly to the next planet.

Kashyyyk - Forest walks.

Along the way, you will again have a dream about the location of the map on this planet. Get off the ship and take Zaalbar with you, otherwise you will not be allowed into the village. This planet, completely covered with mighty forests (on one of which you landed), is inhabited by Wookiees. Upon arrival, you will immediately be asked for a registration fee, charged by a friend corporation Czerka. Zaalbar will tell you his story. Long ago, he was forced to flee his home planet, because twenty years ago he did not share with his brother. Now he is very afraid of a sour reception from his hairy relatives. Go to exit to "The Great Walkway", where you will be attacked by three huge larvae. Your Wookiee will begin to remember his native places, and will again be tormented by incomprehensible suspicions. On the next map, the Wookiee guard will not let you through, sending you to the main one, and a little further you will be attacked dark mercenaries of Malak. The battle will not be from those on duty. Next you will meet a new guard, and there will be a meeting with the local chief, Zaalbar's brother. He will allow you to go down into the unknown and dangerous world of Shadowlands, which is at the foot of the trees, and he will ask you to find and punish the escaped Wookiee. Your own Wookiee will remain with him as a guarantee of your good behavior.
Return to the previous map, go past the guard, who will now not even notice you. Help several Wookiees deal with the larvae and take the elevator down to the base of the trees in the Upper Shadowlands. Here you will see Jedi Jolee Bindo, deftly wielding a lightsaber, surrounded by four large creatures. He will take you to his camp. Jolee will not tell as much as we would like, and will begin to deny the title of Jedi, posing as a quiet old hermit forgotten by everyone. However, there will be some benefit from it. He will help you disable the force barrier (it will be a little further) in exchange for your help with the people of the Czerka corporation hanging out northeast of his camp. On the way to this camp, you will find a Wookiee corpse in the grass, but not the one the boss asked you to kill. Talk to the workers and their leader. Maybe the fight could have been avoided, but for some reason they didn’t listen to me (a plus for the dark side). Return to Jolee, he will join you. Next, run back to the place where you “dealt” with the workers and move further, you will run into a passage protected by a blue force field. Behind it will be "Lower Shadowlands".
Help the poor Wookiee fight off the Mandalorians who are attacking him, he will also ask you to heal him and find the leader of the attackers. In the east, you will be attacked by another Wookiee, Freyyr, who turns out to be the father of your Wookiee and the one who imagines himself to be the chief of the village.
By the way, this is the same poor fellow that their leader asked you to finish off.
You can finish him off, or you can help him find a special sword, which is an important symbol in these parts, and then return to the village with him.

In the southwest of the map you will find a computer interface with a holographic alien figurine and a "Star Map". He will start asking questions, testing you. If you answer something like (protect people, save the city), he will summon two combat robots. But you will enhance your bright side. When you finish them off, talk to the computer again, it will open access to the map. Finish your business on this planet and return to the ship. On the way, an alien will meet you and say that you recently dropped your datapad here. You can take it or refuse it - it's up to you. Get on the ship and fly to the next planet.

Korriban - Dark side, light side, what the fuck is the difference?

Lord Malak will learn about the failure of his mercenary and will send his personal student after you, so you can begin to mentally prepare for a meeting with him now.
The visions will show a new "Star Map" somewhere in ruins. Bastila, fearing that the Sith will recognize her, will want to stay on the ship, and you can’t count on her. If you take Jolee with you, he will meet his old friend next to the ship and he will ask you to help him with one thing on Manaan, another planet. We will visit there in due time. Agree or refuse, as you wish. Pay the guard There is a required collection at the door and go further in. He will bring you up to date and advise you to stay away from the Sith, they are the law here.
In the corridor, the Sith teacher is angry with his students, and he will ask you for advice on what to do with them. You can advise killing him, just scaring him, or letting him go on all fours. After this dialogue, I immediately gained both the light and the dark side. A little further on, a trio of Sith will try to piss you off by showing how tough they are. If you want, then give a decent rebuff, or try to avoid a fight. Exit at the "Sith Academy Entrance" and move towards the academy. Belaya will meet you at the gate and immediately attack you with her fists. Talk to the guard; unfortunately, only Siths or those who have a special medallion can enter the walls of the academy. You need to find Yathura Ban, she is in charge of such issues.
Return to the port and go to the Cantina bar. Talk to Yathura and lie to her that you want to become a Sith. She will take you to the head of the academy, who, in turn, will torment you with questions about the light and dark side, the Sith and the Jedi, and all that jazz. In total, there were five applicants for the position of the next Sith, and only one would eventually receive it. The one who can earn the highest prestige. First, you must find out the Sith code and tell it to the master. Go to Yathira and talk to her, she will tell you about the map in the ancient ruins, about the Sith code (ask more about it) and about how to earn more prestige. You need prestige so that the head of the academy will take you to the ruins (where the map is located) for the final test.
You can earn prestige in different ways, and it is not necessary to complete all possible tasks. A few will be enough. So, first go to the Interrogation Room, where, using the computer, ask the Mandalorian in the cage where he hid his weapon. When you finally succeed, the local investigator will then want to report this news to his superiors, and you will have to remove him. Exit the academy towards the "Valley of the Dark Lords". You will immediately be met by a trio of Dark Jedi led by Darth Bandon (a student of Malak himself) and will begin to swing right. Deal with them and run further along the bottom of the gorge. Not far to the left there will be "Shyrack Cave", where you will find a group of Sith rebels. Try to help them if you wish, or kill every single one of them (it will help you earn prestige). At the end of this cave, behind the bridge, you will be met by a hefty and terrible monster Terentatek. You will not fight with him in vain, lying behind him several corpses, from one of which you can steal clothes and the journal of the Jedi Duron Qel-Droma.
Leave the cave and crawl into a new one - “Ajunta Pall's Tomb". Soon you will come to two bridges, on one of which there is a strange column. Place a mine in it (you need to select the option to put an item when examining it), it will explode. Immediately the droids on the nearby bridge will activate and begin to shower you with fire. Kill everyone using blasters or the "throw lightsaber" technique. Press the lever and move on. Open the sarcophagus, which will contain three swords. The spirit of this tomb will appear and tell you what you can take from is his sword if you guess which of the three belonged to him in the long past. Go to the statue and insert a “notched steel sword” into it. Then talk to the spirit and he will safely disappear. If you torture him about the map, then he will you will be attacked and it remains to be seen how it will all end. It seems that the spirit is constantly restoring its health, so don’t wake it up while it’s quiet.
Exit the tomb, you will be greeted by another Sith apprentice and will ask you to give him the sword that you just earned. You can deceive him and sell him a fake, he will run away in joy. Return to the academy and talk to Uthar. Tell him about the prisoner, about the sword, about the renegades and about the Sith code. Which he will immediately check.
Piece is a lie, there is only - passion.
Through passion, I gain - strength.
Through strength, I gain - power.
Through power, I gain - victory.
Through victory, - my chains are broken?
The Force shall free me.
And answer the last question - False.

Unfortunately, the teacher will not be satisfied with your prestige, then you will have to tell him about the betrayal of his right hand Yathura. Now he will finally choose you as the most worthy candidate and order you to prepare for the final test. You will have to fight Yathura, and for the battle to be easier, you need to poison her, thereby weakening her strength. To do this, you need to transfer the Datapad to the Adrenas sit next to the exit to the valley. It’s even more fun to get involved in a double game, reporting to both of them about each other’s machinations, have fun. Talk to master Uthar Wynn, you will find yourself in the tomb of "Naga Sadow". Here you must find the Star Map and lightsaber and return back to the tomb entrance. Your partners will remain outside, and there is no other way to get out of here except to complete the task. This task involves solving simple puzzles.

In the west of the map you will meet a couple of Terentateks, behind which there will be a door. It hides a small room with “Pillar of Fire” and “Pillar of Ice”. This is where you can cheat a little, run into a small room (the monsters will not run after you) and attack them from there. Take "cold grenade" and "fire grenade" from the columns. Go to the intersection and throw cold grenade into the lake with acid. It will freeze and you can move on. In the next room you will find a "Star Map", with statues, take the lightsaber. Go back, Uthar and Yathura will meet you at the lake with frozen acid. Here you can choose which side you are on, or betray both at once. I stayed with the master and quickly kicked Yathur with a new sword. After which he said that I passed the final test and became a true Sith. Well, well... After the battle, return to the ship and fly to the planet Manaan.

Leviathan - A wolf in sheep's clothing.

On the way, you will be captured by the Leviathan ship and the team will begin to consult who can help them get out of this situation. I chose to deactivate the droid so that it could then kill the guards upon launch and save everyone else. Then the commander of the ship that captured you, Saul Karath, will catch everyone and begin to torture, trying to find out your Jedi secrets. You can continue to remain silent, then Bastil will get a lot of trouble. The commander will casually say that the Jedi Academy on Dantooine has been destroyed.
When you take control of the robot (or whoever you chose), leave the room, kill the guards and enter the “Bridge Terminal” in one of the rooms. Open Detenition Area. Go there, it's in the west of the map, and open all the cells with prisoners. The team will be happily reunited again, although you won't be given a choice of who to take with you here. Bastila and Carth will be your partners. Take the things from the box and go out into the corridor. Go east, get into the elevator and select "Bridge". Your partner will contact you and say that they have almost reached Ebon Hawk.
At this level, access to the bridge will be blocked, so you will have to look for a workaround, which will, admittedly, be completely unconventional. Get into the "Armory" and, in addition to fancy guns and armor, grab a space suit from there.
Then to "Bridge Storage" and then to "Air Lock". All three of you will find yourself in spacesuits in the airless space overboard. Run along the path with red lanterns on the sides, how slow they move, snails - even faster. Enter another "Air Lock", scatter the heels of the soldiers and continue moving towards the captain's bridge. Admiral Karath will meet you there and a small mess will begin. Being near death, the admiral will whisper something to Carth, and he will want to find out the truth about his past from Bastil. I convinced him to wait with his questions, and Bastila promised to post everything on Ebon Hawk. Click on the computer terminal, open the landing dock doors, you can also plot a new course for the ship if you have enough computer skills.
Then run to the elevator and move to "Hangar". Malak will meet you there with open arms and tell you a Terrible Secret - you are Dark Lord Revan! Universal evil, the main dark villain and the boss of Malak himself! In the past, you were seriously wounded, and the Jedi healed your body and gave you a new personality. This is really... an unexpected discovery (I wonder what would have happened if I had played female character?). Malak will freeze your partners, so you will have to fight him alone. When the scoundrel's health bar reaches the middle, he will disappear, closing the door behind him. Go around the room along the corridors and enter it from the other side. The second time ask Malak pepper. Suddenly Bastila will intervene in the battle, and she and Malak will find themselves locked in the same room. What will happen to her next is unknown (the cat has cried out of chances to defeat the dark lord, but that’s none of your business). The script says here what you will do next must run to their ship and get away from here. On the ship, a mini-game will start: shooting a small flock of fighters from a cannon, and then there will be long conversations... All members of your team will wash the bones of your dark past, but in the end they will agree help you, of course, if you want it, because there are other options here.

Manaan - Jaws-23.

Again a prophetic dream about a new piece of “Star Map”, it lives somewhere deep at the bottom. Which, however, is no wonder. After all, you are landing on an ocean planet. When leaving the hangar, the Republic soldier (who was just insulted by the Sith in vain) will tell you about local laws. It seems that fighting is prohibited here, but there are always exceptions to the rules, right? He will also tell you about the Embassy of the Republic, where we will immediately head. Soon you will be stopped by the "businessman" Ziagrom, who will offer to purchase a rare weapon. He, you see, installed a bug on your ship, and now he knows everything about you. And he even wants to help in the fight against Malak, naturally, not without benefit for his loved one. If this offer interests you, then go to Korriban and find his assistant in the bar. Go out into the city, paying the creature with the head of a stingray the required hundred coins, or fifty if you put pressure on him.
In the western part of the city, you will be puzzled by a couple of subquests: one woman will recognize Jolee (if he is on the team) and will ask you to help free her captive husband; and in the room with the mercenaries, local Shaelas will ask you to find his daughter for a reward of 500 coins. Move to the eastern part and go to the Republic Embassy. Ronald Wann will agree to tell you about the Star Map, but only if you do him a favor in return. Not long ago they lost the droid, and the Sith captured it. You need to get into the Sith base and copy the information from this droid. You can get there in three different ways: question the prisoner, recode the access cards (if you have the appropriate abilities), or get into the Sith hangar using the key you were just given, steal their ship and sneak in from the back door. Choose for yourself what is most convenient for you, while we head to the hangar.

If you want to go to the landing zone "Docking Bay 26-A", kill the Sith, and climb inside a small transport ship that will take you straight to "Sith Base". You will be noticed in the security room and the alarm will be raised, so now you will have to clear your way with your fists through all the oncoming Siths and droids. In the northern part of the map, which can only be reached through opening/closing water locks, you will meet the dark master, take his computer and talk to Shasha. This is the missing son whom you were asked to find a couple of paragraphs ago. Try to convince him that the Sith are using local residents to their advantage, shamelessly lying to them, and in general, from all points of view, extremely nasty types. He will be convinced that you are right by looking at the datapad, and will rush away to tell all his brothers the terrible truth about the Sith.
Return to the water lock doors and use the computer nearby. Using it you can view cameras in all rooms, disable droids, deactivate force fields, etc. Now go to the southwestern part of the map, to the "Disassembly Room", destroy the soldiers and take the "data module" from the broken droid. All that remains is to return to the city and hand over this module to the ambassador. It's easy to say. When you leave the base, you will be caught by the indigenous people, put in prison, and tried to the fullest extent of the local law. In prison, your “lawyer” Bwa"lass will talk to you. Tell him and later to the high court about the fact that you were just looking for your missing son and about the datapad, they will immediately acquit you and let you go on all four sides.
Go to the embassy and transfer the data from the robot to Ronald Wann. He will tell you about a secret underwater complex where they secretly extract a local medical resource, terribly important for the Republic and, perhaps, one of the keys to defeating the Sith. There, under water , they found strange ancient structures and, probably, the long-awaited "Star Map". Ronald will give you the keys to the submarine, which is programmed to take you to this complex. The submarine is located further, in the depths of the embassy. Run to the pool and click on the submarine, it will deliver you at "Hrakert Station".
At the station, don’t forget to pick up at least one “sonic emitter” among the bodies, which will help you fight off the sharks. In the room where the crazy scientist locked himself in the locker, take the underwater suit. Find "Air Lock" and you will find yourself in a scuba suit at the bottom of the sea. Friends, unfortunately, will remain at the station. Underwater, you will be met by a mercenary in the same suit and asked to go to a nearby underwater building. When he goes out into the open, he will be immediately gobbled up by a shark. Therefore, always be ready when sharks swim too close - use a "sonic emitter", just remember that it has a short range. Crawl slowly (the underwater suit is literally a copy of the space suit, both in appearance and behavior, only in a different color) to the next “Air Lock” and enter the building. Behind the force field there will be two scientists who will trap you and try kill by lowering the pressure. You can try to convince them or simply destroy the force barrier (I hacked it with a sword, although it is completely unclear what explanation the authors came up with for this) in the allotted tens of seconds. Scientists will tell you about a terrible shark that terrorizes the surroundings, apparently guarding some ruins. One of the scientists, Kono Nolad, a leading specialist, will advise you to drive away the shark with the help of poison, which he will present right away. The woman will offer a more humane way. She will advise you to destroy the machine that supposedly drives the shark crazy. After that it should " Kolto Control Panel". Activate the console: you can solve a simple puzzle or simply throw poison into the ventilation system. I chose poison, and the shark died immediately after inhaling this nasty thing. Continue on and you'll come across the final part of the Star Map! Now you finally know the exact coordinates of Star Forge, and you can fly there. Climb back into the underwater complex, get into the submarine and get out to the surface of the planet.
Tell Ronald about what happened at the bottom or just run to your ship. On the way you will be caught again, and you will again appear in court. You can tell them that you poisoned the water (if you broke the car and the shark swam away, then you will be acquitted), or blame everything on the Sith. This deception, however, will quickly be revealed and you will be banned from this planet. But you will immediately find yourself on a ship, so much the better. Fly to the "Star Forge System".

Unknown World - "My shaman is stronger than your amulet."

First, watch the scene where Malak mocks Bastila, trying to drag her to the dark side. But she’s like flint and won’t be lured into anything. And then you will see this very Star Forge, something like a huge spaceship, towards which the rays are drawn from the sun. You will immediately be attacked by fighters, and another mini-game will start (ship's cannon), after which you will land on an unfamiliar planet. The situation is very reminiscent of some tropical island, strewn with the wreckage of spaceships. The local analogue of the Bermuda Triangle, no less. The team, having discussed the situation, decides to go explore the temple discovered in the neighborhood. Land on the beach, where you will immediately be attacked by warlike natives, Rakatan Warriors. Afterwards, other aliens will come running, these you have already met more than once, and will thank you for your timely assistance. Go to the north of the map, where, near something that very vaguely resembles a hefty aircraft engine, a bunch of more warriors will attack you. From the engine, go further north and to new map. This time the warriors will not fight, but will offer to meet a local authority nicknamed “The One”. He will recognize you as Revan and will remind you of your promise to get rid of the “elders” (the conflicting tribe) and reveal their secrets to him. In exchange for this, he promises to help gain access to the “Temple of the Ancients”. I agreed to help him and bring an ancient book from another local clan.

Leave the native settlement and run to the previous map, from there to "Temple Exterior". Here you will be met by a dozen powerful wild rankors and a Mandalorian ambush at the columns to the right of the stairs to the temple. They think that they can cope with you, but you will prove to them how seriously they are mistaken. The path to the temple is blocked by a force field. You can go left and kill a whole pasture of rankors, if you’re strong enough (they give you so much experience for each, you’ll get pumped up), and then into the passage in the south leading to “South Beach”.
Watch how the frog gets blown up by a mine, and in future be careful, they are everywhere here. Take the "ship parts" on the ground among the rubble, kill a couple of large monsters and go to the dwelling surrounded by columns. The passage between these columns is closed; when you approach them, a holographic image of a native will appear and tell you in a human voice, who you are and what you need. I said I was quite interested in Star Forge. The computer recognized me as Revan, and opened access to the temple. After talking with the Elders, you will find out that they have a grudge against Revan, who lied to them on his last visit to this planet, when he tried to get into the temple. To prove your peaceful intentions, promise them to release a prisoner who was captured by another tribe. You can go to the other end of the settlement and talk to the computer there. Convince him that you work for Rakatan, and he will tell you everything that is in his database.
Return to "The One". This time you will receive a much less friendly reception. The natives will immediately attack, so you will have to clear the entire village. “The One” will open the cells, and from there a pack of monsters will attack you. Kill everyone, then in one of the cells talk to the prisoner, who will immediately rush off to tell the Elders about his salvation, and in the other take the "Ship Parts". Now go to the village to the "elders". They will consult a little and decide that again can trust you. They will only warn you that you must enter the temple alone, without comrades. Go to the temple and select the party generation screen to remove all partners, then talk to the "Elder Guide". The shamans will begin the ritual, which will be interrupted by Jolee, saying, that he had a vision, and he should come with you. The elders will begin to object, but if you put a little noodles in their ears, they will agree and continue the ritual. The protective barrier in front of the door to the temple will disappear. They will show a curious scene of Malak parroting his ugly face with the removed faceplate of a subordinate officer.
Inside the temple you will find a bunch of Sith and battle droids. Go through the maze and go down to the "Temple Catacombs". Go to a room with golden slabs in the floor; if you step on them, they change color. You need to make sure that all nine slabs change their color. The Datapad in the box in the next room says that to do this you need to go through them with the letter "H", that is (if you number the plates like on a push-button telephone) go like this: 9-6-3, then 6-5-4, and then 7 -4-1. All the slabs will turn green and the door will open by itself. After it, click on “rakatan computer”. He will tell you about the "Star Forge" - a powerful factory for the production of ships, cars and droids, which is powered by any suitable energy and which ultimately destroyed its own creators. The computer will also update its database, and you can now easily climb to the upper levels of the temple to disable the protective field surrounding the planet.
Return to the "Main Floor" and go up to the "Temple Summit". On the way, you can explore the armory and a whole bunch of other rooms, some of which hide droids or have guns installed. Bastila will meet you on the roof of the temple and... begin to lure you to the dark side. Malak, therefore, completely fooled her brain, and she left the bright path. I tried to bring her back, first with conversations, then with a small battle, but she didn’t want to listen. She quickly rushed to the spaceship and disappeared. If you are following a dark path, you can try to join her in order to kill everyone and rule the whole world together. Go to the computer and turn off "Planetary Disruptor Field" and "Temple Energy Shield", then return to your favorite ship.
The whole team will pour out onto the beach sand to find out what really happened in the temple. Tell them about Bastila and they'll wonder if she can be brought back to the light side or if the train has already left. On the ship, repair the broken hyperdrive (just click on it), and fly to Star Forge. This is the only place where you can fly now. The command of the Republic fleet, which is hovering over Star Forge, will contact you and complain about the enemy’s too smart behavior. Most likely, Bastila helps him with her “battle meditation”. You need to infiltrate the station and neutralize the fugitive so that the flagship can get into a convenient position for the final salvo.

Star Forge - Love will unexpectedly appear when you least expect it.

Immediately upon exiting the ship, you will be met by a group of Jedi who are being attacked by the Sith. Help the first to deal with the last and go north. Access to the elevator on the left will be blocked. Malak will send battle droids to you, which, for some reason, having broken the doors on their own ship, will attack you from both sides. The disable droid ability is very useful in combat with them.
Further along the way there will be about 8 more droids (you can equip the HK-47 "Verpine Droid Disruptor" if you have one), and then you will see a battle between three Jedi and three Sith. The Sith will win. But they won't be happy for long. A little further away, take a couple more Sith and go to “Deck 2”. Malak will order all available forces on board to be directed against you so that he can slow down your advance and prepare the station for defense. Cut through the close-knit ranks of Sith and droids to the southeastern part. There, in the computer room, turn off the protection, here you can make yourself cool armor or build a Jedi robe.
Run in the other direction and get into the elevator in the southwestern part. Malak will call Bastil to her and order her to kill you. And then she will burst into a kind of routine villainous laughter. The path to Bastil will be dotted with such an unimaginable number of Sith that you will be tortured to count them. As usual, before the battle Bastila will talk silently, freeze your partners, then talk after a small skirmish, and again climb with a sword drawn, and so on several times. I tried to convince her to come to the light side and in the end it happened. There was also an interesting version of the line where you confess your love to her (again, what if my character weren’t a man?), to which she immediately reciprocates. Yeah, what a sweet couple they are. Only "bitter!" shout and all that's left is...

Bastila will begin to meditate to help the Republic fleet, and it will successfully push back the Sith armada. Run a little more and you will finally see Malak himself. He will talk to you a little and close himself in the room, sending six killer droids at you. Don’t be upset that there are so few of them, they will always appear in whole packs from the cars in the neighborhood . Not a bad way to increase levels. By the way, I was lucky enough to reach level 20 and, unfortunately, the last. If you completed all the quests in a row, important and not so important, then you could reach this ceiling much earlier.
Find computer terminals (6 pieces) and turn off the production of droids, you can produce droids to help you. The doors will open, you can continue chasing Malak. Run north and get into the eastern elevator. Here he is, the terrible and terrible Malak in person! To defeat him, you first need to spoil his “healing devices”.
In this room there are several mechanisms, like large flasks in which Jedi captured by the Sith are imprisoned. When Malak wants to heal, he will draw strength from them. In general, go around all the devices and use the "destroy droid" to destroy them, freeing the Jedi. Or destroy them with any destructive Power. Then fight with Malak until the very end. In the end he will repent and die. Bah... and he won’t even say that he was my father, or son, or at least grandson at worst! Watch how the Republic Fleet destroys the Star Death... oh, sorry, Star Forge, and your ship, Ebon Hawk, will be saved from this hellish inferno at the very last moment.
In the final video, everyone will honor the winners, you will be awarded the highest award of the Republic, solemn speeches will be made and caps will be thrown into the air. No one will kiss anyone, which is a pity. A brainwashed dark lord saved the Galaxy from an unwashed dark lord, a teacher beat up a student who invited him in turn to become his student, and the main threat of the Sith in the person of a powerful Jedi first fought with them, then fought on their side, so that in the end in the end, finish them off. The devil himself will break his leg, in a nutshell. But, by the way, many things could have been completely different if you had chosen a different path every time.
Oh yes, I almost forgot, the most important thing... - May the Force be with you!

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Ship "Endar Spire"

The battle over the planet Taris is in full swing, Darth Malak’s fighters are flying around the ship like spring midges, and they forgot to wake you up. Restless dreams give way to vague visions starring the Jedi.
Suddenly a soldier bursts into the cockpit.
- Who are you?
- I'm Trask, your partner. We work different shifts, so you haven't seen me yet.
-Who am I?
- Did you hit your head too? You are a soldier guarding a ship with an important person on board. We could both be space dust soon, so we better make our way out. And along the way I will tell you about the game interface.
Actually, they will lead you by the hand around the ship, teaching you the basics of control along the way, so there is no need for a walkthrough. You will be taught how to use the interface, dress and arm yourself, open doors, switch between characters, fight, collect trophies, and move in stealth mode. You will be given the opportunity to repair the droid and hack the computer. Trask, alas, will die as soon as he is no longer needed.
By the time you meet the brave soldier Carth Onasi, you will have grown in level and collected some collection of trophies. The "important person" whom legend says you are protecting is Bastila. She has already “catapulted” to the planet Taris, and there is nothing keeping you on the ship. Embrace Carth in the escape capsule and, screaming, undock from the exploding ship.

Again these strange hallucinations, again cloaked figures waving humming laser swords. We open our eyes... Kart Onasi reports:
“Our capsule collapsed right on the edge of the street-floor. When you fell, you slammed your head again, but I dragged you into an abandoned apartment in one of the local skyscrapers. Only rejected humanoids live here; they are strongly disliked on this racist Taris.
- What about the Sith?
- Patrols go everywhere here, looking for survivors, demanding registration. But they don’t hurt too much, you can walk on the streets. The capsule with Bastila fell somewhere on the lower levels, we need to find and save the young Jedi.
- For what?
- It plays an important role in the fight against the army of Darth Malak - the role of a war drum. Her combat meditation, which gives strength to our soldiers, is a unique phenomenon. The entire soldiery prays for her. The lower levels are dangerous, where gangs fight and the slave trade flourishes. And Bastila is a prominent girl, so we should hurry.
- Yeah, so I dream about her all the time... And then?
- And then you need to somehow get off the planet. The Sith established a quarantine: any ship is prohibited from leaving Taris without special permission - just like the Lajo embargo in Monkey Island 2. You'll have to be cunning somehow. But first - Bastila. We are soldiers old republic, and we swore to protect her.
So, you need to save the unlucky Jedi and fly away from the planet.
First of all, you need to get Sith armor for camouflage. Leave the safe house with the Map. Having dealt with the arrogant patrol in the corridor, go outside. Visit the local cantina and talk to the bored Sith girl. If you carefully convince her to help, you will be offered the following combination: she gets her colleagues drunk at a friendly party, and you steal armor from their unconscious carcasses. The party takes place in the northern apartments of the Upper Town.
If you scare her away, it doesn’t matter - the armor will be yours if you eliminate three impudent guards in the same northern apartments.
Having put on your armor, boldly approach the guarded elevator and go down to the lower level. There, take off your armor and go to the local club (Javyar's Cantina).
Meet the Vao Mission and the Wookiee Zaalbar. Marvel at the work of the elegant and deadly Calo Nord. Next to the club is the entrance to the base of the Hidden Beks gang. Persuade the paranoid guard to let you through to the leader of the gang, the blind Gadon. Inside, a new guard and another dose of paranoia awaits you. Gadon himself, after settling all the formalities, will tell you the following things. Firstly, Bastila was captured by a gang of Black Vulkars and will be a prize in the race. To get it, you have to win the race. Secondly, the Vulkars stole the prototype of a new accelerator for racers from the Becks, and without it they have nothing to catch in the races.
The blind leader will offer you a deal: you steal the accelerator from the Vulkars, and he gives you the opportunity to compete in the name of their gang. Agree. At the same time, change the Sith armor for a more effective “ausweiss” pass.
But bad luck - it’s impossible to get to the Vulkar base, the guards are on guard. Need outside help. Go down into the gloomy underground Undercity (the Sith guard will let you through, you have “ausweiss”). Watch the death of a local resident from the clutches of a ghoul or help the unfortunate person if you are a champion of good. Stock up on first aid kits and antidotes and get out into the “wild” territory. Mission Vao is running towards you. She is in a panic - her big and shaggy comrade was captured into slavery by the Gamorean pigs. You need to help her, only she can then open a passage for you to the Vulkar base.
Walk around the surrounding area with Vao and help a group of mercenaries deal with a pack of ghouls. The group is led by the veteran mercenary Kenderos, a hero of the Mandalorian wars. He's not in a good mood right now.
Go down into the sewer, picking up the mines laid out along the way. Clear the sewers of Gamoreans and ghouls, free the Wookiees. The rescued Zaalbar, in a fit of gratitude, will tell you that he is indebted to you, and now he will never leave you. He won’t leave Vao either, so both of you will be with you.
Vao's mission will open the way to the Vulkar base. There is an evil rancor on the way, it is useless to butt heads with him. There are two ways to eliminate the toothy creature. You can simply lure the rancor to the mines and then shoot and throw grenades from afar. But there is a more cunning way: take synthetic perfume from the severed hand next to the rancor's room. Go into stealth mode and search the pile of bodies and bones in the middle of the room. Put the scent and grenade in there and quickly get out. The grenade will give the rancor indigestion, which will be fatal.
At the Vulkar base, be afraid of the robot with the freezing gun - he alone is worth a dozen bandits. Having opened the locked doors using the remote control, go to Twilek Kandon, the leader of the gang. You have the opportunity to go over to his side and betray Gadon. In this case, you will have to kill Gadon, and this means a complete clearing of the Bek base. This is a dark path; supporters of kindness and light will refuse tempting offers and brutally kill Kandon on the spot.
Come back and report to Gadon - he is happy, and now he will gladly send you to the races. It's easy to win the competition - you just need to not yawn and switch gears in time in the second stage.
After your victory, the Vulkars will balk and not want to give Bastila to you. But no one will ask them - the “prize” will suddenly jump out of his cage and chop everyone into cabbage. And what this circus was for, why it was necessary to pretend to be an exhausted and incapable captive is absolutely incomprehensible. Together with Bastila, eliminate the remnants of the resistance, and then start bickering over “who really saved whom.” The debate will continue at your "headquarters". Try to reconcile Bastila and Carth.
At the exit from the headquarters, an unknown Twilek will run up to you and say that someone named Kenderos is waiting for you at the club. This is the same gloomy mercenary whom we helped in Undercity. I wonder what he wants from us?
This is interesting: if you don’t immediately give Bastila her light blade and go for a walk with her and Carth along the street, you will be greeted with a funny dialogue: “Losing swords is part of your battle meditation, right?”
Kenderos will offer you an interesting combination: we penetrate the Sith base and steal secret passwords for “our” ships there. With them you can safely leave the planet. Kenderos, for its part, gives us access to the Ebonhawk (Ebon Hawk), the fastest smuggling ship in these places. Of course, agree.
To penetrate the Sith base, you will have to go to the droid store and buy a special, improved burglar droid. It costs 2000 credits - that's a lot of money. You can threaten the saleswoman and not pay anything, receiving only a few dark side points as punishment.
Use the droid to get to the base. A young local security guard can easily be convinced to leave her post and not raise the alarm. Clear the base with the good old fashioned way in the classic way. Pay attention to the Sith apprentices - you should not underestimate their knowledge of the dark side of the Force. Luckily, you have Bastila. You will find a secret list of launch passwords from the last, most powerful Jedi. Kenderos is waiting for us at the Lower City club.
This is important: after talking with Kenderos, you will no longer be able to return to the city, so settle all the affairs there, talk to all the NPCs and complete the unfinished side quests.
How is the poor mercenary going to get us a ship? It's simple. Kenderos informs the local mafioso Davik, the owner of the ship, that you want to hire him to work. This way you will get to Davik’s mansion, and there you can simply steal the ship. You won’t have to worry about moral principles for long, since the Sith, angered by Bastila’s elusiveness, are ready to begin carpet bombing the planet. You are in the mansion of a local authority.
This is interesting: talk to the Twilek slaves in the room next to yours. Ask your slave to give you a massage. If you like it, repeat it.
Make your way through the rooms, killing everyone without exception. Your goal in the north of the map is a torture room where the ship's pilot sits. Free him (be careful: torture droids can take care of themselves) and you will be rewarded with codes that disable the anti-theft system. Disable protective system through the terminal and make your way to the hangar. Meanwhile, the bombardment of the planet's surface began.
In front of the hangar door, get ready for a tough fight - Davik himself will meet you in company with Kalo Nord. Both decided to evacuate, realizing that the Sith were not joking. Meeting you was not part of their plans. The most dangerous thing is Nord - deal with him first. When the mercenary is crushed by the reinforcement that kindly fell from the ceiling, you can deal with Davik.
Time does not wait - there are explosions and fire all around, “goodies” from Darth Malak are falling from the sky. After quickly collecting trophies, climb into the Ebonhawk, which is surprisingly similar to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon. Everyone is already on board, and all you have to do is shoot the fighters from the cannon.
Next stop is Dantooine, the Jedi school.

Side quests

This is important: here and below, for the sake of brevity, obtaining points from the light side will be indicated by a plus (+), and from the dark side by a minus (-).
Davik's men pester the old man, extorting money. By killing bandits to warm up, you can supply the old man with money (+) or rob him (-).
A doctor at a local hospital needs a serum to treat "ghoulism" caused by monster bites. His apprentice will tell you that the antidote can be handed over to the local Hutt authority Zax for a lot of money. You will find the serum in Undercity, on the body of a Sith. You can give it to Zaks in the lower club (-) or to the doctor in the same hospital (+). If you have a knack for persuasion, try haggling with Zacks. If the reward from the doctor seems too modest to you, threaten him and rob him dry (-).
After going to the doctor, you can use the antidote for a good cause and cure the residents infected with ghouls sitting in the quarantine cage of Undercity (+). But to do this, you will first have to kill several ghouls that you did not have time to help. An infected Republican soldier wandering near the wreckage of an escape capsule (+) can also be cured of ghoulism, although this will not help him.
Open the locked door in the hospital - you will find Republican soldiers floating in the healing solution. The doctor picked them up from the wreckage of the rescue capsules and hides them in his home. Convince the doctor that you are not going to inform the Sith about illegal patients (+).
The strange old man Rukil in Undercity mutters something about the promised land. To leave and lead the entire village to this secret place, he needs three journals of missing students. The first lies in the east of Undercity, the second in the northeastern room of the lower sewer. To find the third one, go west from the protective field in the sewer, then south and east - there will be a small room there. You can give the magazines to the old man (+). If you then go down to Undercity, you will find that it is empty. They actually went somewhere - wonderful!
Dark characters will sell the magazines to the cunning merchant Izhar, who does not want to lose his clientele and wants to destroy all evidence of the existence of the promised land. The old man won't like it (-).
In the upper Hutt club, Akhur holds gladiator fights. Defeat all enemies: old Duncan, Gerlon, Ice, Marl and the psychopath Twitch. At the exit of the club, the legendary gladiator Bendak Starkiller will meet you and offer you a fight to the death. If you agree and defeat Bendak, you will receive a lot of money and a branded blaster. But just a fight is one thing, a fight to the death is another. Killing for money is not good, so catch (-).
In the club on the top floor, the daughter of a local middle-class bandit will approach you. She clearly mistook you for a bartender. Convince her of this. Having become cowardly, the girl will run away and wait for you with two Rodian thugs at the weapons store. After the death of her bodyguards, she will run away screaming, and you will not see her again.
In the lower Hutt club, Zax is handing out assassination contracts. If Starkiller is dead, you can collect your reward. The rest are like this:
* The girl Dia is hiding in the southern apartments. Kill her and take the reward from the Hutt (-), give her money (+), or persuade the man she insulted (in the lower club) to submit a request for murder (+). Don’t forget to visit her later and tell her the good news.
* Matrik lives in the lower apartments. Kill him (-) or help him fake his own death with an explosion (+).
* The mercenary Selven lives in the lower apartments. You can’t help her - only roughly kill her (-) or carefully provoke her.
* Lajo lives in the upper northern apartments. Kill him (-) or give him money to pay off the debt (+).
Racist children are poisoning an alien near northern apartments. Drive away the children and cure the alien (+), or do not interfere.
Drunkards will pester you in the northern part of the city. Kill them all (-) or calm them down by offering them a drink (+).
At the elevator in Undercity, local beggars will start demanding money from you. Give them more than they ask for (+) or send them away.
At the Sith base you will find several torture chambers in a row. An alien sits in one of them. Opposite on the wall are the control elements. Each of them lights up red or green. It's a puzzle: each switch, when activated, triggers the two next to it. By turning all the switches green, you will free the alien (+); by turning them red, you will kill him (-).
A Twi'lek dancer in a downstairs club tries to convince the owner of the troupe to hire her. You can either help her by carefully dancing all the steps (+) with her, or hinder her by deliberately collapsing on the floor.
In one of the rooms of the lower apartments, in order to open a chest with interesting trophies, you need to answer three questions. After reading the letter nearby, you will logically deduce the correct answers: Hyperdrive, uncle (uncle), Aldaran.

Immediately upon arrival, the Jedi Council requires you to join them. Admire the Cheburashka, reminiscent of Yoda sprinkled with ash.
The council will immediately take the bull by the horns:
- The Strength is visible in you. Usually we don’t train such old people, but this time we’ll probably make an exception.
- Why is that?
- The fact is that there is some kind of connection between you and Bastila. We'll talk for a while, and you go for a walk.
They will train you to become a Jedi in any case; the Council simply has no choice. If you are playing a dark Jedi, you can tell them three big lies - this will give you several dark side points.
You are being trained. Your progress is amazing. Over the course of a few weeks, you will complete a multi-year Jedi course. Before you can become a true Padawan, you must pass small entrance exams. First, read to Twilek Zhar the signature chant of good Jedi (answers: peace, knowledge, serenity, harmony, Force). This was the first test.
The second test is a psychological test that determines which Jedi class is right for you. Answer as you wish - you can choose the class yourself later. Once you've converted your class from regular to Jedi, tweak your updated stats. Go to the workbench and make a sword out of the crystal.
The third test will be a little more interesting. You need to go to the meditation grove (Grove) and find out why it was darkened (“The dark side of the Force lives there. You must go inside”). Once in the grove, go south and east to strange rock formations. The darkening of this place is explained simply - a cat Jedi (cathar race) named Yuhani settled there. She studied in the enclave, but in a fit of anger she attacked her mentor and then ran away. Now she imagines herself as a dark Jedi and meditates accordingly.
She will immediately freeze your teammates and engage in battle. Remove more than half of her health and start a conversation. You have two options - kill her and report to the Jedi (-), or carefully persuade her to return to school (+). In the second case, you need to ask her why she attacked you, ask about the darkened beasts, tell her that the dark side of the Force is weak, that you were sent by the Council, that you wish her peace, that the first step to perfection is the recognition of your imperfection. Tell her that her mentor's death is nonsense, that we all get angry sometimes.
Tip: Even if you consistently play as a Dark Jedi, persuade Juhani to return to the enclave. In this case, she will join you for a long time, and an extra Jedi will never hurt. Meow...
Back at the Jedi School, talk to Yuhani. It turns out that her mentor actually survived and will soon wake up from her coma. Report to the Council and Zhar. You are now a Padawan. The Council will invite you and Bastila to explore the strange ruins that Malak and Revan visited before they fell to the dark side.
Entering the ancient tomb, talk to the droid about everything he knows: about the Jedi, cards, and the mysterious Star Forge. To find the artifact, you will have to fight. Go into the eastern room and destroy the droids. Turn on the computer, talk to it so that it switches to your language. Answer his questions. The correct answers are Oceanic, Grassland, Arboreal.
Then go to the western room. Here the droids are even more dangerous - they also freeze. Turn on your computer. Answer - Desert, Volcanic, Barren. The locked door has opened, revealing your first star map.
The Jedi Council is agitated. The big bosses urgently send you with Bastila and the others to search for other fragments of the star map. Go to the Ebonhawk, and on the captain's bridge set a course for Tatooine.

Side quests

If Vao is with you, then you will meet Lena, the woman who seduced her brother onto the path of temptation and crime. She will tell you where to look for your brother - on Tatooine. There you will find it (see the corresponding section).
At the gates of the enclave, a young guy, John, complains about the Mandalorian bandits who are not allowing local farmers to live. Apparently, the Jedi don't care about farmers. You need to destroy three groups of bandits. One is in the lands of Matale, the second is in the lands of Sandral, the third is in the south of the Grove. From the grove, go further south and defeat the main bandit. Then you can take the reward from the young man, refuse it (+) or demand more (-).
In the grove, find a bridge, and on it - a Jedi named Bolook. He will ask you to investigate the murder of Calder Nettik. Two suspects are Hendon and Ricard. Examine the body, talk to the droid, and begin the interrogation. Catch suspects in lies, look for motives and move gray matter. Both have motives, both are lying, the blaster belongs to one, and the blood on it belongs to the other. Both are guilty.
In the Sandral lands to the west there is a cave with native crystals for lightsabers. The kinrat spiders that live there are dangerous, it is better to lure them out one by one. Your reward will be multi-colored crystals and the opportunity to loot the corpse of a less fortunate adventurer.
“And I love the robot!” There are two landspeeders across the bridge near the Jedi enclave. A green, eared merchant is wandering next to one, and a saddened woman is standing next to the other. What's bothering her? She lost a very valuable robot in her household, the only memory of her deceased husband. During the conversation, interesting and juicy details are revealed. It turns out that the robot replaces her husband - understand it as you wish.
The robot itself is located in the Sandral lands. Protect him from wild animals and question him. Horrifying details will emerge. The robot escaped on its own. From constant pestering and harassment, he became a real neurotic. “Kill me, I don’t want to live anymore after the terrible things that this woman did to me!”
What to do? You can persuade the droid to return to the woman. You can imagine her joy - she will grab the robot with a cheerful squeal and run away. You can kill the droid and tell the woman that you didn't find him (-). After destroying the unfortunate robot, you can tell the woman that he is dead. Find her later in the enclave room and talk to her. It seems that our patient is on the mend - she has already attracted someone alive.
"A plague on both your houses." Two families - Sandral and Mateil - have been at enmity for a long time. The situation escalated to the limit after the mysterious disappearance of young Casus Sandral, and then young Shen Matail. The Jedi will send you to investigate the matter.
You can find Kazus' corpse in the Mateil lands, in the east, near two trees. Report this to the Sandral droid, and then to the inconsolable father Nurik. Talk to Rahazia Sandral - it turns out her father is holding young Shen captive. Go around the house, go through the back door, find Shen. He is in love with Rakhazia, and does not want to leave without her. Inform the girl about this, and then return to Shen: "She is waiting for you at the gate and is ready to go with you." If you don’t take money from either the lovers or their father, you will earn (+). If you ask for a lot, you will receive (-). Here the angry fathers will appear on the stage. Try to calm them down by giving the young fools time to get away (+). You can pit the fathers against each other so that they shoot each other, and then finish off the droids (-).
After you leave Dantooine, Zaalbar will report that food supplies in the warehouse are decreasing suspiciously quickly. Check the stocks - and it's true: there are fewer than expected. Walk around the ship. Either this is paranoia, or someone’s quiet steps are actually heard behind your back. They appear to be coming from the cargo hold. There you will find a girl who snuck onto the ship as a hare. She doesn't speak Russian, so you'll have to learn her language step by step. For this you will need a little patience. Try to find out who she is and what she is doing on the ship. At the end you get a clue: a girl is hiding on a ship from the Mandalorians, and she mutters something about Dantooine. Fly back to the Jedi planet and talk to Twilek Lur Sulas - he stands at the entrance to the Jedi enclave. Tell him that you have a girl on board who speaks only Mandalorian. Give the girl to Sulas (+). If you behave rudely and demand a reward, you will receive a well-deserved (-).
If you ignore the girl, she will run away from you before you get to the Leviathan.


Tatooine is a planet similar in many ways to the famous Arrakis. Sand, stones, giant mechanisms crawling along the surface. Here we will meet the evil Tuskens, always wrapped in rags, and jawa - local gnomes in hoods - will get under our feet. The appearance of the planet will remain the same over the next two thousand years. The droids that crashed onto the planet from the fourth episode of the film will see it exactly the same way.
But that will happen later, but for now, somewhere out there, in the sands, is hiding a star map left by an unknown race. Getting to it is not easy, but the local mega-corporation "Zerka" will help us with this. Pay the valet for parking and exit into the town of Anchorhead. Find your local Zerka office and get a hunting license - you won't be allowed out of town without it. In exchange, you will have to promise to deal with the gangs of sand people attacking the miners.
Walk around the city, eliminate three dark Jedi. To communicate with Tuskens, you need a translator droid. You can buy him in the droid store - this is HK-47, a very useful character. If you want, ask the droid about its functions. The store owner will ask for 5,000 credits. In a good way, you will reduce the price to 4000 credits, and in a bad way - up to 2500. If you don’t have enough money, sell all the excess. It’s not difficult to collect the required amount if you go to Ebonhawk and order a few free pins from T3.
After purchasing the HK-47, go out the gate. The smoking unit in front of you belongs to a corporation. Protect the miners from the sand people - the battle will be difficult, the Tuskens will attack in waves. During breaks, heal and activate shields. After the battle, find out from the miners where the Tusken village is located, and head south to the passage. Having eliminated the security detachment of sand people, collect their clothes and put them on yourself. The team must be humanoid, so it is better to send R2, HK-47 and Zaalbar back. Make your way to the village. You can carry out a massacre and not leave a single soul alive (remember the second episode: “I killed them all, and their pets, and their mice. And I killed their fleas too!”). Need I say that this will greatly obscure you?
There is a good option - you call upon HK-47 and try to establish a dialogue with the Tuskens. Don't be rude, don't be rude to the leader, don't steal things. Having calmed down a little, the leader will offer you to get vaporizers for them. You can buy them at the same Zerka office. If you are convincing, they will sell them to you for 200 credits. Return to the leader, and you will no longer need disguise. As a reward, you will receive the leader's rod, which you can then present as proof of your victory.
Leave the village and head northeast to the passage into the dune sea. There is a Twilek at the entrance to the cave - he is hunting a dragon. He needs to lure the monster onto the mines, and for this he needs decoy banthas. Take the meat and lure these giant cows to the cave. You will have to fight with disgruntled shepherds, and the battle will be difficult - this type of Tuskens knows how to use grenades.
After the death of the dragon, take the due share of the reward from the Twilek and go into the cave. The second star card is in our pocket! Collect everything that is bad in the cave and go out to Fresh air. The restless, bespectacled Kalo Nord is right there, and with him are several Rodians. As before, your main target in battle is Kalo. The other competitors are not half as strong.
And then there is only one way - to the ship, and to the next planet. Let it be, for example, Kashyyyk.

Side quests

At the exit from the spaceport, an unknown alien will meet you and inform you that a gizka cargo has been loaded onto your ship. He will answer all your perplexed questions: “It doesn’t matter, it’s paid!” - and will leave. Zhizka are small frog-like creatures, they now run all over Ebonhawk. There is no harm from them.
What to do with them? There are three ways. You can fuse animals to the Selkatu Nubasse on the planet Manaan. But to do this, you will have to convince him that these are not ordinary zhizkas, but a new species that does not breed in captivity. Sell ​​them to him (-) or give them away for free. On Kashyyyk, you can buy poison from Eli Gand and feed it to one of the animals. The zhizkas will disappear almost instantly. Finally, if you find yourself on the planet of lost ships (Unknown World), then the animals will scatter on their own - this is their home world.
If you return to Dantooine from any planet and leave Ebonhawk with Bastila, a woman will speak to you. She will inform you that Helena - Bastila's mother - is waiting for you on Tatooine, at the club. Fly to Tatooine. There, Helena will ask you to retrieve the holocron from the dragon's cave. After obtaining the holocron, try to reconcile Bastila with her mother.
A strange woman will meet you outside the gates of Anchorhead and ask you to say hello to her careless husband. The husband is languishing in the desert a little further away - he is surrounded by four broken droids that are threatening to explode. If you don't save him, he will die (-). Each droid has a puzzle built into it that must be solved in order to disarm it. Here are the answers:
K-X12a: second node (Node 2)
K-X12b: answer - 7
K-X12c: 120 pulses left
K-X12d: 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14
In the desert, behind the corporation's sandy "tank," there are abandoned landspeeders. If you get closer to them, you will hear a woman's voice calling for help. But what’s strange is that no one is visible, and the woman continues to scream. Suddenly, two Gamorean pigs will jump out from behind the dune, shouting “Yeah, gotcha!” It turns out that this was such a cunning trap for travelers passing by, and the female voice was simply recorded on tape. For a Gamorean, the idea of ​​such an ambush is the height of genius. You can kill the pigs, or you can use Jedi tricks to persuade them to leave.
Not far from the Zerka office, at the entrance to the hunting club, a woman, Sharina Fizark, is standing. Her husband died and she is in dire need. The hunting trophy that her husband brought shortly before his death may bring her some money, but she cannot sell it - she does not have a hunter's license. After visiting "Zerka" you will have an ID. There are several options: do not give the trophy back (-), just sell it and give the proceeds to the woman. If you add two hundred credits on your own, saying that you managed to earn more than expected, then you will receive light side points (+).
At the exit from the city, small java Iziz is stomping around with a lost look. His fellow tribesmen were taken into slavery by the sand people. Once in the Tusken camp, talk to the prisoners, and then to the head of the tribe. He waves his hand: “Which of them are workers!” - and he will let you go. Tell the prisoners they are free. Once in the city, talk to Iziz (+). Having shaken all the money out of the small creature as a reward, you will receive well-deserved dark glasses (-).
Ask the Tuskens about their history (this can only be done after you have dealt with their main quest). You will be asked to find the Dragon Balls to prove that you are worthy of hearing their story. After killing the dragon, take the pearl and show it to the head of the tribe - they will tell you the story, but you will have to give the pearl.
The local racing club is run by the Hutt Motta. Take part in desert races and win them. Then talk to Niko Senvi and help him get best contract, threatening the greedy Motta with a scandal (+). If you threaten Niko into signing a bad deal, you will receive a reward (-) from Motta.
If Vao is with you, and you have already seen Lena, then ask the Zerka officer in the office about Vao's brother. His name is Griff, and you will then find him in the Tusken camp - he is being held captive there, just like the dwarves. Once freed, Griff will ask you to obtain ingredients for Tarisian Ale. You can pick them up in the lower lands of Kashyyyk, in the poachers' camp - give them to him, and then, when Griff leaves, talk to the alien at the counter.

Most of all, the giant trees of the planet Kashyyyk resemble the sprawling city of Trinnies from Wizardry 8, only instead of rodents, two-meter-tall Wookiees live here. You have arrived on this planet in a sad time - the Zerka corporation is in full swing buying slaves from the local monkey king Chuundara.
When hiking in Kashyyyk, take Zaalbar with you (in fact, you have no other options). This is his home planet. At the sight of the suffering of his people, sadness will fill the Wookiee’s heart, which he will not hesitate to growl at you.
Exit Ebonhawk, pay for parking. After talking with the cunning Twilek, walk along the wooden bridge to the gate and exit the port. Forest Kinrath live here; they will now constantly come across your path and give you the opportunity to earn precious experience.
The passage to the surface of the earth (Shadowlands) is guarded by a Wookiee guard - he will not let you in without the permission of Chuundar himself. What to do - go north, fight three dark Jedi and ask the Wookiee at the entrance to the village to lead you to the leader. To get the desired permission, agree to the leader's proposal. True, you will have to leave Zaalbar as a hostage.
Now the guard will let you through. The Wookiee lifter Gorvuken will kindly lower you to the surface in a basket.
This is interesting: if you go through the planets not in the order in which they are presented here, the Dark Jedi Bandon, Malak's student, may meet you below. In another case, you will meet him on one of the following planets.
After walking between the giant roots to the north and fighting with representatives of the local fauna, you will meet an old man with a laser sword - this is Jolie Bindo. He will lead you to his house. The old man is cunning: “Yes, I know where the map is. But you won’t get there without my help. If you want to find it, help me first.”
The task was set directly and clearly - to eliminate the Zerki poachers camp in the northeast. Here, as always, options appear. If you provoke and destroy poachers, you will earn (-). Therefore, I recommend persuading several workers to tell you the codes for ultrasonic generators that repel predatory animals. Turn off the generators - the Indrik beast will come running and drive everyone away with light kicks.
Now Jolie Bindo is in the squad. From the former poachers' camp, head east to the protective field. Jolie will turn it off, and you will find yourself in the Lower Shadowlands. Soon you will see a scene with Mandalorian bandits and a lone Wookiee - this is one of the side quests. To the south of this place you will meet Frey, the former leader of the Wookiees. Like Zaalbar, he was exiled from his tribe. After the battle, Frey will tell you that to return to the tribe he needs the legendary sword Bakki. But, according to some reports, the sword was swallowed by the monster, and no one saw it again.
Nothing - surgery doesn’t cure that. After killing several Kinrat in the southwest, take their meat for yourself, find a clearing in the south with a hanging vine and attach the meat to the vine. The same monster will come running to the smell. Imagine your surprise when from his belly you take out that same Bakki sword - half-digested, but still quite working.
This is important: by giving the sword to Frey, you will cross a kind of Rubicon - after this the Wookiees will rebel, and you will not be able to complete many unfinished side quests on the planet. Therefore, it is better to rise to the surface in advance and settle all your affairs.
Having received the long-awaited sword of Bakka, gray-haired Frey will run to the surface shouting: “Chuundar, come out, you vile coward!” It's time for you to look for a star map in the labyrinth of winding roots in the southwest, next to three hovering motorcycles. This time the hologram will speak to you. Ask her about different things, answer her questions. You will receive the card in any case, so you can answer as you wish. The maximum that the computer will do to you is to set several droids on you.
Return upstairs, killing Gorvuken and his company along the way. In the Wookiee village, everyone is on edge - Freyr has returned. With the help of him and Zaalbar, you can easily defeat the pugnacious leader. You have the map, the Wookiees have raised an armed uprising, there is nothing more for you to do on Kashyyyk. The next planet is Korriban.

Side quests

Outside the port gates, several slavers share a captured Wookiee. You can exterminate them (-) or different ways persuade to leave the planet (+).
Literally two steps from the Ebonhawk landing site there are two merchants - Eli and Matton. Matton owes Eli money and may end up as a slave. Evidence of Eli’s crimes is on the surface, next to Jolie’s house. Bindo is a half-broken droid, a witness to the murder: Eli killed Matton’s comrades, took the goods, and now wants to take him into slavery. Go back and tell Matton the whole truth. Persuade him to leave Eli alive (+) or invite him to settle scores with the traitor, while asking for a reward for himself (-).
In the netherlands, on the body of a Wookiee, you will find a Bowcaster arrow and its notes. In the Wookiee village, go to Voorwill's house. Accuse Zharaak of murder, and he will tell you that the murdered Rorvorr collaborated with the slave owners. In the east of the village, find the house of the local judge (Holder of the Laws), and defend Zharaak, telling the judge that his victim was a collaborator. He will be acquitted (+). If you insist on a death sentence and demand a reward, you will receive (-).
After going through the protective screen with Bindo, you will witness an attack by the Mandalorians on the Wookiees. Destroy the bandits. At this point, the evil and bad Jedi will offend Gvar and leave him to bleed (-). The good ones will share the first aid kit (+) and go to exterminate the Mandalorian robbers swarming in this area of ​​the forest. Bandits use invisibility belts. To provoke them, you need to disarm your characters. The first group will attack you in the southwest of Gvar (you will recognize the dangerous place by the bodies of the Wookiees), the second - a little to the south. Pick up the motorcycle horn from the bodies.
The third and final group of Mandalorians can be found in the northwest. There is no need to disarm this time - just go up to one of the motorcycles and use the horn. As proof of victory, bring Gvar the head of the main bandit in a beautiful helmet (+).
After you find the third map, a new planet will appear on your galaxy map - Yavin. You can fly to it and visit the trading station, the only inhabitant of which is the timid Rodian Suvam Tan. He is attacked by ferocious Transchodians, and you can buy some good artifacts from him.
If you return to Yavin after acquiring all the star maps (before visiting the Planet of Lost Ships), you will have the opportunity to kill several bandits. Grateful Suvam Tan will put a couple more useful artifacts on the counter.


Korriban is a planet of eternal decline and ancient stone tombs. But most of all, Korriban is known for its school of dark Jedi, where the youth of all the surrounding planets dream of going.
The star map is supposedly located in one of the giant tombs, but not everyone is allowed there. You will have to play Stirlitz and go to school - there is no other way to get a card. On this planet, I recommend taking with you a completely Jedi team, without shooters. The ideal situation is this: you, Juhani and Bastila. Add Bindo to taste.
After answering the questions of the Zerka employee, you will be taken to the spaceport city of Dreshda. The Sith, who is fed up with the stupidity of those who want to enter the school, will ask you what to do with this rabble. The answer will only affect your karma. Remember - even though this is a Sith planet, no one is going to attack you yet. Nobody knows you here. For now, all quarrels and battles with the Sith will take place only within the framework of small-town quarrels.
Stroll around the city a little, and then visit the Jedi school. There are unhappy applicants standing near the entrance - they were told that if they wait a long time, perhaps they will be accepted. Some are already dying of hunger, but you will not be able to pity the Sith guard. All you can do is try to convince the fools who are still alive to come to their senses.
The guard at the gate will inform you that to enter the school you need the permission of Yutara Ban, the Sith Master. There is nothing more for you to do here, go back to Dreshda. There you will be met by unfriendly students. You won't be able to avoid a fight, but that's not necessary. The main thing is not to forget to pick up the medallion from the body, which serves as a kind of “passing mark” here. With the medallion in your pocket, go to the bar and find Yutara Ban. When asked about the origin of the medallion, you can lie or answer truthfully - it doesn’t matter. Yutara Ban is happy: “Okay, we’ll test you. Who are these people with you?” - “Don’t you look at the fact that they are with Jedi swords - they are actually slaves.” Juhani's cat will try to object, but will come to her senses in time and bite her tongue.
Before you become an official applicant to the academy, you'll have to do your best to play the villain to the local rector, Uthar, a tattooed, blue-skinned Jedi. There shouldn't be any problems with this.
This is interesting: the Dark Jedi are guys anywhere. One thing is bad - they bicker, constant quarrels and discord are elevated to the rank of virtue. Almost immediately, the cunning Ban will invite you to get rid of the rector of Uthar together with her. But he’s not a fool either - in certain moment According to the plot, he will invite you to attack the ambitious Ban together. For those who are not looking for easy ways, there is a third option - to admit to being “sent” and fight both at once.
Competition for admission is four people per place. To find the star card, you need to beat three other applicants and impress the rector. To do this, you need to complete certain “prestige” tasks, and then report this to Uthar. It is not necessary to complete all the tasks - three or four should be enough. Don't forget to talk to the inhabitants of the school - you will learn information about tasks from them.
Let's go through all the tasks in order.
The easiest thing here is to learn and tell Uthar the Jedi code. Key words: Passion, Strength, Power, Victory, My chains are broken. Finally, Uthar will ask a tricky question: “Are all means good for victory?” or: “Is there anything worse than love?” In both cases it is necessary to unlock (False).
In the western part of the academy, the Sith interrogate the prisoner. If you inject a smuggler with truth serum in doses: small, high, medium, small, small - and then ask about the weapons depot, the prisoner will split (-). The good Jedi gain the prisoner's trust and learn that he can feign death. Inject him with an overdose of the drug, he will “die”, and then be picked up by his own (+). However, in this case the task will not be counted towards you.
Student deserters are hiding in caves a stone's throw from the academy. Kill them (-) or open the way for them to another exit from the cave (+). To do this you will have to fight the monster on the bridge.
Students are constantly dying in the tomb of Ajunta Polla. Once you open the door with master keys, you will understand why - the narrow bridge to the room with the coffin is guarded by powerful battle droids, and the bridge is blocked by a stone block. Leave your companions on one side (in "solo mode"), place a grenade in the blank and explode it. The path is clear, but the battle droids have come to life and started shooting. Quickly run to the other side and pull the lever - the mechanical guard will self-destruct without having time to cause any harm.
Having picked up the keys to the next door, you will find yourself in a room with a sarcophagus. Rob him, and you will be greeted by Ahunta Poll himself, or rather, his ghost. To calm the spirit, you need to put the sword in the hand of the statue. But Poll himself does not remember which sword. But I remember - it’s a notched steel sword. At parting, you can try to convince Akhunta to switch to the light side of the Force.
On the way back, you will have a battle with one of your rival applicants.
The old hermit Zhorak lives in the tomb of Tulak Nord. Your fight with cave creatures among the stone walls will not impress him. He will simply put you to sleep with gas, and then, when you can barely stand on your feet from a severe hangover, he will force you to answer his questions, just as crazy as he is.
Not only you, but also one of the applicants will be captured by the old man. How to answer questions is a matter of altruism. “Wrong” answers will be punished by lightning strikes; after “correct” answers, your opponent will receive lightning strikes. The Dark Jedi will respond in a dark way, bringing the applicant to death. The Light Jedi will take the blow on themselves - in this case, part of their health will be lost, but Zhorak will not be able to finish you off. If the applicant dies, Zhorak will let you go. If he survives, the battle with the hermit will begin. It is difficult to defeat him - you must immediately cast a Force resistance spell on yourself, and then heal. It is unlikely that the applicant will survive the battle, but if this happens, you will have the opportunity, as always, to persuade him to the light side.
This is interesting: only the fight will be main character. What about the rest? They will stand, toss their heads, and stagger. Their strength is only enough to turn on the lightsabers. It looks funny.
The tomb of Marco Ragnos is home to large numbers of battle droids. What did they forget here? The answer awaits you behind the last door. There lives a droid who can't stand noise. If you come clanging into the room, you will have to carry him and all his associates out. But there is another option. In the cave you will find a Sound Dampening Unit - put it on and try to engage in dialogue with the droid. You can try to reprogram it by deleting the combat program. To do this, you need to turn off its matrices in the following order: combat (Combat), motor (Motor Function), sensory (Sensory Systems), memory (Memory), cognitive (Cognitive), emotional (Emotional Construct), creative (Creative Simulation). After this, all that remains is to disable the Core and erase the combat program.
By talking with applicant Lashaw in the western rooms of the academy, you can persuade her to cooperate. Lie to her, telling her that in the tomb you can find a valuable artifact - a Sith cloak. The tomb is at the far end of the valley. There, Leshou will help you repel the attack of wild animals, and then she will attack you herself. Pick up the holocron from her body.
These are all tasks. Convinced of your excellent qualities, Rector Uthar will invite you to complete the last task. Finish the side quests and agree. You will have to pass the final test alone, without the help of your comrades. The tomb of Naga Sadow awaits you.
Go through the door, go down the corridor, and go left from the fork. A puzzle awaits you behind the door - a modification of the famous Towers of Hanoi puzzle. You can transfer energy rings from the left pin to the right if you do it in the following order (1 - left ring, 2 - middle, 3 - right): 1-3, 1-2, 3-2, 1-3, 2-1 , 2-3, 1-2, 3-1, 2-1, 3-2, 1-3, 1-2, 3-2, 1-3, 2-3, 2-1, 3-1, 2 -3, 1-2, 1-3, 2-3.
Follow the corridor down, defeating enemies along the way, and take the sword from the tomb. Go back to the fork - you go right. Save in front of the door, as you will have to fight two terentareks at once. It is incredibly difficult to defeat them. Immediately press yourself against the wall on the left and slowly walk towards the nearest monster until it notices you. Quickly run back, activate all your shields, stimulants and protective spells. Jedi magic things have practically no effect on the animal, so you will have to beat him with the old fashioned methods. When your shields and stimulants run out, don't forget to activate new ones.
After slaughtering the cattle, do not forget to search the room. Pull the lever, unlocking the two doors. Take the frost and fire grenades and return to the beginning of the path. Freeze the lake of acid in the south with a grenade. Now all that remains is to take the Sith laser sword from the statue and pick up the star map.
Be sure to save - Uthar and Yutara will be waiting for you at the lake. The battle cannot be avoided. Take the side of one of them (Yutara is weaker!) or tell your mentors about your true goals. In the latter case, on the way back to the academy you will have to fight with the entire stream and with the teachers. The secret to defeating both Jedi is to quickly cast acceleration spells and immunity to the Force.
Finally - the native "Ebonhawk". The next and final goal is Manaan.
...Oh, it turns out, not the last. Out of nowhere, Darth Malak's flagship jumped out and captured the Ebonhawk in the gravity field. What to do?

Side quests

If you return aboard the Ebonhawk with Juhani, an unknown Twilek of a suspicious appearance may cling to you. His request is original - he will ask you to sell him Juhani. Word for word - and it turns out that it was he who killed her father on Taris, and now wants to have a young slave from the Cathar race. Of course, Juhani will immediately want to try her claws on the slave trader. Encourage her (-) or persuade her not to give in to anger (+). The chance to deal with the scoundrel will present itself on Manaan - he will attack you immediately after you land. Apparently this quest is missing from the console version of the game.
Rodian Lurze Kesh at the entrance to the club will ask you how Davik is doing. Having learned that you do not work for Davik and that he died long ago, the Rodian will say that there is an old cache in Ebonhawk where goods belonging to him are stored.
And in fact, in the hold, in the wall next to the plastic steel boxes, you will find a cargo of spices. Return the spices to Kesh, and he will offer you a “mail” task - to deliver a package to Motta the Hutt on Tatooine. There is only one condition - you cannot look into the parcel. Why? This is a bomb? No, it's not a bomb. You just can't, that's all.
Of course, I want to look inside. If you do this, you will find yourself in a strange environment reminiscent of The Matrix. You'll have to play riddles with the only inhabitant of this area. Answers to riddles: time (Time), tomorrow (Tomorrow), grave (Grave), fire (Flame). After recovering from the shock, do not forget to fly to Tatooine - you will pay a lot of money for the package.
If you find yourself on Korriban after visiting Leviathan, an old acquaintance will approach you and secretly tell you that the bartender at the club sells artifacts. They are very expensive, but they also give a considerable effect.
In the corridors of Dreshda, a Sith student kills a young Twilek woman with lightning. The solution to the quest is obvious: stand up for her (+) or ignore (-) the beating. This is another way to get the Sith medallion.
If you arrive on Tatooine after Kashyyyk and go out into the fresh air, arm in arm with Carth, a man will approach you. He will say that he saw his son Carth at the Sith Academy on Korriban. To complete this quest, take the key to Uthar's room from the bodies of your teachers while passing through Korriban, or open it with a master key. There you will find a holocron that will help return young Dustil, an academy student, to the true path.


Manaan is a huge ocean inhabited by a race of intelligent sea animals - the Selkath. This is an eternal resort where shaded waves splash, the sun always shines in the sky, and quiet and relaxing music plays in the background. What more do weary adventurers need? Even the shine of the Selkath’s wet skin does not irritate, but only complements the overall picture of general peace.
By the way, about peace. Since the entire planet is covered in water, the Selkath built a single floating city to trade with other civilizations. They extract a unique medicinal product, and as monopolists they can dictate any conditions. And the conditions are simple - the medicine is sold to both the Sith and the Republic. No side is favored, and any clashes are prohibited within the city itself. Video cameras carefully monitor the observance of order, and all attempts to disturb public order are punished quickly and brutally.
The Sith take advantage of this and insult the Republican soldiers with all their might, trying to provoke them into a fight. They grind their teeth and can barely restrain themselves. But now we are on Manaan, which means that someone is now in trouble.
Talk to the offended soldier in the best of feelings, try to calm him down. At the checkpoint you will have to pay a fee and listen to the rules of conduct. Find the Republic Embassy (at the same time, get your bearings in the city). Inform Ambassador Roland Vann of the purpose of your search. But he has his own mind - until you bring him a valuable spy droid captured by them from the Sith base, he will not help you.
There are three ways to enter the base. The first and easiest is to return to the spaceport and hide in a cargo ship, having first killed the guards. The second method for hackers: decipher the access code on the card - this can be done on a computer, a local programmer will help you get used to it. Continuing six rows is easy, this is a common task from the “complement a row” cycle. Answers: 22, 18, 64, 2, 6, 7.
The third way is to split the captured Sith. First, tell him that you know about his companion, then hint that you could leave the companion and release the prisoner himself. Then try another tactic - hint that you know something about the affair with Tela, and then casually say that she has already been captured.
In any case, you will have to raid the Sith base. There will be soldiers on your way, and there will be Jedi. It is impossible to miss the wreckage of the Republican droid - the broken droid takes up half the room.
Fish-eyed selkaths will be waiting for you at the exit. They will arrest you on charges of attacking the Sith. Skip the lawyer. At the trial, go into deep “ignorance” - blame the Sith (the dead have no shame). You can say that you were lured to the base for the purpose of negotiations, that you did not fire a single shot, and that you were not there at all.
On your side (as funny as it may seem) is the absence of witnesses and statements from the injured party. All the Selkath have is the sounds of explosions and gunfire from the Sith base, so it won't be difficult to justify themselves. You will be released.
Roland Vann, to celebrate, will ask you for one more favor: to find out what happened to the secret bottom station for extracting a precious resource. Communication with her has been lost, rescue teams sent have not returned, and the Republicans assume the worst (a riot, an attack by fans of the Cthulhu cult, the discovery of an Alien egg, or an attack by blue pests).
There is nothing to do - we are still on our way. On a small submarine, a friendly company will set off to explore the depths of the sea of ​​Manaan.
At the station, the entire honest company is frightened with all its might by the last surviving member of the rescue team. Looks like it's something to do with the Selkath working here. For some reason they went berserk and attacked the human staff.
Move through the station, mercilessly exterminating rabid fisheyes and droids. Don't forget to take your underwater suit. At the gateway you will have to leave your comrades and go into the depths of the sea yourself. Another survivor looms ahead. He won't be an eyesore for long. This is a hint to you: beware of sharks, turn on the ultrasonic shocker in time. After leaving the building, walk along the bottom to the east, then left - and turn into the airlock.
After destroying a group of rabid Selkath, you will meet two scientists behind a protective screen. In a panic, they will decide that their hour of death has come and will try to flood the room with you. Carefully pierce the protective field with a laser sword - this is the only way to make the scientists come to their senses. It turns out that the Selkath and sharks went berserk after the new drilling rig was turned on, and a giant shark swam out of the depths of the sea and is terrifying. You have two options - poison the giant shark (this is bad) or try to destroy the unit that disrupts the ecological balance (this is good).
Go outside in your spacesuit. Having dispersed the sharks, go to the control panel and act in the following order:
* Enable Access fuel tank pressure control.
* Fill container pod

* Dump injector pod
* Transfer from container to injector
* Fill container pod
* Transfer from container to injector again
As a result of all these manipulations, the drilling rig will explode so that the Selkath above in the city will hiccup. And the giant shark will immediately calm down and let you cross the bridge to the star map.
Having grabbed your comrades and the map, return upstairs to the city. Explain the situation to Roland, and you can leave the embassy. Outside you will immediately be arrested again. If you did not poison the fish, then there will be no point in denying it - tell the truth, and they will let you go. True, if you want to fly to Manaan again, you will be charged a five-fold fee “to discourage you.”
Complete side quests and fly off the planet to the Star Forge system.
This is important: before flying to the Star Forge system, make sure that you have not forgotten anything on other planets - you will not be able to return there.

Side quests

In the Mercenary Enclave, Nilko Bwaas is interested in the increased activity of the Republic. Why did the Republic suddenly begin actively hiring mercenaries? After your underwater adventures, you will know the real reason - tell Nilko about it.
There, a certain Selkath Shelas complains that young Selkaths are disappearing somewhere. They are being recruited by the Sith, and you will meet all the missing youth at the base. Kill them (-) or, finding Sith recordings in the rooms located further, prove to the young fools that the Sith are bad (+). Returning to Shelas, refuse the reward (+) or demand more (-).
Win the hover bike race. The former champion will begin to threaten you, but he won’t really be able to do anything.
Old Sanri, an acquaintance of Jolie Bindo, is accused of murder. He actually killed a female Sith after learning that she was using him for espionage. But here a moral dilemma arises: if you accuse him of murder in court, it will be fair, but it will benefit the Sith. If you cheat and try to justify Sunry, it will be useful to the Republic, but it will not be fair. Those who decide to justify Sunry (and inform him about it) will earn (-).
Agree with the judges that you, as a Jedi, will help in the case. Talk to the accused, his wife Elora, witnesses - the receptionist, Firit and Gluubar. Go to the Republic base and talk to its leader. Having hacked the Republic's computer following a tip from an unknown person, you will see a video that proves Sunry's guilt. If you haven’t cleared the Sith base yet, then talk to the Sith too.
It is easy to bring a case to a death sentence - you just need to present to the court a video recording with footage of the murder. To justify Sanri, you will have to try. Bribe the receptionist. The receptionist would lie in court and say that Sunry ran away from the hotel before the shot was fired. Protest against accusations of lying by the Sith. When the Rodian Gluubar speaks, press him - he will admit that he planted the medallion. This will only benefit the defendant.
Under no circumstances appeal to your client’s old age or his military merits - this will only do harm! Ask Firit if he saw the crime? Naturally, he saw nothing. Ask Elora about Sunry’s love affair with the victim, and ask the client himself if the Sith could have set him up when he decided to start having an affair on the side. In your final word, emphasize that no one saw the crime, so the Sith fabricated it. Sunry will be acquitted.
After killing Kalo Nord on Tatooine, on your way back you will receive a strange note about a Rodian named Hulas. The note reads "Approach him alone or not at all." The hint is clear - if you have comrades with you, then Hulas (he stands at the side facing the sea) will not tell you anything. This quest is intended for Dark Jedi - there is no "good" solution. The Rodian will give you two licenses to kill.
Victims: Zulas from Dantooine (Matail Mansion) or Lorgal from Manaan (Republic Enclave). After the death of at least one of them (-), the delighted Hulas will issue three more licenses. Victims: Ithorak from Manaan, Rulan from Kashyyyk and Vorn from Tatooine.
To reach Ithorak, talk to Gek in the room where the races are registered. Convince him that you are a buyer. Ithorak is waiting for you at the spaceport.
Vorn from Tatooine can be found if you reprogram his droid, which you will find near the Tusken camp.
The hunt for Rulan of Kashyyyk will be strange. At Jolie Bindo's house you will see a Wookiee corpse with a note saying "Owls are not what they seem." Approach another Wookiee by the fire and tell him about the find. He will turn into Jolie. But this won’t get you through - tell the werewolf about it. An annoyed Rulan will turn into a monster, and then into a small animal, and try to get lost among other small animals. We'll have to exterminate all suspicious Takhs in the clearing.
If you return to Hulas and accuse him of foul play, the Rodian will make an appointment for you on Tatooine outside the city, where he will try to kill you. But you, of course, will ruin all his plans.

Planet of Lost Ships

The Star Forge is a giant space station that is powered by the energy of a star. It will not be difficult to repel the attack of Malak's fighters, but an unknown disorienting field will disrupt the Ebonhawk's equipment, and you will crash screaming onto an unknown resort planet. That's what it's called - Unknown World.
Here live the Rakata tribes - an ancient race whose ancestors roared throughout the Distant Galaxy. It was they who built the droid on Dantooine, and the star maps, and the Forge itself. But now they have gone wild and turned into only a pitiful semblance of themselves. The Rakata now live on a small island in the form of two tribes - wild and cute.
The Ebonhawk is not the only shipwreck on the planet. Around you - great amount spaceships crashed onto the planet varying degrees beaten. This strange field around the star station spared no one. The aliens whom you save from the savages will tell you about this.
Savages live in the north of the island, and civilized Rakata live in the south. Go first to the savages - there you can talk with the leader and learn more about yourself and the situation in which you find yourself. Then head north, closer to civilization. The road winds between the rocks, and it is almost impossible to get lost on the small island. Along the way, pay attention to minefields(poor little guy - he was so inattentive during his lifetime!) and at small rancors walking on the grass. Select spare parts from the mines to repair the ship. Look at the dilapidated temple, try to kick the door closed by an unknown protective field.
On the southern beaches, a village of civilized Rakata is guarded by a protective field. The Rakata hologram will ask you about the purpose of your arrival. Do not under any circumstances say that you visited the wild northerners - you will be immediately fried. Better tell them you're looking for the Star Forge.
These rakata call themselves Elders. They don't believe in your good intentions, and they have reasons for this. To gain their trust, you need to free their fellow tribesmen captured by the northerners. The time has come to bring democracy and prosperity to the northern village. You will have to fight with the savages and destroy the entire village along with the beast. We will do all this for the sake of the only surviving prisoner from the Elders. In the cage, among the rancor droppings, you will find several more parts from the ship - now we have a complete repair kit for the Ebonhawk. All that remains is to disable the field.
After a little advice, the Elders will allow you to enter the temple, but only without an escort. Bindo and Yuhani, who came running from the beach, will oppose this - they will help you persuade the rakata to let the three of you into the temple.
But we inhabit the temple! Dozens of dark Jedi and powerful droids will stand in your way. Having opened the door to the catacombs from the terminal, go downstairs. To open the next door, walk across the nine slabs in the correct order (in the shape of the letter H).

Behind the next door there is a computer waiting for you. Question him. Return to the entrance to the temple, and go through the large door, previously locked. At the top you will be met by Bastila - alive, but very dark.
Here you will have to make the final choice between Light and Darkness. The Light Jedi will persuade Bastila to come to her senses, then they will fight her several times until she runs away. The dark ones will tell Bastila that they are stronger than Malak, and it would be better for her to distance herself from her jawless comrade before it is too late. In this case, you will have to kill Juhani and Jolie.
In any case, you need to disable the field from the computer terminal. Having done this, return to the ship. All your companions will run out of the ship onto the beach. If you are darkened, then kill everyone who does not agree with the general line of the party.
Repair the Ebonhawk's engine and take off towards the Star Forge and your own destiny.

Side quests

On the northern Rakata beach, Garn complains about the ubiquitous Mandalorian bandits. They live near the wall of the temple (on the right, if you are facing the entrance). Kill them, pick up the helmet of the main bandit and report to Garn.
In the settlement of the Ancients, a scientist named Llava is trying to decipher the genes of the Rakata race. If you, once in the temple, ask the computer about the genetic data of the race, the scientist will be very happy with the information received.

Star Forge

If you chose the “good” path, then you were not the only one who attacked the space station - together with you, a small group of good Jedi who survived Dantooine broke through the defensive barriers. But they will not help you - they will be killed almost immediately.
It will be very difficult to make your way through the corridors of the station to Malak - he sends dozens of droids, soldiers, students and strong Jedi to intercept. All the enemies here tend to respawn around the nearest corner, so don't waste time and move further and further along the bridges and through the doors, stopping only to heal. The worst are the Jedi Masters. When fighting them, it is easy to miss the moment when the character loses consciousness. Your main spell now is to save the game frequently.
On the second deck, do not rush to attack the automatic turrets - find the control room on the opposite side and, if you have a hacker, hack the security system. Those who want to profit from free clothes can get themselves a few cloaks here in local fashion.
Bastila will meet you in the control center (or not: if you chose the “bad” path, then she will already be with you). Try, by exchanging blows, to persuade her to the path of correction and cooperation with the administration. At the end of the third round, you will have the opportunity to convince her of your good intentions and force her to use her battle meditation to benefit the Republic troops.
Only Malak himself remained. He will run away first, leaving you to be mocked by the endlessly respawning battle droids. You'll have to hack the terminals responsible for their production. If you don't have enough pins, remember: killing a droid that falls out of a pipe "gives birth" to a pin in the corresponding basket. The most advanced hackers can configure computers to produce robots that act on your side (apparently this feature was not in the console version).
The fight with your old friend Malak will drag on. True to tradition, the good Jedi will read him a tedious sermon before the start of the fight. The enemy has several captured Jedi “batteries” in reserve, with the help of which he can fully restore his health several times.
There is a trick here - as soon as Malak explains to you why he captured these Jedi on Dantooine, you will have the opportunity to destroy all the “batteries”. Reviewers are usually silent about this possibility. It is very easy to “de-energize” them - throw a sword at them, strangle them, use any spells. Dark Jedi can use "chargers" themselves, draining the life from them. By depriving Malak of support, you will make the final battle much easier for yourself.
Malak dies in bewilderment, which means you have completed the game. All you have to do is sit back and watch the final video. Congratulations.

How old is the republic? IntroductionTwenty thousand years and Yoda knows how many leagues people spent in hyperspace by the time the events of J. Lucas's space saga began. It was the invention of the engine that made interstellar travel a reality that led to the creation of the Galactic Republic. Is this a long time? For comparison, the history of earthly civilization goes back about 6,000 years. During this time, we went from Sumerian cuneiform to the flight to Mars. In a galaxy far, far away, progress seemed to have stopped. Having apparently considered that long-distance space flights were the pinnacle of the technology available to them, its inhabitants occupied themselves with other matters: war, building democracy, the slave trade - whoever had a passion for what. This “stagnation” allowed the events of “Knights...” to unfold calmly four thousand years before the birth of Anakin Skywalker. Droids, shuttles, laser swords - all these attributes of a true Jedi, well known to Star Wars fans, have remained virtually unchanged, and you can safely invent a plot without fear of divergence from the canon. The developers took full advantage of this freedom; the story unfolding before us is almost as big as the film series. Almost all the Very Important Persons of the time are involved. Long-familiar races and planets seen for the first time replace each other with dizzying speed

And it all begins, as usual, “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”

goodness is in trouble again. :) A huge armada of admirers of the covenants of the ancient Sith invaded the Republic. It is led by Darth Malak, a disciple of the dark lord Revan.

An impressive figure, to be sure, but he is far from Vader’s namesake. Charisma, sorry, didn’t come out. :)

However, Malak acts on a grand scale, overwhelming the defenders primarily with his enormous numerical superiority, and with each victory the number of his supporters increases. Many Jedi, admired and feared by his power, also turn to the dark side.

We find ourselves in the very center of the battle of fleets - on the Republican flagship suffering a crushing defeat.

Awakened by a direct hit by another salvo on the ship, the protagonist jumps up - and sees in front of him a complete stranger, introducing himself as “Ensign Trask Ulgo.”

It turns out that this warrior and I have been sharing a bed for many days... no, not in that sense - we’re just on duty in different shifts, which is why we haven’t met before. :) Having barely introduced himself, Trask drags us to save Bastila Shan, who is on board, a Jedi who poses a great danger to Malak. At the same time, a hint is immediately given of the “unusuality” of our hero, taken on board at the last moment by special order of the Jedi. Who would doubt it, it is not for the gallant ensign Ulgo to save the galaxy, in fact. ;)

Who am I? Character creation and development

What forms can our avatar take? First of all, he is a man. This limitation is partly offset by a rich selection of companions, belonging to different races and (and types of robots - but more on that later). You can choose any gender, political correctness is observed here, but at first only three classes are available.

Soldier. Distinctive features are a large amount of health (Vitality Points) and Special properties (Feats) - one for each level. These benefits compensate for the very slow increase in Skills. Perhaps this is the most “flexible” class, because... allows you to reward a character with various combinations of properties. Of course, the soldier’s fighting qualities (probability of hitting - Attack Bonus) are also unparalleled.

Scout or Scout. A class balanced in all respects. Scouts immediately automatically receive the Implant attribute. As their level increases, they will be able to implant more and more advanced mechanisms into their violent heads. Representatives of other professions will have to spend precious properties to obtain such an opportunity. Another big advantage of the Scout is the high values ​​of all Saving Throws.

Scoundrel :) (Scoundrel). At first glance, the scoundrels got what they deserved - it’s unlikely that even a huge number of skill points will compensate for poor health and a meager selection of special properties. But two properties unique to representatives of this profession make these bad creatures useful not only in overcoming security systems. These are Scoundrel's Luck, which gives a bonus to the Defense parameter, and the familiar Sneak Attack, which in some situations significantly increases the damage inflicted on the enemy. These abilities also improve with increasing hero level. However, the main thing The purpose of the scoundrels is to help a party of brave incompetents in fixing robots, hacking computers and solving other problems that cannot be solved by a laser sword. :))) After retraining as Jedi, their combat value will increase sharply... but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

If you are at least a little familiar with the D20 system (for example, the third edition Dungeons and Dragons - NeverWinter Nights remember? ;)), That game mechanics You won't find KOTOR difficult. All the same basic parameters - Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma

They don't allow you to throw dice; please, honestly distribute the thirty points allotted to each person. ;) Some features - the effectiveness of Jedi Forces is influenced by Wisdom and Charisma. Intelligence, as always, has been bypassed; only the growth of the character’s Skills depends on it. :) Wisdom is the most important parameter for a real Jedi, because... it also gives bonus Strength points. Every four levels you can increase the value of one of the parameters by one. Considering that the maximum level achievable in the game is twentieth, you will receive five in total extra points. Don't waste it, plan your development from the very beginning!

A standard system of Skills and Features has been implemented.

Of course, most of the skills and properties of the laser sword world are different from those you are used to in the dragon dungeons. :) However, often these differences are only in the name.

Skills like Repair, Treat Injury and some others require special items to use, so don't rush to sell strange-looking trophies - read their description first. ;) Interesting feature- skill points can be put aside as a reserve when leveling up. This is necessary in the case when all class skills have already been maximized, and one point remains, while at least two free points are required to increase other cross-class skills. But you can take advantage of this opportunity and accumulate a significant number of points so that when you change class, you can spend them on those important skills that will move from the “other” category to the “class” category. I did this myself with the useful Persuade skill.

I will mention one important feature: the ability to wield melee weapons and laser swords (light sabers - whatever you like :)) belong to two different properties, Melee and Lightsaber, respectively. So if you plan to fight with each Jedi's natural weapon in the future, don't waste special abilities on a regular one. However, some simple (but not quite:) - I’ll talk about improving weapons later) swords are quite comparable in their fighting qualities to laser ones. I should note that in the Knights, the power of the latter is greatly underestimated so that opponents who do not have the Force could provide at least some resistance to our squad. This decision led to quite funny consequences: a cow parrying the blow of an all-destructive laser sword with its horn evokes a certain... um... mistrust. :)

In fairness, I note that a competently developed :) Jedi rarely has problems in battle with ordinary opponents, with the exception of very large pieces of laser meat. Notice the arrow labeled "corpse pile". :)

As you already understand, as an ordinary soldier (scout, scoundrel), we only have to go through part of the game, and a relatively small one at that. It turns out quite quickly that our protagonist was truly created for Jedi service. At some point you will have to change your profession. First, one of the Masters will ask us a few questions about behavior in certain situations (remember Daggerfall?) and determine which class we gravitate towards. But it is not at all necessary to follow his recommendation; the final decision is always yours. And the choice has to be made again from three classes:

Guardian. Soldier with the Force. :) Lots of health and special properties, impressive striking power, slow growth of skills and Strength points. The latter is the Defender's biggest drawback, which can be compensated for, for example, by a high Wisdom parameter. This also helps increase the Will Saving Throw, which is very important when facing dark Powers. However, you don’t have to think about such subtleties, but simply chop everyone into cabbage. ;) The “class” property is ideal for this - Force Jump, which allows you to attack an enemy in direct line of sight with one jump. Very useful if you need to quickly come to the aid of a companion in distress.

Sentinel. Seeks a balance between body power and mental strength. Along with the “average” progress of most characteristics, he gains very useful immunity against most mind-affecting Forces (Fear, Shock, Stun, Paralysis).

Consular. This profession is chosen by those Jedi who do not like the smell of fried meat. Waving a glowing stick isn't their style, but their incredible ability to concentrate the Force makes them just as dangerous as the Soldier and the Guardian. Representatives of this class receive a lot of Strength points, several additional Strengths and the unique ability Concentration (Force Focus). They pay, of course, with health, but in order to hit the Consular, you need to get close to him - and few manage to do this.

Each class corresponds to a specific color, which your sword will take on at first. Then you can easily change it even to the villainous red one (I’ll tell you more about the system for customizing and improving weapons). :)

However, before acquiring the treasured weapon, you need to undergo training,

answer a series of simple questions - and here it is, a moment of happiness!

By changing the class, we will gain access not only to the light that cuts the eyes and flesh, but also to powerful Forces:

Their choice must be taken with the utmost responsibility; it is very difficult to complete the game with just one picker, even a laser one. To begin with, read at least the official manual, and quite efficient and detailed tips Development strategy can be found here:




I recommend immediately taking Dominate Mind - possessing this power opens up interesting and funny options in many dialogues.

Of course, the concept of Light & Dark Sides is implemented - an analogue of DnD Alignment. Some Forces available to the Jedi belong to one of them, the rest belong to the category of “intermediate”, i.e. they can be used with equal success by both good and bad Padawans. Your avatar starts the game completely neutral - but as events unfold, the actions you take will bring you closer to darkness or light.

And the closer the hero is to one of the sides, the easier the Powers related to it will be given to him. In addition, all Forces are divided into passive and active. When using the latter, each time you spend a certain amount of points (Force Points), then they are gradually restored - a complete analogue of mana, familiar to us from many games (but not DnD!). The number of these points depends on the class and the value of the Wisdom parameter.

Important! Before changing classes, you will only be forced to level up once, at the very beginning of the game. After this, you can delay promotion until you become a Jedi. Thus, the maximum number of levels in the second class is eighteen. But it will be very difficult to survive until retraining, having only two classes of regular education under your belt :), and it is simply impossible to do it alone. Personally, I chose the 4/16 ratio - Scout/Guardian. In general, the number of options is quite large, which arouses a certain interest in repeat playthroughs. In general, the potential for role-playing is quite high, but the process itself usually follows the usual pattern of “bad egoist - indifferent self-interested person - good altruist.”

I note that the developers also thought about the completely lazy ones. Both when generating and when increasing the level of a hero, you can take advantage of the automatic settings feature.

If you do not want to set Special Properties yourself, distribute Skill points and select Powers, click the Recommended button in the appropriate windows. Or just choose Auto Level Up.

In this case, a completely combat-ready option is obtained, but a good part of the gaming interest is lost - it is always better to sculpt your Galatea yourself. ;) But even if you entrusted the development to the computer, it’s worth reading a brief description of all the parameters - at least in order to be able to use the strengths of the protagonist and all his friends - you manage their development according to the same scheme.

Jedi and his team. Friends and enemies

And our hero’s companions are quite diverse. At first, the protagonist will be accompanied only by Cart Onasi, one of the best soldiers of the Republic, who saved his life after a disastrous battle for our fleet. Kart is well informed, shoots superbly with both hands in Macedonian (in a past life he was a cleaner and wolfhound Tamantsev, no less :)), but communicating with him is not easy. However, it is not necessary to listen patiently to his paranoid speeches; you can simply ignore all attempts to talk to you. In general, most of the potential nine companions have their own skeleton in the closet, and some do not even hide it. :)

As you progress through the story, more and more adventurers will join the company. Naturally, most of the allies are not entirely human, and some are not human at all, not humanoids and do not even belong to the world of the living! Don’t be alarmed (or should I have said, “Don’t be happy”? ;)), you won’t be able to set a couple of vampires on the enemy, we’ll leave the undead in NeverWinter Nights with our comrades. But a couple of droids will be happy to help in any way they can. Moreover, unlike the magnificent duet “a good robot - a very good robot” that accompanied Luke Skywalker, our iron friends are very different from each other not only in their bodies, but also in... um... behavior program. :) T3-M4 is a kind of cute pet that you just want to pet, causing a satisfied “beep-beep”:

HK-47... however, I will not reveal secrets, I will limit myself to a portrait of this mechanical Luca Brasi:

Admire the graceful dance of the girls of the Twi'lek race:

and help one of them become a star:

But you will also have to meet less pleasant creatures. Don't expect anything good from the Gamoreans:

And beware - the dragons of Tatooine are significantly inferior in intelligence to their Fairun namesakes, but this does not make them any less dangerous:

Finally, the opportunity to communicate with one of the peoples of the same Tatooine in the Jawa language will give every certified Java programmer the opportunity to shine and fill his heart with genuine joy. ;) It’s not easy for an ordinary person to understand their speech... ;)

Here you can see a description and photographs;) of a number of characters in the game - friendly and not so friendly.
Beware, there are minor spoilers!

The beauty of the universe. Graphics and sound

To be honest, I have never made great demands on the audiovisual design of quests and RPGs. A fascinating plot and “charismatic” characters create the atmosphere, everything else is details that your imagination can perfectly handle. And I’m not alone in this opinion - the popularity of the text RPG Ancient Domains Of Mystery or simply ADOM is a guarantee of this. But good art and sound work, which Bioware has always been known for, can certainly greatly enhance the game's appeal. The object of this review was no exception... Why, I haven’t seen such beautiful landscapes for a long time. Even the views of the Underdark that captivated me so much (see review of Hordes of the Unedrdark) are inferior to the beauty of the planets of a galaxy far, far away.

The action begins on the decadent world of Taris, a once beautiful metropolis planet gradually turning into ruins...

Pay attention to the robot - an expert in local customs. It’s good when such a guide greets you in an unfamiliar place. :)

Next you will visit the sands of Tatooine, well known to all fans of the film,

take a walk under the canopy of the mighty trees of Kashyyyk, home of the mighty Wookies

and enjoy the beautiful savannas of Dantooine.

A fascinating sight, isn't it? I even somehow lost the desire to fight, and the peaceful beauty of farming work became closer and clearer... :)

Among the worlds created specifically for KOTOR is the ocean planet Manaan:

and the dark wastes of Korriban, home of the Sith, who worshiped the Dark Side of the Force. This race has not existed for a long time, but their cult still lives in the minds of the Jedi who left the Light for the absolute power of Darkness...

I wouldn’t be surprised if you hardly want to stay here after completing the minimum program.

Of course, each world has its own passions, and your appearance can leave a noticeable mark on their history. Jedi, as a rule, are well known to all galactic races, they are respected, admired... or feared... Whether you leave behind you a land scorched by a laser sword, or new friends - the choice is yours... It’s curious what’s on the hero’s model shows not only external, but also internal changes. The display of worn armor has long been a standard, but the changes associated with the choice of one or another side of the Force are a very interesting idea.

Don’t forget about your companions - some know well the places where you will visit, others will have unexpected encounters. The game is replete with video inserts

and scripted scenes (it’s not for nothing that the set includes four CDs :)).

Both of them deserve the highest rating in my eyes, perfectly complementing the action and illustrating the events taking place behind the scenes. The developers did not hide the fact that they were planning something like an interactive film, and they achieved their goal.

KOTOR's budget allowed for most of the dialogue to be voiced, which gives it extra charm. At the same time, the voices were chosen quite well. And the lips, the lips move, even if not always in time! But it’s still much better than the usual ventriloquism, accompanied by ridiculous jerking of the head. :) Another excellent touch - representatives different races speak their own languages! After the third playthrough, you will be able to say a few words using the Duros dialect, or growl a declaration of love in Wookiee. ;)

On the official website of the game you can get information about some of the actors:

And - as always! - The work of composer Jeremy Soule deserves special praise. http://www.lucasarts.com/products/swkotor/GI_music.html#jeremy

This time, his work was given additional complexity by the inevitable comparison with John Williams, the author of the famous soundtrack for the film. Well, Jeremy passed the test with flying colors, creating unique themes for different worlds and separate orchestration for scripted scenes. There are no plans to release this music as a separate disc yet, but some of it is here:
You can also convert original audio files into MP3 format and savor them while remembering your favorite moments from a recently completed game. :)

Press any key... Interface

Let's try to figure out how to manage the farm we inherited on four disks. The main menu looks like this:

Here you can start a new game, load a “saved” one, change a number of options (these options are also available directly in the game) and watch various video clips.

Well, let's restore one of the saved games and take a look at the main screen. Generally speaking, KOTOR was first developed for the Xbox platform (release date - July 2003) and only at the end of November last year the game was released for personal computers. Although the developers claim that in the PC version the interface was primarily redesigned, the legacy of the consoles is taking its toll. So, you can move only with the mouse, but it’s not very convenient; it’s much easier to use the keyboard. Of course, the layout can be redefined as your heart desires... that is, to suit your fingers. There are quite a few icons on the default screen that allow you to perform various actions with just one click. Let's look at this fascinating picture of a fierce saber cut:

Top left - small map, on the right are icons designed to open various menus and dialog boxes (Options, Map, etc.). Below, from left to right, are the icons of all the fighters in your squad, then a small command queue window and, finally, lists of items that you can use at the moment. If you think that the interface takes up too much of the screen, you can remove certain parts of it (Options menu, called up with the O key, then Gameplay).

The cursor, as usual, reacts to the type of object and changes its shape or offers you a context-sensitive menu containing all possible actions. This way you can pick up trophies, access your computer, etc. Carefully inspect the battlefield, sometimes small things are hard to see, and you have to engage in real pixel hunting.

In battle, a menu appears above the current target, highlighted with red arrows, where you can select the type of attack (Strength or weapon) or use one of the special properties available. If the NPC is neutral, then you can talk to him, and the dialogue is recorded, and then you can view it again in a special window (called by the J key):

Of course, all received tasks are entered into a special list, displayed on the screen with the L key:

Quests can be sorted by status or title. You can also separately view the items needed to complete the tasks received.

In the main window, you can switch between party members using the tab key or using the mouse. The selected character will become the leader of the squad and only then will he be able to use all his skills. However, the dialogue with the NPC is always carried out by the main character, the switching occurs automatically. Therefore, only he has access to the Persuade Skill and the Affect/Dominate Mind Power. But if the protagonist does not have the skill to open doors, then he will have to use the help of one of his companions. Single and stealth modes are fortunately available to everyone.

Unlike most games, in KOTOR unused inventory is not divided into pockets and bags of individual characters. You can take a look at it by pressing the I key:

Those items that you or your companions are equipped with are always listed at the top of the list (Equipped Items). On the right is a brief description of the item highlighted by the cursor and a button that allows you to view only certain categories of squad property (newly acquired, quest items, usable items, etc.).

To select armor, weapons and other useful equipment, use the character equipment window (U key):

This procedure is implemented extremely conveniently. You move the cursor to the desired part of the body (hussars, be silent! ;)) - only the corresponding items will be shown on the right - then select the desired item. At the bottom left you can choose who you actually want to equip.

There are two windows dedicated to information about the character. The first one shows general information

The two stripes on the left reflect the orientation of the hero and the Forces under which he is currently under influence. On the right are all its attributes and parameters. At the bottom is the Scripts button, which allows you to select combat tactics. Unfortunately, there are only three simple templates available - Default Attack, Grenadier and Jedi/Droid Support. You cannot write your own script. Keep in mind that at each moment of the battle you can control only one fighter, the rest will act according to these scenarios. However, you can cause a pause (space) and calmly give the necessary orders.

The second window is dedicated to Skills, Special Properties and Powers.

Here you can familiarize yourself with their basic values, modifiers and scope of application. Needless to say, it is advisable to study all this information before changing one or another parameter. ;-)

The map and its associated options are displayed with the M key.

In addition to actually studying a very intelligent and detailed map, two very important functions are available here, allowing you to replenish your team and make instant travel to the base and back if you are on the “surface” of any planet. What is considered a surface and what is an “underground” - don’t ask, sometimes quite funny situations arise. :) Of course, this is not entirely fair, but it saves a lot of time. In the end, champions of justice may not take advantage of this opportunity... at least in the midst of battle. :)

To summarize, I would give the interface a four. With a plus. Two shortcomings that irritated me quite a lot forced me to lower my rating. Firstly, the floating camera sometimes takes an inconvenient position. In order to pick up an unsuccessfully placed object, you had to search around the bush for several seconds. Although, of course, you can turn on the eye view mode (Caps Lock), but this did not always help. The second claim is more subjective. In my opinion, the amount of information received about dice rolls is extremely small (D20 system, remember?). You can only see whether the next blow or use of the Force is successful, and the damage inflicted on the enemy. In this case, the reasons for the hit or miss remain behind the scenes. Personally, I always analyzed such data and could easily change tactics right during the battle. However, the battles here, with rare exceptions, are simple even at the maximum difficulty level. But it was still a shame to lose my favorite toy. :)

Where does the gameplay begin? About various solutions, successful and not so successful

Of course, it’s not just the mechanics and graphics, even those worthy of the Louvre, that keep an RPG alive. A good story can make up for almost all other shortcomings, while a boring story is likely to undo even the outstanding work of the artists and programmers. Well, the KOTOR writers did a very good job. The premise is very intriguing; in the future, interest in the game is maintained both by major events such as the transition to the Jedi :), and by numerous pleasant little things- the addition of new companions, intrigues within the team, side quests etc. The Star Wars universe is vast, and even the relatively small part of it shown in the game has something to proudly show off to the player.

In general, I liked the “additional” adventures more than the main line. The saga of saving an entire galaxy is majestic, no doubt, but somehow very sketchy. Of course, all the plots were described by Shakespeare, but you can also say something new on a well-worn topic... or you can simply outshine your predecessors in scope, which, in my opinion, Bioware did not without success. Helping the colossus to stand on its feet are such finds as the laconic bounty hunter Calo Nord, flirting with an imperial officer and other small touches that breathe life into the majestic canvas. You can have a lot of fun donning Sith Trooper armor and intimidating the hapless inhabitants of Taris. :) However, if you remove the armor right before their eyes, they, as if nothing had happened, will cheerfully greet you again. Yes, you can’t have enough scripts for every occasion. :)

Of course, the opportunity to improve armor and weapons has not been forgotten. At the base you will definitely have a workbench (workbench ;)), which makes it possible to supplement laser swords and some types of conventional weapons with various pleasant properties. First, choose what exactly you want to improve, then build in the available devices.

...and the laser sword +50 “To-the-destruction of the sons-of-bitches” is ready! :) This is where you can replace the special crystal that determines the color of the laser sword. However, with a good fist blow you can bring the enemy to his knees;)

Finally, three gourmet attractions are designed to give KOTOR a special charm. These are arcade swoop races and skeet shooting :) (gunner turret), as well as card game Pazaak is a type of glasses. Its rules are quite simple. There is a deck of cards with numerical values ​​from one to six. There is an additional deck (you can supplement it with purchased and found cards), which, along with ordinary ones, can also include special cards: some have negative values, and the value of others - especially valuable ones - changes from positive to negative at the request of the player. Before the game starts, you place a bet, then take from extra deck ten cards.

Four of them, chosen at random, will make up your hand for the entire game. Then the distribution begins. Players take turns receiving one card each, after which they can stop or ask for another card. You can also play one of the remaining cards in your hand at any time.

The one who scores the most points wins; a result greater than or equal to 21 is a bust. Cards with negative meanings can help avoid this situation. Equality of points results in a draw, the winner of three hands is declared the winner of the game and receives money. Quite an entertaining activity, especially if you are a gambling person. However, I didn’t manage to get that much money, even though I usually outplayed my opponents - the stakes were very low. However, in some places it seemed like it was possible to promote the opponents, I just didn’t have the patience.

By coming first in the "swooping" :), you can also get credits or other valuable prizes, sometimes even save a human life. Driving the car is quite easy, you can accelerate, brake and change gears. On the way to the finish line you come across both obstacles that threaten death and special devices that speed up your movement.

Unlike racing and karts, controlling a spaceship's anti-aircraft gun is not a toy. If you fail to drive off enemy fighters before entering hyperspace, the entire team will die.

The lower right indicator shows the level of energy protection, the left one shows the position of the attackers. The horizontal angle of fire is 360 degrees, but the vertical angle is limited to about thirty, which is what the enemy takes advantage of when attacking from above. In general, this attraction made me big problems, the opponents turned out to be very nimble. Perhaps the joystick makes it easier to control, but I couldn't test that. :) You cannot save during such entertainment, you can only take a break (Escape key). In addition, the shooting usually begins after rather long cutscenes preceding the space attack, and as a result, the reboot and re-watch stretch out for a couple of minutes. I’ll classify this cart simulator as one of the few unpleasant moments of the Knights.

What else to say? Conclusion

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic represents a significant event in the RPG circle, in the world of Star Wars, and among all games in general. This is evidenced by excellent sales figures for the PC and Xbox versions, as well as very high ratings given by almost all publications. I think I won’t be wrong in predicting Knights to at least win the title of the best role-playing game of the year. Of course, huge fame" the best creators RPG" and "the most famous galaxy" played a role, but Bioware did their job honestly and very professionally, avoiding the temptation to simply skim the cream... well, maybe they were a little hasty with the release of the PC version (download the patch). Absence network game allowed us to put all our efforts into developing a single-player campaign and improving the artificial intelligence of computer satellites, which immediately bore fruit. For Jedi fans of online battles, Star Wars Battlefront will be released at the end of the year. In the meantime, to all connoisseurs of the role-playing genre, laser swords and simply fascinating computer games You should not miss this extraordinary creation of a wonderful team, which I respect and love more and more with each virtual year spent in the worlds they created.

PS: as usual, I bring to your attention a number of links to useful Internet resources.

Official website of the game:

The official Star Wars website, where you will find a lot of general information about our galaxy:

Another interesting site dedicated to SW: KOTOR:

Find the latest patch at this address:

And here is a list of “officially” detected errors:

As always, you can learn a lot of useful things by reading the forums:

Official collection of questions and answers:

Here is a discussion of problems associated with running KOTOR:

Do not rush to use cheat codes, first read this thread:

— Dantooine
Jedi Enclave

1) Ebon Hawk

During your first visit to Dantooine, there is nothing interesting on board the ship, but then several quests will be directly related to the Black Hawk. In addition, here you can talk with your team members and improve equipment at the workbench.

When you first set foot on Dantooine, Bastila will appear and tell you to follow her to the Jedi Council.

To navigate from planet to planet, use the Galaxy map, which is located in the cockpit. Simply select your destination and you will be instantly transported there (this option appears after the Jedi Council sends you to search for the remaining four pieces of the Star Chart).

2) Quests given by your fellow travelers and Ler Arka

First, side quests:

Not far from the ship there is a Twi-lek named Lur Arka, who is looking for the girl Sasha. Soon you will discover that you have a stowaway on the Black Hawk - the same Sasha. To complete the quest you will have to return to Dantooine and tell Ler Arka everything. Let him board the ship and take the fugitive. The reward for this quest is 310xp and light side points (see Black Hawk (#2) “Stowaway”)

This location is also important because all quests related to your party members are activated here. Of course, some of them can be activated in other places (for example, when leaving the Ebon Hawk in the spaceport of Tatooine Docking Bay, the Manaan Docking Bay or Korriban), but here these triggers will work with 100% probability.

After listening to the stories of Carth, Bastila, Juhani, Canderous and Mission, you will receive quests from each of them. It should be noted that you will not be able to receive a task from party members on the planet on which the target of this task is located. For example, Mission's brother, Griff, is on Tatooine, so you cannot receive a quest to find him on this planet (the same applies to the quests of Bastila and Canderous).

Below will be given detailed walkthroughs each of these tasks:

  1. Search for Brother Mission. Once you know enough about Mission's brother to begin your search, add her to the team and run around the Black Hawk landing area. Soon Grif's girlfriend, Lena, will appear, who (if you “press” her) will tell you that Grif works for the Czerka Corp"s corporation and is currently on Tatooine. From now on, you have the magazine will appear new quest- Find Grif. To get more information about him, go to Tatooine and ask about Brother Mission from the official representative of the corporation on the planet, whose office (see Czerka Office (#3)) is located in Anchorhead'. He will give you information about the whereabouts of Vulture, who, it turns out, is being held captive by the sand people (see the chapter on Tatooine).
  2. Bastila's mother. If Bastilla is on your crew and you have learned enough about her relationship with her mother, return to Dantooine before you find the fourth part of the Star Map, and here (after running near the ship) you will meet a middle-aged woman who I once knew Bastila. She will tell you about the illness of Bastila's mother and indicate her location - Tatooine. Head there and in the Anchorhead area (see #3) you will come across a stranger who will tell you that Bastila's mother is in Anchorhead's bar (see Anchorhead Cantina (#4)). Follow there to complete the quest.
  3. Juhani's past. After you know enough about the Juhani family's slave past on Taris, join her team and fly to Dantooine (or any other point of activation of the triggers described above) and, as has become a tradition, take a walk near the Ebon Hawk. Soon a Twi-lek named Xor will approach you. Xor is a slave trader who will want to buy Juhani. During a conversation with him, Juhani will get angry, and you will have to calm her down by quoting a passage from the Jedi Code (“There is no emotion...”). If you can resolve the conflict peacefully, you will receive light side points, and you will have to meet Xor again - on Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban or Kashyyyk, but he will not be alone, but accompanied by two Rodian thugs. This time the battle cannot be avoided. Force the slave trader to surrender and stop Juhani from shedding blood again, quoting the already familiar lines from the Codex. If you manage to curb her rage, you will be rewarded with 1800xp, light side points, and complete the quest. Otherwise, Juhani will go over to the dark side of the Force.
  4. Son of Card. Once you know enough about Carth's son to begin your search, you can activate the quest to find him (the activation process is described above). Jordo will approach you and tell Carth (he should be on the team) that his son, Dustil, is studying at the Sith Akademy on Korriban. There is no need to rush there because no matter when you visit this planet, Dustil will be waiting for you at the Academy (see Sith Academy (#7)). The end of the quest is in the chapter dedicated to Korriban.
  5. Canderous's Honor You can receive the quest when Canderous tells you about the war between the Republic and the Mandalorians and about Revan, the young Jedi who tipped the scales on the side of the Republic. There is nothing original in activating the quest - we fly to Dantooine (or other suitable planets) and wait for Jagi to appear. Jagi is Canderos' former subordinate. He will accuse Canderos of cowardice and challenge him to a duel, which will take place on Tatooine. We fly there and look for Jaga in the Dune Sea (see Dune Dea (#10)). The end of the quest is in the chapter dedicated to Tatooine.

3) Local traders

They sell equipment and parts for droids.

4) Exit

2) Output:

3) Skirmish with Mandolorian Raiders:

This is the first of two groups that need to be put down if you've talked to them. These guys are pretty simple. You can either concentrate all your power on the leader of their gang, or first quickly take out the rest, and then deal with the leader, since he is stronger.

When they are finished, search their remains. You'll find several items, including a Blaster Carbine.

4) Matali Estate

You won't be allowed into the estate itself, but Alan Matali will come out to talk to you. You can get him out of his hole if you received the quest about the feud between the Sandral and Matali estates. You get it after three Jedi tests. See Jedi Enclave

Talk to Droid Matali, who is standing next to the estate, and when Matali comes out, ask him about the feud between the families. He will offer a reward of a thousand credits for saving his son. You can convince him to give you two thousand, but for this you will receive Dark Side points. In any case, you will be awarded 150 experience points.

5) Quest “Dead Settler”:

The body of this same “Settler” appears if you have already received the quest about the feud between the Sandral and Matali families. See Jedi Enclave (#6: Sandral-Matali Feud).

Then you will receive a quest, but before that you visit the Sandral Lands, if you explore this territory, the body of the “Settler” will be right here. On his remains you will find several good things and the “Casus Diary”. Among them: Cardiac stimulator, light armor Echani, Echani shield and Verpine headband.

7) Output:

8) Zuulan Sentar, Genoheredan's reward:

The Zuulan speeder will appear after you receive the first part of the Genoheredan reward quests. It can be obtained from Hulas in East Central, Manaan. See East Central (#13) in the Zuulan Sentar subsection for a more complete description of the quest. After his death, return to Hulas for your reward.

04.01.2004 20:57

2) Exit

3) "Settler's Murder"

Here you will be approached by Bolook, a Twi'lek Jedi who is investigating a recent murder. He will ask you to help in the investigation (if you leave the location, you will not be able to complete this quest). Boluk has two suspects: Rickard Lusoff and Handon Guld. The victim's name is Calder. An information droid standing near the bridge will help you in the investigation. He can give you information about the circumstances of the murder and evidence found at the crime scene.

Each "round" of the investigation involves interviewing suspects and obtaining information from a droid. When you have collected all the necessary information, approach Bolook, answer his questions and start a new “round”.

Round one.
After interrogating the suspects and obtaining information from the droid, you will come to the conclusion that Rickard is lying. Indeed, how could he hit the wrong person because of the bright sunlight if it was cloudy when the crime was committed? Approach Boluk and share these thoughts with him.

Round two.
After collecting all the information, you learn that both suspects had a motive for the murder. Talk to Bolook and tell him that anyone could have committed the crime.

Round three.
Ask Rickard, Handon, and the data droid again. You will come to the conclusion that this time it was Hendon who lied, because... he said that the blaster used to kill Calder was stolen from him, although no report of the theft was filed.

Round four.
This time you don't have to talk to Rickard and Handon, but only find out from the droid that the blood found at the crime scene does not belong to the victim.

Most likely, this is Handon's blood - after all, it's not for nothing that he has a limp.

Tell Bolook about this. He'll go and look at Hendon's wound.

Now you have a choice: you can blame Rickard or Hendon for the murder - for this you will receive 470xp and a warning from Boluk. But if you tell him that both are guilty and reveal their motives (Calder slept with Hendon's wife and at the same time was Rickard's partner in some unsuccessful enterprise), you will receive praise from Boluk and as much as 1310xp!

4) Encounter with Mandalorian Raiders

A group of Mandalorian raiders is located here, led by their leader, Sherruk. Killing him is the goal of a quest given by John in the Courtyard (#3). Sherrak appears here only after you have destroyed the other two groups of raiders in the Lands of Metal (#3) and Sandalwood (#7).

It's okay if you come here earlier - it's just that Sherrak, unlike ordinary raiders, won't be here. Just come back here when you've dealt with both groups of raiders.

Killing Sherrak is quite difficult. What makes matters worse is that he has an energy shield that will absorb some of your blows.

To make your task easier, use grenades, vibroblades and Bastila’s skills (for example, “Stun” works very well).

Sherrak will leave behind two Lightsabers, a Verpine Cardio-Regulator, an Eriadu Strength Amplifier, a Sonic Nullifier and 750xp. After examining the rest of the bodies, return to John and receive your well-deserved 1000 credits and 250 xp.

Note for X-Box owners.

If you have already destroyed two groups of raiders and entered the Grove through entrance #7, then Sherrak may not be at point #3. To make it appear, go to the Metal Land location and immediately return back.

5) Ancient Grove, Juhani.

Juhani will attack you here - dark Jedi and one of the possible members of your team. You will have to fight her alone - Juhani will quickly neutralize your companions. Use an energy shield to make the battle easier. When Juhani has less than two-thirds of her life left, she will stop fighting and want to talk to you. You can persuade her to come over to the light side of the Force by using your persuasion skill in a conversation with her or by telling her that the Council will forgive her for attacking her teacher. If you manage to do this, then you will receive 1200 xp, and Juhani will be waiting for you in the Enclave (in the area between the Council chamber and the exit). You can also kill her, but in this case you will lose a valuable fighter and gain dark side points.

You have now passed the third test of the Council and can return to Zar in the Jedi Enclave (#7) to receive promotion to Padawan and 800 xp.

After this, the Council will give you one last task, and Juhani will join your party.

6) Output:

7) Output:

Complete walkthrough of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

04.01.2004 20:57

2) Output:

3) Sandral Estate:

This quest is available after completing three Jedi Challenges and receiving the Sandral-Matali Feud quest: see Jedi Enclave (#6: Sandral-Matali Feud)

If you have already received a quest from the Jedi Enclave, the droid outside the manor will allow you to go inside to talk to Mr. Sandral: Sandral Manor (#2) However, before entering, you should look for Sandral's son for bonus items and to gain experience . When you return, talk to the Droid and enter the Manor. Next comes the “Dead Settler” quest.

Casus' Diary, "Dead Settler" quest:

If you've already received the Matali-Sandral feud quest but haven't yet visited Mr. Sandral, you can gain some extra experience and some nice stuff by completing this sub-quest. Sandral's son has disappeared, Sandral himself blames Alan Matali for everything. But as it turns out, Mr. Matali had nothing to do with it. The Cut Hounds wreaked havoc on his son in the Metal Lands (#5) . Before speaking to Sandral for the first time, go to these lands. There you will find the “Dead Settler”, or rather what is left of him. In his remains you will find Casus's Diary and quite a few useful things (described above). Bring the diary back to the estate, talk to the droid and he will provide you with entrance to the estate to talk with Mr. Sandral: Sandral's estate (#2) . You will receive another dose of experience in the amount of 150 points. Follow the link to find out more.

After rescuing Sean:

You have rescued and extracted Sean from the estate and will meet both of them, Sean and Raheisha, outside. Two families will soon meet, and this will give you the opportunity to practice your persuasion (points Light Side), if you have it well enough pumped. When the fathers of the two families and their droids meet (you will witness a rather funny scene, by the way), you can gain Light Side points by convincing the stubborn fathers to “solve this problem together.” After successful, but rather difficult convincing, you will convince the fathers to believe in Sean and Raheisha again, receive 500 credit cards, 900 experience points, and of course, points (all together) of the Light Side. However, many people playing this game are forced to take a different path: convincing the children to go to the Jedi Enclave away from their fathers, while the dads remain fierce and promise to talk to the Jedi Council about this matter. For this you will receive 600 experience points. Well, to complete the picture, you can provoke two families to have their droids attack you, and you will receive Dark Side points and an easy victory.

4) Output:

8) S8-42, Pet Droid:

And here is the droid that Alice was looking for in the Courtyard (#4). He is attacked by Cut Hounds, so defeat them and start a conversation with the droid. You'll learn about his sickening history with Alice, and then he'll ask you to turn him into an unusable pile of junk. As for his last request, the most acceptable way would be to say that you will kill him, and then explain to Alice the reason for this action. When he is killed you will receive 200 experience points. Now you can find Alice (link above) and tell her what happened.

9) Output:

2) Nurik and Raheisha:

This is your first time here, Mr. Sandral will greet you. If you accidentally stumbled upon Casus's Diary of his son (see Metal Lands (#5) and the "dead settler" quest), you will receive 150 exp and a reward if you politely give him the diary. Refuse his reward for the same Light Points.

Now to the point. One way or another, you found Casus' diary. Mr. Sandral will mutter something and ask you to leave the site. However, before this happens, his daughter Raheisha will appear from inside the estate and ask you to help her rescue Sean (see #6), who is being held captive by Nurik. Well, the trumpet is calling. Agree to help, and along with 300 experience points you will receive the key to the side door of the estate in Sandral Lands (#5). Exit through the front door, as this is the only way in, then proceed to the side door and use it to enter location #3 on the map.

3) Output:

2) Vintage Droid and Remains:

Upon entering this key location, you will encounter a non-hostile Vintage Droid (you will be rewarded with 300 experience points after talking to him). Talk to the droid and he will tell you about the secrets of these ruins, about the ancient race and the Star Forge - but not all of them are mysteries. For example, he will neglect to tell you how to enter the southern door (location #5, containing the Star Map) that Revan and Malak passed through, unless he deems you worthy.

How? You must complete the challenges in the rooms behind the east and west doors before the south one opens. Choose, no matter in what order, there are similar tests here and there. Before you start being a hero, you will find Nemo's body on the floor. Yes, this is the one you passed by and who you may have talked to in the Courtyard (#2).

Examine his body for the Sigil Crystal, which can upgrade your laser stick, and you will also find the first Jedi Robe.

3) Security Droid and Ancient Terminal:

As soon as you enter, you will be attacked by a "Security Droid", quite strong, but with weak attacks. If you use laser swords or rifles against him, it will become a nightmare. Luckily, all you need is a vibrosword and you'll take down his defenses in record time. Another option: you can run up to the ancient terminal and disarm its shields, but if you have a vibrosword, then the second option is not particularly necessary. When the droid is incapacitated, go to the terminal and “talk to it.” Now insert the datapad when prompted. Finally, talk to him one more time. Here is a puzzle: “recognize the three primary, life-giving seeds of the world type.” Three of them will seem more obvious to you, but here are the answers anyway:


Once this is done, consider that you have successfully completed the test in this room. Check all the remains opposite the terminal, looking for something useful. If this is your first room, then proceed to the western room. Otherwise, the south door will now be open.

4) Security Droid and Ancient Terminal:

Do the same as with the droid in location #3, use your vibroswords and ion blasters. Using a laser sword or carbines will take you all day. As before, there is a second option: run up to the terminal and turn off the droid's shields. When the skirmish with the droid is over, approach the Ancient Terminal. Again, “talk to him.” Insert the datapad when asked, and then chat some more. You will again be given a puzzle: “recognize the three primary death-bringing seeds of the world type.” If you completed the previous room, then this task is how to send two bytes. But if you run into problems, here are the answers:


Now that you have successfully completed the tests in both rooms (if not, see #3), go back to the central area #2 and proceed through the newly opened southern door.

5) Dantooine Star Map:

Finally, you've done it! This is the final stage of the final quest on Dantooine. There's a whole galaxy ahead of you (the four remaining planets won't let you sleep)! Enter the southern room. Approach the Star Map to bring its holographic image to life. Bastila will comment on the location of the four planets, although some data will be lost. The two of you decide that as you visit each of the four planets, you will discover Star Charts on them. They will recover the lost data, which will ultimately lead to the Star Forge. Now go to the Jedi Council. You can warp to the Black Hawk, or walk if your legs don't fall off. Take a good look around, admire the beautiful sky, as this may be the last time you see it all.

When you talk to the council, they will give you a task to find the location Star Cards on Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan and Korriban in hopes of finding the Star Forge.

Climb aboard the Black Hawk, proceed to the bridge, find the galactic map there - see Black Hawk (#2) - and select any planet. Once you're in space, you may have the chance to shoot at Sith ships. Just aim your turrets at the ships, occasionally looking at the radar in the lower left corner for navigation. This mini-game is quite simple, it appears periodically when flying from one planet to another. Just be patient.

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12/20/2012 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Walkthrough. All Parts, 81 (1080p FULL HD)