All buildings in the Klondike game. Buildings of the game Klondike: the missing expedition Klondike what you need to build an apartment

It appeared in 2012, and since then has gathered thousands of devoted fans under its banner. The passage of the game "Klondike: The Lost Expedition" includes hundreds of quests, which are interesting and exciting to work on. This is one of the reasons why the application does not lose popularity even among experienced players. As you progress, novice players gain valuable resources and experience, and experienced gamers become even more established as good farm owners. This opens up new branches. storyline, which store a lot of unexplored adventures and quests.

Buildings in the application

As in any farm, there are buildings that perform different functions. The buildings of "Klondike: The Lost Expedition" are divided into several groups according to their purpose:
economic objects necessary for the production of various products;
holiday buildings, which are installed, for example, on New Year's Eve;
decorative objects needed to decorate the city and create an interesting infrastructure;
social buildings needed to interact with friends and neighbors.
Each building will always occupy a part of the city land, it cannot be stored in a warehouse. The only option is to sell, but the compensation will be minimal - about 1/10 of the funds spent on the construction.

How to get maximum results?

To help you achieve the best performance, we have prepared tips for the game "Klondike: The Lost Expedition". For example, we recommend that you do not send workers to mine coal or wood, but do it manually, using your own energy. Thus, you will be able to collect the elements of the collections that drop out during mining, and get the energy that also appears during manual production. These and other tips for the application will help you develop your farm as quickly as possible.

The levels of "Klondike: The Lost Expedition" give the player a lot of bonuses in the form of new buildings, additional energy or materials. With each subsequent level, an increasing reward awaits you. In total, 170 levels of the game are written, but there is every reason to believe that, upon reaching the last one, the developers will make several more.

Most of the buildings in the Klondike are used for the manufacture of products, but there are also buildings assigned for other purposes, for example, hiring neighbors. Holiday buildings Herringbone and Christmas Tree are the first of the buildings in the toy with extraordinary functions. It is possible to make gift boxes in them, filled with materials, crops, collection components, coins, skill, energy.

Gifts made in Christmas trees are used only to sell them to your neighbors, it is unnecessary to open them yourself. The main thing is that the building began to fulfill its functions, it will not be enough just to buy. Only the foundation of a building under construction is bought, which will function only if you build it up to the window, using professional materials for construction. if the building is producing something, you will certainly need workers.

The buildings are also decorative. Most of them can be deployed, thereby creating the architecture of the future city. By complementing the buildings with a variety of themed decors, it is possible to achieve a wonderful visual resemblance of your gaming station to a real city.

Video review

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Vizor Interactive

In the game Klondike Lost Expedition, secrets are found at every turn, you just need to know and remember them. Knowing the secrets of the Klondike, you can quickly earn money and enrich yourself with resources. We will try in this article to give practical advice and uncover secrets Klondike games to make it easier for you to play.

One of the secrets of the Klondike game, which many people forget, is that it is better to mine coal in the game using energy: stonemasons are not very suitable for this purpose. In addition, in this way you can buy additional experience(on average, from 4 to 54 experience points are given per hit), as well as to discover the elements of the collection.

The main task of stonemasons is to break stones, so it is better to send them to crush large boulders into small pieces that they can already finish off the main character. Similar secret Klondike but it also works with lumberjacks: the larger the area of ​​​​the forest they cut down, the less experience and chances to find something useful for yourself. In the case of self-cutting, the chance increases.

At the same time, three workers can work in the quarry and sawmill, performing various mining tasks.

At the station, the player has access to two free workers - Eskimos. The rest of the workers will have to be hired for a fee, if necessary, from among friends. The price for hiring can vary quite a lot for each of the friends. Hiring at the minimum cost is most likely among friends who log into the game with a frequency of once every 2 days. Hired workers will need housing. Therefore, you will have to build a tent, a shack, an apartment or a whole house with an attic. The quality of housing affects the cost of the worker's services: the better the housing, the less the worker takes for his work and the longer he will be able to work without a break for rest.

Next the secret of the Klondike- while the Eskimo lumberjacks are doing their job, smash pyrite, coal, ore and clay. For mining, you can not only get a lot of experience, but also coins and energy. It is better to finish off the last unit of stone or wood on your own, because this gives an increased amount of experience, and collection elements and gold often drop out. Pyrite's last energy hit almost always drops gold, which can be sold to buy something more needed. If you resort to the help of masons during mining, then nothing but ordinary stone can be obtained. If you need a certain type of resource, you can try to dig under it from a friend: very often during this process several units of the dug mineral fall out.

Try to collect as many products as possible, which will later be useful in the construction of buildings and completing tasks, from animals (ordinary cows and sheep). Check your stations and your friends' stations regularly for bird nests. In order to take over a nest belonging to a friend, he must be recruited for work. It should be borne in mind that, having fulfilled its limit on products, the animal dies.

Limits for different types animals are as follows:

  • birds - 25 nests,
  • sheep - 25 wool,
  • ordinary cows - 50 milk,
  • thoroughbred sheep - 125 wool,
  • thoroughbred cows - 200 milk,
  • rabbits - after eating 26 units of grass.

A small secret of Klondike: after death, the animal turns into a golden statue, which opens with a click of the mouse. Only the owner of the animal can do this. The golden monument is a source of collection elements, which often include quite rare ones, coins, experience and products from this animal.

Despite the fact that there is food for birds (worms) and mammals (grass) in the grass, it is not necessary to completely remove it: otherwise, this may result in additional costs (you will have to purchase hay for animals, and prepare feeders for birds, because without them they won't be able to run).

Well main advice on the game - constantly dig in neighbors with the help of 100 free shovels available daily (5 for each friend). The limit on free shovels is updated at midnight Moscow time and at 23-00 Minsk and Kyiv time.

Another secret of the Klondike is that with the help of shovels you can take eggs from nests from neighbors if they are covered with decorations or plants. To do this, you must first click on the object covering the nest, and then on the nest itself. In this case, the character will dig up the object, and then pick up the eggs, if other neighbors have not yet managed to pick them up.

Every time you dig under a new building or decoration of a friend, you can stumble upon a Goldmine, the location of which changes every week. And if you dig where none of the neighbors have yet started excavation, the probability of stumbling upon a treasure increases, in which you can find gold and experience.

At each friend's station, 20 veins are randomly buried weekly, which can be located anywhere: under buildings, stones, decorations, and even grass. The less different items a friend has at the station, the higher the chance to stumble upon a vein. Searching for Gold Veins is a great way to improve your well-being, however, in order to dig a Gold Vein from a friend, he must first be hired. More information about the Gold Veins can be found in the "Other" section at the top of the Klondike game menu.

More neighbors in the Klondike provide more opportunities for exchange and gifts. Therefore, one of the tasks of a player who wants to succeed in the game is to send out offers to his friends with a request to join the gameplay. Can be sent free gifts: the sooner after the update you start doing this and the more you send, the more of them will be returned in response. Friends will be happy to receive something they need as a gift: you can find out about their needs and needs if you check the box next to “Show who is looking for” when sending gifts.

An important tip for the game Klondike: do not get rid of the products in the warehouse: the need for it will definitely arise along the way further game. After cutting down resources in caches, you can find coins. You can also get hold of them when selling collections, but it's better not to sell everything at once: they may be needed when completing quests. Also available for sale are gold and egg trays crafted in the barn. In this case, it is better to sell each product a little, and not clean up any one resource. In case of a sharp need for coins, they can be accumulated under some of the buildings and decorations. It is more profitable for everyone to grow cucumbers and cabbage, as well as rabbits that breed after each feeding.
Having decided to exchange a collection, you should think carefully: the fact is that many collections will be needed in further adventures. Collections can be obtained by digging at your station and friends' stations, as well as by discovering Gold Veins. Rare collections are located inside animal monuments.

The character's energy grows rather slowly. It increases after completing adventure tasks. At the beginning of the game, the energy limit is 15. After reaching the third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels, another one is added to the energy limit. Thus, after reaching level 20, the energy limit will be 20.
A small secret of the Klondike game is that the limit can be increased, but for a limited period of time. To do this, with the energy limit filled to the brim, smash as many resources, stones and trees as possible to the last unit. Then at one time you need to finish off all the resources in which there is only one unit. From the caches hidden under these resources, a lot of energy will fall out. It can also be collected from bread dropped from golden monuments, as well as using rabbits and pastries made in the Bakery

successful walkthrough "Klondike" you will be provided with knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will greatly simplify the gameplay, because you have been given a responsible task - to find the missing expedition. Our knowledge base contains the most basic of them. We hope that by using them, you will be able to find your father along with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply saturated various secrets which makes the game even more interesting.


It is best to extract such a resource as coal manually, using only energy, so you get not only necessary resource, but also additional experience, or maybe you are lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

Regarding stonemasons, it is worth using them to break large stones into rubble. When the main character will also have the opportunity to break large boulders, then it is worth using the stonemason. The same can be said for lumberjacks, during deforestation with the help of lumberjacks, the chances of finding something useful are greatly reduced.

If you want to hire your friends to work in a sawmill or a quarry, then it is worth hiring those who have very few friends and visit the game quite rarely. For you, this will only be a plus. You can hire three people for each of them.

The game also provides assistants, who will help completely disinterestedly. These assistants are the Eskimos, who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, it is worth remembering that they need housing. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the additional construction of residential buildings immediately. The better the living conditions of the worker, the better he works and agrees to do his job for a lower salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect as many products from animals as possible. Each of the animals has its own life limit, after which it dies, turning into a golden statue, which only its owner can open. Collection items and many other useful things can fall out of such statues. Also, while cleaning the area from weeds, do not rush to remove all the grass, because your animals need to graze somewhere, otherwise you will have to buy hay.

Limits on animal resources, upon exhaustion of which animals die:

  • for sheep wool in the amount of 25 units;
  • for birds 25 nests;
  • for a cow, milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for a thoroughbred cow, milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a thoroughbred sheep wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit, grass in an amount of a maximum of 26 units.

Friends Neighbors

The passage of this game project will be much more interesting together with friends and not only. Co-op will be much more productive. Add yourself new friends, send them gifts, you may receive useful things in return.


Having found a gold mine, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes her position weekly. Therefore, you are constantly in search of a gold mine. Every time you dig under a new building, because the gold mine will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that more gold falls during the last energy strike on a resource such as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful items or other resources. If you put a stonemason on this process, he will be able to mine only ordinary stone.

It will not be redundant if you dig next to your friend's new building, because it is much easier to find a gold mine. Digging in a new place where no one has dug before is very rewarding. Sometimes in this case, very interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a pile of gold and experience.

Every week, twenty veins appear on each lot in any of the places. At the same time, veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with decorations are no exception. The more items you concentrate in one place, the more likely it is to find a gold mine. It is worth noting that the search for gold veins is quite a profitable occupation that allows you to get rich.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from the warehouse, they will still be useful to you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, then it’s worth selling in small batches, because you don’t know what kind of resource, and at what point you may need it.


Finding any item from the collection is quite difficult, so before exchanging or selling the collection, you should think carefully about whether it is really necessary. At any time, you may need one of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from golden animal monuments.

Important point

When you send your Eskimo assistants to work, you can do other things yourself - extract and develop other natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. By extracting minerals, you get energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource is worth extracting yourself, thanks to this you will increase your experience. Sometimes it will bring gold and parts of the collection.

One of the secrets

Every day in the game you are given 100 shovels for free. They should definitely be used to dig neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can even take eggs from nests from a neighbor, provided that the egg is covered with some kind of plant.

To get eggs, you must first click on the thing that covers the eggs, and then on the nest itself.


During gameplay you need to control and take care of increasing energy levels. The hero's energy grows rather slowly. At the beginning of the game, her level is 15. In the process of passing, its level gradually increases. Upon reaching level 20, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of increasing the limit, but this is a short period of time. When the energy level drops and approaches more and more to zero, then try to break stones, saw trees and some other resources, the more the better. Energy caches are under all of these resources. Also, energy can be found in bread, various pastries, rabbits and golden monuments.

  • Game tips from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Golden veins.
  • Friends neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions about animals.
  • Questions about energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about neighbors.
  • Questions about materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video resources for the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a gold mine

how to make a million

Quite an interesting question, since in any toy there are ordinary buildings and "bonus" ones. We will talk about each of them.

Residential buildings

Of course, in any game there are such things as residential houses. They usually generate income. In the game "Klondike" this "industry" serves to populate them with friends and make a profit from this. In total, there are 11 different types of houses, ranging from the simplest tent to a large estate.

Of course, some resources are required for construction. For example, in order to fully erect a tent, you need to stock up on 1000 gold coins, 5 stones, 3 pieces of clay, 5 logs and 5 spruce planks, 3 carnations and 3 ordinary planks. In addition, you will need fabric. It is obtained by collecting a mining collection or in a spinning mill. But for the construction of the estate will require a lot of resources and materials highest quality. They are usually made in different workshops. In addition, "Klondike" is a game in which new buildings become available as you level up and complete certain tasks. Remember that some houses can also be obtained as a reward.

Holiday on the nose

Undoubtedly, the buildings of the game "Klondike", as in many applications, have the category of "seasonal" structures. They are usually available at certain times of the year and at certain times (for example, or Valentine's Day). Let's see what buildings can be found during promotions and holidays.

A snowman is a building that requires the participation of friends. Without them, "making a snowman" will not work. Snowdrops are required for construction. After March 8, it is possible to turn into a mountain of gifts.

The Klondike buildings also include a Christmas tree. It is built for friends and gives different gifts for the New Year. The building is temporary. Available for purchase during the Christmas holidays.

There are also different play structures for Valentine's Day. As a rule, these are balloons-hearts, statues in the form of hearts or flowers. Typically, such Klondike buildings provide an opportunity to play roulette or simply decorate the interior.

Especially popular are haunted houses and signal towers, which allow you to receive gifts for Halloween. In a haunted house, by the way, you can create various items to build other structures during Halloween promotions.

The Golden Tank is an interesting building "Klondike", which is being built during From it, like from everyone else, you can collect gifts. True, it is quite difficult to create such a decorative element - it requires many parts that are made by factories.

Production and mining

"Klondike" is a game where the gamer always has to develop his economy and extract some resources. To do this, you can create different kind structures. The main building here is the so-called barn. It is necessary for quick creation some elements without hiring In the game "Klondike" the construction of the barn takes place in 4 stages. When the creation is completed, the player will have a great opportunity to "produce" game elements for tasks and other structures.

You can also find a quarry and a blacksmith in this section. In addition, various factories are located here. For example, milk production or a pottery workshop. You can easily get boards by building a sawmill, and build some objects from metal using the smelter you bought and built. Here you can also find an incubator that allows you to produce "fire".

Among other things, you can build a bakery on your territory and the Klondike-built Choco factory are necessary for completion, since they can produce cheesecake, which, in turn, is necessary for the granary.

Auxiliary buildings

But in our today's game there are also things that help with the development of plants and animals. The Klondike project provides for 10 auxiliary buildings. These include:

Thus, you will be able to protect your territory from pests and collect / produce the resources you need in time. For example, if you give a kitten 25 cans of milk, he will start collecting eggs in the chicken coop. The gardener helps to quickly water and harvest from the trees, and vegetable complexes - from the beds. The trading shop is needed to exchange resources with friends. But there is another category of buildings in the game.

For clearing

There are 16 different gifts for clearing the area in Klondike. They are usually obtained for certain achievements. There are 4 gifts among these buildings. They include exclusive decorations and are given for certain quests. As a rule, for clearing certain land from resources.

Achievement Klondike buildings are unique buildings. Some of them make it possible to play roulette, others - to produce resources and items, and others even serve as decoration. Here you can find:

  • mill;
  • Wow;
  • Eagle Nest;
  • mirages;
  • sanctuary;
  • March;
  • dugout;
  • sunrise;
  • indim;
  • indigo;
  • polar side;
  • khanbulat.