That you can play in the sea. Games with children on the beach: building, painting, imagining

A couple more days and summer holidays will begin. And behind them comes the beach season. On the sea coast, near a river or lake, you will have to decide what to do with your children on the beach. And we have already decided this issue for you. A selection of 10 on the beach will help you not to be distracted from your vacation.

Playing with sand, playing for imagination, playing for sensory development - this summer will be fun for your children.

Sand castles

This game is perhaps the most famous and popular on the shore, requiring no further explanation, suitable for any age of child. Castles can not only be built from a pile of sand, but also decorated with pebbles and shells.


We prepare food from sand and decorate it with shells. We order certain dishes for the children, and they “cook” and “fry”. They especially love to make a big cake and decorate it.


We are looking for treasures. We hide certain objects in the sand (not very deep), define the boundaries for the search, and the children look for the treasure. You can put in real coins so that the children can find their own pocket money. Toddlers need larger items. For safety, ask children to dig in the sand with shovels rather than with their hands.

Sand drawings

Wet sand is a great playground for painting. You can draw with sticks, hands, feet. And if the picture doesn’t work out, just splash water on it and start from scratch.

What does a cloud look like?

This is a game for five minutes of rest. The child lies calmly with you and looks at the sky. If, of course, there are clouds, then figure out together what they look like, or you can even compose a whole story.

To the touch

The bag contains various items. The child, putting his hand into the bag, takes the object and, without sticking his hand out, says what kind of object it is.

"Nimble Hands"

You need to hit the mold or bucket with a shell, throwing it from a short distance.

Jumping over the mountain

First you need to build a slide out of sand, and then, running, jump over it. You can make a trap and dig a hole near the mountain and fill it with water.


To do this, you need to collect plastic baskets of fruits and mushrooms in advance - these will be cages for animals, which you also need to take with you to the beach. But build paths, flower beds, pools, etc. You and your children are already waiting on the seashore.

Ball games

Perhaps this is a separate topic for games on the beach. Water ball, volleyball, tag and many others, both active and educational. For example, when throwing a ball to each other, you can ask your child to name the antonyms of the words that you said, you can play words, cities and much more by throwing the ball to each other.

Boredom is one of the main enemies of humanity. It would seem that here it is, a common dream come true: you are lying on the velvet beach of Asia, Europe or even the Dominican Republic. Aboriginal people scurry around, humbly offering massage and manicure services. The blue sea is soothing to the eye, and the temperature of the water invites you to plunge into it all day long, surrendering to the salty waves, forgetting about everything in the world... But no! Even the realization that you are now on one of the best among heavenlyislands of thailand soon it ceases to please, and deadly beach boredom sets in.

When a holiday by the sea is accompanied by a child, the resort apathy is sometimes multiplied by irritation: they say, I would like to lie quietly and be bored to my heart's content. But the restless child demands attention, tugs at mom and dad, and asks to play with him.

And here we will have to paraphrase either Ilf or Petrov - the jester will now figure out which lines were written by which of the wits - “Why do you need to go to the beach with your child, Shura? You have no imagination!”

I will announce the list of my proposals.

  1. Fly a kite.

The good old one, paper or rag - whatever you have at hand or you can make yourself. This activity brings boys-fathers and boys-sons especially delighted.
I see only one difficulty. In Otres, where we usually walk, casuarinas, coniferous trees, grow in abundance along the water's edge. Snakes tend to get entangled in their branches, and it is sometimes difficult to get objects of fun from there.

  1. Collect shells, corals and other seafood

To begin with, you can limit yourself to simple collecting. Then, if the child is of a respectable age, about three years old, you can do various interesting developmental things:

  • learn to count on shells
  • color them
  • collect all kinds of crafts - beads, bracelets; lay out fancy figures on the wet sand.
  1. Use the beach as a giant sandbox

A huge plus is that here you don’t have to worry about getting dirty, getting sand in your shoes, hair, and other similar places. Therefore, there are no limits to the possibilities for creativity! We dig holes, build houses, roads, lay canals, create lakes and build entire cities. The most adventurous ones can even depict railway and run a train along it. Leaves, branches, shells, corals, pebbles, plastic bottles and cans - there are so many creative materials around!

However, it will be enough for the tiniest kids to be given a spatula, a truck and a cake pan. For some time, the little ones usually plunge headlong into sand meditation. An adult, meanwhile, can break away and be bored to his heart's content. Or stick to Instagram. Or finally entrust your legs and other parts of the body to an alluring beach beach, as they love in Southeast Asia.

  1. Huge drawing board

Wet sand is a fertile ground for bouts of fine art. We take a branch, a spoon, a Chinese chopstick, a straw, a finger and surrender to the artistic impulse. You can draw anything: from trivial “mamapapaya” to beeches and numbers, from a primitive flower to an intricate mandala - whatever hurts, as they say. At the same time, the art therapy session is free for us...

  1. Play hopscotch

This half-forgotten soviet game, by the way, was popular not only in the USSR. Modern Cambodian schoolchildren jump from square to square during breaks. We, girls all over the world, traditionally like this fun especially. Mysterious, simple and alluring hopscotch for all times!

  1. Play with a ball and other sports equipment

We take with us balls, shuttlecock rackets, jump ropes, boomerangs and other devices for organizing outdoor games. It got hot, so we went into the water. And even right in the sea you can have fun almost as a sporting pastime.

  1. Catch fish and crabs

Now all Greenpeace members quickly exhaled and took a breath: no one is going to torture animals. We will study them. Viktoralekseich takes a large plastic glass of cane juice, rich Cambodian iced coffee or some other shake. This flimsy vessel soon becomes a temporary home for the crab. Or fish - whatever my son’s dexterity is enough for today. The sea animal flounders peacefully in its caustic salty environment, and the most that threatens it is a slight attack of claustrophobia. However, even he does not threaten, because the smaller brothers have no consciousness, and therefore all kinds of phobias and hypochondria are completely absent. So we take a few minutes to carefully and in detail examine where the crab’s legs, belly, back, and especially the eyes on special processes that delight us are. After which the innocent creature will carefully return to the sea.

The key word is carefully. Viktoralekseich is brought up in strictness and fear of Buddha: any attempt towards violence against living beings - and oh. oh, oh. oh! is nipped in the bud.

  1. Read aloud

Why not! If your child likes to listen to fairy tales or other creations of human pens, you can calmly and amicably read aloud to him. Look at the pictures along the way. You can even use a phone or tablet - we live in blessed times, and gadgets can not only distance us from our children, but also bring us closer to them.

Now I love reading to my son—it creates a special feeling of togetherness. When I want to complicate a task for self-development, I do it on English language. Yes, I do not spare the fragile young psyche with my terrible German-like accent - I am often mistaken for a German! - but nothing. Generation next will somehow figure out how to pronounce Anglicisms correctly. I especially need language practice for work now, and no one will forbid us to combine the useful with the useful and pleasant.

Speaking of work...

  1. Do yoga or just exercise

Let's say you are absolutely in chocolateand the beach turned out to be deserted. Let's say that for some reason the offspring is interested in bodily practices and strives with pleasure to join the parents in downward-facing dogs and trikonasanas. Then I see no reason to resist these beneficial impulses of boys and girls aged 1 year and older!

I often practice at sunset or in the morning by the water. The son imitates with pleasure his little body and also tries to sit in the Lotus or pretend to be dogs with faces in different directions... A generation of people is growing for whom yoga is a common thing for their mothers and fathers!

If Eastern philosophy is far from you, my materialistic friend, you can just have fun doing squats, jumping and doing push-ups with your offspring. The main thing is not to overdo it and remember the increased danger of insidious heat stroke in an unusual climate.

10. Play some music

A sudden and viable idea. For example, our husband and father of the family decided to master the djembe - a punchy African drum with great bass. And generally loud. It’s not convenient to do this at home, and my face, which turns sour with every blow to the membrane, does not inspire the newly minted drummer at all.

And on the beach there is free will. My guys take an authentic drum, go to the beach and have a blast there: even when there are a lot of people, the arrangement of the roar of the waves dissolves the volume of the bass instrument. Everyone is fine, and in our young descendant, in the meantime, Vivaldi is probably coming to life somewhere deep inside. Or Jimi Hendrix, at worst. I hope... Okay, if no one comes to life, then at least motor skills and a sense of rhythm are developing. And also beautiful.

Variations with instruments can be different: harmonica,ukulele, recorder, etc. not very large sound extractors.

Finally, if you really don’t want to be creative and waste yourself in creativity, you can also remember the banal...

  1. Catch-up and other elementary games

We catch up with each other with enthusiasm. We throw sand bombs. We swim and teach the baby to swim. We splash with our hands and water pistols. What fun!

12. Meet and communicate with the natives

Asian countries adore children, and fair-skinned babies everywhere evoke special affection. So, the attention and finest hour of a child of Slavic appearance from the Khmers, Thais, Vietnamese and other Mongoloid friends is guaranteed. You can react differently, but we like communicating with the locals: they are cheerful, carefree, love to play with their son and look after him.

13. Lounge in hammocks

If you take a soft, light hammock with you and stretch it in the shade between two trees, your baby can indulge in a wonderful daytime nap. The main thing is to remember to protect yourself from sand fleas and other blood-sucking creatures.

Or you can lie down with him and do the following - a very primitive, but legitimate form of leisure.

14. Watch movies or cartoons

In the most extreme cases: we take out the tablet, turn on something interesting and imagine that the area around is not a beach, but an ordinary yard with a sandbox. Or your native city apartment.
What to do! Our people on vacation sometimes tend to get bored. And, it’s scary to say, even dreaming about the speedy end of the vacation and a return to the established schedule: work - home.

Because a change of environment is not only a rest, but also a serious test of the ability to spend time with oneself. And with your children...

I know how many readers are also experienced animators of themselves and their children on the beaches of Asia. And I will be glad to receive your tips and options on how else you can diversify parent-children’s joint vacation on the seas and oceans.

With wishes for the brightest holiday, from which only warm memories will remain, sincerely yours, Asian mother Marta and Mr. Victor, as the local expats call him. Sihanoukville, Cambodia, April 2017.

Games on the beach.

1. Game "Pathfinder"

You can invite your child to make a small treasure on the beach. For example, an adult hides something in stones or sand (it could be a beautiful pebble or a shell, or it could be a little surprise for a child). Then the leader draws a map, and using the map, together with the child, step by step he goes to look for the treasure. Along the way, you can come up with different tests, for example, jumping on a leg 5 times, imitating a frog or a cockerel. Children willingly get involved in such a game. And most importantly, they are getting closer to the goal. For the fact that a child has found a treasure, you can give him a small prize.

2. Game "Sand Castle"

On a sandy beach, the most common and exciting game, this is building a sand castle. If you have a bucket and a couple of shovels with you, then this game on the beach for children can last until the evening. The main thing is to help at the initial stage and give this construction project scale. There are no restrictions in building a sand castle, so you can let your child make all his fantasies come true.

3. Minesweeper game

If the children are a little tired and want to relax, they can play sappers. The game itself is extremely simple, but it will keep the kids busy for a while. The essence of the game is that one child from the pair buries his hand in the sand, first spreading his fingers. The second child’s task is to dig out his friend’s hand so carefully as not to touch a single finger. Otherwise, boom! And the bomb exploded, and the sapper’s work failed. This game is very useful as it develops patience and accuracy.

4. Sand paintings.

It requires some perseverance, so this game on the beach for children is not suitable for everyone. But, in any case, it’s worth a try, and suddenly the talent of a great artist awakens in the child. The role of a sheet of paper will be played by a friend’s back, on which the second child will draw his picture. In such creativity you can use shells and small stones. Help your child a little, but just don’t overdo it; he should do most of it himself. As a result, you will get a very textured, lively picture, at the bottom of which you can post the year and the name of the place where you are vacationing. Be sure to take a photo of the result as a keepsake.

5.Accuracy competition

Another fun thing to do on the beach is throwing plastic caps into sand pits. It is necessary to make many such holes: some closer, others further away, larger, smaller. Near each hole you need to indicate the number of points for getting into this hole (1,3,5,10). Children throw plastic bottle caps into the holes from the same distance, counting the result. Whoever scores the most points will receive the title "Most Accurate".

P.S. On rocky beaches, children's toys are just under your feet. Beach games for children:

Organize a competition: pick up a lot of stones with your toes and carry them to the designated place.

Who can throw a stone with both hands at the same time and catch it?

We put stone on stone and see who has the tallest tower.

You can wander along the beach and find the “chicken god” - this is a stone that has a hole in the middle. And along the way, pick up a handful of the most beautiful stones, and then paint them with gouache.

We study the count using stones and lay out geometric figures.

Water games.

1. Game "Color yourself"

It is best to do this on the beach or where there is an opportunity to wash off later. You need to paint with watercolors, but you can paint anything. Someone will want to be an Indian, someone - a zebra, and someone - a beautiful mermaid. Be sure to take a photo before washing off all this beauty!

2. Game "Tattoos"

Of course, these are fake tattoos that last a lifetime. Tattoos are painted with ordinary paints. Let it be a talisman or war paint that gives strength. And now into battle - into the water: into a river, lake or ocean. The children's task is to wash off the enemy's tattoo and keep theirs. Splashing, splashing and laughing are allowed.

3. Game "Snowballs on the Beach"

“Playing snowballs on the beach? This can’t happen,” you say. But in fact, this is possible if you use regular dishwashing sponges instead of snowballs. You need to stock up on ammunition - and get into the water. Fun guaranteed!

4. Game "Water Flowers"

Standing in a circle, children join hands and count on first or second. The first numbers remain standing and are supported by the hands of the second numbers, who lie on their backs with their feet inside the circle and make light movements up and down with them, foaming the water with their socks. After some time, the players change roles.

5. Game "Tritons"

The movements of those involved in this game really resemble the movements of newts. In the game you need to “walk” with your hands along the bottom, stretching your legs along the water. It’s good to play like this in the shallows or shallow water. At the judge’s signal, everyone lines up in one line, holding the bottom with their hands. At the second signal, everyone begins to quickly move towards the finish line. Naturally, the one who came first won.

6. Game "Floats"

Purpose of the game: one of the elements of learning to swim is to accustom children to water, to show that all living things float in water. Children, under the supervision of a teacher, enter the water up to their chests, take a deep breath and sit down, plunging into the water. The head is tilted towards the knees, and the hands are joined in front. It is enough to open your hands, barely touching the bottom, and the water pushes the child to the surface with his back up, like a float. After which the child stands on his feet in the water.

7. Game "Seine"

The players are divided into fishermen (two children) and fish. The fishermen join hands and, at a signal from an adult, run after one of the fish, trying to surround it. The caught fish becomes a fisherman and joins the catchers, and so a long net is formed. Those who are fishing must hold hands tightly, since it is impossible to catch fish with a torn net. The game ends when all the fish have been caught.

The beach season will open very soon. I offer ideas for games on the beach for children of different ages.

Calm games on the beach for children

Buried treasure.

Designate a small area where the game will take place. One of you hides a clearly visible shell or other small object by burying it shallow in the sand and leveling the area. (No one is supposed to peep.) He then slowly counts down the time while the other player or players poke the sand with a popsicle stick to try to find the hidden item. Children can switch roles, or have an adult bury a few items and have the children look for them all together.

Paintings on the sand.

Make sure the surface of the sand is smooth and damp, and let the child draw something on it with a stick or twig. The “artist” is allowed to correct errors only for one minute. You can learn to write letters and numbers.

Playing balls on the sand.

Dig six holes in the sand so that they form a triangle. Its base, consisting of three holes, should face you. Take a few steps to the side and throw the ball so that it rolls towards the holes. You score three points if the ball hits the top of the triangle, two points if it hits the middle holes, and one point for hitting one of the three holes at the bottom of the triangle.

Sand castle.

Help the children build with sand beautiful castle. Tell them what items they need to find to strengthen this complex structure - shells, pebbles, twigs, Popsicle sticks and bottle caps. (Be sure to throw it all in the trash or trash bin before you leave.) If you first make a foundation using a large bucket of sand as a large mold, you can then build a variety of structures on it using plastic cups or margarine boxes . Take with you to the beach a variety of different items suitable for this purpose. If you bring them in a net, then before leaving, all these items can be easily rinsed by dipping them in water.

Sand turtle.

If children have ever seen a turtle - live or in a picture - they will love the idea of ​​making one out of sand. First, take a walk along the beach together and collect shells. Then bring them to where you are located and invite your child to fashion a large turtle out of the sand. It's very easy to do. The large oval hill is the body, the small mound at the top is the head, the bulges on the sides are the legs. Having molded the turtle's body, the child can line it with shells that you collected, and then the turtle will have a shell.

Gold miners.

We all love finding treasures. You, too, can please the children of the younger group by searching for, if not gold, then at least copper. To do this, take a sieve or fine mesh and a handful of coins with you to the beach. While the children are playing somewhere nearby, scatter coins in a certain place and sprinkle them with sand. When everything is ready, give your child a sieve and let them “mine for gold.”


The beach is a great place to fly a kite. However, preparation is required for this activity. You can buy a paper kite in a store or make it yourself. It would be nice to have a spare kite, but first you need to buy duct tape and rope.

Dance under the stream.

It may happen that you will not be able to get to the beach, but, nevertheless, you will really want to cool down a little. All you need is a garden hose. Little children love to run and dance under the streams of water. You can change the height and direction of the jet.

Color yourself.

Get out the garden hose, watercolors, and brushes and let them paint. Let them paint themselves as they please; then have them wash off the paint and start all over again.

Drop the sink.

Dig a hole in the sand and have a shell throwing competition. Draw a line for the players to stand behind and take turns throwing the shells, trying to hit the hole. Everyone throws five shells. As the child masters the game, gradually move the line further and further from the hole. There is another version of the game: stick a stick in the sand; Have each player initial their shell with chalk. Then everyone takes turns throwing the shells from behind the line, trying to get as close to the stick as possible.

Swipe the ball.

This is a very interesting activity in which adults and children can take part. All you need is a lot of company, a sheet and a ball. Players stand in a circle and hold the sheet at waist level. Calculate “first-second”. Then throw the ball into the center of the sheet. The first numbers try to brush the ball off the sheet, and the second numbers must maneuver the sheet, trying to hold the ball. When the ball hits the ground, the game ends and the players change places. Encourage and reward everyone with applause, especially children.

Grab the coin.

Copper coins are usually clearly visible at the bottom of the pool. And kids will be happy to wander through the water in a small country pool and collect various objects from the bottom.

Outdoor games on the beach for children

"Fishermen and Fishes"

10-12 “fishermen” are selected. They stand in a row on the shore and join hands - and the net is ready. The same number of players go into the water (they go into the water up to their chests and stand in a group) - here are the “fish”. There are few rules in this game, but they must be strictly followed. The “fish” are not supposed to scatter until the leader gives a signal with a whistle or voice, and he will do this before the “fishermen” enter the water and draw the ends of the net, forming a semi-ring. “Fishermen” must keep their joined hands above the water and, in all cases, not lower them into the water. At a signal, the “fish” can escape, trying to escape from the net. They either swim ashore while the ring is not yet closed, or dive under the joined hands of the “fishermen”. It is impossible to break through from above, breaking the chain of closed hands by force; the offender will still be considered caught. When the extreme ones in the chain hold hands and close the ring, the “fish” can no longer escape and become prey for the “fishermen”. The “catch” is taken ashore and counted, adding to it those “fish” that ran away not according to the rules. Those caught remain on the shore, and the “fishermen” cast the net a second time. The uncaught “fish” gather again in a group, waiting for a signal when they can scatter. Then the players change roles: “fishermen” become “fish” and vice versa. Whose catch is richer is awarded the victory.


Throw a flat pebble into the water so that it flies parallel to the surface of the water. The pebble will either touch the water or bounce off it, and round “blinks” will move along the water. Who can throw a pebble so that it turns out the best on the water? larger number"pancakes"?

"Shooting Range on the Water"

A hoop is thrown into the water 5-6 steps from the shore. The players walk along the shore and take turns throwing pebbles inside the floating hoop. The winner is the one who, after throwing 10 pebbles, hits the target the greatest number of times.


On a line parallel to the shore, two sticks are stuck into the bottom of the river at a distance of 5 steps from one another. The ends of the sticks should be visible above the water. Standing at the stick, which is located upstream, the player places a hoop with a diameter of 50-60 cm, made of two flexible rods, on the water. As soon as the hoop floats past another stick, the player, without leaving his place, dives into the water. The task is to make your way along the bottom, catch up with the hoop and emerge inside it. The guys take turns trying to do it. Those who complete the task are considered winners.

"Water Carriers"

Stock up on two buckets of the same volume and two metal mugs of the same capacity. The players are divided into 2 teams and line up on the shore in columns in one line. The interval between teams is 5-6 steps. Buckets are placed on the bank against the sticks stuck into the river bottom. The distance between the stick and the bucket is 20-40 steps. At a distance of three steps behind the buckets, a line is marked - the start. The presenter gives the players who are in front the mugs, and he himself takes a place on the line drawn between the buckets. At the signal from the leader, the players of the first pair begin the competition. Each of them runs to the stick, goes around it, draws a full mug of water and returns to the shore. Here the player pours water into a bucket, at the start passes the mug to his teammate and stands at the back of the column. The second player, having taken the mug, immediately runs away from the start. So, one by one, the players bring water. The team that fills its bucket to the brim the fastest wins.

"Fight of the Horsemen"

In waist-deep water, two teams line up facing each other. In each team, partners sit on each other's shoulders. At the leader's signal, the battle begins. The ranks converge, and those on horseback try to drag their rivals into the water. The team with the most riders remaining at the Stop signal wins.


At chest-deep depth, the players line up. One of the players is chosen as a “pike”. He stands 10-15 steps in front of the line, turning his back to it. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to approach the “pike”, trying to get as close to it as possible. Suddenly the leader announces: “The pike is swimming!”, the “pike” quickly turns around, and from that moment the players must hide - dive headlong under the water. The one whom the “pike” discovers before he has time to dive is out of the game. The winner is the one who managed to be the first to approach the “pike” without being noticed.

"Floating Logs"

On the water along the shore, a race distance of 10-15 meters is marked. Two teams of 4-5 people stand at the start. Each one has a log that must be led across the water to the finish line by any means. The team that can do this faster wins.

"Ball Into the Basket"

You need a floating basket with a sinker, a rubber ball or a volleyball. One team defends the basket, the other attacks it, trying to score the ball. The game lasts 5 minutes. The teams then switch roles and the game resumes. The team that manages to throw the ball into the basket the most times during the game wins.


The game is played in shallow water. A driver is appointed, who, after the signal to start the game, tries to catch up with someone and touch him with his hand. The players run away and dodge the driver. The caught person raises his hand and shouts “I’m a tag!” and begins to catch others himself. You cannot stain a player who has plunged headlong into the water!

"Sink the Ship"

To play you need to put it on the water a short distance There are a few tin cans from the shore. There are 3-4 people standing opposite each of the cans on the shore. They try to throw pebbles into the jars in order to drown them as quickly as possible. The team that sank the “ship” faster wins. The sunken jar must be retrieved and taken ashore.

"The Heron and the Frog"

At waist depth, all players stand in a circle and join hands. One is designated a “heron,” and three are designated “little frogs.” The “Heron” catches the “frogs”, who are allowed to leave the circle only by diving under the hands of the players in different directions, and return to the circle again. The “Heron” can leave the circle and return to the circle only by jumping over the hands of the players (to do this, they crouch a little). The “spotted” “frog” changes roles with the “heron”, and the game continues.

"Passing the ball"

At chest depth, two teams of 5-6 people line up in two parallel columns, one at a time, with their feet shoulder-width apart. The first numbers receive a ball. At the signal, they bend down, plunging their heads into the water, and pass the ball between their legs to the second players. They, in turn, bend down to receive the ball and pass it to others, etc. When the ball reaches the last players, they run with it to the player standing first in the column and lift the ball high above their heads. The team that completes the task first wins.

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Hello, dear subscribers!
The time for long-awaited vacations is coming, some go to the sea coast, while others prefer to relax outside the city, in the countryside. And the most attractive entertainment is swimming in the sea, lake or river. Wherever you find yourself with your family, children always play on the beach with great pleasure.

And to make time spent by the water not just interesting, but also useful, you can organize various fun activities. In this article you will learn how you can use natural factors not only to improve health, but also the comprehensive development of children, what toys to take with you to the beach, and what exercises to use to improve speech and fine motor skills.

Let's start with what things are good to have with you on vacation by a river or lake. They will make a stay outside the city entertaining and not boring for children and parents.

  • swimming accessories: inflatable rings, mattresses, arm guards and vests - will be kept on the surface to begin to master swimming skills and ensure safety;
  • balls: bright, light inflatable for very little ones, rubber or volleyball for older children and teenagers;
  • badminton;
  • a set of Easter cake molds and spatulas is perfect for young architects;
  • a small watering can will also help in the construction of fairytale castles and will simply delight the little ones, because it is so much fun to collect and pour out water;
  • for active activities, water pistols and various sprinklers are used, which you can make with your own hands;
  • in windy weather, bright, beautiful pinwheels or kites can be great entertainment

We make it with our own hands

Many bright and colorful toys can be bought in the store, but the most favorite ones are always those created together with mom and dad. Actions with natural materials are widely used in speech therapy practice and the work of psychologists. Their properties to relieve tension, calm, and extinguish aggression have been known for a long time and are used in working with anxious, nervous, hyperactive, and overly excited children.

In correctional and developmental work for children with speech delays or disorders, such activities give a good effect and contribute to positive dynamics. To do this, there is no need to sit anyone at a desk and torment them with boring lessons; children learn new knowledge and develop the necessary skills easily in a friendly environment, right while playing on the beach.

Exercises with water

  • Pouring is a fascinating action; you can do it with a glass, counting how many will fit into a large bottle, with a spoon or through a funnel.
  • Comparison: pour water into different containers, ask your baby to show where there is more and where there is less. Let him try to level the level by transfusion.
  • While loading all kinds of objects, talk about which ones are heavier and which ones are lighter.
  • By launching paper boats, you can talk about what floats, flies, and drives - this will enrich your vocabulary and knowledge about the world around you.
  • Try transferring liquid from one container to another with a foam sponge - the absorption process will delight your child.
  • Fishing - put balls of different colors and sizes into the water, with the help of a net the child must catch, for example, balls of a certain color, or only small ones, or only large ones.
  • Peer companies younger age will like the plot - role-playing games that teach communication skills and interpersonal interaction. This is an important stage in the development of personality. True, at first adults will have to direct the plot, distribute roles, and extinguish possible conflict situations.
  • Wash the doll - if you brought a doll with you, then washing it can be a wonderful educational game - at the same time it is good to study and consolidate the names of body parts: eyes, ears, cheeks, hands, etc.
  • Washing - by rinsing the doll's outfits, the baby will learn the names of the items of clothing: shirt, trousers, dress and others.
  • The exercise of catching small things floating in the water with a pinch is a good way to strengthen your hands.

Sand exercises

Such fun provides self-massage to the hands and feet, improves fine motor skills, promote spatial imagination, form creativity. Pleasant tactile sensations from the tickling flowing streams will satiate kinesthetic hunger and help relieve emotional stress and anxiety. At the same time, during verbal communication, sound pronunciation improves, the conceptual vocabulary expands, and a grammatically correct construction of word combinations and phrases is formed.

  • Pouring and pouring into bowls, bottles, jars.
  • Find a treasure - bury several shells, balls, cars, etc. in several places, and offer to become treasure hunters. Team searches will delight the kids. For early age It is better to bury the figures in a limited space - when pulling them out, the baby must name what it is, describe it - what it is, what it does, what it is for, etc.
  • Sorting: when pulling out buried figures, you need to sort them by color, type, theme (for example, put only red ones in one glass, blue ones in another, or balls in one, cubes in another, etc.)
  • Drawing on sand - you don’t need a brush here; you can draw and write with a stick or your fingers. A wonderful way is to paint with water, because it leaves behind a clear dark mark. Using a watering can or sprinkler, you can draw paths, write letters and numbers, draw geometric shapes and real pictures.
  • With preschoolers, you can study syllables and word composition by drawing them on a damp surface. For schoolchildren, writing words, sentences or examples is a great practice. Repetition of what has been covered in a fun way game form Even the most diligent students will surely like it.
  • Sand is an excellent building material; you can build houses, railways, fences, car garages and entire cities. Offer to make figures of animals, talk about what sounds they make, practice pronouncing them in chorus or in turn.
  • Repair a letter or number. Draw part of the image and let your son or daughter complete it. You can draw mirror pictures and guess where the correct one is.
  • It's a lot of fun to sprinkle grains of sand onto a piece of white paper and blow them away. This exercise trains the respiratory system well.
  • Leave footprints one by one on the wet ground, compare them, you can make a whole path and try to step on one after another.
  • “Geese are geese.” Draw the tracks of geese or other birds with your fingers or palms.
  • Show how a fox runs - press the holes with your fingers, sweeping the path with your other hand.
  • “Bunnies on the lawn” - use two fingers to make jumping movements.
  • Snake - use the edge of your palm to draw zigzag lines.

Games with pebbles

The shore near a pond or river is not always sandy; on some banks there are pebbles - small round stones. But don’t let this upset you, you can also come up with a lot with them interesting activities. A simple task such as sorting and throwing stones is actually an excellent workout, helping to develop spatial orientation, three-dimensional concepts, strengthening attention and memory. It makes it possible to analyze and generalize, develops the eye, dexterity and accuracy, coordination and perseverance.

  • Everyone loves to throw pebbles into the water; when competing, you can explain to the children the difference in the size of the stones, in the heaviness, why this one flew far, and the second one plopped down next to it. Teach older children how to launch “pancakes” - when a small flat pebble launched horizontally bounces off a smooth plane, this fun will keep them busy for a long time.
  • It is convenient to lay out numbers, letters, and geometric shapes from stones.
  • Shooting gallery Draw targets on the ground and throw pebbles, trying to hit the center.
  • Sorting stones by size: large, medium, small.
  • You can build both planar (path) and volumetric (pyramid) things from pebbles.
  • When pronouncing certain syllables, lay out a pebble and count how many syllables there are in which word.
  • Organize a “cafe” - cook soup together from blades of grass, leaves and pebbles, make Easter cakes and pies for imaginary guests.
  • Remember funny poems, songs and nursery rhymes about Easter cakes, sandbox, summer, sea and river.


Sun, Fresh air, a warm breeze are the best helpers for healing the body, because hardening procedures can be carried out directly in natural conditions. But for developmental activities we need water, pebbles and sand. Bathing, and even more so swimming, strengthens muscles well, teaches coordination of movements, and improves the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. And walking and running on the hot sand improves coordination and massages energy points on the feet. However, all these factors are successfully used for learning and development in the process of having fun on vacation.

Be sure to alternate passive activities with vigorous movements, running, jumping, sports, swimming. Then the baby will not get tired and will not lose interest in what you are ready to offer him.

While spending time on the shore and enjoying relaxation and communication, do not forget about safety rules. Don’t leave the little ones alone, don’t let the older ones swim far and the younger ones splash around unattended. You should not be allowed to put sand or pebbles in your mouth or lick dirty hands. You cannot stay in the open sun for a long time; it is better to be in the shade of trees. Use sunscreen, stay hydrated, and dry young swimmers thoroughly with a towel.

After such an exciting day, full of new impressions, positive emotions With laughter and joy, your child will sleep peacefully all night, and in the morning he will wake up fresh, alert and ready for new discoveries.

As you can see, you can spend time profitably anywhere, using the most ordinary things lying under your feet. This does not require special efforts or professional education, just desire, a little imagination and love. We will be glad if you liked the techniques and methods described and you will remember them while spending your family vacation in nature. Subscribe, read and share the knowledge you gain with your friends.
