Didactic game “Day-Night. Outdoor games and exercises for children of preparatory groups P game day night goal

Irina Rokhina
Outdoor games and exercises for children of preparatory groups

Outdoor game"Traps"

Using a counting rhyme, a trap driver is selected and stands in the middle of the hall. (sites). At the teacher's signal “One-two-three-Catch!” all the players run up and dodge the trap, which is trying to catch up with someone and touch it with their hand. The one touched by the trap moves aside. When 2-3 players are caught, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3 times. If large group, then two traps are selected.

Outdoor game"Don't stay on the floor"

Using a counting rhyme, a trap driver is selected. Trap runs around the hall with the children (site). As soon as the teacher says “Catch!” all the children run away and try to climb to any height (benches, cubes, gymnastic wall). The trap is trying to show off. The guys he touched step aside. At the end games the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

Outdoor game"Fishing rod"

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the teacher holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the bag on a rope in a circle just above the ground (the floor), and the children jump, trying to prevent the bag from touching their feet. First, the teacher shows the children how to bounce: Push off the floor energetically and tuck your feet under you. The teacher rotates the bag in both directions alternately.

Outdoor game"Don't get caught"

They draw a circle on the floor (or laid out from a cord). All players stand behind the circle at a distance of half a step. The driver is selected. He stands in a circle anywhere. Children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are in the circle. The child whom the driver touched moves aside. After 30-40 seconds the game stops. Another driver is chosen, and the game is repeated with all the children.

Outdoor game"Owl"

The driver is selected - "owl", the rest of the children depict butterflies, birds, etc. On a signal teacher: "Day!"- children run all over the hall, on team: "Night!"- freeze and stop in the place where the team found them. "Owl" comes out of its nest and takes those who move to it. The game repeats itself.

Outdoor game"Migration of Birds"

On one side of the hall are the bird children. On the other side there are various aids - gymnastic benches, cubes, modules, etc. - these are trees. At the teacher's signal "The birds are flying away!" children, flapping their arms like wings, scatter throughout the hall. On signal "Storm!" all the birds run to the trees and try to take some place as quickly as possible. When the teacher says “The storm has stopped!”, the children descend from the elevations and scatter around the hall again - "The birds continue their flight". Childcare provider insurance is required.

Outdoor game"Traps with Ribbons"

Children stand in a circle; Each child has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of their belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. On signal teacher: “One-two-three-catch!”- children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players, trying to pull a ribbon from someone. On signal teacher: “One-two-three – quickly run into the circle!”- everyone lines up in a circle. The teacher invites those who have lost their ribbons to raise their hands, that is, lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children, and the game is repeated with a new driver.

Outdoor game"Shapes"

At the teacher’s signal, all children scatter around the playground (to the hall). At the next signal, all players stop at the place where the team found them and take some pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be the most successful. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Outdoor game"We are funny guys"

Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A second line is drawn on the opposite side of the site. There is a trap in the center of the site. Playing in chorus pronounce:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump,

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, catch!

After the word "Catch it!" the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The child who is caught by the trap before he crosses the line is considered caught, moves aside and misses one run. After two runs, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game"In places"

The players form a circle. There is an object in front of each child (cube, bag, pin). At the teacher’s signal, everyone scatters around the hall in different directions, and the teacher removes one object. On signal "In places!" All players must quickly stand in a circle and take a place near some object. The one who is left without a place is considered a loser. The game is repeated several times.

Outdoor game"Sly Fox"

The players stand in a circle. The distance between children is one step. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind them and touches one child - he becomes a fox. The players open their eyes and look carefully at each other, guessing which one of them is sly Fox, will she give herself away in some way? The children ask in unison, first quietly, then louder: “Sly fox, where are you?” After pronouncing these words three times, the sly fox goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and pronounces: "I'm here!" Everyone runs around the site, and the fox catches them. He takes those caught to his house (predetermined location). When the fox catches 2-3 children, teacher speaks: "In a circle!". All players stand in a circle and the game resumes.

Outdoor game"Jumping sparrows"

The teacher lays out a circle of rope on the floor (or draws on the ground) (landmarks can also be sandbags or cubes). The driver is chosen - the kite. He stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children are sparrows, they stand outside the circle. The little sparrows jump in and out of the circle. The kite runs in a circle and does not allow the sparrows to stay there for a long time. The sparrow, which the driver touched, stops, raises his hand, but the game is not eliminated. The teacher marks those whom the kite has never caught. The game is repeated after a short break.

Outdoor game"Catch up with your mate"

The players stand on one side sites: one group of children in front, the second is behind (the distance between them is at least two steps). At the teacher’s signal, the first ones quickly run away to the other side of the playground, the second ones catch them (greasy). Having run to the other side of the playground, the children change roles. The game is repeated 3-4 times. The game ends with walking in a column one at a time.

Outdoor game"Day and night"

The players are divided into two teams - "Day and night". In the middle of the hall (sites) a line is drawn (or put a cord). At a distance of two steps from the line, the teams stand with their backs to each other. The teacher says "Get ready!", then gives one of the teams the signal to run, for example, pronounces: "Day". Children run away beyond the conventional line, and the players of the second team quickly turn around and catch up with their opponents, trying to mark them before they cross the conventional line. That team wins, which will have time to tarnish more players of the opposing team.

Outdoor game"Two Frosts"

On opposite sides of the site, lines indicate two houses. The players are located in one of the houses. Two drivers (Frost - red nose and Frost - blue nose) go to the middle of the site, face the children and pronounce:

We are two young brothers,

Two frosts are removed,

I am Frost - red nose,

I am Frost - blue nose,

Which one of you will decide

Hit the road - set off on the path?

All players answer in chorus:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run to another house, and the frosts try to freeze them (touch with hand). The frozen ones remain in the place where the frost overtook them and stand there until the end of the run. Frosts are counting how many guys they managed to freeze. After two runs, other frosts are chosen.

Outdoor game"The Spider and the Flies"

In one corner of the hall is indicated by a circle (or cord) a web where the driver lives - a spider. The rest of the children are flies. At the teacher’s signal, all the flies scatter around the hall, "fly", buzzing. The spider is in the web.

At the teacher's signal "Spider!" the flies stop in the place where the team found them. The spider comes out and looks carefully. The spider takes whoever moves into its web. After two repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted. The game resumes with another driver.

Outdoor game"Keys"

The players stand in circles drawn in any order (or lined with short cords) at a distance of at least 2 m from one another. The driver is selected. He approaches one of the players and asks: "Where are the keys?" He replies “Go to... (names one of children, knock!” At this time, other children try to change places. The driver must quickly take a free circle during the dash. If the driver cannot occupy the circle for a long time, he screams: “Found the keys!” Then all the players change places, the one left without a place becomes the driver.

Outdoor game"Frogs in the Swamp"

On one side of the hall (beyond the line) there is a driving crane. There is a swamp in the middle of the hall (circle made of cord). There are frog children sitting around and pronounce:

Here from a hatched rotten place

Frogs splashed into the water.

Kwe-ke-ke, kwe-ke-ke,

It will rain on the river.

With the end of the words, the frogs jump into the swamp. The crane catches frogs that did not have time to jump. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. When the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is chosen from among those who have never been caught. The game resumes.

Outdoor game"Hunters and Ducks"

Children are divided into two equal teams - hunters and ducks. The ducks stand in the middle of a large circle. Hunters throw a ball (large diameter, trying to hit the ducks with it. The duck that touched the ball is eliminated from games. When the majority (about a third) The ducks will be salted, the teams will change places.

Outdoor game"Wolf in the Moat"

In the middle of the hall (sites) draw two parallel lines (or put ropes) at a distance of 80-90 cm from one another - this is a ditch. On one side of the site beyond the line there is a goat house. They choose a leader - a wolf. All goats are located in the house (beyond the line). The wolf stands in the ditch. At the teacher's signal "Wolf in the Moat" the goats run to the opposite side of the hall, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch them (touch with hand). The wolf takes the caught goats aside. The signal sounds again. After two runs, all the caught goats return to their home, and a new leader is selected.

Outdoor game"Burners"

The players line up in two columns, holding hands in pairs. Ahead is the driver. The guys are in chorus pronounce:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One-two-three - run!

After the word "Run!" children standing in the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning columns: one to the right, the other to the left of the column. The driver tries to catch one of the guys before he has time to join hands with his partner again. If the driver manages to do this, he joins hands with the caught one, and they stand in front of the column. The one left without a partner becomes the driver. To increase physical activity, you can divide children into two teams.

Outdoor game"Carousel"

Children form a circle, holding the cord with their right hand, walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken aloud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely,

The carousels are spinning

And then, around, around,

Everybody run, run, run.

After the children run 2-3 laps, the teacher stops them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. The players turn around and, grabbing the cord with the other hand, continue walking and running. Then the teacher together with the children pronounces:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two,

The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down. In words “The game is over!” children stop, put the cord on the ground (floor) and disperse around the site.

Gaming exercises for children of preparatory groups


The players stand in a circle. Each child has a pouch that he holds between his knees. For the teacher's account "1-8" children perform jumps on two legs in a circle. On signal "Hop!" children jump sideways into the circle and return to their place in the circle. The task is performed in the other direction.

"Catch up with your mate"

Children stand in two lines; the distance between the ranks is 3-4 steps. At the teacher’s signal, a run is performed to the opposite side of the site. (distance 15-20 m). The player in the second line tries to touch the player in the first line before he crosses the conditional line. The teacher counts the number of losers. When repeating the game task, the children change roles.

“Quickly get into line!”

The players line up in three columns (in front of each column is a cube or pin of its own color). The teacher asks the children to remember their place in the column and the color of the cube. At the teacher's signal (blow the tambourine, whistle) the players scatter throughout the hall (site). After 30-35 seconds a signal is given “Quickly into the column!”, and each child must quickly take his place in the column. The teacher determines the winning team. Repeat 2-3 times.

"Rent a hoop"

Children line up in two lines, the distance between the lines is 4-5 m. Children in one line hold a hoop in their hands (diameter 50cm). At the teacher’s signal, each child rolls the hoop to a partner from the second rank, and he returns the hoop back, and so on several times in a row.

"Accurate pass"

The players are divided into pairs. Each child has a stick, and one child in the pair has a puck in his hands. Children stand at a distance of 2-2.5 m from each other and throw the puck with their sticks in smooth, gentle movements so that it lands exactly on their partner’s stick.

Children make snowballs, line up and place snowballs near their feet, standing near the starting line. Exercise: throwing snowballs at a distance. Several colored objects are placed as landmarks (pins or cubes, at a distance of 10-12 m from children.

"Slide along the path"

Children are distributed in threes, approach the conventional line and join hands. After a short run, two continue running through the snow (compacted, and the third (standing in the middle) glides along the ice path, standing on two or one leg. The players take turns changing places.

"Who is faster"

The players form a circle, with a snowman in the center of the circle. Each child has a snowball in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, children jump (like bunnies) advance to the snowman and place their snowballs about a meter away from him. They turn in a circle and jump back to the starting line. After a short rest, the children go back to the snowman, pick up the snowballs and return to their place. The teacher marks the first three participants. Depending on physical children's preparedness, the game is repeated.

"Slip - don't fall"

Children take turns running and sliding along an ice track (length 2.5-3 m, starting the run only when the previous child leaves the track. Each person who completes the task must quickly step aside. To provide belay, the teacher is located on the side of the track (about halfway). Second group of children at this time, rides each other on a sled (pairs are determined in advance children, approximately equal in physical capabilities).

"Hockey Players"

The players line up in two lines. Each player has a puck and a stick in his hands. The first line enters the starting line; children sit freely 2-3 steps from each other. Exercise: move the puck from one side of the ice to the other (distance 10 m, trying not to lift the stick from the puck, and then score the puck into the goal (several gates are built from snow in advance). Then the second group is practicing. And so alternately several times.

"In places"

The sleds are placed in a circle or in two lines, one opposite the other. Children sit on sleds in pairs (If small group, then one at a time). At the teacher’s signal, the children get up and run around the entire playground, spinning in different directions. On signal "In places!" All players must quickly take their places on the sled. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Precise Feed"

Children are divided into pairs; Each child has a stick and one puck per pair. One player stands 1.5 m from the goal, and the other 2 m from the first. The second player's task is to throw the puck to the first, and he must return it into the goal. After some time, the children change places.


The sleds are placed in a circle, with the players standing sideways to them. At the teacher’s signal, children jump on two legs for about a third of the circle, then stop and continue jumping on two legs in a circle. Turn around and repeat the task.

"Pass to a friend"

Children become pairs, each child holds a stick and one puck per pair. The child, with a gentle movement, passes the puck to his partner’s stick, who, having caught it, returns it back with the same movement. The puck should not be tossed like a ball, but passed in a sliding motion to each other.

"Ball against the wall"

Children stand in 3-4 columns in front of the wall. The player standing first in the column has a ball of small diameter. The player throws the ball against the wall, then goes to the end of his team. The second player must catch the ball after it bounces on the floor and throw it at the wall. And so on. The team that completes the task quickly and without losing the ball wins.

"Pass with your foot"

The players stand in a circle of 3-4 people. There is a driver in the center of each circle, with a large diameter ball in front of him. The driver rolls the ball to the players with his foot (pass with foot); Each child, having received the ball, holds it for a few seconds, taking it with his foot, and sends it back to the driver.

"Nimble Bunnies"

The teacher places two cords on the floor (length 3m) parallel, the distance between the cords is 2m. At a distance of 1 m from the cords there is a hoop in which there is a ball. Exercise: stand sideways to the cord and on two legs jump over it to the right and left, and so on until the end of the cord, then go to the hoop, stand in it and lift the ball above your head. It is performed in two columns, the winner is determined in each pair. Repeat 2-3 times.

“Swipe it – don’t hurt it”

Along the hall (sites) Skittles are placed on both sides (or cubes, medicine balls); (6-8 pieces; distance between objects 30 cm). Children line up in a column one at a time and, at the teacher’s signal, walk along one side of the hall between the pins at an average pace on their toes, with their hands on their waist (or behind their head, maintaining good posture (keep your head and back straight); running on the other side "snake" between the pins. Repeat 2-3 times.

"Catch the Ball"

The players are divided into threes. Two guys stand at a distance of 2 m from each other, each of them has a ball in their hands (large diameter); there is a third player between them. Children throw the ball to each other, and the player who is between them tries to touch the ball. If he succeeds, he changes places with the player from whom the ball was directed.

"Nimble Jumpers"

Hoops are laid out on the court in two lines in a checkerboard pattern. (6-8 pieces each). Children in two columns perform hoop jumps on two legs - first to the right, then to the left. (no pause) cross the conventional line and turn around. Exercise repeats in the opposite direction (3-4 times). The teacher celebrates the winning team.

"Pass the ball"

The teacher places the cubes in two lines (4-5 pieces; distance between them is 1.5 m). Exercise: move the ball with your feet, without letting it go far from you, passing it between the cubes.

"Ball for the driver"

The players form 3-4 circles, stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. In the center of each circle there is a driver, who alternately throws the ball to the players, and they return it back. Once all players complete exercise, the driver raises the ball high above his head. The game is repeated 2-3 times with a change of drivers.

"Who's the fastest to the skittles"

The players line up in two columns and stand one step apart from each other. At the teacher’s signal, children take turns jumping from the starting line on two legs through the cord, to the right and left of it, moving forward, and so on until the end (a distance of 3-4 m, running around the object and going around the column from the outside to stand at its end The next child in the column begins jumping after the first one has covered a third of the distance.Repeat 2-3 times.

« Physical development", "Cognitive development".

Target: development of interest in outdoor games.

Tasks: - development of reaction speed;

Development of dexterity;

Development of coordination of movements;

Development of mindfulness;

Consolidating knowledge about animal habits;

Strengthening the ability to imitate animal habits.

Attributes: tambourine, hoops.



Outdoor game "Day, Night"

Integration educational areas: “Physical development”, “Cognitive development”.

Target: development of interest in outdoor games.

Tasks: - development of reaction speed;

Development of dexterity;

Development of coordination of movements;

Development of mindfulness;

Consolidating knowledge about animal habits;

Strengthening the ability to imitate animal habits.

Attributes: tambourine, hoops.

Game description:

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected who takes the tambourine. The hoops are laid out on the ground - these are nests. The rest of the children are birds. There should be more birds than nests. While the tambourine is ringing, it is day and the birds are flying around their nests. When the tambourine falls silent, it means night is coming and the birds occupy the nests (1 bird per nest). Whoever does not have enough nest leaves the game. Next, one hoop is removed, etc. until there is 1 winner left (the most dexterous, fastest, attentive).

Game options: bees - hive; butterflies - flowers; fox cubs - minks; bears - dens, etc.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Outdoor games. Mishutka's birthday."

Goal: To develop the ability to perform various movements, forming a circle; practice pronouncing the sound “sh”; develop the ability to perform movements under verbal accompaniment.Materials for...

Outdoor games. (The concept, meaning and characteristics of outdoor games; classification of outdoor games: elementary outdoor, sports; games of different dynamics, games with different motor content; place in the daily routine) - tips for the instructor

Outdoor games. (The concept, meaning and characteristics of outdoor games; classification of outdoor games: elementary outdoor, sports; games of different dynamics, games with different motor content; place...

Place. Venue, hall...

Preparation. In the middle of the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another, and on both sides of them, 10-20 m parallel to them, are the lines of “houses”. The players are divided into 2 equal teams, which stand at their middle lines and turn to face their houses. Thus, they stand with their backs to each other. The players can be lined up sideways to each other (facing the leader).

By lot, one team is “Day”, the other is “Night”.

Description of the game. The leader stands on the side of the court near the middle lines and suddenly says: “Day!” The players of the “Night” team run into the house, and the “Day” team catches up with them and spots them. The disgraced players are counted (their number is recorded) and released to their own. Then the teams again stand at the middle lines with their backs to them. The leader gives a signal with an exclamation, trying to make it unexpected for the players (strict alternation is undesirable). You can use a circle board in the game, white on one side and black on the other. In this case, the leader throws the circle and, depending on which side it lands on (black or white), commands: “Night!” or “Day!” This option is convenient for children to play with.

Before the signal, the leader, in order to divert the attention of the players, can invite them to do various exercises (for example, raise their arms forward, up, lower down, sit down, stand up, rise on their toes, etc.). At an unexpected moment, the leader says: “Day!” or “Night!” Exercises can be performed with musical accompaniment. Each time those caught are counted and released.

The game is played several times, after which those caught in each team for the same number of catches are counted. Let’s say “Day” was called 4 times, and “Night” - 3 times. Those caught are counted for the first 3 times of the game. The team that catches the most players wins.

Rules. 1. It is forbidden to run into your home before the leader shouts: “Day!” or “Night!” 2. You can only catch or bait up to the house line. 3. After counting, the caught players again participate in the game along with others.

“Hunters and Ducks”

Location, equipment. Venue, hall. Volleyball or basketball.

Preparation. The largest possible circle is drawn on the floor (ground). If the game is played in a narrow hall, then it is recommended to draw two lines in the middle across the hall at a distance of 7-10 m from one another. This way you will get a rectangle, two sides of which are the walls of the hall and two sides are drawn lines.

The players are divided into two teams - “hunters” and “ducks”. The hunters stand in a circle outside it or behind the drawn lines, dividing in half. The ducks randomly stand in the middle of a circle or in the middle of a rectangle. One of the hunters has a ball in his hands.

Description of the game. At the leader’s signal, the hunters, throwing the ball in different directions without entering the circle (or rectangle), try to hit (“shoot”) the ducks with it. A duck hit by the ball (shot) leaves the game. Ducks, running and jumping inside the circle, dodge the ball. The hunters, throwing the ball, suddenly throw it at the ducks. Every duck shot is out of the game. When all the ducks have been shot, the leader notes how long it took the hunters to kill all the ducks. The players change roles (hunters become ducks, and ducks become hunters), and the game continues.

After two games, it is noted which team of hunters shot all the ducks faster.

You can play the game for a while: for example, 3 minutes. Only hunters shoot, then 3 minutes. - other. It is noted who shot the most ducks during this time.

Rules. 1. When throwing the ball at ducks, hunters should not cross the circle line. Players who cross the line do not get hit. 2. Ducks that have been touched by the ball to any part of the body except the head are considered to be stung. 3. If a duck is hit by a ball that bounced off the ground or another player, then it is not considered touched. 4. If a duck, dodging the ball, runs out of the circle, it is considered greasy. 5. Shot ducks do not participate in the game until the teams change.


Meeting children on the street.

Conversation on the topic: “Summer has come to us!”

Goal: to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​summer, summer plants and animal life at this time of year; develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly.

Didactic game"Find the yellow one."

Goal: Learn to recognize and correctly name the color yellow, improve the ability to understand questions and answer them.

Independent play activity children, story games(children’s choice of games based on their interests).

Visual information for parents:

Educational activities

Physical Culture.

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running between objects; in jumping from a bench onto bent legs; in rolling to a friend.

Walking and running in a column, one at a time, between objects. On one side of the hall the teacher places cubes (the distance between objects is 40 cm); on the other side there are medicine balls, also several of them. Children make a “snake” with the cubes, and run between the stuffed balls. The main thing in walking and running is not to touch objects and keep a distance from your friend. Children in a column, one at a time, perform walking and running tasks (2-3 times).


P/I "The Hunter and the Hares". Goal: learn to throw a ball at a moving target.


Preparing for lunch, lunch.


Role-playing games: games of children's choice.

An evening walk

Labor activity . Cleaning up trash on site.

Goals: learn to use a rake; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games: "Day and night" . Target: Exercise children in agility and running.

"Sly Fox" Target: train children in running, agility, cunning, and ingenuity.

Games with external material: toys, chalk, cars.

P/N: “Blow up your bubble”

Target: learn to perform actions on a signal from the teacher.

Returning from a walk.


18.00 – 19.00

Summer song

Summer is laughing again

IN open window,

And sunshine and light

Full, full!

Panties and T-shirts again

Lying on the shore

And the lawns bask

In chamomile snow!

Planning educational work in the summer

Theme of the week: “Hello summer!”

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Meeting children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Such different bugs?”Target: a story about the characteristics and behavior of insects in summer; to form children’s ideas about the diversity of insects on the site kindergarten.

Board-printed games.

Target: encourage children's desire to master the rules of the simplest board games and teach them to obey the rules in the game.

Individual conversations with parents, parent counseling.

“Recommendations for parents in the summer”

Educational activities

FCCM Topic: “Time of year – Summer.” Tasks: Form children's ideas about summer, teach them to name the distinctive features of summer from other seasons; weather features in summer; enrich the vocabulary with new concepts and words: summer sun, heat, summer rain, warm wind etc.; develop coherent speech and the ability to answer the teacher’s questions.


Monitoring insects on the site.

Tasks: form ideas about insects.Cloud watching. Target: introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water conditions in the environment; develop a creative attitude to work.

Outdoor games: « By the bear in the forest." Target: introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games; learn to run at a signal in different directions without bumping into each other."We are funny guys." Goals: teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s command; develop attention, monitor the correct completion of tasks.

Independent motor and play activities.

Target: teach children to organize games independently and find activities of interest.

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep.

Continue to teach children how to hold a spoon correctly and use a napkin while eating;neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed; say the words “thank you, please give me” during and after meals.


Gradual rise of children. Awakening gymnastics.

Speech development: learning the poem “Summer Song”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about healthy way life; prevention of flat feet, poor posture.

Printed board games: “Patch the Mat”, “Paired Pictures”, “Dominoes”, “Puzzles” - Goal : cultivate the ability to play together, obey the rules.

An evening walk

Outdoor games: "Sun and Rain." Goals: learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other."Dashing - catching up." Target: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Labor activity: Target: teach accuracy.

Returning from a walk.


18.00 – 19.00

Development of Ph.D. and self-care skills. Games of children's choice.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Planning educational work in the summer

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Meeting children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic:"We're friendly guys."

Goal: developing communication skills between children.

Tell us about the Children's Day holiday

Games with large and small construction sets, mosaics.

Goal: development of thinking, attention, fine motor skills.

Individual conversations with parents, parent counseling.

Visual information for parents: “June 1st – Children’s Day”

Educational activities

Cognitive - speech development. Conversation-discussion “June 1 - Children's Day”! Target: to form children’s ideas about the holiday, to promote the formation of self-esteem; a sense of responsibility for another person, for the work started, for the given word; develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person.

Physical training


Observing the sun. Target: develop the idea that when the sun is shining it is warm outside; maintain a joyful mood.

Games with external material: toys, chalk, cars.Drawing with crayons on the asphalt.

Labor activity. Restoring order in the area.Goals: teach children to care for seedlings and water the soil around the tree; Make sure that children from other groups do not break tree branches.

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep.

Continue to teach children how to hold a spoon correctly and use a napkin while eating;neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed; say the words “thank you, please give me” during and after meals.


Gradual rise of children. Awakening gymnastics.

Goal: to form children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle; prevention of flat feet, poor posture.

S/R game "Kindergarten". Goal: to form children’s ideas about kindergarten, about teachers, about the culture of behavior in kindergarten.

An evening walk

Observing the sun through sunglasses.

P/I “Sun and Rain”, “Day - Night” Goal: to develop attention, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.Labor activity: Putting the area in order.Target: teach accuracy.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Returning from a walk.


18.00 – 19.00

Development of Ph.D. and self-care skills. Games of children's choice.

Planning educational work in the summer

Topic of the week: " Sunny week»

Group, subgroup



Meeting children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: "Our light is the sun." (Mom caresses us, the sun warms us). Goal: expand your understanding of the sun (it shines in winter, shines and warms in summer).


Individual conversations with parents, parent counseling.

Visual information for parents: “Recommendations for parents in the summer”

Educational activities

Music (according to the specialist’s plan).

Drawing Topic: “Sun and Cloud” Tasks: consolidate skills in working with gouache paints, develop fine motor skills, color perception, the ability to see the outline of an object; learn to create a composition by complementing your drawings necessary items, elements as desired.


Observing the weather in summer: sunny or cloudy, cold or hot, windy or calm, learn to notice changes in inanimate nature.

P/I: “Catch up with the sunbeam” Objectives: learn to watch the moving sunbeam and move in the same direction.

Experiment “Water in a vessel” Objectives: to form children’s ideas that the sun’s rays heat water. Discussion about where this phenomenon can be used.

Labor activity: cleaning equipment after games.Target:

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep.

Continue to teach children how to hold a spoon correctly and use a napkin while eating;neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed; say the words “thank you, please give me” during and after meals.

Reading before bed: « What kind of dew is there on the grass?” L. Tolstoy


Gradual rise of children. Awakening gymnastics.

Speech development: learning the poem “Summer Song”

Goal: to form children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle; prevention of flat feet, poor posture.

D/I “Make the sun out of sticks” Tasks: develop attention, thinking, the ability to see images in the unusual; strengthen counting skills by counting sticks.

An evening walk

Bird watching.

Target: draw children's attention to the birds on the territory of the kindergarten, offer to feed them crumbs, talk about appearance and bird behavior.

Labor activity: cleaning equipment after games.Target: teach children to perform appropriate labor operations and pay attention to the results of work.

Outdoor games: "The Mother Hen and the Chicks." Target: Develop attention, speed and dexterity in children.

"By the bear in the forest." Target: Continue to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. To develop children's imagination and ability to take on a certain role. Arouse interest in the game.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Returning from a walk.


18.00 – 19.00

Development of Ph.D. and self-care skills. Games of children's choice.

“What kind of dew is there on the grass?”

When you go into the forest on a sunny morning in summer, you can see diamonds in the fields and grass. All these diamonds sparkle and shimmer in the sun in different colors - yellow, red, and blue.

When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these are drops of dew collected in triangular leaves of grass and glistening in the sun.

The inside of the leaf of this grass is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet.

And the drops roll on the leaf and do not wet it.

When you carelessly pick a leaf with a dewdrop, the droplet will roll off like a light ball, and you will not see how it slips past the stem. It happened that you would pick such a cup, slowly bring it to your mouth and drink the dewdrop, and this dewdrop seemed tastier than any drink.

(L. Tolstoy)

Planning educational work in the summer

Theme of the week: “Sunny Week”


7.00 – 9.00

Meeting children on the street.

Morning exercises. Breakfast.

Conversation-discussion on the topic: “Why do we need the sun?” Tasks: to form children’s ideas about the benefits of the sun for all living things, including humans.

Coloring coloring books in iso corner.

Target: teach children to grip a pencil correctly and shade pictures without going beyond the outline.

Individual conversations with parents, parent counseling.

Visual information for parents: “Recommendations for parents in the summer”

Educational activities

Physical education (9:00 – 9:15) Tasks: Practice walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal; exercise stable balance when walking on elevated support. Outline: Part 1. Walking in a column one at a time. Part 2. General developmental exercises with a hoop.Main types of movements. Balance "On the Bridge". On a gymnastic bench as on a “bridge”


Observation of flowers in the flower garden (the appearance of new parts of plants). Target: expand your understanding of plants. Labor activity: loosening the soil around flowers, watering.

P/i “Carry the toy” (with elements of oncoming running). Target : increase physical activity; develop accuracy, agility, and the ability to dodge.

Independent motor and play activities

Target: teach children to organize games independently and find activities of interest.

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep.

Continue to teach children how to hold a spoon correctly and use a napkin while eating;neatly fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed; say the words “thank you, please give me” during and after meals.


Gradual rise of children. Awakening gymnastics.

Goal: to form children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle; prevention of flat feet, poor posture.

D/I “Say kindly” . Target: teach children to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

An evening walk

Games with external materials: Spatulas, molds, buckets.

Labor activity: cleaning equipment after games.Target: teach children to perform appropriate labor operations and pay attention to the results of work.Outdoor games: "Sparrows and the cat." Goals: teach to jump gently, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the catcher; be careful."Living Labyrinth" Target: develop a sense of balance, dexterity, and speed of movement.

Returning from a walk.


18.00 – 19.00

Development of Ph.D. and self-care skills. Games of children's choice.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Tasks: Practice walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal; exercise stable balance when walking on elevated support.

Part 1. Walking in a column one at a time. According to the teacher’s instructions, when you hear the word “sparrows”, stop and say “continue walking”, when you hear the word “frogs”, sit down and put your hands on your knees. Switch to running at a moderate pace and then jumping to running. Walking and running exercises alternate.

Part 2. General developmental exercises with a hoop.

1. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, hoop in bent arms near the chest. Bring the hoop forward, arms straight; return position (4–5 times).

2. I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hoop below. Raise the hoop up; bend over, touch the rim of the hoop to the floor; straighten up, up. Return to starting position (3 times).

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms near the chest. Turn right (left), hoop right (left); straighten up to the starting position (3 times).

4. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, hoop in bent arms near the chest. Sit down and touch the rim to the floor. Get up and return to position (3-4 times).

5. I. p. - standing in front of the hoop, legs slightly apart, arms at random. Jump around the hoop in both directions, with a small jump between jumps (2 times).

Main types of movements.

Balance "On the Bridge". On a gymnastic bench as on a “bridge” - walk in a column one at a time, freely balancing the end of the bench and take a step forward downwards (do not jump). Then walking to the end of your column, bypassing the bench from the outside. Insurance by the teacher is mandatory.

Outdoor game “Cucumber, cucumber.” On one side of the hall (area) there is a “mouse”, on the other there are children. Children jumping on their feet approach the “mouse”. The teacher says:

Cucumber, cucumber, don’t go to that end:

A mouse lives there and will bite your tail off.

At the last word, the children quickly run away to their “house” (a cord beyond the line), and the teacher catches up with them. The game repeats itself.

3rd part. Walking in a column one at a time.

Gayane Luzina
GCD in middle group"Day, night - a day away"

Strengthen the idea of ​​temporary relationships: day Night, morning - evening, designate them schematically;

Improve your understanding of spatial relationships: above - below, right - left;

Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes;

Learn to see patterns in the arrangement of objects and reproduce them;

Develop thinking, visual perception, consolidate colors.

Progress of the lesson.

The toy Bi-Ba-Bo Karkusha flies in.

Kar - Kar, hello guys!

I am a funny toy, and my name is Karkusha!

I am very glad that I came to visit you!

Today we will play and talk about the parts of the day.

What parts of the day do you know?

Children's answers - morning, day, evening, night.

Karkusha: Well done! Now I’ll tell you riddles and show you how the parts of the day are indicated on my magic clock.


This time is familiar to us

It's time to rise

Get ready to exercise

Wash your face, don’t be lazy.

Sit down and have a clean breakfast! (morning)

On my watch, morning is indicated in red, because the sun has just woken up.

It's time for lunch.

So it's time for us to go to the table

The conversation stops

Game stops!

They ask Vanechka and Masha:

- “Give us some soup and porridge!”

This day. After all, we have lunch during the day. The sun is already high in the sky, it’s heating up so much that it’s getting hot - that’s why day marked in yellow on the clock.

This is the time we have been given

For a fun movie!

The whole family sits down at the table.

Mom is calling for dinner!

The evening comes, the sun sets, it no longer shines so brightly, the sky becomes gloomy, so the evening is indicated in blue.

This time is sleep time

A pine tree sleeps outside the windows

Our Vanyusha is sleeping in the crib

His toy sleeps nearby.

The night has come, the sky became dark, the stars lit up in the sky, just marvel. Therefore on the clock night indicated in purple.

Karkusha: Kar-Kar, attention guys, now let's play a game « Day and night» .

P/I « Day and night» .

Tambourine, rattles and other small play equipment.

The teacher says the word « Day» , children, to the sound of a tambourine, collect toys scattered throughout the hall. After the word « Night» , the sounds of the tambourine stop, children must quickly lie down on specially prepared rugs.

During the day we played happily

All the toys were scattered

We need to collect them quickly,

To rest at night.

Educator: Karkusha, do you want to play a game with the children?

DI “When does this happen?”.

The children have cards of different colors on their tables (morning - red, day - yellow, evening is blue, night – purple We give cards to Karkusha too.

I will read out a short story, and you will use a card to show part of the day.

We try it on one example, then the children independently show and correct Karkusha, if necessary.

The sun woke up, and with it a small Christmas tree (morning).

When the stars and the moon appeared in the sky, our Christmas tree was already fast asleep (night) .

When the sun rose high, the Christmas tree played with flowers high (day) .

When the sun set, our Christmas tree was getting ready for bed. (evening).

Karkusha: Wow! Well done guys, very attentive! Everyone completed the task.

On the children's tables there are large and small geometric figures: squares, circles, triangles, ovals of the same color.

Karkusha: What is this thing lying on your tables that is so beautiful?

Children: Circle, oval, triangle, square, geometric figures.

Children and a teacher look at the shapes by color, shape and size. The teacher gives different tasks:

Place all the large pieces on the right.

Place all the small geometric shapes on the left.

Place all the ovals in the middle...

Pattern search task.

"Beads for Karkusha"(square, oval - alternating figures according to one characteristic, then the task becomes more complicated - alternating figures according to two characteristics - color and shape).

Karkusha: Simply beautiful! How many beads you made and all for me. Thank you.

Reads a poem.

Morning, day, evening, night -

Flew away a day away.

Not a minute has passed

Morning again, again day,

Night after evening like a shadow.

So they walk in an eternal circle,

Like days - one after another.

Karkusha: I'm playing with you guys, it's time for me to fly home. It's lunchtime, mom will be waiting. And for goodbye I leave you my magic watch "Parts of the Day".

Goodbye Karkar! Until next time.
