Board card game Star Wars Han Solo. Where are these damned drawings? — review of the board game “Star Wars: Path to Hope” Star Wars game cards

Once Upon a Time in a Galaxy Far, Far Away was released in 1977. star Wars" George Lucas revolutionized the film industry, at the same time creating an entire universe that has huge army fans. Today, some people would rather not know who Alexander Fleming is, but would easily guess Darth Vader by his breath. And some even learned to understand what the Wookiee was saying.

And then there was a long, long break, during which we yearned for R2-D2, the force, the Sith and epic battles with light megasabers. But fan love for the franchise did not diminish. And then in 2015, the world was covered in an eruption of delight. The Force Awakens came out with such near and dear characters as Han Solo's beloved grandfather, Leia, Chum, and a piece of Luke Skywalker. And in 2017, our enjoyment of The Last Jedi was extended. And that's not even taking into account the mass of spin-offs that entertain us in between the main parts of the franchise. And all the most interesting things are, of course, ahead. Just don’t compare new films with old ones - we beg you! This is stupid and pointless, because the main thing is that the story continues.

The new parts pleased us with a scattering of new and very interesting characters. It’s already indecent to joke about the ears of Adam Driver, who played Kylo Ren, so we’ll limit ourselves to the fact that he is an interesting character and is embodied with great talent. The fair-minded stormtrooper Finn makes you want to drink a glass of beer with him and form a funk band. And, of course, it is worth mentioning the mysterious girl named Rey, who comprehended the “force” faster than a good half of the Jedi Order during its dawn.

Against the backdrop of fabulous graphics, their adventures were especially interesting to watch. And it is not surprising that they have become the faces of the most interesting board games, which the leading Russian board publisher offers us to purchase. Hobby games World. Games based on the Star Wars universe (as members of the NOM group call it) are no longer new. They are loved and played with. And not only because they help to better study your favorite cinematic universe. First of all, they are played because they are interesting, and those games that we will tell you about now valiantly hold their mark. Regardless of whether you dream of living in a “distant galaxy” or just watched it as a child, we recommend playing them. Unless, of course, you are interested in luxurious leisure.

Let's briefly describe the essence of the game. Star Wars. Destiny is a collectible card game in the legendary setting of the cult film “Star Wars”. But this is not some kind of witcher’s “Gwent” or Heartstone. It is not like any of the existing CCGs. There are completely different mechanics here, based on dice rolls, and the damage system itself is unique.

It all starts with you building a deck of your favorite characters, adding upgrade, event and support cards to it, and choosing a battlefield. After impact force will be formed, the players begin to take turns making their move, performing any action of their choice that best suits the tactics of the game (play an improvement or event, roll the dice or apply their result, etc.). The game is very balanced, so that the powers of one character are easily neutralized by another, and vice versa.

The fate of the galaxy and famous characters is in your hands, and the outcome of the battle depends only on your ingenuity, strategy and luck. In a sense, you act as a screenwriter and a commander at the same time, drawing out your story of the struggle between good and evil in interstellar space. But even if for you Master Yoda is a fairy-tale animal, and Qui-Gon Jinn is the name of a Vietnamese strong drink based on juniper, it will be interesting in any case. Because what captivates you first of all is the process itself, and not the bright pictures and history of the universe.

No matter which side you take in this struggle between good and evil on a cosmic scale, your chances of winning are exactly the same. After all, the “dark side” has no fewer fans than the light side. And if you delve into the essence of the story, you will be surprised to discover that the evil in this universe is as ambiguous and unobvious as in “The Master and Margarita.” Whose side is more true: the Sith or the Jedi is a big question, no matter how charming Master Yoda may seem to us. Therefore Star Wars. Destiny offers you two sets that represent the so-called light and dark sides of the force. First things first.

Star Wars: Destiny. Rey Starter Set

So, the starter set is named after the ward of Luke Anakinovich Skywalker himself. If you are already involved in fighting evil on the side of charm with a lightsaber, then you will have to fight with a bad organization called the First Order. The same conscientious Finn, 24 heroic cards and 9 special cubes are allocated to help her.

Star Wars: Destiny. Kylo Ren Starter Pack

If the dark side of the force is more your thing, then you'll definitely appreciate the Kylo Ren set. In it you will find special character cards and will be able to fight against the miserable rebels. The game mechanics are similar to the previous set - the only difference is the unique cards and individual character set.

Star Wars: Destiny should be played by every person who calls himself a fan of the universe, because the game provides a unique opportunity to choose a side, a character and completely rewrite the events of the universe, using only his skills and talent. It doesn't matter which side you choose in this battle - the game is balanced on all sides. There are no obvious favorites - each side has its own strengths and weak spots, so it’s up to you whether you work on your weaknesses or develop your strengths.

You can choose several options for developing the game; play attack, defense, develop certain cards, but in any case the game will require you strategic thinking. Tactics play a huge role, because, for example, at first glance, a strong alignment in a certain situation can be defeated by a weaker one - it all depends on the situation and how you built your defense. Activate cards, make moves, create unique combinations that will crush the enemy and bring you victory. It all depends on how broadly you can think, because this game will make your brain work at 100. Sometimes hopeless situation can result in victory, and vice versa: if you underestimate the enemy, he will immediately strike at the most vulnerable spot. What awaits you is not just a game - it’s a battle of wits, a battle of empires.

IN distant Galaxy The Light and Dark sides of the Force are fighting for dominance over the galaxy. Take one side and set off on a dangerous journey through combat zones. And may the great Force be with you.

Gloomy and sleep-deprived, Master Yoda looks at a handful of heroes waving their lightsabers. " They waved glow sticks here, screamed, and disturbed my sleep. Would you go... to distant galaxy and made noise there" Let's follow the recommendations and enter the path of Power.

The lid opens upwards, inside there is an organizer that houses tokens, cards, character figures and other components. On top there is a standard playing field for the Zvezda company and a rule book on 12 sheets.

The book describes in detail all the intricacies of combat operations and the principles of movement across the field. The text is supplemented with many pictures and explanations. 40 planetary tokens, 20 for each camp, will allow players to protect strategic objects.

Character cards - two Separatists and two Republicans will go on a dangerous journey and try to win. Each card comes with a token with a portrait of the hero and parameter tokens (2 blue each, with a value of 1 and 10 to indicate “Inner Strength”, and the same yellow ones to indicate “Command Center Force Field”).

Each hero will receive his character card and 3 duel cards. They will be needed during the battle, when warriors meet in the same galactic square or during the battle for key positions on the field.

48 battle cards of the Republicans and the same number of Separatists. They are designed to conduct combat operations and capture planets. The picture shows the attack and defense indicators, the type and name of the unit, as well as its special properties.

Tasks that our students can perform. Each card contains two conditions - for the dark side of the force (red background) and for bright side(blue background). The deck is common to all participants in the game and has an individual “back.” An “exclamation mark” indicates that the task must be completed immediately, and victory points will be a reward to the lucky player.

Character figures, emaciated from constant battles, tired from daily swinging a sword, barely standing on their feet, but eager for the next battle. The color of the swords symbolizes the hero’s belonging to one of the opposing camps.

The galaxy on the screen of a monochrome radar, divided into combat squares. Planets and bases are waiting for their conquerors, carelessly drifting across the vast expanses of vast outer space, abundantly filled with black emptiness.

It's time to take up the sword and get down to business...

Players choose the side of the Force for which they will fight. Then they take a character card, a token with their image, a figurine, a set of four playing cards, two each of “Inner Strength” and “Force Field” tokens. The mountain of “Planetary Tokens” is common to both players playing for the same side of the Force.

Three decks are placed next to the field, and each player takes five cards from his camp into his hand. Players will receive tasks only during the game.

Dark and light Forces place their heroes on starting positions(planets Mustofar and Coruscant), and then choose one of three levels of character training. There's a whole page in the Jedi Manual devoted to the intricacies of this choice, so I'll just show you what it looks like: a photo token is placed in a level square (for example, Lord), and then the “Forces” and “Fields” squares are placed on the lower tracks, in accordance with table indicators. In our case, Lord Helm - Count Dooku has 12 points of “Strength” and 15 points of “Field”. It’s easy to guess that one square on the scale measures tens, and the second – units.

It's time to hit the road.

Movement around the Galactic squares occurs using the Jedi cube. If you encounter a Planet on the way, you can convert it to your faith and place a garrison on it by placing a Planetary token with the selected number on the cell face up. The value on the token symbolizes how many attacks the Force Field of a given garrison can withstand when attacked by an enemy.

The cost of capturing a neutral Planet is indicated in the “Persuasion” column on the character card. In our case, Count Luku will spend two points of internal strength (when captured, the blue square with the number “10” will be removed from the field, and the one will appear at the “9” mark). The player is also required to discard one card from his hand.
If the Planet is captured by the enemy, then the token is revealed and a battle takes place, which I will talk about later. If you win, you can capture the cell and place your token on it.

In addition to Neutral, there are also Key and Starting Planets on the field with their own parameters. It can only be captured if the player has the required level of training (in our case, “2”) and destroys the Force Field (in the example, “20” units).

You can replenish Internal Strength on cells with lightning. Passing through this section, the player restores the track value to the maximum position, in accordance with the character’s level of training, and you can also increase your level of training by completing training.

While studying, the player skips his turn, spends the specified number of victory points, and discards his cards. Read more in the “Manual to the Jedi Practitioner” on page eight.

The “Military Base” cell allows you to set up your own block - a post, and, passing through it, the enemy is obliged to engage in battle. You can strengthen “Garrisons” with several tokens, increasing the defensive characteristics of this fortification.

When passing through this mark on the field, immediately grab the “Tasks” card and, secretly from your opponent, read the secret information contained on it. The card's membership in the camp is determined by the top field - in this case, this is a task for the Separatists.

If a player has taken a card from his side and there is a “!” sign on it, then the hero must take up the task of carrying out this instruction, placing it face down next to his edge of the table. If the "!" no, then you can simply discard the card and abandon dubious adventures on your “Jedi Helmet”, or take on the implementation at a convenient time for yourself, notifying your opponents before starting your mission.

If a player takes a task from the enemy side, then it becomes the property of all players. At the same time, the enemy decides whether to take on his part of the task or not. If there is no desire, then the card is discarded, and if you want to try your luck, then each side carries out its part of the instructions.

Although space is limitless, two Jedi can find common ground even in such a vast space. If you are “lucky” to meet an opponent, you will have to engage in battle. To do this, there are three “Technique” cards that valiant warriors will throw at each other, checking the table.

If we characterize the principle of the fight “in a nutshell,” it looks something like this: two brave guys sit on a fragment of a Meteorite and play “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” The loser (who has lost all Inner strength) goes to any of his military base, and the winner continues moving.

It remains to talk about only one moment of this game - the battle for occupied areas of the territory. The battle takes place using cards that players play against each other. Then the parameters indicated in the upper right corner of the squad are checked and the Force Field parameters are changed. In this case, Planetary tokens located in areas of outer checkered space are taken into account.

I will not go into detail about how the battle takes place, since this process takes up two A4 sheets, contains 6 points for playing cards, a table of “Types of Attack”, a table of “Attack to Defense Ratios” and many nuances. In short, it is necessary to “break through” the defense line and strike the Command Center, depriving it of Force Field points. This is a “game within a game”, the rules for which can be separated into a separate review.

Players have several goals: get 9 victory points by completing tasks, capture 10 Neutral Planets or 3 Key Planets, or the enemy’s Starting Planet.

The winner is placed on his head with a motorcycle helmet and given a gas-discharge lamp in his hands - from now on he is the “Dark Lord” and must walk like this for at least a week.

Returning to my Galaxy...

An interesting idea of ​​“crossing” a card game and simple tactics on the playing field. Unfortunately, the need to constantly look at the rules and check the tables significantly complicates the training of players, and the game itself, with its design and the intricacies of the rules of card battles, is, in my opinion, designed for a certain gaming audience. In this regard, my youngest daughter did not “master” Path of the Jedi, and before purchasing, I strongly recommend that you play this game.

“The Clone Wars” is more likely for trained Jedi from 15 years old, passionate about space and Star Wars themes.

Personally, I really liked the idea of ​​task cards divided into two halves - something like that would be interesting to see in the game

Almost 40 years ago, the fourth part of the Star Wars film epic was released. At the time of its release, no one suspected that the film would become literally a cult favorite for several generations of television viewers. The fact that interest in the film continues is evidenced by the release of the seventh part of the film in 2015. A game Star Wars: The Card Game(Star Wars LCG) was created based on the film and was released in 2012.

As the game progresses, you will have to choose one of two sides - the side of the Forces of light or darkness. Depending on this, you will have different tasks and goals. You have to build the Death Star and destroy the Universe or destroy the plans of dark forces. This epic battle will unfold on a large playing field.

The dynamics of the game are given by the limited time, because the Death Star is built with every move, and with successful actions of the Force of Darkness it even accelerates. Therefore, the Forces of Light need to hurry in order to destroy the enemy’s three directives in time.

Saving the world depends only on you!

Who is this game for?

Game cards.

The game is designed for two people aged 10 years and older. Simple clear rules allow you to master them in just a few minutes (they will spend reading the rules). If one of the players has already played Star Wars LCG, then he will be able to explain the rules to his opponent even faster.

Rules of the game

The game begins before the players even deal the cards. It starts with strategically planning your moves. You have to think about what moves you will make to achieve your goals and ruin your opponent's plans. There are several factions in the game - Sith, Jedi, Rebel Alliance, Imperial Navy. They will have to fight on opposite sides of the space barricades.

When the strategy is thought out, you can move on to choosing directive cards. You need to add 6 cards from the team deck (randomly). One turn consists of 6 phases (balance, report, call, advance, conflict, strength), in which you have the opportunity to use cards to develop, subdue the enemy, destroy his directives, etc.

Deck cover.

It is important to remember that the more cards you have on the playing field, the more resources you will have to play more and more cards.

The game ends when the Forces of Light are able to neutralize three directives from the Forces of Darkness or when the Dark Forces deck runs out of cards. The forces of darkness win when they can build the majestic and terrible Death Star (reaches 12 bars on the Death Star counter) or when the deck of the Light Forces runs out of cards.

The game is great entertainment for friends and an opportunity to spend an interesting evening.



  • Light Side Cards 117
  • Dark Side Cards 117
  • Power Cards 6
  • Death Star Counter
  • Damage tokens 42
  • Power Balance Token 1
  • Shield tokens 10
  • Order tokens 44


There are extensions for the game that add additional sets kart:

Rebels or Imperials - who will win this card battle? 17 cards with your favorite characters, secret seals as victory tokens, a desperate desire to help the princess - that’s all to make the evening in any company more interesting.

Bluff, droids, card manipulation

Players start with one card in their hand. On a player's turn, he draws a card from the pile and decides which of the two cards in his hand to play. The choice is important and often difficult because:

  • A played card has some effect, for example, Darth Vader makes it possible to exchange cards with another player.
  • Each card has its own value. It is beneficial for you to keep the most “expensive” card in your hand in order to receive a victory token at the end of the round.

At the end of the round, all the cards are shuffled and the game “sooo, what card do you have...” begins again.

Who is more dangerous, the rebels or the imperials?

The more dangerous players are those who skillfully pull off combinations. For example, they discard Chewbacca's card, protecting themselves from the tricks of their opponents, then discard Han Solo, who allows them to peek at another player's card. And if suddenly there is something interesting there, they use Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker to take the card or force the player to discard it.

A simple Star Wars game

The rules are explained in a minute. The game is designed with high quality, all the characters are recognizable and coolly drawn. And in general, this is a Star Wars game, but without a lot of difficulties! The quotes from the heroes on the cards are especially pleasing. Here the stormtrooper says: “These are not the droids we are looking for.” Guess what R2-D2 says to this?

It doesn't take much to invade

  • 17 game cards,
  • 4 reminder cards,
  • 14 victory tokens,
  • Rules of the game.

Board card game "Star Wars: Han Solo" is an exciting board card game based on English language. Win your very own Millennium Falcon! Instructions in English.
"The secret of sabacc is to figure out what everyone else is holding... and then letting them think they know what you're holding."
- Darth Bane
“A handful of luck sometimes replaces a whole cargo hold of wisdom for me.”
- Han Solo

Sabacc is a popular card game, often played for large bets (from starships to planets). Perhaps the most famous sabacc match was the final match of the Cloud City Championship, held around 2 BBY, in which Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon freighter from Lando Calrissian. Remarkably, Calrissian won the rights to Cloud City and the title of its administrator also in the game of sabacc. Somewhat later, Han Solo won an entire planet in sabacc - Dathomir. The Rins claimed to have invented sabacc as a means of divination. In their ideas, ranked cards - Commander, Lady, Master and Ace - personified persons of various inclinations. Poles corresponded to initiative, flasks to emotional state, swords to mental aspirations, and coins to material well-being.

The game is similar to a combination of blackjack and poker. Similar to blackjack, the object of the game is to make a hand that is worth 23 points (or negative 23 points). You have to be careful because if you break the 23 limit in any direction, or if you end the game with zero points, you are "out of the game." This is similar to busting in blackjack; not only do you lose your hand, but you also have to pay a predetermined penalty into what is called the “Sabacc pot.”

You gain and lose points by collecting cards from the sabacc deck, which is based on real maps tarot A traditional sabak deck consists of 76 cards, most of which fall into one of four suits: sabers, staves, flasks and coins. Each suit consists of 11 regular cards, which are valued from 1 to 11, plus four "ranked" cards - Commander, Mistress, Master and Ace - which are worth 12 to 15 points, respectively.
The rest of the deck consists of 16 face cards. There are eight of them, and each deck has two. These are: Idiot (0 points), Queen of Air and Darkness (-1), Endurance (-8), Balance (-11), Death (-13), Temperance (-14), Evil (- 15) and "Star" (-17).
You will need to show up creativity. Many people like to combine two decks of tarot cards (West End Games' rules are clearly designed to make this possible), and you can also tag some traditional game cards.

The sabacc hand starts with each player, including the dealer, receiving two cards which are dealt face down. Then the betting round begins. Starting on the dealer's left side, each player looks at their cards and chooses whether to match the current bet, raise, or fold. Bets go into the "hand pot" while anyone who folds must pay a fine to the Sabacc bank.

Dog cards may change during the game. This is called the "shifting" phase, during which one of your cards has a 50% chance of changing into something else. In Star Wars this happens automatically. If you are playing real life, you can simulate the effect by having each player roll a six-sided die. If you roll 1, 2 or 3, the player on your left randomly chooses which card you should discard and you draw new cards.
You can protect your cards from being changed by using the "interference field" of the sabacc table. Before the switch phase begins, you may place one card on the board. This won't change it, but you will need to play face up, showing everyone at the table what you have. There is no limit to the number of cards you can place in the field, but you can only add one per turn.
The bargaining stage begins. Moving clockwise around the table, each player may draw one card from the deck and discard one card from their hand. Of course, you don't have to do this either. As long as you have at least two cards in your hand, you're good. There is no number of cards you can hold.

After four rounds of betting and a change, any player who wants to call a hand can do so before the bidding phase begins. When a hand is called, everyone shows their cards. Whoever has the hand closest to 23 or -23 wins. If no one calls, the cycle repeats until someone does.

Sabacc has two special arms that beat everyone else. A "pure dog" consists of a hand that is exactly 23 or -23. The "Idiot Array", which is even better, consists of an Idiot, any two-dot card, and any three-dot card. If you manage to win a hand with any of these hands, you will take home the Sabacc pot in addition to the hand pot. Otherwise, the dog pot just keeps growing.

What about dice?
If you've been paying attention to the recent Star Wars films, you may remember that Han Solo kept a pair of golden cubes hanging in the Millennium Falcon. The Visual Dictionary explains that these are the bones that Han used to win the ship from Lando, and he kept them as a lucky charm. And yet sabacc is a card game. Cubes are usually not involved. What do they give? Well, just like poker, sabak has many different variations. In Empress Theta Preferred, for example, players trade cards before revealing their final hands. Centran sabacc uses a slightly different deck.

Playing with regular cards
In the absence of specialized electronic cards, the game could be played regular cards. In this case, the game was played as follows:
Preparing for the game
The dealer and any willing player can shuffle the divided deck until all cards have been shuffled and put back into the deck. Any player can remove the deck. An additional blank card is placed face down on the base.

The dealer deals one card face down to each player, including himself (if the game is played without a specialized droid dealer) alternately and then repeats the distribution. Thus, each player, including the dealer, receives two cards.

Game process
Each game is played in rounds. A round consists of four stages: bargaining, changing, discovery and receiving.
Bargaining: Starting with the player to the left of the dealer, each player can choose to bargain or fold. In friendly games, the maximum bidding rate is determined in advance. However, the bet can be anything the player wishes. Casinos usually have a stricter betting system. Going clockwise from that player, each subsequent player must make the same bet to remain in the game. They can also raise the rate. The amount of bet increase can be no more than the predetermined maximum. If the bet has been increased, then all players must, at a minimum, make the same bets in order to remain in the game. When no one else raises the bid, the first stage of “bargaining” is over. Trading options:

Casino trading rules: Maximum magnification rates - current rate. That is, if the current bet is - N chips, the player can raise the bet by a maximum of N chips.
Wookiee Trading Rules: There is no minimum or maximum to both bid and bid increase. Each player is free to set a bet of any amount, and also increase it by any amount.
Change: The dealer rolls a six-sided die. If the result of the roll is 1, 2 or 3, then no change occurs. If the roll is a 4, 5, or 6, then a change occurs. Actually, the chance that a change will occur in the round is 50 to 50. After the change, each player chooses which card to keep and which to throw away. The dealer places the discarded cards at the base of the deck, below blank card. After this, the dealer distributes one new map to each player from the top of the deck.
Discovery: The Discovery stage follows the Change stage only on the fourth and subsequent rounds. No one can open until at least four rounds have been played. After this, any player in any round after the "change" stage can open up. When the player is revealed, the game ends immediately, without the final "getting" stage. Everyone places their cards face up on the table and the winner and winnings are determined.
Receiving: If no one decides to open (or 4 rounds have not been played), each player, starting with the player to the left of the dealer, clockwise, may receive an additional card, face down. The player can add a card to his cards if it suits him, but he can also discard any card of his choice, including the card he just received. You can have more, but never less than two cards during the game. After which the game continues with the next new round, starting from the “bargaining” stage and continues as usual.
Determination of the winner
When the cards are revealed, everyone reveals the face of their cards. The player with the highest score wins and takes the chips at stake.

If it folds controversial situation between two or more players (whose results are the same), each player receives additional map. The player with the best modified hand is the winner. The pot is won only in two cases and if no one takes it, it is carried over to the next game.

If a player has +23 or −23, he has a Pure Sabacc and wins both the pot and the pot.
A player who has the “Idiot Setup”, according to some variants of the rule, has the best result in sabacc and beats even Pure Sabacc, thereby receiving both the pot and the pot.
In case of the same result, players receive an additional card. If in this case the result coincides, the players divide the winnings in half. If both players have bombs in their hands, they both pay penalties (if used normal rules), and the winner of the game is the player who has the next highest combination in his hands, excluding passers. If there are no other winners, the Party Bank goes to the Sabacc Bank and the game begins with a new game.

Rates and restrictions
Usually in the “house rules” the cost of the smallest chip is estimated at 10 credits, or it is generally played for fun. In casinos or darker circles, the most rarely seen bottom bet is 100 credits, most often 1000 credits.
In most casinos, the bet has a maximum limit. If the amount exceeds this amount, then the batch is opened. The maximum stake may vary from casino to casino, but in home game» this amount is agreed upon by all players before the game begins.
Some casinos also limit the amount of the sabacc pot, and when this limit is exceeded, the pot is reset in favor of the gambling house. Sometimes the reset does not occur, but in those cases all subsequent bets go not to the bank, but to the casino account. (resource:

Package size: 26x20x4 cm
Weight with packaging: 0.470 kg
Weight with postal delivery: 0.6 kg
For children over 10 years old.
Made in China by order of Hasbro (USA)
Licensed product of Disney & Lucasfilm Ltd. 2018
