State of decay 2 tips. How to survive in a harsh world (personal observations and notes on the game)

So, how can you survive in a quiet and almost deserted corner of the planet, where even for an accidental bunch you will either be torn to pieces or turned into a dead man? When launching the game for the first time at this point, you will encounter two Watafacs (wtf). Why is there no Russian language, and which keys to poke?

About the first- I can advise you to download the translation, it is already available on the Internet.

About the second, if anyone has not found the information yet, here it is:

TAGS: State of Decay, Keyboard - Joystick, Control, Buttons.

LMB - Attack / Shoot

PKM - Aiming

RMB and press spacebar - Shake off zombies

SCM (mouse wheel, middle mouse button) - Change weapons, zoom map

TAB - Inventory

W - Forward

D - Right

E - Use

SHIFT E, while sneaking up and approaching the zed from behind - instant kill.

SHIFT E standing over a fallen enemy - finishing off


F - Use item / throw

R - Reload

T - Lantern / headlights

Left SHIFT - Sprint

Left CTRL - Duck

Left CTRL while running - Roll

SPACE - Jump

Q - (only in the car) signal

Left Alt - Radio (walkie-talkie)

Now, some awkward moments ....

You may have a feeling of paradox, they say, being in the house, the mouse behaves very slowly, and when aiming it flies so that it is impossible to aim normally. I already wrote about this in the forum, but in order not to search for this post now, I will repeat: in this game the mouse has NO SENSITIVITY, the camera and the sight always rotate at the SAME SPEED, therefore, by adjusting the Sensitivity in the Game, you simply adjust the CAMERA ROTATION SPEED. And the speed is the same regardless of whether you move the mouse smoothly or sharply. Therefore, for your convenience, of course, it is of course best to always move the mouse smoothly, even if the Wildman or Juggernaut is running at you.

Force majeure! Sometimes situations arise that you understand: "I will not get out of here alive!" This often happens when you are attacked by the Horde, and in parallel with it, left zombies are still jumping, or two Wildlings are attacking you. At the beginning of the game, this is quite difficult, since your Cardio is not pumped, you quickly die of breath, and then they start to tear you to pieces, and in the end they tear you apart. To avoid this, and not to lose the player (whom you have been pumping for a long time, honing his skills), you can press ESC and go to the Main Menu. Then press "Continue game" and VOIL! You are at your base, a little shabby, true, but ALIVE!

Sick / Tired... Looking into your "Organizer", you may notice that some of your companions are flooded with Red (Sick) or Blue (Tired) color. You won't be able to take such people with you on an outing with you until they get better. What do these statuses mean? Look, usually in standard games, two indicators are responsible for the value of Health (or Fatigue): the current state and the allowable maximum. Usually, using various kinds of first aid kits, we try to raise our current state to the maximum, and then we say that the character is healthy. IN THE SAME GAME THREE indicators are responsible for these values. For health it is:

Health proper - roughly speaking, this is the same red stripe that it is undesirable to bring to zero.

Vitality - this, roughly speaking, is the very maximum to which you can heal yourself (raise your red stripe)

Vitality potential (MAX VITALITY) - this is the frame to which you can bring your Life Force. If your Life Force is below the Potential level, then your character is "sick". Usually Vitality decreases if you bring your health to zero. Then your character falls to his knees in powerlessness, and the enemies continue to beat him, taking away from him not Health, but Life Force. If Vitality reaches zero, your character is eaten, torn to pieces, well, in general, they make him FATALITY!))) If you managed to recover during the beating, you replenish your health, but only up to the line that corresponds to your current Life Force. And then you need to go to the base to recover there. Life force can be raised to potential over the radio using the command "Medical statement" ... As I understand it, this command appears on your list when you help Doku Hanson... Perhaps there are drugs that "cure" your Vitality, if I find it, I will definitely let you know.

The same goes for fatigue: the three indicators are - Fatigue, Endurance, Endurance Potential. Only your Stamina drops while playing as a character. In this case, you can see on your indicator that your Fatigue cannot recover to the very limit. So your character is "Tired". Fatigue is also treated at the base, but you can do it alternatively. You can ask the Shepherd over the radio to read you a prayer online, and then your Endurance will reach its potential again. Very quirky and comfortable. There are also some drugs to improve your Stamina. And also Endurance is perfectly pumped. skill Cardio (CARDIO).

Very sick (SICK). There are times when one of your members has a SICK status. It's pretty bad stuff. And to cure it, you need to develop your medical center up to level 3.

Missing... In this case, you need to climb to various viewpoints (towers) and look out for those places where your companion could have disappeared. As soon as you find the right point, you have the mission "The Lost Survivor". And you just have to come to the place and pick it up.

Nobody wants to be hired for a team. The difficulty also lies in the fact that you will not always be able to take members of your camp (base) with you on a sortie. There are several reasons for this. 1. As I already wrote, you will not be able to take the sick and tired into the team, wait until they recover. 2. The team can only take those who are considered your "friend". This can be checked in the "organizer" in the "members of the base" tab. If the character is your friend, you will see the inscription "FRIEND". 3. It so happens that some "Healthy friends" go somewhere, then in the same tab you will see the inscription "AWAY FROM HOME" or "ON A MISSION".

The scout was killed (the problem was relevant in the first days after the release of the game, now many already know how to solve it). Sometimes it happens that when you ransack the next building in search of resources, you find more than one resource. You can only attach one resource to yourself. What about the rest? In this case, you can call a scout on the radio. A scout is any member of your base who volunteered to help you pull resources back to your base. You can wait for him at the destination, or you can score and do your other business, and the scout will rummage around the house himself. There is a question of benefit, what is important to you at the moment. Do it together - you will earn a reputation, separately - just replenish the base stock. You can always find out about the activities of scouts by talking from the radio. If a scout asks for help (the "Scout in distress" icon appears on the map), I advise you to help him immediately, otherwise he may die.

Build bedrooms. Over time, many characters will join you. But if there are not enough sleeping places at your base, some of the people will leave.

I cannot relocate. The base can be changed after Jacob Ritter's quest when he argues with Lily in church, they say, we need to move. You go with him on the road to look for suitable places. You can find some places yourself. This area is called POTENTIONAL HOME SITE. To move to a new base, you will need a certain amount of building materials. You can find out this amount when you are in the "Potential" zone or by hovering the cursor over this territory in the map mode (for example Requires Materials: 50 - you need 50 building materials). The relocation team is in your radio.

Weapon reload glitch... Sometimes it happens that you press the R button and the character does not recharge. As far as I understand, it works here sheathing principle ... This means that when you stop waving an ax or firing a pistol, the character hides this weapon back in his pocket, in his bosom, or somewhere else. So, if the reloading process has not yet ended, and the character has removed the weapon (in this case, it means small arms), then the reloading is not counted. The solution to the problem is this: reload in aiming mode, since while the character is aiming, he does not hide the weapon. And again, if you started reloading in aiming mode, but a zed runs up to you, and you urgently need to repulse it, or you don’t beat it off and it bites you, reloading again does not count (obviously and quite logical).

Zombies are a rock for the car! No, of course, I do not mean that if you hit a Zed with a car, the car will stop abruptly - no, you will hit a Zed. But the hit itself will be counted to you in the same way as the hit against the rock, and after a few hits, the car starts to smoke! Also, cars have a GTA-shnoe property to explode when they are on the verge of critical breakdown. Plus, the sound of the car attracts zombies, and if you stopped at some shop to scoff and hear an explosion outside, it means that curious zombies have come running to the hum of your car, and while it is still warm, they decided to pound on it with their fists.

Door wars... I don’t know about you, but I really love to kill the zombie door. A zombie knocks on my house, strives to break, cattle. I calmly walk over to the other side of the door and push the door with my shoulder!)) Zed flies back (there is a chance that he will die if he falls or from being hit by the door). Also, if you are driving in a car, and a zed is attached to your driver's door, you can poke LMB several times and the zed will fall off. BUT! If Zed is attached to you with right side - BRAKE and get out of the car, otherwise he will tear off the door to hell and throw you out of the car himself.)))

Magic button B... You may be confronted with a moment that can mislead you. As you know, the toy is primarily designed for the Xbox, and, accordingly, the settings show us which button on the joystick corresponds to which function. And here the game tells us "Press B to save the settings", or open notepad, and there the explanation "B - back". In this case, we are talking about RMB. But here we have a situation: you are attacked by the Feral and knock you to the ground, and the system tells us "Press B to get out!" You press-press RMB, but he won't get off you. Here is an interesting aspect. Remember: If you are in a notebook or a menu, then the RMB button is responsible for B, and if you are in the game, sneaking or throwing zombies off yourself, then LEFT CTRL is responsible for B. Also, when using special moves, if it mentions the B key, press LEFT CTRL.

From the forum: The Heavy Weapon is the most profitable to use. ... I don’t know, I don’t know, guys ... Personally, I pumped Marcos (the main character) to the maximum in close combat and chose the Edged Weapon specialization, and you know, I have no regrets. This specialization gave me two CHOICES. I chose "Swinging", and now with the help of SHIFT + LMB I can chop off the legs (arms or all at once) of an ordinary zed (Zeds are called zombies) from the first blow. The trick is that without limbs, a zed cannot do anything to you and will just lie on the Earth and writhe. If you do not manage to finish him off, he will die by himself. The downside is that if you don't finish him, his death will not count towards you as a plus to your skill.

How to download CARDIO... Cardio swings through grueling workouts. It is very beneficial to train at your base, where you are somehow protected from attack. You just run around the territory until you gasp, then, when the fatigue is replenished, run again. Ignore the fact that your stamina is decreasing (until it drops below half). There is a little trick, I stumbled upon it by accident. Look, I was getting to the point where my Stamina was 20% of my potential. I filled my backpack with snacks (Snack), went out into the yard, took a bite of one portion and rushed around the house!)) What is the trick? And the fact is that even if the Endurance is low and is 20% of the maximum, the very process of restoring Fatigue is focused on replenishing according to POTENTIAL. To put it bluntly, I run while Fatigue replenished ! And even though my stamina was about 30 out of 140 points, the snack sought to make up exactly 140 points. Such is an interesting feature.))

Now a little about skills: there are 4 basic skills in the game that each character has. And minor ones, which are not assigned to all characters. All skills swing like in Elder Scrolls- what you use, it shakes. Let's take a closer look at these skills.

Cardio As I wrote above, it swings by repeatedly lowering the level of fatigue, and in the end gives us an increase in the Potential of Endurance.

Observation (Wit) Swings by periodically surveying from towers and searching for things in abandoned buildings. Increases the search speed.

Melee (Fighting) Swinging thanks to the kills of zeds at your hands and melee weapons. ATTENTION! Increases Vitality Potential!

Melee leveling allows you to further choose your specialization for Blunt, Chopping or Bulky Weapons ... Swinging Chopping you raise chance to behead ... Swinging Stupid - A chance to bring the enemy to their knees and then finish off . Bulky - Mighty Strike Chance (This blow pushes the enemy back a little and knocks him down) ..

Swinging specialization for Stupid weapon, you can choose one of two techniques: Uppercut or Backhand blow

When swinging Chopping, you can choose Slicing blow to the legs or Decapitation.

By downloading Bulky, you can choose Sweeping blow or The scope of the area.

All techniques are done by a combination SHIFT + LMB

Shooting Drops thanks to the kills of zeds from your trunks. Reduces recoil O_o

Exists 5 specializations in Firearms.

Pistols - increase the rate of fire

Revolvers - increase destructive power

Shotguns - increase the affected area

Rifles - increase the firing range

Assault rifles (assault rifles) - improve control of firing.

Now they are minor PERSONAL (swing and apply when you play as a character and are out of base) and PUBLIC (affect how characters participate in base development)


Reflexes Swing in the same way as melee. Increases the rate of recovery from fatigue.

Reflexes give you a choice of one of two techniques: STEP or REVERSE PUNCH. Both tricks work with pressing the E key(Please note, I always indicate the English keyboard layout in order to preserve aesthetics! Since I am not writing SHIFT, but SHIFT, then the letters are in Latin). STEP knocks the enemy to the ground, and REVERSE KICK Knocks back the enemy a little.

Powerhouse Swings like melee. Increases Critical Strike Damage.

LeadershipI personally observed that it sways when you help other camp members. Increases the number of participants in your party.


Chemistry (Chemisrty)


Agronomy (Horticulture)






Is there some more "Eider" skills. Their pumping does not depend on you. So, for example, alcoholics have the "DRINK" skill, it swings randomly, and when the character is not under your control.

All PERSONAL, SOCIAL and GAG skills are NON-BASIC. And UNEXPECTED skills are inherently "natural", ie. you will not be able to select them as a Specialization or Technique. Roughly speaking, a character must be born with these skills. Characters usually have one or two Minor Skills.

How to kill SpecialZombie.

Screamer... One of the first people we meet at the beginning of the game. It does not pose a particular danger to our health. But it emits a piercing screech, which can immobilize you for a moment (animation with closing ears), and on the other hand, other zombies can run up to scream. Kills in the usual ways.

Military... This is an ordinary zombie, dressed in armor. Killed in hand-to-hand combat.

Poisonous zombie... Explodes near you, poisoning you. If you drove past him in a car, and he zhahnul, then the interior of your car is filled with vapors of his poison, leave the vehicle immediately. Better to kill with small arms.

Feral (ferocious). One of the tough enemies. It makes a sharp dash in your direction, and if it catches you, it will hit you on the ground and start gnawing. We'll have to be a bit zealous about hitting ctrl to reset it. To avoid this, jerk to the side when he starts jumping. And when he misses, attack!

Berserk. In my opinion, this is the most difficult enemy, since I still cannot figure out how to bring him down. And when I manage to kill him, I do not have time to understand why he died. Due to the fact that he is huge and fat (and very aggressive), I can assume that punches to the stomach will do nothing for him. Most likely you need to shoot him in the head (repeatedly).


In this game, the main thing is resources. Therefore, you will spend the main part of the game in search, and therefore get used to distributing them correctly. Do not fight the zombies once again, especially if there is a whole horde of them. Look for new survivors and take care of yourself.

And remember! There is no such thing as "quickly load the save". If you are eaten -> you are eaten. Your things remain at the place of death. After death, you play another character. Therefore, it makes sense to pump several characters at once.

Combat tactics

You will constantly encounter zombies. Everywhere. In houses, on the streets, in the forests. The most important thing in battle is the level of stamina and the level of your character and his skills. If the character is weak (for example, the endurance has run out), then fight back from 2 -3 zombies will be difficult. And the horde will simply eat. At first you can just crush the zombies with a car, but remember, cars break from this. If you don't repair it in time, it will explode (more on this in the section about cars). Well, if the fight can not be avoided, then here are a few tricks:

1.Try to knock the zombies to the ground as quickly as possible and finish them off (Z button)
2. If the zombie is wandering alone, you can crouch (button C), sneak up on him from behind and finish off with a hidden blow (button Z)
3.Crowd can simply be burned. (Molotov cocktail or outposts)
4. Well, and if you have a firearm, shoot in the head (If you shoot at other parts of the body, it will take a lot of ammo. The easiest way to kill a zombie is to deprive him of his head)
5. Companions (assistants) help a lot, but they cost influence points (about 100), or companions on a quest (for example, clearing the territory, houses)

However, if you are not sure of your strength, then it is better to avoid fights until the character is pumped enough.

There are 2 types of weapons in the game. Although no, I'm lying. Three.
1.Melee combat
2 firearms
3.Machines: D

I close combat
1. Percussion
The punches are mostly butted, and are achieved by poking to the head.
We cut the corpse with blows and cut off the parts of the body. Beating - by decapitation.
With blows .... just crush the zombies. Finishing - by flattening the head. Good for the crowd. Together with the "rage" special ability, the zombies have no chance.

II Firearms
4 grenade launchers
5 pomegranates, molotov cocktails, mines
Below are the characteristics of the weapon and their decoding

2.Door (be careful with them !!! It can break off and then the zombies will be able to pull you out of the car

Zombie types

1. "Normal" - do not pose a particular danger alone. In a crowd (horde) they pose some danger.

2. "Screamers" - shout when the player appears approximately every 30 seconds. Stunning you for 5 seconds. Attract other zombies. Alone (alone or in a company of 3-4 zombies) are not dangerous. But if they are in the company of zombies .. .... Then while you are stunned, you can be eaten (They live in infected houses, but sometimes they can just wander around). There is one caveat with them. If you are in the car, then they do not stun you (most likely a bug).
3. "Fatties" - he can run up and crash, knocking him down. He can grab and try to break him. It is very difficult to run over him with a car. The safest tactic is to climb higher and shoot him with a firearm. There are also 2 options - 1. Shoot at head, but it is very small and difficult to hit. 2. Shoot at anything. At one point he will get tired (stop running and crash) and dangling his head will stand. Then either shoot in the head or finish off (Z button)

4. "Rabid" - represents a serious danger. But only if you are not in the car. He knocks you to the ground and starts to vomit. In this case, if you are lucky, the character gets serious injuries. Health begins to fall by itself, due to bleeding. If it happened urgently, take another survivor, and leave the wounded at the base for treatment. He also has the peculiarity of jumping away from the car if you try to run over him (but this rarely happened to me).
5. "Blevun" - very dangerous if it exploded nearby, or you ran into it with a car. In this case, its gas (stomach contents) infects the hero, significantly reducing both health and stamina. There are also 2 options - 1. Shoot from afar in the head. 2. Shoot from afar in the stomach.
6. "Armored zombies" - they have a feature - they do not care about firearms (they are in body armor: D). They can be killed either by explosions (Molotov cocktail, grenade launcher) or melee. Or simply run over by a car.


There are a lot of cars in the game, they stand all over the map - along roads, near houses, in parking lots. It should be remembered that the cars that you find do not appear again. If a car is destroyed, it means that it is destroyed forever. Do not forget that cars in the game break down from:
1.Incorrect driving (bumping into obstacles)
2.Zombies - if you crush the zombies
3.Grenade and mines
4. You can shoot the tires or other survivors can shoot them at you - saving you from the zombies. But without the tires, the rims will emit a loud clang and rattle, thereby attracting a lot of zombies.
The damage to the car is noticeable right away. First, the hood crumples, bumpers and doors fall off. Then the engine starts to smoke, first white and then black smoke. As soon as a small fire appears from under the hood, it means the damage is critical and the car is about to explode. Well, if the fire knocked out from under the hood - we jump out of the car and run away from it, because after 10 seconds the car will explode. If at the moment of the explosion you are still inside, the character will either die or receive critical injuries and low health.
But if you complete a small quest called - "Meet Ray" then the function of reviving a car next to the player will be added to your walkie-talkie. However, this action requires influence points (about 200), and a recharge, but the cars become endless. The quest will appear in the city in the bottom of the map, look there periodically.

You can also repair cars. First, we build a Workshop. After upgrading the Workshop to a Machine Workshop, cars left for 1 game day, in the parking lot near the base, will be repaired automatically. However, only the body and tires are repaired. To repair the engine you must have a Technician . Constantly puzzle the radio operator with the search for survivors. This way you will quickly find various experts.
Cars are also an integral part of the player's tactics. When performing any tasks, come there by car. Because the undead can appear from all cracks. When you have no strength to fight off the zombies. Run as hard as you can to the car, jump into it and drive away. While you are inside stamina will recover. But remember - zombies can try to get you out of there, so push them and do not let them jump on the door. This way the car can save the hero's life. Therefore, do not try to collect all the cars in the parking lot at the base, 4-5 cars are enough. On short distances You can also walk on foot. After all, if at a critical moment the nearest car is far from you, then you risk simply not reaching it - your endurance will end, and the zombies are running pretty fast. The awakened horde will catch up in no time.
Cars can be divided into several types:

I. Severe.
These are huge modern jeeps, pickups, retro pickups, and clumsy station wagons. A feature of heavy vehicles is their large margin of safety. They break down more slowly than other cars in the game. You can crush more than one horde of undead before such cars start to smoke. Of course, such cars have good passability, which is important if you are rolling in fields, they are very difficult to turn over. Best for getting around the city, over relatively short distances.

Acceleration: 1/5
Max speed: 1/5
Controls: 1/5
Durability: 4/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 6
2.Modern pickups
Acceleration: 3/5
Max speed: 3/5
Management: 3/5
Durability: 4/5
Seats: 6
Trunk: 6
3.Retro pickups
Acceleration: 1/5
Max speed: 2/5
Management: 2/5
Durability: 3/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 6

II. Sports.
Very fast cars, dashingly pulling away. There are 2 types of them in the game. Modern ones, similar to the Chevrolet Camaro, and the Chevrolet Camaro in the old version. The peculiarity of such cars is speed, and if you swing to the other side of the map, then such cars are best suited. They have a small margin of safety. Do not crush the undead and crash, otherwise your sports car will quickly become unusable. This type of car has a noisy engine that creates a large noise radius.
1.Chevrolet Camaro
Acceleration: 5/5
Max speed: 5/5
Management: 2/5
Durability: 2/5
Seats: 2
Trunk: 4
Acceleration: 4/5
Max speed: 4/5
Controls: 1/5
Durability: 3/5
Seats: 2
Trunk: 4

Small cars similar to the Volkswagen Golf. Very agile, easy to handle, fast. They are comfortable to drive through the forest. They are very maneuverable. If the quest is in the woods, feel free to take these babies. The downside is the auto-low margin of safety, break down very quickly, easily roll over. And an overturned car will explode even if it is not burning.
1. Hatchbacks
Acceleration: 4/5
Max speed: 2/5
Management: 4/5
Durability: 4/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 4
2. Pizza carriers
Acceleration: 4/5
Max speed: 2/5
Management: 4/5
Durability: 3/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 4
3. Rally Hatchbacks
Acceleration: 5/5
Max speed: 3/5
Management: 5/5
Durability: 3/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 4

IV.Classic sedans.
Taxis and police cars. Good balance of strength, speed and handling. Relatively quiet. Suitable for any activity.
1 police cars
Acceleration: 4/5
Max speed: 5/5
Management: 4/5
Durability: 4/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 6
Acceleration: 2/5
Max speed: 1/5
Management: 2/5
Durability: 3/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 6
3 conventional sedans
Acceleration: 2/5
Max speed: 3/5
Management: 2/5
Durability: 3/5
Seats: 4
Trunk: 4

Base and buildings

1. The house of the forester.
Your first base. From buildings only the infirmary. From it you will leave on assignment. Search all nearby places and drag everything to the warehouse - all the good will move with you to another base.

2. The church.
A more serious base with more slots for buildings. But still do not build anything. Actually, the Church is needed here in order to collect the necessary amount of people and building materials to build the next base. While people and building materials are accumulating, along the way collect all possible weapons in nearby houses, medicines and food. You can build a workshop. And even more so do not improve anything.

3.Residence near the base
You can live, it will be good for the development of the area, but there is not enough space.

A huge room with a lot of slots for buildings and allows you to build 8 outposts. Here you can and improve.

4. Army base.
This is also a good place to build your base considering the amount of weapons you find here, so choose the location yourself.

1. Workshop.
1.2. Auto repair shop. Necessary for auto repair of cars (however, without a technician, only the body is repaired and the tire-technician repairs smoking motors).
1.3. Armory workshop - allows you to create, after improvement, explosives, silencers, molotovs.
2. Medical station.
An important building. Heals the wounded. After improvements, you can create medicines. Remember, you need a doctor to create medicines. When you play for his character, look, do not lose, I did not find other doctors on the map.
3. Observation tower.
The platform on which the survivors keep watch and shoot the zombies. Improves and then gives additional protection.
4. Library.
It is needed in order to study improvements above level 3.
The improvement field makes it possible to store a larger amount of any acquired good.
5 garden.
Gives food every game day
Cars left for a game day are repaired there, but not improved.
7.Radio station.
It is needed in order to search for survivors and all kinds of resources. It requires influence points. What you need at a particular moment, choose yourself and constantly, the radio does not search automatically. It does not improve.
Adds stamina and mood to everyone.
Useful building. After improvements, not only gives a bonus to stamina, BUT and all characters rest and get in shape much faster.
10. Training room.
After upgrades, it automatically increases endurance, combat and shooting skills.


I. What is an outpost.
First of all, this is the place where you get access to all your accumulated resources without going to your base.

In addition, outposts have a very useful function - to burn the horde. Which they do, in general, it is good. However, this requires reloading the outpost, keep in mind. The reloading is automatic and takes some time.

II.How to set up an outpost.
The outpost is installed in almost any room. The first thing to do is to choose a location. We look at any house we like (gas station, car wash, store, etc.). When you are in the house, the navigator displays not only rooms, but also places where you have not yet passed . Such places in the premises are marked on the map with black dots. That's what you need to walk on. As soon as you pass through all the points, the character will say that everything is calm. After that, press the radio (Alt) and select the function-set an outpost.
However, there are some nuances. For example, a base in the Church can only have 4 outposts. Therefore, consider the place where you will place them while playing in the Church location. You can also delete outposts later. For example, if you moved the base to an army town, and more to the Church. the village is not going to go, then it is more logical to remove the outposts built there, and rebuild them where your base is.
Another nuance is that ANY materials (building materials, cartridges, food, medicine) that you take in a whole box must still be taken to the base. At the outpost they are not counted. At outposts, you can only throw off things that you have accumulated in your inventory.

III. Tips.
1. Build an outpost near the base. This way, when dropping things, you do not need to enter the base, and there are NEVER breeding grounds for infection in outposts. This will protect the survivors at the base and raise morale.
2. For a base that contains 8 outposts, it makes no sense to build everything on one territory. Build 4 near you, and 2 at each important location.

The walkie-talkie is a very useful tool in the game. It becomes available in the Church location, after meeting with the radio operator Lily. Let's consider not all the functions here, but only the necessary ones.

At first, you will only have one function available - the porter. Quite a convenient function, especially when you find a lot of boxes with resources. If this happens, then call the porters, they will take what you found from the resources. However, remember, if you find more than 1 box with resources, then the porter will take only 1 box. All other boxes will need to be called up again. Porters are very fond of falling into the clutches of the undead, so there is a great chance that he must then go and rescue him. (The easiest way is to ride the old ones. good pickups)
At first, the function is also useful - to raise the spirit. Call the priest, he will read you parting words, and thereby increase your stamina to the maximum. After his death, the function from the walkie-talkie will disappear. (It also removes the penalty points of stamina)
Also one of the first available functions is the ability to organize an outpost. Use it as soon as the opportunity arises.
After the task - to help the army (climb the tower, make a tip), the function will appear - to cause an artillery strike. It is useful to use it if you are faced with a horde or fat one. It should be remembered that the function will disappear by the end of the game plot, as the army will leave the area where you playing.

After a series of quests of contact with the Wilkersons, you will receive a unique function-sniper shot (10 headshots). It looks like this: from anywhere, call on the radio, order a sniper. Then Mickey Wilkerson, shoots any 10 zombies near you. This function works until the end of the game, and applies to ANY place where you are. However, there are nuances. Wilkerson will ONLY shoot ordinary zombies, special ones you destroy yourself. And if you refuse to fulfill the requests of the Wilkersons, then the sniper function will not be available at all.

A very useful function that helped me out more than once is to call the police special forces. It will be available after a series of quests in the police station (Court). In difficult moments, we will call. At our call, the sheriff sends 3 brave guys in masks, where we are. The guys are armed to the teeth with a firearm, and very well help to shoot all nearby zombies, including even Specials. However, there is a really small roughness - shots attract other zombies. But nevertheless, this is compensated for by the firepower of the specialists, and your participation in the battle. This function will disappear when the zombies defeat the police station (there simply will be no sheriff alive and special forces).

An interesting function of the walkie-talkie is to revive the car next to you. It is very useful for those who crashed all possible cars against crowds of zombies and runs on foot. The function opens after the quest-meet Ray. The quest will appear in the lower right corner. There is a certain Ray in the auto repair shop. After you pick him up and take him home, as a token of gratitude, Ray promises to drive the car to any place where you are. In fact, it will be available in the walkie-talkie menu. This function also works until the end of the game.

The functions Doctor and Fast construction will also be available, which will open after finding the appropriate specialists. Keep in mind the doctor also heals penalty health. The maximum construction time in the game is 2 hours, so while playing you will not even notice how they pass.

Well, it is worth noting for beginners that any action in a walkie-talkie requires a certain amount of influence points. Thus, if there are not enough points, then the action will be impossible to perform. In addition, every action in the walkie-talkie has a recharge.

Game configurator

Here I decided to present you a config for the performance of the game. I will provide a link below. All instructions are in the archive. Below is the difference.
Link in comments
The archive is clean.

.sk / d / usSajhswbTdzF (Remove the spaces because steam swore at links)

Archive password - "Steam"

How to survive in an open world with zombies? The State of Decay developers know the answer. This week we are going through the long-awaited novelty of this year, a game that is a mixture of horror and survival with stealth elements and God knows what else.

The main plot of the game tells the story of a certain Mark Campbell, who works as an ordinary clerk in a store. No, he, of course, has some kind of leadership qualities, knows how to navigate the terrain, but in general he does not look like those supermen who are the protagonists of other zombie games. One day Campbell goes fishing in the mountains and finds that the world has changed a lot. At Tanner Mountain, Campbell sees the first zombies and, together with his friend Ed Jones, hurries to get away. Together they wander to the forester's station, where they intersect with other survivors of the apocalypse. This group is led by Thomas Ritter.

The first thing to do after the disaster is to stock up on provisions, Campbell decides and goes to comb the area, while finding new survivors. While he and his friends are working in the forest, one of the people converts at the station. The newly minted zombie manages to finish off the entire group. Ed also gets a bite.

After the survivors find a walkie-talkie, they manage to contact a certain Lily, who introduces herself as the daughter of Thomas Ritter. She advises Campbell to take people off the plateau and head towards the Church of the Ascension. There Lily and several other survivors of the apocalypse set up a small base. To help Edd, whose condition is literally worsening before our eyes, the girl advises to find a veterinarian and take medicine from him.

While all these events are taking place, the US Army is bringing its troops into the valley. At first, the survivors rejoice, believing that the military will help them with the evacuation. In reality, it turns out that the army was moved into the valley to contain the spread of the epidemic.

Campbell visits Judge Lawton, who is sitting in the courthouse with local law enforcement officers. Judging, like the police, he believes that the epidemic that caused the appearance of the zombies will eventually pass, and the monsters will disappear. His arguments do not convince the protagonist. After meeting Lawton, Campbell meets with the Wilkersons. It is difficult to say whether they are a family or an armed group. But what becomes immediately clear is that they intend to make good money out of the disaster.

After a short time, the center in which Campbell and his people find refuge is subjected to a powerful zombie attack, people have to hastily evacuate from the zone. But where? The army has already completed sealing the valley ... Campbell needs to find Sergeant Thane, who will help the hero lead the people through the northern wall of the fence.

Speaking about the passage of State of Decay, it should be noted that, no matter how paradoxical it may be, battles with zombies in the game are far from the first place. The world of the game is open, which means that any deviations are permissible within the main plot. How the gameplay will unfold will be determined at the stage of choosing the type of player and the place for building the base.

Construction, by the way, is used in the game for strategic purposes. Lookout towers, barricades, and gardens help keep zombies at bay when approaching the base. Sleeping quarters, workshops, first-aid posts, kitchens are also available for construction. Each of these elements has a different meaning. Some block is used for the speedy recovery of allies, some - for the manufacture of explosives.

The axiom of survival is collecting food, medicine, ammunition and building materials. You also need to learn how to quickly find shelter from zombies. Typically, each location offers its own set of items. Abandoned shops and supermarkets can boast of especially large stocks. If you are running low on provisions, and there are no warehouses where you can replenish it, try to make a deal with groups of other survivors. They often trade food for medicine or ammunition.

The squad is replenished at the expense of other survivors. Newcomers can work at a construction site, barricades, and carry out repair work. They can be entrusted with small tasks, for example, finding provisions or ammunition. The better the relationship newcomers have with the main character, the more likely they will one day become playable. The main thing to learn at the beginning gameplay, it is that each decision, each new contact, each loss affects the development of the gameplay. Events will unfold on an area equal to 16 square kilometers. This is more than enough to enjoy the pictures of the post-apocalyptic world.

Another plus of the game is that all the characters that are present in the game have a good elaboration. They not only differ in gender and skin color, but also age over time. Non-player Persians also create bases of their own, which can be used by Campbell and his comrades. NPCs live their own lives and appear randomly in the player's field of vision. Plot characters are always located in strictly defined places.

Zombies vary a lot too. Characters that have been bitten by a monster or have been killed by it also mutate over time. Zombies vary in size, gender, race. The so-called ferals or animal-like zombies are especially dangerous. They are not only very aggressive in attack, but they can also infect territories in which new zombies will spontaneously appear.

And, of course, no zombie game is complete without a weapon. In State of Decay, there are about 100 types of weapons, a third of which are melee weapons. The weapon can jam, it's not new after all. But even such a weapon always works perfectly for an experienced fighter. The character's combat experience also allows you to minimize recoil. In order not to attract zombies with shots, special silencers should be installed on firearms. Well, first of all, it's better to study the noise rating of the weapons in your inventory.

The game takes place in an environment open world where you must survive in a zombie apocalypse by rescuing survivors, rebuilding civilization and removing supplies. If you're on a desperate call for help, there are some walkthrough guides available for Decay State 2.

Unfortunately, the game also has some obvious merit signaling elements, including the proverbial black woman, a lesbian who doesn't need any man. Literally, there is a black lesbian and her white girlfriend under the Eternal Break couple.

Gameriot, wanting to recognize the virtue as "wakening" him as a typical social justice, learned the YouTuber, decided to play as a black lesbian and her white girlfriend.

Decay State 2 Controls

After selecting a character, a short cinematic showing of the character of your choice will be shown. No matter which characters you choose, it will always go through tutorial on refugees in the army.

Once you get to the army refugee camp, some zombies will be inside and start attacking you. Press X on your Xbox controller to attack zombies. Keep attacking your target until they are killed. You will need to keep an eye on your stamina when attacking, because if you keep attacking, you will have stamina and your attacks will not be as effective.

Use the right trigger plus "X" to finish off the zombies that are still crawling along the ground.

Press B on your Xbox controller to dodge attacks.

You need to spend a lot of time robbing. Press Y on your Xbox controller to search for items.

Press the left bumper while searching for a quick search to speed up the search process. However, a quick search will create a lot of noise and may alert zombies.

The correct bumper will allow you to quickly use items in your quick inventory. It's located in the lower left corner of the screen, next to your health and stamina bar.

Use the left and right number pad to cycle through the available items.

In dark areas, you can press the left analog bar to activate the flashlight.

Move through the refugee camp and collect items from glowing boxes, cabinets and storage boxes.

Click on the digital pad to open your inventory. You can assign various subjects for your main arm and outside, as well as melee and ranged weapons.

Follow the linear paths through the refugee camp until you reach an invisibility segment. Use Right Trigger and X to hide the killed zombies from behind. Once you interact with the cricker, you will be faced with a short cinematic where a soldier will save your duo.

You need to see a doctor who will give you a gun and you will need to kill the zombies in the cage. Once you exit, you need to talk to Sawyer, the soldier, and they will ask you where you should go next. You will have the choice of visiting the foothills, plateau or valley.

Sawyer will make you go. You can get in and out of cars as in Grand theft Auto using the Y button on your Xbox controller. You can speed up using the right trigger and slow it down with the left trigger.

After you unlock the next New Home mission, you will have the option to invite your friends to play with you online, or set up a private session online, or you can play offline. In addition, you can make changes to the multiplayer settings at any time in the options menu.

Wherever you go, you need to secure a building for your house by killing all the zombies in the house.

Once you search all rooms and clear all zeds, you can hold "Y" on your Xbox controller to claim home.

Your next goal is to get to the honeycomb tower so you can look around the area.

Climb the stairs and when you reach the top target, the pistol will look at objects in the immediate vicinity to determine points of interest, as well as some of the vehicles and resources in the area.

After you have inspected all the buildings and objects with question marks on them, you can start cleaning up nearby buildings.

In one of the service shacks, you need to find the lumber package that is needed for your first search mission.

Keep in mind that carrying large items will speed up your stamina, so avoid engaging in heavy battles.

Once you get the items back to your base, leave them in the house and then start building the infirmary.

To build, build and develop your base, go to the settings menu and then tap the right bumper until you get to the Base section.

Decay State 2: How to Build a Base

If you have enough materials, you can build new bays and sections at your base. To do this, go to the Bases menu from the inventory screen and select one of the empty slots from the blueprint. If you have no free space, you will need to remove one of the existing slots by clicking on them and deleting them.

With the area you want to build a hospital in, click on it and select the hospital. Keep building and he will appear in this area of ​​your base. You can go to the hospital, and for any sick, injured or dying person, you can choose registration for them to stabilize them.

Stabilizing blood plague victims no longer heals them. You will need to find real cures to help correct their illnesses. If you cannot cure your diseases, you will have to kill them before the plague spreads throughout your community.

If you mark a car on your map, be sure to visit the location of the car. There should be several bundles of lumber on the way to the vehicle located inside the boxes and cabinets. If you find an SUV, you can open the back of the car and place heavy loads inside vehicle for transportation.

There's also an abandoned clinic where you can collect some medical supplies. You can use medical supplies to help blood plague survivors.

You don't need to take supplies from the back of the car, you can simply park the car in the car park and then automatically transfer the resources to the base by pressing the right trigger.

Talk to your new neighbor

10 tips to help you survive

Describe genre State of decay 2 it won't work in a nutshell - this is a puzzle game to create role-playing games on stealth based on survival. All the individual parts are easy enough to understand, but it is difficult to keep the whole picture around the whole in your head. By its very nature, the goal of the game is to survive in a post-apocalyptic zombie world. But to show good game, win or even just have fun, you have to do much more than just survive.

Basically, you will have to figure out for yourself how to go through this game, understand what is happening in it and how it happens, and manage all people and resources - this is difficult task... We spent some time in State of Decay 2 and we're here to help. Below are 10 things to think about, remember and consider. They will help you understand the principles of the game and survive in the apocalypse.

It's All About Survival ("Well, Life Finds A Way")

It says right in the name of the genre, State of Decay 2 is a survival horror. You are not here to fight your way through the apocalypse like Rambo. You are here to understand that you and your hilarious group of survivors must, well, survive. In this game, it takes as much time to manage people and resources as it does to crush zombie skulls.

Of course, there are victory conditions, this is a video game. In the end, you will make safe territory, propel someone to a leader, and solidify your legacy for future generations. But it’s a long way to go, and to get there will take a long time to survive, survive and survive - and that means being good at managing resources.

You are always missing something

Keeping a community of survivors well fed, healthy, and happy (or as happy as they might be during the apocalypse) means everyone has everything they need - food, medicine, bed, and a neighborhood free of unsightly zombies. And this is a constant struggle.

Your community has daily needs, such as how much food they eat and how many beds they need. Sometimes your resources can suddenly be depleted when, for example, hordes of zombies attack the base, and you waste ammunition, or a group of thieves steal some of your fuel. You can see your current reserves, their passive recovery and their costs in the "Resources" window on the "Base" tab of your menu.

For a long time, it will feel like a lost war. You will have more mouths than food and more bodies than beds. Your job in dealing with this is to maintain your reserves (so that everyone survives) until you get yourself a pillow. Then you can start expanding and planning for the future.

Going outside

At some point, you will have to leave the base. You will need to get food or medicine, you will have to seek help from a neighbor besieged by a zombie, you will need to find some extra beds for all your recruits, or maybe you are just going crazy. Either way, you will have to travel to a world filled with zombies, which means that you need to bring something with you that you can use.

Here are the things that (in our opinion) cannot be dispensed with:

Largest backpack. You start State of Decay 2 with a 6-slot backpack. Over time, you will find additional larger backpacks (7-8 slots) in containers that you find in the world. Every time you leave your base, chances are there are chances to fill every slot, so always grab the largest backpack you can. (This sometimes means you need to take a backpack from a community member when you move them off active duty.)
- Healing and endurance. Ideally, you should always take pain relievers to restore your health and coffee to replenish your stamina. You may not have these items at first (see the Supplies section below), so bring bandages and snacks - they do the same thing, just not as well or as quickly.
- Melee weapon. You should always have a melee weapon. Whatever you like - they all kill zombies. As the survivor uses weapons more and more, he improves with that weapon and eventually unlocks a specialization - a skill that makes him better with this weapon. - Try to match your survivors to their preferred weapon type, but never leave them unarmed just because the current weapon isn't perfect.
- Firearms and ammunition. Bringing a pistol on the tour is optional - you can do a lot of damage with melee weapons (assuming your stamina isn't depleted) - but we think it's better to have one than need and not have one. The firearms are loud and attract zombies (more on noise below), but they are also great for killing complex zombies (like screamers) from afar. You can of course sneak up on them, but a bullet is usually safer and simple solution.
- Don't take more than you need. As with any game with limited inventory space, you will be constantly limited. You won't have enough space to pick up everything you want, and you won't want to leave anything behind. When you grab your largest backpack, don't fill it up with anything you don't really need right away.

Resources versus consumables

There are two types of things you need to survive the apocalypse in State of Decay: consumables and resources. Consumables are things that you use as a survivor. It's everything from coffee to bandages and ammunition. Resources are more general things your people use.

Consumables are items that take up a slot in a pocket or backpack. The most important thing to remember is that you can turn resources into consumables, but you cannot turn consumables into resources. This means that you will receive a warning "Ammo stocks low" from your base no matter how many packs of 9mm bullets you have - 9mm bullets are a consumable, not (not for stock) a resource.

Hiking Backpack - Still Backpack

You will maintain your reserves of resources - food, medicine, ammunition, fuel and building materials - by going out to the territory and picking up your backpacks. (You can later find outposts that passively provide these resources.)

Backpacks are large bags of materials that you can bring to your base (and only your base) to add to your supply. There is a dedicated slot for them in your inventory and you can only bring one at a time, so this usually means a food raid is just a food raid and an ammo raid is just ammo.

You can find backpacks in potential outposts by looking through every available container, and you often receive them as rewards for helping your neighbors.

"Get in, loser, we're going shopping."

And that brings us to cars. Since resource backpacks take up their own dedicated slot, a food raid will only result in one food backpack. It works, but it just isn't stable - you will be constantly working and you won't have enough resources to get ahead - so you'll need to start surviving smarter.

When you get close to the back of most cars, you can open the trunk. If the car is driven, these extra few slots are generally useful - you can store fuel or additional weapons there, but their most useful feature is that each slot in the car's luggage compartment can hold a backpack. This means that the resource vehicle allows you to bring in as many backpacks as can fit in the trunk (plus one on the back). However, you still have to spend a few minutes getting them out of the car and into the storage room at your base.

Quiet place

Stealth - or more accurately, sound - plays a huge role in preventing zombie attacks. Of course, zombies will spot you if you walk right at them until they collide with you, but their eyesight is not very good and you will get much more out of it than you expect.

What you cannot avoid is noise. Walking (if you're not sneaking), sprinting, shooting a pistol, failing to quickly find, and driving a car all make noise. And the noise attracts zombies.

You get a visual indication of how much noise you are making on your minimap in the lower left corner of your HUD. When you are noisy, a white circle will pulsate around your location: when you walk, it will be a small circle, when you detonate something (or fail a quick search), it will be large.

Most of the time, you can't actually do anything with the noise (sometimes it just doesn't matter). It's always good to be aware of this because it will allow you to make some quick decisions about how to deal with some conflicts. If you crouch while walking, you move more slowly, but you can sneak up on zombies and take them out quietly. This is an invaluable way to reduce their numbers as you explore.

Expand for a specific purpose

As you explore the world and grow in the ranks of the community, you will need to find new outposts and locations. This expends a lot of Influence - the only currency in the game. Influence is a fairly limited resource - you get five points here and there. It helps, but to get a lot, you need to work hard. The several hundred Influence Points required to qualify for a new outpost is a big investment.

This especially means early on that you have to be wise with Influence's investments - and be able to choose your outposts. Avoid things like billboards or phone towers until you have enough food outposts to power your community.

Start with basic things like food (pizza icon) and medicine (plus / cross). This is what you will be spending the most regularly. After that, look for outposts that provide additional benefits, such as a radio tower that reduces radio call reload times or a weapons store that supplies daily ammo.

As you expand your community, you also need beds for everyone. Some houses will give you beds when you turn them into outposts. These beds are not as important as, say, food, but not having enough beds will hurt morale and may even lead to fights or people leaving your community.

Your community

You only control one of your survivors at a time, but you can invite another survivor to come along with you for support. However, your surviving humans are just humans. They get tired and hurt, and sometimes get infected. They need rest time between resource raids and fights - or at least healing in the infirmary.

This makes your community members another resource. Their fatigue and health will regenerate over time (or when you send them to bed or the infirmary), so it is best to use them in a loop and fail. As your raids drain them more and more, you may even need to replenish the ranks of your survivors, which means you need more food and more beds.

Your neighbors

Your community is not the only one surviving the apocalypse. The area is dotted with enclaves of survivors, and they all need or want something. The zombie apocalypse has an amazing number of ways to kill time

Doing business with your neighbors - aside from running your community - will be overwhelming. Your radio will seem like a constant stream of distractions and pleas. By helping your neighbors, you gain some influence and goodwill. If you do not help them, this leads to the fact that they leave the territory or actively hate you (with weapons).

Keeping everyone else's needs in balance with yours is a constant struggle. Helping everyone who possibly can also benefits you, but it is important to emphasize “possible”. If you don't have food, then the neighbor who needs a bed will just have to wait. If, however, your base is fairly stable, finding neighbors in need of help is good way earn some influence and find potential recruits for your base.

In material: State of Decay 2
