What strategies are there for a warlock? Budget Warlock Deck

This guide is intended for those new to the game Hearthstone, as well as for those who do not want to invest in the game real money. Below is a basic Warlock deck that does not contain a single common, rare, epic, or legendary card. This deck consists only of those cards that are given for free for completing training and leveling up the Warlock to level 10.

In addition, the following will explain why certain cards are drawn or eliminated, how to best play some of the creatures, and what changes can be made to the deck.

Basic Warlock Deck:

Since this deck only consists of basic cards, it has its weaknesses, but nevertheless, it is balanced and quite strong. It will allow you to take on the AI ​​(in both normal and expert difficulties), and will also be on par with decks with rare, epic, and even legendary cards in game mode.

Mana curve:


As a Warlock, you need to gain a card advantage over your opponent using Hero Power. Succubus and Eldritch Infernal allow you to play aggressively in the early game.

When using cards that force you to discard one card from your hand (such as Succubus or Soulburn), you should, if possible, use the most useful maps to make sure they don't get reset. If you manage to use such cards with an empty hand, then very good, but this should not be your main goal. Just use these cards when required and hope for the best.

Map analysis:

The presented deck is quite flexible, which means that it can be changed to suit your own needs and playstyle. This is especially true for neutral cards. Any neutral cards included in this deck in one copy can be safely increased to two. For example, you can remove one Wolf Rider and replace it with another Hero of Stormwind if you wish.

Neutral cards

Acid Slug is the only basic card that allows you to remove your opponent's weapon. When you play against Hunters, Paladins, Rogues, Shamans and Warriors, you should save this creature and use its Charge ability to destroy your opponent's weapon. If you are playing against other classes (or you are sure that your opponent does not have a weapon), you can use this creature as a normal one.

Bloody Marsh Lizard is a cheap creature that costs 2 mana and has 3/2 stats. Thanks to its good attack, this creature is great for trading with your opponent's more expensive creatures.

The Sin'dorei Cleric is a very effective minion with 3/3 stats and a cost of 3 mana. In addition to this, it can boost another of our minions by +1/+1. This is a very useful buff that will allow weaker creatures to trade with stronger ones.

Wolf Rider - allows you to deal 3 damage to any target (ignoring creatures with Taunt) and costs only 3 mana crystals, which makes this creature very effective. In addition to this, if you attack an enemy hero with this creature, the Wolf Rider will survive, making it even more effective. It can also be buffed by creatures such as Hero of Stormwind, further increasing its potential.

Frosty Yeti is a very powerful 4 mana minion that is a consistent choice even in many high-tier decks. Yeti can kill most 4 mana worth creatures and survive. This creature is great for fighting the Priest, as it has 4 attack (Shadow Word: Pain can only kill creatures with attack 3 or less, and Shadow Word: Death kills creatures with attack 5 or more).

While the optimal number of Taunt creatures in a deck is still up in the air, it's a good idea to have at least one or two of these cards. Shield Bearer Sen'jin is one of the best creatures with Taunt in the game, which has high health and quite low cost.

Hero of Stormwind - not only has very high characteristics 6/6, but also strengthens other creatures on the field by +1/+1. If you can hold onto this creature for as long as possible, it will allow your other creatures to make profitable trades with your opponent's creatures and help create an advantage on the field.

Special cards Warlock

Two special Warlock cards were not included in the deck: Sacrificial Pact and Corruption. Sacrificial Pact is a fairly situational card that can be used on a Demon that will somehow die on the next turn. However, this card did not find a place in this deck. The main problem with the Corruption card is that it allows the opponent to take another turn with the creature chosen for the spell. It will likely find a way to trade with you in the most advantageous way before the creature dies at the start of its next turn. All of the above makes the Corruption card practically useless.

This deck is made up of basic cards - this means that all the cards used in it were received for training and for leveling up to level 10. While there are obvious flaws, this deck is fairly balanced. With this deck you can defeat players using rare, epic and even legendary cards in their decks in Game mode.



Weapons, secrets:

Strategy overview

As a Warlock, you should try to gain a huge card advantage over your opponent by using your class ability frequently. and will allow you to deal significant damage quite early.

Before using a card that will discard a random card from your hand ( or ), try to use your key cards from your hand.

Brief analysis of maps

is the only basic card that allows you to neutralize enemy weapons. When playing against Hunters, Paladins, Shamans, Warriors and Rogues, you must save this card until the enemy takes a weapon. If you are playing against other classes, you can use Slimer just as a 3/2 minion.

is a very effective 3/3 minion with a cost of 3 mana, which can also be used to buff your other minion by +1/+1. This is very convenient, as it allows you to exchange your minions for more expensive ones.

- a very good minion for 4 mana and is good choice and for decks more high level. Yeti can kill most 4 mana minions and still survive. As an added bonus, this minion is good against priests because it has 4 attacks. Several priest spells, such as , cannot target a creature with 4 attack.

Although the value of provocateurs is highly debatable, it is still recommended to have one or two of them in your deck. - Perhaps one of the best provocateurs in the game, given the amount of health and cost.

Warlock class cards

We did not include cards such as and in the basic deck. The utility of Sacrificial Pact is very situational and we don't think this card has a place in our deck. Corruption allows the enemy to make a move with the creature before it dies. He can simply trade this minion and then the Corruption will be wasted.

The theater begins with a hanger, and the hero deck begins with a built-in ability. Warlock's ability is Life Tap, which for 2 mana takes away 2 life from the lock and draws a card. Despite the duality of the ability (you have to pay not only with mana, but also with life), I consider this ability to be one of the best in the game. At critical moments, she helps the lock acquire a card that can turn the entire course of the game around.

Sacrificial Pact destroys the demon, restoring 5 health to your lock. Please note that you can also sacrifice someone else’s demon. This card is beneficial when playing against another lock. The coolest thing is that if your opponent used Lord Jaraxxus, then you can kill him and win the game at the same time.

Otherwise, this is a useless card. It will only waste a slot in the deck if the game is not against another lock. There is an exception to the rule when you come across a priest and copy one of your demons.

Corruption is a curse that destroys an opponent's card at the end of their next turn. As an antidote, you can use a card with Silence. Another dubious card that may give way to someone in the deck.

Overwhelming Power - Places a buff on the card (+4/+4), which is destroyed at the end of your turn. Used to destroy particularly thick opponents. This map can be used in conjunction with Void Horror. First, apply a buff to the minion next to the Abyssal Horror, which will receive this buff, and he himself will not die at the end of your turn.

Demon fire has a dual effect. Deals 2 damage to a creature if it is not a friendly demon. In the latter case, the friendly demon will receive a buff (+2/+2).

Drain Life - Deals 2 damage to enemy creatures and adds 2 health to your hero. The card is good for destroying small minions and finishing off large ones, including the enemy hero.

Demon Sense is another dubious card. Finds two random Demons from your Deck and puts them into your hand.

Darkness Arrow - deals 4 damage to a creature. It is useless against heroes.

Hellfire - deals 3 damage to all characters (friends and others). Either helps cement your dominance on the board, or helps clear a handful of enemy minions off the board when no other options are available.

Flame of Darkness - Sacrifices your creature, and deals damage to all enemy minions equal to the power of the sacrificed creature. She saved me many times. There will always be a place for it in my deck. Never found it in my booster packs. I only tried it in the arena. Then I crafted it, and 100 units of extra arcane dust appeared.

With this card you can stir up another combo using Overwhelming Power. We take a cheap card, put Overwhelming Power and Flame of Darkness on it. If the card initially had an attack of 1, then now we will get an AoE of at least 5. We can go further. Choose a card with zero attack (totems of the shaman and the creatures cursed by him in the form of a toad) and AOE with power 4 to destroy the palisade of enemy mobs. 🙂

Scourge of Fate - deals 2 damage. If this leads to the death of the creature, then a random demon is summoned to the field. Please note that the summoned demon will not use Battlecry because it was not summoned using the standard method.

Soul Siphon - Destroys a creature and restores 3 health units to the hero. The spell is similar to the Eliminate Rogue spell except for the health and cost 1 more mana.

Twisting Nether - destroys all creatures on the field. Sometimes I was saved at the end of the match, when enemy creatures surrounded me like a wolf with flags. One of the first cards that I will craft next time, if I don’t come across it in boosters earlier. Sometimes it’s better to spend 400 units of dust on 4 rare cards, rather than on one epic one.

Hearthstone is one of the most popular card games collectible games, developed by the notorious company Blizzard. Even at the beta testing stage, the project attracted the attention of a wide audience. People gave tens of dollars and bought keys to the closed beta. And all this in order to be one of the first to try out Blizzard’s new brainchild. Interest in the game has not waned even now, two years after its release. On the contrary, Hearthstone is only gaining momentum. For example, in May last year it was found that the game was downloaded by more than 30 million players. These are quite impressive numbers. So why does Hearthstone attract gamers so much? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Why is Hearthstone so popular?

What is the secret of success? Everything is quite simple. The first elephant on which the game rests is: To play Hearthstone, you don't have to pay a penny. All you need to do is go to the official Blizzard website and download the client. Of course, the game has a donation system, but nevertheless, no one is forcing users to donate real money. You can play comfortably without any investment.

Another advantage is simplicity. At the core Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft are such legendary CCGs as Magic: The Gathering and Berserk. Blizzard took the basic concept and mechanics of the above projects and greatly simplified them. The end result was interesting and at the same time simple game, which even a child can appreciate.

Regular updates are another feature of Hearthstone. The guys from Blizzard do not forget about their project and constantly release updates. At least once every six months, a new adventure or patch is released that contains more than a hundred cards. This adds variety to the game.


Hearthstone also boasts an abundance of classes. There are 9 characters available in the game, which you can play as from the very beginning. Each class has a unique set of cards and hero power, giving characters strong and weak sides. For example, the Hunter is capable of inflicting a ton of damage to the enemy hero (rush), but he does not perform well in board control. The paladin, on the contrary, is able to gain control of the field without any problems, but he has obvious problems with the pace of the game.

In this article we will talk about one of the most popular and interesting classes in Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft. We will discuss the Warlock (aka Warlock, Gul "Dan). Want to know what the most effective Warlock decks look like in Hearthstone? Then this article will help you with this.

Parsing the class

If you are familiar with the expression “Sacrifice little for the sake of more,” then this class is for you. After all, most Warlock cards harm the character in every possible way (for example, they cause damage, discard cards, break mana crystals, etc.). However, in return, the Warlock receives incredibly powerful creatures and powerful spells. Perhaps the most striking example is the “Fire Imp” card. It costs only one mana and has very high characteristics - 3/2. But when the demon enters the field, the hero receives 3 units of damage, which is quite unpleasant.

The Warlock class ability works in a similar way. It costs two mana and allows you to draw a card from the deck. In fact, this is very cool, because every move you can get additional card. Thanks to this ability, the Warlock never has problems with firewood. However, in addition to two mana crystals, the Warlock loses 2 units of HP.

Overall, Warlock has very strong cards with huge potential. Warlock decks in Hearthstone boast powerful monsters, board clears, and even heals. However, this comes at a cost. To play well as a Warlock, you need to always monitor your HP indicators. You need to be especially careful when playing against rush and OTK decks. For example, Face Hunt or Frost Mage can defeat Warlock without any problems.

Top Decks: Warlock in Hearthstone

Since Warlock is a fairly popular class, many decks have been created for this character. Best players from all over the world puzzled over overall strategy, combinations and combinations of cards. As a result, we have a lot of interesting and noteworthy decks. But not every one of them can be considered a legend. In this part of the article we will look at the top Warlock decks in Hearthstone. With their help, you can not only achieve high results in a rating game, but also win various tournaments and championships.

Perhaps, best deck Warlock in Hearthstone - Handlock. This deck was developed back in the CBT. But even two years later it does not lose its relevance. Of course, during this time it has changed a lot, cards from new addons appeared in the deck. However, the strategy and essence of the deck remained the same. The Handlock deck aims to turn the class's main disadvantage (self-damage) into an advantage. For example, the "Fire Giant" card (10 mana) with stats 8/8 costs 1 mana less for each damage received by the hero. A warlock, using his cards and abilities, can lower his HP and summon such a powerful creature (or even two) for 0 mana. And in order not to die from some “Pyroblast”, the deck contains “Ancient Healer”, “Soul Drain”, “Lord Jaraxxus”.

Very popular in Hearthstone deck Warlock on demons. "Demonlock" boasts excellent table control. Control is provided by sweeps and powerful class creatures, which become even stronger from the synergy of demons. In addition, it’s nice to have saving cards, like the same “Ancient Healer”, which will heal you in difficult times. However, it's worth this deck quite expensive. After all, it must include such legendaries as “Lord Jaraxxus”, “Mal” Ganis.” What can we say about epics.

Not everyone has dust to craft necessary cards. And Warlock decks in Hearthstone are quite expensive. In such cases, you have to get out and assemble light decks that are based on standard maps. Budget decks contain a minimum of legendaries and epics. It is for this reason that they are uncompetitive. Therefore, achieving high results with such a deck is not an easy task. Perhaps the best basic cards for budget decks are Fire Demon and Abyss Demon. Among the inexpensive cards, it is worth noting “Terror of the Abyss”, “Doomguard”.

Fan decks

Also quite often, players make fun decks. They are not meant to win. The main goal of such decks is to get maximum pleasure from the game. One of the most interesting decks in history Lately- "Malilok." The deck's strategy is to summon Malygos and then OTK the enemy with cheap Warlock spells. Despite the fact that the deck is fun, it performs well in the meta. Some players even managed to take the “Legend” with its help.

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We are finishing a series of articles devoted to basic decks in . This time we will look at the Warlock deck, made up of cards that you got during the training campaign and for leveling up your character to level 10. Of course, the basic deck has certain limitations, but it is well balanced and quite competitive. She will allow you to defeat the Innkeeper (as in normal mode, and in expert mode), as well as some players (including those who play rare, epic and even legendary cards).

In addition to the card list, we also explain why certain cards should not be used, how to play certain creatures, and what changes you can make to the deck.

Remember that success or failure directly depends on the decisions you make during the game. That is why we advise you to read additional articles: and.

Strategy for playing a basic Warlock deck

Basic Warlock cards are deservedly considered the worst base maps in Game. Despite this, this class is suitable for beginners thanks to the hero power - Life Tap. Card advantage plays a huge role in Hearthstone, and Warlock's Hero Power allows you to avoid card shortages.

The deck's main strategy is to gain an early advantage through efficient trades, and then maintain that advantage by playing a big player. Chief Frostwolf or buffing the entire board Hero of Stormwind. This is why you should eliminate enemy creatures so that your own creatures remain alive. For example, hitting Bloodfen Lizard Dwarf inventor, you will leave the gnome alive. On the next turn, he will be able to kill another enemy creature, increasing the effectiveness of the cards you play later.

Card selection

In this section, we discuss some cards and their effective use. We hope this information will help you achieve success and shape other decks to your liking.

Soul Burn is one of the few powerful spells available to a warlock at the start. For just 1 crystal you can eliminate an enemy creature worth 3 or 4 crystals. This will leave you with enough mana to continue your move. Before using Burn, try to play the cards you need so you don't lose them.

Murloc Wavecatchers and Razorfen Hunter were included in the deck due to the ability to summon an additional creature. The more creatures are on the board, the more effective the game will be. Chief Frostwolf or Hero of Stormwind. You can play a Murloc or Huntress on turn 2 or 3 if you have no other options. However, sometimes it's worth saving them for turn 7 or 8 to Chief Frostwolf received an instant buff.

This deck uses River Crocolisk, but not Blood Marsh Lizard, because A crocolisk has more health than a lizard. It is preferable to play a 3/2 creature on turn 2, because it can be used to effectively trade with most creatures for 3 crystals. However, thanks To the priest Sin'dorai and Face of Decay, you can deal an additional point of damage if necessary.

Hellfire is a very important card that allows you to correct the situation if the enemy is superior to you. The flame allows you to clear the board and start the fight for control again. Obviously, Hellfire should not be used when your board presence is already strong enough.

Eldritch Infernal is another powerful Warlock class card. Battlecry, which deals 1 damage. damage, allows you to make a very profitable exchange. However, if you have 1-health minions on the board, try to trade them before playing Infernal.

Chief Frostwolf And Hero of Stormwind are used at the final stage of the game. By placing a Leader or Hero in the presence of 2 or more of your creatures, you will create significant problems for the enemy. Try not to play powerful cards if your table is empty. However, if necessary, you can field a Leader with 5/5 stats.

Other cards

In this section, we will look at cards that are not included in the deck to determine their weaknesses.

Void Demon is a good card, but it's not suitable for this deck. Without buffs from cards from expert sets (for example, Swearing Sergeant or Leader of the Dire Wolves) The Abyss Demon does not pose much of a threat to the enemy. Let's imagine that you played a Demon on the first turn, and the enemy answered you with a 3/2 creature on the second turn. As a result, the Demon will die without killing anyone, and the opponent will gain an advantage on the table and cards.

Corruption is another card that seems quite powerful at first glance. It allows you to kill any creature for just 1 crystal. However, the effect does not trigger immediately, meaning that the enemy will be able to trade a creature affected by Corruption for one of your creatures. As a result, you will waste the card. As mentioned above, card advantage plays a huge role, so you should avoid situations where one enemy minion removes two of yours before dying.

The Succubus is another deceptive card. It may seem that a creature with 4 attack power. on the second move - this is a very strong move. However, the Succubus has 3 health, and the enemy will be able to trade their 3/2 minion for it. It is these characteristics that are most often found in creatures that cost 2 crystals. As a result, you will discard the extra card without gaining any advantage.

Replacing cards

Of course, the basic deck can be improved different ways. By getting new cards and dust, you will be able to make some replacements.

If you have , consider the following cards:

2x Possessed Creeper instead of 2 Murloc Wavecatchers. Possessed Creeper It's harder to get off the board than Murloc, so it's a worthy replacement in almost any situation.

2x Slime Belcher instead of 2x Shield Bearer Sen'jin. There are quite a few cards in our deck that cost 4 crystals. By replacing shield bearers with belchers, you will fill the slot with 5 crystals.

1x Delicious Zombie instead of 1x Razorfen Hunter. By adding a Delicious Zombie to your deck, you can gain an advantage on the table in the first turns. Having gotten rid of the Huntress, you will forget that the Infernal can kill your creature with 1 unit. health.

Below are other successful replacements from Expert sets. It should be noted that it is not worth spending dust on creating these maps. It will be better to get them from sets, and the dust will still be useful to you for creating budget decks.

2x Amani Berserker instead of 2x River Crocolisk. An excellent replacement in all respects, especially for a warlock.

2x Harvest Golem instead of 2x Razorhide Hunter X. Harvest Golem is one of the most effective turn three cards. With its help, you can exchange one of your creatures for two enemy ones.

1x Knight of the Hand instead of 1x Dwarf inventor. As mentioned above, this deck is loaded with 4-crystal creatures. By replacing one of them with a 5-cost crystal minion, you'll flatten the mana curve and the Knight will help provide board presence. The absence of an inventor does not allow you to get an extra card, but if necessary, the warlock can always use the hero power to eliminate the deficit.
