Decks with Renault Jackson standard mode. Legendary Freeze Mage with Reno Jackson (Explorers' League)

As promised, we are posting a translation of the brilliant Renault Magu guide from yesterday's post. You will definitely not be disappointed! 🙂

I absolutely love this Reno Mage deck and climbed to 14th in the Legends Rankings with a 72% overall winrate. A little later, I improved this result, and quite quickly took 1st place. It happened just the other day, so I can describe the game with this deck in as much detail as possible based on my feelings.

When playing against Midrange Shamans, do everything to control the table, but do not waste your best removal, but leave them to counter. If you are faced with a choice of which creature to eliminate: or - always choose the second. important to win, but control of the table is key. Do not let the Shaman get cards with help, and always consider the potential damage from, to be sure that you do not die. If you are not sure, apply it just in case.

You may want to leave, but don't.: , , , .

Warrior (Tempo Warrior: 50/50, Patron Warrior: Auspicious, K'Tun Warrior 50/50, Warrior on exhaustion: Impossible to lose)

If a warrior is your opponent, you can rejoice at this. In the worst case, you've got an equal opponent, and in the best case, if it's a warrior on exhaustion, you will win an easy victory. The key to defeating a Warrior is to quickly identify his deck type. If this is Tempo Warrior - calmly play yours in order to keep up with the pace, you simply do not need extra ones from. If you are playing against a K'Tun warrior and a Warrior on attrition, try to save the coin for the rest of the game. Against the Warrior Cartridge, do not play until his combo for the second clear.

The main thing is that NEVER do against a warrior - do not use your class ability on an opponent's hero on the first turns, until he starts increasing his Armor. A few points of damage will not solve anything, but the cards that the Warrior will take with the help of an unlucky magician in your face can solve the game.

When playing against K'Tun Warrior, do not let yours work, and do not summon until K'Tun is summoned. You simply will not survive the consequences of its appearance. In general, when playing against warriors, towards the end of the game, try not to waste your cheap removal, because they can be easily turned into. Try to use your spells as carefully and carefully as possible.

Against exhaustion warriors, try to play very carefully, they have 2, 2, 2. Try not to have more than two good creatures on your table at the same time, so that they do not become easy prey. Only play at the end of the game, after making sure you have lured out all the removal.

You might want to leave, but don't: , , , .

Rogue (Miracle (and other Rogue combos): Auspicious, Deathrattle Rogue: Auspicious).

In matches against robbers, it is very important that you have enough time to find, and. Fortunately, you will find them much more often than not 🙂 Matches against Rogues are easy to describe: “saw something? kill that something. " Kill anything that moves. There are not so many creatures in this deck, your spells will be enough.

Reno lock Hearthstone deck appeared after release last update, League of Explorers. She has a lot of variations, combo renolock, demon renolock and others. Common is the presence of Reno Jackson, which fully restores the character's health if there are no duplicate cards left in the deck.

Considering that the warlock's class ability inexorably reduces his life, this card has become a salvation in cases of opposition to aggro decks or if the battle, on the contrary, drags on.

The first was the classic handlock deck with the addition of Renault, but now this deck is practically not played. Then he received an adaptation of the most popular demon lock at the moment, to which Reno was also added. This deck is very effective due to the large number of creatures, and Reno makes it possible to fight for longer and draw cards even at later stages without the risk of dying from a couple of spells or weapons. Another interesting and very common option is the comborenolok. Everything here is tied to the use of the Arcane Golem or Leeroy Jenkins in one turn in combination with the Faceless Manipulator and overwhelming power in the amount of two pieces. This becomes possible thanks to the Emperor Thaurissan, so it is important to play him on the 6th turn. Then a combo is played and lethal damage is inflicted. Actually, at the moment these are the most effective decks of renolock, which will help you take a legend with experience and patience.

Freezmag and Fatig Mage with Reno Jackson

I'll make a reservation right away - I'm not impressed by new legendary cards from adventure quarters. Even though now great amount players experiment with them, but almost everything I see is a waste of time. Of course, a free guaranteed legendary is an excuse for something new, but I do not consider Renault Jackson (it is Renault, not "Rene", "Rena" or something else, his name does not incline, and his last name - yes, don't be you are so illiterate people, it is difficult to read articles in various sources and listen to it on streams - it cuts your eyes and ears) with some super strong card (and for some reason it is already being compared with Doctor 7, Mariel and other really useful cards). They began to make decks for him, throwing out heaps of the necessary cards and shoving all kinds of rubbish (I’m unlikely to win, but the enemy will kill me a move or two later, hurray). I even saw an echo mage (who has 11 paired cards in his deck, yeah) with Reno Jackson, a sad sight to be honest. It's especially funny when Reno, like you, heals, but you still lose, because the table is not occupied by you and you have nothing else to do. So I really see power in two decks - Freezmage and Fatigue Mage with Reno Jackson.

Fatig Mage with Reno Jackson

I'll start with an archetype, even rarer than any mill deck or the same echo mage. I have never met this deck before (only heard of it) and it played in general in the style of an echo mage, through the same, and a bunch of healing, only now it was added. This deck is for those who like 40-minute games and want to surprise their opponent, but I don't see much strength and interest in it - it's too long, too monotonous and just boring. But, in general, no one bothers you to try to play it, suddenly you will like it. Actually, the deck itself.

The tactics are simple - we play the game as long as possible, constantly control the table and heal to the maximum. All spells that inflict damage are needed not for the face of the enemy (we are not a frieze, we are a fatigue), but for point removal (refers to the same). It is necessary to split and echo the sellers of snacks and healers, you can also Renault Jackson himself, in order to just live and survive. Alternatively, you can still add, but without Thaurissan, it will make you skip the move, when Reno can combine /. Overall, a boring deck for a very long and unreliable game. There are plenty of duplicated cards in the deck and it is difficult to replace them, so carefully count all the cards remaining in the deck. Renault Jackson - He's strong at the end of the game.

Freezmag with Renault Jackson

Almost a classic freezmag, only with Renault Jackson and the Forgotten Torch. A little below there will be a well-known vidos, where SuperJJ played with Gaara, and Reno (well, a successful entry, of course) quickly decided the outcome of the game. I have not added healers to the deck, if you feel the need for them - please take action. There is nothing special to say about tactics, we collect the maximum number of spells in our hand, we pray for Antonidos, Alexstrasza and Thaurissan combined, and after the cards become cheaper, we kill in two moves. It's simple, the main thing is to survive. Here is the video for you in the end (a few days ago I uploaded it to our public).

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And I found out a lot of interesting facts.

Taki is really very difficult to play, and is ideal for those players who love to set themselves especially difficult and difficult tasks and still complete them.

The freeze mage is usually based on a more relaxed pace of the game, thanks to the use of freezes and spells. At first, freeze mages behave in a completely different way, at least the players think it is that way. But the collection of cards is carried out with the help of the Sorcerer's Intelligence card. To obtain the coveted Ice Barrier and Ice Block, they use the Mad Scientist card at all.

Freeze mages are based on a carefully worked out draw of cards and you should not rush to exchange the Servant.

Freeze Mage deck tactics with Reno Jackson

If the exchange is only for one card. This action can lead to the fact that by the end of the game you will have an empty hand.

Freeze Mage deck tactics with Reno Jackson, like many others, must have been previously planned. If you play with more aggressive decks, then you need to be in a completely different way. And take appropriate action.

By knowing how to plan, only you can count on winning.

Alexstrasz is the main card in this deck. Judging by many similar tactics, it can be said that if by the 9th move you still have this card available, then the victory is yours.

Combinations and synergies are of great importance when using this tactic.

The following combinations are ideal:

  • Ice Nova (replaces Blizzard) + Herald of Doom. This bundle will perfectly clean the table. But remember. You will only win if. Unless your opponent has a strong card that can withstand the Herald.
  • Fireball and Frostbolt - This combination will give a lot of damage.

No matter how difficult this or that tactic may seem at first glance, be sure to try playing it. You need to gain experience in something.
