Assassins creed 3 masonic riddles. Salt of the earth Man of the People

Connor's adventures in Assassin's Creed 3 take place in two major cities America, in Boston and New York, and beyond, in the Frontier and Davenport Estate. Help the assassin overcome enormous distances fast travel points, which replaced the “travel stations” from previous parts of the game. You no longer need to pay for their use, but another problem has appeared - finding and activating them. Initially, all fast travel points are hidden from the global map of cities and surrounding lands, which encourages exploration of unfamiliar territories. Of course, you can do without them, but then, in order to cross the territory, you will have to use transitions between locations, which are usually located at the edges of the map, and this can be extremely inconvenient when you need to quickly get to a certain area.

All fast travel points in Assassin's Creed 3 they open after visiting dungeons, that is, they cannot be activated from outside. Each dungeon has several exits in different areas of the location: in Boston - 10, in New York - 11, in the Frontier - 4, in the Davenport estate - 1. Some of the exits are closed with locks, others are protected by more advanced mechanisms - magic lanterns(Mason puzzles) and iron doors. Lanterns are hacked by selecting the correct combination of four lenses. Books (collections of Masonic texts) with descriptions of the structure and rules of the organization, which lie on tables or on the floor in the same rooms where the mechanism that protects the exit from the dungeon is installed, are used as tips for hacking magic lanterns. When the right lens combination will be picked up, the door will become available for interaction.

While exploring dungeons, you need to pay attention to rats, walls, manholes, elevators, levers, barrels of gunpowder (to clear passages to inaccessible places); all these tips will help you find the right path and activate fast travel point. Barrels of gunpowder are hidden in secluded places, to blow them up and clear the way, you need to aim at the barrel (key [F]) and shoot (key [Q]). Don't forget that eagle vision can help you see arrow-shaped marks on walls. Along the way, also do not forget to light the lamps on the walls of the dungeons for easier navigation in narrow corridors. For the first time, you will be able to get into the underground part of cities during the development of the main plot of Assassin's Creed 3.

Boston dungeon map with fast travel points in Assassin's Creed 3:

Solving puzzles with magic lanterns in the Boston dungeons in Assassin's Creed 3:

  1. : north - globe; east - steering wheel; south - scales; west - cross.
  2. : north - crown; east - Vitruvian man; south - compass and ruler with the letter “G”; west - a branch of fern.
  3. : north - compass and ruler with the letter “G”; east is a male symbol; south - scales; West is a female symbol.

New York dungeon map with fast travel points in Assassin's Creed 3:

Solving puzzles with magic lanterns in the dungeons of New York in Assassin's Creed 3:

  1. : north - pyramid with an eye; east - crown; south - compass and ruler with the letter “G”; west - eagle.
  2. : north - sun; east - compass and ruler with the letter “G”; south - scales; West is a male symbol.
  3. : north - pyramid with an eye; east - scales; south - jester; west - cross.
In the Frontier, three village shops and Connor's home village serve as fast travel points (after the liberation of the forts, they can also be used for fast travel). Markers sometimes don't work near stores. To correct incorrect behavior, you need to go inside the store and leave. If this does not help, then you need to update the game using a patch to the latest version.

The "Salt of the Earth" achievement in Assassin's Creed 3 unlocks after liberating all areas of Boston or New York. The cities are divided into three districts. Boston is made up of North, Central and South; New York - northern, western and eastern. The struggle between the Assassins and the Templars for the districts begins in Chapter 6, when the angry Stefan Chafo takes to the streets of New York to lynch British soldiers in protest against high taxes. The desperate cook will become the first recruit of the revived Brotherhood of Assassins.

In the future, agents who meet on Connor’s path during the main story will help with the liberation of areas. The agents are patriots who are not indifferent to the fate of the young country. Duncan Little is responsible for the northern region of Boston, Stefan Shafo for the central region, Clipper Wilkinson for the southern region; for the northern district of New York - Deborah Carter, nicknamed "Dobby", the western - Jamie Colley, the eastern - Jacob Zenger. All agents in Assassin's Creed 3 have unique abilities.

Liberation Quests:

At the beginning of Connor's adventures, the cities are under the control of British soldiers and Templars. Liberation tasks are marked on the district map with white hexagonal icons with a stylized letter A. The status of the districts is indicated on the global map (key) in the “Liberation Tasks” section. Not all liberation mission markers appear on the map after viewing the surrounding area from viewpoints. This is due to their short range. The rest you need to look for yourself. It is not necessary to complete all the agents’ orders; it is enough to complete the minimum number - two or three per area. It is important to take into account one feature: there are more task markers on the map than required. Extra tags automatically disappear after completing similar release tasks.

If the agents' intermediate mission fails as a result of killing an ally, they should return to the starting point of the mission some time later. You can speed up the appearance of missing markers by fast moving to any place within the location. Fast travel points in AC3 are unlocked by visiting dungeons and solving Masonic lantern puzzles.

After completing all the secondary tasks and talking with the agents, a marker appears on the map indicating the location of the Templar leader, after whose murder the area comes under the control of the assassins and becomes free. To kill the Templar leader, you can use the abilities of already recruited agents (key [T]). After completing the liberation missions, the Brotherhood of Assassins will be replenished with six recruits who, over time, can... As an additional reward, keys to chests with instructions for crafting items are given, and overland trade routes become safer for. Outside cities, recruits are not available to call for help. Between Brotherhood assignments, they relax in taverns in Boston and New York, where they can talk about daily matters and have interactive conversations. Liberating the Boston and New York areas affects the "" and "" achievements.

Recruits in Assassin's Creed 3 have unique abilities: Stefan Chafoe knows how to kill professionally, Duncan Little is responsible for security and does an excellent job as a bodyguard, Clipper Wilkinson leads the shooters, Dobby Carter knows how to lure victims into bait, James Colley skillfully arranges ambushes, Jacob Zenger organizes escort .

Boston Liberation Missions:

Recruit (district)LocationReward
Duncan Little
(North Boston)
"Gang" mission:
  1. Stop three extortionists trying to rob merchants.
  2. Free three captive robbers.
Bodyguard ability, chest key in North End of Boston, trade risk reduction
Stefan Chafo
(Central Boston)

Story mission “The Cook is Angry” ():

  1. Deal with all tax collectors.
Kill ability, chest key in downtown Boston, trade risk reduction
Clipper Wilkinson
(South Boston)
Quest “Conscription”:
  1. Catch up and kill three pursuing soldiers.
  2. Destroy three escorts with captured conscripts.
Arrow Ability, South Boston Chest Key, Trade Risk Reduction

Liberation missions in New York:

Recruit (district)LocationReward
Deborah "Dobby" Carter
(Northern New York)

Quest "Supplies":

  1. Beat up three groups of merchants and help starving children.
  2. Protect three farmers harvesting their crops.
  3. Protect three families from eviction.
Decoy ability, Upstate New York chest key, trade risk reduction
Jacob Zenger
(East New York)

Mission "Martial Law":

  1. Beat up the three leaders and get information.
  2. Prevent the execution of three people.
  3. Plant documents with false information on three informers.
Escort ability, East New York chest key, trade risk reduction
James Colley
(Western New York)

Quest "Black Pox":

  1. Bring three townspeople to the clinic for vaccination.
  2. Kill three mad dogs.
  3. Burn three bundles of contaminated blankets.
Ambush ability, Western New York chest key, trade risk reduction

Naval missions (red bars)

Tasks of individual factions

(Tasks are available after completing main mission 9.1)

West Point Assignments

Use all recruit abilities 2 times.
- Stealth kill the guards while they are distracted by the riot: 5. (We find a crowd, press the "E" key, a crowd will gather. We quietly attack the guard with a hidden blade before an open clash between the crowd and the soldiers begins).
- Perform a double kill with a musket. (You can pick up a musket from an ordinary soldier. To perform a quick double kill, you need to ensure that the enemies do not see us (for this you can use a smoke grenade right during the battle). Hold down and do not release the left mouse button, main character will kill two at once).
- Make snipers fall to their death: 5.
- Kill 5 fleeing informers.
- Produce some artillery pieces. (Produced in the estate in the ledger book menu).

Spies Among Us

We go to the West Point location, quietly killing spies.

Path of the Traitor

We take the box and take it to the camp behind the fort. After that we run after the deserting soldier. We catch him without killing him (by pressing the "E" key).

A Spy Among Us

At the fort we overhear a conversation between two soldiers. We follow them, then follow the disguised soldier, hiding in the tall grass.

Battle of West Point

We defend the fort, kill all enemies, and eliminate the running snipers in time.

Trapper Society
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Hunting Society Missions

(Tasks are available after completing main mission 5.1)

Trapper Society Trials 1
- Kill deer: 5
- Kill the wolf
- Skin animals: 10
- Sell loot for 500 coins
- Trap an animal with bait: 5
- Kill a bear with a hidden blade

Trapper Society Trials 2
- Kill animals quietly using live bait: 5.
- Skin 25 animals.
- Kill animals with a hidden blade: 10.
- Kill animals with a bow: 15.

Trapper Society Trials 3
- Skin one animal of each type. (Hare, raccoon, beaver, fox, wolf, deer, wapiti, bear, lynx, puma).
- Kill animals while riding: 5. (You need to kill with a melee weapon by jumping from a horse. Such a jump only works on medium-sized animals: foxes, deer).
- Sell loot for 2000 coins.
- Kill animals in melee: 10.
- Finish the hunting map. (The entire frontier is divided into 12 hunting grounds, each area contains 4 different types animals, you need to know all the types. You can view hunting areas in the map menu, in the top section).
- Obtain 50 intact skins.


We go to the western part of the Frontier, look for evidence of a bear, and find a cave. We go inside and see a dead man, we take it and carry the body further into the depths. We see the second dead person, we throw the first one here - this is how we lure the bear out of the den. We kill a cannibal bear in the same way as a regular one, only the cannibal will resist longer.

Cat's step

We need to kill the lynx. We find it in the northern part of the Frontier. It is very difficult to catch up with a lynx, it is better to throw a shenbiao at it, it will die from one throw.


You need to find a deer in the northwestern part of the Frontier. At the top of the hill we find a deer bed. The deer itself lives on the rocky hillside. We don’t catch the eye of the beast, we enter the tall grass to the right of the slope, scatter food and bait in front of us, wait for the deer to approach, then kill it.

Leader of the pack

You need to kill the wolf. We go to the northwestern part of the Frontier. We kill three ordinary wolves to lure out their leader. We kill the leader of the wolves.

Kill a lynx

To the east of the village of Gangyahu you need to find a lynx. We kill the lynx using the usual method, the most difficult thing is to climb onto the rock where this lynx lives.

Lonely wapiti

We kill a unique wapiti at a watering hole in the center of the Frontier.

(Tasks are available after completing main mission 5.2)

Boston Fighters Trials 1
- Find Harold Ring at the old brewery in Boston.
- Disarm enemies: 5.
- Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds using a smoke bomb. (We find a military detachment, throw a smoke bomb, hold down and do not release the left mouse button to make quick kills).
- Kill 25 enemies with the hidden blade.
- Remain undetected and stealth kill enemies: 10.
- Kill the officer.
- Kill 5 enemies in a row.

Boston Fighter Trials 2
- Kill a grenadier: 10.
- Kill one enemy with each weapon type. (Regular - sabers, shock - clubs, small - daggers, heavy - axes, firearms - pistols).
- Perform 5 double kills.
- Order your recruits to help you in battle several times: 10.
- Liberate forts: 3.

Boston Fighter Trials 3
- Apply the Shenbiao robber technique several times: 5. (We climb onto a horizontal tree branch, wait for the enemies to be below, hold down the “Q” key without releasing the enemy, jump off the branch (press “space” and to the side), the enemy will remain hanging on the tree).
- Kill 7 enemies in a row.
- Disarm the rangers and kill them with their own weapons: 10. (The huntsmen wear cocked hats on their heads, their faces are covered with a black scarf. To disarm the enemy, you need to be unarmed yourself, block, and then counterattack with the spacebar).
- Buy all types of weapons in the store. (This will require a lot of money. Money can be earned in the estate by selling animal skins using caravans).
- Defend against a chain of fire using an enemy's body: 10.


The first fighter is located in the Frontier in the Troise Wood location. We hold the defense (constantly press “E”), parry the blow, deliver two or three regular blows, but no more, then stand in the block again.


We find it on the west coast of New York, south of Fort George. It is very difficult to defeat a sailor, but it is still possible.

To inflict the first blow on the sailor, we make a short block (the “E” key), then carry out a power attack (the “space” key). After this, hold down and do not release “E” at all, Connor will repel all the sailor’s attacks.

To inflict a second blow on the sailor, briefly release “E”, and then immediately press it again, this will cause a block with time slowdown, after such a block we press “space” and hit the sailor. We deliver the third blow in the same way.

To inflict the last fourth blow on the sailor, we also make a block with time dilation, after it we press the “space”, and then immediately finish off with ordinary blows (press the “left mouse button” several times) until the sailor comes to his senses.


We find a smuggler in Boston on the northern river. It is useless to block a smuggler; he will counterattack faster than you. We attack him first, throw him to the ground with a power attack (“space”). When the enemy rises, we apply several simple blows (“left mouse button”), then move aside. We repeat this until the very end.

When the smuggler's health is low, he will call another group of fighters for help. We scatter three simple ones first, we finish off the second smuggler in the same way as the first.


We find Scorpio in the center of the Frontier. We make blocks with time slowdown (hold down “E”, release briefly, hold down again), carry out a power blow (“space”), if the enemy is bent over, we finish with regular blows.


To defeat the rope guy, you need to use the surrounding objects. We stand so that there is a barrel behind us. We place a block, press space, the hero will throw the rope guy into the barrel. You can also use walls: make the rope stand with its back to the wall, press “space” to hit it against the wall.


We stand in a block, but don’t counterattack, it’s useless. We brush off three hits from the merchant, release the block, press “space” to drop the merchant to the ground. While the enemy is getting up, we can deal just one regular blow, then we stand in block again and repeat the actions.


Red coat

We block the blows, counterattack by pressing the space bar, and then hit with regular blows. We repeat this again and again.


Defeated in the same way as Redcoat.


The doctor is a weak fighter, you can beat him with various blows. The problem is that he poisons us at the very beginning of the battle, and our health gradually decreases. We need to act quickly.


To defeat the huntress, hit her with the spacebar, then finish her off with regular blows. The difficulty is that there are actually two Huntresses, and they quietly switch places. While you are hitting one, the other is recovering while standing in the crowd. You need to attack very quickly without wasting time.

Adventurers Club Challenges 1
- Take a leap of faith: 10.
- Find 5 entrances to the tunnel network.
- Climb to a high point: 5.
- Find out the location of each fort: 7.
- Explore the forest canopy by walking through the trees for at least 100 meters.
- Collect the feather: 5.

Adventurers Club Challenges 2
- Jump into the water from a height of 50 meters. (The best place for this purpose - the highest cliff in the northeast of the Frontier, where the mission “Aggressive negotiations” was).
- Complete the almanac.
- Climb a total of 1500 m.
- Find out the location of all trading posts on the frontier. (You need to go to all the Frontier stores. There are only 3 of them: in the large central settlement, in the eastern settlement, in the southern settlement between the two bays).
- Listen to all Washington's conversations. You can talk to Washington in the main mission 9.1 “Lost Cargo”: load this mission again, watch introductory video, after him we look for Washington in the camp and talk to him two more times. After completing all the main missions, Washington can be found on the streets of southern New York).

Adventurers Club Challenges 3
- Discover the entire map of Boston.
- Open the entire map of New York.
- Discover the entire frontier map.
- Reach all high points: 30.
- Find all entrances to the tunnel network in New York and Boston.
- Visit all the taverns of the frontier, New York and Boston. (4 in Boston, 4 in the Frontier, 5 in New York).

Sea monster

We go to the northern part of Boston, three times we overhear what people are saying about the Kraken. We go to the cemetery nearby, we find the wife of a deceased old man who allegedly tamed the Kraken. From her we learn the location of the old man’s workshop. We go to the workshop, we find an underwater suit in the form of a Kraken. The mystery has been solved.

Unknown flying object

We arrive at a high hill in the west of Boston. We climb onto the toilet and from it onto a tree branch. We climb the trees and find an open umbrella on one of the branches. This is what was mistaken for a UFO.

Big Foot

We go to Frontier in the upper left corner of the map. We find a dwelling under the waterfall. But inside he is an ordinary person, he just likes to live alone.

Ghosts from the sea

We approach the lighthouse in the east of the Frontier. We climb to the top of the lighthouse and find a stuffed ghost.

Headless horseman

We approach the place where we are looking for the rider. We examine the dead man, at this time a headless horseman rides up. It seems that this is the first plausible tale of adventurers. But this time the rider is leaving us.

Thieves Guild Trials 1
- Steal 200 coins by pickpocketing.
- Kill 25 people from around the corner.
- Kill 15 people in the air.
- Catch up with the courier.

Thieves Guild Trials 2
- Avoid an open confrontation by hiding or blending in with a crowd 10 times. (Let's catch the enemy's eye, then run away from them. A yellow search zone should appear on the mini-map. Don't run out of this zone, it won't count, but hide somewhere in the grass, in a well, or in the crowd. After 10 - 20 seconds they will stop looking for us).
- Lead the guard's dog away with bait, 3 times.
- Steal all the property from the guard.
- Steal everything the rich man has without being noticed.
- Perform a stealth kill without being detected 30 times.

Thieves Guild Trials 3
- Kill with poison: 5.
- Win in gambling 500 coins. (The easiest way to win is by playing checkers or balls in the port next to the estate)
- Find 10 chests in New York.
- Collect 1500 coins from the bodies.
- Attack and plunder three enemy caravans. (Caravans appear in the frontier area every time in a random place).

Boston Liberation Missions

After main mission 6.2, liberation missions appear throughout Boston. These are various tasks in which the hero helps ordinary citizens resist oppression by the authorities and the Templars. Each task type is repeated three times.

After completing all the liberation tasks in a certain part of the city, we can go to the tavern and recruit the local resistance leader to join our team. The first leader - chef Stefan Shafo joins story task. In Boston, you can attract two more assistant assassins.

Liberate Boston's North End

The priest Duncan Little joins us - the “Protection” ability (helps to hide from persecution).

Liberate Downtown Boston

We get the opportunity to cause a riot among the townspeople (the townspeople will distract our enemies).

Liberate Boston's South End

We are joined by the sniper Clipper Ulkinson - the “Arrows” ability (invisibly kills the selected target with a shot).

After inviting another assistant to the team, we can use his unique ability (press the “T” key). You can select the required ability in the assistants menu (press and hold the “T” key). This unique ability can only be used outside of combat, when we have not yet been noticed. During battle, by pressing the “T” key, assistants appear nearby like regular allied fighters.

Recruits gain very little experience in battle. To upgrade your assistants, you need to send them to carry out special missions. These missions covered all 13 states of early colonial America.

In order to enter the menu of missions for recruits, hold down the “T” key, and on the screen that appears, left-click on the contracts icon on the left. We select a state, while paying attention to the complexity of the situation in the state (shown by the number of stars). We select a task, choose which of the recruits to send, and you can see the statistics of your assistants. You can send several recruits at once to increase the chance of successfully completing the task. Press the spacebar to give orders to the recruits to carry out. After this, you can exit the recruits menu and continue playing. We wait a certain amount of time, look at the result of completion, and send recruits to new tasks. Thus, without doing anything personally, you can earn money for the work of your assistants.

In order to initiate a recruit into the Order of Assassins, he needs to gain level 11 of experience.

New York Liberation Missions
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Liberation Missions

Same as liberation missions in Boston, but there will be different types of missions and different recruits.

In the wolf's lair(for completing missions in East New York)

We approach the ship, call two disguised soldiers, and pretend to be a prisoner. So we go to the local leader of the Templars. We suddenly kill him and finish off all the other soldiers on the ship.

Officer Jacob Zenger joins us - the “Escort” ability (you can freely pass into enemy territory).

Protection of the clinic(for completing tasks in Western New York)

Choose the new kind help - ambushes. We set up four ambushes around the field clinic and begin to fight off the waves of arriving enemies.

We are joined by huntsman Jamie Colley - the “Ambush” ability (if the enemy is ambushed, an Indian will jump out of the ground and kill the enemy).

Food supplies(for completing tasks in northern New York)

You need to kill the local Templar leader.

The girl Deborah “Dobby” Carter joins us - the “Bait” ​​ability (We point to a detachment of soldiers, an assassin comes running and angers the soldiers. The soldiers run away after the assassin, clearing the way for us).

Quests to explore the game world

(Tasks are available after completing main mission 2.1)

The pages of the almanac appear in strictly defined places, but after that they fly in the air with the wind in a random direction. Pages appear only for a certain time, you need to grab the page before it disappears. If you don’t have time, you need to move away from the place where it appears, then approach again, the page will appear again.

The pages are useless at first. You should collect them only after acquiring the estate and ledger (mission 5.4). If you collect all the pages of one almanac, then you have the opportunity to build a prototype of Franklin’s invention on your estate.

Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Treasure Chests

In the chests you can find money, useful items, or items needed to complete other tasks. The location of the chests can be found out if you buy travel maps at the mixed goods store.

There are also open chests, but most often you need to open the lock of the chest to take the contents.

Hacking is carried out in three stages:

1. Move the mouse left and right. There are 8 lockpick positions in total, this can be seen by the rotating rod. We sequentially move the master key to each position, hold it for a couple of seconds, then move it to another (to do this, move the mouse to the right, and as slowly and smoothly as possible). After holding the master key for a couple of seconds in the desired position, we move on to the next stage.

2. Move the mouse up and down. Do not move the mouse left or right, otherwise you will have to hack again. There are only a few provisions here. In the same way, we check each position one by one and find the one we need (move the mouse up as slowly and smoothly as possible).

3. Click the left mouse button many times. The chest closing mechanism will turn on (the latch on top will slowly move to the left). If we don’t make it before it closes, we’ll have to hack it again. If we have time, the chest is open.

Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Feathers

(Tasks are available after completing main mission 4.2)

Feathers appear when we start playing as a young Indian. Trees lie on high branches and on rocks. The location of the feathers can be found by purchasing travel maps from a general merchandise store.

If you collect all the feathers, you will have access to a traditional Indian costume. Costumes can be changed in the estate's basement.

We collect things from small boxes for the old one-man sailor sitting in the port near the estate. The location of all the trinkets can be found out if you buy a map at a mixed goods store in Boston or New York.

Having collected a certain amount of trinkets, we bring them to the sailor sitting in the port near the estate. The sailor will give us letters in exchange for trinkets. Letters provide access to new additional sea missions to search for pirate treasure.

There are 25 trinkets in total. The sailor gives the 1st letter for 1 trinket, the 2nd letter for 4 pieces, the 3rd letter for 14 pieces, the 4th letter for 24 pieces.

Capture of forts
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Forts

To capture each fort, you need to quickly get inside before the doors are closed, kill the fort captain, set fire to the gunpowder warehouse, and then change the flag. After this, the fort will be captured.

It is best to start capturing forts located in Boston and New York, since in the cities you can call up to six assistants (press the "T" key). It will be much easier with them. Forts located in the Frontier will need to be captured alone.

Having captured the fort, you can open the chest located inside. For this we will receive 7500 - 10000 coins. Once captured, the fort can be used as a fast travel point on the map.

There is a whole network of underground tunnels under Boston and New York. Each city has 10 secret entrances into the tunnel. They can be used as points for quickly moving around the city. But first you need to go into the dungeon and walk from one entrance to another, so that you can constantly use this path.

The tunnels are winding and confusing, and you also have to navigate pitch darkness, only a portable flashlight illuminates the road a little. In some places you will have to leave the lantern and climb the walls to open the intermediate doors on the arc side.

Some exit doors from the tunnel are locked with intricate locks. This is a flashlight with filter lenses applied to the light. The lantern shines on the door and four different symbols are displayed on it. The symbols need to be moved to make the right combination and open the door. Symbols can be stacked on top of each other, but in the correct combination, each symbol must appear in a separate cell. You can always find a text hint next to the lantern; it can always be viewed in the menu in the “Animus Database – Items – Magic Lantern” section. In the text of the entries, those places that are hints are highlighted in large capital font.

Correct solutions to puzzles (the location of symbols is indicated starting from the top and then clockwise).

Globe - Steering wheel - Scales - Cross

Hint: I. Regarding God and religion.
...IN EVERYTHING WORLD(globe to remaining cell)
BUDDHISM ZEMEL EASTERN(circle in the east)

Crown - Man - G (Mason) - Kolos

Hint: II. On the civil chief magistrate and subordination.
...BUT THERE WAS ONLY TO BE SORRY FOR HIM, LIKE ANY UNHAPPY PERSON... (person in the remaining cell on the right)

G (Mason) - Symbol of a man - Libra - Symbol of a woman

Hint: III. About lodges.
FOR WOMEN ENTRY IS PROHIBITED... (woman in the remaining cell on the left)

Pyramid - Crown - G (Mason) - Coat of Arms

Hint: IV. Masters, overseers, apprentices and apprentices.

Sun - G (Mason) - Libra - Symbol of a man

Hint: V. About the management of crafts and labor.

Pyramid - Libra - Jester - Cross

Hint: VI. About behavior, viz.
BASE AND CROWN(pyramid on top)

Fully open card Boston Dungeons and New York Dungeons.

Regular delivery tasks. We approach the person and receive a stack of letters. Letters need to be distributed to their recipients, this can be done at any time, there are no restrictions. For each such task we receive from 500 to 950 coins.

Delivery of things
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Delivery Requests

It is necessary to collect a wide variety of household items for local residents. The necessary things are given in a whole list. Most often you need to prepare things yourself. To do this, we collect all the chests, in them we find instructions for creating items. In the estate we carry out all the tasks of the settlers. We arrive at the estate, go to the ledger book menu, create necessary items. After this, we return to the person who gave the task and give him all the necessary things. We receive 1000 coins as a reward.

Sea missions


We are escorting a merchant ship. We fight off small ships. We pass through a narrow bay, shooting cannonballs at the mines to clear them. At the end of the path we come under fire from a ground fort. We shoot his three towers.

The rescue

We sail forward during the storm. We need to help the merchant ship ahead. We swim, destroy 4 small ships. We are pursuing the main enemy ship. We destroy 2 frigates supporting the main ship. The main enemy is hiding.

French intervention

We are escorting the French ship "Belladonna". At first we fight off many small ships, but soon large ships arrive and break the main mast of the Belladonna. We need to protect the immobilized ship.

Beedle's Hideout

We are catching up with the enemy ship "Randolph". We shoot with nipples to break the main mast of the ship and leave it motionless. We deal with two huge battleships using conventional cannonballs. After the victory, we board the Randolph and kill the Templar Beedle in battle.

Dead Man's Chest

We land on the pirate island. We reach the cemetery of plundered ships. On the ship we need, we see how the pirate finds a piece of the map faster than us. Seeing us, he runs away. We catch up with him and take a piece of the map.

Ghost ship

We run across the ice floes to the destroyed ship. Inside the ship we take a piece of the map and quickly get out before the ship sinks.

Mad Doctor's Castle

In Jamaica we find the abandoned estate of a mad doctor. We go inside and look for evidence. After that, we quickly climb onto the stuffed bear, run along the second floor, cling to the first chandelier, and jump to the second. We climb up the second chandelier and jump onto the beam of the first chandelier. We jump to another part of the second floor. We are looking for a couple more clues, and along the secret passage we return to the previous room.

We find three more clues and solve the puzzle with the large grandfather clock. We set the short hour hand to 5 o’clock, the long one to 10. We go through the secret passage and find a piece of the map.

Oak Island

We land on treasure island. We get to the clearing where the treasure should be buried. We walk around, looking for 4 landmarks. At each landmark we find a special sign. After this, you need to complete a small puzzle: move and rotate the drawing so that it matches the trees and stones on the ground. We correctly arrange the four pictures and determine the exact location of the pirate treasure.

We approach the treasure, at this time wolves attack us. These wolves attack much faster than normal ones, so be prepared to act quickly. After the victory, we dig up the treasure and find a protective electromagnetic ring of the first civilization (completely protects the hero from shots).

Ruins of Serros

We land on the island and look for the lost Mayan temple. Inside the temple you need to go upstairs. We look for the outermost column on the right, climb along it to the second floor. We run across the vines to the other side of the second floor. We jump onto the ledge in front of a small waterfall, jump away (hold down the right mouse button, press the spacebar) to the opposite ledge. We climb to the third floor and go around it. We find a sarcophagus, and inside is the unique sword of Captain Kidd.

Privateering contracts
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Privateer Contracts

Login to missions through any port.

The missions themselves are easily completed on a standard ship, but some additional tasks are best left for later, after we have purchased all the ship’s upgrades. Improvements are sold in the port next to the estate; to select improvements you need to use the book lying next to the captain of our ship.

Henderson is in trouble

Together with an ally you need to destroy 11 small ships.

Additional assignment: Limit of lost health of an ally to 50%.

Paving the way

You need to destroy 10 small ships.

Additional assignment: Destroy 3 ships using a ram.

Dead hour

It is necessary to destroy the frigate St. John's and its flotilla.

Additional assignment: Receive less than 25% damage from the environment.

Call for help

You need to protect the ship "Independence" from 17 small ships.

Additional assignment: Limit the health lost by an ally to 75%.

Search for "Somerset"

You need to destroy the frigate Somerset and 5 small ships.

Additional assignment: Limit of lost health from the environment 35%.

Troubled waters

You need to sink three large ships during a storm. You will have to monitor not only the shots of enemy ships, but also the position of the waves on the water, so as not to get hit by a rogue wave.

Chasing the Scout

We destroy 8 small ships and hide in ambush among the rocks. We destroy the frigate "Reconnaissance" and 10 small ships of the encirclement.

Additional assignment: Destroy the second group of ships in 1.30 minutes.


We protect the entrance to the bay for 4 minutes. An infinite number of small ships and two frigates will attack.

Additional assignment: Destroy the frigate.

Ghost War, Act I

We need to sink the huge battleship Undermir.

Ghost War, Act II

We need to sink the huge battleship Leviathan and two large support ships.


We escort 8 merchant ships. We are attacked by 4 large ships, we need to destroy them.

Additional assignment: Leave at least 4 merchant ships alive.

Midnight meeting

We are moving behind a large enemy ship through narrow passages between the rocks. We go out to the open sea, destroy the ship and the four escort vessels.

Additional assignment: Receive no more than 25% damage from the environment.

The Giant and the Storm

You need to destroy the giant ship "Orpheus" and two large escort ships during a storm.

Additional assignment: Destroy all three ships with a shot into the powder hold.

Quests in the estate

After completing the main mission 5.4 in the game Assassins Creed 3 additional estate missions appear. For fulfilling these additional tasks New residents are moving into our estate. Each resident is a master in a certain field. He can mine resources or process them into useful items.

Management of mining, production and trade is carried out using the ledger. You can extract resources simply if you have the necessary settler. For production, you need not only a settler, but also instructions for creating a certain item. All collected instructions can be viewed in the “ledger” menu in the “Production” section (Careful! All instructions are divided into categories that are not immediately noticeable. You can select a category by pressing “up” and “down”).

After the settler begins to live on the territory of our estate, you can continue to complete tasks from him. For each completed task, the settler’s level will increase, he will be able to extract new resources and produce new goods.

Created goods can be sold to city stores. The movement of goods occurs only with the help of carts (caravans). When a caravan moves, there is a chance that it will be attacked by enemies (the chance of attack can be reduced if you capture forts). In this case, you need to go to global map, find where the caravan is, get there and repel the attack. If the caravan is destroyed, you can create new carts in the “Ledger” menu - “Production” - “Special goods” - “Cart”. In total, you can create a maximum of three land caravans at the same time. After completing tasks at sea, you will be able to send sea caravans.

Encyclopedia of the Common Man

We need to walk around the estate and examine (press the “F” key) the workers for whom we perform additional tasks. But watch for a reason, but only when they do a certain job. Each worker has three different types of occupations.

Lost secret

Old man Achilles talks about a chest in a cave, you need to get it. We go to miner Norris for explosives. Together with him we go to the cave, blow up a barrel of explosives, and go inside the cave. We pass through the narrow caves, break open the chest, and take the bag. Now in 2 minutes you need to get back out of the collapsing cave. As a reward for completing the mission, we receive the clothes of the first colonist assassin.

Secrets of the estate

We go to New York to the burned-out quarter. In a three-story house on the top floor we find a cache with a painting. We return the painting to Achilles.

Heritage(appears after completing tasks for all residents of the estate)

Achilles dies. We go to the priest and report this news. We attend the funeral and bury the grave.

Achilles painting

We approach the place on the wall above the fireplace, hang a picture here, which depicts the entire family of Achilles. In the portrait we see the son of Achilles, after whom he named us Connor.


In the northeastern region of the Frontier we find a detachment of soldiers beating a man. We kill the soldiers, we save the man.

The right tool

We go to any store in New York, go to the trade menu, select the line “items for tasks of citizens”, buy a handle and a hammer. We return to the estate to Dave.

Keep your eyes open

A soldier was caught on the estate. He came looking for Dave. We find another soldier nearby, run after him, shoot at the moment when he mounts his horse. Let's go back. The first soldier caught broke free and ran away. Now they will definitely come back for Dave.


We are preparing for the arrival of detachments of soldiers. We take a barrel of explosives and place it on the road away from the allies. We simply drag the second barrel closer to a safe place. We are waiting for the arrival of the first detachment, we blow up the barrel. Immediately after this, you can have time to run for the second barrel, and then blow up the second squad in the same way. Dave is staying with us.

River Rescue

The task is completed according to the plot in mission 5.4.

Burglar in the estate

While Godfrey and Terry are working in the sawmill, a robber breaks into their house. Let's deal with him.


Godfrey and Terry quarreled among themselves and started a fight. To break up the fight, you need to complete a small mini-game. To win it, you need to simultaneously move two moving lines apart. The left line is controlled with the “A” and “D” keys, the right line with the “left” and “right” keys. The "W" and "S" and "up" and "down" keys are not really used. Smoothly draw colored lines in different directions. If one of the lines goes beyond the button image, it will go back to the center. In this case, we return the image of the buttons back so that the line is again inside the image of the buttons, then we begin to draw the lines again.

Bowling Basics

You just need to play the game with lumberjacks, you don’t have to win it.

Carver's Weapon

We find a destroyed cart on a mountain road. We help a person fight off bandits. Once completed, we are joined by a master carpenter who can produce barrels and boxes from the harvested wood.


We return to Lance's workshop. But his student has already sold the workshop. We need to at least return the tools. Together with Lance, we quietly follow the student and find where he hid the tools.

Million Pound Idea

We return to the port near Lance's workshop. We learn that Lance’s package was taken by a student. Again he appropriated the property, but now he gave it to three people for safekeeping. We find these three people, quietly strangle them from behind, and take the drawings. We bring the drawings to Lance.

Warrens and Prudence (farmers)
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Warren & Prudence Missions


A family of farmers was attacked by a detachment of soldiers. We enter into battle with the soldiers. We invite two farmers to our estate.

Oslinnik Prudence

Prudence went into the forest in search of healing herbs. She was attacked by wild animals. We kill the attacking animals and carry Prudence back home in our arms.


We run around the garden, forcing the pigs to run into the pen located to the right of Prudence. We just walk behind the pigs, they will run away from us in the opposite direction. So you need to herd three pigs.

Norris (miner)
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Norris Missions

Brawl in a tavern

In one of the neighborhoods in the north of Boston, we are protecting a person from robbers. A man joins our estate as a miner.

Norris in Love(after Miriam appears)

Norris wants to give Miriam a gift, but he doesn't know exactly what to give. Let's go to Prudence for a hint. Then we climb the northern rock. We climb up the gap between the rocks, run across the log at the top, and crawl along the rocks. We crawl into the gorge between the rocks, here we press “space” + “ right button mouse" to jump to another rock. Let's crawl further, climb up. We collect flowers and take them to Norris.

Another try from Norris

On Norris' instructions, we go to Miriam's house. We quietly approach the girl's house. While she is sitting on a stump, we inspect the area at the entrance to the house and find a broken knife. We return to Norris and advise giving the girl a knife.

Raw materials

We go to the center of the Frontier. Norris will clear the tunnel with explosives, and at this time we will be outside fighting off the soldiers who come running at the sound of explosions. You can use three barrels of explosives, placing them in the path of the soldiers, and then shooting them.


Prudence asks us to find a doctor to deliver the baby. Let's go to the east side of Boston. We beat up all the people who attacked the doctor in the alley. The doctor settles near the estate.

Doctors, urgently!

Prudence goes into labor. We get on the horse and quickly gallop after the doctor. You need to do it in three minutes. On the way back we stop by to pick up my husband Warrens. The doctor delivers the baby.


We head to the south of Boston. We speak with the man who brought the letter to the doctor. After that, we walk around the city, paying money to four boys who sell newspapers so that they do not spread slander. Using eagle vision, we find the person paying for this slander, and rob him using pickpocketing.

Broken Ties

In the center of New York, a girl comes up to us and asks us to help her mother. We approach hand-to-hand and beat the drunkard husband. We invite mom, the seamstress, to the estate.

Get silk

We return to New York. In Ellen's quarter we find an empty box behind the fence, on the other side we find a roll of silk. We take the find to Ellen.

The last straw

Ellen's ex-husband and his accomplices break into Ellen's house. We deal with all the attackers hand-to-hand.

Miriam (huntress)
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Myriam Missions

Silent Hunter

After completion, the hunter Miriam joins us; she will get hunting trophies for us: skins, meat.

White trophy(Need Norris on the estate)

Miriam goes hunting for a white puma. Let's help her.

Trying is not torture(you need a level 2 blacksmith in the estate)

We approach Norris. He wants to give Miriam a knife made by a blacksmith. We approach Miriam, Norris gives her a knife, and we go hunting with her. We kill the wolf, climb the tower on the tree. We run to help Miriam in the battle with the poacher.

Estate life
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Oliver & Corinne Mission

Is there room in the tavern(Innkeeper appears)

We meet a homeless innkeeper in the south of the estate, we lend him 1000 pounds to build a house. Now we have our own tavern "Bear's Corner".

A flock for a shepherd(Priest appears)

The priest Father Timati comes to the tavern. We give him 1000 coins to build a building, after which we will have our own church.

Wedding(needs all settlers in the estate)

We talk with Norris in the mansion, go in search of Miriam. We go up to the second floor, find a couple of clues, go out onto the balcony and run to the tower on the tree near Miriam’s house. We chase Miriam along the tree branches. The wedding still took place. We talk with the guests at the wedding, we receive a personal flag from the seamstress Ellen.

Construction of inventions
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. Homestead Inventions

If we collect all the pages of one of Benjamin Franklin's almanacs, then in return we will receive instructions for creating a unique invention. There are 7 such inventions in total.

Having received the instructions, in the estate in the “Ledger” menu you can see what is needed to create an invention. Most often, to create inventions you need a blacksmith of the last 4th level. And since the blacksmith’s tasks appear last in the estate, in the end, in order to create a working prototype of the invention, you first need to complete all the tasks of the estate.

Main character costumes

1. Assassin's Outfit(standard) – unlocked by completing main mission 5.5. (All outfits sold in mixed goods stores are copies of the standard assassin outfit, only with a change in color scheme).

2. Altair's Outfit(the hero of the first part of Assassin's Creed) - unlocked for completing all additional assignments in the main missions.

3. Achilles' old outfit– opens for completing additional tasks. Achilles' quest "Secrets of the Manor".

4. L'Aquila captain's uniform- unlocked by completing main mission 5.5.

5. Captain Kidd uniform– unlocked by completing all additional tasks of the one-legged sailor (collecting all trinkets, completing all sea tasks to find treasure).

6. Ezio's Outfit(the hero of the second part of Assassin’s Creed) – a reward from UPlay.

7. Ganyageha Outfit– Unlocked by collecting all the feathers.

8. Prisoner's outfit– unlocked by completing main mission 8.3.

9. Traditional colonial assassin outfit– unlocked by completing mission 6.4.

Assassin's Outfit
Altair's Outfit
Achilles' old outfit

L'Aquila captain's uniform

Captain Kidd uniform

Ezio's Outfit

Ganyageha Outfit

Prisoner's outfit

(in the game Assassin's Creed 3)

Answer: artisans are upgraded only by completing additional missions in the estate.

Question: how to recruit assassins(in the game Assassin's Creed 3)

Answer: to recruit each assassin, you need to complete all additional liberation missions (liberation icons on a white background) in a certain area of ​​the city, after which you need to go to the tavern and complete the mission to recruit an assistant (liberation icon on a dark background).

Question: how to protect a caravan(in the game Assassin's Creed 3)

Answer: after a message appears about an attack on a caravan, enter Frontier, find the caravan icon on the global map, run there and kill the attackers. Capturing forts will significantly reduce the chance of your caravans being attacked. If the caravan is nevertheless captured, then in the ledger menu you can make a new cart (for this you need to have a tree, a craftsman and the appropriate instructions). A little later it will be possible to create sea caravans.

Question: how to break up a fight(in the game Assassin's Creed 3)

Answer: in additional mission estate, where you need to separate two red-haired Irishmen, there is a mini-game that is not entirely clear. To win it, you need to simultaneously move two moving lines apart. The left line is controlled with the “A” and “D” keys, the right line with the “left” and “right” keys. The "W" and "S" and "up" and "down" keys are not really used. Smoothly draw colored lines in different directions. If one of the lines goes beyond the button image, it will go back to the center. In this case, we return the image of the buttons back so that the line is again inside the image of the buttons, then we begin to draw the lines again.

Question: how to earn money(in the game Assassin's Creed 3)

Answer: You can get a lot of money for opening secret chests located in the fort. Quite a lot of money can be received from the estate for selling goods through the state ledger. The most profitable things to sell are bear skins, deer skins, alcohol, and guns.

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The Boston and New York dungeons are the only way to open fast travel points for the aboveground parts of both cities.

Exploring dungeons on your own can take more than two hours of real time, and therefore, even if you explore them at the very beginning of the game, their benefit is to save time on fast movement highly doubtful.

Only two aspects can be credited as a real benefit: opening all the exits in the dungeons is necessary to complete Assassin's Creed 3 100%, and digging in the dungeons is pleasant atmospheric entertainment (some exits are opened by solving parkour riddles, which is the only analogue of European tombs in the new US setting).

In any case, dungeon maps will come in handy.

New York City Dungeon Map 12/12

Double click - close the map

For both maps presented on the page, the quality and sharpness of the image has been improved, which will allow you to navigate in detail the corridors of the dungeons (and not just the position of the exit zone, as is presented on most existing maps).

Boston Dungeon Map 10/10

Click - open Boston dungeon map
Double click - close the map

If you still decide to explore the dungeons on your own, we will give you a couple of tips.

  1. Don't bother with wall torches. There is no point in lighting them: the light present in the catacombs is already enough to see the necessary turns, and you will not have to wander through the catacombs again. As a last resort, you can turn on eagle vision.
  2. The game map (especially the mini map) will be your ideal assistant. To use it as efficiently as possible, draw the global map with special care. In particular, you should take all turns against the wall farthest from you. Otherwise, it will then be impossible to make out on the map the area you have traversed: there is a blank wall or there is a passage that you have not yet entered.
  3. Don't lose your flashlight.
  4. Before exploring the dungeons, be sure to read - this way the exploration can bring 200-300 thousand pounds, which will be just enough to complete the quests of the Boston Fighters Club.
  5. Fast travel is also possible underground. This is especially convenient if you use ready-made maps for orientation.
  6. Read rule number 3.

Mysteries of the magic lantern

Finally, the answers to the magic lantern riddles may come in handy (since only the door opened at the bottom reveals the point at the top).

Navigation bar

Hunting Club

Episode 1

    Kill 5 deer
    Easy to complete task: Deer can be found everywhere in the Frontier. Use a hidden blade, bow, or at worst a pistol.Kill the wolf
    According to the plot of the game, you will be able to complete this task more than once.Skin 10 animals
    Can be completed as you progress through the game, especially during. To skin an animal, simply walk up to it and press E.Sell ​​£500 worth of hunting spoils
    The task is easy to complete at the very beginning of the game as Connor or Haytham. Visit any store and sell the spoils you get from hunting.Use a baited trap to catch 5 animals
    While traveling through the Frontier or the Homestead, Connor will come across traces of various animals. Place a trap and bait next to the trail, hide in a tree or bush and wait until the animal bites.Kill a bear with a hidden blade
    Go to bear areas (such as the Pakkanek or Johnstown areas), climb a tree, and kill the bear from the air. An alternative is to try to attack the bear from behind or defeat it in open combat.

Episode 2

    Kill 5 animals without being noticed using bait
    The easiest way to complete the task is from a tree. Climb onto a branch, scatter bait and wait for the victim, then make an air kill.Skin 25 animals
    To skin an animal, simply walk up to it and press E.Kill 10 animals with the hidden blade
    An animal can be killed with a hidden blade in any available way.Catch 20 animals in a trap
    Find any hunting ground inhabited big amount animals and place traps in this area (2-3 will be enough). To complete the objective faster, you can also use bait. Climb a tree and wait for the victim.Kill 15 animals with a bow
    Small animals can be killed with one shot from a bow. Larger animals, such as deer or bear, will require more shots. Try to aim for the head.

Episode 3

    Skin each type of animal
    There are 10 types of animals in the game: 5 predators (bear, lynx, puma, fox, wolf) and 5 prey (deer, wapiti, hare, beaver, raccoon). As you travel through the Frontier, you will encounter each of them repeatedly. Just remember to skin the animals you kill.Kill 5 animals from a horse
    Using a bow and pistol will not count, so you need to get close to the victim and use a melee weapon to jump from the horse to the animal.Sell ​​£2,000 worth of hunting spoils
    Visit any store and sell the spoils you get from hunting.Kill 10 animals with melee combat
    Attract the attention of predators until they attack you, and then after pressing the QTE button sequence, kill the animal.Complete the hunting map
    To complete the hunter's map, you need to discover the habitat of all types of animals in all areas of the Frontier and on the territory of the Homestead. To do this, you don’t have to commit a murder, you can simply find a trace of one or another animal (crushed grass, eaten bush, gnawed stump, etc.).
      Black Creek: hare, beaver, elk, bobcat;Genyageha Lands: hare, fox, deer, cougar;Johnstown: hare, bear, fox, elk;Valley Forge: hare, beaver, raccoon, elk;Diamond Basin: beaver , deer, wolf, cougar;Great Peace Hills: hare, elk, wolf, lynx;Lexington: hare, raccoon, fox, deer;Concord: hare, raccoon, deer, beaver;Pakkanek: hare, beaver, lynx, bear;Monmouth : hare, elk, raccoon, fox; Troise Wood: hare, deer, elk, wolf; Scottish Plains: hare, deer, cougar, raccoon; Davenport Manor: hare, wolf, fox, beaver, raccoon, elk, deer.
    Collect 50 Superior Animal Skins
    Pistols, mines, rope darts harm the skin of animals, so it is necessary to use hidden blades, bows and poisoned darts to kill them.

For completing all tasks of the hunters club you will receive a trophy.

Adventurers Club

Episode 1

    Take 10 leaps of faith
    From any high point, jump into a haystack 10 times.Open 5 entrances to the underground tunnel network
    Go underground in any city - New York or Boston - and explore the exits from the tunnels. Some of them can be opened simply by picking locks, others will require solving a small puzzle.Visit 5 viewpoints
    Climb to any 5 viewpoints and press E to open the map and explore the area.Discover the locations of all forts
    There are a total of 7 forts in the game. You can discover their location simply by traveling around the Frontier, Boston and New York. They are usually located along the edges of the map and are fairly easy to find.Explore the area by running 100 meters through the trees
    Another simple task that is completed as you progress through the main plot of the game.Collect 5 feathers
    Buy a feather map from the store or find feathers while traveling around the Frontier.

Episode 2

Episode 3

For completing all tasks of the adventurers club you will receive a trophy.

Fighters Club

Episode 1

    Perform a chain of 5 kills
    Disarm 5 enemies
    You must select fists in the weapon selector, then parry an enemy's blow by pressing the E key, and finally press SPACEBAR to disarm the enemy.Kill 5 enemies immobilized by a smoke bomb within 10 seconds
    Find a large enough group of guards, throw a smoke bomb and kill them quickly.Kill 10 officers
    (British or Patriot) usually lead the patrols, finding them will be quite easy. It will be even easier to deal with them.Kill 25 enemies with the hidden blade
    Simple and clear. Arm yourself with a hidden blade and attack your enemies. The task will most likely be completed as you progress through the game.Kill 10 enemies without being noticed
    A stealth kill means killing from a haystack or from behind a corner or bushes. Easily performed as you progress through the game.

    Episode 2

    Summon Assassin Recruits in battle 10 times
    Once you recruit the first assassin to your team, simply press the recruit key during battle and he will immediately come to the rescue.Kill 10 Grenadiers
    often appear on patrols. They wear plaid skirts and carry backpacks. It is impossible to pass by and not notice them.Use all types of weapons in battle
    Buy all kinds of weapons from the store and go kill your enemies. This way you will complete this task.Get 5 double kills
    Arm yourself with hidden blades and kill enemies patrolling the area in pairs (and more). The task is easily completed as you progress through the game.Liberate 3 forts
    Find a fort on a map of Boston, New York, or the Frontier and liberate it. The liberation of the fort consists of three stages: the destruction of gunpowder reserves, the killing of an officer and the lowering of the enemy flag.

    Episode 3

    Perform a chain of 7 kills
    As soon as you kill (or counterattack) the first enemy, you start a chain of kills. Continue attacking enemies and remember that as soon as Connor parries or blocks the blow, the chain will be broken.Hide with a human shield from gunfire 10 times
    When enemies line up and a yellow indicator- it means they are preparing to shoot. Approach the nearest enemy and press SPACEBAR to apply a human shield.Disarm and kill 10 rangers with their own weapons
    Jaegers begin patrolling the city as soon as you reach fame level 3. The easiest way to complete this task is in mission 2 of sequence 5. When a huntsman attacks you, arm yourself with your fists, parry the blow with the E key and then press SPACEBAR to take the weapon from the enemy.Buy all weapons available in stores
    The name of the task speaks for itself - save up enough money and buy all the weapons that merchants sell in their shops.Use rope dart 5 times to suspend enemies
    Climb onto the horizontal branch, find the enemy and use the rope dart while holding down the DOWN key.

For completing all the tasks of the fighters club you will receive a trophy.

Thieves Club

Episode 1

Catch the courier
Couriers/tax collectors spawn randomly and are shown on the mini map with a large red marker. As soon as you see such an icon, don’t waste your chance and go in pursuit. Use the rope dart to slow down the courier, and then grab him by pressing the E key. Attention! To complete the task, the courier cannot be punched or killed!Kill 25 enemies from cover
Haystacks, corner of a building, bushes where Connor automatically squats, wells, benches, etc. - are considered shelters. Just wait for the enemy to get closer and then kill him.Search 10 corpses
Search the corpse of a newly killed enemy by holding down the E key, and so on 10 times. The task will be completed.Get 25 air kills
Another fairly simple task that is completed as you progress through the game. Simply climb to a high place above enemies (roof of a building, fence, branch, etc.) and press the attack key.Steal 200 pounds
Get close to an enemy or NPC and hold E to steal.

Episode 2

Escape from pursuers 10 times using cover
Easy task. Start a chase, get away from your pursuers and then hide, for example, in a haystack. Lure an enemy dog ​​3 times using bait
Use a decoy from Connor's arsenal to repel the guard dog from the enemy patrol. Then kill her (optional). One of these patrols is located on the Frontier, in the Monmouth area, next to the trading post.Get 30 stealth kills
This task can also be completed as you progress through the game. Just kill the enemy without raising the alarm.Completely rob a guard 3 times
Find a lone guard, get close to him and keep pressing and holding E until you have completely robbed him. Be careful, the longer you steal, the more noticeable your actions become.Completely rob a wealthy citizen without being noticed.
Go to Boston or New York, find a citizen in rich clothes in the crowd and repeat the trick from the previous task.

Episode 3

Find and search 10 chests in New York
A simple task. Buy a map of the chests in the store or find them yourself, and then open the lock.Steal £1,500
Get close to an enemy or NPC and hold E to steal. Throw a few coins on the ground to attract a crowd of townspeople, and then simply steal everything from their pockets.Poison 5 enemies
To complete this task, use poison darts.Successfully attack and rob a convoy 3 times
Convoys randomly appear on the Frontier and are marked with a star (sun) symbol. As soon as you notice such a sign, don’t miss your chance.Win £500 gambling
Perhaps the most difficult test of all. Save up enough money, go to taverns (or the Manor), place big bets and don't be afraid to lose. Your best chance of defeating stupid computer logic is in checkers. SUCCESS!

For completing all tasks of the thieves club you will receive a trophy.
