What does the dark brotherhood give? Walkthrough of the Dark Brotherhood quests The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Dark Brotherhood is a mysterious and no less gloomy brotherhood of assassins who are ready to kill anyone whom some “Dark Sacrament” points out to them. The Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim has moved away from the usual cult of Sithis and currently worships the no less mysterious Mother of the Night, thereby observing all the Five Commandments. They have practically become ordinary hired killers, ready to do literally anything for the sake of hard cash.

In passing Dark Brotherhood the couple faces difficulties, incomprehensible tasks, situations, etc. We will help you understand every detail of the game for a more detailed and understandable passage.

Innocence Lost

To join the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodiil, it was only necessary to kill some innocent citizen of this province. In Skyrim, different laws apply - you can destroy the entire city, but you will never receive a summons to the Dark Brotherhood. But you shouldn’t lose hope and you shouldn’t doubt that the Dark Brotherhood exists. As proof of its existence, you may be attacked by a killer, from whose corpse you can take a note that will say that you were ordered into the Dark Brotherhood.

In any case, it’s possible to get into the Dark Brotherhood, you just need to wander around the taverns or talk to the kids who are in the Riften orphanage, although you can also immediately go to Windhelm, since that’s where all the rumors about the Dark Brotherhood will come from. As soon as you find yourself in Windhelm, at the entrance, listen to the conversation of the characters on the right side. In general, you will hear the following: a recently orphaned boy named Aventus Aretino ran away from the orphanage and is now going to call upon the Dark Brotherhood.

The boy lives in the same alley where you could hear the story about him. There will be a locked door there, so break it, go inside and go up to the second floor, where you will find Aretino. You will see that the boy has surrounded himself with very strange objects, and also utters very strange words. So, the boy thinks that he is performing the Black Sacrament. But it is not known whether he really calls secret killers or not. In any case, Aretino sees you and decides that you are the one he called.

In general, the boy will ask you to kill a certain Grelod the Good, who turns out to be not so kind. She is in a shelter located in Riften and the easiest way to kill her is when she is sleeping. After you quietly sneak in and kill her, suddenly the entire orphanage wakes up and a very funny scene begins. As a reward, Aretino will give you his family plate and say that he will soon return back to the orphanage (but in fact, he will never return there and will sit at home for the rest of his life).

With such friends...

At what point does a courier bring a letter to the main character, on which there will be a hand signet. The essence of the letter is something like “we know what you did that summer.” Well, having fallen asleep at some point on your favorite bed, you soon wake up in some strange and abandoned barn, already in the company of a certain Astrid. So, three “hostages” are sitting on their knees in front of you.

Astrid, in turn, will scold you for committing lynching and will soon offer you to take a test to join the Dark Brotherhood. The text is simple - talk to the prisoners and figure out who the contract was for, and then kill the target. It is generally impossible to fail this test, so there is no point in describing it, so talk to everyone and kill someone already.

After this test, you will be officially accepted into the Dark Brotherhood and officially invited to their hideout. Now go to Falkreath and find there the entrance you need to this shelter, at the entrance of which you will need to say a secret word, after which the doors will open for you. Upon arrival at this shelter, Astrid will greet you and offer to try on the signature suit of the Dark Brotherhood - the armor of the Shadows. After this, you will meet your first employer in the shelter, who will be Nazir.


Go to Nazir and take three contracts from him. So, your victims will be: a beggar named Narfi, the owner of the Beitild mine and the former owner of the sawmill named Ennodius Papius. You can find Narfi in a destroyed house, which is located in the vicinity of Ivarstead. You can find the hermit Ennodius Papius near the waterfall in the west, which is located in the vicinity of Windhelm. And the last goal - Beitilda, you can find on the streets of Dawnstar.

Goodbye love

Soon the cheerful and crazy Cicero appears at the shelter. If you have previously completed his task called "Belated Funeral", then he will undoubtedly recognize you! If you talk to him, he will complain that in your Dark Brotherhood there is no Hearer - a medium who could talk to the Mother of the Night, whom he recently brought from Bravil in one of the boxes.

At the same time, Astrid sends you to Markarth, where the pharmacist’s assistant named Mauri wants to deal with her former lover. In general, hand over all previous contracts to Nazir and go on a new mission.

You can find Mauri in a local pharmacy called "Witch's Tincture", or in a tavern. After talking with her and about her difficult fate, she gives you a contract for a robber named Alain Duphon who lives in the depths of the Dwemer ruins called Raldbthar. In addition, she will also tell you that it would be nice to also kill a certain Nilsina Shattered Shield, who lives somewhere in the city of Windhelm.

You will need to get to the Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar from the north side, since there are stairs leading up from there. Outside you will meet Alain Dufont's friends, so this task turns into the most ordinary dungeon clearing. You can find your goal inside this dungeon, near the fire with the rest of the robbers. By the way, in Alen’s hands you can see a hammer called “Curse of the Aegis”. Since Alain is a coward, only his friends will attack in battle, and in the meantime he will try to hide from you. By the way, there is spilled oil near the fire, so you can try to fry the whole gang.

As for Nilsina Shattershield, you'll be faced with a moral dilemma. Her sister was killed by a maniac, so the whole family is in complete mourning and if you kill Nilsina, then her mother will hang herself... As a reward, you will receive a ring that gives additional powers to your potions. Once the job is done, return back to Astrid. And upon arrival, you notice that after the arrival of Cicero, happy days begin in the Brotherhood.

Whispers in the dark

Astrid will be very concerned, because the already too crazy Cicero has already started talking to someone in his room. Maybe he is planning something very bad? To eavesdrop on what Cicero is saying, you will need to quietly and carefully sneak into his room. It’s better to hide somewhere in advance, for example, in the coffin of the “Mother of the Night”, with a mummy... In general, open the lock on the sarcophagus and climb inside.

After a short scene, you will have to talk with Cicero and Astrid. You will have to tell them what happened to you. In the end, you are sent to Nazir. He, in turn, gives you two new contracts. In the first contract you will have to kill an orc bard named Lurbuk, and in the second contract you will have to kill a vampire named Hern.

Hern lives with his girlfriend at the Half-Moon Sawmill, which, by the way, is located not very far from the Dark Brotherhood’s hideout. Usually your target is sitting at home, so by picking the lock, you can go inside and kill Hern.

As for Lurbuk, you should know that he is the sickest bard in all of Skyrim. He is so bad at the Berd craft that his own guild decided to remove him. He will perform at a tavern in the city of Morthal called "Heathers". The easiest way for you to get to him is when he leaves the main hall. After you complete these two contracts, you can safely continue to progress through the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

With the death of silence

As soon as you return back to your shelter, Astrid immediately meets you and invites you to listen to the Mother of the Night together and then go to a burial ground called Volundrud to talk there with a man named Amon Motierre.

You won’t have to look for this person for long - just turn to the left and walk over the corpses of the draugr, and then finally open the doors. As it turns out, Amon attracted the attention of the Night Mother with the help of the Black Sacrament. In general, this character offers you a very interesting contract: killing the emperor! As soon as you receive a letter from Rex with a valuable amulet, return back to the Dark Brotherhood’s hideout.

After you chat with Astrid in the shelter, all you have to do now is go to Riften and make your way to the Thieves Guild to a buyer named Delvin Mallory. From him you will need to find out more about the amulet that Amon Motierre gave you. A little later it turns out that the amulet is a sign that it belongs to the imperial Council of Elders. You will have to take a receipt from Delvin and return back to your shelter. Apparently, someone from the Council of Elders is involved in this murder.

So, after Astrid receives the receipt, she sends you to the wedding. In order to summon Emperor Titus Meade II to Skyrim, it is necessary to cause great unrest, so the best way is to kill one of his relatives and the choice falls on Victoria Vici, who stands as the head of the Eastern Imperial Company in Solitude. You will immediately have an additional task - to kill her at the moment when she is giving a speech.

Until the death separates us

The character who knows how to hide and wields a bow will complete the task as easily as possible. You just need to make your way along the fortress walls to the place where the wedding will take place. Then find a better place, wait for the bride to start making her speech and ultimately kill.

You can also use some kind of destructive spell, or the illusion of rage on her husband (after which he will kill her there on the spot), melee weapons and even the claws of a lycanthrope will also be very effective! By the way, you can also push the statue onto the head of the girl who stands on top of the wall. But the developers still took pity on everyone and allowed even those who are not good with a bow to kill the bride. So, on the left side of the entrance to the Temple of the Gods there will be a small door that leads into the city to a balcony that is located just opposite where the princess is going to perform. In general, in that place there is a very powerful bow called “The Death of Friniel”, and there will also be six elven arrows and a jar of accuracy potion right there!

But after you find this bow, it is best not to stay there any longer and go higher, since it will be much easier for you to leave from there. Of course, Visara's lizard will cover you, but it will be enough that you will run from this place along the bastions and keep to the right to eventually reach the city gates.

Advice: It makes sense to search the bride’s body for any valuable items, for example, wedding clothes with a fleece. But the problem is that these clothes are quickly removed from the game, and jumping straight to the corpse is quite dangerous, because there are a lot of guards below. But there is one tricky way: as soon as the arrow hits the bride, you must immediately move to the shelter and turn in the task, and then quickly return back to Solitude to the corpse.

As a reward, Astrid will give you a talent that allows you to summon a ghostly assassin (those who are familiar with the previous part of the game will undoubtedly recognize this talent). In general, after this you need to go to Gabriella and receive new instructions for the task.

Weak spot

The task that Gabriella gives sounds very difficult: in order to neutralize the emperor’s guards, you will have to demoralize the head of this guard, and this can only be done by killing his son named Guy, at the moment when he is carrying out an inspection tour of the cities of Skyrim. Although it doesn’t end there, since after the murder it is also necessary to put fake pieces of paper on Guy’s body, which will say that it was he who was preparing the assassination attempt on the Emperor. By the way, it is better to implement this plan not when Guy is in some city, but when he is on the road - this way they can find his body faster, and what else will they give you for it? additional reward, with the help of which you can also receive an additional task in which you will receive already improved Shadow armor.

You can steal the schedule of all trips in the garrison house called Penitus Oculatus, but it is also not necessary to do this, since you can simply wait for your goal in one of the taverns. Or you can just watch the scene where Guy says goodbye at the Dragon Bridge. From there, all you have to do is follow him to the nearest town, where you can kill Guy and plant a fake letter on him.

The note: Also if you passed the company civil war and were on the side of the Storm Brothers - that is, they took the Dragon Bridge, you don’t have to be afraid for Guy, because he and his soldiers can calmly defeat all enemy soldiers and continue moving along the indicated route.

Once you have completed everything that was required of you, then return back to the Dark Brotherhood's hideout. Gabriella will meet you at the entrance to the shelter. In general, hand over your task to her and return back to Astrid.

Cure for Madness

The Dark Brotherhood's hideout is a complete mess: Cicero attacked the inhabitants of this place, mortally wounded Visara, and then escaped from Arnbjorn who was pursuing him. To find out where the crazy Cicero went, you are sent to his room. At some point you find his diary and it becomes clear where he ran away. This place will be another shelter of the Dark Brotherhood, which is located in Dawnstar; in addition, the diary even contains the password to enter this shelter.

To help you get to Cicero faster, Astrid will kindly give you her horse, which will be the legendary Tenegriv. Hop in and hit the road, but in any case, the best way to get to Dawnstar is to fast travel.

The note: If Tenegriv does not appear from the black lake, then try to lead enemies to this place so that in the end the horse will attack them, thereby getting out to you. In any case, it is best to save before you leave the shelter and go to the lake.

So, first you will need to find the werewolf Arnbjorn, who pursued Cicero and suffered in battle. In the end, he can talk and will tell you that he wounded Cicero and will tell you that when you find yourself in the shelter, follow the bloody trail. As soon as the doors ask you, “What is the greatest illusion of life?”, then answer, “Innocence, my brother.”

Once you're inside, you'll begin to hear Cicero's craziest words. Also be careful here, as along the way you will encounter fire traps and ghostly guards of the sanctuary. By the way, pay your attention to the jester’s clothes that lie on the table and also to the large number of educational books.

Advice: You can call on your ghostly killer and listen to what he thinks about everything that’s going on here.

The bloody trail eventually leads you to an ice cave, where you will begin to encounter bear traps. Soon Cicero will say that someone “forced him to expand,” after which you will see who this “someone” is - the huge troll Udurfrukt.

As soon as you pass the wooden doors, pull the chain. Having walked a little further, you come across coffins and another batch of ghostly guards. As soon as you kill all the enemies, open another passage by first pulling the chain. At this point you finally meet Cicero. Since he is very badly wounded, he asks you to spare him and deceive Astrid. But what can we do? On the one hand, he caused great harm to the brotherhood, but on the other hand, he is the guardian of the Mother of the Night.

It’s worth leaving him alive, if only because a little later he can become your companion. But if you want to kill him, then keep in mind that he is not wounded, but is just pretending, so he will instantly jump up and fight with you. In addition, if you defeat him, then you can take the improved jester clothes from his body.

After this, return back to Astrid and you can lie - if you decided to spare Cicero, or tell the truth - if you killed him. So, it's time to move on with the imperial plot - now you will have Festus Keks (a very grumpy old man) as your instructor.

Killer Recipe

Your new task is to kill the secret Gourmet. In addition, you will also need to steal the pass of the emperor’s personal chef from him, and then hide the corpse so that no one finds out that the imperial chef has died. Of course, no one has any idea what this unknown Gourmet looks like, so this is your perfect opportunity to pretend to be him.

Only Anton Viran, who lives in the Podkamenny fortress, which is located in Markarth, knows who exactly is actually hiding behind the unknown Gourmet. You will first have to interrogate him, and then kill him. The best time to kill your informant is after night falls and everyone is asleep. As soon as Anton hears that you are from the Dark Brotherhood, he will immediately tell you everything he knows. So, the unknown gourmet will be an orc named Balagog gro-Nolob and he is located in a tavern called “Night Gate”, which is located in the western part of the city of Windhelm.

You can find the orc there in the cellar, although during the day he comes ashore in pairs. If you want to kill him on the street, then you can throw the corpse into the water, but if you kill him in the basement, then the corpse will have to be thrown into one of the barrels. Also, don’t forget to take the required pass from his body, and a training book in the basement.

The note: Please note that if you try to kill an orc while he is sitting on his chair, the corpse may get stuck and then superhuman efforts will be required to get him out of this “scrape”.

After the murder is completed, the corpse is hidden, and all the necessary papers are taken, return back to Frestus Krex. The time has finally come to kill the emperor. In this case, Astrid again acts as an instructor.

Advice: Before you go on your next mission, make sure that you have nothing left in the shelter, since it will not be available to you in the near future.

Death of the Empire

The task sounds too simple: use the recently stolen pass, get inside the palace, send food using the root of the fryer and then, when the emperor kicks back, get out of here through the upper doors to the unguarded bridge.

Once you find yourself in Solitude, go up the stone steps a little and overhear the conversation of the legionnaires, who will be very alarmed by something. They will talk about what conspiracy was uncovered. They will also mention Commander Maron, whose son you killed a few missions ago. Maron himself will stand nearby. He accepts your pass and sends you to the kitchen to the cook named Gianna.

So, the girl will tell you to put on a cap. You, in turn, do everything she tells you and then start cooking. By the way, don’t forget to add frying root to your food.

At some point, the cooking ends and Gianna takes the pot of food to the emperor. As it turns out a little later, the food went to the false emperor, but you don’t know that yet. Look at how the emperor eats with one eye, and then slowly get out of the palace. As soon as you poison the emperor and he dies, then immediately go to the bridge. Once on the bridge, you unexpectedly meet with Commander Maron, where you have to face the guards.

The note: Try to kill the guards, because if you don’t kill them, they will remain further in the city in battle mode, and will constantly resurrect and attack you again.

After such a setup, it's time to get out of here. Go down using the spiral staircase and thus find yourself outside the city.

Death incarnate

Suddenly fast travel the shelter will no longer be accessible, so you will have to move on your own two feet from Falkreath. The quest begins when you are attacked by agents of the empire. Around the Dark Brotherhood's hideout, you'll notice a bunch of oil barrels and a blazing fire inside. If you overhear the conversation of the Imperials, you will hear that someone from the brotherhood managed to survive, but the problem is that he hid deep in the shelter.

Having burst inside, you do not have time to save old Arnbjorn, but having made your way further through the fire, you find Nazir. Having dealt with the imperial soldiers together with him, you can finally prove your innocence in this conspiracy against the Dark Brotherhood. After talking with Nazir, you understand that the exit from this place is blocked, but Nazir will have nothing, because he is a Redguard - this means that he is practically not vulnerable to fire. But what should you do? You will have to hide in the sarcophagus of the Night Mother...

After a short scene, get out of the sarcophagus and go in search of Astrid. As soon as you fulfill her request, return back to the Night Mother and listen to what she tells you. Eventually, the Night Mother informs you that you are now the head of the Dark Brotherhood.

Glory to Sithis!

It's time to tell Nazir what the Night Mother told you. After this, go to the tavern called the Prancing Mare, which is located in Whiterun. There you will meet your old friend Amon Motierre. He will tell you that at the moment the real emperor is on board a ship called "Kataria", which is located at the mouth of the Gulf of Solitude. What does the emperor have very powerful security? In addition, you can finally get even with Maron, who will be located in the port. It is better to start the task with Maron, since he is the easiest target: he wanders back and forth along the port bridges.

The ship "Kataria" dropped anchor near the huge rock of Solitude. You can get onto the ship by climbing the anchor chain. There will be little security. Apparently they relaxed after they realized that the Dark Brotherhood was defeated. Making your way through sailors and agents of the empire, you soon come across doors that are locked with a powerful lock. You can get the key to this locked door from the local captain, who will live in the cabin next door.

As it turns out a little later, the emperor was waiting for you. Before his death, he asks that the conspirator, Amon Motierre, also be brought down. You can fulfill the emperor’s request and after you talk with Amon in the Whiterun tavern, kill him too, and receive a reward in Volundrud, in an old urn.

After finally completing the contract, return back to the new shelter in Dawnstar and talk to Nazir there. Now you are the new head of the Dark Brotherhood and can take contracts from the Mother of the Night, as well as slowly build up a shelter.

Where to hang the enemy's head

Before you go to the tavern called "Ragged Flask" before Delvin, you can immediately take the task from the Mother of Night called "The Dark Brotherhood Eternal". The task is endless, since the Night Mother will constantly send you to a nameless customer, who in turn will pay for nameless goals. In general, the payment will be 1200 septims per kill. In addition, you can also take small contracts that Nazir issues, but of course they will give you much less money for them - 750 septims, but they will be interesting because the victims are real Skyrim characters, and not those generated at the time of taking the task, but Nazir’s contracts will not be endless.

In general, get out of your hiding place and at some point you meet old Cicero, who returned back to his duties (provided that you didn’t fail him in the past, of course). Cicero, as always, is in his own style: first he will scare you with his bad joke, and then he will talk normally. So, you can now take him as your partner, and help him and send him back to wipe the coffin of Mother Night.

In any case, go to Delvin. Upon arrival, ask him to repair and equip the Dawnstar shelter. You will be forced to buy everything he offers you, since if you interrupt his offer, the pointer will be removed from it. In general, you will have to pay a very round sum for all this - 18,000 septims (by the way, almost the entire reward for the death of the emperor).

As soon as you return back to your shelter, you will notice how nice it has become. Nazir and Babette will be surprised that Cicero survived (of course, if they did not take care of the opposite in the past). In the torture chamber you can see the victims who are languishing there. In addition to the fact that they are ordinary prisoners, they also know where the treasures are kept, so you can take on four treasure-hunting quests. Even in the shelter, you will be able to notice that two Initiates have appeared, who, by the way, can also become your partners. At this stage, the main storyline of the Dark Brotherhood ends.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most popular games modernity. Huge fantasy world, various interesting tasks, a large amount of ammunition and weapons, interesting combat and magic systems, great music and an original plot. The world of the "Old Scrolls" is also interesting for its various guilds. One of the most mysterious is the Dark Brotherhood. It's not that easy to get there. So how do you join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim?

History of the Brotherhood

The Dark Brotherhood is a secret guild of assassins that has been shrouded in shadow and darkness since its founding. The activities of this organization spread throughout Tamriel. That is why many players often ask the question: “How to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim?” The history of this society originates from another group of assassins called the Morag Tong. During the Second Era, a number of Tongs left there, forming their own guild, the head of which is the so-called Mother of the Night. The Dark Brotherhood is a cult that worships Sithis, the god of Death and the Void. Once upon a time, the Brotherhood was one of the most powerful organizations in all of Tamriel. In those days, there were the so-called Five Dogmas - sacred rules that a member of the Brotherhood should not violate, so as not to incur the wrath of Sithis. During the civil war that broke out in Skyrim, the Dark Brotherhood actually collapsed. Almost all shelters were destroyed. Its numbers have also decreased. So, let's figure out how to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim.

Secret organization structure

It was precisely because of its mystery and closeness that the Dark Brotherhood penetrated Skyrim. How to join there? This question worries many fans of the game "Old Scrolls". But before we answer it, let's figure out who is in charge. As you know, any secret society has its own hierarchical ladder, and the Dark Brotherhood is no exception. Skyrim is one of the last refuges for these shadow killers. However, after the civil war, the last Hearer was killed - a man who listened to the speeches of the Mother of the Night and conveyed instructions to the Black Hand, and he to his minions. These five people, like fingers on their hands, had their own “nails” - the Stranglers. It was they and ordinary assassins who carried out the tasks. So, everything is clear with the structure, the main question remains unresolved. How to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim?

First steps

The Secret Brotherhood is a guild (or rather even a cult) of secret assassins. As such, there is no recruitment system for this organization, because it is secret and hidden from the authorities in the Skyrim region. Oh, and it’s mysterious - the Dark Brotherhood... How to join there? First you need to find the boy who ran away from orphanage in Riften. There are several ways:

Chat with the bartender about rumors;

From Maul, who lives in Riften, by showing him you can learn about the existence of the Dark Brotherhood;

You can simply visit the Riften orphanage;

In Windhelm, you can talk about this topic with Idesa.

In any case, regardless of the option you choose, you will learn about the boy Aventus Arentino, who is trying to summon a killer using an ancient ritual in order to eliminate the evil and selfish abbess of the orphanage. Finding his home in Windhelm is not difficult, and the castle is simple.

Quest "Lost Innocence"

In the house, the player will see Aretino himself, who performs the ritual of summoning the Mother of the Night and mistakes the person who enters for a murderer. The guy asks you to kill the old woman Grelod, who runs an orphanage in Riften.

Quest "Noble Orphanage"

This task is easy to complete. The shelter itself is located near the northern gate in Riften. Entering the gray building, the player sees how Grelod treats the children. You can kill her in different ways. Or right on the spot, in front of the children, who will not be afraid, but, on the contrary, will be incredibly happy. You can wait until she goes into her room and finish her there (there is a textbook on theft next to the bed). Upon your return to Windhelm, Aretino will give you a large dish - heirloom. After this, you will almost come close to resolving the question of how to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. So, you can go two ways. In the first case, you can wait for a messenger who will bring a scroll with the imprint of the Black Hand and the inscription “We know.” The second option is to go to bed.

Last steps

How to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim? If you chose the second option, that is, you fell asleep after completing previous quests, then the introduction will be quick. Waking up will not be the most pleasant. It is not known how the members of the Brotherhood were able to carry you past the guards, but they did. Since the player has fulfilled the contract of the Brotherhood, but is not a member of the organization, he is required to pay a certain penalty. You will wake up in a room where three defenseless victims and Astrid, the head of the Dark Brotherhood, will appear before you. One of these three will have to die by your hand. It is necessary to make the right choice, asking each unfortunate person how he ended up here. You can simply use the spell “Finding the Path”. The real target is Khajiit Vash. Although, in essence, there is no difference in who you kill. You can cut at least all three. In any case, you will be accepted into the organization. As you can see, in the game "Skyrim" joining the Dark Brotherhood is not something very difficult. After the murder, Astrid invites you to the “family” and shows you on the map the last refuge of the Dark Brotherhood, which is located in a cave near Falkreath. As you approach the doors, you will hear the question: “What is the music of life?” The answer will be the phrase: “Silence, my brother.”

Joining the Dark Brotherhood

To begin with, we can ask around for various rumors in Skyrim taverns or just from people. From rumors we learn that a boy from Windhelm, Aventius Aretino, is calling out for the dark brotherhood. We go to Windhelm, find Aretino’s house there, go inside and see how the boy performs a dark ritual and calls on the mother of the night.

Innocence Lost 1

We approach the guy, he is glad to see us and entrusts us with a contract to kill Grenod the Good from an orphanage in Riften. We go to the Noble Orphanage, which is located in Riften and kill the grandmother. The children are happy, and we are with them. We return to Aretino in Windhelm, he is pleased and gives us a silver plate worth 100 gold. After completing the quest, we need to wait a certain time and after that, in one of the cities of Skyrim, a messenger will run up to us and give us a mysterious note, which will depict a hand and the inscription “We know”, after which we need to sleep for eight hours.

With such friends... 2

After we were given a note and we fell asleep, we wake up in a place we don’t understand, and an incomprehensible woman dressed as an assassin talks to us. The woman's name is Astrid and we need to pay for the murder of the old woman, because we stole her from the Dark Brotherhood, but how can we pay? Life, but not ours, but the life of one of three people with bags on their heads who are in the same room with us. It doesn't matter at all which of them we kill. And we can also destroy Astrid herself and then the quest “Farewell, Dark Brotherhood” will start, see paragraph 5 of the content “Farewell, Dark Brotherhood”. For now, we’re not in a hurry to kill Astrid, but let’s kill one of the three targets... or all three at once, as your humble servant did. We approach Astrid - she is pleased with us and gives us the key to the hut, and also gives out the location of the dark brotherhood. The TB Shelter is located west of Falkreath. We go there and call the password “Silence, my brother.” We go inside and talk to Astrid. In the shelter you can find the “Stone of Barenziah”, which can be given to Vex in the Ragged Flask near Riften if we joined the Thieves Guild. You can also get it there useful word strength. We go to Nazir and take murder contracts from him.

Main Quest Line Contract: Kill Beitild

We need to kill Beitild, who owns the Mine in Dawnstar. We go to Dawnstar and find Beitild there. There are two ways to destroy our victim. You can tell her that you are from the Dark Brotherhood, and she herself will begin to attack you in the middle of the entire public, and you can calmly kill her. You can wait until 12 o'clock at night and kill her while she is sleeping. I chose the first one because it looks more legitimate.

Contract: Kill Ennodius Papius

We need to kill the former owner of the sawmill in the village of Anga - Ennodia Papia. Here the most difficult thing is to get to the village itself, but its location is indicated by a marker on the map, so this difficult task is quite simple, and killing Ennodius is generally as easy as pie, you can talk to him and he will run from you, quite funny.

Contract: Kill Narfi

We need to go to Ivarstead. Those who completed the main quest will find it easy to get there. In Ivarstead we need to find Beggar Narfi, he is in his own burnt house. I felt sorry for him, the house burned down, and even the dark brotherhood came. The author of this passage is generally a compassionate person, but there is nothing he will do for you, gentlemen, readers. Try to kill him secretly and give him the opportunity to run away so that the guards do not notice you, the author of this walkthrough threw him into the river and Narfi was carried away by the waterfall.
After completing all three contracts, we return to the sanctuary and see the scene of the arrival of the mother of the night and... Cicero. Astrid will give us a new contract, and we will give the completed ones to Nazir.

Goodbye love 1

This is our first serious contract, which Astrid gives us. We need to go to Markarth and find Muiri there. After talking with Muiri, we will need to kill her former lover Alain Duphon and additionally Nilsin Shattered Shield in Windhelm. Don't forget to get Lotus Extract from Muiri. First, let's kill Dufon, for this we go to the Dwemer ruins with the unpronounceable name "Raldbdthar". We interrupt the bandits at the entrance and go inside. We destroy the robbers, and if we go around and open the expert-level door, we can bypass the bandits in the central hall and shoot them from Dwemer catapults, however, the shell will not hit Duphon and we will have to finish him off manually. After killing Dufon, we leave the ruins and go to Windhelm to kill Nilsin Shattered Shield, but this is an optional task. Killing Nilsin is easy: either while she sleeps or at 7 pm when she is in the Hall of the Dead. Nilsin – good man Besides, her sister was killed, so if you don’t really need gold or you’re not a murderer (which is impossible, given that you belong to the dark brotherhood), then you don’t have to kill her. We return to Markarth and tell Muiri about our successes. If you have completed both of her instructions, she will be pleased and give you more money, as well as your ring. After this, if you have Mara's amulet, you can marry her. After talking with Muiri, we must return to the shelter and talk to Astrid.

Whispers in the Dark 2

We need to hide in the coffin of the Night Mother. If you suddenly go looking for the coffin from the side of the door that is locked at the master level, then go around to the other side, the door will be open there. Having found the coffin, we break the lock and climb inside. Soon Cicero appears and the mother of the night speaks to us. Afterwards, Cicero discovers us, and we become a listener in his eyes. Astrid doesn’t like all this, so she instructs us to go get more contracts from Nazir. Nazir will give us two more contracts.

Contract: Kill Lurbuk

We have to go to Morthal and kill the orc bard Lurbuk there. The best way is to wait until Lurbuk falls asleep and most of the tavern's visitors leave. This is around 2 am. After that, you can safely destroy this funny character.

Contract: Kill Hern

This time we need to destroy the vampire Hern (I love our localization). We go to the Crescent Outpost - this is the most difficult part of the contract. Hern himself is a fairly easy opponent and he, like his girlfriend, can be destroyed with any weapon, despite the fact that he is a vampire. You can kill both him and his girlfriend. It all depends on the time and place of the murder. AI packets are slow, so use “wait” at your discretion.
We return and hand over the contracts to Nazir. After we enter the shelter, Astrid will greet us.

With the death of silence 3

Astrid decided to listen to the Night Mother and sends us to Volundrud to Amon Motierre. Finding Volundrud is not difficult, given that the marker on the map points to it. Arriving in Volundrud, we find Motierre and take a letter and an amulet from him, and also learn about a very unusual goal. We return to Astrid in the shelter (see Silence of Tongues).

Silence of Tongues (optional quest)

At the exit from Volundrud we can find a diary (lying next to the skeleton that we have to kill and a pile of gold), the diary says that someone important lies here and we need to find ceremonial weapons. Both weapons are located in the first location.

With the help of two ceremonial weapons, we can open the door to the Cairn of the Elders. We find Quenel Tongue and kill him. You can take a sword from his corpse. Next to Quenel is the Word of Power, we study it. The quest is completed.

After we've returned to the Sanctuary and talked to Astrid, we need to head to the Raging Flask, an inn located in the Rat Hole, which is located in Riften. Finding the "Rat Hole" is simple, go to the square and jump down into the canals, get out of the water and look for the right door. After finding Delvin Mallory in the Wild Flask, give him the amulet for evaluation. We return to Astrid and listen to her further instructions.
Before going to the wedding, I advise you to look at Nazir and fulfill his contracts.

Contract: Kill Anoriath

Killing Anoriat is extremely easy... I would say, stupid. You can kill him right in the city, just tell him that you are the hunter, and he is the game. Anoriath can be killed in other ways, for example, when he goes out hunting from the city or in his own bed. I killed him in public.

Contract: Kill Ma'randra-jo

Our next target is a Khajiit wizard who travels with caravans. The hardest part is finding the caravan, but the location of the caravan is tracked on the map. Having found Ma'randra-jo, the easiest way is to select the second dialogue option with him and he will attack you himself, forcing you to answer. In case your character is Khajiit, Ma'randru-jo will have a unique dialogue with you.

Contract: Kill Dicus

The easiest of these lightest contracts. Dicus is an Argonian marauder and at the time of our search he is just clearing one of the wrecked ships, namely Hela’s Caprice. Having found Hela's Caprice, you can destroy it in any way possible and at any time. You can talk to him. After Dicus's death, clear out his camp and Hela's Caprice.
After completing all three contracts, we return to Nazir’s shelter for a reward and take another contract.

Contract: Kill Agnis

We need to kill the old maid Agnis in Fort Greymoor, located near Whiterun. There can be both bandits and Stormcloaks or Imperials in the Fort. If the soldiers attack you, fight, but if not, then Agnis is inside the fort in the left wing and it is quite possible to kill her without running into trouble. Having killed the grandmother, we return to Nazir for the reward. After completing the contract with Agnis, Nazir will give us two more contracts.

Contract: Kill Helvard

We have to kill Helvard, housecarl of the Earl of Falkreath himself. This contract can be completed first, since the shelter is located near Falkreath. In a conversation with Helvard, choose the first or second dialogue option. He will attack you himself. If the jarl and his assistants attack you after this, then there is another way. We wait until 2 am and kill him secretly in his own bed. He is a VERY easy opponent.

Contract: Kill Meiluril

This time you need to kill the Dunmer researcher Meilurin, who is conducting his research in the Dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft. We need to go to the ruins. At the entrance we kill the bandits and do the same inside. Afterwards we find Meiluril. You can talk to him, or you can kill him without talking. We return to Nazir for the reward and the last contract.

Contract: Kill Safiya

This is Nazir's last contract and, as he himself claims, the most difficult. In fact, this is the same insanely simple task; only Safiya’s corsairs pose a danger. If you've played through the Thieves Guild, you've probably already encountered one of the captain's team members pirate ship The Crimson Tide, moored at the Solitude docks. Let's head there. Personally, no one attacked me, and I calmly dealt with Safiya one on one. After Safiya's death, we go to Nazir for a reward.

Until death do us part 4:

We have to kill the emperor's cousin at her own wedding. Tragic. You will receive a bonus if you kill Vittoria Vici when she gives a speech to the guests. Go to Gabriela and Babette, they will help you a lot practical advice. Let's go to Solitude. The wedding is open and takes place outdoors. Don't waste time, time is precious. The best way killing Vittoria Vici - dropping a statue on her or shooting from a certain point.

Having climbed the stairs, you can go around the wedding from above, find the statue (there is only one and in the shape of a head) and at the right moment throw it onto Vittoria.
There is another option for the development of events.

Entering this door:
You will find yourself in a convenient place for archery, in addition, Gabriella left very nice and good gifts for you there.
I would advise you the second method, but in any case, Visara appears and covers us, and we must run away as far and quickly as possible, if you do everything correctly - the guards will not attack you, but the guests will attack (if they find us, of course, in the first option it will be quite problematic for them). Don't be afraid for Visara, everything will be fine with him. We return to the shelter and receive the following order.

Weak Point 5

Astrid instructs us to talk to Gabriella and find out from her the details of the next task. We do as Astrid says. We need to kill and disgrace the victim, in this case, Gaius Maron, an agent of the Imperial Security Service. First, we go to the village of Dragon's Reach, which is located near Solitude. We steal Guy’s route schedule from Post Penitus Oculatus, wait for the day corresponding to the schedule, and with the help of fast travel we get to the desired city. The most important thing is to follow Guy's schedule (no need to follow him!). Where to get the schedule is written above. Personally, I killed Guy Fredas in the Markarth Watchtower in the evening. After killing Guy, plant him with a compromising letter and return to Gabriella’s shelter. If you kill Guy in Dragon Bridge or along the way, you won't get a very interesting reward, so I advise you to follow Guy's schedule exactly and kill him in the city. If the task is not completed completely, then you will miss a very important part of the story.

Cure for Madness 6:

While we were away, a small tragedy occurred in the shelter. Cicero became enraged and wounded Visara, but not fatally. Gabriella meets us and asks to talk to Astrid. After we talked with Astrid and saw everything with our own eyes, we go to search Cicero’s room. In Cicero's room we find a diary and take it to Astrid. Coming out of the shelter, we see a picture of the legendary horse of the dark brotherhood, Tenegriv, emerging from the void. Now Tenegriv belongs to you.
Before you go to complete the task, go to Whiterun to Olava the Weak for a prediction (if, of course, you received this task).

After receiving the prediction, we have to find an assassin from the past. To do this, we need to go to the forest stronghold.

The forest stronghold is the base of the Forsworn of the Reach. We go inside, cut through the outcasts, go through the guillotine trap, find a door with a master-level lock, go here:

And we take the key to the master-level door from the outcast. We open the door, kill the outcasts on the bridge and go to the next location - a huge bastion of outcasts in the open sky. It’s difficult to give you advice here, especially considering that my character was strong enough and killed all the outcasts, taking the bastion by storm. However, we can just try to run past them; in any case, we need to get to the Witch’s Nest. The hottest part awaits us in the Nest, a bunch of witches and a sorceress. When you reach a room with a throne and a bridge that can be lowered, pull the lever that is located to the left of the throne. Behind the secret door lies the assassin from the past. The assassin has a set of Ancient Dark Brotherhood Armor. It's not worth reaching the end of the Witch's Nest, because the reward is zero.

(sequel to “A Cure for Madness”)
Let's go to Dawnstar. We follow the map marker towards the Dawnstar shelter of the Dark Brotherhood. At the entrance to the shelter, we see Astrid’s wounded husband, talk to him and go inside the shelter (we learned the password from Cicero’s diary). Upon entering the shelter, pick up a set of jester's clothes in the first room of the shelter. We make our way through traps and guards into the ice caves. In the caves we defeat Udurfrukt - the troll. We pass through the tomb and find Cicero. And now we have to decide whether to kill Cicero or not. It's up to you to decide. If you kill him, the mother of the night will be disappointed, and if you leave him alive, he will appear later (not as an enemy, but as a very useful ally, and in fact, Cicero was right, this becomes clear later). We return to Astrid and report success.

Killer Recipe 7:

Astrid instructs us to talk to Festus Krex. We go to Festus and ask him about the details of our task. We need to go to the Understone Fortress of Markarth and find Anton Viran there. Having found Anton, we talk to him and convince him to tell him about everything he knows about Gourmand, and then we kill him. At about 1 am, Anton and his henchmen will be asleep - kill him while everyone is sleeping. After killing Viran, we go to the Night Gate tavern, but do not kill the orc as soon as we find it, but wait for him to walk by the river. At one o'clock in the morning Balagog goes to bed. The orc wakes up at six o'clock. At noon (12 o'clock), Balagog goes for his cherished walk.

This is the best place to kill Balagog (he will stay here for up to 4 hours). After killing him, throw his body into the river (point the cursor at the body, press and hold the E button and move) and pick up the gourmet certificate from the body. After we kill Balagog, hide his body in the water, take the letter from the body, and return to Festus Krex for the reward and further orders.

Death of an Empire 8:

The Emperor's hour is coming to an end. We need to talk to Astrid and find out from her the details of the plan to kill the Emperor. We go to Solitude, find Commander Marona there and present him with the Gourmet Certificate. We go inside the Gloomy Castle. We talk with Gianna, and then take the chef's hat from the shelf, which is located to the left of Gianna. We put on the cap and talk to Gianna. We need to prepare a dish, and this is the most comical moment of almost the entire Dark Brotherhood, you can put anything into the dish, from carrots and vampire ashes to imperial sepim (coins), very funny. Don't forget to add the very last ingredient to the broth - frying root. Since we will be analyzing the murder of the Emperor with poisoned food, and not with anything else, I strongly advise you to add the root of the fryer, otherwise the quest will take a different course (namely, you will have to kill the Emperor manually). After preparing the broth, we follow Gianna to the imperial table and poison Titus Meade II (and also get a lot of pleasure from what we see). You can take the imperial clothes. After the death of Titus, we kill Penitus Oculatus and run from the Castle through the door in the hall where Titus was killed (behind the table). A surprise awaits us at the exit from the castle. We were set up and deceived. We destroy the Penitus Oculatus and run to the very bottom of the tower, the guards will be waiting for us, but we can pay them off or just run away. Having got out of Solitude, we return to the shelter of the Dark Brotherhood.

Death incarnate 9:

Penitus Oculatus is waiting for us near the shelter, we destroy them, poor Festus was shot at and nailed to a tree. We go inside the shelter. Everything is filled with oil. In the first room, Visara is lying covered in blood and undressed; in the next room, Arnbjorn is fighting, but, unfortunately, he cannot be saved. We kill Arcturus, Penitus Oculatus, who attacked Nazir. We speak with Nazir. After the conversation, we run to the mother of the night and hide in her coffin. After some calm they find us... Babette and Nazir, they escaped. After everything we have experienced, we learn from Mother Night that Astrid is alive, we go to her and see what is left of her. We talk with her, and after talking we take the blade of grief, kill her and become the head of the dark brotherhood. We return to the Night Mother.

Glory to Sithis! 10:

The true emperor must be killed! Hamon Motierre's contract must be fulfilled. Let's go talk to Nazir. After talking with Nazir, we should find Amon Motierre at the Prancing Mare, located in Whiterun. Having found Amon, we learn from him about the Emperor, as well as about Commander Maron (will add an additional task “Kill Maron”). After talking with Motierre, we go to the port of Solitude. Maron is in the port; he will be extremely surprised by our visit and, in a state of shock, will try to kill us. Having killed Maron, we look for the emperor’s ship, or rather, we go towards the marker on the map.

And here is the majestic imperial battleship Kataria. You can get inside the Kataria through the anchor hole using a chain.

Having made our way into the ship, we can use both covert and assault tactics. Either way, there are several main doors inside the ship that need to be opened. The first door is the expert level door on the second floor (where the cages are). Behind the door will be the cabin of Lieutenant Salvar, on his body there will be a master key to “Kataria”, which can be used to open the emperor’s chambers, closed with a “Master” level lock. In general, the enemies on the ship are quite weak and are not difficult to defeat. Finding ourselves in the emperor’s chambers, we speak with Titus Meade II, trying to use the first dialogue option in our conversation with him, given that he will ask you to fulfill his dying request to kill his employer in the spirit of American films. In the Emperor's chambers there are many valuable things, such as weapons made of expensive materials and ebony boots.

After killing the Emperor, we return to Whiterun to Amon Motierre, find out the location of our reward and - if we accepted the last request of Emperor Titus Meade II - kill Amon Motierre. I fulfilled the request of the late ruler. On the body of Amon Motierre you can find several expensive precious stones. After all, we go to Volundrud, the Nordic mound, in which we first met Amon Motierre. In the mound there is an urn with our reward, and in it there are 20,000 imperial septims. We return to Nazir in the Dawnstar shelter of the Dark Brotherhood.

Additional quests Where to hang the enemy's head:

The task is given to us by Nazir after returning to the Dawnstar hideout of the Dark Brotherhood, upon completion of the quest “Glory to Sithis!” We must equip and restore the Dawnstar hideout of the Dark Brotherhood. All necessary upgrades for the Dawnstar Shelter can be purchased from Delvin Mallory at the Ragged Flask, located in Riften. The total cost of all upgrades is 19,000 septims (we received 20,000 septims after completing the quest “Glory to Sithis!”). After completely upgrading the sanctuary, the quest will end.

The dark brotherhood is eternal:

These are random tasks given by the mother of the night. The purpose of the tasks is to fulfill the contract of a random employer.
Approximate chronology of quest events:

  1. We speak with the Mother of the Night and get the location of the customer.
  2. We receive a goal from the customer.
  3. We eliminate the target.

Quest rewards vary depending on the level of the hearer:
600 septims, 750 septims, 1000 septims, 1200 septims.

Take the hidden treasure:

After purchasing a torture room from Delvin Mallory, four prisoners will appear in it. By lowering the health level of the prisoners, you can find out the location of the four hidden treasures. Each treasure contains approximately 1000 to 2000 septims, allowing you to recoup the cost of purchasing the torture chamber.

Return of Cicero

ATTENTION: In order not to spoil your impression of the game, it is advisable not to start reading this entry before starting the quests “Cure for Madness” or “Glory to Sithis!”
If you do not kill Cicero in the quest “A Cure for Madness”, after completing the quest “Glory to Sithis” he will appear when we leave the Dawnstar Vault in front of the entrance and begin a conversation with us. In conversation, he will joke very sharply, but do not be alarmed, he is grateful to us for his own life and will decide to join us, and will also be available as a cheerful and useful companion. Leaving Cicero alive is the right and wise decision, given Astrid’s further actions, which we can learn about at the end of the Death of the Empire quest. Cicero is not a traitor.

Farewell Dark Brotherhood

Alternative history of the Dark Brotherhood. In this story we have to destroy this faction. You can start the quest only during the introductory quest “With Friends Like These...” by killing Astrid in it at the moment when she orders to kill one of the three prisoners. After killing Astrid, the quest “With Friends Like These...” will be failed, but the quest “Farewell to the Dark Brotherhood” will begin. After the quest begins, it will be possible to free the prisoners. After we leave the building, we go to any city and tell the guards that we killed the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, and after that we will be sent to Commander Maron in the “Dragon Bridge”. We inform him that we have destroyed the head of the Dark Brotherhood. After we reported the information to Maron, Maron will send us to the sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood so that we kill all members of the assassins guild. We have to find the entrance to the sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood. Having found the black door, we give it the password “Silence, my brother” and go inside, and inside everything is according to the proven pattern... We kill everyone. We return to Maron and listen to his pathetic speech, and then we receive 3000 septims for our efforts. The quest is extremely linear and you don’t need to think much about it.

Meet Aventus Aretino
To find out about the Dark Brotherhood, just ask any innkeeper about rumors and get information that the boy from Windhelm, Aventus Aretino, is performing a dark sacrament. We go to Windhelm, find the Aretino estate, open the front door and talk to the boy inside.

Innocence Lost (Introduction to The Dark Brotherhood)
Aventus Aretino will tell you about the evil matron of the orphanage in Riften, a certain Grelod the Good. It was because of her terror that he escaped from the asylum and vowed to hire the Dark Brotherhood to destroy her. Mistaking us for a representative of the Brotherhood, he instructs us to kill the old woman. Let's go to Riften and, entering the shelter, you can observe what phrases Grelod says to his assistant and children. In her room on the table there will be a book by her entitled “Children are Pigs.” In general, let the grandmother go to waste, and leave the orphanage amid the joyful cries of the children and the shocking exclamations of the young teacher. It is not at all necessary to kill from stealth mode; no one will give you up. We return to Aventus Aretino and receive the reward.

With friends like this...
A day or two after the events in the shelter, the messenger will give you a strange note, which will only contain the symbol of the Dark Brotherhood and the words “we know.” This is a sign for you. Now, no matter where you go to sleep at night, you will wake up in the middle of the swamps in an abandoned hut southeast of Solitude. A girl named Astrid will speak to you (her face will be hidden under a mask). She will say that the Brotherhood became aware of the incident in Riften and since we committed this murder on behalf of the monastery of Sithis, we now have a debt of one dead person. She offers to pay off the debt immediately. In the hut with us there will be 3 tied up prisoners: one of them is a criminal, the other two simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our task is to kill any of them. However, if you still want to kill someone, then talk to each of the prisoners. Personally, I decided that the real villain was the Khajiit on the right. After paying the blood debt, Astrid will invite you to join the Brotherhood and tell you about the location of the Vault (west of Falkrtia in the forest) and the password to it ("Silence, my brother"). Go there when it's convenient for you. Upon arrival, Astrid will give you a set of Brotherhood armor, tell you a little about the guild, and for now send you to Nazir for contracts.
Note: carefully search the shelter, in it you can find quite a few useful things, namely: a set of Brotherhood armor for a magician (lies in Astrid’s room on the cabinet on the right), a book +1 to the school of change, the word of power “Murder” (in the central hall), the book "Lost Legends of Skyrim", after reading which you can start the quest "Forbidden Legend" .
Babette- alchemy (master)
Nazir - light armor(master)

Refuge (First contracts from Nazir)
Nazir gives you the task of killing three people (each contract will be displayed as a separate task in the diary). You can submit kills one by one, or you can do them all at once.
Ennodius Papias
He is a hermit who lives a little west of the village of Anga, near Solitude. There are no witnesses in the area, so kill him as your black heart desires.
She is the owner of one of the two mines in Dawnstar. The only sure way to kill her without witnesses is to break into her house late at night (around 2-3 o'clock, because the girl stays out late) and stab her with a dagger while she sleeps.
He is a madman who lives in the village of Ivarstead across the river. It is best to kill him at night, but you can also kill him during the day. If you decide to work during the day, then under no circumstances shoot at him with a bow or hit him openly; such actions will burn the guard once. Sneak up from behind with a dagger and cut his throat (such murders are always invisible).
Note: Before killing Narfi, it is better to complete the mini-quest, which you can receive from the local innkeeper.
When all three kills are finished, return to the hideout.

Goodbye love
As soon as we return to the shelter, we will immediately witness a rather funny conversation between the members of the Brotherhood and the jester Cicero, who brought the coffin of the Mother of the Night and is the caretaker. After this, Astrid, slightly enraged by the behavior of the jester, will give us the first big contract. Our task is to go to Markarth and meet with the Witch Shop worker Muiri at the Silver Blood tavern.
Note: do not forget, after talking with Astrid, to give previous murders to Nazir (reward - 400 gold for each).
Muiri will order two murders for us, one mandatory, the second not. It will be necessary to kill the leader of the bandits, Alain Duphon, who has settled down with his cronies in the Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar. Nothing special inside. Unless you can go straight to the victim (to do this you will have to open two adept doors and skip through the room with fire traps), or you can go around the corridor on the left (in this case you will have to fight with Duphon’s entire gang).
Additionally: kill Nilsin Shattered Shield (the eldest and already only daughter of the Shattered Shield clan, the youngest was recently killed by Duphon). She spends most of her time in the hall of the dead, where there are no witnesses, so killing her is not a problem. However, I personally did not do this, because... The motives for her murder are banal jealousy and injustice on both conflicting sides. In general, this quest would have turned out to be more interesting if the developers had thought through the option of reconciling Muiri with the Shattered Shield clan and with Nilsin in particular (they grew up together and Muiri was like a third daughter for the clan, but Duphon robbed their house and killed their youngest daughter, exposing Muiri his accomplice).
Well, okay, let's get back to dry numbers. And they are as follows: if you killed only Dufon, you get 600 zoolots, if you killed both targets, then 600 gold plus Muiri’s ring (+15% to the effects of created potions). After this we return to Astrid.

Whispers in the dark
Astrid doesn't trust Cicero. He began to periodically lock himself in the room with the coffin of the Mother of the Night and talk to someone. Astrid suspects a conspiracy and asks us to sneak into the room, hide in the coffin and eavesdrop on who Cicero is talking to. We do everything as planned, as a result of which we will witness the jester’s monologue with the Mother of the Night, and then... she will speak to us. The Night Mother will tell us to go to the ruins of Volundrud and meet there with a certain Amon Motierre. Then Cicero will open the coffin, he will see us and will make a noise, to which Astrid will come running. Everyone will know that we are the Hearer, whom the Brotherhood has not seen for almost 100 years. Astrid will say that she needs to think about everything and for now she will send us to Nazir for the next small tasks.

Kill Lurbuk And Kill Hern
He is a crazy bard who lives in Morthal at the Heathers tavern. The ideal moment to kill is at night, when the orc is sleeping in his room.
He is a vampire and lives in the Half Moon Sawmill (northwest of Falkreath). The ideal option for killing is to knock him down on the way to the house around 1-2 am. You can also work in the house, but in this case, if you have insufficient stealth skills, you will also have to kill his wife Hert (she is also a vampire). The task does not prohibit the murder of Hurt.
Once everything is done, return to Nazir (each kill will be valued at 400 gold).

With the death of silence
Astrid will give us her permission to obey the Night Mother. Great, let's go to Volundrud (ruins northwest of Whiterun). If you don’t want to fight with draugr and complete the local quest related to the total clearing of the tomb, then just go to the far left passage. You will immediately be taken to a room where Amon Motierre and his bodyguard will be waiting for you. We talk to him and receive an envelope in which there is quite a contract for the murder of Emperor Titus Meade II. He gives us a precious amulet as a deposit. We take our leave and take the received items to Astrid. At first she will take it all as a joke, but after reading the letter and examining the amulet, she will understand that the matter is more serious. She will ask us to go to Delvin Melori at the Thieves Guild and evaluate this amulet. If you have not yet been to the Guild, then go to Riften, to the second level of the Rat Hole (you can get access there through Brynjolf’s quest, more details). Delvin will buy the amulet and give you a receipt. Take it to Astrid and begin the multi-step order fulfillment.

Until the death separates us
To kill the emperor, you need to force him to come to Skyrim. To do this, we have to kill his niece Vittoria Vicci (in Solitude). This must be done in front of everyone right at her wedding while she is addressing the guests (to receive a bonus). Talk to Babette and Gabriella. From each of them you will learn about the method of committing murder. Babette will advise you to throw the loosely attached statue onto the bride when she gives a solemn speech. Gabriella will tell you about the balcony just above the wedding site, from where you can shoot Vittoria with an arrow (by the way, if you choose this option, then on the same balcony you will find a good bow, Death of Firiniel. If you kill Vittoria with an arrow, there will be just a lot of noise, but everyone will perceive this as an accident; if you decide to shoot, then be prepared to fight with the guards. Also, if you kill with the help of the statue, then Vizarra will come to your aid, who will distract the guards while you leave Solitude. We return to Astrid.
Reward for completing the quest: the ability to call upon the help of the legendary Brotherhood member Lucien Lachance. If you completed the quest with a bonus, you will also receive 750 gold.

Weak spot
Gabriella will send us on our next mission. Our target: Guy Maron, son of the head of the emperor's personal guard, Commander Maron. To get a bonus from completing the quest, you need to kill Maron not on the road or in the Dragon Bridge (the city-residence of the emperor's guard), but in any big city. And so, we go to the Dragon Bridge to Fort Penitus Oculatus and steal the schedule of Maron the Younger’s movements from the table there (he travels alone). I won’t announce the schedule itself here, so as not to kill interest, I’ll only talk about the analogy of the Skyrim days of the week with ours, this will make it easier for you to understand what and when Gaius Maron is going to do and where to catch him.
Morndas - Monday
Tirdas - Tuesday
Middas - Wednesday
Turdas - Thursday
Fredas - Friday
Lordas - Saturday
Sundas - Sunday
Note: On some days, Guy Maron does different things during the day and evening and is in different places, if you use this wisely, it will greatly facilitate your task. Personally, I killed it in Solitude while eating. Be careful, Maron Jr. has a very high level health, so it’s difficult to kill him with one blow (high stealth helped me out, I hit him 3 times, he never saw me). Once you've done everything, return to Gabriella. If you complete the task with a bonus, you will receive the task described below, she will also ask you to talk to Astrid about the misfortune that happened in the shelter during our absence

Meet Olava the Weak in Whiterun
We go to Whiterun, find the old woman and tell her that we are from Gabriella. She will make a small prediction for us and say that in the town of the Witch’s Nest the greatest assassin once died. The path to the ruins of the Witch's Nest lies through other ruins called the Forest Stronghold. there are a lot of outcasts there, including their leader Briarheart. In the Nest, your main opponent will be the Sorceress, who has a habit of disappearing from the battlefield. During the first encounter she will disappear when you reduce her health to 2/3, in the second - to 1/2. It is in this room behind the throne that you need to pull the switch to open a secret room in which you will find the skeleton of an assassin and a full set of Ancient armor of the Dark Brotherhood (they are 1.5 times more powerful than usual, and in some respects even 2). Climb the tower and engage in the final battle with the sorceress, take the key from her, open the chest with valuable junk and return to the shelter.

Cure for Madness
Even when we come to hand in the quest about the murder of Gaius Maron, passing by the main hall we will see the wounded Visara, the rest of the Brotherhood members will stand next to him. Let's listen to a short dialogue, during which it turns out that Cicero is to blame for everything that happened, who for no apparent reason went berserk and began waving his blade, and then ran away in an unknown direction. Astrid asks us to examine the jester's room for evidence where he could have gone. In his room we will find a diary ( necessary part highlighted with a marker), from which we learn that Cicero went to the old Brotherhood hideout in Dunstray (the password for the black door is “Innocence, my brother”). We show Astrid's diary. She will instruct us to immediately go in pursuit of the jester, and at the same time to find her husband Arnbjorn, who set off in pursuit of the enemy immediately after the massacre in the shelter. To help us, she will give her horse Shadowmane, who will be waiting for us as soon as we go outside (yes, this is another greeting from Oblivion, our favorite red-eyed immortal horse of black color). We get to the place, the entrance to the abandoned shelter is located just north of Dawnstar from the sea (don’t miss the marker for sure). At the entrance we find the wounded Arnbjorn, from him we learn that the jester hid inside and was also seriously wounded in a fight with him. We send Arnbjorn home, and we ourselves give the password and go to the shelter. Inside, our enemies will be the ghosts of Brotherhood members. If you are of a low level, then it is better to fight with them one on one or operate from stealth mode. In some places you can activate traps to kill enemies. When you cross the hanging wooden bridge and go down, you will see two books on the table in the room, after reading which you will get +1 to your shooting and one-handed weapon skills. The most serious enemy will be waiting for you in the frosty branch of the caves - the named ice troll. It is approximately one and a half times stronger than its usual ice counterparts. In principle, it is as easily killed by fire as other similar types of troll meat, especially since there are 3 scrolls next to it on the ledge Fireball. Go through the snowy passage and go into the corridor leading directly to Cicero. Just before the door to it, you will meet the leader of the ghosts of the Brotherhood (he is stronger than his fellow tribesmen, but weaker than the troll, so you can handle it). We break into Cicero, he is trying his best to explain to us what happened. Whether to kill him or not is up to you. If you don’t kill him, then after completing the Brotherhood quest line you can carry him with you as a companion. Having resolved the issue with the jester, return to Astrid’s shelter and resume your efforts that are bringing you closer to killing the Emperor. As a reward, Astrid will leave Shadowmane to us forever.

Killer Recipe
We will receive this task from Festus Krex. Our previous actions have borne fruit - the emperor has arrived in Skyrim! An elite chef named Gourmet (real name is still unknown) was specially hired for him. Was hired and safely hidden, because... a couple of months ago the Emperor canceled his first visit to the northern province of the Empire. But now he is here and the services of the Gourmet will be needed any day now. Our task is to find out who and where is hiding under the name of Gourmet and kill him in order to later take his place. Completion Bonus of this assignment you will receive if you hide the Gourmet's body. Let's get started. To begin with, we follow a tip from Festus to Markarth in the Understone Fortress, where we harshly interrogate the local cook Anton Viran (persuasion does not work, but the threat does). He will tell you Gourmet's real name and that he is holed up in the Night Gate tavern (west of Windhelm). According to the assignment, we need to get rid of Viran. It is better to do this at night, when he is sleeping. Now we go to the Night Gate. Gourmet will be in the cellar. We kill him, take the accompanying letters, hide the body behind the bales of straw (simply dragging him away with the E key held down) and return to Festus for the reward.

Death of the Empire
After the matter with the Gourmet, we talk to Astrid, she will bring us up to date and give us poison for further actions. The time has come to deal with the emperor himself. We go to Solitude to the Gloomy Castle, introduce ourselves to the guard as Gourmet and, to confirm our words, give him the accompanying letter. We go inside and head to the kitchen. We talk to the cook, put on the chef's hat (lying on the shelf) and begin to prepare soup for the emperor. Or rather, we will just name the ingredients, and the cook will put them in the dish. When the last normal ingredient has been added, tell your kitchen partner that you want to add the finishing touch (you don't have to). As soon as the soup is completely ready, the cook will take it to the emperor, and you will have to accompany her. Upon entering the imperial hall, immediately stand at the door opposite, because... if you put poison in the soup, you will have to escape through it in just a few seconds. If you didn’t poison the food, then act in a prim and uncouth manner: go in, take out a sword, slash at the emperor (he will die immediately) and run. We run through the door indicated above into the street, cross the stone bridge, where Commander Maron and 3 guards will meet us. He will tell us that our lives were pledged in exchange for the cloudless existence of the Brotherhood in Skyrim. However, the treacherous officer does not want to fulfill the terms of the agreement. In his opinion, we will now be killed, and at this time his people have almost reached the refuge in the Falkreath Forest. Having said all this, Maron will leave, entrusting our fate into the hands and swords of the guards of the Penitus Oculatus. We'll have to fight, and openly. We will still be fined for killing them, so it’s better to be a master of the thieves guild by then, so that later, when ordinary guards try to arrest you in Solitude, you can pay them off. Having gotten rid of your pursuers, gallop at full speed to the shelter.

Death incarnate
We're too late, the Penitus Oculatus soldiers are already there. There will be 4-5 of them at the entrance to the shelter. We kill them and go inside. There is complete bedlam there. There is smoke, flames, blood and dead people everywhere. Our task is to find survivors. Make your way through the ruins to Nazir's room. He will desperately fight with one of the agents of Penitus Oculatus, help him in this noble cause. After which he will tell you that you need to find a way out. The exit to the street will already be blocked. So we go to the room with the coffin of Mother Night. You will again hear her voice, which will tell you that your salvation is in her coffin. We climb in there, hug with “Mother” and after a while we will witness a funny scene, as the hero Nazir will get us out from under the rubble under the bantering remarks of little Babette. We hear the voice of the Mother of the Night again and, following it, we set off together with Nazir and Babette to look for Astrid while she is still alive. She lies all burnt in the room adjacent to her chambers. Before her death, Astrid will tell you that it was she who handed you over to Maron, she will cover herself with the last words, and ask for forgiveness and relief from torment. Let's not disappoint the girl. We take her dagger, Blade of Woe, and finish off Astrid with it. Now we need to return to the Night Mother.

Glory to Sithis!
The Night Mother will tell us to continue the matter about the emperor. We talk with Nazir, after which we go to Whiterun to the Prancing Mare tavern. Inside, the guard of our customer, Amon Motierre, will speak to us and say that his owner is in the back room. We go there, talk to Motierre, inform him that the Brotherhood is not refusing the order, after which we receive information about the whereabouts of the emperor (he is already on board the ship "Kataria" and is waiting to sail) and Maron (he is located near Solitude in the port near the warehouse of the Eastern Imperial companies). First, let's take a look at Maron. When he sees us, he will say a few words and then attack. You can kill him on the spot, no fine will be imposed on you (of course, because Maron attacked first). Now we go east from Solitude to the bay where the Kataria is located. We jump into the water, swim up to the ship and climb aboard along the anchor chain. Inside you can cut out everyone you come across. You don’t have to waste time on a search, because... there's nothing valuable there anyway. Take them from the corpses of officers the necessary keys to get to the emperor's cabin. When you open it and come face to face with Titus Meade II himself, it turns out that he was waiting for you. The emperor will only ask for one last favor before his death, so that after his death we kill the customer. Whether you agree to this or not is up to you. We kill Titus Mead, leave the ship and return to Whiterun to Motierre. He will tell you that our reward awaits us in Volundrud in the same room where we first met him, in a Dwemer urn. Great (now you can kill Motierre right here, just close the door to his room and use only the dagger from stealth mode so as not to attract attention). In the indicated location we will find 20,000 gold. We return to Nazir. By that time, he and Babette will already be waiting for you in the Dunstra shelter. We tell him about our success, about how much the Brotherhood received (you can lie if you want). After which you will receive a final absolutely peaceful small assignment.
Note: if you did not kill Cicero, then he will also be in the new shelter and you can take him with you as a companion.

Where to hang the enemy's head?

We need to furnish a new shelter. To do this, we go to Delvin Melory at the thieves guild, talk to him about it and buy everything he offers. As a result, only 1000 septims will remain in your pocket from the amount for killing the emperor.
Note: To successfully complete the quest, you need to buy all available upgrades, and then talk to Delvin again.

All! The Dark Brotherhood branch is completed. Now you can take contracts at any time from Nazir (there will be 7 more of them) from the Mother of Night (they are endless).

Alternative passage of the Dark Brotherhood branch
When you wake up in an abandoned hut and talk to Astrid (see task "With friends like these..." ), then kill not one of the prisoners, but the representative of the Dark Brotherhood herself (from her corpse you can remove a set of shadow armor and a unique dagger, the Blade of Woe). Then tell any guard in the nearest settlement what happened. You will be told to go to Dragon Bridge and report to Commander Maron. We go there, tell everything again, receive gratitude and an offer to join the operation to destroy the Brotherhood’s shelter in the Falkreath Forest. We go where the mark indicates and help the Penitus Oculatus soldiers deal with all the killers. Once the job is done, return to Maron for your reward.
Pros: don’t stain your hands with the blood of innocents, no problems with the law, quickly get a good set of armor.
Minuses: you will not receive the ability to summon the ghost of Lucien Lachance, you will not receive Shadowmane for your use.

The Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim is a guild of assassins who destroy anyone who is ordered to be eliminated by the person who committed the Dark Sacrament. The Brotherhood is not the only assassin society: their main rival, the Morag Tong assassin group, is based in the province of Morrowind.

While the Morag Tong was a revered and respected guild, the Dark Brotherhood was a hidden secret cult whose members worshiped the deity of emptiness and death, Sithis. There were rumors that everyone who was born in Argonia under the sign of the Shadow was given into the so-called cult of the Dark Lizards, where they were raised as Shadow Creators, who were supposed to carry out the orders of Argonia. One of the members of this cult was Visara.

The Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim has ceased to adhere to old traditions, moving away from the worship of Sithis, the veneration of the Night Mother and the implementation of the Five Tenets, practically turning into the most ordinary mercenaries, ready to kill anyone just for the sake of gold. Back when the Brotherhood was one of the strongest guilds in Tamriel, they had their own rules called the Five Tenets. These are laws that were observed by all members of the organization, because they feared that for violating at least one of the Tenets, Sithis would bring down his wrath on the infidel.

The Brotherhood has its own hierarchical ladder. At its top are the Night Mother with the Listener, who can talk to the Daedra, and then tells what he heard to the participants of the Black Hand. The black hand consists of five people who lead in Skyrim Dark Brotherhood is like the five fingers of a human hand.

Each participant, like a finger on his hand, has his own nail, called the Strangler. Representatives of the upper strata do not carry out orders - this is the responsibility of the Stranglers and ordinary mercenaries.

Once inside, go up to the guy and talk to him. He will decide that you are a representative of the Dark Brotherhood and will tell you about Grelod the Good, who abuses children in an orphanage. After this, you will have a new task: Innocence Lost.

Second step

To complete a new task to join the Brotherhood, you need to go to the Riften Orphanage.

Having reached your destination, find and kill the old woman Grelod. It is better to attack her when she enters her room, so as not to cause panic in the whole house, which could be caused by witnesses to the murder.

Third step

Return to Aventus and turn in the task. When you go outside, you will be given a note with two words: We know and soon you will understand how to join the Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim.

Fourth step

Now you need to buy a house or stay overnight in any bed or couch.

When you wake up and get out of bed, you will find members of the Brotherhood in front of you.

Kill one of the three people.

After this, follow Astrid's instructions and head to their Sanctuary, which is located south of the Pine Forest Cave. She will also tell you the password and this will be the beginning of your career in the guild.

Fifth step

Go to the door and start a dialogue.

Tell me the password that Astrid told you.

Welcome to the secret society.

You are now accepted into the guild, and this will give you several advantages, such as new armor, regular missions related to eliminating certain individuals and receiving money for completing them, as well as mysterious and unusual quests. This concludes our article, from which you learned what the Assassins Guild is and how to join the Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim.
