Sharpening her skills. EE Guide - Elven Oracle - Elven Elder - Evas Saint

Guide to EE ( Elven Elder/Evas Saint)


Elven Elder (simply EE in the game) support – healer of the light elf race. It has the maximum speed of magic among similar classes, a set of enhancing effects, unfortunately suitable only for magicians, healing magic and wonderful pointy ears).

The task of this class in the game is to distribute buffs, fill MP, heal and resurrect characters, and even debuff enemies, sometimes all this will have to be done at the same time. Therefore, playing with these classes is much more difficult and more interesting than it might seem at first. In this guide on EE, I will describe all the points , related to character development from level 1 to maximum. I will describe all the equipment options so that you can choose one that suits your pocket, I will tell you about its actions in the conditions and many useful little things.

Leveling up and equipping your character:

I. Elven Elder from 1 to 85

  • 1-19
    • This gap has ceased to exist since Gracia 2, because... The first prof is taken very quickly through quests.

What useful skills do we get at these levels (I will describe the skills of the maximum level):

  • 20-39
  • 25
  • 30
  • 35
  • 40-51**

It is worth paying attention to SA Conversion (+60% mp, -40% hp) and Mana UP (+30% mp). An additional one with such a weapon can be useful in the exp, especially in locations with herbs, where the restoring full MP of Superior Herb of Mana drops.

    • : common top S.
    • : there are 2 options
      • +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +1 wit -1 men — maximum speed cast.
      • +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +4 dex -5 str — +5 running speed, compared to cast option 1, speed is lower by 5%, m def is higher by about 1%.

The choice depends on the composition of the party and the style of play. Running speed is important in pvp and can be accelerated by talismans: yellow talisman - speed gives +3 speed (sold in the store), yellow talisman of speed gives +5 speed (can be obtained for epalettes in a castle/fort), yellow talisman of alacrity +3 speed (can be obtained for epalettes in the castle/fort). All three talismans can be worn at the same time (at 61+ with an A grade bracelet) and get +11 speed.

  • Exp solo: 40-44 Hardin's Private Academy, Dragon Valley, The Forest of Mirrors(on ghosts), 44+ in inquisitor around Ivory Tower, Outlaw Forest.
  • Skills:
  • Skills:

Until now, all servers have not come to a conclusion which set is better - Dark Crystal or Majestic.

Here, too, there is no consensus on what is better - ma, dk or mf set. I think the ideal option is a +6 dk set.


The choice of set depends primarily on the server and the availability of bizhi; in essence, it is a choice between resistance to stun and paralysis. At the Olympics it is advisable to have 2 sets - Moirai and Vesper/Vorpal.

At this stage, there may be a lack of SP to learn skills. Therefore, it is better to skip learning some skills (for example Health, Skill Mastery) in order to learn the most necessary ones: PoW, Arcane Wisdom, Divine Lore, Mana Gain, Mass Recharge.

Skill Transfer:

After receiving 3 professions, we are given the opportunity to learn one skill as a se or bishop. A skill can be canceled for 10kk and take another one. Skills can be sharpened. The choice depends on the composition of the party, pvp or pve orientation, and the olympiad.

List of all skills

  • Purify Lv3 (Cures Paralysis, neutralizes strong Poison and Bleeding.)
  • Repose Lv13 (Reduces the level of aggression of undead.)
  • Hold Undead Lv12 (Paralyzes undead for 30 sec.)
  • Requiem Lv14 (For 2 minutes, neutralizes the aggression of the undead.)
  • Empower Lv3 (M. Atk. +75%. Duration: 20 min.)
  • Peace Lv15 (Makes the target more peaceful. The target's desire to attack is reduced.)
  • Focus Lv3 (Crit. Atk. +30%. Duration: 20 min.)
  • Resist Wind Lv3 (Protection against air attacks +20. Duration: 20 min.)
  • Greater Battle Heal Lv33 (Instantly restores HP. Power 858.)
  • Guidance Lv3 (For 20 minutes increases Accuracy by 4.)
  • Death Whisper Lv3 (For 20 minutes, increases critical strike power by 35%.)
  • Mass Resurrection Lv6 (Resurrect a dead clan member. Always returns 55% experience.)
  • Restore Life Lv4 (Restores 30% HP.)
  • Vampiric Rage Lv4 (For 20 minutes, with a certain chance, returns 9% of HP from damage dealt to the enemy. Does not apply to damage from skills and ranged weapons.)
  • Benediction Lv1 (Restores HP of all party members. Can only be used if your character's MP is below 25%. Cooldown 900 sec.)
  • Prayer Lv3 (Increases the HP recovery efficiency of all party members by 12%. Duration: 20 min.)
  • Body of Avatar Lv6 (Restores 35% HP of party members and increases Max HP by 35%. Duration: 20 min.)
  • Resist Holy Lv3 (Increases resistance to holy attacks by 30. Duration: 20 min.)
  • Magical Backfire Lv10 (Increases your enemy's MP consumption by 200%. Duration: 1 min.)
  • Mana Storm Lv5 (Burns MP of all nearby enemies. Power 81.)
  • Major Group Heal Lv5 (Instantly restores HP of party members. Consumes 4 units of Spirit Ore. Power 1170. Reading 7s, Cooldown 3s.)
  • Celestial Shield Lv1 (The skill concentrates divine power on the target to make it invincible for 10 sec. Cooldown 600s.)
  • Blessed Blood Lv7 (Puts a blood blessing on a party member. Gives a chance to restore HP when the character is attacked. Duration: 15 sec.)
  • Stigma of Shillen Lv4 (Weaken defense against melee weapons by 40. Duration: 30 sec. Cast 1.5s, Cooldown 3s.)
  1. Purify is an indispensable skill in pvp for a party with two healers bp+ee.
  2. Greater Battle Heal - best option for the Open Olympics.
  3. Magical Backfire - for CB Olympics/party with three healers bp+ee+se/ee.
  4. Stigma of Shilien - in melee batches.
  5. Empower - this option is possible in magic parties, for a duo exp with a magician or solo.
  6. Mass Resurrection - can be suitable for a party with three healers.

II. Skills Enchantment

The lvl of the skill increases from the skill sharpening lvl (learn lvl). This is important to know when sharpening debuffs (trance, block ww, wind shackle, erase) and recharge. To avoid a penalty for recharge, the difference between the lvl of the skill and the lvl of the character being filled should be no more than 5. Recharge +0 - lvl 74 skill. To fill a lvl 85 character without penalty, the recharge must be at least lvl 80, that is +13. It is also worth sharpening the main pvp buffs, because... The chance of its cancellation depends on the lvl of the buff.
For skills 2 profs:
+1 = lvl 76
+4 = 77
+7 = 78
+10 = 79
+13 = 80
+16 = 81
+19 = 82
+22 = 83
+25 = 84
+28 = 85
For skills 3 profs:
+1 = 81
+4 = 82
+7 = 83
+10 = 84
+13 = 85
Skills that need to be sharpened(the most effective sharpening methods, in my opinion, are listed first):
1)Recharge- cost

0 - mp 137
+1 — 133
+2 — 131
+3 — 128
+4 — 126
+5 — 125
+6 — 122
+7 — 120
+8 — 117
+9 — 115
+10 — 112
+11 — 111
+12 — 108
+13 — 106
+14 — 103
+15 — 101
+16 — 98
+17 — 97
+18 — 95
+19 — 92
+20 — 90
+21 — 87
+22 — 86
+23 — 83
+24 — 81
+25 — 78
+26 — 76
+27 — 73
+28 — 72
+29 — 70
+30 — 67

Recharge— power

0 - power 136
+1 — 137
+2 — 137
+3 — 138
+4 — 139
+5 — 139
+6 — 140
+7 — 141
+8 — 141
+9 — 142
+10 — 143
+11 — 143
+12 — 144
+13 — 145
+14 — 146
+15 — 146
+16 — 147
+17 — 148
+18 — 148
+19 — 149
+20 — 150
+21 — 150
+22 — 151
+23 — 152
+24 — 152
+25 — 153
+26 — 154
+27 — 154
+28 — 155
+29 — 156
+30 — 156

2) Major Heal— power

0 - power 946
+1 — 958
+2 — 972
+3 — 985
+4 — 999
+5 — 1012
+6 — 1026
+7 — 1039
+8 — 1053
+9 — 1067
+10 — 1080
+11 — 1094
+12 — 1107
+13 — 1121
+14 — 1134
+15 — 1148
+16 — 1162
+17 — 1175
+18 — 1189
+19 — 1202
+20 — 1216
+21 — 1229
+22 — 1243
+23 — 1257
+24 — 1270
+25 — 1284
+26 — 1297
+27 — 1311
+28 — 1324
+29 — 1338
+30 — 1352

Major Heal- cost

0 - mp 80
+1 — 77
+2 — 76
+3 — 75
+4 — 73
+5 — 72
+6 — 71
+7 — 70
+8 — 68
+9 — 67
+10 — 66
+11 — 65
+12 — 63
+13 — 62
+14 — 61
+15 — 60
+16 — 57
+17 — 56
+18 — 55
+19 — 53
+20 — 52
+21 — 51
+22 — 50
+23 — 48
+24 — 47
+25 — 46
+26 — 45
+27 — 43
+28 — 42
+29 — 41
+30 — 40

3) Vitalize- cost

0 - 144 mp
+1 — 141
+2 — 138
+3 — 136
+4 — 133
+5 — 131
+6 — 128
+7 — 126
+8 — 123
+9 — 121
+10 — 118
+11 — 116
+12 — 113
+13 — 111
+14 — 108
+15 — 106
+16 — 103
+17 — 102
+18 — 100
+19 — 97
+20 — 95
+21 — 92
+22 — 90
+23 — 87
+24 — 85
+25 — 82
+26 — 80
+27 — 77
+28 — 75
+29 — 72
+30 — 70

4) Clarity— power for magic skills (+6 must be sharpened)

0 – 10% clarity
+6 — 11%
+12 — 12%
+18 — 13%
+24 — 14%
+30 — 15%

5) Resist Shock— power

0 - increases stun resistance by 40%
+1 — 40%
+2 — 41%
+3 — 42%
+4 — 42%
+5 — 43%
+6 — 44%
+7 — 44%
+8 — 45%
+9 — 46%
+10 — 46%
+11 — 47%
+12 — 48%
+13 — 48%
+14 — 49%
+15 — 50%
+16 — 50%
+17 — 51%
+18 — 52%
+19 — 52%
+20 — 53%
+21 — 54%
+22 — 54%
+23 — 55%
+24 — 56%
+25 — 56%
+26 — 57%
+27 — 58%
+28 — 58%
+29 — 59%
+30 — 60%

6) Unholy Resistance— power, each sharpening level gives 4 dark resists.
7) PoW- decrease penalty

0 - reduces movement speed by 20%
+1 — 17%
+2 — 15%
+3 — 13%
+4 — 11%
+5 — 10%
+6 — 9%
+7 — 8%
+8 — 7%
+9 — 6%
+10 — 5%
+11 — 4%
+12 — 3%
+13 — 2%
+14 — 1%
+15 — 0%

Mana Burn- cost

0 - mp 103
+1 — 100
+2 — 97
+3 — 96
+4 — 95
+5 — 92
+6 — 91
+7 — 90
+8 — 87
+9 — 86
+10 — 85
+11 — 82
+12 — 81
+13 — 78
+14 — 77
+15 — 76
+16 — 73
+17 — 72
+18 — 71
+19 — 68
+20 — 67
+21 — 66
+22 — 63
+23 — 62
+24 — 60
+25 — 58
+26 — 57
+27 — 55
+28 — 53
+29 — 52
+30 — 50

Mana Burn— power

0 - power 162
+1 — 162
+2 — 163
+3 — 164
+4 — 164
+5 — 165
+6 — 166
+7 — 166
+8 — 167
+9 — 168
+10 — 168
+11 — 169
+12 — 170
+13 — 170
+14 — 171
+15 — 172
+16 — 172
+17 — 173
+18 — 174
+19 — 174
+20 — 175
+21 — 176
+22 — 176
+23 — 177
+24 — 178
+25 — 178
+26 — 179
+27 — 180
+28 — 180
+29 — 181
+30 — 182

9) Trance— time, each enchant level increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
Trance- chance

Wind Shackle— cost+time, each level of enchant increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
Wind Shackle- chance

11) Erase
- cost

12) Block WW
- chance
Block WW— cost+time, each level of enchant increases the duration of the debuff by 8 seconds.

13) Divine Lore

0 – 5% clarity
+1 — 6%
+8 — 7%
+15 — 8%

14) Arcane Wisdom— power

0 – 30% clarity
+3 — 31%
+6 — 32%
+9 — 33%
+12 — 34%
+15 — 35%

15) Wisdom— power, mental attack resistance, adds 2 for each enchant level.

16) Robe Mastery
— magic defense, each enchant level (except +6, +11, +16, +21, +26) adds 1% def.

17) Fast Mana Recovery
— power (+1 sharpening is required)

0 — MP regen increased by 3.4
+1 — MP regen increased by 4
+2 - MP regen increased by 4.1
+3 — MP regen increased by 4.2
+4 - MP regen increased by 4.2
+5 — MP regen increased by 4.3
+6 — MP regen increased by 4.4
+7 — MP regen increased by 4.4
+8 — MP regen increased by 4.5
+9 — MP regen increased by 4.6
+10 — MP regen increased by 4.6
+11 — MP regen increased by 4.7
+12 — MP regen increased by 4.8
+13 — MP regen increased by 4.8
+14 — MP regen increased by 4.9
+15 — MP regen increased by 5
+16 — MP regen increased by 5
+17 — MP regen increased by 5.1
+18 — MP regen increased by 5.2
+19 — MP regen increased by 5.2
+20 — MP regen increased by 5.3
+21 — MP regen increased by 5.4
+22 — MP regen increased by 5.4
+23 — MP regen increased by 5.5
+24 — MP regen increased by 5.6
+25 — MP regen increased by 5.6
+26 — MP regen increased by 5.7
+27 — MP regen increased by 5.8
+28 — MP regen increased by 5.8
+29 — MP regen increased by 5.9
+30 - MP regen increased by 6

18) Fast Spell Casting— power, each lvl of sharpening gives 0.1% speed castes.

19) Anti Magic
— power

0 - m def increased by 108
+1 — 113
+2 — 114
+3 — 115
+4 — 115
+5 — 116
+6 — 117
+7 — 117
+8 — 118
+9 — 119
+10 — 119
+11 — 120
+12 — 121
+13 — 121
+14 — 122
+15 — 123
+16 — 123
+17 — 124
+18 — 125
+19 — 125
+20 — 126
+21 — 127
+22 — 127
+23 — 128
+24 — 129
+25 — 129
+26 — 130
+27 — 131
+28 — 131
+29 — 132
+30 — 133

20) Turn Undead— attack, sharpen to +1 to swing solo in a rift/pagan. You can sharpen higher to increase the level of the skill in order to use it on mobs 80+ (Seed of Infinity, Hellbound).

III. Subclass Skills

When your subclass reaches lvl 65 and 70, as a main class you can learn general skills (Emergent Ability), which increase p def, m def, m atk, p atk. When the subclass reaches 75, you can learn similar general skills (Master Ability) or skills that depend on the subclass (Special Ability). Once the subclass reaches level 80, the transformation divine becomes available.
Emergent Ability 65, 70 lvl:

  • Magic Defense: 13-15 m def.
    Physical Defense: 8-9 p def.

Master Ability 75 lvl:

  • Great Magic Defense: 50 m def.
    Great Physical Defense: 29-30 p def.

Special Ability 75 lvl, interesting skills for us are:
Counter Defense: when receiving damage, chance of increasing p def/m def by 24% for 15 seconds ( Knight- tk/pal/da).
Counter Barrier: when receiving damage, chance to gain invulnerability for 5 seconds ( Enchanter- wark/pp/svs).
Divine Transformations 80 lvl:
Transform Divine Healer (Healer- Bishop), the following skills are available in transformation:
Divine Healer Major Heal- analogue of major heal, power 946.
Divine Healer Battle Heal- analogue of GBH, power 826.
Divine Healer Resurrection— 90% res like Bishop.
Divine Healer Clans— klinz (very relevant in this update).
Divine Healer Group Heal- analogue of Greater Group Heal, power 400.
Sacrifice Healer— restores HP and MP to all party members, including yourself. Available only when MP is less than 10%. After use, a 5-minute debuff is applied (does not impact), preventing HP from rising above 10%.
Transformation rollback 4 hours.

IV. Augmentation

To main weapon:
1) Any active nuke 10 lvl 110 power required for the Olympics in S/S80/S84 weapons 150(300) of the corresponding attribute. To perform well in Olympics, it is advisable to have 2-3 weapons with different nukes.

2) Passive Spell Clarity lvl 3
gives 20% clarity, a good augment for pve.

Into additional weapons
(it’s better to insert into low c, augmentation will be much cheaper):
1) Active Refresh(spell or general) reduces skill cooldown by 15%, duration 1 minute, cooldown 10 minutes.
2) Active Magic Barier lvl 10+77 m def regardless of the buff, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
3) Active Shield lvl 10+71 p def regardless of the buff, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
4) Active Blessed Body lvl 10+300 hp, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
5) Active Wild Magic lvl 10, duration 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
6) Active Lesser Celestial Shield— invulnerability for 7 seconds, cooldown 30 minutes, disappears with any action. The peculiarity of this augment is that it does not replace other augment buffs, all others replace each other.

V. MP Regeneration & Clarity

Overclocking mp regen:
1) Vesper Robe Set +5.57%, Vorpal/Elegia Robe Set+5%, Majestic Robe Set +8%
2) Sigil +17%
3) Necklace of Freya +0.23, Blessed Necklace of Freya +0.46
4) AM SA MP Regeneration 3-4% (suitable only for pve)
5) PoW +20%, Magnus' Chant+4 MP per tick
6) Song of Meditation+20%
7) Embroider(crafters buff) +2 MP per tick
8) Blessing of Seraphim +35%
9) Fast Mana Recovery, sharpened for power
10) Robe Mastery, sharpened for MP regen, +1 gives +4 MP per tick while sitting (suitable only for pve)
11) Talismans: Yellow Talisman of MP Regeneration (sold in the store), Yellow Talisman of Mental Regeneration, Red Talisman of Mental Regeneration, Red Talisman of Meditation (similar to Invocation).
12) Clan Clarity +3%
13) Residence Clarity+0.47 MP regen (Aaru Fortress, Valley Fortress)
14) Infinity Rod+0.51 to MP regen, +30% MP
15) Magic Clip Belt MP Recovery

low A - 0.14 (0.3 sitting)
mid A - 0.35 (0.75 sitting)
high A - 0.49 (1.05 sitting)
top A - 0.7 (1.5 sitting)
low S — 0.3 (0.6 sitting)
mid S - 0.75 (1.5 sitting)
high S - 1.05 (2.1 sitting)
top S – 1.5 (3 sitting)

Clarity acceleration:
1) Arcane Wisdom 30% (+15 — 35%)
2) Clarity 10% (+30 — 15%)
3) Divine Lore 5% (+15 — 8%)
4) PoW 5%
5) Song of Meditation 10%
6) Song of Renewal 5%
7) Passive Spell Clarity lvl 3 20%
8) Antharas Earring 5%
9) Magician's Will 5%
10) Enlightenment 90% for 20 seconds
11) Talismans: Red Talisman of Minimum (4%) and Maximum Clarity (100%)
12) Holy Squad 5% clarity, 30% mp
13) Masterwork SA Wisdom 5%
14) Vesper Noble/Elegia Set 3%
Clarity has no cap (limitation), you can overclock at least up to 100%. But the number of MP written on the skill is divided into 2 parts during casting. At the beginning of the cast, 1st part of the skill is spent, 20% of the cost. The remaining 80% is spent when the skill is cast. Clarity only affects the second part of the skill. For example, 90% of the clarities written on the Enlightenment skill will amount to 72% of the full cost of the skill.

VI. Boss/OlympiadJewelry, TW, PvP & Masterwork Items
Boss Jewelry

Ring of Queen Ant

(M. Def. 48) MP +21, increase resistance to poison by 30%, increase poison attack chance by 30%, increase accuracy, increase critical damage, increase resistance to hold by 20%, and increase hold attack chance by 20%.
Mystic classes usually prefer to wear a c80/84 ring instead of this epic, because... its only benefit is 20% resistance to hold attacks (root, arrest, etc.). In fact, a bd, svs or tank with +30 arrest, 2 rings and tv bij can do a lot of harm in pvp, so in the absence of a baium, an ant queen will not be superfluous. It can also be useful for leveling up a sub at the Olympics against tanks, although at Olympics it is better to use the Olympiad Warrior’s Ring for this purpose.
Ring of Baium(M. Def. 48) MP +21, increase resistance to poison by 40%, increase poison attack chance by 40%, increase accuracy, increase critical damage, increase resistance to hold by 30%, increase hold attack chance by 30%, increase Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd.
Gives 4% cast speed and resistance to root. In daily pvp it’s not critical, at the olympics you can’t do without it.
Earring of Zaken(M. Def. 71) MP +31, increase resistance to bleed by 30%, increase bleed attack chance by 30%, vampiric rage,increase healing effects,increase resistance to stun/abnormal mental state attack by 20%, and increase stun/abnormal mental state attack chance by 20%.
Usually, in terms of price, this is one of the most affordable epics, and in terms of value, it is one of the most important, because... mental and stun resistances play a very important role in pvp.
Blessed Earring of Zaken(S84 - M. Def. 94) MP +37, 30% increase in Bleed Resistance, 30% increase in Bleed Attack Rate, 15% increase in Heal amount, Vampiric Rage effect, 30% increase in Stun/Mental Attack Resistance, 30% increase in Stun/Mental Attack Rate, and 15 Dark resistance.
A new version of Zaken with resists like Antaras, practically unavailable to anyone yet.
Earring of Antharas(M. Def. 94) MP +37, increase resist bleed by 50%, increase bleed attack chance by 40%, increase healing effects, vampiric rage, 30% increase in stun/abnormal mental state resistance, increase stun/abnormal mental state attack chance by 30%, decrease MP consumption, and increase resistance to earth attacks.
The most valuable not only for EE, but for any class in the game in general.
Necklace ofFrintezza(M. Def. 95) MP +42, increase resistance to sleep/paralysis/stun by 15%, increase sleep/paralysis/stun attack chance by 15%, increase resistance to poison/bleed by 25%, increase poison/bleed attack chance by 25%, decrease in skill re-use delay, increases Damage Shield effect, and increase resistance to Dark attacks.
Good resists and skill rollback (5%). But Frintezza, as well as Freya and Valakas, have one drawback - the reflex effect. In pvp with tech under the mirage, the cast will be disrupted and the target will be reset when it hits with a simple attack. In such cases, it must be removed or replaced with a simple necklace.
Necklace ofFreya(M. Def. 125) water resistance +10, bleed resistance +20%, paralysis/shock/sleep resistance +15%, magic skill reuse delay -5%, reflect 4% short-range attack damage, max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.23, mental attack resistance +10%.
An alternative to Frintezza, it gives more damage and resistance to mental attacks.
BlessedNecklace ofFreya(M. Def. 132) water resistance +15, bleed resistance +25%, paralysis/shock/sleep resistance +20%, magic skill reuse delay -5%, reflect 4% short-range attack damage, max MP +50, MP Regeneration +0.46, mental attack resistance +10%, caster heal capacity +15.6, Men +2, Con +1, Str -1, magic MP consumption -5%.
Epic with the highest mdef and wonderful resists, but practically inaccessible to anyone.

Necklace of Valakas
(M. Def. 125) MP +50, HP +445, increase resistance to sleep by 40%, increase sleep attack chance by 40%, decrease in skill re-use delay, increase in P. Atk. and M. Atk., Wild Magic effect, Damage Shield effect and increase in resistance to Fire attacks.
M attack, m crit, skill rollback 10% - everything for mana burn, as well as a HP bonus and + 40% to passing trance,
Beleth's Ring(M. Def. 48) MP +38, HP +105, increase M.Def. by 12%, increase resistance to abnormal mental state by 10, increase abnormal mental state attack chance by 10, increase MP recovery rate by 0.23, and increase resistance to Dark attacks by 30.
Still no one can farm.

Olympiad Jewelry

For Olympiad Tokens and Grand Olympiad Manager you can buy an A-grade shadow bijou, which is given for 60 days and is a stripped-down version of the epic biju.
Olympiad Warrior's Ring(22k Olympiad Tokens, M Def: 42) MP +21, increase accuracy and critical damage, 30% hold resistance increase, 30% hold attack rate increase(analogous to ant queen, resists to root like baium).
Olympiad Warrior's Earring(33k Olympiad Tokens, M Def: 63) MP +31, 20% increase to shock/mental resistance, 20% increase to shock/mental attack rate and Vampiric Rage(analogous to zaken).
Olympiad Warrior's Necklace(44k Olympiad Tokens, M Def: 85) MP +42, 15% increase to Sleep/Paralysis/Shock resistance, 15% increase to Sleep/Paralysis/Shock attack rate, decreases skill reuse delay and reflects damage(similar to frintezza).

TW Items

In the epilogue, new jewelry was introduced, which is given as a reward for the Territory Badge. It has a m def like the dynasty bizhi and is a good alternative or addition to the epic bizhi. Rings give +15 resist to various elements, necklaces +30 resist, earrings give several different bonuses. The Innadril earring is most suitable for HER:
Innadril Guard Earring— sleep attack +15%, stun protection +15%, water protection +10, CP +5%.
You can also do Belt() for the Territory Badge. slightly increases p def and with the help additional options can increase the number of inventory cells, maximum carry weight, defense or damage in pvp, HP or MP regen.
Magic Ornament Mithril Belt PvP Defense— increases protection in pvp from physical attacks and skills:
Top-grade by 6%
High-grade by 4.2%
Regular by 3%
Low-grade by 1.2%

PvP Items

Starting from top A grade, you can add additional pvp bonuses to weapons and armor from the Reputation Manager for fame. You cannot insert/remove an attribute, augment, essence (in dynasty), or noble stones (in Vesper) into a pvp item. Can only be sharpened, so make sure you get everything you need in first.
PvP weapons: increases damage in pvp, chance when receiving damage to increase casting speed by 15% for 10 seconds.
PvP armor: reduces damage dealt in pvp by 5% and gives a chance to reduce the frequency and strength of critical hits.

Masterwork Items

Rare weapon
Of all the possible rare ones, the ones that are most interesting to us are: Wisdom(5% clarity), Nature(max MP +289), Earth(increases max HP) and Holy Spirit(increases healing power):
Flaming Dragon Skull - Wisdom
Sword of Miracles - Holy Spirit
Arcana Mace - Nature
Dynasty Mace - Earth
Dynasty Phantom - Nature

Rare armor

To get the maximum bonus from the set and foundation items, it is necessary that the robe/tunic be normal, and the helmet/peppers/bots/bottoms be foundation. Usually, rare parts of a set give the same bonuses as the set itself in % terms (except for the int, wit, men stats and speed casts) and in total they will give a bonus almost equal to that of the set. For example, the tallum set gives 8% def. A set with foundation parts will give ~7% more def. This % is distributed between the parts, the bottom usually gives the largest part, and the peppers and bots the smallest.

PvP and mass PvP

I will continue my guide to EE with a description of actions during mass batches. This implies that you have a group to follow. If there is a bish in the group, you need to monitor him first, fill him with MP, heal him, resurrect him. Remove the target from him only if absolutely necessary. If there is no bish and you are the only healer in the group, it will be much more difficult. You will have to work for two, the actions are the same, we heal, monitor MP, and resurrect. It is most convenient to do this in the group window, so as not to look for the desired character among others in the center of the batch.

PvP (I’ll also include actions in the Olympus arena here) - in order to be able to deal damage in comfortable conditions (without using the transformation into an inquisitor, thereby losing the opportunity to be treated_), we take 2-3 magic fluff, a bunch of life stones and catch active ones nukes. I have already discussed this issue in more detail above.

In Olympus conditions, everything is simple. We throw a full buff on ourselves - this is our main advantage; not many classes can boast of this. We attack with nukes from medics, changing weapons so as not to wait for a rollback, heal, put us to sleep in a trance, burn out the enemy's PM, run from him, and, if necessary, throw an explosive block. If you and your opponent have no fundamental difference in equipment, then your chances of winning are great. If you have not prepared your character for Olympus farming, it will be difficult. Especially problems can arise with classes such as tanks, overkill, healers, and magicians with crazy magic-crit.

In PvP conditions, the situation changes a little because the enemy may also be under a full buff and the attack will no longer be so effective. At first it will be difficult. But after gaining some experience, you will understand that PvP in the field is not much more difficult than PvP on Olympus.


This is where I’ll end my guide to EE (Elven Elder/Evas Saint), since I’ve already stretched it out enough. But I hope you have found the answers to all your questions in full and found my guide to EE interesting and useful for you.

Useful tips for the game.

If you are tired of Olympus farming, PvP, quality and want to relax a little by playing another online game for me I liked it transformers game,I recommend.

EE Guide
High Five

Elven Elder- support class, one of 4 classes that are indispensable in any party (EE, BP, BD, SvS). EE combines a healer, a buffer and a charger at the same time. The high casting speed allows you to treat a major with healing almost like Bishop Greater Battle with healing. EE has a set of unique buffs - clarity, decreased weight, resist shock, which no other class in the game has. Recharge, combined with clarity, high casting speed and high men, makes HER the best recharger. None of the other classes has such a wonderful thing as party recall - this is an instant blast to the city of the entire group. In addition to everything - beautiful skin light elves =) When playing as HER, you need to understand that this is not a DD, and to level up, as well as have an interesting time in the game, you need a good party const.
The words about the uniqueness of EEshek were written before the Gracia Epilogue update. Now our skills are available to CE (4) and bishops (1), CE can apply for the position of a recharger and a second healer. Perhaps in PVE there will now be no difference between CE and EE, as well as between PP and warcraer. In pvp the difference is obvious - BoE and 20% speed castes.

What new did High Five give us, besides the Olympics with pillars, mages that frighten everyone, destros with rush pacts and killable epics? Of course, new skills are Chain Heal, Mass Vitalize and Mass Cure Poison (we've been waiting for it for so long! xD). But, due to the change in the system for passing debuffs and the establishment of a lower limit of 10%, we have 3 more “new” skills - Dryad Root, Ice Bolt and Curse Weakness. If the last two do not look very useful, then the route can be used in pvp, and you do not need to equip additional epics to complete it. We also changed the Vitalize skill, reducing the base casting speed from 5 to 3 seconds (basic casting speed for GBH is 2 seconds, major healing is 5 seconds).

I. Elven Elder from 1 to 85 (skills, equipment, exp)
II. Skills Enchantment
III. Subclass Skills
IV. Augmentation
V. MP Regeneration & Clarity
VI. Boss/ OlympiadJewelry, TW, PvP & Masterwork Items
VII. Pets
VIII. PvP Tactics

I. Elven Elder from 1 to 85


This gap has ceased to exist since Gracia 2, because... The first prof is taken very quickly through quests.
What useful skills do we get at these levels (I will describe the skills of the maximum level):

Heal- our first healing skill. The maximum lvl is 35.
Ice Bolt- noob nuke with the water attribute, when passed, reduces the enemy’s speed by 20%, duration of action is 1 minute. The maximum lvl is 14.
Might- p atk +15% . The maximum lvl is 40.
Shield- p def +15%. Maximum lvl is taken at 44.
Cure Poison- relieves poisoning. The maximum lvl is 58.

Battle Heal- fast healing, quite expensive in MP. The maximum lvl is 35.
Curse Weakness- reduces the enemy's p atk by 17%, duration 30 seconds.
Group Heal- party heal. The maximum lvl is 35.
Wind Shackle- reduces the target's attack speed by 23%, duration 30 seconds. In pvp it is used against fighters, for a quick turn to face daggers. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.


Now you Elven Oracle , there is no way back to the bending classes. At this stage, it is already advisable to find yourself a party. You can level solo in the EG on the 2nd floor, after level 35 - in Hardins Academy. If the party is not expected to reach a high level, it is better not to suffer solo, but to immediately get yourself a nuker friend, at least a bishop, or a window CX. Further, I do not consider exp in the party, because it depends on the composition. At these levels you can dress in top common, anyway, D sets are not for support.


Wind Walk- increases movement speed by 33. Maximum lvl is taken at 30.
Kiss of Eva- increases the duration of the breath bar under water. Used at the Olympics in combination with other unnecessary buffs (regeneration, resist poison, etc.) to protect against cancel.
Concentration- reduces the chance of cast interruption by 53%. The maximum lvl is 68.
Resurrection- resurrects the target, at maximum level (74) restores 60% of experience (together with the bonus from vit - 80%).

Agility- evasion +4. The maximum lvl is 52.
Dryad Root- holds the target in place, lasts 30 seconds.
Mental Shield- increases resistance to rooting, sleep and mental attacks by 50%. One of the most important buffs in pvp. The maximum lvl is 56.
Holy Weapon- holy attribute +20.

Recharge- restores the target's MP. Cannot be used on classes that have this skill. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.

Decrease Weight- increases carrying capacity by 9000. Maximum lvl is taken at 52.
Regeneration- increases the speed of HP recovery. In practice it is rarely used.
Resist Poison- increases resistance to poisoning by 50%. Maximum lvl is taken at 44.



Karmian Set(+15% cast speed, +5.24 p def) - good cast speed, p def - a universal option.
Divine Set(wit +1, int -1, mp +171, +5.24% p def) - a lot of MP, good p def, bonus to % resurrection, but the casting speed is only +5% due to +1 wit.
Demon Set(wit -1, int +4, hp -270) - high attack speed, low speed cast - suitable only for solo exp.
From level 40 you can wear a bracelet that opens slots for talismans. C-grade bracelet opens 1 slot (sold in the store), B-grade bracelet - 2 slots (can be obtained from the quest "Pailaka - Devil's Isle" 61-67 or bought for epalettes in the castle/fort), A-grade - 3 (sold for epalettes in the castle/fort), S-grade - 4 (drop from bosses in the quest dungeon in the castle).

Mysterious/Homunkulus's Sword SA Acumen. Mysterious Sword spends only 2 nipples, the hamster spends 3.
It is worth paying attention to SA Conversion (+60% mp, -40% hp) and Mana UP (+30% mp). An additional weapon with such a weapon can be useful in the exp, especially in locations with herbs, where the Superior Herb of Mana, which restores full mp, drops.

common top S.

Tattoo: there are 2 options
1) +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +1 wit -1 men- maximum cast speed.
2) +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +4 dex -5 str- +5 running speed, compared to cast option 1, speed is lower by 5%, m def is higher by about 1% (my choice).

The choice of tattoo depends on the composition of the party and the style of play. Running speed is important in pvp and can also be accelerated by talismans: yellow talisman - speed gives +3 speed (sold in the store), yellow talisman of speed gives +5 speed (can be obtained for epalettes in a castle/fort), yellow talisman of alacrity + 3 speed (can be obtained for epalettes in the castle/fort). All three talismans can be worn at the same time (at 61+ with an A grade bracelet) and get +11 speed.

Exp solo: in the Alligator Island Inquisitor, The Forest of Mirrors (on ghosts), around the Ivory Tower.

Greater Heal- single heal. Restores part of hp instantly, and the other part gradually (heal over time). Used until Major Heal appears. It is recommended to combine it with other healing skills (Heal, Vitalize) while the HoT component is working. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Inquisitor- transformation in which are available: Divine Panishment(single nuke with holi attribute), Divine Flash(aoe nuke), Divine Curse(debuff, reduces the target’s healing efficiency by half and continuously reduces its hp), Surrender to the Holy, Holy Weapon,Turn Undead, Invocation, Wild Magic. Combat skills in transformation grow along with the level on their own (no need to spend sp), and accordingly the MP consumption per nuke also increases. In Gracia Final this transformation was nerfed and only deals 40% damage in pvp. In PVE everything remains the same.
Might of Heaven- deals damage to undead.
Bless Shield- increases the chance of blocking with a shield by 30%. Maximum lvl is taken at 70.
Resist Shock- increases resistance to stun by 40%. One of the main buffs in pvp. The maximum lvl is 72.

Return- teleport to the nearest city. At maximum level (56) it is cast almost instantly.

Greater Group Heal- similar to Greater Heal, only for the whole party. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Party Recall- teleports party members to the nearest city. At maximum level (56) it is cast almost instantly.
Vitalize- restores HP, cures poisoning and bleeding. The only normal healer before the advent of Major Heal, but not MP-efficient. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.


Blue Wolf Robe Set(mp +206, mp regeneration +5.24%, int -2, men -1, wit +3) - a lot of MP, a bonus to MP regen and to % of resurrection - the best, but expensive option. It is not necessary to collect it, because... The time of B grade will fly by very quickly, it is better to save money immediately for A set.
Avadon Robe Set(+15% cast speed, +5.247% p def) - a budget option, cast speed and p def differ slightly compared to the BV set.

if there is a party, then you can run with mist sword at least up to 76. For solo leveling it is better to OE hamka or valhalla with akumen.

common B/top C.

Exp solo:
The Cemetery, Fields of Massacre, Forsaken Plains.


Erase - a chance to erase a summon. Consumes 5 spirit ore. Depends on the attack m, the ratio of the levels of the summon and the skill, it is a mental attack (EE’s only mental attacking skill). Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Invocation- greatly increases MP regen for 30 seconds (42 MP per second), during this time you cannot move, cast, p def is reduced by 90% and if you receive any damage, the effect of the skill is interrupted. Fixed cooldown 15 min. The maximum lvl is 72.
Trance- puts the enemy to sleep for 15 sec. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Major Heal- main heal, fast cast/cooldown, low cost and great amount restored hp. Consumes 1 spirit ore. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Mana Burn- burns the enemy's MP. Depends on the attack and can crit, so in pvp you need to buff Wild Magic. Crit mana burns to dagger - and he is left without MP. EE should protect their bishops with this skill and block ww. On supports and mages, effectiveness is lower due to their high defense. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Turn Undead- the skill consists of two chance components: Fear (scares away the mob) and Lethal Strike (leaves the mob 1 hp). They are not connected with each other in any way, if Fear depends on the attack, then the passage of Lethal Strike depends only on the lvl of the skill and the lvl of the mob. Consumes 5 spirit ore. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.


Clarity- reduces the MP consumption of physical skills by 20%, magic ones by 10%, dances/songs by 20%, consumes 3 spirit ore. One of the main buffs in pvp and pve. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.
Advanced Block- increases shield def by 50%. The maximum lvl is 72.
Unholy Resistance- dark resist +30. Maximum lvl is taken at 74.



Until now, all servers have not come to a conclusion which set is better - Dark Crystal or Majestic.
Dark Crystal Robe Set(Wit +2, Men -2, Casting Spd. +15%, P. Def. +8%, Speed ​​+7, Paralysis Resistance +50%, Small decrease in chance of spell interruption) - high casting speed, good p def , running speed is the best pvp set.
Majestic Robe Set(Int -1, Men +1, mp +240, Casting Spd. +15%, MP Regeneration +8%, Stun Resistance +50%) - a large amount of MP, MP regen - best set for exp.
Tallum Robe Set(Wit +2, Int -2, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Def. +8%, Poison and Bleed Resistance +80%) - a budget option, not suitable for pvp, because has a low p def (good only against magicians). It makes sense to consider it when comparing +6 sets. P def becomes almost like a +6 dark crystal, a big bonus to m def, the disadvantages (compared to dk) are the lack of +7 speed and Paralysis Resistance.

Weapon: for a party upgrade, any gun with an akumen, for a solo - som or OE C/B grade with an akumen.


Exp solo: Forest of the Dead, Valley of Saints.


Wild Magic - increases the chance of a critical attack with magic by 2% (a constant increase to the base crit rate). Maximum lvl is taken at 70.

Improved Movement- combo buff Wind Walk + Agility.
Improved Shield Defense- combo buff Bless Shield + Advanced Block.



Dynasty Robe Set - Healer(Int -2, Men +2, Casting Spd. +15%, Max MP +321, Dark Resistance +8, Heal Capacity +22, Magic Cancel Rate -15. Opens cloak slot) - after downgrading to S, it became quite relevant at 76+ levels.
Rare bonuses:
Dynasty Stockings (2.08% m atk, 133 mp, 3.33 dark resist)
Dynasty Circlet (1.25% m atk, 80 mp, 2 dark resist)
Dynasty Gloves (0.83% m atk, 53 mp, 1.33 dark resist)
Dynasty Boots (0.83% m atk, 53 mp, 1.33 dark resist)
Major Arcana Robe Set(Wit+1, Int+1, Men-2, M. Atk. +17%, Speed ​​+7, Magic Cancel Rate -50%, Stun Attack Resistance +50%, Weight Limit +5759) - running speed, high m attack, but only 5% of speed casts.
Rare bonuses:
Major Arcana Circlet (m atk +0.62%, stun resistance +12.5%, casting cancel probability -13, speed +1.75, weight limit +1440)
Major Arcana Gloves (m atk +0.41%, stun resistance +8.3%, casting cancel probability -8, speed +1.16, weight limit +960)
Major Arcana Shoes (m atk +0.41%, stun resistance +8.3%, casting cancel probability -8, speed +1.16, weight limit +960)
From lvl 76 we have a passive Sigil Mastery, which, when wearing a sigil, increases healing by 30 units and MP regen by 17%. Sigil is a very good thing in pve, but in pvp it is better to wear a shield.

Arcana Mace, Dynasty Mace/Phantom SA Acumen.


Exp solo:
Rift, Pagan - lethals (Turn Undead). The passage of the lethal does not depend on the attack and nipples, only on the lvl of the skill. For the rift you need a party. To level up solo, just take a twink to the party, give him dimension fragments and leave him somewhere away. Exp in the rift is good, but expensive due to the cost of spirit ore and dimension fragments.

Arcane Protection - increases protection from cancel by 30% and resistance to debuffs by 20%.
Health- passive, increases resistance to poisoning and bleeding by 20%.
Wisdom- passive, increases resistance to rooting, sleep and mental attacks by 20%.
Sigil Mastery- passive, when wearing sigil increases healing by 30 and MP regen by 17%.
Mass Cure Poison- removes poisoning from the entire group.
Mass Vitalize- restores HP to the entire group, removes poisoning and bleeding. A good group healer with a quick cast and a relatively small cooldown.

Block Wind Walk
- removes buffs from the target that increase movement speed (Wind Walk, Improved Movement, etc., this does not require passing the debuff, i.e. acts like a bane), makes it impossible to reapply them for 2 minutes and reduces movement speed by 10%.
Divine Protection- dark resist +30, holy resist +20.
Skill Mastery- a passive that gives a chance to use a skill without a cooldown or apply a buff/debuff with double duration, depending on INT.

Arcane Wisdom- toggle skill, reduces MP consumption by 30%, reduces casting speed by 10%, consumes 50 HP per tick. Saves MP well, should always be turned on at high quality.
Divine Lore- passive, reduces MP consumption by 5%.
Prophecy of Water+10% p atk, +20% p def, +20% atk speed, +20% m atk, +20% m def, +20% cast speed, +20% mage crit rate, +20% mp regen, + 10% resistance to debuffs, +5% clarity, -20% movement speed. Consumes 10 spirit ore.

Mana Gain- increases the strength of the recharge received by the target by 85. Cooldown 2 minutes. The amount of mana restored is limited by skill power*1.7, so Mana Gain gives magicians a smaller bonus to mana restoration.

At this stage, there may be a lack of SP to learn skills. Therefore, it is better to skip learning some skills (for example Health, Skill Mastery) in order to learn the most necessary ones: PoW, Arcane Wisdom, Divine Lore, Mana Gain, Mass Recharge.

Skill Transfer:

After receiving 3 professions, we are given the opportunity to learn one skill as a se or bishop. A skill can be canceled for 10kk and take another one. Skills can be sharpened. The choice depends on the composition of the party, pvp or pve orientation, and the olympiad.

Purify- an indispensable skill in pvp for a party with two healers bp+ee.
Greater Battle Heal- the best option for the Open Olympiad.
Magical Backfire- for cb olympiad/party with three healers bp+ee+se/ee.
Stigma of Shilien- in miles batches.
Empower- this option is possible in magic parties, for exp duo with a magician or solo.
Mass Resurrection- may be suitable for a party with three healers.


S80 armor:
Moirai Robe Set
(Wit+2, Men -2, M. Atk. +8.11%, Casting Speed ​​+15%, Resistance to Paralysis +50%, Resistance to Fire/Water/Wind/Earth +5. Opens cloak slot) - good casting speed and resistance to paralysis.
Rare bonuses:
Moirai Hose (m atk +1.03%, 5% paralysis resistance, water attribute +5)
Moirai Circlet (m atk +0.62%, 5% paralysis resistance, fire attribute +5)
Moirai Gloves (m atk +0.41%, 5% paralysis resistance, wind attribute +5)
Moirai Shoes (m atk +0.41%, 5% paralysis resistance, earth attribute +5)

S84 armor:
Vesper Robe Set
(Int+1, Men-2, Wit+1, M. Atk. +8.47%, Casting Speed ​​+15%, MP Recovery Bonus +5.57%, resistance to Stun +50%, and decreases the damage to be canceled by magic by 30).
Vesper Noble Robe Set(Int+1, Men-2, Wit+1, M. Atk. +8.47%, Casting Speed ​​+15%, MP Recovery Rate +5.57%, Resistance to Stun +50%, Magic Cancel Rate -30, Speed ​​+7 , MP consumption upon skill use -3%, and the cloak slot opens) - advantages compared to a vorpal: more attacks, concentration, 3% clarity; cons: cast speed is 5% less, less p def.
Rare bonuses:
Vesper Hose (m atk +0.68%, mp regen +0.68%, stun resistance +12.5%, casting cancel probability -7.5)
Vesper Circlet (m atk +0.41%, mp regen +0.41%, stun resistance +7.5%, casting cancel probability -4.5)
Vesper Gloves (m atk +0.27%, mp regen +0.27%, stun resistance +5%, casting cancel probability -3)
Vesper Shoes (m atk +0.27%, mp regen +0.27%, stun resistance +5%, casting cancel probability -3)
Vorpal Robe Set(Wit+2, Men -1, Int -1, M. Atk. +8.7%, Casting Speed ​​+15%, MP Recovery Bonus +5%, Speed ​​+7, Max MP +92, Resistance to Stun +50%, Resistance to Fire/Water/Wind/Earth +5. Opens cloak slot) - my choice. Compared to the Vesper, it gives more speed casts, n def, a little m def, but less attack and no concentration effect. Drop from Frintezza.
Elegia Robe Set(Wit+2, Men -2, Int +1, M. Atk. +10%, Casting Speed ​​+15%, MP Recovery Bonus +5%, Speed ​​+7, Max MP +97, MP consumption upon skill use -3 %, Resistance to Stun +50%, Resistance to Fire/Water/Wind/Earth +5. Opens cloak slot) - a top set in all respects, but not yet available to anyone. Drop from Extreme Freya.

Icarus Hall/Spirit, Vesper Caster/Buster, Rising Star, Veniplant Sword, Sacredium, Archangel Sword SA Acumen

Bijouterie: s80-84/epic/TW bizha

Solo exp: Primeval Isle, Fields of Silence, Fields of Whispers, Dragon Valley,


Mass Recharge
- restores 1500 MP to each party member (with a mana gain of 1585). Fixed rollback 1 hour.

Enlightenment- for 20 seconds increases MATK by 10%, healing by 40%, cast speed by 50%, MAG crit rate by 50% and reduces MP consumption by 90%. Fixed rollback 10 min. The book can be obtained from the quest in Seed of Infinity.
Magician's Will- passive, +5% m atk, +5% cast speed, +5% m crit rate, +5% clarity.
Turn to Stone- selfie jellyfish for 8 sec, cooldown 10 min, cannot be cancelled. The book can be purchased on Gracia for items given as part of the quest in Seed of Infinity, Seed of Destruction.

Protection of Alignment- passive, +20 dark/holy resist, when receiving damage, chance for 10 sec to increase m defense by 1000 and resistance to all attributes by 20.
Protection of Elemental- passive, +20 fire/water/wind/earth resist, when receiving damage, chance for 10 sec to increase m defense by 1000 and resistance to all attributes by 20.
Protection of Rune- passive, +15% m def, when receiving damage, a chance for 10 sec to increase m def by 1000 and resistance to all attributes by 20.

Blessing of Eva
- completely restores hp/mp/cp, removes debuffs with a 40% chance. Basic cooldown is 20 minutes. The book is sold by Grand Olympiad Manager for 30k olympiad tokens, 800 fame and 12kk adena.
Chain Heal- restores the HP of the target and 10 allies around it. Consumes 4 spirit ore. The distance to the target is 900, around the target - 300. It heals itself only if it is cast on itself. Targets for healing are chosen as for subliming - clans, NPCs, non-flagged (including vars). Works like a restaurant, i.e. The amount of HP restored is not affected by the Preyer, Icon, Zealot, etc. In the healing chain, a target with the lowest % HP is selected, 30% HP is restored to this target, targets with a little great value HP restores 27%, the next 24% and so on - 21%, 18%, 15%, 12%, 10%, less than 10% does not heal. The target on which the skill is cast restores the smallest % of HP. For example, if the healing is for three, then the target recovers 24%, if for a full party - 10%, regardless of the target’s HP value. Thus, you need to target the one closest to the one who needs healing.

II. Skills Enchantment

The lvl of the skill increases from the skill sharpening lvl (learn lvl). This is important to know when sharpening debuffs (trance, block ww, wind shackle, erase) and recharge. To avoid a penalty for recharge, the difference between the lvl of the skill and the lvl of the character being filled should be no more than 5. Recharge +0 - lvl 74 skill. To fill a lvl 85 character without penalty, the recharge must be at least lvl 80, that is +13. It is also worth sharpening the main pvp buffs, because... The chance of its cancellation depends on the lvl of the buff.

For skills 2 profs:
+1 = lvl 76
+4 = 77
+7 = 78
+10 = 79
+13 = 80
+16 = 81
+19 = 82
+22 = 83
+25 = 84
+28 = 85

For skills 3 profs:
+1 = 81
+4 = 82
+7 = 83
+10 = 84
+13 = 85

Skills that need to be sharpened(the most effective sharpening methods, in my opinion, are listed first):

1)Recharge- cost

9) Trance- time, each enchant level increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
Trance- chance

Wind Shackle- cost+time, each level of sharpening increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
Wind Shackle- chance

11) Erase
- cost

Editor's note: the article was written almost immediately after the server switched from C4 to Interlude, so some realities have now changed, for example, the behavior of EEshka on ollies, no one now pumps EE solo under warrior buffs, everyone runs to the undead, etc., but We did not edit the article; if necessary, we will write a more modern version.
And they wrote. Meet: .

general review:
We decided to download HER, what should we expect? Compared to C4, EE was greatly increased - then EE really showed up only after the 3rd prof. And in the Interlude, NCSoft gave us several important skills at mid-levels, which makes HER a full-fledged class after lvl 56.
As a buffer for mages, EE is an excellent addition to SH and PP - Clarity practically eliminates the problem with mana, and Prophecy of Water significantly increases combat strength. As a buffer for warriors, EE is inferior to almost everyone - not a single buff of EE is necessary in almost any party. Only the bishop is less valuable in this sense. But as a healer, EE deservedly takes second place after the same Bish. SHE, of course, has Greater Group Heal, which Einhasad deprived us of, but for this we were given Major Heal and a higher caste, so we still leave SHE behind. Recharging (mana filling) for EE and SHE is exactly the same. The main advantage over other classes is provided by several unique skills, such as Clarity, Party Recall and Prophecy of Water, more on this below.

(described maximum level development)

Here are the usual skills for a buffer. The only thing worth noting is that HER passives have light and robe clothes.

- like PP
Might- like PP
- like PP
- like PP
- like PP
- increases Evasion (dodge)
- like PP
- increases shield protection. It makes sense to throw only if the recipient of the buff has a shield
- like PP
- increases the frequency of magical crits, like SHE
- increases the chance of protection with a shield, pumps up more than the PP. It makes sense to throw only if the recipient of the buff has a shield
- increases resistance to stun
- resistance to poison, like PP
- reduces the penalty from overload. DOES NOT INCREASE maximum carry weight!
- increases breathing time under water. Almost useless buff... unless you're into diving...
- increases resistance to Cancel (by 30%) and debuffs (by 20%)
- reduces mana consumption for skills by approximately 30%
- increases resistance to dark attacks
- the most desired buff. It has a fairly long cooldown, so it can’t buff a lot of people quickly.
Prophecy of Water effect for 5 minutes, cast on yourself and others, valid within a range of 400:
Speeds up MP regeneration by 20%
Reduces movement speed by 20%
Increases magical defense by 20%
Increases magic attack by 20%
Increases casting speed by 20%
Increases the chance of magical critical attacks by 100%
Increases debuff resistance by 10%
Requires 5 pcs. Spirit Ore

Curse: Weakness- reduces physical attack. Very cheap, but a very weak skill that doesn’t work on anyone. Can be used to aggravate mobs towards you
- reduces attack speed
- removes buffs that increase speed, prevents them from being reapplied, and reduces speed. Cannot be replaced by anything other than similar skills of PP and Bish

Attacking skills:
- magic attack on undead (Undead)
- same as Disrupt Undead, but stronger
- deals weak damage to undead, puts fear on undead, seems to have a chance (~30%) of leaving 1 HP (Lethal Strike). But the latter does not work on our server yet
- takes away mana from the enemy (162 at a time)
Erase- recalls the enemy's self.
Sleep- puts the target to sleep, the strength and speed of application are like those of elemental magicians
- the same slip, only the cast is fast (as on C4)
- does not give the target the opportunity to move, does not level up after lvl 35, so it becomes weaker than that of the PP.

Medicinal, etc. skills:
Heal- treatment
- very fast treatment
- treatment of the whole group
- strong treatment, second only to bishu. Like the bisha, it works like this: 2/3 heals instantly + 1/3 heals within 15 seconds.
- very strong treatment. Consumes 1 Spirit Ore.
- strong healing, removes all effects of bleeding and poison with power 9 or less.
- removes all effects of poison with a power of 9 or less.
- adds MP to the target (basic effect - +136 MP), depends on the difference in levels.
- significantly restores mana to party members. Can be used with Spell Force level 3 or higher, consumes 1 Magic Symbol
- revives a dead character. Basic experience recovery - 60%. This is less, of course, than the bisha (70%), but more than the others (20%)

Other skills:
- conveys magical power party member (like all magic classes)
- significantly reduces mana consumption, increases the probability of casting spells, reduces the speed of casting spells, and consumes HP.
- in 30 seconds restores approximately 1500-1700 MP. You can’t do anything during the action, Pdef is greatly reduced, any damage interrupts the action (it doesn’t interrupt on our server yet, but I think this will be fixed). The cooldown time is approximately 15 minutes and does not depend on the Casting Speed ​​indicator!
- surrounding mobs stop attacking with a 40% chance. Does not affect other players!
- moves all parties to the city. Casts very quickly (almost BSOE).
- transfers to the city. Casts very quickly (almost BSOE). I even use it while in the city (for fast travel to the right place).

During quality/PvP solo
40-: weapon with the maximum Matk you can afford. Devotion Set.
40+: In the case of upgrading a physical gun: any weapon convenient for you. From clothes - light sets (we have passives on them). I haven’t trained like this myself, so I can’t give any other advice.
Quality with magic fluff. Dress like a magician ( / / + / / / ).

During quality/PvP in a party:
-Weapons: When playing in a party, weapons are not very relevant for HER. Take any C cannon and insert the SA Acumen, Mana Up or Conversion. The ideal option is to have Homunkulus's Sword Acumen and Homunkulus's Sword Conversion. And only when you have extra money you can take a stronger weapon so that the slip fits better, etc.
-Clothes Ng, D: Devotion Set
-Clothes C: - if you want MR
Karmian Set - for casting speed (recommended)
-Clothes B: - if you want MR (recommended)
- for casting speed
-Clothing A, S: There is a lot of room for discussion here.
- only for very specific cases, in other words, it is not needed at all.
Therefore, we choose from A sets:
If we are a mana bank, then we most likely take - +8% to MP regen and + to MP.
If we are a living person playing HER, then caste is most important to us, so we take or - to your taste.
- bad choice, it’s better to run around in Karmian.

Build: +WIT-MEN - we cut mana, get casting speed, or vice versa +MEN-WIT depending on the play style. On high levels definitely the first option.

DEX-STR and/or +CON-STR - we cut the power, we don’t need it (unless we are swinging solo). We increase speed and life accordingly.

Solo: EE is a party hero, so leveling up solo is not as pleasant as in a party. But thanks to the innovations of Interlude (herbs + new skills), you can also level up solo. I recommend training on the undead in locations where herbs fall, using Disrupt Undead, Might of Heaven and Turn Undead.
Monsters go down almost as quickly as elemental mages, and thanks to Clarity, Herb of Mana and Invocation we will never run out of mana.
Or you can use physical weapons in light armor on any mobs, but I don’t recommend it, since IT doesn’t have much good set buffs for a warrior.

In a party: I won’t describe general recommendations for the behavior of support in a party, but I will express a few useful observations and tricks.
Of the healing skills, the most advantageous in terms of strength/mana cost ratio is Major Heal, but Spirit Ore is spent on its use. The most advantageous in terms of strength/time ratio is Battle Heal.
Greater Heal, like Bish, heals 2/3 instantly, and the remaining 1/3 is spread over 15 seconds, so Greater Heal in total heals about the same as Major Heal. As a compromise between time and mana costs, you can use Greater Heal once, and during the next 15 seconds (while it hangs) use Major Heal. You can completely forget about Vitalize as a healing skill - it (even mastered) is more expensive and weaker than Major Heal. So Vitalize should only be used for treatment that simultaneously relieves bleeding/poison.
If EE (SH) is significantly lower in level than the one to whom EE (SH) pours mana, then that person receives less mana. To the point where he doesn’t receive it at all. With lukars, necrs and SH, this problem can be circumvented as follows: the mage uses Body To Mind, and EE heals him.
Prophecy of Water has a rather long cooldown, so it can’t quickly buff a large party. We raise the casting speed in all ways, including asking for a dance and throwing pov at ourselves, asking for buffs to roll back skills. After that we start buffing. We remember in what order we threw it, in the same order we prepare to throw it again, we watch, accordingly, when the first one (ourselves) falls. We don’t listen to the cries of “call me urgently, less than 2 minutes left,” we patiently explain that the buff is only for 5 minutes.
There are situations when there is no mana, but it is urgently needed. For example, EE drained mana to heal and suddenly too many wars came... you need to do Party Recall, but there is no mana... Not everyone can afford mana pots. The stored Elixir of Mental Strength saves us. You can even do a macro: drink the party elixir.
At C4, you could use Arcane Wisdom to pour mana into yourself. To do this, raise casting speed by all means, turn on Arcane Wisdom and pour mana into yourself. The base cost is 137, the base bay is 136, but thanks to the reduction in cost we get an increase in mana. The only negative is the cost of treatment, but under a full buff they pay off. At Interlude, the ability to pour mana for themselves was taken away from EE and SHE, but for now they left the opportunity to pour mana to each other. So, exactly the same trick can be done by having 2 flooding heroes. I don’t know if this should be the case, it is quite possible that this is a flaw and it will be corrected. /this is a flaw/ (note by Vizavi)

Leveling style at different levels:
Level 20+: Solo on the undead using Disrupt Undead, or on any mobs with the remains of a windstrike. Or party with any combat class.
Level 40+: There are only a few minor buffs, no one really needs us. We run around with friends, tell them stories about how useful it is to pump up supports. (for me, you need to go to the undead with the Might of Haven skill, and all sorts of damage will be asked for in your party) /Vizavi/
Level 48+: We get Greater Heal and Vitalize, which makes us a good healer. We take a large party of warriors and delight them with strong healing. We also have Party Recall, but so far it is casting slowly.
Level 56+: Unlike C4, where EE ceased to be a burden only at lvl 78, at the interlude our class reveals itself already at 56. Judge for yourself, we get:
Erase - death to enemy selfies.
Invocation - a lot of mana.
Major Heal is a very powerful healing.
Mana Burn - enemies, do not approach if you value mana!
Trance - fast slip (as in C4). Battle Mages nervously smoking on the side...
Turn Undead - a very fun skill on the undead (about a third of the time you should use Lethal Strike)
In addition, the Return and Party Recall skills receive level 2, so we are glad that we can quickly run away (and pull out the party) if we smell something fried.
Level 58+: We get Clarity - an indispensable buff in a party of magicians.
In addition, we get Unholy Resistance - resistance to dark attacks.
Level 62+: We get Wild Magic, which makes us even more useful for magicians. (If the magicians are noobs, then they will certainly ask you to throw Empower after Wild Magic. Look for non-noobs, or be prepared to explain the difference between SHE and EE)
Level 76: We go through the quest for the 3rd profession - Evas Saint. We get Arcane Protection - an indispensable thing in PvP against all kinds of magicians and extremely useful at quality against monsters that throw debuffs/cancels.
Level 77: We get Block Wind Walk (anti-BB) and Divine Protection (against necrs).
Level 78: Hurray! It's finished! We get Arcane Wisdom and Prophecy of Water:
We always turn on Arcane Wisdom when we have time to heal and it’s worth saving mana. This skill (in conjunction with Clarity and Invocation) turns EE into an almost inexhaustible source of mana.
Prophecy of Water (prophecy, profession, profession, profession, prof, prop, pov, soul, darling) is the skill for which we actually shed rivers of blood and tears, swinging up to 78. Raises Matk, Mdef, cast speed, reduces speed, increases the likelihood of magic crits, increases resistance to debuffs and accelerates MP regeneration. It’s a pleasure to swing with Prophecy of Water: we are looking for a party of magicians, throwing pov and clarity to everyone, pouring mana, listening to praises addressed to us. It's the same in PvP.
Level 80: We get the last skill - Mass Recharge. Restores mana to all party members, but requires coordinated filling of three high-level magicians.
-On RB: By and large, on Interlude EE is not needed when going to RB. But if suddenly we were brought there, then most likely we are destined for the role of a healer.
If suddenly RB is tanked, then you need to be in the tank’s party, especially if there is no SH and Bishop, and accordingly throw Advanced Block and Bless Shield to the tank. If RB hits with magic, then it makes sense to throw Prophecy of Water to the tank. Then we act as a mana reserve for the tank, and if there is no bish, then also a healer.
In addition to Clarity, at lvl 78 a good skill appears - Arcane Wisdom. It reduces MP consumption for magic by 30%, while HP is consumed, and when HP becomes low, it automatically turns off. It practically eliminates the problem with mana in RB if everything goes “according to plan”. The fact that EE has little HP during a raid is not scary; if RB hits, then it doesn’t matter how much HP it had. But to prevent this skill from being disabled due to lack of life, it is convenient to drink GCP in the process, or to heal yourself.
In the case when it is clear that the campaign is unsuccessful (for example, there is no mana, and the enemies are healing RB), then EE can save everyone in the following way. Everyone except the party tank stops hitting the RB and goes to the city. The tank continues to aggro the RB, they continue to heal him. As soon as everyone is spoiled, we do a mass TP - we pull out the party tank. Don't forget that mass TP requires 305 mana!
What to sharpen: So we pumped up, dressed well, got 3 profs and discovered that we have the opportunity to sharpen our skills. IMHO, the sharpening order is as follows:
1.Recharge. My choice is Power, but you can also use Cost.
2. Trance. Definitely on Chance.
3. Buffs. What exactly and how to sharpen is a personal matter for everyone, depending on the playing style. Moreover, by this time everyone will understand that there is no need to sharpen Kiss of Eva.
4. Turn Undead and Might of Heaven. To sharpen if we are swinging on the undead and if we are going to meet a necrom on Olympus.
5. Mana Burn and Erase. If we love PvP and Olympus.
The list of things that seem pointless to sharpen to me: Wind Shackle, Vitalize, Resist Poison, Regeneration, Decrease Weight, Kiss of Eva.

Panels: I’m going to risk stepping on the thin ice of discussing what should be on the panels.
Panel 1, the main one for leveling and PvP. Greater Heal, Major Heal, Battle Heal, Prophecy of Water, Arcane Wisdom, Recharge, CP Potion, Mana Potion, Trance, Return, Recharge, Resurrection. You can remove something for mass PvP and add Party Recall.
Panels 2 and 3, auxiliary. One and a half panels are taken up by buffs, on the remaining half of the panel we put Block Wind Walk, Erase, Mana Burn, and there is a little room for imagination.
Panel 4, for Olympus. Major Heal, Battle Heal, Prophecy of Water, Attack, Tattoo of Pledge, Tattoo of Resolve, Draconic Bow, Arcana Mace, Trance, 3 slots for your imagination.
Panel 5, Olympus-auxiliary. We install all debuffs and attacking skills.
Panel 6, Olympus buff. We put everything you need to buff yourself before the fight - macros for buff against different classes, COES with BtB and mentality, macros for dressing up in different clothes.

-1 to 1 in the field: Everything is simple here: press Return. If someone wants PvP, then he is probably on a combat sub and has a good buff. And this is death in a maximum of 3 seconds. HER cannot quickly knock down anyone, not even the most noob-spoiler. So - run.
-MassPvP: we’re not trying to kill anyone here, we’re hiding behind the backs of our comrades. The only 3 skills worth using are Trance, Erase and Mana Burn. The Block Wind Walk skill has a short range, so I don’t recommend using it in mass PvP. If the battle is in the field, then keep your finger on Party Recall to get away if it gets bad. For the rest, we buff everyone, heal the one who gets hit (Battle Heal can give up to 2k life per second), and kill the dead. You can also try to pretend to be cannon fodder - come forward and heal yourself, and as soon as half your life is taken off, you get spoiled. But, naturally, this is a thankless task.

So, you sat down to play for HER. It doesn’t matter whether your PL put you in to play, forced circumstances, or it just happened that way.​

This guide will be strange, because I’m not going to copy-paste other people’s guides as a carbon copy, rewrite the main skills and make another summary of descriptions of quests. Anyone who knows how to read (otherwise how would you read this guide?) can read the description of the skill. Go to Google and find the passage of the quest.​

I will only focus on sharpening individual skills, the pros and cons of sets, entering instances and a few “advices from myself”, in general, on what is mostly not included in ordinary guides.​

Part one "Flamenco"

The skills that we definitely sharpen, the main thing is “how” and a little about the mechanics:

Let's remember first!

trying to fill a lvl 83 enchant with an inaccurate (0 recharge) - we get a penalty - between the lvl of the skill (74) and the lvl of the character - not your lvl and the lvl of the “guinea pig”, but the lvl of the skill and the lvl of the “rabbit”​

Example: “recharge” was learned for the last time at lvl 74, and has a corresponding lvl of 74. In order for the lvl of a skill to increase, it is necessary to sharpen it. sharpening along any branch will increase the lvl of the skill; for magician skills in general, the graph is basically like this:​


1-3 - lvl 76 skill
+4-6 - lvl 77 skill
+7-9 - lvl 78 skill
+10-12 - lvl 79 skill
+13-15 - lvl 80
+16-18 - lvl 81
+19-22 - lvl 82 skill
+23-25 ​​- 83, etc.

has lvl 74, the magicians we fill in are, in the worst case, 85. Accordingly, we fill them with pennies, in order to fill a magician without a penalty, you need to sharpen the recharge to +13.
It should be remembered that there is a cap on the MP bay (upper bar)
In la2 everything can be calculated mathematically. So the amount of maximum MP poured into the magician can be calculated using the formula: Power*1.7 this is the maximum, i.e. +0 recharge 136 power maximum can pour 231, let’s say if you pour without penalty, it will pour approximately ~136 mp
sharpening for power is almost not usable - since it provides a very small increase in efficiency - you will not fill in much more MP, but you will spend a lot more of yours

The second, accompanying and next to recharge skill: http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1460_0.png Mana Gain Lv.1
Nominally, according to the description of the skill, it adds 85 MP, but is this true? Yes and no.
Above, we looked at the formula for calculating the cap of the amount of mp to be filled in - we came up with 231, which means that with all the passives and the thrown MG you will not fill in more than this number.
Explanation and example:


Passive for magicians gives 81 mp, total 136+81=217, maximum 231, so mana gain will add only 14, so for magicians MG is not as relevant as physical or say bishu/over who do not have passives, bishu you will flood 136 (basic number ) + 85 = 221
In light of the above: the GM rushes first of all to over/varka/svsa/bisha

http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1398_0.png Mana Burn
one of the controversial sharpening skills, as many people have so many opinions. Ruoff and Euroof, and all the top friks, even Java. have long been determined (confirmation of my words can be found starting from Emilia’s guides, ending with the guides of EE, SHE, bisha from Ruofa).
the most advantageous sharpening for Olympus and the field is “cost”.
I explain:


magician skills have 2 components: 1 (basic, 20% of the total cost of the skill) + 2 (everything else). No amount of clarity can be used for the first part of the skill. those. this 1 base cost will be debited from your MP in any case.
When sharpening the skill to the bone, we reduce it by 1 part, which allows it to balance on Olympus when manaburning on MP regen - per tick it runs just 1 burn when the enemy does not have time to regenerate MP and we do not leave him a chance for regen. The second argument in favor of the cost point is that when focusing on power, we burn the enemy more MP by exactly the amount by which we spent less on the burn.
as a result, for the same number of MP, on our part, at the point on the cost, we make 2 burns and get a burn for 700 to the enemy (example), or 1 burn for 900, the profit is obvious..mybb.ru_img_smilies_MyBB_light_smile.gif as you can see, that’s all Just.

Complex skills that required explanation are over, so for the following skills I will simply indicate the direction of the skill:
http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1401_0..l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1259_0..l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1397_0..l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1393_0..l2j. ru_freya_img_icons_skill0336_0..l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill0436_0.png - power


I hope it won’t come as a surprise to anyone that Clara has power for magic skills?
Clara needs to be sharpened along the “thresholds” - 6/12/18/24
if there is no desire to sharpen at +30, then above 24 you can not sharpen at all, it will not give more growth, only at +30 already
sharpening Clara's physical skills for a living EE is irrelevant, because the main MP that is spent by the party is the MP of EEshki - the main manazor is VK (Clara for magic skills), bish (Clara for magic skills), svs (it still doesn’t work for physical skills). + Also, some physicals lack the 2nd part of the skill (see above), therefore Clara does not work on their skills. Therefore, sharpening Clara is only for magic skills

http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1395_0.png - cost (I hope we remember about increasing the skill level?) so that eraz does not fail at 85 summons (+15 sharpening), you need to sharpen it to +13-15
http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1394_0..l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1206_0..l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1359_0.png chance (although I usually sharpen BVV and trans on the bone, but this is on PTS, because lvl with clubroot grows in any case, which increases the chance of successful use when sharpening on any branch of the skill, if there is at least a frint that is more than usable with a point on the bone, and for HF any debuff has a 10% chance)
http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1355_0.png to reduce the fine
http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill0235_0.png for magic defense
http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill0328_0.png resistance to mental attacks
http://site/data/MetaMirrorCache/base.l2j.ru_freya_img_icons_skill1460_0.png time
    • Elven Elder- support class, one of 4 classes that are indispensable in any party (EE, BP, BD, SvS). EE combines a healer, a buffer and a charger at the same time. The high casting speed allows you to treat a major with healing almost like Bishop Greater Battle with healing. EE has a set of unique buffs - clarity, decreased weight, resist shock, which no other class in the game has. Recharge, combined with clarity, high casting speed and high men, makes HER the best recharger. None of the other classes has such a wonderful thing as party recall - this is an instant blast to the city of the entire group. In addition to everything - a beautiful skin of light elves =) When playing as HER, you need to understand that this is not a DD, and to level up, as well as have an interesting time in the game, you need a good party const. The words about the uniqueness of EEshek were written before the Gracia Epilogue update. Now our skills are available to CE (4) and bishops (1), CE can apply for the position of a recharger and a second healer. Perhaps in PVE there will now be no difference between CE and EE, as well as between PP and warcraer. In pvp the difference is obvious - BoE and 20% speed castes.

I. Elven Elder from 1 to 85

  • 1-19
    • This gap has ceased to exist since Gracia 2, because... The first prof is taken very quickly through quests.

What useful skills do we get at these levels (I will describe the skills of the maximum level):

It is worth paying attention to SA Conversion (+60% mp, -40% hp) and Mana UP (+30% mp). An additional weapon with such a weapon can be useful in the exp, especially in locations with herbs, where the Superior Herb of Mana, which restores full mp, drops.

    • Bijouterie: common top S.
    • Tattoo: there are 2 options
      • +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +1 wit -1 men - maximum speed cast.
      • +4 con -5 str, +4 wit -4 men, +4 dex -5 str - +5 running speed, compared to cast option 1, speed is lower by 5%, m def is higher by about 1%.

The choice of tattoo depends on the composition of the party and the style of play. Running speed is important in pvp and can be accelerated by talismans: yellow talisman - speed gives +3 speed (sold in the store), yellow talisman of speed gives +5 speed (can be obtained for epalettes in a castle/fort), yellow talisman of alacrity +3 speed (can be obtained for epalettes in the castle/fort). All three talismans can be worn at the same time (at 61+ with an A grade bracelet) and get +11 speed.

  • Exp solo: 40-44 Hardin's Private Academy, Dragon Valley, The Forest of Mirrors(on ghosts), 44+ in inquisitor around Ivory Tower, Outlaw Forest.
  • Skills:
  • Skills:

Until now, all servers have not come to a conclusion which set is better - Dark Crystal or Majestic.

Here, too, there is no consensus on what is better - ma, dk or mf set. I think the ideal option is a +6 dk set.

Skill Transfer:

After receiving 3 professions, we are given the opportunity to learn one skill as a se or bishop. A skill can be canceled for 10kk and take another one. Skills can be sharpened. The choice depends on the composition of the party, pvp or pve orientation, and the olympiad. List of all skills:

  1. Purify is an indispensable skill in pvp for a party with two healers bp+ee.
  2. Greater Battle Heal is the best option for the Open Olympics.
  3. Magical Backfire - for CB Olympics/party with three healers bp+ee+se/ee.
  4. Stigma of Shilien - in miles batches.
  5. Empower - this option is possible in magic parties, for exp duo with a magician or solo.
  6. Mass Resurrection - can be suitable for a party with three healers.


The choice of set depends primarily on the server and the availability of epic bizhi; in essence, it is a choice between resistance to stun and paralysis. At the Olympics it is advisable to have 2 sets - Moirai and Vesper/Vorpal.

At this stage, there may be a lack of SP to learn skills. Therefore, it is better to skip learning some skills (for example Health, Skill Mastery) in order to learn the most necessary ones: PoW, Arcane Wisdom, Divine Lore, Mana Gain, Mass Recharge.

II. Skills Enchantment

The lvl of the skill increases from the skill sharpening lvl (learn lvl). This is important to know when sharpening debuffs (trance, block ww, wind shackle, erase) and recharge. To avoid a penalty for recharge, the difference between the lvl of the skill and the lvl of the character being filled should be no more than 5. Recharge +0 - lvl 74 skill. To fill a lvl 85 character without penalty, the recharge must be at least lvl 80, that is +13. It is also worth sharpening the main pvp buffs, because... The chance of its cancellation depends on the lvl of the buff.

  • For skills 2 profs:
    • +1 = lvl 76
    • +4 = 77
    • +7 = 78
    • +10 = 79
    • +13 = 80
    • +16 = 81
    • +19 = 82
    • +22 = 83
    • +25 = 84
    • +28 = 85
  • For skills 3 profs:
    • +1 = 81
    • +4 = 82
    • +7 = 83
    • +10 = 84
    • +13 = 85

Skills that need to be sharpened (in my opinion, the most effective ways to sharpen skills are listed first):

  • Recharge - cost
    • Recharge - power
  • Major Heal- power
    • Major Heal- cost
  • Clarity- power for magic skills (+6 must be sharpened, further according to the table)
    • +0 - 10% clarity
    • +6 - 11%
    • +12 - 12%
    • +18 - 13%
    • +24 - 14%
    • +30 - 15%
  • Resist Shock- power
  • Unholy Resistance- power, each sharpening level gives 4 dark resists.
  • PoW- decrease penalty
  • Mana Burn- cost
    • Mana Burn- power
  • Trance- time, each enchant level increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
    • Trance- chance
  • Wind Shackle- chance
    • Wind Shackle- cost+time, each level of sharpening increases the duration of the debuff by 1 second.
  • Erase- cost
  • Block WW- chance
    • Block WW- cost+time, each level of sharpening increases the duration of the debuff by 8 seconds.
  • Divine Lore- power (+1 sharpening is required)
    • +0 - 5% clarity
    • +1 - 6%
    • +8 - 7%
    • +15 - 8%
  • Arcane Wisdom- power
    • +0 - 30% clarity
    • +3 - 31%
    • +6 - 32%
    • +9 - 33%
    • +12 - 34%
    • +15 - 35%
  • Wisdom- power, mental attack resistance, adds 2 for each enchant level.
  • Robe Mastery- magic defense, each lvl of sharpening (except +6, +11, +16, +21, +26) gives 1% def.
  • Fast Mana Recovery- power (+1 sharpening is required)
  • Fast Spell Casting- power, each level of sharpening gives 0.1% speed casts.
  • Anti Magic- powerHidden text
  • """Turn Undead - attack, sharpen at +1 to swing solo in the rift/pagan. You can sharpen higher to increase the lvl of the skill to use it on mobs 80+ (Seed of Infinity, Hellbound).

III. Subclass Skills

When your subclass reaches lvl 65 and 70, as a main class you can learn general skills (Emergent Ability), which increase p def, m def, m atk, p atk. When the subclass reaches 75, you can learn similar general skills (Master Ability) or skills that depend on the subclass (Special Ability).

  • Emergent Ability 65, 70 lvl:
    • Magic Defense: 13-15 m def
    • Physical Defense: 8-9 p def
  • Master Ability 75 lvl:
    • Great Magic Defense: 50 m def
    • Great Physical Defense: 29-30 p def

What to choose, p def or m def, is up to you. Obviously, the increase in m def is greater. It is important to take one thing in order to overclock this parameter to the maximum. If you take all the skills in m defense from 3 subs, you will get an increase of 240 m def. If everything is in p def, then the bonus will be approximately 140 p def, which is also not small.

IV. Augmentation

  • To main weapon:
    • Any active nuke 10 lvl 110 power is required for the Olympics in S/S80/S84 weapons 150(300) of the corresponding attribute. To perform well in Olympics, it is advisable to have 2-3 weapons with different nukes.
    • Passive Spell Clarity lvl 3 gives 20% clarity, a good augment for pve.
  • In an additional weapon (it’s better to insert it in low c, augmentation will be much cheaper):
    • Active Refresh (spell or general) reduces the cooldown of skills by 15%, hangs for 1 minute, cooldown 10 minutes.
    • Active Magic Barier lvl 10 +77 m def regardless of the buff, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Shield lvl 10 +71 p def regardless of the buff, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Blessed Body lvl 10 +300 hp, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Wild Magic lvl 10, hangs for 2 minutes, cooldown 5 minutes.
    • Active Lesser Celestial Shield - invulnerability for 7 seconds, cooldown 30 minutes, disappears with any action. The peculiarity of this augment is that it does not replace other augment buffs, all others replace each other.

V. MP Regeneration & Clarity

  • Overclocking mp regen:
    • Majestic Robe Set +8%
    • Sigil +17%
    • AM SA MP Regeneration 3-4% (suitable only for pve)
    • PoW +20%
    • Magnus" Chant +4 MP per tick
    • Song of Meditation +20%
    • Embroider (crafter buff) +2 MP per tick
    • Blessing of Seraphim +35%
    • Fast Mana Recovery, focused on power
    • Robe Mastery, focused on MP regen, +1 gives +4 MP per tick while sitting (suitable only for pve)
    • Talismans: Yellow Talisman of MP Regeneration (sold in the store), Yellow ***Talisman of Mental Regeneration, Red Talisman of Mental Regeneration, Red ***Talisman of Meditation (similar to Invocation).
    • Clan Clarity +3%
    • Residence Clarity +0.47 MP regen (Aaru Fortress, Valley Fortress)
    • Infinity Rod +0.51 MP regen, +30% MP
    • Magic Rune Clip Belt MP Recovery top A-grade belt gives about +0.5 MP per tick
  • Clarity acceleration:
    • Arcane Wisdom 30% (+3 - 31%, +6 - 32% ...)
    • Clarity 10% (+6 - 11%, +12 - 12% ...)
    • Divine Lore 5% (+1 - 6%, +8 - 7% ...)
    • PoW 5%
    • Song of Meditation 10%
    • Song of Renewal 5%
    • Passive Spell Clarity lvl 3 20%
    • Antharas Earring 5%
    • Magician's Will 5%
    • Enlightenment 90% for 20 seconds
    • Talismans: Red Talisman of Minimum (~4%) and Maximum Clarity (100%)
    • Holy Squad 5% clarity, 30% mp
    • Masterwork SA Wisdom 5%

Clarity has no cap (limitation), you can overclock at least up to 100%. But the number of MP written on the skill is divided into 2 parts during casting. At the beginning of the cast, 1st part of the skill is spent, 20% of the cost. The remaining 80% is spent when the skill is cast. Clarity only affects the second part of the skill. For example, 90% of the clarities written on the Enlightenment skill will amount to 72% of the full cost of the skill.

VI. Pets

It's good for HER to have a bird Improved Baby Kookaburra(Baby Kookaburra), which fills mana and buffs em (convenient in archer/melee packs, where this buff is absent). The penalty for recharging is 15 lvls, and from the kookaburra you need to take the lvl at which the skill is given, i.e. 55, 60, 65 etc. The maximum difference in lvl is 24, if the difference is greater, then recharging will not work. At lvl 55, the kookaburra pours 120 MP, at 60 - 128, 65 - 138, 70 - 144, 75 - 149, 80 - 153. It starts pouring mana if your MP is less than 60% and you are in combat mode. The bird itself can also be filled and buffed with managain (similar to self-recharge). It is also convenient to load Spirit Ore for quality and GCP for PvP.

  • Buffs:
    • Level 55 - Empower 3 (2 Minutes), BtS 6 (20 Minutes)
    • Level 60 - BtB 6 (20 Minutes), Shield 3 (2 Minutes)
    • Level 65 - Concentration 6 (2 Minutes), Acumen 3 (2 Minutes)

VII. PvP Tactics

Before PvP, you need to check all the buffs of your party members and fill up everyone who needs it with MP. Main pvp buffs: Mental Shield (everyone), Resist Shock (everyone), Clarity (self, bp, bd, svsu, cooking, over, mages, daggers), Concentration (self, bishop and mages), Improved Shield Defense (all , who has a shield), Decrease Weight (to everyone who shouts “bag”), Wild Magic (to yourself, to Bishop and mages), Mana Gain (to everyone you are going to pour mana into, primarily to Bishop and Svsu). During PvP, you need to heal your party members, fill in mana in a timely manner, monitor the party’s buffs, to do this, play with an open buff bar (alt+f), if possible, rebuff after the cancellation, and rebuff the bishop first. Don't forget to turn on Arcane Wisdom (the exception is short pvp and you are sure that you have enough mana until it ends).

If this is not mass pvp, but for example a gank, then EE is the first target for enemy damage dealers, so as not to make a PR. The tactics here are simple - live as long as possible. Celestial Shield, Turn to Stone and Enlightenment can help with this. You also need to use your position - any corner, stone, tree, pillar behind which you can hide from the focus.

In pvp against dagger packs on enemy damage dealers you need to use Mana Burn, Block WW and Wind Shakle. If one dagger takes you into focus, you should definitely turn to face him and mana/debuff him. If there are several daggers, all that remains is to kite, hoping for heal from the bishop and hate from the bd/svs.

In pvp against a magic pack, EE and BP are usually the last to be taken into focus because of their high def. In this case, the main thing is to treat your party members, if there are canning magicians against you - watch out for buffs and rebuff (so that everyone has Mental Shield, otherwise the bishop may be silenced, over debuffs), if possible, use Mana Burn and Block WW.

In pvp against archers, on the contrary, it is better to run up to the dd at point-blank range (of course, not at the very beginning of pvp to run forward and tank =)), throw Wind Shakle, Block WW on them, and manaber the healers. Before pvp, check that the shield is on, they will buff Resist Shock on everyone in the party.

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