Game-journey through the myths of ancient Greece. Myths of Ancient Greece: games Games on the theme of the myths of ancient Greece

The myths of Ancient Greece are familiar to most of us from school, legends about brave heroes, epic battles and terrible monsters even then excited children's minds. Ancient Greek culture gave rise to great scientists, philosophers and artists, the architecture of ancient temples and palaces to this day delights even a simple layman. And how sometimes you want to open the veil of millennia and look into this wonderful world full of real and imagined wonders! Well, try to try on the image of a great hero, commander, king, or even the offspring of Zeus the Thunderer.

16 Zeus' Battlegrounds

The success of PUBG has spawned a wave of clones, where the mechanics of Battle Royale are trying to be combined with a variety of settings. What can we say, even if such projects as WoT and Crossout have a royal battle mode, albeit in the form of events. It is not surprising that Industry Games decided to try to capitalize on the trend by starting to make their own Battle Royale.

True, the setting for it is chosen quite unusual. Battles take place on Mount Olympus, and even demigods, offspring of the prolific Zeus, participate in them. Zeus himself monitors the course of the battle and periodically narrows the ring of fire blazing around. The developers promise rubilovo 100 players at the same time and a wide variety of weapons and shields. So far, the game is only being selected for early access, so it's hard to judge how good or bad it is. Time will tell if this battle royale will win the battle for existence.

15. Numen: Contest of Heroes

This game based on the myths of ancient Greece was released in 2009 by the same Czech studio Cinemax, which became famous for the hardcore RPG Inquisitor. Numen for the Czechs turned out to be much simpler in every sense. In fact, the game is another clone of Titan Quest, and the plot does not shine with novelty - you need to help the Gods return the sickle of Kronos stolen from them.

At the very beginning, the hero chooses one of the 9 patron deities and his class. There are only 3 classes in the game: warrior, mage or healer. The main difference between the game and other similar Action/RPGs is that GG has eight competitors in the form of heroes serving other deities. So, in order to get the sickle of Kronos before everyone else, you have to sweat. At the same time, one can not only quarrel with colleagues, but also unite in order to solve complex problems. Another plus of the game is interesting and non-standard quests.

14 Loki: Heroes of Mythology

Loki: Heroes of Mythology is a hack and slasher released in 2007, in which the legends of ancient Greek, Aztec, ancient Egyptian and Scandinavian mythologies are wonderfully intertwined. The logic and chronology of events are sacrificed here to the greatest of all deities - fun. The result is a dashing action game that takes us like a whirlwind through many legends and historical events, introduces us to a variety of mythical and real personalities and allows you to clean the muzzles, beaks and faces of all sorts of legendary monsters.

From the point of view of the role-playing system, the game is interesting by the presence of a “faith” strip parallel to the usual experience scale, which is filled by making sacrifices to the patron deity and opens up access to spells and passive skills. Unfortunately, the fights do not shine with variety, but side quests boring.

13. Will Rock

Will Rock is a now forgotten and not very popular first-person shooter based on the myths of Ancient Greece. The hero of the game is a young archaeologist William Rock, who went on an expedition to the temple, which turns out to be packed with all sorts of ancient Greek deities and monsters. Will has to put aside his pickaxe and notebook and grab a shotgun to save a pretty young maiden from the villains.

In terms of gameplay and weapons arsenal, the game is very similar to the famous Serious Sam. In the same way, hordes of various enemies run, fly, crawl and swim at our hero from all sides at the same time. Unless the environment here is destructible - and then this chip is taken from red faction. This game can only be recommended now to fans of vintage shooters, who in 2003 did not notice Will in the shadow of his more Serious brother.

12 Alexander: The Heroes Hour

The graphics of this game were considered obsolete even at the time of its release, in the bearded, like an ancient Greek, 2004. The game shows that the Ukrainian studio Meridian'93, known more for casual games, tried to squeeze the most out of an extremely meager budget.

The player will have to manage a group of three fighters - a warrior maiden, skilled in ranged combat, a brave warrior with a shield and sword, and a mighty brute with a war hammer. All this motley company must carry out the orders of the famous Alexander the Great, improving their skills as the plot develops and getting gear.

At first, pumping skills has little effect on combat effectiveness, but then access to lethal combos opens up. The developers did not add gag to the plot of the game and almost reliably retold fragments of the battle path of the great commander.

The game has been withdrawn from sale in official digital services.

11 Grepolis

10. Rise of the Argonauts

Rise of the Argonauts is an epic Action/RPG based on ancient Greek mythology, created by Liquid Entertainment and released in 2008 immediately on PC, Xbox 360 and PS 3. The game tells a free interpretation of the famous myth of Jason and his loyal Argonauts. The player will have a long way to Colchis and back, during which he will be able to meet new people, kill a hell of a lot of monsters and, of course, upgrade the skills of one of the four lines.

4 ancient Greek gods are responsible for the skills here, and you can upgrade them by dedicating various feats to the gods. Of the newfangled chips in the game, there is a reduction in the interface - only Jason has a health bar, the state of the enemies can be judged by their combat effectiveness (hitting the leg leads to lameness, the enemy cannot fight with a wounded hand), and Argo's hold is used instead of inventory.

9 Sparta: War Of Empires

Sparta: War of Empires is one of the few free browser-based strategies that takes place not in the Middle Ages, which has already set teeth on edge, but in Ancient Greece. The player will take control of a small city in the midst of a Persian invasion.

Development takes place according to the standard scheme for a browser - you need to extract resources, build new buildings and train troops. The feature of the game is the need to enter into agreements with certain AI policies in order to gain access to the coolest units.

In addition to the standard ability to form alliances and fight each other, there is the Legends mechanic - global quests for many players that can greatly change the balance of power. An interesting setting, great graphics and addictive gameplay - these are 3 reasons to play this game.

8. Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology is a spin-off of the legendary Age of Empires that has grown into a standalone franchise and become a legend in its own right. Unlike the original, which tried to authentically recreate historical events and introduced us to real historical figures, Age of Mythology is dedicated to ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and Scandinavian myths.

Almost all components of the game, except for the setting and plot, are transferred from the original with cosmetic changes. At the same time, among the game resources there is a so-called "blessing", which expresses how satisfied the gods are with the player. It is spent on mythical units, and different factions earn it in different ways - the Greeks beg in temples, the harsh Nords get it in battle, and the Egyptians, out of habit, build monuments one more epic than the other.

7. Age of Empires

Age of Empires is a truly legendary RTS that has had a huge impact on the genre as a whole and spawned many imitators. Microsoft Game Studios back in 1997 managed to create an amazing fusion of classic real-time strategy and 4X games. The resulting game combined the dynamism and simplicity of RTS gameplay with the thoughtfulness and long-term development potential of games like Civilization.

In the original, the events of the game were limited to antiquity. Age of Empires 2 expanded the timeframe of what is happening to the Middle Ages, and Age of Empires 3 - to the time of the colonization of America. In 2011, Age of Empires Online was released, and in 2018, the very first game of the series survived the re-release, the remaster of which was released under the name Age of Empires: Definitive Edition.

6Spartan VR

Spartan VR is a game that is currently in early access, but has already attracted the attention of the gaming community. And no wonder, because in this game we are promised neither more nor less, but a complete immersion in the world of ancient Sparta. The player will be able to feel like a powerful Spartan and personally participate in epic battles.

The game is being developed specifically for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and minimal system requirements starts with a solid 16 GB of RAM, so fans of stories about Tsar Leonidas and his harsh subordinates will have to seriously upgrade before its release. Everyone who has already been lucky enough to evaluate this game speaks about the excellent graphics (which is not surprising for a VR-only game). But the plot in Spartan VR is not yet at all, so at the moment it is appropriate to say that the game is in the state of a technical demo.

5. 12 Labors of Hercules

12 Labors of Hercules is a casual strategy game based on the legend of the exploits of the famous Hercules. The essence of the game is to, with the help of friends and hired workers, clear the path to a certain point on the map and stock up on the necessary amount of provisions in the process. When both of these conditions are met, the mighty hero, who has been resting until then, will immediately rush into battle and carry out his grandiose feat. At the same time, a very limited time is usually given to complete the task, so the voluntary and not very helpers of our great hero will have to work very quickly.

The game features easy and uncomplicated gameplay, excellent humor and funny cartoon graphics. Of course, the game does not pull on a serious educational project or a masterpiece of game development - but you can perfectly kill an hour or two in it, getting a lot of fun.

4 Apotheon

2. Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece

Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece is one of the few games about Ancient Greece on the PC that invites us not to take part in the showdown of the gods or the campaigns of Alexander the Great, but to get acquainted with the life story of the undeservedly forgotten father of the great conqueror - Philip II of Macedon.

In addition to the unhackneyed setting, the game boasts a deeply developed logistical aspect. In this RTS, it's not enough to just frame the hoplites and build them into a phalanx - the troops need food and weapons, to forge weapons in cities you need ore, and so on. Hungry soldiers have a sharp drop in morale, which can turn into a defeat even from a much weaker opponent. At the same time, the capacity of the roads is limited, so you have to carefully plan the movement of your troops and the development of your empire.

1. Assassin's Creed Odyssey

A large-scale, diverse and damn beautiful adventure action game, which takes place in ancient Greece during the Peloponnesian War. Players will play the role of the descendants of the Spartan king Leonidas and take one of the sides in a bloody conflict.

Material Description. The proposed game can be played in the 6th grade as extracurricular activity in literature or the final lesson on the topic "Myths of Ancient Greece." Goals of the game: generalization of knowledge on the topic "Myths of Ancient Greece", development of cognitive activity of students, education of curiosity, interest in reading. When playing the game, of course, you need to take into account the occupancy of the classes. In a city school, a qualifying round may be held before the game, according to the results of which 6 participants will be selected. In a rural school, where the number of classes is small, not only students of the 6th, but also the 7th grades can compete.

Equipment: multimedia projector (or tablets with tasks), plates with numbers from 0 to 9, cubes with letters, paper, pens, stars, prizes

Decor: exhibition of children's illustrations for myths.

Game progress.

Presentation of the players.

6 people take part in the first round. Participants who first scored 3 points go to the II round.

I round

So here are the names:



After hearing the task, the participants must hold up a sign with a number indicating the correct answer. For the correct answer, players receive stars.

We start the game.

Hero, the owner of the cap of invisibility. He obtained the head of the Gorgon Medusa, killed the sea monster and freed Andromeda. Answer: 1 - Perseus

· A monster that lived in a labyrinth on the island of Crete. Answer: 6 - Minotaur.

The hero who defeated the Minotaur. Answer: 2 - Theseus.

He is remembered when they talk about endless and meaningless work. Answer: 4 - Sisyphus.

· A Greek giant who drew strength from contact with Mother Earth. Answer: 0 - Antey.

· The power of his wonderful songs made wild animals come out of their lairs, trees and rocks moved from their places, rivers stopped in their course to listen to his singing. Answer: 5 - Orpheus.

The supreme Greek god. Answer: 0 - Zeus.

The giant who was kidnapped by Hercules. Answer: 3 - Gerion.

4 participants who score 3 points go to the II round.

II round

In 1 minute, the participants in the game must make the longest word from the letters that have fallen on the faces of the cubes. The same letter cannot be used twice. Instead of one of the letters, you can use a star.

So, you have 10 letters at your disposal. We start the tour.

The player with the longest word wins a prize. The player with the shortest word is out.

III round

Participants are offered 3 plots, combined according to one attribute or arranged in a certain sequence. If everything is correct, you need to raise the number 0, if one of the names is incorrect, then raise the number corresponding to it.

1. Dionysus, Poseidon, Pan are gods. Is it so? Answer: 0 - yes.

2. Prometheus, Apollo, Hercules are heroes. Is there an error here? Answer: 2 (Apollo) - god.

3. Greek myth says that once a dispute broke out over an ordinary apple. It seems to me that the goddesses Aphrodite, Athena and Hera were arguing. Is this true? Answer: 0 - yes.

2 participants go to the IV round.

IV round

Participants must make as many words as possible from the letters included in the word mythology. (1 minute)

The player who last named the word wins. Instead of a word, you can use the stars earned in the game.


Winner award

Ancient Greek myth game

First round "Gods and Heroes of Myths"

1. Which of the three goddesses (Athena, Aphrodite, Hera) did Paris hand over an apple with the inscription: “The most beautiful”?

3. What was the name of the clothes worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans?

Toga, tunic, chiton

4. Name the hero of Greek mythology who does the most fruitless work.

5. What was the name of the food of the Greek gods, which gave them eternal youth and immortality?

Nectar, ambrosia

6. Hercules is a character of Greek mythology. What name did the Romans give him?


7. Which of the gods was the father of Hercules?

8. Who was the mother of Hercules?

Mortal woman - Alcmene

9. What was the name of the child who was born before Hercules?


10. Who kept trying to kill Hercules?

11. How did Hera try to kill Hercules as an infant?

snakes in the cradle

12. Who was the teacher of Hercules?

Centaur Chiron

13. How old was Hercules when he performed his first labor?

14. How did Hera continue to pursue Hercules?

Madness. Killed his children

15. What does the name "Hercules" mean?

Thanks to Hera or illustrious Hero

16. Name the most famous mountain peak of Ancient Greece.

17. From what sources did scientists learn myths?

Poems of Homer, Hesiod

Horizontally: 1. Wild creatures, half-humans, half-horses, inhabitants of mountains and forests. 2. The body of this monster is lion in front, goat in the middle, and snake in the back, and three heads: a lion, goats, snakes, spewing flames from their mouths. 3. A monster with the face and chest of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. Hera sent this monster to Thebes as punishment. It sat on a mountain near the city and asked passers-by a riddle: “Who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?” The monster, who did not know how to answer the question, was strangled to death in his arms. 4. Monsters with bird wings, an eagle's beak and a lion's body. They are the "dogs of Zeus". Vertical: 5. A magical bird native to Ethiopia. It looks like an eagle in fiery plumage, lives 500 years; when the time comes, it builds a nest for itself on the top of a palm tree, covers it with fragrant herbs and dies there (according to the common version, it burns itself). From its ashes, a new bird is reborn. 6. Half-maiden - half-snake. She lived in an underground cave, far from gods and people. 7. Half women - half birds with divine voices. They live on a rocky island and lure sailors passing by with their captivating voices, and having lured them, they kill and devour them. 8. Guardian of Hades, a three-headed dog (according to Geoksis, fifty-headed) with a snake tail.

Answers Horizontally: Centaur. Chimera. Sphinx. Griffin. Vertical: Phoenix. Echidna. Sirens. Kerberos or Cerberus.

The third round "Phraseological turns"

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Name the phraseological unit according to the picture

Fourth round - competition of captains "12 exploits of Hercules"

What animal could Zeus turn into? Which of her sons did Hera throw from the mountain? What animal was sacrificed to Hera? Which goddess is nicknamed the Foamborn? What was the name of the sculptor whom Aphrodite helped bring the statue to life? When Artemis rides in a chariot, what does she have in her hands? Why is Athena called Pallas? How many heads did the hydra have? Who helped defeat the Hydra? Who owned the Kereney doe? Which of the gods gave the bull to the king of Crete? What did Diomedes feed the horses? What is the meaning of Hippolyta's girdle? How many apples did Hercules bring?

Game-competition "Olympic Games

(according to the myths of Ancient Greece)»

The purpose of the lesson: repetition and consolidation of material on the topic; development of interest in mythology.

Lesson equipment: collections of myths; reproductions of paintings on mythological themes; illustrations of students; drawings "The Labors of Hercules"; drawings for phraseological units that came from Greek mythology; song by A. Gorodnitsky "Atlantes hold the sky ...".

Methodological techniques: holding a game-competition.

During the classes

I. Quiz competition

The leader can be a teacher or a high school student (preferably), the assistant leader can be one of the strong students or a high school student.

Leading: I announce the start of the Olympic intellectual games where everyone will pave the way to victory not by force, but by mind. For a period of Olympic Games sacred peace reigns, there is no place for quarrels and insults.

Lead Assistant: One of the glorious sights of the Olympic Games is the statue of Zeus 14 meters high (the image of the statue was prepared in advance, placed on the board). Zeus is depicted on a throne made of cedar wood, decorated with precious stones and carvings. The face, hands, chest of the statue are made of ivory, the eyes are made of precious stones. The head is crowned with a golden wreath, the hair on the head and the beard are of pure gold. On his right hand is a statue of the goddess of Victory, in his left hand is a scepter, next to an eagle.

The statue was the pride and glory of all Greeks, and those who did not see the statue of Olympian Zeus were considered unfortunate. May the image of the statue of Zeus bring us good luck today.

Leading: On the first day of the Olympic Games, running competitions are held. We will assume that these competitions were held in literature lessons and all of you are allowed to participate in the pentathlon on the second day: running, wrestling, discus and javelin throwing, jumping.

So I announce the beginning the first round "Gods and heroes of myths" (long jump).

All players participate in the first round, receiving a chip for each correct answer - a bay leaf.

1. From what sources did the myths of Ancient Greece become known? (Poems by Homer, Hesiod.)

2. What was the name of the food of the Greek gods, which gave them eternal youth and immortality? (Nectar is the drink of the gods, ambrosia is the food of the gods.)

3. What was the name of the clothes worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans? (Tunic, toga, chiton.)

4. Name the musical instruments of ancient Greece (Kithara, lyre.)

5. At the statue of Zeus in the right hand is the goddess of Victory. Say her name. (Nika.)

6. Name the brothers of Zeus. How did they distribute dominance over the world? (Hades is the kingdom of the dead, Poseidon is the lord of the seas.)

7. Who can know the fate of Zeus himself? (Moiram, goddesses of fate.)

8. Which of the gods is the ugliest? (lame Hephaestus, god of fire, blacksmith god.)

9. Which god corresponds to Hephaestus in Roman mythology? (Volcano.)

10. Which of the three goddesses (Athena, Aphrodite, Hera) did Paris give an apple with the inscription "Most Beautiful"? (Aphrodite.)

11. What war broke out because of this dispute of the three goddesses? (Trojan.)

12. Name the hero of Greek mythology, whose activity has become a symbol of fruitless labor. (Sisyphus.)

13. What name did the Romans give to the beloved Greek hero Hercules? (Hercules.)

14. Who were the parents of Hercules? (Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene.)

15. Who raised Hercules? (Centaur Chiron.)

16. Who gave people fire? (Prometheus.)

17. List the ancient Greek muses. (Erato is the muse of love songs, Euterpe is the muse of lyrics, Calliope is the muse of epic poetry and knowledge, Polyhymnia is the pause of the solemn hymn, Clio is the muse of History, Molpomene is the muse of tragedy, Thalia is the muse of comedy. Terpsichore is the muse of dancing, Urania is the muse of astronomy. For each out of nine correct answers - 1 point.)

Summing up the results of the first round (counting the number of points). Approximately half of the participants advance to the second round.

Second round

"Mythical Animals" (running)

1. Wild creatures, half-humans, half-horses, inhabitants of mountains and forests. (Centaur.)

2. The body of this monster is lion's in front, goat's in the middle, and snake's in the back; he has three heads: a lion, a goat, a snake, belching flames from their mouths. (Chimera.)

3. A monster with the face and chest of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. Hera sent this monster to Thebes as punishment. It sat not far from the city and asked passers-by a riddle: “Who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?” The monster, who did not know how to answer this question, was strangled to death in his arms. (Sphinx.)

4. Guess the riddle of the sphinx. (Person: child, adult, old man.)

5. Monsters with bird wings, an eagle's beak and a lion's body. They are the "dogs of Zeus". (Gryphons.)

6. The magical bird comes from Ethiopia. It looks like an eagle in fiery plumage, lives 500 years; when the time comes, she builds a nest for herself on the top of a palm tree, covers it with fragrant herbs and dies there (according to one of the versions, she burns herself). From its ashes, a new bird is reborn. (Phoenix.)

7. Half-maiden-half-snake. She lived in an underground cave, far from gods and people. (Echidna.)

8. Half-woman half-birds with divine voices. They live on a rocky island and lure sailors passing by with their captivating voices, and having lured them, they kill and devour them. (Sirens.)

9. Guardian of Hades, a three-headed dog with a snake tail. (Kerberus or Cerberus.)

8-10 people go to the third round.

Third round

"Phraseological turns" (discus throw)

Each correct answer will be equal to 10 meters of disk flight. Task: learn phraseological units from the drawings (the drawings are prepared in advance; they are shown to the competitors on small sheets of paper).

Cornucopia; apple of discord; panic fear; Achilles' heel; Sisyphean labor; barrel of danaids; sink into oblivion; Pandora's Box; Trojan horse; Procrustean bed.

Other things being equal, the winner is the one who can tell about the origin of phraseological units. 4 people advance to the fourth round.

Fourth round

"12 labors of Hercules" (javelin throw)

Leading: In our competition, the goal of throwing will be the exploits of Hercules. The task is to restore the sequence of the exploits of Hercules. All participants of the competition are given small cards with drawings of "The Labors of Hercules".

1. Nemean lion. 2. Lernaean hydra. 3. Stymphalian birds. 4. Kerinean fallow deer. 5. Erymanthian boar. 6. Augean stables. 7. Cretan bull. 8. Horses of Diomedes. 9. Belt of Hippolyta. 10. Cows of Gerion. 11. Kerberos (Cerberus). 12. Apples of the Hesperides.

Additional questions:

1. How many heads did the hydra have? (9)

2. Who helped defeat the hydra? (Iolaus is the nephew of Hercules.)

3. How did Hercules manage to defeat the Stymphalian birds? (Using ratchets.)

4. To whom did the Kerinean fallow deer belong? (Artemis.)

5. Where did Eurystheus hide when he saw Hercules with the Erymanthian boar? (Into a large bronze vessel.)

6. Which of the gods gave the bull to the king of Crete? (Poseidon.)

7. What did Diomedes feed the horses with? (Human meat.)

8. What is the meaning of Hippolyta's belt? (Sign of power; brought good luck.)

9. How many apples did Hercules bring from the garden of the Hesperides? (3).

Two people advance to the fifth round.

Fifth round

"Greco-Roman Gods" (wrestling)

Leading: Wrestling is the last type of pentathlon. It will reveal the winner of our Olympiad. The task is to correctly correlate the names of the Greek and Roman gods. The one with the most matches wins. The place at the board is divided by a screen, on the board there is a type-setting canvas and cards with the names of the gods. While the finalists complete the task, the host will ask questions to the remaining players, identifying the winner among them:

1. What animal could Zeus turn into? (Into a bull.)

2. What animal was sacrificed to Hera? (A cow.)

3. Which goddess is nicknamed the Foamborn? (Aphrodite.)

4. What was the name of the sculptor whom Aphrodite helped bring the statue to life? (Pygmalion.)

5. How did they call the warm winds (according to the cardinal points)? (Boreas is northern, Eurus is eastern, Notus is southern, Zephyr is western).

6. What was the name of the rainbow goddess? (Irida.)

The winner is awarded. The finalist's task is checked:

1. Zeus - Jupiter (king of gods and people, god of thunder and lightning.)

2. Hera - Juno (guardian of the family.)

3. Aphrodite - Venus (goddess of love.)

4. Eros - Cupid (god of love.)

5. Ares - Mars (god of war.)

6. Artemis - Diana (goddess-hunter.)

7. Athena - Minerva (goddess of Wisdom and just war.)

8. Hephaestus - Vulcan (god of fire and blacksmithing.)

9. Poseidon - Neptune (god of the sea.)

Leading : A fair fight determined the strongest. Let's crown it with a laurel wreath, and may the goddess of happiness, chance and good luck Fortune (aka the Greek Tyche) accompany all the participants of our Olympics!

The song of A. Gorodnitsky sounds. "Atlantes hold the sky...".

The legends and myths of ancient Greece often became the plot for games. Greek cults became their characters, stories about the adventures of Hercules and other characters of Greek myths.

The Greeks believed that the world called Olympus was inhabited by several dozen various gods, each of which is a natural phenomenon or patronizes a particular craft, the standard of beauty and many other phenomena.

The main god for the Greeks was, who gave birth to many descendants. His brothers were Hades, the god of the underworld, and Poseidon, the god of the seas. Zeus himself was the god of heaven.

In addition to heroes, the Greeks sang heroes from among the people: Perseus, Hercules, Theseus and many others. Their stories have become the basis for the plot of many video games.

The inhabitants of Olympus had enemies: monsters (Hydra, Medusa, etc.) and titans, who were imprisoned in a dungeon called Tartarus, but they are constantly trying to get out of there.

The Olympic Games in the myths of ancient Greece also played a significant role in the life of the Greeks and their religion. Sports competitions were considered a gift from heaven, they were held so that the gods had something to look at. People argued that they deserved patronage and asked for protection. Indeed, in addition to rivalry, it was important to observe pagan rituals in order to somehow pardon the powerful descendants of Zeus.

The Olympic Games were held every five years, and it was a special time for all Greeks. During these days, the Greeks were forbidden to conduct military operations.

Greek myths are very popular in the gaming industry. One of the most popular games about the legends and myths of ancient Greece is Titan Quest .

Titan Quest is a 3D RPG that came out in 2006 on PC.

The main character will be an ordinary person, whose fate fell on a difficult fate. Some powerful titans deprive the Earth of patronage. They want to subjugate the planet to themselves and only to themselves. Now people are left without the protection and power of the titans, and the darkness is already ready to fall on the world of people. They are confident that humanity will not be able to resist their onslaught and go on the offensive. But then a hero appears - a player. He will have to curb the power and, using, as well as improving skills, resist evil.

The hero will be able to increase his level, increase his characteristics, discover new abilities that will allow him to fight enemies more and more effectively.

The game also has a large number of different equipment, each of which can be equipped to improve the defense against enemies. In addition to armor, there will be many different weapons with which the player will crush numerous opponents.

The player will have to fight both against various robbers, creatures underworld And huge bosses sizes in a multi-storey building.

There are other games besides Titan Quest about the myths of ancient Greece on PC. There are many interesting ones among them. For example, Age of Mythology which was released back in 2003. For those who are not chasing graphics, but are looking for interesting game about Greek mythology, this game will be a real find for you.
