The most popular gaming platform. Choosing a gaming platform: which is better to play on?

  • 1.There are no monopolies on PC. You decide for yourself which company’s hardware you will buy and decide for yourself whose devices are more suitable for you.
    You can even buy games in the store that you like best.
  • 2. A powerful computer does not cost too much. Moreover, it will serve you for many years with proper care.
  • 3.Ability to overclock your system
  • 4. A huge number of high-quality and gaming-oriented hardware and devices.
  • 5. Possibility of choosing your own operating system and customizing it. Still believe that Linux gaming doesn't exist? You just haven't tried.
  • 6.The ability to modify and change the insides of your PC
  • 7.Ability to change the appearance of the system unit
  • 8.The size of your PC is no longer a problem - there are system units in a compact format
  • 9.Do you need something more mobile? Gaming laptops at your service
  • 10.And of course - everything is fine with FPS on PC
  • 11.VR on PC is more accessible than ever
  • 12.PC-oriented games better games, created with the console in mind. They have convenient controls, adequate gameplay (No shelters or rolls! No stupid QTE!), excellent graphics and huge maps. “Console” games are shelters and rolls, 3rd person view, QTE and 30 fps. And of course - cut up graphics.
  • 13.PC is a free platform, so we have a huge selection of niche projects. Do you like visual novels or strategy games? The PC is definitely for you
  • 14. PC graphics are always better among multiplatforms
  • 15.PC is the main platform for indie developers. Do you want something new and unusual? PC will help you
  • 16. Possibility to buy the game directly from the developer, from his website
  • 17. A huge number of emulators - you can play games from consoles and tablets, using additional functions that the original devices simply did not have. For example, online co-op for older consoles
  • 18.More than 400 popular online games with jam-packed servers
  • 19. Co-op games are most popular on PC
  • 20. Many free gaming services for every taste and color. You can buy games, including top and drm free versions, and also play games without downloading them to your PC - on cloud services.
  • 21.Free multiplayer. You just need to buy the game
  • 22.Free cloud storage for your saves and screenshots
  • 23.Free avatars! Yes, on consoles you have to pay for them too!
  • 24. Possibility of flexible customization of your game profile (not in all services).
  • 25. Modern appearance and the convenience of most gaming services on PC
  • 26.Cross-platform game. For example, between GOG and Steam users
  • 27. The ability to combine all your accounts in gaming services into one. Thanks to projects like Project Ascension, this is possible.
  • 28.Easy and quick installation of games and updates
  • 29.Offline mode that does not deprive you of any opportunities
  • 30. Rollback updates (not everywhere). Has an update broken your favorite game? Rollback and back to the game!
  • 31.Easy creation and storage of screenshots
  • 33.Huge number of custom servers in various games.
  • 34.Only the protests of PC players have weight - there are many examples when the protests and demands of PC players were satisfied. This includes mods for Skyrim, safes in Payday 2, and the recent case with prices for Paradox games. And many other examples.
  • 35.PC gaming is holding back the onslaught of total copyright law - if not for the PC, the use of computer games would be regulated by extremely strict rules. Some PC gamers even become prominent figures in this area - for example, British rapper Dan Bull is known for his fight for user rights.
  • 36.On a PC it is easier to collect game statistics necessary for adjusting the balance of the game, as well as research conducted by psychologists, sociologists and marketers.
  • 37. While your computer is idle, you can help the world by participating in decryption and analysis programs - you can help find a cure for cancer, find extraterrestrial life, or even decipher ancient messages. Distributed computing projects are the very future that has been talked about for decades could only dream.
    For example, just under 200 scientific papers were published on the Folding@Home project alone.
  • 38. PC gamers support many old games that the rights owners are not interested in supporting. Therefore, we can safely play many old games in excellent quality and without installation problems.
  • 39.PC brings huge profits to developers and this is not a joke
  • 40. Anyone can become a developer on a PC—available free engines and editors allow even a schoolchild to create his own game.
  • 41.PC gamers often organize charity events. For example, the TF2 players’ campaign “Golden Charity”.
  • 42.On a PC it is easier to complete 100% of achievements in the game - thanks to the ability to simultaneously read/watch guides, search for players for co-op, use mods, etc. Achievement Hunted on PC becomes a real holiday.
  • 43.Huge selection of games in various settings. No matter what setting you are a fan of, you will always have something to play on PC
  • 44.Unlimited access to free, open source and f2p games - even if you don’t have money, you will always have something to play
  • 45. Lots of promotional offers for active players - your coolness can be emphasized with exclusive items that cannot be purchased
  • 46. ​​Many services that track your gaming victories and achievements - from achievements to statistics
  • 47.Bundles, sales and various discounts - this is what PC is famous for
  • 48. Constant free distribution of games, including AAA games. We all remember wonderful gifts in the form of Left 4 Dead 2, Payday 2, X-Com, Mafia 2, Civilization, Shadow Warrior, Zombie Playground, Syberia series, Dead Space, Dungeons 2 and many other great gifts from publishers.
  • 49. Generally recognized and honest sites where users play games
  • 50. Opportunities to get additional copies of the game in other services, if you have 1 purchased
  • 51.Developed market for in-game items. Your inventory can more than once help you save money on buying games + Steam trading cards - the most unusual cashback
  • 52. PC games are often focused on creative pastime - your child may not want to go to a modeling and drawing club, but games can help him develop spatial thinking and imagination.
  • 53.Game animation has been developed on the PC - thousands of people without special education make cartoons thanks to various programs and tools, including free ones. If you dream of becoming a cartoonist, then you should get acquainted, for example, with the free program Source Filmmaker, in which, thanks to the many available guides, anyone can master the creation of 3D cartoons.
  • 54.In addition to PC gaming, there is a developed demo scene, cyberculture, which emerged in the late 1970s with the spread of the first home computers. A direction of computer art, the main feature of which is the construction of a video plot created in real time by a computer, according to the principle of computer games. This is more interesting than a 4k movie.
  • 55.PC players create more fan art than console players. Moreover, there is an opinion that most of the art for console exclusives is created by popular artists in the wake of hype, and not at all out of love for the game.
  • 56.Developed modding - on PC it is much simpler and more popular than on consoles
  • 57.Creating on PC is safer than on consoles - any attempts to install mods on consoles may result in prosecution.
  • 58.Creative competitions are mainly held for PC gamers.
  • 59. Huge selection of free and universally available creative materials
  • 60.Your active creativity will not go unnoticed - you can receive both recognition and material payments for it. For example, if your model ends up in the game.
  • 61.PC is more relevant than ever. The most popular and trending games are released on PC first. And they appear on consoles with a huge delay.
  • 62.Cult digital distribution service Steam. Don't you play the most popular multiplayer games in the world? What about the holiday two-week sales?
  • 63.PC has long abandoned disc editions of games. Of course, they exist, but few people need them, because digital distribution is more convenient and practical.
  • 64. Are you worried that all your digital purchases might one day be lost if the service closes? Buy DRM Free distributions and keep them for yourself. However, as practice has shown, closed services can transfer all your games to another service and you will continue to play as if nothing had happened.
  • 65.The most modern and convenient gamepad is the Steam Controller. I do not like? Connect any other one.
  • 66.PC games are the first to receive all updates and patches. Amateur translations of games are also only available on PC.
  • 67. Huge selection - on PC you decide what to play by choosing from a huge selection.
  • 68.Most advanced graphics in games only available on PC
  • 69.Together with games, digital services popularize the purchase of music and films - a blow to piracy and the formation of a culture of digital consumption
  • 70. More and more console exclusives are getting PC editions good quality. And you don’t have to look far for examples - these are Bayonetta and Vanquish from Sega, the Neptunia series, games from Microsoft and many other great releases.

Gaming religions for gamers

Warning: It is prohibited to interpret this article as blasphemy and insult to the feelings of believers. The text is intended for gaming audiences and entertainment purposes only. All similarities with real religions are coincidental or far-fetched.


External enemies call them "Billy Boys" or one of the "Console Slaves". They worship the green cross and black "X-box" coffins. They boast of their elitism and superiority over the rest of the world, although this is not justified.
Christians honor their prophet Bill. And this prophet preaches cutting off all unlicensed software. In addition, the prophet decided to lead his flock in circles through the desert for 40 years in order to raise them into a new generation that would not know the corrupting idea of ​​free software. Circular walks are confirmed by the monotonous names of the consoles: “XBox”, “Xbox 360”, “ Xbox One" The names are new each time, but always indicate the original position.


Their enemies call them “Sonyboys”, and also classify them as “Console Slaves”. These believers pray to their “Game Station,” affectionately calling it “Sonka.” They are famous for their exclusives, although among the exclusives there are many apostates who sooner or later join the camp of the PC boyars.

This religion is led by cunning-eyed prophets. They interpret the Holy Scriptures in their own way, focusing on spirituality, often forgetting about the equally important material side of life. As a result of this asceticism, matter in their eyes turns into soap, among which players-followers are encouraged to look for philosophical meaning.

Pokemon Witnesses

A large fraternity of mobile game lovers for a long time did not have a clear name, but now it has appeared - Witnesses of Pokémon. Their peculiarity is that they do not sit in their cells and temples, but walk freely around us. Their disunity is due to the fact that they do not even visit temples of online portals. All their religiosity comes down to purchasing from church stores such as Apstore and Google Play.

The popularity of “witnesses” is largely due to the fact that they go to other people’s houses and spread their religion, usually asking: “Hello! We are Pokémon Witnesses. Would you like to talk about the God of Random, about the expulsion of humanity from Wi-Fi, about forbidden apples and other mobile phones?”

Old Believers

They worship not the modern single Framerate, but their numerous stone idols and pantheons of gods. They love to look at large pixels on rock paintings of primitive people of the digital age. It would seem a useless exercise, but it is thanks to them that the history of previous generations is carefully restored and preserved. They call themselves “oldfags”, “old schoolers”, “emulators”. Their numbers are not as small as is commonly thought.

Opponents of Console Religions

Abbreviated name "PeKaRi". They like to call themselves “PC boyars.” They consider themselves atheists, denying religious gods. But in reality they worship the god Framerate, who skillfully masquerades as materialism. The boyars' extreme desire for matter is manifested in the veneration of "graphonium" and "FPS", sometimes even to the detriment of gameplay and plot. This is what makes religious fanatics smile.

Incredible, but true: the prophet Bill has more influence on the PC boyars than on his loyal Billyboys. Although religious circumcision of unlicensed software was previously unpopular among the boyars, but in Lately they have to do this more and more often. The reason for this is “Windows 10 Inquisitor”, which burns heretical programs alive and computer games. He does this without trial or investigation, and especially without the permission of his owner - the powerless Baker. A very dangerous and ruthless guy. To gain more power, he even killed his own predecessor, the Windows 9 Unborn, so secretly that his body still cannot be found.

Narrow-minded researchers generally believe that the PC boyars are a strong and indivisible belief, that if something happens, they are ready to act as a united front. But if we look at the tale of bygone years in the early 2000s, we will certainly see records of a religious schism within this belief. The parishioners were divided into four branches of one church.

Conservative PC boyars remained in the minority. Their holy city is considered to be Steam - the largest temple in the whole game world. The history of Steam began with the “second coming”. And as a consequence of this, in Steam, PC-boyars from time immemorial have been waiting for the “third coming” of a half-dead person. Many prophets predicted the exact dates of this event, but they all turned out to be false. So parishioners can only be content with modern authors, who, nevertheless, are immediately canonized.

MMO Muslims

These are players who have lost faith in a single frame rate, and now worship the god of Online. The main idea of ​​their religion is grind - constant repetition of the same type of actions. For example, they can kneel down and beat their foreheads on the floor for a long time, thereby filling more and more high levels and bumps on your head.
MMO Muslims are distinguished by their excessive fanaticism. During their rituals, they often shout various slogans: “Online Akbar!”, “Online is gone!” They can carry out their rituals for so long that they bring themselves to physical exhaustion. It is because of their eccentric antics that many atheists consider believers to be eccentrics and even dangerous to society.


Often, Catholics are mistakenly classified as MMO Muslims, which makes both of them extremely dissatisfied. Catholics do little grinding; their main element of religion is competition. But outsiders continue to confuse.
Katkoliks are so called because they perform special “skating rinks” rituals, with particularly lengthy rituals called “sweat skating rinks”. They determine whose faith is stronger, and thus build a clear hierarchy. Those who especially distinguished themselves receive the title of “fathers” and are sent to world skating rinks - “championships”. And already there it is determined who will be the most important Pope - the deputy of their God on Earth.


An extremely simple religion. Everyday people in the world are called “casuals”, “everyday”, “everyday”. Buddhism does not involve any complex rituals or large crowds of people, only maximum relaxation. This is how he attracts his flock. Weekdayists are extremely ascetic in their requests, and can play something that believers of other faiths will not even touch. Another feature: although experienced adepts can fall into nirvana for several hours, the vast majority cannot sit at the game for even an hour, but their Gods forgive them everything.

The peculiarity of all schismatics who separated from the PC boyars is that they stopped paying taxes and donations to the clergy and their icon painters. In return, they began to buy indulgences that freed them from sins for a while, various blessings, and religious decorations. PC boyars consider these religions to be mercantile and extremely unspiritual, from time to time threatening to start a Holy War, but time crusades has already passed.

Each game will require its own platform to create. Her choice depends on the genre of the future fun. Platforms for creating games are the same engine thanks to which a person can create his own “masterpiece.” Today, games are found almost everywhere - on tablets, computers, phones and simply in slot machines. The platform is the basis of the game, since its type determines what its genre, format, design, etc. will be.

Games are classified by genre: shooter, action, arcade, puzzle, strategy, simulator and racing. These were the main genres, based on which you can create your own game.

Platforms for creating games

Below we offer an overview of 10 platforms for those who are not familiar with programming languages ​​and scripts. Each of the programs was rated by users based on three main criteria - functionality, convenience and interface.

Game Maker

Average rating: 8.

This program is aimed at those new to the field, so programming knowledge is not required. This software implements a platform for games on weak PCs, where the menu contains prepared level layouts, examples of objects, samples of sounds and scenarios. You can also find embedded motion graphics (sprite) editors. Using this platform for creating 2D games, the user will be able to realize their ideas in various genres. Game Maker includes a tutorial on how to build mockups for future prototypes of new games.

For users familiar with this field, this program has a built-in GML (Game Maker Language) programming language that will help in creating better games. By default, there is no Russian language, but if necessary, you can install a Russian language.

Construct 2

Average rating: 9.

This is another great platform that does not require advanced programming knowledge but helps beginners create more powerful game. Moreover, to create games on Android, it can help to do this on both MAC (iPhones and iPads) and Windows. Games developed on this platform can be downloaded to the browser and the social network Facebook.

Working with this program is not difficult if you know English language, since there is no Russian support here. On this platform, the user will deal with events, objects and interactions. The user menu contains ready-made models for the behavior of the entire world around you. Unlike other flash game development platforms, Construct 2 fully implements the particle effect in HTML5.

This program has the Box 2D Physics engine, thanks to which the user can accurately depict effects according to all the laws of physics. For experienced programmers, it is possible to connect extensions (like Java) that can change the source code of the game when exported.

Unity 3D

Average rating: 8.7 points.

With this software, the game will launch on different platforms without problems, since there is support not only for PC, but also for Xbox 360, PayStation 3, Wii. The multi-platform Unity engine involves creating games and applications for Win8 and lower series, as well as for Mac OS, Android, Linux and Blackberry.

The program interface provides for the use of script templates, sound effects and textures. You can also connect options online and configure drag and drop of objects.

3D Rad

Average rating: 8.3 points.

This game creation platform is designed for those who want to make them from the very beginning. Here you can create arcade games, shooters, quests, strategies and puzzles from scratch, while spending a minimum of time.

First you need to decide on the choice of objects, then install them in such an order that they interact with each other. Despite the rich selection of models and action options, this program has a function that allows you to move layouts from other platforms to the current project. To create good musical accompaniment in the game you just need to move music files in WAV and OGG format.

The difference between this platform for creating games is that it has high-quality graphics, believable physics, integration into web pages and support for full multiplayer.

Game Editor

Average rating: 7.3 points.

Platform for games on weak PCs in 2D format. However, it is capable of creating games for Android. To work in this program, you need to assign an item and give it certain settings that will demonstrate the reaction to various events in the game atmosphere.

If the user already has sketches or finished materials that he wants to use in the current project, then they can be freely moved from other programs. The user has the right to use not only ready-made responses, but also to come up with his own, using a special scripting programming language, which is much simpler than C++ or Java.


Average rating: 9.

Another simple version of the platform for creating games, the management of which does not require special knowledge. The user will have to work with ready-made level diagrams and events, which are depicted as a system of blocks. They need to be dragged with the mouse from one place to another. If the options for creating certain items are not enough, the developers of this application have provided for writing the code themselves, but for this you need to know the programming language.

This utility will be useful to those who have already worked in Photoshop. The interface of Stencyl Desinger is similar to the popular photo editor.

Craft Studio

Average rating: 8.7.

Here, complete freedom of action in the 3D sphere is provided: the user can independently write a script and set the action, depict animations and effects. The creators of this program have thought through every detail so that the platform for PC gaming has an interesting and understandable interface. It is worth noting that all the tools for working with models and animations are already available in the program, as well as other visual components. The advantages of this platform for creating games on weak PCs are that there will be no format conflicts or conversions.

Adventure Game Studio

Average rating: 7.

Many people are interested in what platforms exist to create. One striking example is this tool, which allows you to create games in two-dimensional space in the adventure genre. To be completely confident that the program will create the desired product, it comes with a demo game that you can familiarize yourself with. The scheme of work is simple - you need to change the game rooms in which certain objects are located. The player will act according to scripts that are added through a separate editor. One of the advantages of this application is its support for a modern format, that is, the user will be able to import multimedia files into the game.

Arcade Game Studio

Average rating: 8.3.

Here is the best platform for creating games from the 90s. This is another simple program that does not require programming skills. It already contains several ready-made arcade games that the user can change to his liking. On this platform you can create arcade games and shooters with top and side views.

Clickteam Fusion

Average rating: 9.

Another platform that supports multiple operating systems, such as Windows, IOS and Android. It is also possible to release your own browser applications that support HTML5. With the help of quality, the user can change the direction of small particles and control physics. For those who are little familiar with drawing and design, the developers have provided a library with ready-made animation and object layouts. After installing this application, the user automatically becomes a member of the community, where in the future he will be able to communicate with other users on a common forum and seek help from support.

Game Salad

Average rating: 8.3.

For beginning masters of entertainment masterpieces, this is an excellent platform for creating Android OS games. It's easy to use, has a simple appearance, and supports drag-and-drop object insertion. On the platform Android games will look quite good, since they are based on the interaction of the main character with objects and his non-standard behavior. You can add your own music and images to this program. Games created in this program can be played on your phone and PC.

Visionaire Studio

Average rating: 7.3.

If simple shooters and arcade games are not to the taste of a future game creator, then he will definitely like the puzzle genre. The application in question creates just such games. You just need to choose a hero, a location, arrange objects as you wish, come up with riddles and write down commands with hints. However, you can only use the demo version of this application for free, but this will be quite enough for familiarization.

Leading Free Platforms

Multiplatform engine that allows you to create quality games and port them to all existing mobile platforms. This program freely reads information from 3Ds Max, 3D Maya, Softimage, Blender and CINEMA 4D. Thanks to a recent update (in the form of Unity 4.3), the engine can work with 2D graphics, having support for physics and sprites in this format.

Despite compatibility with almost any 3D editor, in this software the graphics editor is limited in its operations - the lack of independent modeling forces users to create content in third-party 3D editors. However, do not be upset, since the library has a rich assortment of blanks that can be used for free or purchased from the authors for a fixed price.

In addition to the free version of Unity, there is a Pro version that costs $1,500. In this case, you can sign up for a monthly subscription. It will cost $75. The paid version of the engine has significant differences from the regular one. There's improved lighting, advanced physics and much more.

It has reached an unprecedented peak in our time, when many projects collect billions of dollars after release, overtaking the highest-grossing films in Hollywood. And this is just the beginning - consoles are selling in huge quantities, and PC components are becoming more progressive and modern. Below we will tell you about the best gaming platforms existing on the market. Well, let's go!

Personal Computer

The most popular platform in the post-Soviet space, which is why it is sometimes called “Slavic”. From the objective side, a PC has both advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss in more detail below. So, the advantages of computers are as follows:

  • In our area, PC games are much cheaper due to the commercial system. As a rule, compared to console games, you will have to pay 30-50% less for games than for a similar copy on Xbox or PlayStation.
  • An equally important advantage of a PC is the ability to upgrade it. The fact is that the life cycle of consoles is very long - 6-8 years. Manufacturers do not modernize them, which stops the engine of progress. In turn, more powerful video cards, processors, RAM memory and other components regularly appear on PCs, which allow owners of this platform to enjoy much better and more detailed images at 60 FPS, and even in higher resolutions: FullHD, QHD, 4k, etc.
  • Great amount manipulators that are not available for consoles: keyboards, mice, steering wheels, gamepads, joysticks and others.
  • Exclusives. This is another advantage of the PC, which, however, is also true for consoles. Many projects are released exclusively on computers: the “Civilization” series, Total War, XCOM 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., World of Warcraft and others.

However, there are also some disadvantages, which are very sad for PC owners:

  • Many developers prioritize developing games on consoles, as sales are much higher on consoles. The reason for this is piracy, which is thriving on various torrent trackers. Of course, many manufacturers are trying to create the latest types of protection, but they are not always effective.
  • Expensive upgrade. This is the disadvantage that is slowly “pouring out” of the advantage for computers. Nowadays, games are becoming more beautiful and more demanding on hardware, which is why gamers have to upgrade their PCs every 2-3 years by buying expensive components. At the same time, on consoles the hardware remains unchanged, and the picture corresponds to PC settings in the medium-high range, and without annoying freezes or sagging. Finally, the cost of the set-top box corresponds to the price of a top-end video card. Here everyone makes a choice for himself, deciding what is best for him to buy.
  • Unavailability of some console exclusives. And we are not talking about individual exclusivity, as was the case on PC (release on only one platform), but about multi-platform. Such games include Red Dead Redemption, many parts Final Fantasy, Dragon's Dogma and others.

And be that as it may, when comparing gaming platforms it remains one of the best of its kind.


The Microsoft gaming console is also very popular due to its excellent exclusives and relative cheapness. At the moment, 3 consoles have been released: 360 and Xbox One. The latter, unfortunately, is significantly inferior to its main competitor from Sony, which we will talk about later. Distinctive feature consoles are the presence of a Kinect game controller, with which any user can interact with the console without additional accessories using gestures and voice. In addition, many projects have been developed specifically for this device, which are fun to play with friends and family.

As for the exclusives available for Xbox, there are several of the most popular series: Halo, Gears of War, Forza, as well as a number of others for Kinect. The current cost of Xbox One in Russia is from 18 thousand rubles.


Another popular console that started its life path back in 1994. Latest version The console that came out from under the wing of Sony is the PlayStation 4. The latter has sold 40 million times since its launch, almost 2 times faster than the Xbox One. This is not surprising, because higher quality exclusives are released on the Japanese device, and their number is much higher. In addition, the PS4 hardware is also much more powerful, which is why the graphics quality on it is better than on the X1. As for exclusives, at the moment the most popular projects are the following: the Uncharted series, Gran Turismo, Killzone, infamous, God of War, as well as singles The Last of Us, Heavy Rain and The Order 1886. average price in Russia is 23 thousand rubles. When comparing the best gaming platforms, many gamers around the world prefer the Japanese creation.

Operating systems Android and iOS

These OSs are now installed on most smartphones available on the market. There are also Windows Phone, however, there are significantly fewer games released on it. Regarding its main competitors, Android was developed by Google employees and currently has the highest market share - 80% versus 15% for iOS. The latter, in turn, is installed only on Apple devices.

Unlike consoles, smartphones are only gaining popularity in the video game market, which is why developers are increasingly paying attention to mobile platforms. So, on phones you can play the GTA trilogy (3, Vice series Modern Combat, Need for Speed ​​and many other titles. Previously, smartphones did not have such power to reproduce great pictures and sound, but now everything has changed, and on mobile devices toys look no worse than on PCs or “adult” consoles. That's it for last years gaming platforms have gone beyond stationary devices such as computers or consoles.

Types of platforms on PC

Once upon a time, there were only a couple of platforms on the PC that united the community of players and also offered to purchase licensed copies games. The most popular was and remains Steam, developed by Valve. Steam is a distributor of games from many developers, and also provides an extensive platform for gamers, boasting an achievement system for games, numerous forums, guides, trading platforms and much more.

Some time ago, the largest publishers existing on the market began to release their own platforms, similar in functionality to Steam. So, Ubisoft’s gaming platform is called UPlay, EA’s Origin, Rockstar Games’ RGSC and others. Of course, this somewhat loses gamers who are forced to download numerous clients to install purchased games, but the market sets its own rules.

A very interesting platform can be called Gog Galaxy from CD Projekt, where old games from the late 90s and early 2000s are posted, which will provide you with proper nostalgia for old projects. After the release of the third “The Witcher,” attention to the Polish studio became more intense, which increased the popularity of their own platform. Today, "The Witcher 3" has collected more than 300 awards, including "Best Game of the Year 2015", which gives CD Projekt incredible recognition from the players.

Playtech gaming platform

In the last section we will mention a client that is somewhat different from its predecessors. The fact is that the Playtech gaming platform is a special platform designed for playing in online casinos. Of course, there is the possibility of playing for real money, which puts it on par with popular online platforms for gambling applications.

PlayTech is a young, aggressive software company that is also extremely international in nature. So, the owners are immigrants from Israel, developers from Estonia, and the domain is registered in the Netherlands. The company, which entered the market in 1999, quickly gathered an original clientele, and even squeezed out its inveterate competitors. The casino itself constantly pleases its visitors with regular tournaments, bonuses and reward systems.


Gaming platforms represent an extensive list that attracts millions of fans to their TV screens and monitors. Video games have long ceased to be children's entertainment. Nowadays it is rather an art that can be easily compared with cinema. Amazing graphics quality, strong plots for individual projects, strong-willed characters - what else is needed for a true masterpiece of art?

One of the main criteria for choosing a gaming platform is the amount of money you are willing to spend on this hobby.

If your budget is limited, then it is better to take a PC. To play at high settings, you need a computer that costs at least 50 thousand rubles, which is 25–30 thousand more than the price of most consoles. However, lower game prices will quickly make up the difference. In Russia, standard editions of large projects on consoles usually cost 4 thousand rubles, and on PC - 2 thousand. Moreover, digital stores for computer games like Steam or GOG often have sales with huge discounts - up to 90%. This kind of generosity is rare on consoles.

On the other hand, if you are willing to spend money or are not going to buy more than 6-8 games a year, then it would be more advisable to take some kind of console: Nintendo Switch, Xbox One or PlayStation 4. They are easier to operate, more stable and more intuitive than a PC. They can be connected to the TV, turned on and not touched again until a new generation appears. With a PC, there are usually more problems: from incompatibility or defective components to software errors or banal updates at inopportune moments.

The most expensive options for gaming platforms are more powerful versions of consoles (Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro) and high-end gaming PCs. The most powerful console on the market, Xbox One X, will cost about 40 thousand rubles. PlayStation 4 Pro costs about 30 thousand, and top gaming PCs start from 70 thousand rubles.

The advantages of these options are that they support 4K format and also run games on high and ultra settings. This means that the graphics on them are simply excellent. And expensive PCs also allow you to enjoy very smooth gameplay at 60 frames per second and above. On consoles, games rarely run at more than 30 frames per second.

2. Available games

Another important parameter when choosing a platform is games. Most of the projects are available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. There are also games that are released only on specific platforms: for example, the action game about the gods of Norse mythology God of War can only be played on PlayStation 4, and the fantasy shooter Halo 5 can only be played on Xbox One. In addition, some games are released only for (like the gangster western Red Dead Redemption 2), while others are released on certain consoles and PCs (mainly projects released by Microsoft, like the racing game Forza Horizon 4).

Exclusives on PC are mainly strategies and games of different genres from independent developers. For example, the fantastic strategies Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak and Wahrammer 40000: Dawn of War 3 were released only on computers. Just like the multiplayer shooter World War 3 or the tactical action game Insurgency.

Games only available on PlayStation 4 are typically third-person action games with an emphasis on story and gameplay. Over five years of existence Sony consoles I have accumulated many similar projects. Among them, for example, the game about Spider-Man Marvel's Spider-Man, the post-apocalyptic action game The Last of Us and the adventure game in the spirit of Indiana Jones Uncharted 4. All of these projects are distinguished by carefully thought-out gameplay, a fascinating plot and well-written characters characters.

Xbox One exclusives include the shooter series Gears of War and Halo, the Forza racing franchise, third-person action games Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive. True, almost all new games for Xbox are also available on PC, such as Forza Horizon 4 and Quantum Break.

Mainly games from Nintendo are released exclusively on Switch: Super Mario Odyssey, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. These games vary in genre, character, and story, but they all have one thing in common: Nintendo's amazing attention to detail in gameplay. The company tries to make each of its games as fun and exciting as possible, guided during development by the philosophy “a game should bring pleasure and surprise.” And almost all projects from this studio have a rating of 3+ or 6+ - ideal, if you want.

3. Additional features

Every major platform has additional features, which may be decisive in your choice.

4K is an ultra-high-definition image format, and HDR is a screen technology with increased contrast, brightness and more accurate color reproduction.

Of the platforms we are considering, 4K is supported by PC, Xbox One S (an improved revision of the base Xbox One), Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro. True, a comfortable game in this high resolution Only expensive PCs, as well as Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro, can provide this, because this format is very demanding on hardware. It should be noted that it is worth buying a platform for this technology only if your TV or monitor supports it. There will be no difference on Full HD screens.

HDR is available on PC, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro. Gaming with HDR enabled is an amazing experience that will make regular screens seem dull and dull. The main thing is not to forget that the TV or monitor must support it for everything to work.


The ability to play anywhere and anytime is usually inherent in a special subset of consoles like the PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS. But thanks to the Nintendo Switch, it has also appeared among stationary consoles. Switch can be used both connected to the TV and on the go - thanks to the built-in screen. True, in this mode the console becomes a little less powerful, but most projects can still be played comfortably on it.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One cannot be called portable. But a PC can have this property. Some companies produce mini-computers designed specifically for gaming, for example, the GPD Win 2. It is small with a built-in keyboard, gamepad and six-inch screen. It's not that powerful, but it handles undemanding games like Fortnite well.

Watching movies and TV series

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One play Blu-ray discs and also have Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Video apps. All this is available on a PC (although you need a special drive to read Blu-ray) and even more, for example iTunes.

The Nintendo Switch is not well suited for consuming video content - so far you can only watch YouTube and Hulu on it. For some reason, the Japanese company is in no hurry to add support for other services.


Consoles are created primarily for games, and besides that they can do not much: play music, show movies and TV series.

If you need real multifunctionality, then it is better to take a PC - these are universal machines on which you can do anything. Write music, develop applications, create documents, go online, edit images. It is not without reason that they are used in almost every area of ​​human activity.

Back in 1978, commercially successful game Space Invaders greatly motivated large investors to pay attention to the gaming industry. This video game was released in Japan on the platform we know as arcade machines. The game became so popular that it caused a shortage of coins in the country, which were required in order to play it. From Japan, the game quickly spread to America, where 60,000 units were sold in 2 years. They were in all the bars, bowling alleys and cinemas. Thanks to Space Invaders, a boom in the development of arcade machines began, which became the first stage in the evolution of the gaming industry. In 1979, it was a real breakthrough: the American distributor of the game Belly Midway tripled the market slot machines in the USA, bringing sales volumes to 1.33 billion dollars for the year. Many famous computer games first appeared on gaming machines and were later ported to other platforms. For example, Pac-Man Street Fighter, Killer Instinct. Below the cut I bring to your attention a small an excursion into the history of the evolution of platforms in the gaming industry.

Along with slot machines, games developed on the platform game consoles. And although the history of consoles began back in 1972 with the release of the world's first home game console Magnavox Odyssey, a breakthrough in this direction began in 1977, when game console Atari 2600. Thanks to Atari's investments, the popularization of computers and video games reaches new level. New major players are emerging, wanting to take a warm place in the video game market. Besides Atari, history includes Sega, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft as the largest.

Another major gaming platform “since ancient times” was personal computers. The first games on them appeared in the 1960s. These were text adventure games in which communication between the player and the computer was carried out by entering commands through the keyboard. The further evolution of games is closely related to the growth in performance and capabilities of computer hardware. This is the popularization of computer mice as a human-computer interaction interface, and the emergence sound cards, making it possible to reproduce full-fledged sounds, and an annual improvement in the quality of the output image, and of course the development of computer networks, which ultimately resulted in the emergence of the Internet. With the evolution of networks, the familiar single-player client games are being replaced by a new generation of games that provide the opportunity to play together with other players. The very first online games and was made in text form and launched on the TelNet network in 1978. The developers of this game were Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw. They called their creation Multi-user Dungeon, MUD for short. Later, this abbreviation began to be used as a classification for multiplayer online games, where absolutely everything is displayed as text. MUD is the origin of all virtual worlds that we know today.

With the advent of the Internet, in addition to the usual single-player games, online projects came: client and browser-based. In the late 90s, growing Internet access speeds made it possible to become browser as an independent gaming platform. It acts as an operating shell for games, allowing you to play without installation additional programs. For a long time, developing gaming markets had a high share of browser games, which was due to a lag in hardware - meaning China and Russia.

In the mid-2000s, there was an exponential growth of social networks, which became a new way of communication between people. Game developers now simply cannot ignore the browser platform and stand out within it a separate subplatform and games for it, which are now called social. At the time, it seemed to many that this was a colossal breakthrough in the gaming industry. A huge number of developers went into social games, the annual growth rate exceeded 200%, simply because it was an innovation and the market did not even exist before. However, saturation came quite quickly. To replace low-quality gaming products produced with at breakneck speed In order to occupy the market, high-quality games with good graphics and serious gameplay are coming.

The next round of development in the gaming industry occurred thanks to the enormous increase in popularity mobile phones who became new platform communication between people and a new platform for distributing games. Java games that were on mobile phones did not constitute serious competition to either browser, client, or social games. However, starting from the end of the first decade of the 2000s, the emergence of smartphones, for which powerful projects could be developed, opened the mobile gaming market to the industry in all its glory. In general, the mobile platform is now implemented through two types of devices: smartphones and tablets. But since OS, the technical characteristics and methods of delivering games to the consumer on these devices are almost identical; developers rarely separate them into different platforms. Mobile games are currently considered by many to be a promising market, capable of generating maximum profits with a low barrier to entry. In our program “Management of Internet Gaming Projects”, the majority of students make mobile games, and in second place are PC games for Steam.

The history of the formation of gaming platforms shows that with the development of technology, the process of emergence of innovative gaming platforms is accelerating. Some of them “explode” the market and displace the old ones, some do not achieve explosive growth but occupy their niche - for example, Smart TV, smart watches, games on airplanes, games on vapes, etc. It is likely that in the coming years the mobile games market will will be pushed out of the gaming industry trend by more advanced human-computer interaction technology. This could be either virtual or augmented reality in the current implementation, or fully immersive virtual reality. Time will show!