Forerunner secrets. Forerunner game

Game: Platform: PC Genre: action, simulator Release date: December 24, 2010 In Russia: December 4, 2009 Developer: Deep Shadows Publisher: GFI Publisher in Russia: Russobit-M / Track down Kiev studio Deep Shadows became famous thanks to her own debut project “Xenus. Boiling Point,” which, to be honest, came out very uneven. On the one hand, the developers built impressive places, filled the world with an abundance of NPCs, gave the player freedom of choice and action, and, in the end, gave out a lot of different equipment, from ordinary cars to powerful helicopters. But as expected, there was a ladle of tar in the barrel of honey. Tropical adventures were filled with various kinds of bugs, the world turned out to be frighteningly empty, many locations were made using hidden copy/past technology, and for normal work it required very most powerful computer. In fact, immediately after the release, patches began to pour in, but when “Boiling Point” eventually acquired a more or less finished form, the train of progress had gone very far. In general, despite the solid start, Deep Shadows was able, as they say, to make a statement for herself, and “Xenus” even gained an impressive army of fans.

The staff in the game is surprisingly measured: even when the battle is raging around, people do not lose their presence of mind.

The developers did not stop there, promising to release a sequel, which was supposed to be a kind of work on the mistakes. And “Xenus 2: Snow White Gold” really turned out to be much better than the original. The creators kept everything good from the first part, added several new items, and ensured that the game was measured. The rematch, in general, was a success, but the most exciting thing is that in parallel with the 2nd part of “Xenus” in Deep Shadows were poring over another unusual project called , around which a variety of rumors were circulating. Some were sure that “Xenus in Space” awaited us; others were openly hesitant that the people of Kiev would be able to make a sane combination of such “heavy” genres as action, space simulator and RPG. But it’s on sale, and it’s time to dot the I’s. Master Equalizer There are quite a lot of guns in the game, and each “barrel” can be made significantly better by increasing its destructive power, accuracy or range. To carry out an update, you just need to buy the necessary materials from a merchant, and attach the acquired spare parts from another dealer. The most stingy ones, in general, can learn a special skill, after which they will be able to carry out improvements without the help of others. Another exciting innovation is organic cannons. When developing them, the developers' imagination simply knew no bounds. For example, here you can get a creature called Tenisek, which releases a deadly ray if you scratch its, uh, tummy. Another curious specimen is Sinudu. This beast can send impulses that shrink any organic creature, after which it is enough to crush it with your heel... Fiery greetings to dad Nukem!

These are the disgusting creatures that live on the planet Gli.

Drunkenness fight

Those who were waiting for a new project Deep Shadows will take a walk to the ever-memorable “Xenus”, in general, we were not mistaken. At the same time, familiar features appear almost out of the blue - from the icon that appears on the desktop after installation - it was taken straight from the second Xenus, except that the inscription is different. Further, of course, more. The game starts off vigorously: in the role of the young pilot Tris Kryten, we find ourselves on a certain suspicious purple-blue planet, where we are immediately attacked by terrible creatures. First you have to fight off predatory plants, then shoot back from disgusting looking beetles. The walk ends in a very intriguing way, after which the true adventures on the “mainland,” so to speak, begin: the command sends Kryten to his home planet Goldin, where he (and you too) will have to spend the first hours getting to know the new world.

In general, it is not difficult to acclimatize, because, as we have already said, it is desperately similar to “Xenus”. Here, instead of Don Pedro, bottles of tequila and mustachioed bandits with Kalashnikovs at the ready, suddenly there appeared overgrown flying beetles, bags of “dust” (a local drug) and large bug-eyed spiders that rush sharply and without warning. Despite the change of scenery, not enough has changed. The towns are home to a number of inhabitants who desperately need your heroic role. We help one put up posters, bring another a basket of fruit, and help a third one shoot the bandits, who have become very insolent in the near future. So that the player does not get lost while completing countless tasks, the path to the goals is carefully shown by an arrow on the map - stomp in the appropriate direction and shoot at your opponents. The missions themselves are correctly divided into story missions and additional ones, and if you race only according to the scenario, you can defeat the campaign in just five to six hours.

The hyperjump was made, to be sure, very beautifully.

On the other hand, patience and, so to speak, thoughtful passage are rewarded with experience and resources. The character development system, however, was also completely moved from the second “Xenus”. Upon reaching another level, the hero can acquire one of the new skills, of which there are quite a lot. You can carry more objects, master sniper shooting, become a dexterous burglar, or learn how to use a powerful weapon. But not all features are useful, and many will not be needed at all. Which, in general, does not prevent developers from cleverly playing on ordinary human curiosity. Specifically, it forces you to do tasks, raise your level - all just in order to master this or that ability. After all, it’s different to take a walk additional quests it’s quite dreary: the instructions are not that different, they are made somehow chaotically, well, running from one end of the map to the other in order to get a bunch of some rare plants, and later take it to the petitioner is still entertainment.

It is at such similar stations that a shabby ship should be patched up and weapons and fuel purchased.

But the journeys themselves on the surface of the planets are quite intense. If the towns are relatively quiet, and clashes occur only according to the plot, then outside the settlements there is real hell. On the same Goldin, for example, you immediately understand how much a pound is worth when a gang of raiders suddenly swoops in from behind the dunes and starts pouring lead from almost all the trunks. Here it turns out that the enemies are very smart, and it is difficult to wage war against them: the villains can deftly strafe; a little bit, they throw grenades; they love to enter from the rear, shooting virtually point-blank. The planets are also fraught with other threats - fierce, huge scorpions, some scary-looking mutants that remove half your health in one fell swoop, and other creatures. Wander on your own two feet in "Forerunners" It’s really creepy, and after you give your soul to God a couple of times, having entered into an unequal battle with the enemy, your view of the world changes somewhat. You begin, for example, to appreciate cars and other means of transportation: they are not only equipped with severe weapons, but also withstand an impressive number of hits, and, most importantly, allow you to move much faster. Taking into account that the distances between settlements are several kilometers, plus an important one. In general, even the strongest car can still be blown up, so it’s worth buying spare tires in advance in order to replace the punctured ones in time, and don’t forget to repair the steel stallion at service stations.

Repairs, like ammunition, are quite expensive, so the lack of funds in "Forerunners" constantly interferes with life (unless, of course, you take advantage of a known bug). Although there are a lot of ways to earn money (for example, by completing countless quests), the surest one is to methodically collect things that fall from the dead, take them to the merchant and earn a decent sum for it. Here, by the way, you will again need a car, because the hero is able to carry a little on his own hump, so the excess junk has to be put in the trunk.

You can attach a bunch of different upgrades to the ship. They are, however, not cheap.

The ground part often causes a storm of conflicting feelings. On the one hand, the developers really managed to make planets worthy of attention, build them up with towns, populate them with extraordinary creatures, and come up with entertaining missions. In addition, outside the city boundaries you feel, to put it mildly, uncomfortable: enemies can destroy you at any moment, and any skirmish is a rather severe test. And if you are “lucky” to find yourself in the middle of the desert without transport or ammunition, then it becomes really creepy. Almost it turned out to create a very strong atmosphere, but, as annoying as it may sound, the key word here is “almost.” The trouble is that the atmosphere is constantly bursting at the seams due to some stupid mistakes and shortcomings. Then suddenly the enemy will drive into a tree and stupidly try to break through it - all you have to do is run to the cretin, knock his brains out and get a free transport. Then the hero himself will fall waist-deep into the ground. Or suddenly, after a merciless firefight, some lobotomized scientists are discovered at the enemy base, who, instead of crawling under the table out of fear, enter into a conversation with Tris in the spirit of “actually, we work here, we’ll talk later.” Such small, but, unfortunately, frequent mistakes often manage to destroy the fragile atmosphere.

You can stock up on a wide variety of products at any merchant.

Galactic spaces

On the other hand, as promised, the game still has one component - a space simulator. Before the release, many were afraid that, they say, it would be difficult to steer the vehicle, recalling, apparently, the terrible control of helicopters from Xenus. In fact, everything turned out great: the ship is controlled trivially, has virtually no inertia, so flying and shooting enemies is painfully easy. Space itself is another such impressive location: you can move between planets at hyperspeed, but adventures and battles occur every two minutes. Again, there is always something to do: rob merchants or take them under guard, hunt pirates, help defend imperial cruisers...

In this game, transport often saves your life.

From the outside, the space is well made: beautiful planets, blaster shots illuminate the endless expanses, and the explosion of a cruiser can even blind you. True, the galaxy itself is not a very different place. There are only seven planets that can be landed on, while others are provided only with vivid descriptions and are not suitable for landing. But there is a surplus of space stations, which, as annoying as it may sound, are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod, but there you can patch up the ship, refuel it, buy and install improvements that seriously increase the properties of your vessel. Addiction As in Xenus, main character has various addictions that significantly reduce his chances of survival. For example, if you are treated with catalysts for a long time, the character develops a strong addiction to them, so that the medications become less effective. Alcohol and drugs, which temporarily enhance the hero’s properties, are also addictive, which later has a most detrimental effect on the character. To get rid of all these misfortunes, it is enough to visit one of the Aesculapians, who live in virtually any town, and for a certain amount improve your shaky health.

This terrible creature is something like a cockroach. Not particularly scary.

Dust of distant planets

The fear is that Deep Shadows it will turn out to be “cosmic Xenus”, they were justified, but in our case this is not a verdict: yes, the creators took almost everything from their own previous project, and they added many unique finds. Here are interplanetary travel, worlds worthy of attention, an original “living” weapon, and a whole zoo of various, very scary creatures. Here's what's frustrating: the developers failed to do Big world. IN "Forerunners" there is no scope of a true space opera. Here, for example, the planet explodes to hell, but this dramatic event is presented in some kind of sour video that definitely does not touch the soul. Supposedly the most difficult test on Gli consists of two funny ordinary tasks. Here you seem to be flying at hyperspeeds across the expanses of the galaxy, unraveling the secrets of the universe, and you always feel as if you are again looking for your missing daughter on a small tropical peninsula, lost somewhere in the Caribbean Sea.

Pros: various planets; the ability to fly and wage war in space; great amount upgrades for weapons and spaceships; good graphics.
Minuses: weak production and plot; not very different tasks; glitches that from time to time really interfere with life; lacks scope. about the game rating system

FAQ for the game from the developers:

1. How to find the power unit from my ship on Goldin?
Finding the power unit is easy - you just need to follow the plot. Take your time, complete the quests. Complete the package quest given by your boss, help the shaman in the village and, most importantly, help the dying man. It is he who will tell you where the “sand rats” are hiding, where your power unit is located. Of course, you can find a cave with bandits on your own, then be careful - one of them has the key (he is not aggressive), try not to kill him. But best of all, just move along the story.

2. Story quest with dust. I shook out the key to his apartment from the junkie, but the key does not open this door. What to do? Is this a glitch?
No, it's not a glitch, it's carelessness. The key is not for the apartment, it is needed to hack the computer. Enter the house from the yard, there is a “junkie” neighbor who will tell you a heartbreaking story about his neighborhood with a drug addict. Then go into the house and break the computer.

3. I have received a quest to escort a container ship. How to do it?
It’s very simple - fly closer to the container ship, aim at it and the “Get into formation” menu will appear. Press F1 - and go ahead, accompany. Don't forget to make sure you are on good terms with the faction that owns the container ship!

4. Where can I buy spare wheels and machine gun cartridges for a buggy?
Wheels for vehicles are not sold, but you can steal them from the trunks of other cars. Machine gun cartridges are sold at the technical station; in order to get them, you need to talk to the mechanic in the second hangar.

5. How to repair a ship and install upgrades on it?
The ship can be repaired at stations and spaceports. This is what technicians do. The sale and installation of upgrades is carried out by the “constructor”. It can be found on any space station. A technician and a designer are different people!

6. In battles in space, containers drop out of ships, such as a container with weapons, a container with food, alcohol, etc. Tell me what to do with them, when sold at stations they have a cost of 0, but it’s a shame to throw them away.
Sell ​​to trading terminals at stations (those where news can be read). Containers have good prices there.

7. How to repair weapons in the game?
There is no weapon repair as such in the game. Instead, you can buy and install an upgrade on it for - 50% wear and tear.

8. They say that in space you can change the camera view to flight from the first and third person, is this true and how to do it?
Yes, you can fly in third person. To change the view, use the F9-F10 keys.

9. When going into space, the camera constantly drags down and to the left (arcade mode), as if I was constantly dragging the mouse down, holding down the "A" key, it is impossible to play, reinstalling did not help.
Most likely, you have a joystick, gamepad or steering wheel connected. Turn it off and everything will be fine.

10. Why is it that when I deviate from storyline on side quests, story quests disappear from the mission?
Side quests and story quests are located on separate tabs. Switch to the story quests tab and they will appear.

11. How to take screenshots in the game?
Screenshots are taken using the SCROLL LOCK key.

12. How do you know which planet you can land on? And how to do this?
Turn on global map- those planets on which landing is possible have small pictures in the description. And then everything is simple - we fly up, the landing menu appears, we choose where to land (if there is more than one cosmodrome on the planet), and we land.

« Forerunners", were certainly one of the most ambitious projects not only in the post-Soviet space, but also by the standards gaming industry at all. It's no joke - combine a full-fledged shooter, RPG and space simulator with flights between planets and star systems within one game! Today no one makes games on such a scale anymore. IN Mass Effect There is a shooter and a role-playing component, but there is no simulator. In the domestic " Parkane "and in the series Universal

Derek Smart had space battles and battles on the surface of planets, but there was no hint of a full-fledged RPG. Deep Shadows Probably, somewhere deep in their souls, many people would like to make such a game. But everyone was obviously scared off by the realization of how much work needed to be done in order for something of any quality to emerge from the genre vinaigrette. Everyone except Ukrainians from , authors of a slightly less ambitious duology Xenus

. Another issue is that quality, apparently, was not one of their priorities. At the end of many years of development, the main thing was to cross the finish line, and how to do it - whether crawling, on your knees, backwards or feet first - did not matter.

By completing quests, we earn experience, gain levels and gradually acquire perks. The skill system has not changed compared to Xenus 2: some open up, for example, the ability to use heavy weapons, others give passive bonuses, discounts from merchants, etc., and others are responsible for dexterity in handling equipment.

Having resolved all matters on the first planet, we receive ownership of a personal starship. And then the promised space simulator in the style begins Freelancer and series X. The player can freely travel through ten star systems, each of which has several large planets and a couple of space stations. You can land on some planets, and there, of course, a heap of new quests awaits - the sequence of actions described in the paragraph before last is repeated.

As for the spaceship, it, as expected, is equipped with energy shields, blasters, rocket launchers, as well as a slot for upgrades, which are sold and installed at space stations. There you can also find out the latest galactic news, visit a bar (from the darkest corner someone in overalls and with another quest will certainly pounce on the hero) and fill the hold with goods for sale. There are other ways to make money: the systems are full of valuable asteroids, pirates and merchant ships that can be robbed or, conversely, protected.

Space without a director

In a word, everything seems to be in place - shooting, role-playing system, racing, space, trade... But somehow I can’t be happy. Firstly, “Forerunners”, like Xenus, never managed to go beyond the term “semi-professional game from former USSR ": the game looks like it was made by talented, but not very skillful and experienced people. The main plot tends to get lost amid an incredible number of secondary quests, the direction is absent as a class: rare primitive videos are complemented by monosyllabic missions in the style of “fly there, kill them, come back.” There are many quests, but most of them are very primitive in structure. And besides, they are supplemented with the signature “humor” from Deep Shadows, the central the topics of which

In addition, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the developers overestimated their strength: they were able to promise everything in the world, they also somehow managed to squeeze it all into one game, but they were no longer enough to bring the resulting concept to mind. The shooter, like in Xenus 2, turned out to be quite ridiculous. It’s inconvenient to aim, it’s inconvenient to shoot, it’s inconvenient to even move, because the physics here is also ridiculous. When you try to run, the character begins to move like a poorly controlled vat of borscht: he crashes into walls, counts all the angles, falls from the bridge and touches explosive barrels. Vehicles , As in previous games

Ukrainians are more irritated than pleased: the controls are unresponsive, the behavior of cars on the road is inadequate.

Many elements of the game look like they have been left there since the early alpha version. For example, trading: you can go through the entire game without ever remembering the exciting opportunity to trade exotic fruits. There is no desire to transport goods from station to station, as well as to accompany merchants - there is already enough money. You can only understand where and what the prices are better at random, and escorting a merchant ship can take half an hour of real time, most of which you will just be melancholy flying somewhere. A full-fledged simulator of a space tramp from “Forerunners” also did not work out. Space in this game is dead and lifeless in every sense: the news is practically not updated, in bars in the same places the same people sit in the same position (it’s the same story on the planets). The flight model is primitive, there is no feeling that you are in control spaceship

. We, of course, understand that conditions of zero gravity have their own physical subtleties, but because of them, flying is simply boring. Switching to “simulator” mode in the game settings does not change the essence.

There are also balance issues: some weapons are frankly more powerful and effective than others, and once you have them at your disposal (and this can happen on the second available planet), there is no need to use anything else. Plus, of course, a heap technical problems

. Frequent crashes to the desktop, unexpected brakes in some locations, scripts that don’t work, quests that don’t turn in, graphic artifacts on ATI family video cards - and now the first homemade fixes appear on the Internet, and the topic “Wishes for the first patch” opens on the official forum. Partially organic weapon that needs food.

What to replace it with? Paintball - team game using hand-held pneumatic weapons - is not only popular among office clerks, but is also used to train personnel for the active army in several countries around the world. The main attribute of any paintball player is a marker: a partially organic (its design includes plastic, which is of organic origin) weapon, which regularly has to be “fed” with fresh balls - also organic (their shell is made of gelatin).

Time 4 hours

. Frequent crashes to the desktop, unexpected brakes in some locations, scripts that don’t work, quests that don’t turn in, graphic artifacts on ATI family video cards - and now the first homemade fixes appear on the Internet, and the topic “Wishes for the first patch” opens on the official forum. A real opportunity to visit different planets.

What to replace it with? To choose from - the restaurant chain "Planet Sushi", the curling club "Planet Ice" (European cuisine, business lunch), the sports equipment store "Planet Sports", the restaurant "Planet Space" (Russian, Italian, European cuisine, Wi-Fi ), antique store "Planet Antik" and the network of fitness centers "Planet Fitness".

Time 3 hours

Your own truth

Nevertheless, the Forerunners have several undeniable advantages. Game world, provided that you agree to play according to the rules invented by the developers and do not ask unnecessary questions, is eventful. You fly to a new planet, solve some problems of the local race, immediately after this you undertake to deliver a shipment of spices to a certain aristocrat, along the way you take a random fellow traveler on board, fight off pirates, arrive on one wing, load the goods, and someone is already knocking he is asking you on the shoulder and tearfully asking for something - there is absolutely no time to sit idle and admire the sunsets.

Where there is a lack of direction and high-quality dialogues, the authors take advantage of the quantity and concentration of events. The quests are primitive, but there are many of them, and some of them can be solved different ways: for example, there is an option to simply kill an old gardener in order to steal specimens of a unique plant, but no one forbids you to structure the conversation correctly, and he will give them back himself. And exploring the vast spaces here is sometimes even more interesting than in Far Cry 2 ,Borderlands, Red Faction: Guerrilla and many other sandbox games.

Simply because the authors filled the planets with optional, but dear to the heart details: for example, on the way from the city to the bandit camp, you can accidentally stumble upon an old cannibal who will ask the hero to come closer, because the cannibal’s strength is no longer the same and he can independently rise and devour he cannot be a player. Star Wars“, but at the same time the authors managed to create almost a dozen truly different planets with their own flora and fauna, unique races and even unique mounts.

For almost every “con”, “Forerunners” have a “pro”. The shooter seems lopsided, but the player’s success largely depends on how he upgraded the hero: after all, “Forerunners” is a role-playing game. Physics is tricky, but even the smallest details are taken into account: how many action games have you seen in which you have to change a tire shot by someone? The plot is banal, but non-linear: spoiled relations with one faction can deprive you of a lot of unique quests, and during the course of the game the scriptwriters will ask you a couple of times to make a fateful choice, on which the subsequent set will depend story missions and the locations to which you will be sent. True, those who manage to master the game’s story to the end will be in for an unpleasant surprise. One gets the impression that either the authors ran out of money or patience right in the middle of the next working day, so the plot ends literally during the next dialogue.

* * *

“Forerunners” is a real dinosaur, a farewell greeting to the domestic gaming industry of the late nineties and early two thousand.

At the time when the project was just announced, many Russian developers and players still believed in miracles: for example, that with the help of your own creative genius you could create a huge “dream game” from scratch, in which everything would be like in the West, only better and “racing”. Today, it seems to be obvious to everyone that talent and ambition alone are not enough, and the quality of a game is by no means determined by the length of its feature list. Everyone who survived came to their senses (even G.S.C. Game World , despite the resounding success S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , gave up experimenting for the second addon), but Deep Shadows stuck to their line more stubbornly than anyone else and, despite everything, managed to finish work on Xenus 2 and “Forerunners”. For their fidelity to ideals, they, of course, deserve an “excellent” rating, but in terms of their level of performance, they are frozen at the “satisfactory” mark. "Forerunners" - in their own way interesting game , she can even act as an opening act for Mass Effect 2

. But is this what we dreamed of five years ago?-Replay value

Yes-Cool story

No-Replay value

Originality-Replay value

Easy to learn 60%

Meeting expectations: 7

Gameplay: 6

Graphic arts: 6

Sound and music: 6

Interface and control: Did you wait? role playing game And space simulator. Unfortunately, most of the game's components look attractive only on paper - in real "Forerunners", the player will often have to languish from boredom and wander around an empty world.

"Above average"

7.5 from the editor




The Precursors

  • Publisher: GFI
  • Publisher in Russia: Russobit-M
  • Developer: Deep Shadows
  • Website: -
  • Game engine: Vital 3
  • Genre: Action
  • Game mode: Single mode
  • Spreading: -

System requirements:

  • Windows XP/Windows Vista
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core 5200+
  • 512 MB
  • Direct X 9.0c compatible
  • 8 GB

About the game

The game begins with the main character, a young pilot of the Amarnov race, returning home to the planet Goldin after graduating from the academy. There he will find out what Lately A series of mysterious and terrible events took place in the galaxy. One of these disasters greatly affected the Amarn civilization and completely turned his own life upside down. He will have to work hard to identify the root cause of all disasters and solve the problems that have arisen. The game successfully combines elements of various genres: RPG, action, space simulator.

Sci-fi setting. The plot of the game “Forerunners” is based on the theories of modern scientists and science fiction writers who believe that many civilizations mastered intergalactic flights long before humanity launched its first rockets into space.

Description. Basic moments

The game is made in a sci-fi setting, where people have already conquered space, and the meeting with aliens was peaceful. Humanity itself has taken on the role of evil aliens, destroying itself from within. It split into several opposing factions:

  • The Empire is one of two space superpowers.
  • The Democratic Union (DU) is one of the two space superpowers.
  • Rogue Traders.
  • Bandits.
  • Civilians.
  • Raiders are space raiders.

There are also two factions of aliens:

  • The Bird Revolutionaries are one of two factions into which the Klatz people split.
  • The Birds of the Nest are one of two factions into which the Klatz people split.


The main character's capabilities include visiting 10 systems, but only 7 planets are suitable for visiting:

  • Goldin is a desert planet that would not be of any interest if not for the huge deposits of petroleum.
  • Gli is the planet of the Klatz people.
  • Reandore is a large planet in the Ti-4 system, unusually rich in mineral resources. On this planet there is an endless war between the Empire and the Rogue Traders.
  • Morento is one of the DS planets.
  • Sunax is a planet known primarily for its unique spices. Sunax is also known as a resort planet.
  • Yarent - "Planet of Raiders".
  • Planet of Aliens.

Travel, by the way, is not such a significant element of the gameplay. Moreover, movement between sectors can be done with two mouse clicks, so during the entire game you can spend at most thirty minutes in space.

The few combat encounters in any case end in a positive outcome for the player - enemies fly slowly, shoot askew and are rarely encountered. Even the available opportunity for a comprehensive upgrade of the ship (speed, armor, damage) is basically not needed.

  1. The game runs on the Vital 3 engine.
  2. The development team's past experience includes the games Xenus and Xenus 2. "Forerunners" bear a very serious imprint from these games.

You are on the page of the game Precursors, created in the Simulation/Action genre, where you can find a lot useful information. The game was released by Deep Shadows studio. The walkthrough of the Forerunner game found here will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, codes and cheats for the Forerunner game are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game Precursor in Russia was localized by GFI / Russobit-M, but this does not eliminate the need for a localization, because sometimes errors appear during the game, and original version always better than remade. And playing in your native language is more enjoyable. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you decide if a game is worth your time. Considering that the game was released on 2010-12-24, we can say that it may not look interesting.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix game process. You can download them in our file storage.
