Straight with an ace in poker. ♠ Card combinations in poker - poker hands by seniority Controversial situations with Straight with Ace

Hood is a term used in picketing. This means taking all twelve tricks without giving your opponent any. There are two hoods: declared and random. The former is worth twice as much as the latter.

Carte blanche - in picket means not having a single piece in his hands until discarded, which is of particular value, or when all the cards are counted, that is, when the player does not have a single card in his hands that has not been read by him .

Quarter - four suited cards in a row. There are five different quarts: quart major - ace, king, queen, jack; quarts from king - king, queen, jack, ten; quarts from ladies - lady, jack, ten, nine; quarts from jack-jack, ten, nine, eight; quarts from tens - ten, nine, eight, seven.

Quint is the same as five and fifteen. A quint is five cards of the same suit in a row. There are four fifths: quint-major - ace, king, queen, jack, ten; fifth from the king - king, queen, jack, ten, nine; fifth from a queen - queen, jack, ten, nine, eight; The fifth from jack is jack, ten, nine, eight and seven.

Trump is the highest suit in the deck. The suit in which the game is assigned is called trump; a game without meaning of suits is trumpless.

Trump - to play with a trump card.

Deck-set playing cards, which are divided into four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. A large, or full, deck consists of 52 cards and contains: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king and ace. The average deck consists of 36 cards, there are no twos, threes, fours or fives. The small deck consists of 32 cards and does not have twos, threes, fours, fives or sixes.

Con- the middle of the table where players place their bets.

Coking is a preference term. A fine corresponding to the number of tricks not taken by the player, which is recorded for him by the whistler and the dealer.

The King is the second highest card. The king covers all cards except the ace. In screw and whist it is considered an oner.

The king is part of the game of picket.

Crown is a group of cards in a row in any suit from Ace, at least three in number, i.e. Ace, King and Queen. Crowns can be made of five, six or more cards: ace, king, queen, jack, etc.

Cross-screw expression. The cross is the pass sign X.

Hen is a type of heddle in preference.

Leve is an expression used in Screw, Vista and other games. Each trick taken in excess of the legal six is ​​called a leve.

Leza - in picket means receiving more than six bribes.

A Lovevist expression meaning nothing, i.e. there is nothing on hand.

A false card is a blank card discarded onto a suit that is not in the hand.

Major is a picket and bezique term. There are tert major, fourth major, fifth major, sixth major. This means that cards of the same suit come in a row from the Ace. Ace, King and Queen - terci major; ace, king, queen and jack - quart major; ace, king, queen, jack and ten - fifth major; ace, king, queen, jack, ten and nine - sixth major.

Marriage is an expression used in card games sixty-six, thousand and bezique. Mariage is a king and queen of the same suit.

Suit - The deck is divided into four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts. Each suit contains a certain number of cards, i.e. in a large deck it has 13 cards, in a medium one - 9, in a small one - 8. Spades and clubs are black, diamonds and hearts are red.

Miser - in preference, a game without bribes for its intended purpose.

Silent - A player who makes an appointment out of turn (in screw) or takes more cards for himself (in picket) is deprived of the right to negotiate.

Navet means hitting a trump card from both sides, which is sometimes also called crossfire.

The purpose is to announce in the screw your suit, the sure tricks in the passer and aces.

Table card - any card revealed by any partner other than the dealer, during the deal, after the deal, or during the play. This rule exists only for Vint and Vista.

Finishing - In screw and whist, the side finishing the first game or rubber adds the agreed upon figure “for finishing” to its score. Therefore the ending has great importance in these games.

Oners are the five highest cards in the trump suit: ace, king, queen, jack and ten. They matter in a few games: screw and whist.

Open card- see Table map.

Points - the cost of cards: two - 2 points, three - 3 points, etc. to figures that are valued differently. In some games, the pieces are counted as follows: jack - 11 points, queen - 12, king - 13, ace - 14; in others: jack - 10 points, queen - 10, king - 10; in the third: jack - 2 points, queen - 3, king - 4, ace - 5; in the fourth: jack, queen and king - 10 points each, and ace - 1 point.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. ILICHEV.

There are a great variety of card games. And all of them (not counting the most primitive ones) require good memory, knowledge of the basics of mathematics and logical thinking, that is, qualities that are very useful in many life situations, and not just at the card table. There are often scenes of poker games in films. Usually they are designed to demonstrate the psychological advantage of a positive hero when he “bluffs” the enemy with a weak combination. Or the “rich” cheating capabilities of the negative hero are shown. However, in real life There are cases where, using simple mathematical considerations, you can guarantee a win without resorting to very dubious ways of playing. Let's look at one such example.

Many people consider crosswords to be too difficult a puzzle because they cannot guess the word. But I like writing letters into cells.
C. Wetherell. Sketches for programmers

The modern version of poker uses a “preference” deck of thirty-two cards. Its small volume and the absence of jokers reduce the proportion of chance and increase the possibilities of logical analysis. Let us recall that each of the four suits (spade, club, diamond, heart) contains the following cards:

ace (A) > king (K) > queen (D) > jack (B) > ten (10) > nine (9) > eight (8) > seven (7).

Here and below the designation a > b means that a stronger b. The suits are equal and are designated by the first letter of the name preceding the card designation. For example: PD- Queen of Spades, T7- seven of clubs, CHA- ace of hearts, etc.

Let's list all the names and seniority of card combinations that occur in poker.

Royal flush. These are five cards of the same suit, forming the so-called “density”. This class has its own hierarchy

(A, K, D, B, 10) > (K, D, V, 10, 9) > (D, V, 10, 9, 8) > (B, 10, 9, 8, 7) > (10, 9, 8, 7, A).

(Image 1)

Here the left one, the strongest combination, is called “Ace Royal Flush”, and the right one, the weakest, is called “Cyclic Royal Flush”.

Kare. These are four cards of the same value, and

(Image 2)

quad of aces > quad of kings >... > quad of sevens.

Color. Five cards of the same suit, not forming a "density". The strongest "color" combination is ( A, K, D, B, 9).

(Image 3)

Full(three + two). Three cards of the same rank + two cards of the same rank. For example, three kings + two tens. When comparing two fulls, the one with the higher three is stronger.

(Image 4)

Troika. Three cards of the same value.

(Illustration 5)

Kent (straight). Five cards forming a "density", but not of the same color.

(Image 6)

Dopper(two + two). Two pairs of cards of the same value (but not four of a kind!).

(Illustration 7)

For example, two nines + two sevens. Some of the doppers have proper names. So, two aces + two kings- "Concrete", and two eights + two sevens- "Sand".

Deuce. Two cards of the same value.

(Illustration 8)

Besparye. All other combinations.

The combinations are ordered as follows:

royal flush > four of a kind > color > full > three of a kind > kent > dopper > deuce > unpaired.

Let us briefly describe the technical essence of the game, for example, between two participants X And Y. It includes two stages:

1. Distribution and trading. First, the players are dealt five cards (obviously, there are ten fewer cards left in the “truncated” deck). After this, players take turns placing money bets. If the bids are equalized (first round of bidding), move on to the next stage.

2. Barter and trade. Each player, at his own discretion, can discard, without showing his opponent, no more than four of his cards and receive in return the same number of new ones from the “truncated” deck. After this, the rates begin to increase again. If the bets are equalized (second round of bidding), the cards are revealed and the one with the stronger wins card combination.

The main problem players face X And Y, is to find out "whether his card combination is stronger." Note that each player has knowledge of his discarded cards and his cards in his hands (no more than nine in total). However, this is not enough to unambiguously resolve the “main issue”, with the exception of some cases. For example, if a player has an Ace Royal Flush in his hands, then he obviously has no one to fear. In this regard, it is relevant

Problem. What is the weakest combination (taking into account discarded cards) with which you can not be afraid of anything?

When solving this problem, it is useful to introduce the concept of so-called passing cards. We will call the player's passing cards X Union

cards discarded by him + cards in his hands that do not participate in the combination.

These cards do not in any way affect the strength of the combination itself, but can provide valuable information. In particular, if the player X has a combination square of kings and among his passing cards there is an ace, then he need not be afraid quad of aces at the opponent's. In this case, the player's ace is said to be X blocks a player's quad of aces Y. Of course, the combination itself is a carrier of useful information about the possibility of the opponent having certain combinations. It is natural to call the player’s complete set of cards X combining the cards of his combination with a set of his passing cards.

Let's list the cards of a certain suit of the player X, which limit the number of possible royal flushes (of the same suit) a player can have Y:

A) 10 blocks five royal flushes (that is, all of them);

b) jack or 9 , each individually, blocks four royal flushes;

V) lady or 8 , each individually, blocks three royal flushes;

G) ace, king or 7 , each individually, blocks two royal flushes.

The following is true

Statement 1. Let the player have X there is a four of a dozen in hand, and among the passing cards there are ( B, D, K, A). Then the player Y there always turns out to be a weaker combination.

In fact, the player Y there cannot be a combination of high quads, since (jack, queen, king, ace) are among the passing cards X. In addition, each royal flush contains a ten card. Since the player has all the tens X, then Y There cannot be any royal flush combination.

There is an opinion among professional poker players that statement 1 is the correct solution to the problem posed above. However, from an aesthetic point of view, it seems possible to strengthen Statement 1, since in its formulation only four (out of five!) passing cards are used. Let us show that this is indeed the case. Let's call a set of four or five passing cards "offsuit" if it contains all four suits. Below, the information of the five passing cards is used, and the corresponding result is a strengthening of the previous one.

Statement 2. Let the player have X there is a square of nines in your hands, and ( 10, V, D, K, A) - passed and "offsuit". Then the player Y turns out to be a weaker combination.

Indeed: the player Y there cannot be a combination of high quads, since ( 10, V, D, K, A) are among the passing cards. Now suppose that the player has Y There is a royal flush combination. Since the player has all nines X, then he can only have a “royal flush Ace”, that is ( A, K, D, V, 10 ). Let, for example, the suit of this combination be a spade, then the player X the following five cards will obviously not be available: P10, PV, PD, PC, PA.

This means that in the player’s set of passing cards X the suit of spades is not represented. But this contradicts the “diversity” condition. Similarly, it is established that the player has no Y combinations of royal flushes and other suits. Therefore, in this situation the player X There's really nothing to be afraid of.

Here the question arises about the possibility of strengthening this result. The negative answer to this question is contained in the following.

Statement 3. Let the player have X the combination is below quad of nines. Then the player Y there may be a stronger combination with any set of player passing cards X.

In fact, let us consider sequentially possible variants of poker combinations (weaker than quad of nines) in the player's hands X.

1) Four of a kind eights or square of sevens. Then, with five passing cards, there are clearly not enough of them to block six higher quads (from nines before ace);

2) Color(for example, peaks). It's somewhat surprising that the player here has X there is a combination that, together with four passing cards, blocks all royal flushes and all fours of the player Y. For example,

(PA, PC, PD, P8, P7) + T10+ B10 + ChV, Ch9.

Here is a description of such unique card designs of the same color.

Firstly, so that the player X not to be afraid of any of the opponent’s squares, he must have full set representatives from all eight squares. Consequently, in a complete set (of nine cards), only one “dignity” appears twice (for example, 10 ), and the rest are presented in one copy.

Secondly, so that the player X not to be afraid of any of the fifteen royal flushes (five in clubs + five in diamonds + five in hearts) of the opponent, you must have two tens in the set of your four passing cards, for example P10 And B10+ a pair of hearts that work together to block all heart royal flushes. Note that, according to the previous paragraph, this pair of hearts can no longer contain a card 10 , since it is already used twice in clubs and diamonds. Therefore, a complete list of all nine “killer pairs” is given by the list:

(A, 9); (K, 8); (K, 9); (D 7); (D, 8); (D, 9); (AT 7); (AT 8); (AT 9).

It is easy to understand that the general design (up to the change of all colors) is determined as follows. Passing cards:

T10+ B10 + "pair of killers"(worm).

And the card combination - the peak color - is specified as the difference of sets

{A, K, D, B, 9, 8, 7} - "pair of killers"(in peak color).

Now note that the resulting (and obligatory!) spades combination in the player’s hands X always less than the next (and possible!) combination ( A, K, D, V, 9)(club or diamond) player Y.

The analysis of middle and low combinations is quite simple, and we leave it to the reader.

Thus, quad of nines with a suitable set of passing cards it turns out to be the weakest combination.

In conclusion, we note that mathematical questions can be posed by analyzing almost any card game. So, for the game of “Throwing Fool” we formulate and solve the following problems:

Task 1. Let two play. Show that the game ends in a finite amount of time.

Solution: Let us denote by 2 n the total number of cards in the game. Next we will argue by induction.

If n = 1, then after one move the game obviously ends.

Let the finite duration of the game be established for 2 ,..., 2 n. Consider 2 n + 2. Two situations are possible:

a) one player “walks” all the time, and the other receives. Since there are a finite number of cards, the game ends in a finite number of moves;

b) if the second player managed to fight back, the total number of cards is reduced by an even number and, by virtue of induction, the game will end in a finite time.

Task 2. Let three play - X, Y And Z. Can the game go on forever?

Solution. Maybe. So, let at some point in time each player have two cards in their hands, namely:

player X It has P6 And P7;

player Y It has T8 And T9;

player Z It has B10 And BV; trump card hearts.

With this choice of six different cards players don't have additional opportunity"toss" cards to the opponent. This circumstance simplifies the analysis of the game.

Let each player play with the highest value card during his turn. In this case, none of the players manages to “fight back”, and then an endless cyclical process arises:

X walks - Y accepts

then Z walks - X accepts

See the issue on the same topic

Some of you, dear readers, believe in fortune telling, others consider them to be remnants of pagan culture, or simply do not recognize fortune telling as one of the ways to look into your own future. But do you remember the times when playing cards with your friends was as natural an event in your life as going to the shower every morning? And today I invite you to remember the so-called half-joking (not entirely serious) fortune telling.

I’ll give you a positive example, after which I decided to write a continuation of my article about. So, having found my first fortune-telling records in my parents’ house and throwing cards “at the king,” a week later I became convinced of the correctness of this seemingly frivolous and not very smart layout. Yes, yes, one of mine regular customers turned out to be in love with me and invited me on a date, but it was the “king” whom I sympathized with, as the cards predicted, and did not pay attention to me.

Well, let’s begin our navigation through the world of card fortune-telling, in which, on the one hand, you want to believe and believe, but on the other hand, you doubt it, thinking: is it really possible that such simple layouts in terms of technique and interpretation of meanings can tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

Let me remind you that before you start doing any of the proposed layouts, you need to shuffle the deck, and then remove part of it with the little finger of your left hand (for left-handers, on the contrary, the right one).

Fortune telling No. 1. For a guy

1. You guess the guy's name when you take it off.

2. You lay out the cards for the name, leaving up to one whole deck.

3. You gradually open the cards, and if, for example, 10 Ace 10 comes up, then you remove them.

4. Look at the values.

Meanings of the “For a guy” layout:

6 6 6 – The road with him;
6 7 6 – Your dream will come true;
6 8 6 – You will be with him again;
6 9 6 – He doesn’t want to think about you;
6 10 6 – He often, too often, thinks about you;
6 Jack 6 - He is angry with you;
6 Lady 6 – He considers you the most beautiful;
6 King 6 – He thinks you are his love;
6 Ace 6 - He was glad to suddenly meet (or get to know) you.

7 6 7 – You will remain in his memory for a long time;
7 7 7 – He will bring home another girl;
7 8 7 – He is jealous;
7 9 7 – He loves you;
7 10 7 – Unfortunately, he thinks about someone else, and not about you;
7 Jack 7 – The guy practically hates you;
7 Lady 7 – Loves!
7 King 7 – This young man wants to date you;
7 Ace 7 - The suffering of a young man because of love, but it is unknown - because of love for whom.

8 6 8 – Oh, how he wants to meet;
8 7 8 - You will have a date;
8 8 8 – This man is following you: don’t you notice it?
8 9 8 – He will invite you to slow dance;
8 10 8 – It’s sad, but yours is a foregone conclusion;
8 Jack 8 – He likes another girl, and don’t think twice about whether she’s blonde or brunette. Because you are still better and will still meet your boyfriend;
8 Lady 8 - Soon you will have a conversation with your lover, perhaps by telephone;
8 King 8 – He doesn’t believe in your ardent feelings;
8 Ace 8 – The desire to kiss you is the strongest...

9 6 9 – He sincerely despises you;
9 7 9 – You are just a sex toy for him;
9 8 9 – He misses you;
9 9 9 – The young man only respects you;
9 10 9 – He doesn’t notice you at all;
9 Jack 9 – He is burned from the inside by jealousy;
9 Lady 9 – Wants a date;
9 King 9 – The young man is waiting for news from you;
9 Ace 9 – He talks about you with his friends.

10 6 10 – He likes you;
10 7 10 – The one you consider to be your rival does not arouse any interest in your chosen one;
10 8 10 – It is with you that he will go to the cinema;
10 9 10 – He will come to ask for forgiveness;
10 10 10 – Strong friendship awaits you;
10 Jack 10 - This guy will give you flowers or a small gift in the near future;
10 Lady 10 - Be on alert: you may get into a quarrel;
10 King 10 – You are his ghostly dream;
10 Ace 10 – Your rival will interfere with your communication with him.

Jack * Jack

Jack 6 Jack - He will go to another;
Jack 7 Jack - You will make him angry;
Jack 8 Jack - The guy won’t come for a good reason;
Jack 9 Jack - Even if he forgets about you, a kind fairy angel in human form will remind this guy of your existence;
Jack 10 Jack - Strong resentment towards you;
Jack Jack Jack - When meeting you, he will love someone else;
Jack Queen Jack - The young man is jealous of your friend;
Jack King Jack - Your quarrel is inevitable;
Jack Ace Jack - Possible profanity during parting, as well as assault.

Queen * Queen

Lady 6 Lady - This boy will soon forget about your appearance in his life;
Lady 7 Lady - He considers you unworthy of himself;
Lady 8 Lady – Your meeting-date;
Lady 9 Lady - He is afraid to approach you;
Lady 10 Lady – Thinks he is unworthy of you;
Queen Jack Queen – He likes you to a close friend, and not to himself;
Lady Lady Lady - There is interest in you, but there is also a certain secret from you, that is, not everything is as simple as you think;
Lady King Lady - he thinks that you are busy and does not dare to interfere in an existing relationship;
Queen Ace Queen - You will meet your loved one on the street or at a party with friends.

King * King

King 6 King - Your lover often dreams of you;
King 7 King - In the heart of this man there is sadness for you;
Kool 8 King - Strongly desires a date;
King 9 King – Declares his love;
King 10 King - The guy really loves you;
King Jack King - Darlings scold - only amuse themselves;
King Lady King – Passionate kiss;
King King King - He became interested in you;
King Ace King - This young man is delighted with you.

Ace * Ace

Ace 6 Ace - You will be very happy with him;
Ace 7 Ace - close;
Ace 8 Ace - The chosen one writes about his love for you, perhaps in poetry;
Ace 9 Ace – Your destiny is to be his best friend, but not beloved;
Ace 10 Ace - Tormented, suffering through your fault;
Ace Jack Ace - The young man likes someone else and it seems that she is your friend;
Ace Queen Ace - One of your female friends is preventing you and this guy from getting back together, despite your mutual love for each other;
Ace King Ace - Feels that life without you loses all meaning;
Ace Ace Ace - Loves you.

Fortune telling No. 2. So-and-so king, tell me...

Layout technique:

“Such and such a king” - you say, removing the first card from the deck;
“Tell me, dear” - taking off the second;
"Do you love me?" - to the third;
“I love you,” you say, taking the fourth card;
“With all my heart” - on the fifth;
“With all my soul” - on the sixth;
“But there is someone better than you,” you finish saying this on the seventh card.


1. If you get “Say, darling” or “Do you love me?” together with the hidden king (for example, diamonds), then the person you mean by this suit has not yet decided on his feelings towards you.

2. And if “So-and-so is the king” comes up, then the relationship between you is just beginning to take shape, so you shouldn’t think too much ahead.

3. The phrases “I love you”, “With all my heart”, “With all my soul” speak about a person’s love for you in one form or another.

4. “But there is someone better than you” comes out when you have one or when a man is seriously infatuated with another lady.

To be continued...

List combinations in poker:

Poker combination - Royal Straight Flush.

Ace, king, queen, jack and ten of the same suit is the strongest poker combination ROYAL STREET FLUSH. The average player rarely sees it in his hands. If at least one of the cards differs from the rest in suit, then you should forget about the largest number of points, because such a combination in poker is called a Straight from an Ace.

Poker combination - Straight Flush.

If five cards of the same suit are arranged one after another in order of value, starting from the king and below, then we're talking about about a combination in poker called STREET FLUSH. For example, K, Q, J, 10, 9 in spades is a straight flush from the king. In this combination, just like in a regular straight, an ace can take the place of the lowest card (for example, 5, 4, 3, 2, A is a straight flush from five, but 4, 3, 2, 1, A, K - straight flush does not count).

If two of the players simultaneously collected a straight flush, then the one who has the first card of higher rank in the combination receives more points. When the straight flushes are the same, the pot is divided equally into two.

Poker combination - Four of a kind.

When a player has four cards of the same value (for example, Q, Q, Q, Q) and any fifth card (for example, 5 of any suit), the poker hand is called KARE. If during the game the players have two four of a kind, the one with the higher card value wins.

Poker combination - Full House.

FULL HOUSE is a poker combination in which three cards of one value and two of another (8, 8, 8, A, A) take their place. If there is a match poker hand during the game, the one in which three cards of the same value are closer in value to the ace (K, K, K, 5, 5 is higher than 9, 9, 9, A, A) is rated higher.

Poker combination - Flush.

A poker hand that consists of five cards of the same suit is called FLASH(K, Q, 9, 5, 3 in a tambourine). When evaluated, it is called a flush from the highest card. A flush from an ace will be valued highest.

When a flush is in the hands of two players, you should evaluate the cards according to their seniority. For example, if two players have a flush from a queen, the combination in which the second card is higher in rank is considered higher. If both the second or third card match in value, subsequent cards are also evaluated. If both flushes are identical, the pot is divided equally.

Poker hand - Straight.

A poker combination of 5 cards that are different in suit, but next in rank one after another is STRAIGHT(J, 10, 9, 8, 7 of different stripes). The highest combination is the one that starts with an Ace. When an ace stands for a one, the straight will be the lowest. If two players have a straight, advantage is given to the one who has the highest card in the poker hand. The pot is divided in half if the straights match.

Poker combination - Set.

Three cards of the same rank and two other cards make up SET(9, 9, 9, 10, K). If players have 2 sets at the same time, the one with the higher value of three cards will be higher.

Poker hand - Two Pair.

TWO PAIRS- This poker hand, in which two pairs of cards of the same value are collected and the fifth is any card (K, K, Q, Q, 8). The highest combination is considered to be one in which one of the pairs is the highest in rank. If two players have such a poker combination in their hands, they also look at the second pair of cards. When it matches, the fifth card is evaluated. If the poker combination matches completely, the pot is divided in half.

Poker hand - Pair.

PAIR- a combination in which the player has two cards of the same rank in his hands and the other three are any (K, K, Q, 10, 5). If the players match this combination, the higher one is considered to be the one in which the pair is higher in value. If the pair matches, the remaining cards are evaluated (10, 10, K, Q, 5 is higher than 10, 10, K, Q, 3). The bank is divided in half if poker combinations the same.

Poker combination - High Card.

If it turns out that your hands contain cards of different suits and values, then poker combination is considered the weakest and is called SENIOR CARD(Q, 10, 6, 3, 1). In the case of such a set of cards between two or more players, the winner is the one with the highest card higher than the others. If the cards are the same, the next highest ranked card is evaluated. When all the cards match, the pot is divided in half.

Three Monkeys Tavern


Dignity of cards and poker hands

Poker can be played either with a Spanish deck or with dice, but usually a French deck is used, which has four suits: hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs. Full deck consists of 52 cards (without jokers). The rank of cards, from lowest to highest, is indicated as follows: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V (jack), D (queen), K (king), A (ace).

Seniority of combinations. Poker hands consist of a maximum of five cards, no matter what type of poker is played. Naturally, with equal combinations, the one that consists of cards of higher value wins. The change price is determined by the presence of one of the following combinations (by seniority in order of increasing value):

1. Pair: two cards of the same value (for example, two queens).

2. Two pairs: two cards of one value and two cards of another (for example, two kings and two threes).

3. Figures: five “figures” or “pictures”; the figures are considered to be king, queen and jack (sometimes ace); this combination usually consists of two pairs of pieces and one more piece that does not complete the three (for example, two kings, two jacks and a queen).

4. Three of a kind: three cards of the same value (for example, three sevens).

5. Straight: five cards of increasing value, regardless of suit (for example, eight of hearts, nine of clubs, ten of hearts, jack of spades, queen of spades); seniority is strictly maintained, the ace opens a straight only in front of the king - thus building a straight of the highest value; but sometimes another option is allowed: a deuce connects with an ace, then a straight is possible - ace, deuce, three, etc.

6. Suit (or flush): five cards of the same suit, not necessarily consecutive (for example, three of diamonds, five, eight, jack and ace); In some games, an option is adopted in which the suit is valued more than the full, usually such an arrangement depends on whether the player is playing with a full deck or not: with fewer cards it is more difficult to build a suit, therefore, its value increases.

7. Foot: Three of a kind and a pair (for example, three of aces and a pair of kings make up the strongest combination in a full).

8. Four of a kind: four cards of the same value (for example, four jacks).

9. Straight by suit (straight flush): five cards of the same suit, increasing in value (for example, nine, ten, jack, queen and king of hearts).

10. Royal flush: straight variant; contains five consecutive cards of the same suit from Ace (for example, ten, jack, queen, king and ace of spades); Some players consider this combination to be the strongest, betting all other straight options after four of a kind.

11. Poker: four of a kind plus joker (for example, four deuces and a joker); usually played without jokers, so this combination most often occurs when dice are used for the game.

Rules for playing "cheating" poker. The six sides of one poker die correspond to cards of the following rank (in descending order): Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Eight (red), Seven (black). The number of players in cheat poker is not limited; four, as in the short story “The Tavern of the Three Monkeys” is the optimal number. A set of five dice is required to play. The game is on counterclock-wise. The point of the game is to allow the player to your right to bet on a higher combination (raise) than the one the player to your left presumably has. Therefore, the game is played almost “in the dark,” that is, they usually show a minimum of dice, and the remaining ones are passed on to the next player, covered with a special glass on top. The player under whom the move is made may or may not believe the bid made. If he says "believe", then he alone looks at the closed dice and must raise, regardless of whether there is a hand that can justify a high bet or not. If he says “I don’t believe it,” he opens the dice by raising the glass. In this case, if the declared combination exists, he loses chips; but if the first player is caught cheating, then he loses, the one who checked wins. The drawings use the usual poker combinations, except for the straight, which would be difficult to construct, and the flush, because this combination is impossible. However, in this version of the game there is a combination of “poker” itself, i.e. four “cards” of the same value and a joker. Starting with three, in hands of the same value, the relative value of the combinations is determined by the fourth die. For example, three queens from an ace are higher than three queens from a jack. Thus, players have quite wide opportunities to increase the number winning combinations. Each die can only be rolled once per game.

French deck: standard deck, established in Russia, contains 52 sheets - thirteen cards of four suits.

Spanish deck (also common in Italy): special deck, consists of 78 cards; in suits, instead of spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts, it has “cups” (copas), “denarii” or “oros” (dineros, oros), “swords” (espadiilas) and “clubs” (bastos); in each of the four suits there are 14 cards, the highest is the king, then the queen, knight, jack, ace, 10, then at face value up to 2, which is the lowest card. There are 56 cards in total in suits. In addition, the deck contains a numbered trump card or "triumph": No1 - "buffoon", No2 - "popess", No3 - "emperor", No4 - "empress", No5 - "dad", No6 - "lover", No7 - “cart”, No8 - “justice”, No9 - “hermit”, No10 - “wheel of fortune”, No11 - “force”, No12 - “hanged man”, No13 - “death”, No14 - “moderation”, No15 - "devil", No16 - "church", No17 - "star", No18 - "moon", No19 - "sun", No20 - "court", No21 - "light"; triumphs have seniority in accordance with the number, the eldest is “buffoon”, the youngest is “light”. Finally, there is the "apology card", without number or suit, - "fool".

The stranger sits down to play and makes a straight according to the suit. He makes a bet and puts all his money on the table. His opponent reveals a deuce, a four, a seven, a nine and a jack of various suits and begins to rake in the money. Our friend, very amazed, shows a straight according to the suit and is indignant. Then the partner shows the inscription on the wall, which reads: “2-4-7-9-B make up the Old Cat. Old Cat beats everything else.”

So, our friend leaves the establishment, replenishes his cash and later, that same evening, discovers that he is holding exactly the same Old Cat in his hands. Well, the vicissitudes of fate. He again bets everything he has. Both partners bargain to the last cent. The cards are revealed. Our friend turns around the Old Cat. His opponent shows a pair of deuces and begins to hide the money. “Hmm,” says our friend. “You only have a couple of deuces, and I have the Old Cat.” To this his opponent responded by pointing to another inscription on the wall, which read: "Old Cat counts only once a night."

David Mamet. "Pearls from the player's library."

("Urban Tales")

...Cunning fights using strategies of intent: it never does what it announces; aims to confuse; to divert attention, it skillfully threatens and suddenly, where they are not expected, it strikes, constantly trying to make you faint. He shows one intention in order to test the opponent’s thoughts, and then, turning sharply, attacks by surprise and wins. A discerning mind, however, foresees her machinations, watches her on the sly, sees the opposite of what is assured, and instantly recognizes the deceptive move; Having waited out the attack of the first intent, it waits for the second and even the third. Noticing that it has been figured out, malice redoubles its efforts, using the very truth to deceive. A different game, different techniques, now cunning dresses up in the clothes of ingenuity, deceit puts on the mask of sincerity.

Baltasar Gracian.

"The Pocket Oracle or the Science of Prudence."

Solitaire Solitaire