Games similar to rust weak pc. Games similar to Rust

IN Lately There are so many games coming out that are similar to Rust that it would be simply unrealistic to talk about them all in one article.

That's why we've prepared a list of 9 best games about survival in 2017 and 2018, so that readers can choose from interesting new products.

Here are only the newest, high-quality and atmospheric projects.

1. Conan Exiles - sacrifices, meat and slaves

2017, like this list, began with the release of the long-awaited survival game in the Conan the Barbarian universe “”.

Video: trailer for the game Conan Exiles

Initially, the game was observed big problems with optimization, but latest patches significantly improved the situation.

2. Life is Feudal: MMO – big harsh Middle Ages

From a small, cozy survival game with servers for 64 players, “Life is Feudal: MMO” has grown into a huge, serious project.

Video: trailer for the game Life is Feudal: MMO

Plus an economy with shops and caravans, mini-games. A promising project in a well-preserved medieval style.

3. Next Day: Survival – Zone, stalkers and birches

The domestic project "" is not without problems with cheaters and general crudeness of execution, but the atmosphere is excellent.

Video: trailer for the game Next Day: Survival

The game deserves a big plus for the elaboration of locations, but minor shortcomings can still be corrected for release.

4. Valnir Rok Survival RPG – brutal Vikings

5. Escape from Tarkov – an ominous Russian city

In the fictional city of Tarkov, which occupies 16 square kilometers of the map of the shooter "", real chaos is happening.

Video: Action MMO Escape from Tarkov

Judging by the first tests, the numerous promises of the developers are not just words and the game can really turn out to be very cool.

6. Desolate – survival for four

“” is very different from other games on the list - here you are offered to survive in the company of three allies, and friendly fire does not seem to be provided yet.

Video: trailer for the game Desolate

7. Rend – three factions and a life stone

8. SCUM - survive with criminals

“SCUM” combines classic survival and battle royale, inviting players to dress up in bright orange jumpsuits.

Video: trailer for the game SCUM

Plus crafting, cooking, hacking security systems and much more that should help you win and get off the island. Of course, only one remains alive.

9. Smalland – this big unfriendly world

At the end of this list is the cozy indie project “Smalland”, which stands out for its unusual idea.

Video: trailer for the game Smalland

There is little information about the game yet; we do not know either the server capacity or the availability of PvP. Even the release date is unknown. But the game looks good.

And although it seems that it was high time for the survival genre to exhaust itself, new games similar to “Rust” delight with interesting worlds and high-quality images. We recommend that you pay attention to them.

We draw your attention to your presence in our selection free games, similar to Rust and Day, and similar games for weak PCs. Of course, the links to download all these joys are, as always, in place. We sincerely hope that this material will be useful and interesting for you!

10. The Skies

9. Nether: Resurrected

Another post-apocalyptic game in the genre of multiplayer shooter with survival elements, similar to Rust and DayZ. Events take place in a huge destroyed metropolis, inhabited by terrible monsters and groups of hostile players.

Nether: Resurrected offers users a huge multi-structured world where any building or structure (including huge skyscrapers and vast underground complexes) is available for exploration.

The game contains role-playing elements (random tasks, a character development system with an impressive number of skills, the ability to trade and exchange with other players, and others), crafting and many pieces of equipment. There is also an editor with wide possibilities for customizing your character.

8. Infestation: The New Z

In our opinion, one of the best multiplayer games like DayZ. And here are the reasons.

Firstly, for our own system requirements The game looks very good visually, which makes it ideal for low-end PCs.

Secondly, Infestation: The New Z is absolutely free.

Thirdly, it contains three game modes, each of which offers its own exciting gameplay:

  1. SURVIVAL - the principle of the game in this mode practically completely coincides with those of DayZ and The War Z: we explore the territory, look for useful items and materials, craft, fight, hide, in general, we do everything we need to survive in aggressive conditions.
  2. BATTLE ROYALE is another mode that is completely identical to what other games with BR support offer.
  3. OPEN WORLD is the most popular mode, offering large-scale PvP battles on one of several open maps.

7. Next Day: Survival

A multiplayer survival game set in early access and reminiscent of several projects at once: S.T.A.L.K.E.R., early H1Z1, DayZ, PUBG and some others.

Events Next Day: Survival is developed on the territory of a certain post-Soviet state that experienced a major disaster, as a result of which its territory was no longer suitable for permanent residence.

The game offers great open world, several game modes (including PvP), RPG elements, various types of transport, a system of reputations and factions, big choice weapons and ammunition, crafting, a unique system of influence of the surrounding world on the health and physical condition of the hero.

6. 7 Days to Die

A survival simulator with an open, randomly generated world, currently in early access.

The events of 7 Days to Die take place in the setting of a zombie apocalypse. In order to survive, the player must constantly explore vast territories, look for the necessary items and resources from which they can make various weapons, armor, tools, and so on - more than five hundred recipes in total. There is also a construction system that allows you to build shelters, traps, and even entire well-defended settlements, more like fortresses.


Atmospheric multiplayer survival simulator in a zombie apocalypse from Entrada Interactive LLC. Also one of the best representatives of games like DayZ, despite the fact that it is still in early access.

Players will have to survive in a post-apocalyptic world very beautifully recreated by artists, populated by various types of zombies and mutants. One of distinctive features Miscreated – hardcore fights based on realistic ballistics.

4. Hurtworld

A multiplayer survival simulator with an extremely simple, but at the same time very attractive graphic style, currently in early access. Not a bad option for weak PCs.

Hurtworld has a very strong bias towards survival simulation. The player must literally provide himself with everything necessary from scratch: food, clothing, tools, weapons, and so on. To do this, he must extract resources, study new technologies, fight enemies, and so on.

Among other interesting gameplay features, I would like to note the presence of transport, many different biomes, the ability to cooperate or fight with other players, as well as a well-realized effect on the hero of the environment.


2. Just Survive

A fairly popular multiplayer action game about survival in a world overrun by zombies, currently in early access.

A lot of items useful for survival, an impressive arsenal of weapons, a variety of equipment, a convenient crafting and construction system, the availability of transport, ample opportunities for interaction with other players - all this has made Just Survive the most popular representative of the genre after DayZ.

1. Subsistence

Other games similar to Rust and DayZ: Survival: Postapocalypse Now, ROKH, The Forest, Conan Exiles, Life is Feudal , Ark: Survival Evolved,Out of Reach, The Dead Linger, Sunrise: Survival, Planet Explorers, Scrap Mechanic, The Long Dark, The Black Death, PUBG, Stranded Deep, Dead Island 2, Unturned, Subnautica.

They were popular before, but what the mod offered for the online shooter called DayZ completely changed the situation in the genre. Hardcore on the verge of a foul, huge spaces for exploration, the complete absence of any rules - all this led to the fact that the number of people wanting to download this mod immediately after its release began to number in the hundreds of thousands. The success turned out to be so enormous that the creator of the mod, Dean Hall, immediately began to create a full-fledged game, but on the .

More details

Infestation: Survivor Stories

The first project of a similar theme, released after DayZ. The rules of the game are straight from the popular mod: the hero finds himself alone with a cruel post-apocalyptic world inhabited by zombies, without weapons, without means of livelihood, without any help at all. True, unlike Daze and Rast, the level of hardcore in the game is much lower, and the size of the world leaves much to be desired. Zombies are not particularly dangerous, so the only worthy opponents here are other players. In general, this project is suitable only for those who are looking for games like RUST and DayZ, but do not want to tremble over every can of stew.

The Dead Linger

Another post-apocalyptic with zombies and free. The game is located on 25 thousand square kilometers of rugged terrain, and offers a set that has already become standard: Walking Dead as the dominant species, destroyed cities, a large selection of weapons (from axes to automatic rifles), and, of course, the opportunity to wring everything acquired by back-breaking labor from a poor fellow running past. True, the project is still in deep alpha, as a result of which the videos presented to the public do not shine with special beauty. And the server capacity is noticeably inferior to the same Daze: if in Dean Hall’s mod up to 50 gamers could fit on one map, then the world of Dead Linger is designed for only 16 players. At the same time, the game has one big advantage - when creating a new server, all items are generated randomly, thereby ensuring high replayability of the project.


The concept of this Online Games also similar to DayZ, but instead of zombies there are mutants, and instead of wildlife there is a concrete jungle huge city. The game takes place on the streets of a destroyed Chicago, a decade after a mysterious disaster that turned most of the residents into deadly mutants. Visually the game is similar to The Last of Us and is more focused on . The developers have taken care of a wide variety of local fauna: some monsters move at incredible speed, others can spit acid, and others can teleport. There are also RPG elements: for destroying monsters, the character gains experience and can upgrade his characteristics.

7 Days to Die

Some online games like Rust and Daze went further and offered users not only elements of survival and crafting, but also the opportunity to set up shelters in the spirit. This is exactly the menu offered by the new zombie sandbox. Hardcore fans may not like this game: all you need to do here to survive is eat and drink, and necessary resources scattered around the map in comfortable quantities. On the other hand, when night falls, lazy and clumsy zombies turn into the most dangerous creatures, from which you can only protect yourself with the help of shelters. What materials are needed to create the latter, players are encouraged to find out on their own, through trial and error.

Mortuus Insanis

A zombie shooter with survival elements, one of the youngest members of the family of games like RUST and DayZ. Key Feature project is the need to constantly maintain heat, so get ready to carry cans of gasoline with you and look for places where firewood accumulates. As part of the game, the developers are preparing several sets of PvE and PvP maps, and the latter will be focused on confrontation between factions. There are also zombies, although, as in Rast, the main danger here is represented by living players.

The Forest

This project stands apart from other representatives of the genre, although those who want to download games similar to DayZ and RUST should also be interested in it. The main focus of the game is on solo survival in a forest inhabited by creepy cannibals. The plot tells the story of a plane crash, after which only one person remains alive and must survive in wild forest conditions. The player will have to build shelters, hunt, construct traps from available means... in general, do everything in his power to avoid falling into the hands of cannibals. The project supports, which has the most positive effect on the degree of immersion in the atmosphere of horror.

Survival games are very popular these days. And these are not necessarily famous battle royale or battles with zombies. Rust is considered a very cool project in this topic. There you appear in the virtual world, defenseless and vulnerable. But with hard work and patience, after some time, your character will obtain the necessary resources, craft basic necessities from them, and begin to live a full life.

The success of the Rust project could not help but interest other developers who wanted to grab a piece of glory. In some cases they were successful, in others they were disappointed. In today's review, we want to look at games similar to the successful Rast and understand how they differ from its predecessor. Let's get started!

7 Days To Die - try to hold out

The action in this game takes place in a procedurally generated location. This means that when you restart the game, you will not find yourself in the same place again. The environment will always be unfamiliar and promising trouble. You will travel through forests and wastelands, as well as through deserted towns teeming with scary zombies and infected. Interestingly, during the daytime the monsters behave relatively calmly, but at night they become especially strong and aggressive. This suggests to the gamer that they need to choose a place to spend the night as carefully as possible and stay there until the first rays of the sun appear.

This game, slightly similar to Rast, also has the ability to craft items from mined resources. In addition, here you can manipulate objects according to the local laws of physics. So, you will get a chance to build a home and carefully fortify it in case of attack. If you make a design mistake, forgetting about a beam or putting too much pressure on one of the supports, the building will begin to collapse. The developers have thought through this point to the smallest detail, so you need to be careful.

It's waiting for you here interesting world. Travel through a country where a terrible virus has destroyed all life, turning it into something hellish and nightmarish. Somehow, you will be the last survivor who faces a difficult life. Of course, if you manage to survive the first few days, there is nothing useful in your inventory yet.

It is worth keeping a close eye on the time of day. The day and night cycles are very different. Traveling among crowds of zombies during the day, they will not be particularly interested in you. But if you find yourself in the same situation at night, a horde of toothy creatures will attack and want to tear your head off.

Do not think that since we are talking about popular game, then you won’t have to worry about the character. He wants to drink and eat. He is sick and needs protection from viruses and radiation. For all this, there are items that need to be collected and used only in case of emergency. Some of these items can be crafted. By the way, being too weak, you should not come into contact with zombies. It is best to disguise yourself or distract the enemy, thereby remaining completely safe.

Miscreated - explore and survive

Before us is a huge world with an area of ​​64 square kilometers, which is available for exploration. There’s just a small problem - it’s literally filled with aggressive zombies thirsty for your blood. In such a company you will have to travel through fields, forests and settlements in search of vital medicines, food supplies and water.

This game has similar mechanics to Rust, such as the crafting system. But in other ways it is very different. For example, in terms of atmosphere. One has only to look at the screenshot, and it becomes clear that this is something dark and dangerous. No bright colors or “cute” clouds. Harsh, angry, merciless reality, ready to chew you up and swallow you.

To wait out the bad weather, you will need a home. But at the very beginning you will only have a tent. It is small and unreliable, and therefore it is better to focus all your efforts on finding resources to build a small wooden fortress. In it you will be protected from monsters and hidden from cold rain and wind.

For greater convenience, you can find vehicle. The main thing is that it is spacious, and therefore you can take all the collected loot with you without choosing what to leave. The car can be upgraded, increasing its reliability. Of course, you'll have to find gasoline for it, so don't expect to endlessly traverse desert areas in complete safety. Having discovered fuel reserves, you can explore dark corners longer virtual world, but you need to know when to stop.

Hurtworld - the dynamics are off the charts

Hurtworld has similar mechanics to Rust - no one argues here. Even the developer of the latter said that he fully approves of the competitors’ project, believing that they have achieved a lot. True, the similarity between the toys ends at the concept, because otherwise we are looking at completely different “survival games”.

Here are cartoon graphics similar to Fortnite, albeit with a much smaller number of polygons per square meter. And also a large desert world, where the dangers include infected animals and other survivors. Living people in Hurtworld are sometimes much more feared than the terrible monsters. Because they can gain your trust and then betray you at the most inopportune moment, taking away all the loot you’ve collected with difficulty.

What distinguishes this game from other games in the genre is the high dynamics of what is happening. You will have to constantly fight for your life, using an impressive arsenal of weapons and turning what is happening into something similar. At the first levels, you will only be able to craft a spear and a bow, but in the later stages you will already have machine guns and grenade launchers in your hands, which will significantly turn the situation in your favor. In addition, for survival you will need to build houses, and for fast travel For locations you will have to craft a car.

Just Survive - what H1Z1 has become

Yes, the project was originally called H1Z1: Just Survive, but to mark its independence, the developers rebranded it. The game was made on the Forgelight engine, which provides it with excellent lighting effects, as well as changing time of day and changing weather conditions. In words, and at first glance, it turns out to be a good game.

But we didn’t come here to admire nature, but to survive. Therefore, it is worth noting the gameplay features of this game like the famous Rust. You will be sent to wild territory USA, where thousands of the same poor people are trying to survive in difficult conditions. It is assumed that gamers will unite in the face of a common threat and overcome all obstacles in groups. But no one has canceled human nature, which often pushes towards betrayal and deception. Having friends, still do not relax, because it may happen that you become the owner of very valuable things that others will want to take possession of. Then it will become clear who was a real friend and who was pretending.

You will have everything to survive: weapons, hunting equipment, camping items. You can even set up a permanent camp and start raising deer there. Just remember that a permanent shelter will sooner or later attract uninvited guests. The animals can be easily killed, but if a person attacks, be afraid. On the other hand, it will be possible to trade with a fellow sufferer if he comes in peace.

Subsistence - survival of the fittest

Before us is real survival in the forest, only on PC. Before the game's release, news kept frightening players about the difficulties they would have to face. It turned out that the horror stories were true. Only instead of monsters there are animals. You will feed on them, you will need to fight them off. You will have the opportunity to build a shelter and craft a weapon. But will you have enough accuracy to hit the terrible bear and other dangerous animals in time? Check it out for yourself!

Some consider it a masterpiece, others grumble that after multiple updates the game has slipped into hard donation, but the truth is that "" is one of the founders of the post-apocalyptic survival genre.

Tough survival, a world full of dangers, tons of crafting and one single goal - to survive as long as possible. If this is what you're looking for, take a look at the other games on this list.

1. DayZ – well-deserved first point

What was planned as a small mod for Arma 2 not only turned into a full-fledged game that sold over a million copies, but also marked the beginning of a new genre.

Video games DayZ

Features of DayZ

1 The player starts at a random point on an oppressively huge map, armed only with a cobblestone that came to hand. Clothes, weapons, ammunition, and even cans of stew for food - you have to find and create everything yourself.
2 Death is final and irrevocable, with a complete loss of acquired property. The more interesting is tough PvP and joining into small gangs.
3 The atmosphere is great: zombies jumping out from around the corner, surprisingly brave, light drizzle over an abandoned factory and the sounds of gunfire from a gloomy city covered in a curtain of fog.
4 Hunger, cold, fatigue and illness, an overloaded backpack and the fragility of a hut built in the forest - survival may turn out to be more difficult than at first glance.

Of course, now the game does not reach its followers, and in the future in this list we will try to pay less attention to classic zombie survival games and more to original ideas, but it would simply be impolite not to talk about the old style setter.

  • Game page on Steam:

2. ARK: Survival Evolved – survive with dinosaurs

"" is a game about "friendly" tropical island in the middle of the ocean, a settler in homemade shorts with a digging stick in his hand and about a hundred flying, swimming and crawling lizards for contact and taming.

Video games ARK: Survival Evolved

Features of ARK: Survival Evolved

1 Dinosaurs are “valuable fur,” or rather, material for crafting, meat for a hearty dinner, helpers in cutting down ancient forests, and even mounts with combat units.
2 Almost limitless scope for crafting: from creating mud huts to multi-story stone buildings with battle turrets, from the first crooked spear to a flamethrower and, of course, summoning your own battle dragon.
3 Search for food and clothing, breeding pangolins to obtain pets and nourishing eggs, farming and joining into groups for joint farming are a must.
4 The game is very time-consuming and is designed for people who are willing to devote at least a few hours a day, but it’s worth it - there are plenty of things to do and it’s never boring.

Over the year, the number of lizards has almost doubled, and the servers now accommodate more than a hundred people, which, taking into account the final death and full loot, ensures hardcore tribal wars and a fun pastime.

  • Steam page:

3. Conan Exiles – the return of the legendary universe

The classic world of Conan the Barbarian, created in full accordance with the novels of Robert E. Howard: half-naked exiles in an extremely unfriendly desert with an area of ​​53 square meters. km, powerful deities and bloody massacres.

Video games Conan Exiles

Features of Conan Exiles

1 Barbarians don't just fight each other– periodically you will have to repel attacks by heavily armed soldiers, using only available means.
2 They promise maximum blood and nudity, not completely, of course, but significantly more than in other games.
3 Characters will have the opportunity to capture newcomers into slavery and even sacrifice them on the divine altar, performing ancient blood rituals.
4 The hero’s power directly depends on the favor of a particular deity., but be careful - the other gods take revenge for the wrong choice.

At this stage, the game looks stylish, original and promising. There is not long to wait - it should go into early access at the beginning of 2017.

  • Steam page:

4. Rokh – more interesting than “The Martian”

Do you want to get an original project without reinventing the wheel? Take a classic survival game, remove the monsters from it, cover everything with red sand and add more scientific accuracy, “” is ready.

Video games Rokh

Features of Rokh

1 Except death from hunger and the hand of a neighbor the player is threatened with death from lack of oxygen, radiation, sandstorm or temperature unsuitable for life. You will have to monitor dozens of sliders at the same time.
2 Solo survival is not provided. For the base to function, the coordinated work of a whole team of researchers will be needed., scientists and miners.
3 The absence of zombies does not mean safety– some settlers are much more interested in robbing others than searching for resources themselves.
4 Decent graphics on Unreal Engine 4 and sudden events, such as a sharp increase in pressure, an earthquake and a meteorite fall.

No fantasy, only real scientific facts - to survive you will have to use your brain and maybe even resort to Wikipedia a couple of times.

  • Steam page:

5. Escape from Tarkov – a city that was unlucky

"" is a very interesting project. Firstly, it is being developed by a domestic studio. Secondly, it combines survival, PvP-oriented shooter and a little RPG. And thirdly, information about the game is given out strictly in portions, which only fuels interest in it.

Video games Escape from Tarkov

Features of Escape from Tarkov

1 Events take place in the Russian city of Tarkov, who was lucky enough to simultaneously suffer from radiation and biological weapons, as a result of which the decision was made not to let anyone out of it.
2 The game consists of separate scenarios and a common survival area with dynamic events such as mutant attacks, traders, hideouts and alliances.
3 Death from hunger, cold, exhaustion and radiation is no longer surprising, but subordination and control of the NPC race, the Wild, sounds quite good.
4 It is proposed to create your own business, as well as a number of offline activities: espionage, management and research.

The locations live their own lives, all the weapons are copied from real-life ones, and the general darkness of the destroyed world evokes sharp nostalgic notes for the ancestors of the genre. The release is scheduled for the end of the year.

  • Game website:

6. Shattered Skies – unfriendly aliens

“ ” – A game from the studio that created “Aftermath” and “Infestation”. Surprisingly, this time a lot of work was done to correct the mistakes and the result was much higher than expected.

Shattered Skies video games

Nothing fundamentally new, just a high-quality elaboration of the familiar gameplay. Nice picture and sound, a minimum of unnecessary fuss with survival and constant group shootings.

  • Game website:

7. The Culling – hunger games for adults

The game "" is very different from the others on the list. It does not involve long character development, the construction of shelters hidden in the forest, or even the fight against strange creatures. The time of the games is strictly limited, and in the end only one will survive.

Video games The Culling

Simple and quick creation items, tons of action, fast-paced events and an annoyingly ticking clock timer. Hard, bloody and unusual.

  • Steam page:

There are already several dozen zombie sandboxes of the same type that copied the basic idea from Rust, but did not bother to work out the details.

Games like “Rust” are the most interesting survival games in our subjective opinion, captivating with their non-standard world, plot or original approach to survival. Maybe we forgot something?

Different games