Walkthrough. Storyline How to complete the entire game assassin

At the beginning of the passage Assassins games Creed Origins show a completely ordinary life, the key figure in which is main character. An ordinary Egyptian settlement, in which everything changes with the arrival of the new pharaoh - Ptolemy.

The main character is a protector of people (medjai), whose name is Bayek. In the story, Bayek tracked down and then killed Rujek Tsaplya, the Pharaoh’s deputy. Soon after the murder, control passes to you. The battle with Ipat, the main bodyguard of the killed governor, will immediately begin. In combat, the game will teach you all the basic control mechanics. After a difficult victory, scan the area around the hero using the “V” key to find a passage in the wall through which you can get into the hall next door.

Move around the ruins in running mode using the "X" key. When the need arises to climb a column that is tilted to get to the 2nd floor, press the “Alt” key. Climb up and then use various debris (stones and columns) to get to the opposite part of the hall. On the other side there will be a huge statue - climb higher on it and jump further onto the stone ledge. All that remains is to destroy the fragile wall and go out into the street, where the main character unexpectedly stumbles upon soldiers. The massacre cannot be avoided, so kill all the soldiers and thereby save GG’s old friend - Hepzefoya. Together with him at the end, sit on the camels. The passage of the Prologue will come to its logical end.

Chapter – 2: “Ibis” (Siwa Village)

Quest: "Oasis"

Together with Hepzefoy, ride camels to a settlement called “ Siwa" Along the way, you will learn from him about the governor who acts as the mayor - Ibis Medunamon. As soon as you get to a friend’s house, the game will teach you how to shoot a bow: to do this, hold down “RMB” or “LMB”, and then release the key. According to the plot, guards will soon arrive at the house, whose goal is to search the house. Therefore, you will need to hide in the bushes. Next, all the guards will need to be killed. To do this, lure the guard closest to the hero using the “Q” key, and then perform a quick kill. You'll have to sneak up on the next guards from behind. You can also climb onto the roof and jump on top of them. As for the corpses, all the bodies can be dragged away and hidden in any convenient dark place.

The main task in this region is to kill the governor, who was discussed on the way to the village. However, it will not be possible to complete the task immediately, since you must first increase the hero’s level to at least 5. To do this, go to completing tasks in Assassins Creed: Origins. Several tasks can be obtained thanks to scrolls with requests that lie on the table in Hepzefoy's house, while the rest can only be obtained in the city. The reward for the task is 1,000 XP.

Quest: “Preparation”

The first thing you will need to do is get new clothes. To do this, you need to go hunting and during the hunt get 5 animal skins. Leave the city, ride north and kill a couple of mountain sheep near the rocks. Do not forget that at any time you can use the help of Senu’s tame falcon - “V” key. By controlling the falcon, you can aim and leave different marks, both on people and on various objects. Animals should be shot from afar if you don’t want to scare them away and have to search first. Once you have collected all the skins, go into your inventory and craft a chest piece. Reward – 500 XP.

Quest: “False Prophet”

The viceroy will sit inside the upper rooms of the temple. From time to time people will come to him with offerings. The governor's guards are weak, unlike Medunamon, who has level 5. Therefore, if you wish, you can calmly slaughter all the guards, and at the end talk to the governor and remind him about the murdered child.

Next, a scene from the past will begin. GG and his son go hunting for a mountain goat. Kill the game, get the skin. On the way back, climb the rocks. At the top, a small scene will begin in which Bayek and his son are attacked by guards. There is no use in resisting, the scene is scripted. Next comes the screensaver. Medjay is tortured, and when his son is brought in, during a scuffle he accidentally kills him.

Returning back to the present time, finish off the governor and take away the important plot artifact (from the corpse). The next governor is in Alexandria. The reward for the task is 1250 XP.

Immediately after this, events in the modern world are shown in parallel. Come out of the animus. IN real world it will be controlled by a girl named Leila, an Egyptian explorer of the past. By phone, talk to a local intelligence officer named Jiri. Since the girl is now inside the cave in which the animus is located, go deeper into the cave below and thus stumble upon Bayek’s mummy with the animus connected to it. Then go in the opposite direction to the exit of the cave. Along the way you will find two important documents:

  1. – “Scheme of a gene sequencer”,
  2. – “Scheme of the dialysis module.”

Instead of the usual equipment, the girl in reality has a smartphone, and in it there are many documents that can be studied. In any case, you won’t be able to find anything more interesting for now, so go back to the animus and study the past.

Chapter – 3: “The Serpent” (Alexandria City)

Quest: "Aya"

In the Russian walkthrough of the game Assassins Creed Origins, according to the plot, you will need to find Bayek's wife in Alexandria. To do this, get to the Great Library and go inside to the wing on the left. When you get to the large staircase, be sure to examine the statue so that Fan, Aya’s brother, will approach the hero. He will tell you where you can find your wife. Get to the structure, which has a round shape (from this place jump straight into the well). Immediately after this, the main character finds Aya. You will learn from the girl that she killed two unknown masked people. The first was a man with a Vulture mask, and the second was a Ram mask. So the last one left is the Serpent. In addition, for this murder, the girl will hand over a special hidden blade, specially received from Cleopatra.

Quest: “Phylactite Gennady”

Since he is responsible for the search for Aya Phylactite Gennady, you need to find him and kill him. This man is in the barracks, in its eastern part. The main difficulty in this task is that Gennady will be guarded by a large number of soldiers, but if immediately after receiving it you quickly get to him, then you will have time to finish him off outside the barracks when he is on the street. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the soldiers first. And the fewer soldiers there are in battle, the greater the chance of surviving and finishing off the target. After the murder, be sure to pick up the documents for the assignment. Reward – 500 XP.

Quest: “Death to the Snake”

It's time to go to the palace. Most safe way- a fortress wall, on which you need to kill the guards one by one along the way. You need to get to the building in the north. Once inside, get to the 2nd floor and examine the local clerk's room (you will find a letter, a chest and a broken ladder). On the left side of the stairs there is a completely curtained shelving unit (from it you need to climb higher up the wall on the left side). At the top of the shelf there will be a key to the chest. Inside the chest there will be a letter with a key snake sign. The reward for the task is 1250 XP.

Thanks to the discovery, Bayek found out that the Serpent was the court clerk Eudorus. So now you can kill him. Eudorus is in a public bath. You will have to go inside only wearing a cape and completely without weapons. The room with the clerk will be guarded by guards, but you can bypass them if you climb the wall nearby and crawl through the opening that is located under the ceiling. After that, all that remains is to simply jump down straight onto the clerk and finish him off. At the same time, using a hidden blade, the hero thereby chopped off his ring finger, and Eudorus at this time will claim that in fact he is not the Serpent. He just works for them. Reward – 1,000 XP.

Further events in the modern world will follow again. Leila saw Aya in her memories and now wants to find her mummy, which should be somewhere near Bayek. To do this, go down to the GG mummy and find a pond nearby. Jump into the pond and find the girl's mummy in it to take DNA. You can't just go back. So first of all, find the ledge. Having risen, make your way through the narrow opening. Then jump on small stones across the abyss. Along the way, if you are careful, you can find an old tablet with writing. Near the exit from the cave there will be a new note - “Records about the genetic code.” Now you can return back to the animus.

Quest: “Medjay from Egypt”

Meet Aya on the hill. Tell her about the murder and the possible miscalculation. The girl immediately offers to verify this by talking to a certain Apollodorus. To do this, you need to go to a new region closer to the racetrack. Apollodorus will not be at the designated conventional place, but his assistant, Mach, will be there. He will send you to the lighthouse in the northeast. On the pier you will meet the indicated person. However, before he helps, you will need to complete a small task for him - you need to get a lost scroll from the lake. The scroll lies at the bottom in a chest among the wreckage of the ship. So once you have him, go with him to his estate, where Cleopatra is hiding.

According to the plot, Cleopatra is the illegitimate daughter of the deceased pharaoh Ptolemy XII, who does not have the official right to claim the throne, but, nevertheless, is actively trying to take power from her brother, that is, Ptolemy XIII. In addition, she brings you up to date with the state of affairs. It turns out that throughout Egypt there is a certain order called “Snake”. The murdered Eudorus was not a “Snake”, but only a “Behemoth”. In addition to him, 4 more representatives are known to be in this order. This is how you get 4 new quests. The reward for this task is 900 XP.

Chapter – 4: “Scarab” (Ruins of Letopolis)

Quest: "The Scarab's Sting"

As you progress through Assassins Creed Origins, you will reach the village of Sais. Upon arrival, talk to Harkuf, the merchant informant. Go to his secret room. On the way to the room, you can find scrolls with various complaints, which open additional tasks for Bayek in this region. So, the identity of the “Scarab” is unknown to anyone, except for one person - Goop. But to talk to him, you first need to rescue him from the soldiers' camp. After being released, it turns out that this old man was left without his tongue, so he cannot tell the secret, so take the old man to his family. After the GG they will be sent to Letopolis, to a man named Taharqa. The reward for the task is 1,500 XP.

Quest: "Deception of the Scarab"

You need to get to the southern part of the region and enter Letopolis- a city that is half filled with sand.

Next, again, events will take you to modern world. During this time, while the heroine was in the animus, part of the girl's (Aya) DNA was restored. So now you can plunge into the memories of Bayek's wife.

Quest: "Pompey Magnus"

This quest takes place on the shores of the Aegean Sea, 48 BC. Aya, along with a detachment of mercenaries, goes on a ship to meet with Pompey (the famous Roman commander who practically cleared the Mediterranean Sea of ​​local pirates). Soon a whole ship will come under your control, on which you will need to attack the Egyptian ships of Ptolemy. Pompey's huge ship will be attacked by several small ships, so they will also need to be destroyed. After the victory, talk to Pompey, with whom a deal will be made: Cleopatra's friendship in exchange for several treasure boxes.

Chapter – 5: “Hyena” (Pyramids of Giza)

Quest: “Hyena”

Time to move on - straight to the Giza Desert, where the Egyptian pyramids are conveniently located. Upon arrival, the first thing you do at the market is talk to the informer named Mered. This way you will know Hyena's name is Khaliset. However, if you want to find out more detailed information, then the old man will have to return the horse from the bandit camp, which is located in the southern part of the region. So after you return the horse, you will find out that Khaliset lives among the rocks in the west.

Having reached the rocks, Bayek will find a pack of hyenas and an abandoned house. Inside the house there will be a drawing of Khaliset, which shows the path to the secret tomb, which is located directly under the Pyramid of Cheops, so it’s time to go there.

You can only enter the pyramid from the north. Be sure to light a torch before entering to help you see better in the dark. Inside, there will be a dead end in the upper hall, but there will also be a treasure vault and one ancient tablet in this area. Go back in the corridor and look for a narrow passage there, behind which there will be a sharp descent underground. Very soon the hero will find himself in a fairly spacious hall, in the middle of which there will be a tomb (search it). So you will find a body for sacrifice, a blood stain, a sarcophagus and most importantly - a black extraterrestrial monolith. Near the monolith you will need to listen to an audio message from Cheops. And pay attention to the fact that there will be a lot of quartz stones in the corners of the hall.

When you look at the stones, Khaliset will attack the hero completely unexpectedly. He will attack from afar with a bow, while sending out tame hyenas. It turns out that Khaliset wanted to resurrect her dead daughter in this place, using extraterrestrial technology. In any case, in certain moment you will need to return back to the surface and fight the woman during a sandstorm. At the same time, try to always keep your shield ready in order to fend off arrows in time. She will move as deftly as possible from place to place, so it is better to take up the bow and fight with her, following her battle tactics. Reward – 2,500 XP

Chapter – 6: “The Lizard” (Memphis City)

Quest: “Mask of the Lizard”

It's time to go to the next one Big City in Assassins Creed: Origins – Memphis. Upon arrival, the first thing you should do is talk to the high priest named Pasherenptah. During the conversation, you will learn that many local residents of the city began to die suddenly from poisoning. The situation with children is even more serious - they die as soon as they are born. After all, even the ceremonial sacred bull Apes is seriously ill. The logical thing to do would be to go to the local healer first. The healer, in order to understand the cause of the disease, offers a drink special potion for prophetic dreams. Agree.

A dream begins in which the main character comes to a temple, which is located in the middle of the desert, where another sandstorm will begin. The weapon will be a large bow, from which a strong light emanates. You have to fight with a huge snake. Shooting a huge snake in the head will do the maximum damage allowed, but you can also shoot other parts, such as the tail. This battle will only have two combat stages. In the first stage you will need to shoot the snake with a bow, but while standing on a boat. In the second stage, a huge snake will try to destroy the ground under the hero’s feet, so at this moment you will need to jump from one stone to another. If you fall into the water, then all is not lost because time will be given to get out of it. If you hesitate, then the hero will die and you will have to start over. After defeating the snake, the main character will meet his son.

Upon awakening, Bayek immediately meets his wife, Aya. She arrived in the city with Cleopatra, accompanying her. Return with them back to the temple to look for evidence that the ceremonial bull was in fact poisoned. The remaining poison can be found in the supply storage. However, that’s not all, it will also be possible to find the necklace of the twin priestesses there as evidence. Thanks to the last piece of evidence, the main character, during a dialogue with his comrades, learns that the Lizard captured their brother, after which he ordered the ceremonial bull to be poisoned.

So, based on the information received, you should now go to the camp and free the prisoner. After freeing your brother, you will learn the real name of the Lizard - Hetepi - one of the assistants who serve the high priest. With this, the passage of the task “Mask of the Lizard” has come to an end. Reward – 2,700 XP.

Quest: “The Face of the Lizard”

So, this is the second part of the task, which involves finding and killing a man in a Lizard mask. The quest begins with Bayek attending Cleopatra's performance in front of the locals. And immediately after this speech you will need to find Hetep. Hetep will stand among the local priests. The only problem is that you need to kill one priest, and there will be five in total. How to determine which of them is the right target? You can recognize Hetep by the fact that he stands with a blue scarf and coughs regularly. It is best to remain unnoticed and kill this person without any unnecessary fuss (using a bow or jumping from above). However, escaping from your pursuers will still not be difficult. Therefore, after the murder, go to the specified target and report that Lizard-Hetep is safely dead. The reward for the task is 2,250 XP.

Chapter – 7: “Crocodile” (Faiyum Lake)

Quest: "Crocodile's Scales"

Reach the shore of Lake Faiyum and explore the village. The key person (Hotefres's contact) will not be there. Therefore, climb to the very top of the nearby tower and find a letter there. Based on the letter, you will learn that in order to find out where the right person, you need to save his servant first. When you meet Hotefres on a ship at sea, you will learn that a document with the name of the Crocodile can be taken from his wife, so you need to return back to the village.

In a city called Euhemeria, meet a woman named Henut. Her daughter Shadya will lead the hero to the villa, where it is necessary to find that very document with the name. Please note that soldiers will patrol the area. However, when you are inside the house, then you will find out that your daughter hid the necessary paper in her place, so you will need to return back to her.

Moreover, while the main character was on a mission, a woman and her daughter were kidnapped and dragged for interrogation. A little later it turns out that for the scroll that was found, it was decided to execute the girl by drowning. Therefore, you will have to dive under the water and pick up the scroll at the execution site and hand over the body to the family. Reward – 3,000 XP.

Quest: "The Crocodile's Mouth"

So, in Faiyum (oasis), go to the arena where the gladiators fight. The owner of the arena will not let the hero inside. To get into the arena you will have to find a gladiator from Siwa, who will turn out to be Kensa’s sister. The girl will vouch for Bayek, thanks to which it will be possible fight in the arena.

  • Combat – 1. It is necessary to defeat ordinary enemies in soldier's clothing.
  • Fight – 2. Again, you need to defeat ordinary enemies, but in the company of a lion.
  • Fight – 3. It is necessary to overcome all deadly moving obstacles.
  • Fight – 4: Final. In this battle you will have to defeat two arena champions (Diovix and Viridovix).

Whatever one may say, it is necessary to go through the arena, because only after defeating the champions will it be possible to find out (from the champions) that Shadya was killed not by these red-haired gladiators, but, in fact, by the Crocodile himself, who is an old woman named Berenice (the wife of the arena owner ). So now all that remains is to sneak into her villa at night and kill her. But keep in mind that this old woman’s bodyguard will be Kensa(GG's sister), so if you don't want to kill her, then just put her to sleep with a dart. The reward for completing it is 3,500 XP.

Then the events take you back to the modern world. This time, the cave with Bayek's mummy was found by Abstergo intelligence officers. You'll have to come out of the animus and deal with all the operatives without weapons, secretly. On the surface, the heroine learns that Abstergo representatives have identified and killed the informant. So we’ll have to go back to the animus and quickly reveal the ancient secret.

Chapter – 8: “Scorpio” (Nome Heraklion)

Quest: “The Path of the Gabinian”

After receiving a letter from your wife, go to Heraklion (to the northeast) to help Cleopatra. Upon arrival, Cleopatra will report two new targets - Scorpio and Jackal. You will need to interrogate the prisoner to find out where to look for the Jackal's assistant (Hunter). Go to the city and interview the two indicated witnesses. In the hunter's house, inspect: arrows, cosmetics and oil. Also in the city you will need to kill three people who are planning the murder of Cleopatra. After this, return to the Empress and fight the remaining enemies. At the end you will need to fight with that same hunter. Reward – 7,500 XP.

Quest: "Aya: Blade of the Goddess"

Go to Aya in the north of the city. From her you will learn that Julius Caesar will visit Alexandria very soon and therefore Cleopatra wants to meet this man. Agree to accompany her as Aya.

Advice: Next, a story mission awaits you, the completion time of which does not exceed an hour. The task is based on real events in Egyptian history. This mission is the only time Aya will have access to open world games. So, when playing as this character, you should not collect chests and kill governors. If you do anything, then you won’t be able to do it later as Bayek, and therefore won’t be able to get achievements.

Events take place on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. On the mercenary ship Phoxides, break through the triremes of the king of Egypt. Get to the palace. Stealth Cleopatra through the guards (using the carpet). As a result, Cleopatra meets with Julius Caesar and agrees that she should reign over the country instead of her brother.

Later, Caesar would wish to visit the tomb of Alexander the Great. Since the doors will be locked, you will need to find another way. Find a weak spot on the wall on the left and break through it with your sword. Inside Alexander's sarcophagus there will be a second artifact - a staff. Open the doors for Caesar. Flavius ​​will come with him.

On the same day in the evening, Ptolemy’s army will try to regain power by attacking the capital. Therefore, get to a living Roman soldier, from whom you will learn that the troops of Cleopatra’s brother were led by: Jackal (Septimius) and Scorpio (Potinus). Be sure to take the warrior on your shoulders and get with him to Caesar and Cleopatra.

Caesar will send you to give a signal to his troops. Run as Aya along the masts of the ships and thus get to the desired lighthouse, then climb the walls above. However, at a certain point you won’t be able to climb higher, so at this moment just crawl to the other wall of the lighthouse. Inside at the top you will need to defeat the Guardian. After victory, rise even higher and light the signal fire.

Quest: "Battle of the Nile"

At the same time, playing as Bayek, you will need to evacuate Caesar from the enemy encirclement. Ride your chariot, shooting the pursuing horsemen along the way. At the end of this chase you will need to fight a war elephant with spears.

3 days after the war, the hero goes on the trail of Scorpio (Potin). Near the hippodrome, run past soldiers fighting among themselves. In a separate small arena, the hero soon faces Pothinus, but he, in turn, will be riding an elephant. To defeat an elephant, you need to hit its legs. This should be done until Pothin falls to the ground along with the elephant, after which all that remains is to finish him off.

Soon Caesar will find the last conspirator - Septimius. Therefore, run to him and soon you will again find yourself in the arena, but where you can only get there using the cart nearby. Septimius will be armed with two huge maces on chains. And when the battle comes to an end, Caesar will not allow the conspirator to be killed, taking him prisoner.

Meanwhile, Aya tracked down King Ptolemy, who tried to escape using a boat, but was soon eaten by a crocodile. After 2 weeks of battles, Cleopatra takes the throne. At the same time, the Jackal is freed, so he begins to work for Caesar and Cleopatra. Bayek and his wife were deceived, but continued to fight anyway. At this point, Bayek decides to found a brotherhood of assassins who secretly protect people.

Quest: “Consequences”

Together with your wife, go to the tomb of Alexander. Upon arrival, you will see the Romans killing Apollodorus. Kill all enemy warriors. From a dying old friend you will learn that the main one in the Order of the Snake was Leo - Flavius, the same assistant of Caesar. In addition, he took all the ancient artifacts from Apollodar. Now, with the collected artifact, he goes to Siwa. Therefore, you will have to go there as soon as possible. Reward – 6,000 XP.

Chapter – 9: “Lion” (Cyrenaica city)

Quest: “The Last Judgment”

Upon arrival in Siwa, the entire population will be lying on the ground unconscious, but know that they are not dead. Get to the tomb in the temple. With the help of an artifact, the door in the temple was opened. Inside is a crypt (a hologram of the entire planet). Remove the corpse of the murdered Hepzefa from the hall. If you don’t take the corpse out, then you won’t be able to find out from the old woman outside what happened. From the story you will learn several important details: the Romans were inside and now they moved to a region called Cyrenaica.

Go after them. According to the plot, you need to visit several places and talk with some characters. Nothing special. The main thing is that at the end of this linear path you will reach Flavius, around whom there will be many guards. The front door to the inside will be locked. You can only enter through the window at the top, and once you are inside, a serious battle will begin.

Boss: Leo - Flavius. So, with the help of an artifact, the enemy can slow down time or shoot a beam at the hero. From time to time Flavius ​​will hide, and instead of him will appear various kinds shadow opponents. Most effective method kill Flavius ​​in Assassin's Creed Origins - fire bombs. Reward for the task - 3,000 XP.

Quest: “The Last of the Medjays”

Return back to Alexandria and be sure to talk to your wife. She will tell you that she is going to Rome to finish off the remnants of the Order of the Snake. In addition, there she found new allies. In any case, the important thing is that on the shore you can talk to her for the last time. And on this shore she will formulate the basic principles of the Order of Assassins, also presenting the main symbol. Whether you agree or not, it doesn’t matter. Reward – 3,000 XP.

The events of the game are transferred to the future. The main character Leila gets out of the animus. A killer (assassin) named William Miles will appear before her. He offers to go over to the side of the brotherhood. Agree.

Chapter – 10: “The Jackal” (Rome – Final)

Quest: “The fall of one empire, the birth of another”

In the role of Aya again, sail forward across the sea towards Rome. Along the way you will have to fight the enemy fleet a couple of times. Nothing special will happen in the battle. All the same burning arsonist ships that can be destroyed with one shot, the main thing is not to let them get close. Meanwhile, in Rome, Septimius persuades Caesar to dissolve the Senate and become emperor. When you reach him, kill him. He will be armed with knives on chains and therefore attacks from a distance.

Then make your way through a huge garden with a lot of guards. Act secretly (this is important) and you should kill only if the guards really prevent you from going further. Once you reach the key point, a cutscene will begin. Afterwards, Caesar will have to strike with a hidden blade, after which everyone (including the son of Brutus and the Senate) will finish off the emperor - a real historical event.

Quest: “Creed is born”

Two days later, Aya threatens Cleopatra with death if she does not return to Egypt and take care of her people. The final cutscene begins. Reward – 9,600 XP. After the splash screen you can continue Assassin's Creed Origins walkthrough, completing side quests and receiving new achievements, but the storyline at this point is considered completed.

Video walkthrough in Russian

Types of weapons:

Long sword— Your first weapon after being demoted in rank. The long sword is the most powerful melee weapon; it deals truly enormous damage, but is inferior to the short blade in speed.

Hidden Blade— kills any enemy with the first blow, but the hidden blade can only be used against an enemy who cannot see you (that is, it can no longer be used during battle). But there is a small "cheat" or better secret- we take a short sword, set it to reflect blows and change it to a hidden blade = when Altair repels blows, he effectively kills and does not throw away or wound, as sometimes happens.

Short sword- less powerful than a longsword, but much faster. Once the short blade appears, it is better to use it, at least until the improved long sword appears. And how spectacularly Altair finishes off his enemies with a short sword!

Throwing knives— weapons used at medium distances are ineffective in close combat. Kills any enemy with the first hit. The ammunition, alas, is not very large, so you will have to replenish it - steal knives from the townspeople (thugs) or take them from the assassins' bureau.

Fists- can only be called a weapon with a stretch, but sometimes they are very useful. The fact is that even if the guards notice how you beat someone with your fists, they still won’t interfere. Use this if beggars or drunkards get in your way and frankly interfere with your life.

Types of additional tasks:

Escort— you need to escort the informant to the right place, protecting him from attacks by guards. Easy task.

Collecting flags— within a certain time, you need to collect the flags of informants. The task is no less easy, there is plenty of time, and the location of the flags resembles an obstacle course - run a circle, running, jumping, collecting flags along the way.

Kill the archers— you need to destroy the archers patrolling the roofs. The easiest way to do this is to simply grab them (the archers) and throw them off the rooftops.

Kill target- kill a person (or several persons) unnoticed. To do this, you need to choose the right moment - the target should be in the shadows or away from other people, and the guards should not see you. To make the kill unnoticed, you must be in a low stance when striking with a hidden dagger. Ordinary townspeople won't bother you.

Theft- steal important information from a person. To do this, you need to come close to him and take the pouch from your belt with your hand. If the target turns around or has already paid attention to you, you can pretend to be a monk.

Race— in a certain time, cover the distance from one informant to another informant. We overcome mainly on the roofs. Very easy.

1st memory block

Temple of Solomon.

After a short scripted cutscene, follow Malik through the cave. Having jumped over two pits along the beams, kill the guard with a hidden knife and, going down the stairs, watch another video. Failure! The murder was foiled, you exposed yourself to the victim. Robert de Sablé throws you out of the room, and a collapse cuts off your way back. Ignoring the sounds of battle, climb the scaffolding, and after jumping to the next scaffolding, climb higher along the ledges from the wall.

2nd memory block

The traitor in Masyaf and the murder of Tamir (Damascus).

Tamir can be found in the central market. We wait until he stabs his subordinate in a fit of anger. You can attack right away, but in this case, in addition to the target, we will have to kill 2 of his guards, and the guards will not keep you waiting long. If you wait, Tamir will approach the merchant, at which point you can approach from behind and kill him without making too much noise.

3rd memory block

Assassination of Talal (Jerusalem) and Garnier de Naplouza (Acres).

MemoryBlock No. 3

Go northeast towards the Hospital.
When you are near the entrance, or rather the steps, try to join the group of monks.
Watch a beautiful scene and join the crowd, in the company of “saints”. Don’t forget to keep the camera in the most convenient position and scan the area for threats.
After an unpleasant scene (My knees ache!) we return with our monks to the right side (To the left of the exit).
We don’t fall behind the group and look out for a tall man (you’ll notice him right away). This is our “client”, namely Garnier. Take your time and don't attack right away. Let's consider the most effective method of execution: There are many obstacles between you and the victim, namely a crowd consisting of some strange people. When they touch you, they immediately raise the alarm! Therefore, we remain in the company of the monks and follow them. Sooner or later we will have a chance. You need to wait until the doctor moves away from his “security” and begin to act. We select a target, make a dash and... kill from a jump. Yes, it’s that simple and brutal. Now all that remains is to deliver the pen.

Victim #3: Talal
MemoryBlock No. 3

When you reach the northeast corner, pull out your map and look for the nearest squad of monks. Use their help to get past the guards on the steps or to get onto the rooftops to the west.
Simply enter the open door to trigger a lengthy cutscene. Now we move along the corridor. Well, we were finally surrounded. After the cutscene, we begin the battle. We try to kill enemies with counterattacks, but do not forget to scatter particularly arrogant subjects in order to thin out the enemy’s ranks. After dealing with the last of the adversaries, climb the stairs and get rid of the archer at a higher level. Then climb up the other ladder to the roof.

Here comes Talal... He runs away. Let's start the chase: We try to reduce the distance as much as possible, select Talal as the target and perform a jump kill (Hidden Blade). If it doesn't work out, don't despair. Sooner or later Talal will be at a dead end and a standard sword fight will begin. After the scene, we flee in the direction of the Assassin Bureau.

4th memory block

Assassination of Abu al-Nukvod (Damascus), Maj-Addin (Jerusalem), William Montferrat (Acre).

Victim #4: Abu'l Nukoud
MemoryBlock №4

We go to a rich area, to the palace in the south. This time the palace will be full of people. Move along the walls and then blend into the crowd. Once you lose control, prepare for trouble. How sad everything is... We follow what is happening until we have to run. It started: We run to the left, to a small building in the corner. We climb up it and find ourselves on the second floor. We move along. Once on the roof, we turn to the south. You can try to jump to the balcony and kill the victim, but don’t lose your vigilance and keep an eye on the minimap. If you notice Abu leaving the balcony, you can be sure that he will try to escape through the southern exit. In this case, you can wait for him at the very exit or jump onto the balcony and start the chase, having first turned off the target locking function. You can take a shortcut by jumping over obstacles, in particular railings. When you catch up with the “fat man,” draw your hidden blade and carry out the execution “in flight.” After the scene we run to the bureau, and then to Masayef.

Victim #5: William de Montferrat
MemoryBlock №4

We head south, towards the Castle. Stop in the square and mix with the crowd. Again, be careful and watch out for the crusaders. After the scene, go through the gate. Piles of boxes are the main problem of this mission. Try not to crash into them so as not to slow down. There is also a group of monks to join to the south. Walk with them and you will find yourself in the area where William delivers his speech. Wait until the line of soldiers “breaks”, draw your retractable blade, run into the resulting “hole in the defense” and hit... Let's spend a little time on escape tactics: After the scene, run, pushing the knights, towards the gate. They are closed! Run to the northern corner of the fort, into the dark alley. There will be a ladder against the wall. Climb along it, jump and climb to the back ones, which are in the corner. Climbing onto the roof you will find yourself in the garden. Do not stay there for a long time, as soon as the horizon is clear, jump onto the wall, then onto the wooden platforms and behold, you are outside the castle walls. Now the path lies in the bureau.

assassin's creed walkthrough
Victim 6: Made Addin
MemoryBlock №4

Sneak past the guards and move towards the marker. Try to join the priests, to the right of the "stage". Together with the “whites” we go past the guards up the stairs and onto the stage. Do you see the guard near whom the monks stopped? You can hug him or leave him alive. Unfortunately, for a successful assassination and for historical reasons (Made's speech is very unusual), we will have to allow three prisoners to be killed, and when our target approaches our brother, we will do the so-called assassinate. Of course, you can run out and kill the victim in a jump, before the massacre of the prisoners begins, but this will not give anything. The main thing is that the guy in white survives. After Addin’s dying speech, we quickly free our brother and climb up the stairs (In the north, a couple of meters from Addin) onto the roofs. Next comes the standard run to the bureau.

Listen carefully to the hint words in the assassin control center. I didn't listen well and got stuck! :(

5th memory block

Victim #6: Jubair
MemoryBlock №5

Go to the building and climb onto the roof by any means. As soon as you find yourself on the roof, a guide scene will begin. Walk along the roof and go down the stairs to the balcony, from where you can watch what is happening. As soon as the insolent people start burning books, you have to find Jubair. In most cases it is in the southeast corner, but yours may be somewhere else. You can kill everyone quietly, sooner or later you will reach Jubair. As soon as you find him, start the chase. A standard jump kill will end the pointless chase. Flee across the rooftops and try to get away as quickly as possible.

Victim #7: Sibrant
MemoryBlock №5

*Tip: Stock up on ten daggers for this mission.

Head to the docks, being careful not to be seen by the guards, and then walk towards the crowd of onlookers. Let's watch the scene. A man with a horned helmet is sailing away on a boat... If you dug up the information before starting the mission, then in the pause menu you can read that the northern part of the docks is devoid of guards. So we go north and see... drunken sailors and townspeople... Still, try not to come into contact with either the townspeople or the piles of boxes. After walking around the docks for a bit, look east: You will see a platform in the water, with a guard on it. Wait until he turns away and quietly carry out reprisals. Now jump from pillar to post until you reach the lighthouse. Kill three guards. Also try to kill the archer on the platform, although this is not necessary. If you removed the archer, then move towards the ship. Climb aboard, but not literally. Altair should "hover" at the stern, so that the camera peeks out a little and you can follow Sybrant's movements. Wait for the moment when Sybrant goes to the front part of the ship and begins to speak. This is your chance: Quickly climb on board, secure Sybrant as a target and run as fast as you can towards him. As soon as you finish watching the scene, get off the ship and run as fast as you can to the lighthouse. If you removed the archer, then you should not have any problems: you have not been noticed yet. Next, return to the bureau along the old road, i.e. along the pillars and through the northern part of the docks.

6th memory block

Al Mualim looks very pleased. Altair's mission is close to completion. The last target remained - Robert de Sable, Master of the Templar Order, whom we almost killed in the Temple of Solomon. He is now in Jerusalem. That's where we're going.

Once in the city, go to the local Bureau as usual. Malik will tell you that Robert himself was not seen in the city, but his Templars are definitely here. This means that the Master himself may be somewhere nearby.

The collection of information proceeds as usual. We can:
. overhear the conversation of locals;
. interrogate the speaker who convinces the townspeople that the Templars can be useful;
. steal a letter from some Saracen talking to a Templar;
. run from one informant to another (informant task);
. finish off several archers on the roofs (informant task);
. hunt down and kill 5 Templars (informant task);

The situation is gradually becoming clearer. What we have:
. Robert de Sable seems to be really in town;
. he is going to attend the funeral of Majd-Addin;
. security at funerals will be strengthened;
. monks will help you get to Robert;

Having found out everything you need, return to the Bureau. Malik will note that Altair is no longer the same person who was with him in the Temple of Solomon, will give him a pen and send him to rest.

It's time. Go to the cemetery. It is guarded, but you can merge with a group of monks or simply climb over the wall. Yes, security has indeed been tightened. All that remains is to wait for the right moment to get close to Robert.
But what is it? The Arab in charge of the ceremony suddenly announces that Majd-Addin's killer is in the crowd. The Templars draw their swords - the Arab's hand points to Altair.

There are too many enemies to have a fair fight, so run away from the cemetery and climb onto some higher house. When the Templars come after you, chop them with your sword and throw them down. You will also have to take down several archers who are nearby. In the end, only Robert will remain alive - he is neither cold nor hot from falling from the roofs. Throw him to the ground and finish him off with a hidden dagger.


In the corridor of memory

-Who are you?
- Steward. Maria Steward.
-Where is Robert?
- I'm for him.


Well, that's to be expected. Robert played an almost win-win option - spreading rumors about his presence in Jerusalem, ambushing the hapless killer, and he himself went to establish an alliance between King Lionheart and Saladin. Alliance against assassins.
After releasing Maria, return to the Bureau and share the new prospects with Malik. He decides to collect more information about what is happening, but Altair’s mission has not changed - he must kill Robert de Sablé.

Leave the city and go to Arsuf.

Soon the horse will have to be abandoned to get over the barricades. Go forward. Numerous enemies will stand in your way - both Saracens and crusaders. There are many archers and officers. Don't get into trouble, stay on the defensive and use counterattacks. Sooner or later you will reach the headquarters of King Richard the Lionheart.
Altair will try to open the king's eyes to what is happening. Robert will show up nearby and begin to follow his line. The king will listen to both... and decide that whoever is stronger is right. Finding out who is stronger will give the opportunity to fight.

Altair, on the one hand, and a dozen Templars on the other - is this a duel? However, the Templars have strange ideas about duels. The tactics are the same as in the paragraph above, but missing strikes is strictly not recommended. With a full series of attacks, one Templar can knock down up to 8 synchronization cubes. If you doubt your reaction, don't stay on the defensive all the time - maneuver, dodge blows, throw enemies to the ground and finish off with a hidden blade.
When everyone has fallen, Robert himself will step forward - without even giving Altair time to rest. Don't try to throw, he will almost certainly intercept it. It’s better to intercept his throw yourself and send him head over heels on the ground. Then finish it off.
In the corridor of memory, curious details will be revealed about the circumstances of the location of the Ark of the Covenant. Talk to the king and return to Masyaf.
...It seems that the main enemy of the assassins was within the order itself all this time.

7th memory block

Murder of Al Mualim.

Something strange is happening in Masyaf. The guards have disappeared from the streets, and residents are wandering around the city and praising a certain Teacher. It would be good to talk to Al Mualim.
Go straight to the castle. As soon as you get past the guards, they will attack you. Kill them and run to the fortress. Soon you will be met by Malik with a handful of assassins who have retained their minds. At the entrance to the castle, people will block the path, but as you approach, press the Sprint and Push buttons simultaneously in a High Stance, and you will push them aside. Al-Mualim will meet you at the castle and paralyze you with his sphere. After the dialogue, he will summon all 9 victims that you killed throughout the game. The battle tactics are simple: throw them to the ground and quickly finish them off with a hidden blade. After this you will be paralyzed again. After the dialogue, Al Mualim will double into 9 Al Mualim. Knock them down with a counterattack and the real Al Mualim will fall to the ground. After the next dialogue, he will run away, removing all synchronization blocks. But do not engage him in battle, but throw throwing knives. After this, your health will be restored again, but Al Mualim will teleport and remove all synchronization again. This will repeat three times, and then there will be a regular battle. Throw him to the ground and kill him with the hidden blade.
Look at the 3D image of the Earth created by the sphere.

Once in the laboratory, listen to the conversation between the scientists and the Templars. Left alone, go to the bedroom and, having activated Eagle Vision, look at the wall above the bed.

— In our family, to solve problems, we don’t beat people.

Certainly! In our family we kill them.

film "Justified Cruelty"

We bring to your attention walkthrough of the game Assassin's Creed 2, courtesy of "Best Computer Games" magazine.

When your native Florence suddenly finds itself in the hands of mysterious conspirators and fate deals a cruel blow - who will punish the insidious traitors and those who stand behind them? Just yesterday, young Ezio Auditore di Firenze, a rake and womanizer, carefreely climbed the roofs and maiden balconies. Now he is out for blood. But even having become a master of secret assassination, Ezio will not immediately believe that the founder of his family was the legendary assassin - Altair ibn La-Ahad.

Altair, as we remember, galloped across the roofs of eastern cities, sneaked into the crowd and secretly bloodletted the leaders of the era crusades. Three hundred years later, Ezio Auditore did about the same thing. And another five hundred years ago, in 2012, our old friend Desmond Miles is being held captive by the Templars and playing with his newly acquired paranormal abilities. The poor guy was never allowed to rest: some two hours after the finale of Assassin's Creed, Lucy bursts into the cell and steals our hero from the clutches of Abstergo. Now Desmond will no longer dive into the depths of his genetic memory to search for the Templars powerful artifacts... He will do this for the benefit of the assassins.

In the story, we will see the laboratory in which Desmond is researching the life of yet another of his ancestors only a couple of times, and only in passing. It's here just for framing. So we can say that further - only the Renaissance, the fifteenth century, Italy; noisy cities and mountain roads, killers and victims, crowds of onlookers and vigilant guards, chases and fights.

Our Ezio will cause quite a stir in those places.

Insidious crime on the roof

It's good to have a sequel game series superior to the original. It’s doubly good when something clearly swan-like emerges from a sometimes cute, but at the same time rather ugly duckling.

When Assassin's Creed came out two years ago, the players had mixed feelings. Yes, Altair was off his knees, the world was beautiful and convincing, and the plot ideas of the writers turned out to be at least original. But, if you think about it, decent missions could be counted on one hand - and the rest of the game was filled with boring, unclear and repetitive tasks.

Now we know for sure that the developers at Ubisoft Montreal know how to fix their own mistakes. 450 people worked on the second part, three quarters of whom worked on the original. But how the game has changed! When they say that compared to Assassin's Creed 2, the first part looks like a technical demo, this is not an exaggeration. The game universe expanded in breadth and depth, and it literally shows how carefully the developers tried to strengthen the successful elements of the first part and eliminate the unsuccessful ones.

In some ways this reached a little to the point of absurdity. Remember, for example, boring plot dialogues? In the second part, many conversations were joined to action. Talking to Leonardo da Vinci while walking through the squares of Venice is good and healthy. But having started a dialogue during a fight, even not a particularly serious one, you will inevitably find yourself in a dilemma: hit the tinsel without listening to the plot information, or hang your ears, missing blows from the left and right.

Hidden in the crowd

Correcting " plot question", the developers chose the path already successfully traversed by Rockstar. Borrowing successful ideas benefited the assassins. Even in the first part of Assassin's Creed, “ears” were visible Grand Theft Auto. The new game, without much exaggeration, can be called “GTA in the Renaissance.” It's just that the signature satire is missing. Everything else is there.

A huge world opens up in parts. Icons of tasks on the map and mini-map are generously scattered here and there: races on rooftops, delivery of correspondence, orders for murders - and side missions can be distinguished at first glance from those that move the plot.

Instead of police there are guards. For petty hooliganism they will hit you in the face a couple of times, and for serious offenses they are ready to chase the troublemaker through the streets and on the rooftops - they just won’t go into the water (and this is very useful, since Ezio, unlike Altair, can still swim learned). The yellow circle of the “wanted area” on the mini-map is a direct borrowing from GTA IV. If you break out of it for a few seconds and at the same time do not find yourself in the direct line of sight of the “policemen,” they lose the trail. True, there are no “wanted stars”, but there is a “fame” parameter - the higher it is, the further you need to go around the guards so that they do not suspect something is wrong. You can reduce fame in different ways: bribe heralds, kill the necessary officials. The easiest way, however, is to tear down the “Guards Are Wanting” posters from the walls. They appear automatically - and for some reason not at the height of human growth, but often at the very top, where only pigeons can read them.

All tasks are preceded by scenes on the engine, and it is difficult to find fault with them. The actors demonstrate convincing accents and pepper the English speech with Italian words and expressions. The characters themselves are also pleasing: it’s easy to recognize not only historical figures like Lorenzo de’ Medici, Machiavelli or Savonarola highlighted in the portraits, but even Leonardo da Vinci, whom Ubisoft artists “rejuvenated” by copying from a famous self-portrait. And Leonardo’s embarrassment and fussiness in the presence of the handsome Ezio look much more natural than the cutesy antics of Bernie Crane from GTA IV.

I'll get off the Venice Bridge - the water is waist-deep

I remember that the mayor of New York spoke disapprovingly about the same GTA IV: they say they are doing anti-advertising to the city. He, of course, was wrong: Rockstar copied their Liberty City from the city patriotically, with love and attention to detail. The mayors of Venice and Florence (who they have now - isn’t it the Medici?) are silent for some reason. Don’t they still know that there is a game in the world that has done more for tourism in their cities than all the advertising brochures combined?

Assassin's Creed 2 is a real hymn to Florence, all of Tuscany and Venice. I won’t say anything about the realistic reproduction of the life of Italian cities of the Renaissance, but their architecture is copied from the highest level. The visits of Ubisoft developers to these cities were not in vain: narrow streets, bridges and canals create an amazing atmosphere of presence, and the sights are recognizable at first sight. Florence's Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Pitti, Pinzetta San Marco in Venice - now you don't need to be a Spider-Man to climb the walls and roofs of famous palaces to your heart's content.

And while Ezio climbs from ledge to ledge, onlookers below stare and talk in a mixture of English and Italian. "Is he crazy?" - “Is the path on foot forbidden to him, the path of a worthy person?” - “Is this even allowed, to climb walls like this?”

Townspeople often get in the way of the hero, but without them, virtual cities, fortresses, estates, monasteries and small villages would be deserted and dead. There is nothing wrong with the realism of their behavior. Merchants, nobles, peasants, monks, beggars, thieves, street girls - they wander about their business, sit on benches or talk, gathering in groups. Guards patrol the streets in groups or stand guard guarding streets and entrances.

The developers carefully thought out the behavior of city residents in the event of a violation of public order. The townspeople are timid, but curious - they try to keep their distance from fights, but are in no hurry to run away, and they begin to call the guards only in cases of clearly criminal cases. They very rarely rush into a fight with the main character, but city thieves are always ready to steal the wallet from the unwary Ezio, so if someone is running towards the hero, clearly intending to push him, “hit first, Freddy.”

Making your way through a crowd in an attempt to escape or catch up with someone is a thankless task. Mouse controls, however, allow you to maneuver while running, avoiding any crowds of people. But the city loaders clearly have some kind of conspiracy of their own: with identical boxes in their hands, they walk so as to be in Ezio’s way, and at the slightest collision they will drop the box and cause a scandal. However, the worst of all are the bards. At the most crucial moments, they impudently stand in the way of the hero and, strumming their lutes, hum mocking couplets, counting on a handful of coins. This is how a bard lives, lives - and gets hit in the forehead.

"...The poison had no effect"

Things are a bit strange with the combat system and controls. It is, of course, a console game, but in many ways it is familiar: anyone who has played GTA IV will get the hang of it. Many will find the separate keys for hitting with the right hand, left, foot and head, and in addition to them, the “high profile” modifier, mysterious. It's pretty easy to remember that "forward" and "high profile" are running. It's harder to grasp that the "head" is interacting with NPCs, and the "left hand" is interacting with the mechanisms. Then more and more crazy combinations of “wings, legs and tails” begin for various actions, strikes and fighting techniques.

The keys can be reassigned, but here, as they say, there is a nuance: if you hang them around the keyboard to suit your taste, pressing some combinations will require you to break your fingers. The developers guess about the existence of a second button and a wheel on the mouse, but do not attach any significance to this fact.

Such an original control system does not interfere with movement along the streets and rooftops. Ezio is an independent guy, with his head on his shoulders. If you hold down the three-key combination “free run” (“forward” + “high profile” + “leg”), our hero will choose his own path along the cornices, beams and roofs. The player can only lazily choose the approximate direction. It is possible to drop Ezio from the roof onto the pavement by “free running”, but it is quite difficult. In this regard, the developers even went a little overboard: even from a height of one meter, our free runner doesn’t want to jump right away, he hesitates for a long time and wants to hang by his hands first.

True, if, out of habit, he bursts into the crowd with the “free run” combination pressed, Ezio automatically begins to pick out change in the pockets of ordinary people. This is fraught with troubles, but not very big ones.

Our hero also knows the basic skills of a steeplejack, and here the player also only sets the general direction. Only very advanced techniques require separate key combinations, but they are also easy to learn if desired. The only thing that sets the heat in the spirit of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time are the last three of the six puzzles, with the help of which Ezio gets himself Altair’s old suit. By the standards of the game, they are insanely complex: in them you not only have to quickly, in a limited time, jump across platforms, risking falling over, but also somehow cope with the quirks of the camera, which changes the entire coordinate system on the fly. One of these puzzles even forces you to learn a new key combination on the go - and this is definitely not the best place to practice.

To complete the game it is not necessary to go into these six dungeons, so theoretically it can be assumed that in this strange way the developers deliberately made a valuable reward difficult to obtain. However, this is precisely an imbalance, since there are similar problems with the unreasonably prohibitive complexity of seemingly ordinary tasks in the plot - especially in the thirteenth “Savonarol” chapter, which was not originally in the console version of the game.

Sword in the eye

If the main principles of running across the roofs are easy to remember on the go, then combat is more difficult to master - but only because it is redundant. In general, of course, it’s not appropriate for an assassin to play d’Artagnan. He must sneak up, deliver a fatal blow and escape. And he does this. Jumping from the roof, he thrusts secret pop-up blades into the victim’s neck. Hanging on the edge of the roof, he carefully plunges the knife into the admiring landscape of a guard, and then throws him from a height. Hiding in a haystack, stabs a passing guard with a blade, and then drags the body into the same haystack.

If, for example, you need to rob a guarded chest or go through a checkpoint, it is best to hire street girls (they will distract you with conversation), thieves (they will anger you and lure you out) or fighters (they will distract you with a sword in the eye) for a modest reward. Well, if the guards go into conflict, it is more profitable to run away than to fight. Health, tea, is not official - and now it is not restored on its own, forcing Ezio to run to pharmacists for medicines and potions, listening to friendly advice about weekly bloodletting.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of situations in the game when you need to kill a lot of people in battle. And this is where redundancy begins. The developers wanted the battles in the game to be beautiful, spectacular, and cinematic. The idea was a complete success for them. Ezio doesn't drop chandeliers on his enemies. Dodges, parries and killing blows with ever-effective camera angles - it's all there. But there is much more. Our hero can fight with paired secret blades, swords, daggers, hammers, fists, brass knuckles - even brooms, fishing rods and lutes! His arsenal includes slow-acting poison, smoke bombs, throwing knives and even coins to scatter on the streets, attracting the attention of passersby and thereby slowing down the guards. He can grab an enemy and slam him with his hand, foot or head, throw him into a counter or into an enemy. He can throw dust and debris from the ground into the enemy's eyes, dodge a blow, try to go behind his back - and even take away a weapon.

And each technique has its own key combination; if you wish, you can make a real ballet out of the fight. Moreover, the enemies, no matter how many there are, always attack one at a time - at most, someone else will try to strike from behind.

Or you can practically not bother with anything at all and not think about techniques, fortunately in battle the good old faceroll, also known as “rolling your face on the keyboard,” works great. Ezio, as I mentioned above, is smart and independent, and the player only needs to remember two moves: a block with a counterattack for normal enemies and a disarming move for wielders of hammers. Simple and angry.

Your own amusement park

You can only take away weapons from enemies in battle temporarily - you won’t be able to collect them this way. For blades, armor, as well as larger pouches for knives and poison, you need to go to stores, where the modest assortment improves slightly as the game progresses.

Ezio can earn money for purchases in different ways. Fulfill story quests. Do side quests. Opening ownerless chests. Catch thieves and enemy envoys (one blow to the neck is enough for them to give up everything they have). Finally, you can go among the people and take up the craft of a pickpocket!

But you don't have to do all this. The money, which by the end of the game will have nowhere to go, will be given by our family rural estate of Monteriggioni. A magnificent estate with fortified walls, a small town inside and a two-story palazzo. At first, the estate is in a neglected state - walls overgrown with vines, deserted streets, primitive shops. But once you invest several tens of thousands in the estate, rebuild the infrastructure - from a bank to a brothel - Monteriggioni not only begins to generate income from tourism, but generally becomes a crowded and very nice place.

Only the palace is an exception. It is luxurious, but uncomfortable and too gloomy. And the attic, where portraits of every character we killed appear on the walls, seems to have come out of some Silent Hill. I also don’t want to appear on the second floor, where Ezio’s mother, uncontacted after mental trauma, quietly prays. But on the ground floor you can choose the weapons you bought and take the accumulated money from the chest. The more invested in Monteriggioni, the faster the chest fills. Very soon any sense in making money in any other way disappears.

And in the next room on the wall hang the found pieces of the assassins' code, written three hundred years ago by Altair. To complete the plot, you will have to find and steal all thirty parchments.

Yesterday the Templars were strangled, strangled...

Even in the first part of Assassin's Creed, the developers successfully applied a fail-safe recipe for designing conspiracy theories: take equal parts of real historical characters and actual events - and come up with a conspiracy for them. Both the well-known Dan Brown and Umberto Eco (not only the Italian) dabbled in this method , but also a professor at the universities of Florence).

The fifteenth century is rich in interesting historical characters: Medici, Borgia, Machiavelli, Leonardo, Pazzi, Savonarola. We take the nice ones as assassins (the sight of Nicolo Machiavelli diving like a swallow from a tower into a haystack - this, I tell you, is worth a lot), we declare the unsympathetic ones to be evil Templars. The developers even real events those times managed to subsume the theory of eternal confrontation between these two secret organizations. The conspiracy of Francesco Pazzi and the assassination attempt on the Medici, sermons, the rise and death of Girolamo Savonarola, the “papal” career and the poisoning of Rodrigo Borgia - all this is presented through the prism of the conspiracy and the magical effect of the powerful artifacts of the “Shards of Eden”.

Unless Leonardo Da Vinci is not a member of secret organizations, but deciphers Altair’s notes for Ezio solely out of sympathy for the young killer. Altair's vague but convincing prophecies are the merit of the screenwriters, and the drawings stylized under the medieval canon are the merit of the artists. But that's not all. As the story progresses, Ezio accumulates great amount letters, in which you can also learn a lot about the life and involvement in conspiracies of other Renaissance figures who do not appear in the game. In order not to get confused in characters, places and other realities, you can explore the game encyclopedia, which is updated as you go. In it, even the Templar conspiracy is clearly presented - you can see which of them is in charge and who is in the wings, whose identity has been clarified and whom Ezio has already managed to kill.

If this is not enough, you can use the “eagle gaze”, which Altair also dabbled in at one time. But in those days, a special vision mode was useful only for reconnaissance, in order to immediately understand who is a friend and who is an enemy. Here, with his help, Ezio finds twenty symbols on the walls of houses left by his less fortunate predecessor. Having discovered each of these symbols and listened to the voice recording left by “subject 16”, the player must solve one or more simple, but quite DanBrown-esque puzzles - find a common element in famous paintings, put together a picture from pieces, discover a hidden element in a photograph. Having found and “decoded” all twenty hidden symbols, the player is rewarded piece by piece with a small video in which the legend of the Fall appears from an unexpected side.

Because the developers were not too lazy to put so many hints, allegories and secrets into the game, they can be forgiven for a lot - even the extremely stupid final battle with the main villain. What is more important is what happens next: Ezio, and with him Desmond Miles and the assassins, will finally learn the secret of the origin of the “Wrecks of Eden”, which the Templars of all eras are chasing. What secrets remain for the last part of the trilogy? What time and place of action awaits us in it?

If the impression of Assassin's Creed 2 had not been spoiled by vile copy protection, the game would have been almost an ideal example of what the Ubisoft developers are capable of, who seriously decided to correct the mistakes of the turbulent past. The Renaissance era, the beauty of Italian cities and the turbulent political life of those times opens up for us. Italian speech and the magical, bewitching music of Jesper Kyd. But the main thing is, as usual, freedom. Freedom to run across rooftops and climb walls, jump from heights into hay and clean out chests, sneak up on a victim in the night and strike Ezio is the most agile and fastest of all, he cannot be stopped, for he is the new legendary assassin.

Ubisoft's decision looked wild from the very beginning. So that the Internet is always required? So that the game is constantly in touch with the servers, constantly checking its authenticity? So that she begins to consider an honest buyer a pirate whenever the connection is lost? This sounds crazier than anything that has come up before in the field of copy protection. The DRM bogeymen of the past are nervously smoking on the sidelines: all these StarForce, limited installations, system bindings and weekly checks that Electronic Arts was going to introduce into Spore.

Even from a pragmatic market point of view, the idea was clearly a failure. What kind of buyer would like it if the game constantly demands proof that you are not a camel? After all, everyone understands that such an offensive idea, even the most honest players will push you into the open arms of the filibuster!

Didn't push. Camel-protected games turned out to be a tough nut to crack. Now, when these lines are being written, the pirates have not yet coped with either Assassin's Creed or Silent Hunter 5. How so? Ubisoft specialists showed Jesuit cunning. The main principle of the new protection is almost ingenious: not the entire game goes on sale, but only the client part, which is incomplete without the server part. Breaking conventional security can be extremely difficult, and history knows examples computer games, which held up many days after release. But what should pirates do if they don’t even have full game? Become developers yourself?

If Assassin's Creed does get hacked, then there will be few people willing to sit on an Internet leash for their own sixty dollars. However, we safely assume that Ubisoft's new protection will last long enough - so long that a drop in sales due to piracy will be possible do not take into account.

However, such protection still has a weak spot, and a very vulnerable one at that. Immediately after the launch of the publisher’s authentication server, they began to be subject to DoS attacks of varying intensity, which is why players were sometimes unable to access them for many hours. The hackers’ reasons are quite Karandyshev’s: “So don’t let anyone get you!” The servers are overwhelmed with requests, the game crashes and stops. Naturally, the publisher will take the heat for this, and it’s well-deserved: if Ubisoft continues to fail to protect its customers from hackers, such protection will be worthless. The publisher's reputation is already at serious risk.

Basic Concepts

Guards! Guards!

The relationship between secret killers and guards has always been difficult. That’s why let’s immediately try to find out what our Ezio Auditore can expect from the guards and how to avoid it.

So, let’s imagine an ordinary situation: the city guard catches our hero doing a compromising activity (for example, stabbing anyone with a knife) or sees a character who is very similar in description to the orientation received. What happens?

First, the guards will develop and begin to grow suspicious. The player will see this intense mental process as arrows above their heads filling with yellow. At the same time, the guards will begin to express their suspicions out loud, or even call out to Ezio.

Remember that when a guard is thinking about such matters, it is contraindicated to run, jump and break the law, otherwise suspicions will quickly turn into confidence. The hero should, on the contrary, walk away at a leisurely or fast pace, blend in with the crowd, or otherwise disappear from view before he gets into trouble.

On a note: if, for example, the situation is unambiguous - for example, a guard sees Ezio running away from or fighting with other guards, then the suspicion phase is skipped.

If the arrow above the guards' heads turns completely yellow, they go to investigate, loudly calling out to the intruder and drawing their weapons. In this case, it usually makes sense not to pretend to be a rag, but to urgently run and hide, because the arrow above the heads of the guards will begin to fill in red. As soon as it turns completely red, the guards will rush to attack. Here the hero has to either accept the fight or try to escape.

In general, guards, if not provoked, are peaceful people. If they have not received an orientation on Ezio, he can sprint literally in front of their noses and quickly walk through a group of patrolmen, casually pushing them apart with his shoulder. You never know, the person is in a hurry. But if he accidentally drops some matron while running, the guards’ fists will itch.

However, you should not sit like an eagle on some beam in front of the guards, climb a wall, or generally be above ground level. They don't like it. They will call out to the impudent person a couple of times, and then they will take out stones and begin to accurately shoot down the “crow” that refuses to land on its own.

It’s good that the guards can’t see very well what’s going on above the second floor. They simply won’t notice Ezio standing on the edge of the roof. And it’s none of their business. Guarding roofs is the prerogative of archers.

Archers are the worst thing for the newly minted Carlsons. They don't like it when someone else is walking on the roof, and they move from the calling stage to the shooting stage very quickly. This is what they suffer from, since it is easier for a killer to poke an archer with a knife than to walk around him on the rooftops.

However, as soon as you jump from a roof, hang on the edge, or even hide behind a pipe, archers often lose interest in the intruder.

In addition to archers and guards patrolling the streets, there are also those who block the streets, guard valuables or entrances to apartments where money is kept. They do not like to be approached close to them and carefully guard their personal area. They will emphatically push away the impudent person. If you try to pass through a “checkpoint” or enter a protected area, they will immediately enter into battle.

What should Ezio do if the guards are chasing him?

You can interrupt everyone and leave whistling. However, this is a long and unhealthy process. To break away from the guards, you need to disappear from their sight for a few seconds. At the same time, a yellow circle appears on the mini-map, marking the search area. Get out of it and the chase will stop.

A fail-safe option: play Chapaev. Our hero now swims perfectly, and the guards never go into the water. Sail away - and the job is done.

There are other ways to hide: for example, diving into a pile of straw, hay or leaves. In this case, it is necessary for the guards to lag behind at least a little. If you climb into the fragrant hay in front of their eyes, they will not appreciate this strange act.

Wells and canvas shelters on the roofs of houses are also suitable for games of hide and seek. All shelters glow in the "eagle's eye" mode.

Be careful, the criminal is armed

If Ezio does dirty tricks, sooner or later he will become a well-known figure in the city. It's bad for the killer. The degree of fame increases with unseemly actions, painting the indicator red. If the indicator is filled to the end, our hero is wanted: armed, dangerous and known to every guard. Firefighters are looking for him, the police are looking for him... in general, an awkward situation.

Fortunately, there are three ways to return to anonymity - one is easier than the other, and the third is completely difficult. Three types of indicators appear on the map and minimap as soon as the hero's fame begins to increase.

  • 75% fame removes the murder of an official involved in our case. The problem is that the official is actively resisting, running away, calling the guards... However, if he was caught, why not?
  • 50% fame removes the herald's bribery. Approach him, hand over 500 florins (huge money, by the way), and lo and behold, he has just denounced a serial killer, and then he quickly moves on to foreign policy problems. And although there is no longer any need to catch the heralds, the disadvantage of the method is obvious: a toad.
  • 25% fame Ezio loses if he rips the "Wanted Dead or Alive" poster pinned to the wall with an arrow. This is the easiest way because there are a lot of posters around and it is not difficult to get to them.

This is interesting: Science is still finding it difficult to solve the mystery: why are posters often hung under the roofs of houses, on balconies - where they cannot be seen from the ground?

In some story points and dungeons, Ezio's fame automatically becomes one hundred percent, and nothing can be done with it until the mission is completed.

Eaglets learn to look

“Eagle Eye” is an amazing skill inherited by Ezio Auditore from Altair. With its help, you can easily find a victim among passers-by, detect disguised guards, assess the balance of forces at a glance, see possible shelters, and during a pursuit, even “smell” the trail of a fleeing enemy.

But besides this, Ezio also uses his “eagle gaze” to discover twenty symbols embedded in the memory of the “Animus” by the mysterious “Subject 16”. IN normal mode They are also visible, but they are difficult to notice. The fact that there is such a symbol in the area and is worth looking for on the walls of houses will be indicated by the icon of an eye next to the name of the area in which Ezio finds himself.

Each symbol gives a small voice recording, several simple puzzles that add atmosphere to the game, and as a reward - a fragment of a “memory” video that reveals the secret of the original events that gave rise to the legend of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

“Coffee, coffee... What coffee?”

It is not difficult to put Ezio's financial affairs in order. Firstly, florins are given to him in large quantities for completed missions. Secondly, very quickly the Auditore estate begins to generate such income that there is no point in not only robberies, but even in pursuing the thieves who cut off the killer’s wallet.

But let’s take it in order and for the sake of order, let’s clarify in what ways Ezio gets money:

  • Marauding, collecting finances from fallen enemies. As has already been said, there is no need to engage in such dirty deeds, and the guards will not turn a blind eye to looting.
  • Pickpocketing. Wandering through the crowd, pushing them aside and cutting off wallets at the same time, is funny at first. The rich discover the loss quickly, the poor a little more slowly. But there is absolutely no income from this activity, and the fame of the “Baghdad thief” grows in direct proportion to the number of thefts. In general, rummaging through pockets for small change is unworthy of our hero.
  • Stealing from chests. The chests stand either unattended on balconies or guarded by one or more guards. It seems like it’s not too lazy to rummage through them, but in the second half of the game, the profit from tourism at Villa Auditore will be tens of times greater than the possible profit from robbery. However, if you already bought a treasure map in a store and the chests “appeared” on the map, you can clear them of valuables.
  • Earnings from completed tasks. Both story missions and all side missions count. The profit from them is very good, especially since we don’t have much of a choice if we beat the game anyway.
  • Robbery of thieves and couriers. Borgia couriers are easy to recognize. They rush down the street towards Ezio, recognize him, shout in horror in Italian something like “Your madre!” and, after cartoonishly slipping their feet, they take to their heels. If you catch up with them and knock them, they will share money, and a lot of it. We do not recommend killing - your fame will increase greatly. It’s about the same with thieves, only they also try to push Ezio while running, easing his finances. It's even easier to catch up with a thief than a courier. Having been hit in the neck and not having accomplished the feat, the thief will give up the wallet and all the florins that he has with him.

For your information: sometimes the guards rush after the thieves fleeing from Ezio. They don't mind if our hero runs next to them, but aggression towards the thief will switch the guard's attention to Ezio. And if, in the confusion, you inadvertently slap the guard himself...

In a chase with elements of urban obstacles, you must be careful when jumping from roof to roof. If, for example, you jumped onto a ledge, and at that moment the person being pursued is climbing up it, then Ezio will not be able to stay on the edge and will simply fall like a sack onto the pavement.

It is important: If it’s easy to deal with thieves with your fist, then in a couple of places in the plot it will be impossible to do without the ability to knock a character down with a jump.

  • The easiest way to earn money is investing in the Monteriggioni estate. The profit will flow very quickly - Ezio will only have to regularly visit the estate and take money from the chest before it overflows. I advise you to immediately invest money in infrastructure - the value of the estate will increase, and tourists will start leaving more money. And the chest will become deeper.

How will we spend the money? Let's get a look.

  • Doctors for a fee they will heal us if Ezio’s health was damaged in battle or due to an unfortunate fall. They will also supply you with potions - very effective - and poisons for blades.
  • Blacksmiths They will sell new weapons and armor (the range grows as the story progresses). They will also help you reload your secret pistol and replenish your supplies of smoke bombs and throwing knives.
  • Tailors they will sell additional “pockets” for knives and potions, and also repaint the suit if Ezio suddenly wants to change his image.
  • Gallery owners will sell excellent paintings by Renaissance masters. Investing in paintings will increase the value of the estate and the profit from it. You can admire these paintings on the second floor of your “palazzo”.
  • Heralds for five hundred florins they will kindly convince the people that Ezio is a nice fellow and should not be wanted for murder.
  • Tickets stations fast travel will instantly deliver our hero to desired city at reasonable rates.
  • For one hundred and fifty coins you can buy courtesan services. They will flirt for us with whoever we point our finger at. Groups will agree to help us for the same amount thieves And mercenary warriors.
  • Finally, florins of ten pieces can be throw in the streets, delighting the simpletons and slowing down the pursuit (the beret-clad guards, by the way, are not averse to picking up a couple of coins themselves). By throwing florins you can get rid of the bard's unnecessary attention. You can hide in the crowd that has gathered for the ringing of coins. If Ezio wants something strange, then with coins scattered on the ground he can “buy” himself a broom from a passing janitor, so that he can use it to fight off the guards.

Our hero's main expense item is new weapons and armor. But if you immediately start putting the estate in order, then from the middle of the game the hundreds of thousands of florins that have accumulated will simply have nowhere to go - even if you shout “Enough!”

"The eagles are flying!"

The map and mini-map in the game are made so that they are easy to read at a glance. You won’t have to think long about the meaning of the pictograms, and as a last resort, the developers have prepared a detailed explanation of each.

Not all icons appear on the mini-map (there are too many of them), but only the most important ones. Story mission icons are always visible. If Ezio is near the starting points side quests, they will appear too. If his anonymity is violated, pictograms of leaflets “The guards are looking for them” are immediately discovered. A transition to another area is usually visible at the edges of the map, and arrows indicate fast travel stations.

However, the card does not open immediately. Initially, it is masked by the “fog of war”, which can be dispersed for each individual area. You need to climb to the very top of the high tower (marked on the mini-map), shoo the eagle from its perch (Shoo! Shoo!), sit there yourself and perform “synchronization” - that is, examine the surroundings.

It’s not necessary to do this everywhere, but synchronization opens up new opportunities on the map, and this activity is something you can’t beat when you’re down, fortunately Ezio knows how to climb towers. And the view from the towers is also beautiful. It is very easy to descend from these “key points” back to the sinful earth. Jump - and we are already below. Under each synchronization point, someone kindly placed a cart with a pile of hay. Don't try this at home.

For your information: if Ezio jumps not onto soft hay, but onto hard pavement, then up to a certain height the blow, which could remove part of his health, can be mitigated by pressing the “Forward” key and thereby forcing the hero to roll.

The poles on the towers are not the only places from which you can safely and beautifully jump into the hay. Pigeons will help us find places convenient for jumping! For some reason, these cunning birds settle in precisely such places and leave heaps of droppings there. Although who knows - maybe it’s the townspeople who deliberately place carts with hay in the places where killers who slipped on manure most often fly onto the pavement...

Besides saving time, leaps of faith have two other uses. Firstly, they allow you to correctly encrypt yourself from being chased. Secondly, with their help you can penetrate into forbidden territory in order to get closer to the victim. The guards on duty below do not notice the assassin who has collapsed into the hay. Who knows what's falling from the sky? Move on, there's nothing to see here! Six o'clock and everything is calm!


An assassin went from point A to point B

Movement in the game is both simple and complex. It's very easy to learn how to move Ezio's carcass from place to place tolerably. But there are plenty of cunning tricks and non-obvious rules.


Table 1
Movement Combination
Run +
Sprint/free running + +
Bounce +
Roll on landing
Pushing the crowd +
Interception + +
Interaction with NPCs
Interaction with objects

We will move at a pace only when it is necessary to attract attention to ourselves as little as possible. There are two types of steps in the game: normal and accelerated. The first one is good for camouflage in a crowd, the second one is good for surveillance or escort missions.

If, while walking wide, he also uses his left hand, Ezio will begin to carefully push away the crowd. Usually no one is indignant, not even the guards. But working with your hand still does not relieve you from the need to maneuver.


Running in itself is not punishable. If the guards weren't looking for Ezio, they wouldn't even care if he jumped around them. The problem is that while running it is very easy to run into passers-by or the same guards, and for this you won’t get a pat on the head.

However, by quickly maneuvering with the mouse, Ezio will easily avoid crowds of people even while running. And this is good, because the “push” technique is not a panacea - the hero will still stumble, or even fall to the ground.

Sprinting is even more dangerous in this sense. The good news is that sprinting is ideal for running away from someone or catching up with someone. Our hero cannot get tired or out of breath, so even during normal movements from place to place there is no reason not to use sprint. The main thing is not to collide with people.

And here it’s worth saying a few affectionate things about the movers and bards.

Loaders walk the streets with large boxes in their hands. If they drop this box (and they drop it under any outside influence), they begin to be loudly indignant, run after Ezio and attract unnecessary attention. But this is not the worst thing. What's worse is that the movers don't look where they're going - they usually turn their heads somewhere to the side and count the crows. But despite all this, they suspiciously often set a course for a collision with Ezio, calculating the lead no worse than torpedo computers.

You can’t strangle the loaders, but you have to do something with them! Fortunately, their weakness is precisely their targeting accuracy. If you are running down the street and a loader is looming ahead, assume that he is headed for a collision and change your trajectory to ensure you miss him. Still, loaders do not have homing properties. Unlike bards.

Bards are evil incarnate. Alone or in groups, they love to jump out in front of Ezio and beg for thalers, singing silly doggerels to the accompaniment of their lutes. If the assassin runs, he will easily go around the bards and leave them behind, and if he collides, he will at least knock the lute out of their hands and scare them.

But these bad people love to pop up in plot points when Ezio must follow someone unnoticed. You won't be able to get around the bard - he will jump forward again and block the path. It is easy to neutralize the scoundrel by throwing money on the ground in front of him. But where is the moral satisfaction? Take out your weapon and the singer will get the hint. Or hit him, and the bard will also disappear, although he will begin to lament pitifully.

Another way to get the bard to fall behind is to "ground" him against the wall so that he can't jump out in front of you. For some reason they don’t think of jumping out from the other side.


Falling into the water is the easiest way to shake the pursuit off your tail. However, not the most convenient way to travel in general. However, from time to time, plot and need will drive Ezio into the canals of Venice.

If a guard notices you from the shore, you can dive and swim to the side underwater.

Overcoming obstacles

table 2
Overcoming obstacles
Movement Combination
Climb/free run + +
Walking along the wall
Go down
Catch the fall
Jump off the wall +
Jump to the side / from the wall to the side + +
Climb with a jump + + ,

There is nothing easier than driving Ezio onto the roof. Click “Forward” + “High Profile” + “Legs” - and alga! Select by eye the trajectory along which you will chase the hero, and direct him with the mouse where you want. You will simply be surprised at how easily the assassin flutters between balconies, logs, ledges, boxes, cornices and chimneys.

He runs across rooftops just as easily - although, if you look closely, you can notice some paranoia about cliffs. It is very difficult for Ezio to jump down from them if there is no roof. But this is even convenient - the hero won’t just ask again: “Bwana, do you really want me to jump into this huge scary abyss?”

When Ezio climbs along the wall, clinging to protruding bricks and all sorts of other irregularities, it is recommended not to touch the “Feet” key unnecessarily, so that the hero does not inadvertently try to jump into the abyss by pushing off from the wall. This happened. Anyway, hopeless situations no: you can drive our assassin onto any tower - except that you have to look for a suitable path of uneven ground.

Sometimes you need to jump with a push from the wall - for example, if the path up leads between two walls. To do this, hold down “Profile” + “Legs” and do not additionally direct the hero in any way. It happens that you need to jump from a wall to a beam on the left or right. Then you will have to direct it by pressing the desired pointer key.

To make the hero hang on the edge of the roof in his hands, press “Left hand” (unarmed). Ezio climbs down from the edge of the roof and hangs. One more press and he releases the curtain rod. If you fly far, we quickly grab the ledge located below with the same “hand”. This way you can descend from a height very quickly. Trying to grab a ledge with your Left Hand always makes sense if Ezio has been knocked down from a height by a stone or arrow. The same rules apply to beams: climb - “Up”, go down and hang - “Left hand”, jump - “High profile” + “Leg”.

In Venice, the hero will learn the “jump climbing” technique. The new method looks sophisticated, but in reality it is simple: Ezio, hanging on an uneven wall or cornice, makes a regular jump, but upwards (“Up” + “Profile” + “Legs”). This way he can climb onto a ledge higher than usual. True, in order for him to grab it while jumping, he must release all the keys and quickly press “Left Hand”. If you don't have time, nothing bad will happen. You can try again.

For your information: if Ezio is climbing the stairs, escaping from being chased, sometimes it makes sense to kick the one who is climbing after him, so that it would be discouraging to chase after a good person.

If I had a horse...

There is nothing easier than stealing a horse. Outside the gates of each city and estate, they are placed to choose from - of any color and configuration. I sat down and drove off. Controlling a horse is exactly the same as controlling a character: if the peasants don’t get under your feet, there’s no point in not going into a gallop. You can steer using both the keyboard and the mouse.

The best part is that the guards don’t care about the thief. Where does he go from the submarine? If he wants to enter the city, Volens-Nolens will leave his horse outside the gate. If you jump off while moving, Ezio will comically slide down the crouched horse's croup and land near the tail.

The horses jump over small obstacles and fences, but the clearly rough terrain puzzles them. You can fight on horseback, but the game only offers this once at the very end. However, if you position your horse correctly or approach it from the right direction, it can kick your enemies. If the new owner has problems, the horse itself will take a couple of steps towards him so that he can quickly jump on it and give it a go.

And if you really really want to show off your style, you can jump from a height straight into the saddle.

Theoretically, on a horse you can get from any place to any place relatively quickly, as long as not within the city walls - the horse flatly refuses to go there. In practice, it is more convenient to buy tickets at fast travel stations. They can deliver to the city center and other areas if desired.

"I'll kill you boatman!"

If you haven’t felt like a gondolier for a long time and want to bring back forgotten sensations, the entire Venice boat fleet is at your service. Standing behind the pole, Ezio can quickly and safely take a shortcut through the canals. But the controls are very inconvenient and resemble a bicycle from GTA: San Andreas- to move forward, you need to move your pole quickly.

If you wish, you can steal a boat from another gondolier; fortunately, on the water, the guards are not able to do anything to you.


I'm a cloud-cloud-cloud

Disguise is an important part of an assassin's life. Eat different ways to make sure that Ezio is not noticed, and other townspeople play a very prominent role in this matter.

Take passers-by, for example. If the hero carefully “fits in” with a walking group of three or more people, he will be invisible to the guards. You can determine the moment of “invisibility” by Ezio’s loss of color and by the sparkles under his feet. If you stand with or walk with the group, the guards will hardly see Ezio at point-blank range. The same state of “invisibility” can be achieved by sitting on a bench next to other tired travelers.

But what to do if you need to get closer to the victim, and passers-by are walking in the other direction? You can move carefully from group to group. We have a few seconds to do this before the guards notice the hero. But if Ezio hesitates, the guards' suspicions will quickly grow.

In battle, in front of your enemies, trying to blend in with the crowd is useless. After a secret murder, Ezio will also not be able to immediately “fit in” with the group, since passers-by will panic and run away at the sight of the corpse.

Advice: benches do not always provide the most convenient angles for examining the surroundings, so it is sometimes worth turning on the “situational camera” and first-person view.

Courtesans - better than a friend assassin. And although in the story Ezio will have both the opportunity and the desire to evaluate their professional qualities, in this game they are used a little differently than in GTA. A group of courtesans, hired for fifteen hundred florins, surround Ezio, giving him a mobile “cocoon of stealth.” Even if a guard starts to be interested in the documents, a girl from the group will quickly distract him. Sometimes they lag behind flirting with the guards for no reason, but usually they quickly catch up with the group. They can be ordered to stand still or follow the hero - depending on the situation.

However, most often you will use hired courtesans as a distraction. For example, there are sentries standing there, guarding the scroll of Altair's codex, and are bored. We need to cheer them up! And then an assassin taxis around the corner, points his hand at the law enforcement officers, and a group of courtesans launches a flirtatious attack on the poor sentries. The guards step aside for a pleasant conversation with the giggling ladies, and for about half a minute the passage to the scroll or along the street is free. The technique always works, except for the rarest plot cases. After a conversation with the guards, the courtesans consider their task completed and disperse.

group thieves you can also hire for the same one and a half hundred coins.

For your information: you cannot gather half the city into your retinue: only one team of mercenaries can accompany Ezio. They hired others and released these.

Thieves will not be able to make the hero invisible. But they perfectly accompany him across the rooftops and distract the attention of any archer who is stunned by the sudden crowdedness in the territory under his control. Even if the thieves are a little behind, don’t be afraid - they will quickly catch up with the hero. They can also be ordered to stop. Roofs are their home, it’s not for nothing that they often laze there.

This is interesting: and once I saw a group of thieves taunting an archer standing on the roof opposite. What is characteristic is that the arrows flying in and sticking into different parts of their body did not spoil the fun at all. We should make nails out of these people!

Thieves remove sentries no less effectively than courtesans - except that it is less pleasant for the guards themselves. They jump on unsuspecting guards, pretend that they want to steal, and immediately run away, luring them with them. The path through the guarded street or to the treasures is free! The guard can chase after thieves for a very long time. And of course, having executed the command “Fast!”, the thieves go about their business.

Mercenaries They don’t run on rooftops. They stand on the streets, demonstratively waving axes and waiting for someone to hire them. In general, they are also suitable for distracting the guards. After all, if you're being poked with sharp objects, it's hard to remain indifferent. But they can also be used in battle to bind the enemy. It's sad to fight alone, but it's more fun to fight with a team. In addition, hitting in the back is both more pleasant and safer.

“What about the test?”

Money, rubbish, disguise, horses - all this is decay and vanity. An assassin lives for secret murders and achieves self-realization in them. And here the hero’s opportunities open up simply enormous.

Most often, a hidden blade (later a pair of blades) is used to kill. Here an assassin walks in the crowd, passes by the victim, and after some moment she falls, passers-by do not understand anything, and Ezio is already moving away to blend into the crowd a little further away. The main thing is to use the aim key in the process, otherwise you might inadvertently kill a peaceful citizen. Developers don’t like useless cruelty and can even punish you with forced “desynchronization” and loading from the previous checkpoint.

If you don’t just press the “Right Hand” key at the right moment, but together with the “High Profile”, Ezio will commit the murder effectively, reliably, but in front of everyone. Not our method, but it can be done this way.

Sometimes it happens that there is no crowd around, but the guard you are about to kill is already worried. If you close the distance very quickly and strike, he may not have time to switch to combat mode. This can and should be used at the beginning of the battle to reduce the number of enemies. So, archers on rooftops often stand and stare at the cityscape, giving them the opportunity to sneak up on them from behind. But if you run up to them, although they will hear Ezio, they will hardly have time to react.

Killing from the air is very reliable and convenient. If Ezio is a level higher than the victim, he can kill him with a jump on the scruff of the neck. When he has two blades, it will be possible to get rid of two guards at once if they are next to each other.

A murder from behind the edge of a wall would honor any secret agent. Just imagine, an archer is standing at the edge of the wall, smoking - and an assassin is hiding right under him. A quick blow with a blade, a grab for clothing - and the archer disappears into the darkness. Others don't notice unless they're standing nearby. You can, however, by pressing “High Profile” in the process of killing, jump out onto the wall.

If nothing in the crowd prevented Ezio from reaching his target, then a bench would not hurt either. We sit on it for the time being, wait for the victim to pass by, and then - chik! - and she is already in heaven.

If you want to pretend to be a Little Dead Girl, you can hide in a well, strike from there and throw the victim down.

Heaps of hay also provide very rich opportunities. Not only can they strike a victim passing by, but they can also immediately hide a body.

Finally, aesthetes can try to stab the victim with the help of his own bodyguard. Carefully poke him with a poisonous blade, and when he loses his mind and starts swinging his sword left and right, the one he was guarding may also get hit.


Often the game presents situations where the main character cannot escape from the guards, but on the contrary, must fight his way somewhere or protect someone. There is nothing to be done here - you have to stack the guards or enemy fighters in stacks.

And since enemies sometimes prefer very different techniques, let's start the conversation with their types.


We will be introduced to this specific type of guard from the very beginning of the game. It differs from the usual one in agility, speed and agility. Only tricksters are able to catch up with Ezio, who is sprinting, and hit him in the back in order to knock him down. While other guards stand below and throw stones, the dodgers easily jump along the beams and roofs.

How to protect yourself from them? You can run quickly over rough terrain and hope that even the agile one will fall behind. You can wait until he breaks away from the main group, quickly turn around, finish with him - and calmly run on. Even a short exchange of blows will leave the trickster tired and out of breath - he will need several seconds to regain his strength.

Finally, since the trickster is running on the rooftops, why not push him off the edge? Even if he does not fall very high, you will gain time.

In battle, dodgers are not very strong - they don’t have much armor, and increased evasiveness will not protect them much. In addition, they are somewhat more cowardly than other types of guards. One way or another, they pose few problems in a fight.

The same cannot be said about strongmen.


Huge, clumsy, clad in armor from head to toe, the strongmen are visible from afar. It is almost impossible to put them to flight, and with their presence they encourage other guards. The strongman is not able to give chase, but in battle he is the most dangerous of all, since he usually carries a two-handed weapon and loves crushing blows, which are very difficult to counter.

They do not get tired in battle, and fighting against them with small swords is useless. Only a two-hander can be effective against a two-hander. The only exception is a pair of hidden blades.

It can take a long time to pick a strongman, but there are ways to make your life easier. For example, try to go behind people's backs. Or jump up onto a hill where he cannot reach, and from there jump onto the guard with blades drawn.

Another good technique against a strongman is disarming. The situation on the battlefield changes dramatically when he loses his two-handed weapon, and Ezio acquires this weapon.


Seekers will appear towards the end of the game and can be identified by their spears or halberds. They were nicknamed so for their ability to look into suspicious haystacks or wells where Ezio might be hiding. If the hero is being pursued by a group of guards led by a seeker, it will be more difficult to take cover. However, the searchers ignore the benches.

In battle, they are dangerous because they can knock Ezio down with a sweeping blow from a spear. Getting close to them can also be difficult, but they are perfectly amenable to disarming. And if Ezio is armed with a two-handed sword, he can try to break the enemy’s spear with a crushing blow.

Weapons and equipment

It won't be long before Ezio receives his impressive arsenal of cold, chemical and firearms. You will have to start small - namely, with fist fights.


Ezio will use his fists when he has nothing else at hand, or when the assignment requires him to beat the enemy, but leave him alive. In this case, however, even fists will not always save you - they can quite easily kill you. Therefore, in those cases when you need to detain someone running away, but not accidentally kill him, you will have to get smart and use the “knock him down” technique instead of fists.

Starting a fist fight is also good way capture enemy weapons. In addition, only without a weapon in his hands will Ezio be able to pour sand and debris into the enemy's eyes.

Advice: At the first opportunity, buy metal heels for your fists at the blacksmith shop. The damage will increase, but the pocket will not be pulled back.

Hidden Blades

Knives and daggers. Ezio can only carry one small bladed weapon.

They are not very useful in battle. Of course, daggers are fast, but their length is not enough for full-fledged fencing - it is better to use hidden blades.

Medium melee weapon

This is how you can answer all the claims of strongmen. True, first you will have to take this weapon away from them, since an assassin cannot carry a two-handed weapon with him.

The low speed will prevent you from quickly parrying blows, but the damage compensates for this. In addition, two-handed weapons have a special blow - crushing. Enemies cannot parry it. Moreover, if the enemy tries to parry with a spear or halberd, the shaft may break.

For your information: You can continue the fight with a piece of the weapon. But it doesn't always make sense.

To use a crushing blow, you need to hold down the “Right Hand” key and then release it. The force of the blow depends on how long the “swing” is sustained. The only bad thing is that at this moment the character is vulnerable and any blow from the side can “thwart” the use of a special skill.

For your information: special skills are learned for money at the training ground of the Monteriggioni estate. There you can also study different archetypes of enemies in battle and practice combat techniques.

Polearm weapon

Spears and halberds are another type of weapon that allows you to fight on equal terms with those who swing them. Ezio also cannot carry a spear, so he will have to obtain a polearm in battle.

This type of weapon also has its own special technique - a sweeping blow that knocks enemies down. It also “charges” and can also be interrupted by a blow.

For your information: If an enemy is knocked down and lying on the ground, he can be killed with one hit. The same can be done with an enemy who is engaged in combat and has turned his back to Ezio. That is why it is very useful to take mercenaries with you “to work.”

Throwing knives

I wouldn't say they're great for fighting. Their usual use is to eat sentries, most often archers on roofs. For ordinary soldiers, one knife is required, for those who have been devoured - two. It is only important to throw the knife not anyhow, but by first pressing the “Aim” key. In addition, knives tend to run out. In general, this weapon is situational, although for those who like to throw, there is also a special skill for knives - throwing several pieces at once with a fan.

This skill is used according to the same rules as a crushing blow. We hold down the key, then release it. We make sure that at the moment of “charging” no one pokes us with a sword.

The supply of knives is replenished at the blacksmiths. Tailors may sell extra pockets for storing knives.

Poison Blade

This weapon can be described as “not sewing on a mare’s tail.” It's funny to see how the enemy, stabbed on the sly, first sways, then begins to swing his sword in a daze, and then falls. But in battle it’s not easy to come up with a use for poison, and in the everyday life of an assassin, too. If the enemy lets you get close enough to inject him with poison, why not poke him with a regular hidden blade? Unless we want to cause chaos and confusion in the area.

This is interesting: which is typical, the body of a character who has died from poison does not bother passers-by as much as the body of someone killed with a bladed weapon.

The poison is replenished at the doctors. Tailors can sell extra poison pockets.

Smoke bombs

In combat, smoke bombs, in general, can also be used: throw them at your feet and, going around the enemy from behind, poke him with a knife. But one subtle point gets in the way: once caught in the clouds of smoke, Ezio himself experiences considerable discomfort and almost loses his combat effectiveness.

Smoke bombs are purchased from blacksmiths.


The six-shooter hidden on the forearm is a magnificent weapon, if only a little anachronistic. However, you should not assume that it can be used to conduct firefights with guards. The scope of its application is greatly limited by the short range of destruction (twenty meters) and the need to aim for several seconds before each shot.

We can say that a pistol is a weapon for the lazy. Only it gives the assassin the opportunity to eliminate the victim without any special tricks from a distance that allows him to avoid unnecessary attention from bodyguards. You can also use a pistol to remove a guard who is in a visible place without giving yourself away.

The guards are not familiar with such weapons, so before the first shot they will not worry about seeing how Ezio takes aim. True, if she is already looking for him, she will become interested - not in the pistol, but in the hero himself. However, it is possible to use a pistol to weaken an enemy unit before a battle.

You can also use a pistol to scare someone - some frail, timid, lonely guard. To do this, you need to aim, but not shoot. True, it is difficult to say why this may be needed.

In a hot battle, you can shoot at the enemy point-blank, but don’t expect much effect. But no one will let you aim anyway.

You can only reload a pistol at blacksmiths.


It makes sense to buy improved four-piece armor (bracers, shoulders, breastplate, leggings) as soon as it appears on sale from blacksmiths. Like the scrolls Leonardo solved, armor increases the character’s health. From time to time, the armor has to be repaired by blacksmiths - if this is not done, it will “break” and will not provide the necessary increase in health.

The exception is the Altair armor, which Ezio will receive for visiting six dungeons. It does not deteriorate in battle and is also better than any other armor in the game.


Ezio's capes are very unique equipment. At first at the disposal of the hero standard cape, which does not have any beneficial effects. But by completing story missions and collecting collectible feathers, our hero will eventually acquire three more.

Medici Cape Lorenzo de Medici will be given to us for special merits. Put it on and you can do any outrages in Florence and the surrounding area. The guards, of course, will try to kill you on occasion, but the hero’s fame will not grow - he will remain incognito.

Venetian cape, which we will receive closer to the finale, acts in a similar way, but “works” only in the Venice area.

Auditore's Cape(it’s the hardest thing to get - you need to collect all one hundred collectible feathers, which are here instead of flags from original game) acts in a very unusual way. If Ezio puts it on, then his fame immediately becomes one hundred percent and the guards chase him everywhere. But as soon as he throws off this cape, his fame disappears.

Fighting techniques

Table 3
Fighting techniques
Reception Combination
Block +
Special Attack (hold)
Start / end of battle TARGET
Combination ,
Dodge +
Running across +
Counterstrike +,
Disarm +
Pick up a weapon

The combat in the game looks something like this: enemies surround Ezio as best they can and attack him one at a time. He rushes from one enemy to another, beats them, covers himself with his own blade, delivers counterattacks and makes sure that he is not hit from behind. From time to time he manages to break through the defense of some weak enemy, and the camera shows a spectacular fatality. If the guard is too dexterous and strong, he has to lose his health gradually.

Now - a detailed story about each combat technique.

Entering and exiting combat

The "Aim" key, which focuses Ezio's attention on one specific enemy, is exclusively a console feature. In the general case, you don’t have to use it, but cut down everyone in a row - whomever God sends. But sometimes you can’t do without it - when shooting a pistol, when throwing a knife... And also when trying to escape.

So that Ezio does not jump between enemies, but tries to leave the battlefield, you need to remove the sight by pressing the same key and quickly run away.


If you grab an enemy, you can do a lot of interesting things with him: knock him with your foot, hand or head, throw him towards other enemies, knocking them down, or even throw him onto some counter, which will collapse and is guaranteed to kill him. Finally, he can be thrown off the roof.

Advice: Try not to fight while near the edge of a roof or balcony. If you have to fight, always try to keep the enemy between you and the edge.

You can only grab an enemy when Ezio has his hands free. And you shouldn’t expect that the hero will be able to reliably grab anyone - this doesn’t work against strong and agile enemies.

For your information: The easiest way to determine the strength of an enemy is by looking at his headdress. The weakest wear berets, the strong wear helmets, and the elite guards wear helmets with all sorts of bells and whistles.


With a fist, a blade or a broom - a blow, it is a blow. Pressed the “Right Hand” button and tried to reach the enemy. As they say, there is a time to pat heads and there is a time to hit them.


If Ezio hits the enemy evenly, delivering the next blow at the same moment as the previous one, he can thereby perform a sequence of blows - a combination. Effect: The enemy bends and retreats. Even if he parries all the blows, his health still drops.


If you press not just the “Right Hand” key, but in addition to it “High Profile”, Ezio will not hit, but will stand in the block, trying to reflect the enemy’s blows. It is important to know that to do this you need to be facing the enemy, and not your back, so if some emboldened guard swings from behind, turn around to him. This can be done instantly.

Block is a very important technique in the game. It not only protects Ezio's health, but also allows him to counterattack.


Immediately after parrying an enemy blow, respond with your own. This is a counterattack, the best combat technique in the game. With its help, you can break through the enemy’s defense and instantly kill him without wasting time on “cutting down” his health. Make it a habit to counterattack at every opportunity. This is terribly useful. Wherever the blow comes from, block and immediately counterattack.

A counterattack will work as an opportunity to instantly finish off the guard - it depends on his strength and skills. That is why in battle it makes sense to attack the weakest guards first - they are easier to deal with. And to kill strong opponent, you can first try to “cut off” some of his health.

If the enemy is in no hurry to strike, there are techniques for this case too.


"Tanking" technique - Ezio loudly taunts the enemy, challenging him to fight. In this way, you can unsettle the guard, force him to leave the block and try to attack. And that’s all we need for counterattacks.

Sand Throw

An interesting skill that allows you to slightly disorient the enemy and reduce his defensive abilities. We picked up dust from the ground, threw it in the guard's face - and walked around him from the side while he rubbed his eyes.

This technique can only be used when Ezio's hands are free. We hold down the “Right Hand” and release it at the right moment.


Another technique that can be used when Ezio has nothing in his hands. It makes it very convenient to snatch weapons from heavily armored guards.

To do this, wait for the enemy to strike, and at the same moment strike yourself (“Right Hand”). If you did everything correctly, there is a chance to get hold of - albeit temporarily - an excellent weapon.


A good way to protect against heavy weapons. When an enemy swings, it often makes sense to press the Legs key while in High Profile. Ezio jumps back from the blow. If you also hold down the Right Hand key, Ezio will dodge blows. You can correct the hero's position using the index keys.

Now you know everything you need to live, work and fight in Renaissance Italy. Next stop - playing through the game's story!


The story missions of Assassin's Creed 2, in general, are not very difficult. Only in the second half of the game do battles begin to play a big role, they are long and sometimes somewhat tedious. So try not to get involved in battle where it can be avoided - swing your blades even more you'll have time.

However, there are a couple of problems with the plot. Firstly, with chapters 12 and 13 the developers slightly changed their sense of proportion - as a result, at the very end of the game the plot sags greatly, and game process slides into boredom. The reason for this is trivial: these two chapters were not originally included in the console version of Assassin's Creed 2, they were added later, and apparently someone did not keep track of them during development.

The second problem, which was already mentioned in the review, is several strangely unbalanced tasks and gameplay moments that are so difficult (and suddenly difficult) that they can seriously spoil the impression of the game. We will dwell on them in more detail in our walkthrough and tell you how to overcome them with “little loss.”

Let's get started!

The escape

Desmond Miles sat in his cell, looked at the otherworldly inscriptions on the walls, and did not touch anyone. And then, out of nowhere, Lucy comes running and arranges for us to escape from Abstergo, capturing not only the hero, but also valuable data from the local Animus.

During our short dive into genetic memory, we will learn the concept of how different parts of the body operate. Baby Ezio will have to move his arms, legs and head on his father's orders. Only after this the birth of a new Auditor will be considered valid.

Back in 2012, follow Lucy, do what she says. Take a look, if you wish, at the surroundings with an eagle's eye. The only more or less serious fight will occur at the very end of the mission - in the garage. Although there are many guards, they all seem to be overwhelmed by themselves - it will be very easy to hit them with tinsel.

After a trip in the trunk to a secret hideout, you will meet the local cell of assassins - the nimble techie girl Rebecca and the irritable intellectual Sean. Look around your next house carefully and talk to Lucy and your new acquaintances - the next time you will see them very soon. The time has come to travel back six hundred years, to the Renaissance, to reveal the secret of the “Shards of Eden” and learn the craft from our ancestors.

1. Blissful ignorance

Boys are always boys. It's time to reacquaint yourself with gaming concepts, old and new. Follow the instructions on the screen and punch the young Pazzi. Then pick out their pockets. Money will be needed for treatment.

You should have seen the other guy. Follow your brother - he will lead you to the doctor. He will cure Ezio, but the scar on his lips from the thrown stone will remain with our hero for life.

Brothers' rivalry. And here are the first lessons in the skill of overcoming obstacles. If you don't make mistakes, it won't be difficult to overtake your brother on the way to the roof - not on the first, but on the second try.

On a note: for now, your enemy is not the guards, but groups of Vieri de Pazzi “militants” on the streets. Keep an eye on them using Eagle Eyes.

Nightcap. Jump into the hay, find the window to the lady's room and climb into it. When cordial communication with Christina Vespucci leads to trouble, run away from the guards across the rooftops.

Messenger. Regular mail task. Pazzi militants are on duty on the streets, so move along the rooftops.

Payback for treason. Ezio's battle sister seeks revenge. Her young man turned out to be such a rake. Grab the scoundrel by the chest and hit him in the face.

The Mystery of Petruchio. The younger brother Ezio demands to find three feathers on the roofs for some purpose known only to him. Time for the task is limited, so don't hesitate. The feathers are marked on the map and can be easily seen from afar.

Family friend. Here we will meet Leonardo da Vinci. There are no particular difficulties in carrying loads.

Special delivery. Another postal task in which it is recommended to cover distances on rooftops. If you want, practice quickly descending to ground level. If you jump, do not forget to roll so that your health does not suffer.

This is interesting: During many scenes with dialogues, the camera can be turned slightly, choosing an angle.

Prisoner. Almost all the men of the Ezio family went to prison, and the hero himself is also wanted. It is unreasonable to demand a meeting in general, so we will have to climb to the very top of the tallest tower of the Palazzo Vecchio. The approaches are guarded by archers. You have two options: either avoid them intensively, or eliminate them one by one. Before jumping to the ground, synchronize on the roof of the tower.

Inheritance. Eagle Eye will help Ezio find the secret door. Finally we have a more or less decent killer outfit! As you leave the room, get ready for battle. After repelling the first attack, climb onto the roofs and run along them to Uberto Alberti. Pay attention to the strange character behind him.

Last Hero. Listen to the thief and run away, avoiding collisions with the guards. Get away from them and hide somewhere until they stop looking for you.

2. Escape plans

Disguise. The courtesans and their mistress Paola will give Ezio a young fighter's course in hiding in a crowd. Take them where you need to go, make sure you understand the basic rules. You will need them very soon. Stealing, on the contrary, only harms us, so immediately forget the acquired skills and get rid of the habit of maneuvering in the crowd in “free running” mode.

Ace in the hole. Since Ezio is wanted, getting to Leonardo da Vinci's house will not be easy. Fortunately, the city crowds will help the hero hide. When Leonardo, a great joker, repairs the mechanism of the secret blade, kill the guard with your newfound weapon so that the genius does not get spied. Take the body to the workshop “to other bodies.”

Judge, jury, executioner. To get to the traitor Uberto Alberti, you will need to go through a guarded entrance, mingling with the crowd. If desired, you can hire a group of courtesans to accompany you. Approaching Uberto, quickly deliver a fatal blow and escape from the guards vertically up the boxes, and then away along the roofs.

To the bottom. Another training task. Ezio needs to get rid of his status as a wanted criminal and become “unknown” again. To do this, we have three ways, which we have already talked about in the guide.

Arrivederchi. It is not safe for the Auditore family to be in Florence, so Ezio must get his mother and sister out of the city. The main thing is don't get lost. To overcome the post at the city gates, use the services of courtesans.

3. Rest in peace

Help on the road. But here there is already a battle ahead. Fortunately, we won’t have to fight off the ambush alone - Mario came to our aid from the Auditore estate. The main thing is to distract everyone who decides to attack your mother and sister.

Home Sweet Home. Finally you can relax. Villa Auditore is a wonderful place, except for the gloomy second floor of the mansion. Mario will teach you how to use local shops.

Repetition is the mother of learning. Training task. Talk to Mario and he will teach you the basics of combat and then test you. You can repeat already covered materials as much as you like.

What's happening. A fast horse will whisk Ezio off to San Gimignano, into the Tuscan countryside. Find Mario and his squad. Your task is to penetrate the wall into the city and open the gate from the inside. Remove the archers and run to the gate, killing everyone who tries to stop you. Open the gate and join the battle. On Mario's orders, go through the city with fire and sword, destroying the guards you meet. When Vieri's men enter the battle, do not get carried away with the battle, but climb the tower where Vieri himself is hiding and finish him off.

New plans. Using the game menu, find and read the letter in the database. After this, find the pieces of the Codex marked on the map. Talk to Claudia - she is now an accountant and is always ready to show all the figures on the estate. The architect drawn in the room next to her is a living menu for purchasing improvements for Monteriggioni. There is only one rule: buy everything you have enough money for. The sooner the price of a villa rises, the more money will trickle into your chest.

When Mario shows Ezio Altair's suit, locked with six locks, Assassin shrines will begin to appear on the map. To get six keys and get the legendary armor, you will have to solve puzzles and fight. However, this is not necessary to complete the story.

4. The Pazzi Conspiracy

Practice what you preach. And again - a visit to Leonardo. He will decipher the pages with the Codex and reveal the second secret blade, and Ezio will learn to kill while jumping or from cover.

Fox hunting. And in this task you will be taught how to stop fugitives, and skipping the lesson is highly not recommended. The rule, in general, is one: when Ezio is very close to the person being pursued, press the “right hand” key, and, if you are lucky, the hero will jump and knock him down. Why you can’t just slap him in the face is unclear.

See you. It turns out that we were lured by the local king of thieves, the Fox. Run after him across the rooftops. When a marker appears on the map, follow it.

The Mystery of the Novella. The first Tomb of the Assassins is a must. Fortunately, there is nothing serious about it. You just need to overcome several obstacles, which Ezio already knows how to do, then collapse into the hay, kill one guard and run after the second, trying not to lag behind (however, this is not very important, since the guard will wait for you if something happens).

When you come across a locked door, use the beam above it to get to the opening mechanism. Do something about the guards who came out in response to the noise. There's another chase ahead. Move in a parallel course, avoiding barriers. Do something with the last group of guards again. All that remains is to clean out the chests and take the first key.

Wolf in sheep's clothing. And here is the historical assassination attempt on the Medici. We cannot prevent it, but we can protect Lorenzo by kicking in the ass everyone who decides to attack him. When the attackers run out, lead Lorenzo Medici home, trying to avoid street fights (this, however, cannot always be done).

Goodbye Francesco. Francesco Pazzi must die. To get to him, you must first get rid of the archers. When the victim starts running, run after him, ignoring anyone who tries to stop you.

5. Unwinding the holds

Four bars. Here you don't need to do anything at all. Talk to Lorenzo Medici on the bridge - he will thank you for saving him.

Biting blade. And Leonardo da Vinci, in turn, will teach you how to use a poisonous blade and tell you where to replenish your poison supplies. Drive to your villa Monteriggioni.

Evasion maneuvers. Talk to Mario again and learn defensive techniques - dodging and avoiding blows. Remember how to take away weapons from enemies - this technique can be very useful in the future.

On a note: There's a little twist in the plot here. The next four missions can be completed in any order.

Herald. The task is quite difficult and a little boring. Antonio Maffei - our “client” - screams apocalyptic prophecies on the roof of the highest tower. It is guarded by archers. Ezio’s task is to use the towers standing around and the ropes stretched between them to reach him and kill him. Finding a path along the walls is quite easy, although it is long and quite winding. You can't expose your back to archers. All of them must be neutralized.

This is a bug: Pay close attention to Antonio's screams. If they stop, it means that a bug has overtaken you and Antonio is no longer on the roof. There is nothing you can do here - just load the mission from the beginning.

Behind closed doors. The task is very similar to what it was before: you need to get behind the walls of the fortress and open the gates to friendly fighters. Only this time the enemies are seriously pressing, and you can fight them off for a long time. Try not to drag out battles, use your partners to distract enemies, and hit them in the back yourself. Jump through the roof of the house onto the wall, from there into the courtyard. Having dispersed the oncoming enemies, run to the gate from the inside and open it. All that remains is to kill the victim running somewhere nearby in his pajamas.

Go out and play. To kill Bernardo Barnocelli, you don't need to use any special tricks, even if the developers say otherwise. Climb onto the roof next to the green area on the map, make sure you can see Bernardo and his bodyguards (Eagle Eye will help). All that remains is to seize the moment, make a few jumps, run into the “client” and stick something sharp into him.

It is not the cassock that makes a person a monk. And then the developers, as if reading our thoughts, decided to complicate the task: the victim, having discovered the killer, will quickly escape, failing our mission. The action takes place in a monastery, Stefano da Bagnone hides among the monks and keeps guards disguised as monks nearby. But getting to it is not so difficult if you use the roof.

Jump into the pile of leaves on the cart (no one around, of course, cares), wait for Stefano to pass next to you, and quickly kill him. Don't forget to escape under the cover of a couple of smoke bombs and then tear down some posters in the city.

With such friends. This is a fun mission. You need to not only kill Jacopo De'Pazzi, but also follow him to find out who else is involved in the conspiracy. Having found the target with the help of the Eagle's Eye, sit on his tail. You need to not arouse his suspicion, but at the same time not miss him for long out of sight. If he suddenly passes next to the patrol guards, it is better to make a detour out of harm's way. On the ruins of the amphitheater, find the vantage point indicated by the developers and watch how unkindly the conspirators treat Jacopo.

After the scene, quickly press the key shown to you to free yourself from the capture, and run away from the guards. There will be a lot of them, and you still need to finish off Jacopo, since the conspirators seem to be unable to complete anything. It is best to rush into a feigned flight, lure the guards away, and make a detour yourself, return to the “client”, give him a “control blow”, and then run - in a real way - through the fields and vegetable gardens.

6. Rocky road

I will cleanse this city of scoundrels!

Drive. Talk to Lorenzo Medici and receive a cape, under the protection of which you can do any dirty tricks in Florence without increasing your wanted level. Go to Leonardo's workshop. Business is calling us to Venice.

Roman holidays. To get to Venice, you first need to overcome the long and dangerous Apennine Mountains. The easiest way to do this is on a horse, but at the beginning of the journey, very conveniently, we meet Leonardo da Vinci, who is also going to Venice. He has a flat tire, and after some minor repairs, Ezio will join Leonardo. And everything would have been fine, but on the road, of course, we were ambushed.

This is the first and only GTA-style chase game of its kind. And in addition, it is very difficult, since breaking or turning over the cart is a piece of cake. Maneuver on a narrow mountain road, trying not to crash into boulders, fall into the abyss or fall into puddles of burning oil. Take care of the cart at all costs. Shake off the “boarding party” with sharp turns. If the attacker gets to Ezio, he will have to be reset “manually”.

The easiest part of the path is covering the retreating Leonardo. This is just a fight, and besides, Ezio can hide from the knight on the roof of the house.

On a note: then you can visit again if you want long way in the Apennine mountains. There is nothing there except landscapes and rare chests of valuables found here and there. But no matter how useless this area was for us, the developers did not take it away from us, and that’s good.

Boarding ends. A training mission in which Ezio will play Grandfather Masai and meet Caterina Sforza, an interesting historical character. You will meet the rescued girl towards the end of the game under very dramatic circumstances.

For a long time we were in the shoes of Ezio Auditore di Firenze. It's good to be back with Desmond for once. However, you will have to practice, one way or another, jumping and all sorts of acrobatics. Definitely, Desmond gained the abilities of his ancestor through the “leakage effect”! To show Lucy your skills, turn on the alarm - two buttons below and two buttons under the very roof of the hangar.

It looks like the "leak" has side effects, causing hallucinations in our hero, as well as very vivid and colorful dreams.

Looks like we're back with Ezio again. But no, it’s clearly not the Renaissance era around us, and the hero looks somehow too... antediluvian. Is it really Altair? He is! A certain mysterious character runs away from him, demonstrating good acrobatic abilities. Who could it be? Hurry up, give chase!

Most likely, the main problem for you will be the balcony on the tower, which console owners have complained about. There is a way to climb onto the “elusive” beam, although it is not obvious: you need to sit like an eagle on the side railing of the balcony, turn to face the beam, and then jump onto it.

After a juicy excursion into the genealogy of Desmond Miles, we return to Animus 2.0 and, by extension, to the Renaissance.

7. Merchant of Venice

Greetings. Oh, this wonderful Venice! It’s so good that even the developers couldn’t resist taking a little tour. But don't relax and when Leonardo tries to hug Ezio, hug him back by pressing the right button. Everyone has their own shortcomings.

The scar will remain. Another fun mission. A thief named Rose, who stole our wallet earlier in the mission, got into big trouble. She will be wounded, and our hero, like a true knight, will rush to her aid. Protect her from the guards, “tank” enemies at any cost. When Rose falls to the ground, we will have to drag her to the gondola, where she will be picked up by a comrade in the class struggle.

Now Ezio needs to cover this gondolier and Rosa, accompanying the boat by jumping along the wall and “taking off” the archers along the way. The boat is not moving very fast, so we have time for active actions. At the end of the journey, having handed Rose over to your comrades, do not relax. You have to assist in a difficult operation.

Bricks. Our new acquaintance is the strange revolutionary thief Antonio. Talk to him and receive a task to kill three traitors. Again, a small plot twist.

The escape. A thief named Hugo will meet you on the roof of the cathedral and explain the disposition. We need to free three groups of comrades from cells. In short: kill the guards, free the prisoners and bring them to Hugo. It is advisable to then fiercely defend them, but the task is counted even if only one prisoner from each group survived.

They greet you by their clothes. Hugo again, but this time - at the docks. He will ask you to empty three chests with a fresh batch of uniforms for the guards. To do this, you will have to distract the guards guarding them. Then you will need to steal the gondola and bring it to the designated place.

House cleaning. Antonio has found traitors in his ranks, and they must be punished. Find them and punish them. One can be thrown unnoticed from a ship into the water, another can be jumped on top by a cheerful jaguar, and a third can be knocked off the roof with a stick.

Repetition is the mother of learning. Take Rosa's lesson on steeplejacking using jumping techniques seriously. It makes it possible to climb walls, even if the hero cannot reach the next ledge. Without it, you will not complete the game, and even where the distance between the ledges in the wall allows you to avoid jumping, the new technique will greatly speed up movement and make Ezio’s life easier.

Faster than fast. And this is the test that Rosa will give us to find out how well Ezio is now jumping on walls.

Everything has to happen. During a conversation with Antonio, be prepared to press the correct key so that Ezio correctly completes the Italian proverb for the interlocutor.

To reach the objective, first kill five archers. Then check in with Antonio and clear the barrier of guards - the easiest way to do this is to hire a group of thieves. Climb onto the roof (this is where recent lessons will come in handy), find Emilio and kill him.

8. The need for invention is cunning

Birds of a feather. Regular surveillance. I think the phrase “follow the white rabbit” fully describes its passage. If Ezio is not confident in his abilities, courtesans are always at his service. They will also help you get through the guard posts.

If it doesn't work out the first time... Explore the palace with Rosa and Antonio for possible places of infiltration. The first two viewpoints will be easy to reach, but to the third you will have to climb the tower. Then go to the next point, where, using boxes, cranes and other convenient things, climb onto the roof of the palace.

Advice: leave Antonio behind first, climb higher and only then call him to you. Crowding when conquering peaks is unacceptable. It's a shame to accidentally push your partner from a height and thereby fail the mission.

Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. Once the hero rides Leonardo's flying machine, you don't need to do anything. No matter how good a pilot Ezio is, his mouth will still be full of earth. However, if you want to fly longer, keep in mind that the up and down keys are inverted, like in flight simulators.

A good start is half the battle. It is impossible to fly to the palace in a winged car - it is too far away. However, Leonardo had a brilliant idea. No, you can't attach a motor to the car. He decided to use rising air currents to support the machine. They can be organized using four large fires. The guards, naturally, will try to prevent the violation of fire safety. But that's up to Ezio. Use Eagle Vision, find the guards marked for death in the four indicated places and kill them.

Rarely flying passenger. An easy and fun mission. They will tell you that you can kill archers on the roofs, but there is no need to do this: just zigzag towards the palace, flying low over the fires to rise higher.

Having reached the palace, go around the courtyard along the roof (be careful - archers, they must be killed quietly) and go down the stairs to the window. Now all that remains is to catch up and kill Grimaldi, escape from the guards through an inconspicuous exit in the corner - and disappear into the big city.

9. Carnival

Meanwhile, the famous carnival began in Venice. Acrobats, fire-swallowers, musicians, dancing, luxurious clothes - and masks, masks, masks all around. During the carnival, Ezio's wanted level will not increase.

Knowledge is power. Go to Leonardo with a stack of Codex sheets under your arm and sign for the pistol. How many tasks will he make easier? How many headaches can be avoided with its help! Practice as usual on stuffed animals.

The girl is in trouble. The conversation with the owner of the brothel is interrupted in the most dramatic way: the maniac has killed one of the courtesans and is running away. Looks like there's a job for Ezio! But here’s the horror - a maniac took a hostage on the street and threatens to kill her if Ezio approaches him. He is determined to use the knife. What to do? Eh, if only there was a gun... Wait - there is a gun!

The nun knows. Another difficult mission. Okay, not that complicated. Return to the brothel and after talking with Sister Theodora, go to the carnival.

Let's run. To get into the closed celebration and get to Marco Barbarigo, you need to win festive competitions and win a mask pass. The first task is a fairly easy race across sixteen key points. If you don’t see where to run next right away, slow down and look around.

Capture the Flag. But this task is very difficult. Technically, its essence is the usual “capture the flag”. But your opponent is very fast and agile. If he is the first to capture three flags in the square and take them to his base, things are bad. To take the flag away from him, just hit him. He can take the flag from Ezio in the same way. If the enemy took the flag first, do not try to catch up with him - it is almost useless. Instead, mark where his base is, meet him there, take the flag and run away.

Tape raid. One of two places in the game where pickpocket skills come in handy. All you need to do is, checking the map, “steal” as many ribbons as possible from the girls.

You can't make good by deception. Fight. First a fair fist fight. Then, when the bribed guards arrive, you can take out your weapons.

Explosion. Nevertheless, the pass mask was given to the favorite. There is nothing to do, you will have to steal it. Find a bad person using Eagle Eye. To distract the owner of the mask, use courtesans.

With the pass on your face, enter the private party. However, our troubles are not over yet. The subject we robbed bursts into the celebration in a rage, and the guards begin to look for the thief. If Ezio is discovered, the mission will fail. You will have to hide in the crowd very carefully, as the guards disperse groups of people on their way. While maneuvering, wait for the new Doge Marco Barbarigo to appear and kill him with a pistol. Leave the guards through the channels.

10. Force majeure

Unpleasant turn. Find Antonio and he will bring Ezio up to date with the latest events.

Fighter in a cage. To raise mercenaries to revolt, you need to free their leader, the mighty warrior Bartolomeo, from his cage. The algorithm is simple: they killed the guards at the cage, released Bartolomeo, brought him home, making sure that he was alive.

We don’t abandon our own. Bartolomeo is free and his “beloved” is safe. Now we need to free his fighters. The algorithm is the same - they killed the guards, freed the soldiers, helped them kill a new batch of guards.

On a note: In this mission, Ezio will often come across unafraid townspeople. Be extremely careful - if you accidentally kill several, the task will fail.

To battle! And you will have to tinker with this mission. Order your soldiers to stand behind and not get involved in a fight if there are guards looming ahead. Kill the guards in the place where you need to place the soldiers. Whistle for your friends to come over. Repeat.

Two birds with one sword. Climb the tower and sound the signal. Jump and join the battle. You need to find Dante (Eagle Eye) and beat him up a little (it's best to try to disarm him). When he starts running, catch up with him. The guards will try to interfere with you, but you can escape from them along the roofs. Kill both Dante and Silvio Barbarigo before the time runs out.

11. Alter ego

Everything will come to those who wait. After the conversation with Leonardo, you will have another surveillance. Go around the barriers of guards along the roofs. After the scene, kill the courier and take his clothes.

This is a bug: If before the scene some guard decides to check who it is that is following the courier, after the scene there will be no way to hide, so be careful.

Play. Grab the casket with the “Shard of Eden” and follow the second courier, carefully avoiding any collisions. After the scene there will be a fight with Rodrigo Borgia. He is strong, but neither he nor his guards can do anything against a dozen healing potions, especially since then Bartolomeo, Teodora, Paola, Mario, Lis and for some reason Nicolo Machiavelli will enter the battle on your side.

After the scene, in which a lot of interesting things are revealed, the chapter will end.

12. Attack on Forli

This is where two tedious chapters begin, greatly blurring the ending of Assassin's Creed 2. The road is paved with good intentions, you know where - it would be better, as in the console version, these chapters were skipped. However, there is nothing to do - let's get started!

Warm welcome. We return to Forlì with Katerina and Machiavelli. But bad luck - suddenly it turns out that the town and castle of Forli have been captured by enemies! I think it’s not difficult to guess what Ezio needs to do. Fights, fights and more fights. By boat, enter the city through the secret entrance by diving under the grate. Open the gate.

Bodyguard. Fights, fights, fights. Protect Katerina and Nicolo.

Hold the fort. Fights, fights, fights. Kill enemies on the ground and on rooftops.

This is interesting: When I played through this mission, immediately after its completion, two friendly guards came out of thin air next to Ezio, saw dead enemies, Ezio standing above them, and... well, both had to be killed.

Godfather. Quite an unpleasant mission to free two hostages, children at that, and for a while at that. Katerina’s daughter, tied up, is lying in the yard near the wall of the house behind the gate. Untie her without wasting much time killing the soldiers.

Get on your horse and ride to the lighthouse. Katerina's son is at the top. You won't be able to get around the enemies here, so you'll have to kill them in large numbers very quickly, keeping an eye on the timer. If you try to go around them and climb the tower, you will be hit with a stone or an arrow.

Checkmate. Catch up with Checco, avoiding collisions with the guards covering him if possible, and kill him. Alas, Ezio himself is mortally wounded, and the “Shard of Eden” was taken by a mysterious monk with nine fingers.

An apple from an apple tree. Go to the monastery and kill two guards so that the grateful monk will tell you who to look for in the city. Return to Forli, go to the market and, with the help of the Eagle's Eye, find the monk you need (you can also recognize him by his bald head). He will immediately rush away, and your task is to knock him down while jumping. It is useless to poke your fists in the back - the monk will die (right on the run, yeah), and the mission will be failed.

13. Bonfire of the Vanities

Our mysterious monk is none other than Girolamo Savonarola. "Shard of Eden" explains his sudden rise.

Fiasco in Florence. Make your way to Florence (it has changed a lot under the new government), avoiding the guards if possible. Talk to Machiavelli. He will bring Ezio up to date, telling him what happened in the city over last years. While guarding Nicolo, get to Palazzo Pitti.

To overthrow Savonarola's power, nine of his henchmen must be eliminated. He hypnotized some with the “Shard”; others followed him voluntarily. One way or another, if all nine die, the people will free themselves from the power of the artifact and rise up in rebellion. You can kill them in any order.

Still life. To kill an artist, you need to get closer to him along the wall, recognize him with an eagle's eye, and then catch up with him and poke him with something sharp. Here and after each of the nine murders, you will then also have to escape from the guards.

Along the career ladder. Eliminate the advancing guards, catch up with the captain, stick it in and turn it twice.

This is interesting: I didn’t even have to kill him - out of fright, the captain himself fell off the roof, being very far from Ezio. This is about “balance” in additional chapters.

Vertical mobility. Catch up and kill a noble citizen before he reaches Savonarola. Immediately after the start of the mission, turn right and climb out onto the roof using the boxes to get ahead of the victim on the roof.

Last rituals. There is no need to gather a group for this task - tea, not the Borean tundra. Climb the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore - the victim is holed up there. Several guards big problems will not deliver.

Port authorities. And now - attention! - you have to do the most nasty mission in the whole game, which clearly shows what happens if you forget to test tasks for balance in the add-on. The situation is this: the victim - the port manager - is holed up on a ship in the port. He's guarded by a dozen guards! Eight of them are on the deck of the ship, in the “forbidden” territory!

But according to Ezio’s instructions, you cannot show yourself, otherwise the task will fail. That is, someone saw you and raised the alarm - ready, load the task from the beginning. For some reason, the developers don’t care that after the death of the port manager, the alarm will be raised one way or another. And from the ship - where would it go? But you still can’t show yourself. This is what the scriptwriters decided, the programmers implemented it, and the testers missed it. In terms of complexity, this mission is only slightly short of the last “helicopter” mission in GTA 4.

But enough of the lyrics. I’ll give you an algorithm that worked (however, not the first time) for me:

  • We carefully kill the archer on the roof to the left of the ship.
  • With a careful double blow we kill two guards at the stairs leading to the pier. If you're lucky, the guard at the pier won't raise the alarm.
  • After waiting until the patrolman on the pier comes close to the gangway, we carefully shoot him with a pistol and hide. If you're lucky, two heavily armed guards will jump out of the ship onto the dock.
  • We'll swim to the stern of the ship and hang right next to the side. Let's wait until the patrolman on the port side approaches the stern. Let's throw it into the water.
  • We crawl along the stern to the starboard side and throw the patrolman into the water there.
  • We crawl out to the left side and throw the patrolman into the water. Don’t even try to repeat the same technique with the patrolman on the starboard side - it won’t work.
  • We return to the stern and carefully crawl onto the deck at the helm. We approach the guards standing with their backs to us and with a quick blow we kill both of them at the same time.
  • Only after this can you jump on the back of the port master.
  • We breathe a sigh of relief. If you beat this mission, the rest of the game will be a cakewalk. More difficult this there will be nothing anymore.

Precision strike. To kill the doctor, mix with the crowd and get close. The guards walk back and forth across the square, but there are a lot of people around and there is somewhere to sit in case of danger.

To the hayloft. The developers want us to hide in the hay, but nothing prevents us from using a pistol. One shot and it's done. You can roll in the hay to make your task easier and eliminate a couple of guards patrolling the area.

Archenemy. There are no problems at all - go to the position along the roofs and kill the leader of the mercenaries with one jump.

Judgment Day. The priest will preach for a while under the protection of guards, and then step aside and go into the courtyards. Kill him there. Eliminate the guards along the way - there will be no problems with them.

All power to the people. When Savonarola wants to use Shard, throw the knife by pressing the desired button. Run after the guard, catch up with him and finally take the long-suffering artifact.

Mob justice. Push the crowd aside and kill Savonarola before the fire breaks out.

After this, Ezio will give an inspirational speech, which, it seems, no one in the crowd understood. In any case, two tedious chapters are over, and before us is the last mission!

14. I came, I saw, I conquered

On Mario's orders, you will have to go through the cities and find all the pieces of the Codex that you do not already have. They are mined in the usual way: distract the guards with courtesans, enter, open the chest - done.

Mark on the map. When we have all thirty pages of the Codex, we will need to solve an easy puzzle. Turn on Eagle Vision and unfold all the sheets so that the outlines form a schematic map of the world.

Luck. Here we are in Rome, at the Sistine Chapel. Move along the uneven surfaces of the tower to the fortress wall, eliminating the first group of guards. Pull the lever and open the passage to the next section of the wall. Again the battle, again the guards. If the doors are closed, climb the towers. When they offer a horse, sit down and ride along the wall (this is mandatory, since if you pass the “horse” section on foot, there will be desynchronization and you will have to load up). You don't have to hide in the hay, but you can. Height helps against heavily armed guards - play king of the hill to make your life easier.

Advice: when Ezio is knocked off his horse, lure the enemies to his rump so that the horse helps the hero by kicking the guards. It's not very useful, but it's funny.

When Ezio finds himself under the arches of the Sistine Chapel, he will have to slow down: if the hero is discovered, he will have to load up. It will be easy to get through the first room - the monks stand in groups and do not pay attention to the man in the hood, and the guards walk alone. In the second you will have to sweat a little - the guards at the end of the room are most dangerous.

Your reward will be the opportunity to look at the paintings in the Sistine Chapel. Pope Alexander VI, aka Rodrigo Borgia, reads prayers, and it will be very easy to get close to him unnoticed along the ledges and boards. Jump - strike!

This is a bug: if Rodrigo suddenly disappeared at the moment of striking, it’s okay, it happens. Scare a crowd of unarmed bishops for fun, return to the fortress walls and jump from them to load.

Of course, the Pope will not so easily agree to fall from the assassin’s dagger. There is a battle ahead, and a rather difficult one. Fortunately, Ezio will use the same technique against the head Templar that his former boss used against Altair hundreds of years ago. Fight aggressively, don't skimp on healing potions - you won't need them anymore. Take away Rodrigo's health, and Ezio... will receive his second fatal blow to the chest with a blade in recent years.

Nails should be made of this assassin! He nevertheless overcame the pain and followed Rodrigo into the secret dungeon, in which all the secrets should be revealed.

Perhaps, only a mind clouded after a terrible injury can explain the fact that Ezio, with a hole in his chest, suddenly took off all his weapons and decided to arrange a “wall to wall” fight with the Pope. Fortunately, the battle will be easy: it seems that the developers inserted it here only so that the player would have something to occupy his hands during the last dialogue between Ezio and Rodrigo.

When Borgia is finally defeated, Ezio suddenly decides to let him live. After all, someone had to be poisoned by wine in 1503, otherwise there would be a butterfly effect in one single piece of DNA.

In any case, the time has come for the secrets to be revealed, and in the dungeon, Ezio Auditore di Firenze, aka the Chosen One, will meet Minerva, a divine being, a representative of the mysterious race that created the “Shards of Eden” in time immemorial. The conversation will, however, be somewhat one-sided, since the beaming citizen with her monologues practically does not pay attention to Ezio’s questions (“Minerva, who were you talking to just now?” - “Shut up, Donny, you’re not in the subject”).

The developers did not wait for favors from nature and combined the end credits with battle and dialogues so that players would certainly not miss them. However, no matter how smartly Desmond fought with ancient blades, the main villain of our time, Doctor Warren, still escaped from us in Assassin's Creed 3.

This means that you have completed the game. Congratulations!

1 2 3 All

Assassin's Creed: Origins is the tenth game in the popular assassin series, set in Ancient Egypt. Players will find several main characters, a new combat system, improved parkour, modified eagle vision and many other innovations.

One of the main differences between Origins and previous parts of the series was the combat system. Fights now look more like battles in Dark Souls and Bloodborne: players need not only to attack opponents and press the counterattack button in time, but also to cover their heads with a shield in a timely manner, jump, dodge the blows of enemy spears and show other miracles of combat skill. In addition, the hero has a bow at his disposal: you can shoot from it even in the air, while jumping. The traditional hidden blade, whose use has not changed in any way, has not gone away either.

1. Heron (prologue)

Oasis of Siwa, 49 BC.

First we see the ordinary life of the main character in an Egyptian settlement. But everything changed with the arrival of Pharaoh Ptolemy...

One year later. Bent pyramid

The main character is a Medjay (protector of people) named Bayek. He tracked down and killed Rujek Heron, one of the Pharaoh's lieutenants. We start playing after the murder. We are attacked by Ipat, the main guard of the murdered governor. In battle with him we learn basic controls. After the victory, we scan the area around (hold “V”), find the illuminated wall, and climb through it into the next room.

We run through the ruins (X key), climb up the inclined column to the second floor (Alt). We climb higher, jump over the rubble across the abyss (Alt while running).

We get out into the corridor between the statues. We fight with a detachment of soldiers, saving our friend Hepzefoi. Together with him we sit on the camels (call with the Q key, sit down with the E key).

2. Ibis (Siwa village)

Task: Oasis (level 1)

Through the desert we get to our native village of Siwa. Along the way, a friend tells about a local governor named Ibis Medunamon.

We get to Hepzefoya’s house, learn archery (hold RMB, hold LMB, release). Soon 6 soldiers will come to search the house. We hide in the bushes, lure the nearest one to us (Q key), and then make a quick kill (F key). We sneak up on the next ones from behind. We can climb onto the roof and jump on enemies from there. Bodies can be dragged to dark places (hold E).

Our main task in this region is to kill Medunamon, but first we need to prepare for this, accumulate the 5th hero level. To do this, we perform the available additional tasks. A couple of scrolls with requests are on Hepzefoy’s desk, the rest of the tasks need to be looked for in the city. 1000 experience.

Task: Preparation (level 2)

First we need new clothes. We go hunting to get 5 animal skins. We leave the city to the north, where mountain sheep are found near the rocks.

At any time we can use our tame falcon Sena (quickly press V). By controlling it, we can take aim (RMB) and leave marks on people and important objects (LMB).

We shoot at the rams from afar so as not to scare them away. Having collected 5 skins, go into inventory (Tab) and make a bib. 500 experience.

Quest: False Prophet (lvl. 5)

The Ibis Medunamun sits in the upper rooms of the Temple of Amun. Periodically, caravans with offerings come to him. On the way to him in the temple we can find 3 chests. Only Medunamon himself has the 5th level, his guards are weaker, so we can even engage in open battle with them. After the victory, we communicate with the governor, he will remind you about the murdered boy.

Let's remember the past. Together with my son Hemu, we go hunting for a mountain goat, kill game, and get its skin. On the way back we climb the rocks and teach our son the leap of faith, but he is not ready for it. Soldiers attack from behind, they are better armed, it is useless to resist.

Having captured us, they take us to the temple. Five masked men are torturing us to find out more about the round artifact - the Crypt. The secret is known only to the pharaoh, and we are his personal bodyguard, and we may also know something. Our son is also brought here, he quietly helps us free ourselves. But in a battle with many enemies, we accidentally kill our son.

Let's go back a year. We finish off Medunamon and take his round artifact - the Oracle Relic. To find the next governor, you need to get to Alexandria. 1250 experience.

Nowadays. We leave the Animus. In the real world, we control a girl named Leila, she is an Egyptian researcher of the past. We talk by phone with the medical officer Jiri. We are inside the cave with the animus, we go down a little lower, we see Bayek’s mummy found, the animus is connected to it with wires.

We go in the other direction, to the exit from the cave. Along the way, we find two of our documents on the ground: Schematic of the gene sequencer, Schematic of the dialysis module. There is a jeep and a tent on the surface; you can’t go any further. Instead of inventory, we have a smartphone, it contains a lot of documents to study. We return to the animus and continue to study the past.

3. Serpent (city of Alexandria)

Task: Aya (level 10)

We need to find our wife in Alexandria. In the Great Library building, we go to the left wing and examine the statue on the stairs. Fan, Aya’s brother, will come up to us and tell us where to look for her. We climb onto the round structure and jump into the well from above.

We learn from Aya that she killed two masked people - the Vulture and the Ram, leaving only one - the Serpent. She hands us the hidden blade she received from Cleopatra.

Assignment: Phylactite Gennady (level 11)

The search for Aya is led by Gennady, we look for him and kill him. He is located in the eastern barracks. If we get there quickly, we will have time to kill him outside the building. Reward: 500 experience.

Task: Death to the Snake (level 12)

Let's go to the palace. It is better to move along the fortress wall, eliminating enemies one by one. We go into the northern building. Inside on the second floor we examine the clerk's room. We find a broken ladder, a letter, and a chest. To the left of the stairs there is a curtained rack, we climb up the wall to the left of it, at the top of the rack we will find a small key to the chest. Inside the chest is a letter with a serpent sign. Reward: 1250 experience.

We find out that the Serpent is the court scribe Eudorus. Let's go kill him in a public bath. We go inside wearing only a cape and without weapons. The room with Eudorus is guarded by guards, but we can climb up the wall and crawl through the opening under the ceiling, and attack the target by burping from above. We use a hidden blade, and at the same time chop off our ring finger. Eudorus claims that he is not the Serpent, he only works for him. Reward: 1000 experience.

Our days. Researcher Leila saw Aya in her memories, and now wants to find her mummy, which should be close to Bayek. We go down to the mummy, jump into the pond near it, examine the second mummy, take its DNA.

The way back will be more difficult. We climb onto the ledge, there is a narrow opening ahead, we pass through it (key “Z”). Then we jump over rocks and over abysses. Along the way we find an ancient tablet with writing. At the exit from the cave “Records of the genetic code”. We return to the animus.

Task: Medjay from Egypt (lvl. 12)

We meet Aya at the top of the temple. We report murders and a possible error. She offers to make sure by talking to Apollodorus.

We go to the next region, to the hippodrome. (You can take part in chariot racing in the stadium itself). At the appointed place, we are met by Mach, Apollodorus’s assistant, who directs us northeast to the lighthouse. On the pier we meet the man himself. We carry out an assignment for him - we get the lost scroll from the lake. The scroll lies inside the chest at the bottom, in the wreckage of the ship. After this, we go together to the estate of Apollodorus, where Cleopatra is hiding.

Cleopatra is the illegitimate daughter of the deceased king Ptolemy XII, who does not have an official right to the throne, but is actively trying to take power from her brother Ptolemy XIII. She brings us up to date: the Order of the Serpent operates throughout Egypt. The murdered Eudorus was called not “Snake”, but “Behemoth”, and besides him, four more leaders are known in the order. We get 4 new ones story missions. Reward: 900 experience.

4. Scarab (ruins of Letopolis)

Quest: Scarab Sting (lvl. 15)

We go to the village of Sais. We communicate with the merchant-informant Harkuf, go into his secret room. (In the room we find scrolls with complaints - additional tasks for Medjay in this region). The identity of the Scarab is unknown, but a man named Gupu knows about him, let's go rescue him from the soldier's camp. The liberated old man was left without a tongue and cannot tell the secret; we attribute him to the family. We are sent to Letopolis to Taharqa. Reward: 1500 experience.

Task: Deception of the Scarab (lvl. 18)

We reach the southern part of the region, enter Letopolis - a city half buried in sand. We communicate with the local black ruler Taharka. At this moment, a sandstorm begins, and under its cover desert robbers attack. We fight them shoulder to shoulder with Taharqa. We make a retaliatory attack on the bandit camp in the cave.

After the victory, Taharqa invites us to his house. We drink and lose consciousness. We come to our senses already in the desert, up to our necks in sand. Taharqa deceived us, he was the Scarab. To get out of the sand trap, we call the horse and falcon, and with their help we rise to the surface. Without weapons and armor we go to the nearest soldier’s camp Akhlis, Taharqa handed over our things there. Armed, we return to the city and kill Taharka. Reward: 1500 experience.

Our days. While we were in the Animus, part of the DNA of Aya, Bayek's wife, was restored. Now we can see a fragment of her memories.

Task: Pompey Magnus (level 18)

Shore of the Aegean Sea. 48 BC Aya, with a detachment of mercenaries on a ship, went to meet with Pompey (the famous Roman commander who practically cleared the Mediterranean Sea of ​​pirates). We control an entire ship and attack the Egyptian ships of Ptolemy with volleys of fiery arrows. Pompey's large ship is attacked by several small ships, we destroy them one by one. After the victory, we communicate with the rescued commander, offering him Cleopatra’s friendship in exchange for treasure boxes.

5. Hyena (Pyramids of Giza)

Task: Hyena (level 20)

We get to the Giza desert, where the Egyptian pyramids are located. At the market we communicate with the informer Mered. We find out the name of the Hyena - Khaliset, for more detailed information the old man asks to return his horse from the bandit camp in the south. Having returned with the loot, we learn that Khaliset lives on the western rocks.

On the rocks we find packs of hyenas and an abandoned dwelling. The picture of Khaliset shows the path to the secret tomb under the Cheops pyramid, let's go there.

We enter the pyramid from the north side. In the upper hall there is a dead end, an ancient tablet and a treasure vault. On the way in the corridor we find a narrow opening, followed by a descent underground. Below is a spacious hall with a coffin, we search it, we find: a body for sacrifice, a blood stain, a sarcophagus, a black extraterrestrial monolith. Near the monolith we listen to an audio message from Cheops. There are many quartz stones placed around the corners.

Immediately after this, Khaliset will attack, she attacks from afar with a bow, and sends tame hyenas. Here she wanted to resurrect her dead daughter using extraterrestrial technology. We get to the surface and fight during a dust storm. Khaliset will move from place to place, so it is better to attack her with a bow as well. Reward: 2500 experience.

6. Lizard (Memphis)

Task: Lizard Mask (level 21)

We go to the city of Memphis, communicate with the high priest Pasherenptah. From him we learn that many in the city die from poisoning, children are born dead, even the ceremonial bull Apes is sick. We go to the healer, together with the priest’s wife we ​​drink a potion for prophetic dreams.

In a dream, we go to a temple in the desert, arm ourselves with a light bow, and fight with giant snake. Shots to the snake's head do more damage, but you can also shoot its tail. At the end of the battle, the snake will begin to throw us into the poisonous water, and we will have to quickly get to land several times. After the victory we meet our son.

Having awakened, we meet Aya, she arrived here accompanying Cleopatra. Together we return to the temple, looking for evidence of poisoning of the bull. In the supply storage we find the remains of the poison and the necklace of the twin priestesses. We find out that the Lizard captured their brother and ordered the bull to be poisoned.

We go to the camp, free the captive brother, and from him we learn the name of the Lizard - Khetepi - one of the assistants of the high priest. Reward: 2700 experience.

Task: Lizard's Face (lvl. 21)

We attend Cleopatra's speech to the people. Then we go to the temple, there are 5 masked priest assistants, and only one needs to be killed. We kill a man according to signs - with a blue scarf, coughs often. Reward: 2250 experience.

7. Crocodile (Lake Fayoum)

Task: Crocodile Scales (level 25)

On the shore of Lake Faiyum we inspect the village; the contact Hotefres is not there. We climb to the top of his tower, there we find a letter. We go to rescue his servant from the camp, from him we learn the owner’s location. At sea on a ship we meet Hotefres. The document with the name of the Crocodile is with his wife, so we return back to the village.

In the city of Euhemeria we meet the woman Henut and her daughter Shady. The daughter takes us to the villa, where we need to look for the document, and where many soldiers are patrolling. Inside the house we find out that the daughter hid the required scroll in her place, we return to her.

While we were on a mission, a woman and a girl were captured and taken away for interrogation. For the discovery of the scroll, the girl was executed by drowning. We dive into the water, untie her body, take the scroll, and hand over the body to the family. Reward: 3000 experience.

Task: Mouth of the Crocodile (lvl. 28)

In the Faiyum oasis we approach the gladiator arena. The owner Felix Martial does not let us inside, but here we will see that two red-haired warriors are the champion gladiators of Crocodilopolis.

In the city we are looking for a gladiator from Siwa, she turns out to be our sister Kensa. She vouches for us, and together we begin to perform in the arena.

  • 1 fight. Regular enemies in soldier uniforms.
  • 2 fight. Regular enemies + one lion.
  • 3 fight. We fight alone, there are moving obstacles in the arena.
  • 4 fight. We are fighting against two red-haired Gallic warriors - Viridovix and Diovix. After the victory, we learn that it was not they who killed the girl Shadya, but the Crocodile himself - the old woman Berenice, the wife of the owner of the arena.

At night we sneak into Berenice’s villa and kill her. Kensa will be next to her as a bodyguard, we can not kill her, but put her to sleep with a dart. Reward: 3500 experience.

Our days. The cave containing Bayek's body is found by Abstergo scouts. We get out of the animus, in the role of unarmed Leila we need to quietly kill 4 people in the cave. On the surface we learn that Abstergo tracked down and killed our informant friend. We return to the animus to fully learn the ancient secrets.

8. Scorpio (Nome Heraklion)

Quest: Path of the Gabinian (lvl. 31)

We receive a letter from Aya, we go northeast to Heraklion to help Cleopatra. From Cleopatra we learn about two new targets - Jackal and Scorpio.

Having secured the prisoner, we go to look for the Jackal’s assistant, the Hunter. We go to the city and interview two witnesses. In the hunter's house we examine the evidence: arrows, oil, cosmetics. In the city we kill three fighters planning to kill the queen.

We return to Cleopatra and fight a detachment of enemies. At the end we fight the Hunter. Reward: 7500 experience.

Quest: Aya: Blade of the Goddess (lvl. 31)

We go to Aya in the north of Heraklion. We learn that Julius Caesar will soon arrive in Alexandria, and Cleopatra wants to meet him. We agree to accompany her as Aya.

(We are expected to spend 1 hour story mission based on real historical events. This mission is the only time Aya has access to the open world. When playing it, it is not recommended to collect chests or kill leaders. If we do this with Aya, then this action will not be available to Bayek, and we will not be able to complete the achievement of clearing all zones on the map).

Mediterranean coast, 48 BC. On the ship of the mercenary Phoxid, we break through the triremes of the Egyptian king.

We get to the palace, quietly carry Cleopatra through the guards, hiding her inside the carpet. Cleopatra appears before Caesar and negotiates with him about her reign in Egypt, instead of her brother Ptolemy.

A little later, Julius Caesar wishes to visit the tomb of Alexander the Great. The door there is blocked, we need to go another way. We notice a weak spot on the left wall and use a sword to break through a narrow passage. We get to the place through the side channels. In Alexander's sarcophagus lies the second artifact of the ancients - a staff. We open the doors to Caesar, and his assistant Flavius ​​comes in with him.

That same day in the evening, Ptolemy's troops try to regain power and attack the capital. We get to the surviving Roman warrior, from him we learn that Ptolmay’s troops are led by Jackal - Septimius and Scorpio - Pothinus. We take the warrior on our shoulders and carry him to Cleopatra and Caesar.

Caesar sends us to signal his troops for a counter-attack. As Aya, we run along the masts of the ships, get to the Alexandria Lighthouse, and climb up its walls. At a certain height it will not be possible to rise higher; you need to crawl to another wall of the lighthouse. We get to the top window, enter there, fight with the Guardian. After the victory we can go up to the signal fire.

Task: Battle for the Nile (level 31)

At this time, in the role of Bayek, we evacuate Caesar from the enemy encirclement. We ride a chariot and shoot the horsemen pursuing us. At the end of the path we shoot back at the war elephant using spears.

After 3 days of hostilities we are on the trail of Scorpio - Pothin. Near the hippodrome we run past fighting soldiers. In a separate fenced arena we meet with Potin, he is riding an elephant. We hit the elephant’s legs with the sword, and soon Pothin will fall to the ground, killing him.

Caesar also finds a second conspirator - Lucius Septimius. We run to him in the neighboring fenced arena, where you can only enter along an inclined cart. The boss is armed with two maces on chains. But after the victory, Caesar does not allow us to kill Septimius, but takes him prisoner.

Aya at this time tracked down King Ptolemy, he tried to escape by boat, but was eaten by crocodiles. After 2 weeks of battles, Cleopatra took the Egyptian throne. At the same time, Septimius the Jackal was released and began working for Cleopatra and Caesar. Aya and Bayek were deceived, but decided to secretly continue the fight. It was at this moment that Bayek founded a brotherhood of assassins who secretly protect people.

Task: Consequences (level 31)

Let's go with Aya to examine the tomb of Alexander, there we will see how the Romans kill Apollodorus. We fight with ordinary warriors. From a dying ally we learn that the head of the secret Order of the Snake is Leo - Flavius, Caesar's assistant. He took the artifact-ball from Apollodar, and the artifact-staff from Alexander's sarcophagus. With the entire artifact collected, he headed to Siwa. Let's go back there. Reward: 6000 experience.

9. Leo (city of Cyrenaica)

Task: The Last Judgment (level 35)

In Siwa, the entire population is lying on the ground unconscious, but they are not dead. We go into the temple and go down into the tomb. Here, with the help of an alien artifact, a black door was opened. Inside is a hologram of the entire planet—a crypt. We take the body of the murdered Hepzefa out of the hall. Outside we learn from the old woman Rabia how it all happened. The Romans visited the crypt and then moved north into the region of Cyrenaica. Let's follow.

On the way north in the Green Mountains we find one house where witnesses remained. We meet the girl Praxilla and the old woman Neneth. We learn about Diocles' ally and meet him at the market in Cyrene.

Flavius ​​took refuge in the Roman Acropolis - the highest temple in Cyrenaica. There are many guards around, the front door to the temple is locked, you can only enter through the upper side window. There will be a serious battle inside the temple.

Boss: Flavius. The enemy is armed with a round artifact, with its help he can slow down time: either fires a beam in our direction, or slows down the area around him. From time to time the boss hides, and various shadow enemies appear in his place. The boss is best killed with fire bombs. Reward: 3000 experience.

Quest: Last of the Medjays (lvl. 35)

We return to Alexandria and talk to Aya. She plans a trip to Rome to finish off the remnants of the order. She found new allies: Brutus and Cassius. On the shore we communicate with her for the last time. Here they formulate the basic principles of the brotherhood of assassins and come up with a symbol of brotherhood. Reward: 3000 experience.

Our days. Researcher Leila leaves the animus. Right in front of us is one of the assassins - William Miles. He convinces us to move from Abstergo, who are already trying to kill us for our self-will, to the brotherhood of assassins. We agree, and we can continue our research inside the animus.

10. Jackal (Rome)

Assignment: The fall of one empire, the birth of another (level 35)

As Aya, we sail across the Mediterranean Sea to Rome. Along the way we fight with the enemy flotilla. Here we are also attacked by burning arsonist ships, they are easily destroyed with one shot, but letting them get close is deadly.

In Rome, a member of the Order of the Jackal, Septimius, persuades Julius Caesar to dissolve the Senate and become a full-fledged emperor. Soon we reach Septimius and enter into battle with him. He is armed with knives on chains and can attack from a long distance. It's better to attack him from afar.

We make our way through a large garden with many guards. Here it is better to act covertly and secretly kill only enemies that get in the way.

We get to the curia, where the Senate meets. Listen to the speech of Julius Caesar. We approach from behind and deliver the first blow with a hidden blade. After this, all members of the Senate, including his own son Brutus, will finish off Caesar (a real historical event).

Quest: Creed is born (level 35)

Two days later, Aya threatens Cleopatra with violence, forcing her to return to Egypt and begin to take care of her people.

Rome, Pantheon, 43 BC. Aya founds a cell of the Assassin Brotherhood in Rome, and takes on a new name, Amunet. At the same time, Bayek creates a brotherhood in Memphis. Thus ended the story of two lone avengers, and the story of Assassin's Creed began. Reward: 9600 experience.

Walkthrough of the Invisibles add-on

The Invisibles and the Land of Turquoise

  • Recommended level: no lower than 38
  • How to unlock: Talk to a certain character in Memphis.
  • Rewards: A new area will open

To start this mission you need to talk to a certain person who can be found in Memphis, not far from the ship. When you get close to him, he will call your name. After you chat with him, the game will ask you if you want to continue completing the task with the hero current level. If you agree, you will be transferred to new location- Mr. Kulzum.

Then the next mission starts - “Turquoise Country”. You will need to find the entrance to the secret base. The first passage with the Assassin sign will be closed. Use Senu to find the second one, which is underground.

Inside you will find many papyri, which, however, do not relate to the mission. Keep looking for Tahira. You will need to talk to her. You will find a girl in a small room with a lamp. The quest will end after talking with her.

Where slaves die

  • Recommended level: no lower than 39
  • How to unlock: Complete the "Land of Turquoise" quest.
  • Rewards: 22.5 thousand experience points

Before starting this mission, talk to Tahira. She will tell you the target - Tazito, who is in the enemy camp. Your best bet is to sneak into the camp quietly and only kill enemies when necessary with your hidden blades. Find a crossbow that you can use to quickly eliminate Tacyto. However, you will still have to approach him later to finish him off. A cut scene will be shown next.

Return to Tahira and talk to her. After the conversation, clear the entire camp, killing all enemy soldiers. You can get help from the rebels if you free them from their cages. Once you've finished cleaning, chat with the rebel leader - this will end the mission.

Ruler walls

  • Recommended level: no lower than 41
  • How to unlock: Complete the quest "Where Slaves Die."
  • Rewards: 15 thousand experience points and a legendary bow

At the beginning of the mission, you should talk to the woman located on the old Watchtower. She will tell you the next goal. She will be Ampelius, the enemy commander. However, you may encounter one annoying problem. The point is that there is a person who dresses just like the target.

Senu will show you both characters, meaning you won't be able to tell which one is Ampelius, so you'll have to improvise. If you killed the wrong guy, try reloading and trying again. The mission will end as soon as you eliminate the desired commander.

Setting sun

  • How to unlock: Complete the "Ruler's Walls" quest.
  • Rewards: 15 thousand experience points

First of all, you have to talk to a certain person - he helps in the construction of the pyramid. After talking with him, find the Amenmesse pyramid. We are talking about the enemy camp.

In the center of the construction site you can find the entrance to the cave. You will need to get rid of all the enemies in the area so that your companion can go inside with you.

It will be necessary to decide inside logic puzzle. First, try to get to the lower platform, marked in red in the screenshot. This will give you the opportunity to climb up to the top platform.

Climb up, jump from the platform onto the stones lying nearby.

Meanwhile, your companion will ascend to the platform. Go back to the first one and place three coils on it. Your companion will manage to get to the very top once you are also on the last platform.

Once the two of you get to the top, you will see another part of the cave that you can explore. Walk under the wooden planks.

You will reach another part of the cave. Once you push the wooden block to the left, Gamilat will be able to move forward.

Jump onto the block. There you can see wooden planks on the wall - break them with your sword. Inside there is a tall wooden structure with rocks inside - push it onto the platform.

Jump over to the other side with your friend. You will eventually exit the cave. Soldiers will meet you at the entrance. Kill all the enemies and then talk to Gamilat. He will ask you to kill Ptahmose. You can find it in Vilkus Kastra. This concludes the task.

No chain is too strong

  • Recommended level: no lower than 43
  • How to unlock: Complete the quest "The Setting Sun".
  • Rewards: 10 thousand experience points

At the beginning of the mission you will need to get to the apartments of the Assassin Brotherhood. During a conversation at the base, you will be attacked. As a result, Bayek will be captured by his enemies.

Suddenly, Aya will arrive and save you from the bad guys. She will tell you where you can find Kashta and Tahira. You will need to find and save them.

You need to get your allies out of Fort Krosta and take them to a safe place. Tahira lies in the tent; pick her up and carry her. Kashta will follow you on foot. Then put the girl on the saddle and ride as far as possible from the enemy camp.

Such is the fate of tyrants

  • How to unlock: Complete the quest "No Chain is Too Strong."
  • Rewards: 15 thousand experience points

First of all, you have to talk to Amunet, and then follow her. It will lead you straight to the attacked village. You will need to kill all the soldiers.

Having dealt with all the enemies, you can begin to kill Rufio, who is trying to escape into the sea. We advise you to first deal with all the soldiers - this will make eliminating the main target much easier.

Greater Good

  • Recommended level: no lower than 45
  • How to unlock: Complete the quest "Such is the fate of tyrants."
  • Rewards: 15 thousand experience points and a legendary light bow

First talk to Amunet. She will lead you to her camp. It is worth finding Gamilat in it. Use Sena the hawk for this.

You have to kill Gamilat. Fight him in close combat - he will try to push you into the water with his shield. If he manages to do this, he will raise the bridge and start shooting at you with a crossbow. You will need to find another crossbow and start shooting at it too.

When Gamilat gets tired of shooting at you, approach him and start fighting him in close combat again. Repeat this procedure until you kill the boss. After this, watch the cutscene, which will complete the story of the add-on.

Ts appla

In introductory video you will meet the protagonist Bayek, whose life changed dramatically after the accession of the new pharaoh Ptolemy to the throne.

A year later, in the destroyed pyramid, Bayek, who became a Medjay, or defender of order in the country, found and took the life of Rujek Heron, one of the ruler’s close associates. After this, the game will finally give control to you. You will have to fight Ipat, the guard of the deceased adviser.

The battle also serves as an introduction to Assassin's Creed: Origins' combat system. After dealing with the enemies, explore the area in the area. Make your way through the designated passage into the next room.

Pass the tunnel, and then follow the column to the upper level. Jump over the crevice. Outside there will be another battle with warriors. You must help Hepzefoi, the protagonist's friend. Next, saddle the camels and move to the indicated point.

And encore

For the Oasis quest, cross the desert to get to Siwa. On the road, you learn from a friend about Advisor Ibis.

Take training at a friend's house to learn how to use a bow. Next, soldiers will come to the house - hide in the thickets, and then start clearing the territory. Quietly kill all opponents, luring them out individually by whistling.

Now you know that you must kill the Ibis - this is the key target in the current area. First you need to gain strength by reaching the fifth level. Complete the secondary quest and follow the instructions on the map to get to the point.

For the “Preparation” quest, you must get new clothes. Outside the city, find animals and skin them. Also, don’t forget to use the Senu bird, which allows you to view the area from a bird’s eye view and mark important places. After collecting the ingredients, craft a bib.

In battle, get ready to fight with the adviser’s defenders who are below level 5. When the job is done, talk to the advisor.

A “flashback” will follow, in which you will play out the scene of your son’s death. In the past, together with Hemu's son, you will hunt a goat - kill the animal and take the skin. On the way home you will be attacked by soldiers who cannot be defeated.

You will find yourself in a temple where mysterious masked people will torture you, wanting to know the location of the greatest artifact, which only the pharaoh knows about, as well as his protector, that is, you. Your son will be right there, and what’s more, he will help you get out.

In the ensuing battle, the hero inadvertently takes the life of his son.

After this you will return back to the present time. Kill Ibis and take the artifact.

Find information on the opposite side. Inspect the location. You can also rummage through your phone. When you finish your inspection, use the animus.

Z mey

Your soulmate is somewhere in Alexandria. Visit the Great Library, examine the statue. Next, your wife's brother named Fan will show you the right path. Climb the house and jump into the well.

Aya will tell you that she killed the mysterious masked killers. One of them managed to escape death, so you must finish what you started.

For the quest “Phylactitis”, find the man of the same name and kill him, since it is he who is trying to find Aya and bring him to justice.

For the quest “Death to the Serpent”, visit the palace. You can climb inside along the side wall, silently dealing with enemies. In the house above, examine the clerk's room for valuables. Further along the rack, climb a little higher to find the key to the chest. In the box you will find information about the Snake.

It turns out that the one called the Serpent is a certain Eudorus, the personal scribe of the palace. Go and finish off the target who is currently in the bathhouse. To get there you will have to take off your clothes. Next, go around the guards and quietly climb over to the target, and then fall on top of it.

Eudorus will reveal to you that he is not the Serpent himself, but only performs tasks for him.

Modernity again. Leila finds out about Aya. To penetrate her memory, she needs to find the girl's mummy. You will find the body near Bayek. Take a DNA sample on site. Now go back along the ledges. Pass rocks and crevices, picking up valuable items. Finally, use the animus.

For the quest “Medjay from Egypt”, find Aya in the temple. Tell her that she probably made a mistake because she pointed you to the wrong person. Go to Apollodorus and talk to him.

In the new area, visit the horse races. You can take part in races at the hippodrome. You will find Maha in the indicated location. He will tell you about a new point - above and to the right of the lighthouse.

Here you will find a new NPC who will give you a couple of occasional tasks. Retrieve the scroll from the bottom of the sea, and then together with it visit the residence of Apollodorus, where Cleopatra is hiding.

Cleopatra wants to usurp the throne by overthrowing her brother Ptolemy 13. She will tell you about the current political situation and inform you about the Order of the Serpent. It turns out that Eudorus was a member of the order, but he really was not a Serpent. You will learn about the new officers of this organization.

With carabei

In the Sais settlement, talk to a merchant named Harkuf. In his secret hideout, if desired, grab documents that contain secondary minor tasks.

Who the Scarab is is unknown, and only a certain Gupu can tell you useful information. Rescue the informant from captivity. It turns out that grandfather’s tongue was cut out, so you won’t know about Gup. Escort him home. The next goal is to visit Taharqa in Letopolis.

The Scarab quest series continues. In the south of the map you will find the city of Letopolis, part of which is buried under sand. You will learn something interesting from Taharqa. Next, another storm will hit the city, which the raiders will take advantage of.

Help Taharka defeat the enemies, and then counterattack them and overtake them in the cave.

As a reward for your help, Taharka will invite you to his place for a cup of tea. After taking it, you will pass out and find yourself buried up to your neck in sand.

It turns out that Taharka is the Scarab. First of all, call the horse, and then the falcon, who will help you escape the trap. Your things have been taken away, so go to the warrior camp, which is called Akhlis. Return your goods and go after Taharqa's head.

The next episode is modernity. Part of Aya's memory was restored, so you can look at a fragment of her past. You will be transported to 48 BC, where the girl, along with mercenaries, went to Gnaeus Pompey himself.


On the Giza plateau you will find the pyramids of the same name. Have a few words with informant Mered in the bazaar. Next you will learn that the Hyena's name is actually Khaliset.

If you want more information, you will have to rescue the old man’s horse from the robber settlement. After this, you will learn that the Hyena is hiding in the rocks in the west.

On site you will find real hyenas and an abandoned shelter. There is also a map of the secret path that leads under the Cheops pyramid. Inside the pyramid, get to a dead end where the tablet and valuables lie.

Go back to the corridor and climb down through the gap. Here, examine the tomb where a corpse and various items for the ritual. Listen to Cheops' message.

Khaliset will then attack you. The girl will fight with a bow and at a distance, but up close you will be confronted by hyenas. Khaliset wants to return his dead daughter using alien technology. After this, the battle will move outside, where another storm will fall on you.


During the quest “Mask of the Lizard”, visit the famous city of Memphis. The High Priest will tell you about a curse hanging over the city, due to which stillborn children appear, as well as cases of poisoning. Visit the doctor and take the dream potion with his wife.

On the other side of consciousness, get to the temple and find the light bow. A battle with a phantasmagoric snake will begin - attack it in the head and tail to cause more damage. In the finale, the monster will throw you into poisoned water, from which you need to get to land as quickly as possible. When the battle is over, you will meet your son.

After sleep, talk to Aya, who came to Memphis with Cleopatra. Return to the shrine and look for evidence of the poison being used. In the warehouse you will find traces of poisoning, as well as the twins' necklace.

It turns out that the Lizard kidnapped one of the brothers and ordered the animal to be sent. Visit the point and rescue the prisoner. It turns out that the Lizard's name is Hetepi.

Go to Cleopatra, who will talk to the crowd. Next in the sanctuary, find the target - each of the five assistants wears a mask, but our candidate is constantly coughing and is wrapped in a blue scarf.


Explore the settlement at Lake Faiyum. You will find a note in the Hotefres tower - go to the point and rescue the minion to find out the location of his master. Finally, you will find Hotefres on one of the ships. He will send you to his wife, since she contains information about the Crocodile.

Visit the city of Euchemeria and talk to the indicated NPC. Henut will send his daughter with you, who will show you the estate with the necessary information. You will have to get inside by eliminating the guards. Next, you learn that the document went to your daughter, who keeps it with her. Go back.

On the spot it turns out that the family was kidnapped. The daughter who took the document was completely killed. You will have to dive into the water behind her body and pick up the scroll.

For the quest “The Mouth of the Crocodile”, attend gladiator fights. They won't let you inside. You will also learn that the guards here are the champions of the arena.

First of all, find one of the gladiators. Unexpectedly, in the face of the warrior you will find your own sister, Kensa. She'll put in a good word for you so you can use the arena.

If you wish, you can go through all four battles. After completing the quest, you will learn that the girl was executed by the Crocodile, who is a grandmother named Berenice.

Visit the old woman's estate and send her to her forefathers. Kensa will guard her, since Berenice is the wife of the owner of the arena. You don’t have to kill your sister, but simply knock him out with a dart.

After this, the episode with modernity will begin. The guys from Abstergo reached Bayek's mummy. Leave the animus and then finish off the four scouts with Layla. Next you will learn that your partner has been killed. Use the animus again.


At Aya's request, get to Heraklion to help Cleopatra. The heiress will tell you about the Jackal and Scorpio - the next candidates who would not hurt to kill.

Beat the information out of the prisoner, and then find the Hunter, who is running errands for the Jackal. In the city, interrogate witnesses, then visit the indicated house and collect traces.

After this, finish off the mercenaries who were tasked with taking the life of Cleopatra. At the end, return to the heiress herself and protect her. There will also be a battle with the Hunter.

Follow the quest “Aya: Blade of the Goddess” to reach the upper part of the city. There they will tell you that Julius Caesar himself will visit the city of Alexandria, and Cleopatra will meet him. You have to protect the heiress, playing as Bayek's wife.

This exciting episode will last for about an hour, during which you will be able to play as Aya in the open world.

There is a certain flaw here due to the fact that when completing secondary tasks on the map as Aya, they will not be counted towards the overall achievement score. So it's better to do the rest with Bayek.

Using the ship, pass the fleet of the king of Egypt. In the palace, escort Cleopatra to Caesar using the trick of hiding her in the carpet. After this, the heiress will be able to conclude an agreement on accession to Egypt.

Next, Caesar will want to explore the tomb of Alexander the Great, but he cannot go there through the usual entrance, since it is blocked. You will have to find a weak point on the side to the left. After this, you can go inside and get to the sarcophagus of the great military leader. Next, open the way for Caesar.

The next stage of the mission is the attack of the army of Ptolemy, who refused to surrender without a fight. The Roman soldier will tell you that the warriors of Cleopatra's brother, led by the Jackal and Scorpio, broke into the capital. Help the wounded man get to Cleopatra.

After this, Caesar will instruct you to announce the beginning of a counterattack of his army. Pass the ships and climb to the lighthouse. You won't be able to climb to the very top, since you need to get into one of the windows where the Guardian is located. Kill him and get to the fire to signal.

During the quest “Battle of the Nile”, already being Bayek, help Caesar leave the dangerous territory. An episode on a chariot will follow, when you will fight off horse pursuers. In the finale you are attacked by a real elephant.

The next stage will begin in three whole days. You managed to find traces of Scorpio. Pass the hippodrome and get to the arena, where the enemy is waiting for you. Scorpio will control the elephant, so you will have to trim the animal first. Finally, you will be able to defeat the enemy himself.

Caesar will tell you about the other conspirator. Get to another arena where the boss is located. Defeat Septimius. You will not be able to kill him, just as Caesar appears.

At the same time, Aya followed the trail of Ptolemy, who tried to escape by sea, but drowned. Two weeks later, Cleopatra finally took the throne of Egypt. The jackal began to serve her, since he was freed by Caesar.

Our heroes, however, were left out of work, but refused to give up and continued to fight. From that moment on, Bayek decided to found his own order, from where all future assassins came.

Explore the Tomb of Macedon with your wife, and then watch the death of Apollodorus. There will be a battle with Roman soldiers. Further it turns out that Flavius ​​himself, who is Caesar’s right hand, is a member of the Order of the Snake. He took all the artifacts from your friend and left for Siwa. You go after him.

A lion

You will find the settlers in a deplorable state, but they are still alive. Through the temple, get to the burial ground, where there is a mysterious black door and alien technology. Pull the body outside and talk to Grandma Rabia. It turns out that the Romans were here, but went north.

On the road you will come across witnesses in one house. They will tell you about their friend Diocles, whom you will find in the city bazaar. Flavius ​​is nearby - taking refuge in the sanctuary. You can get inside through the window on the side.

A battle will begin with a boss who is able to stop time and also attack you with a beam using his artifacts. Bombs are great against the enemy.

Visit a wife who wishes to travel to Rome, where the last member of the order is located. The well-known Brutus and Cassius, who played a fatal role in the fate of Caesar, will help you in this matter. Say goodbye to her. Immediately, the order of killers you created will have some kind of laws and symbolism.

The next stage unfolds in our time. Leave the animus and talk to Miles. He will invite you to join the assassins, since Abstergo are actually your enemies.

Sh akal

The final chapter takes place with Aya. You will reach the city of cities, but along the way you will face a naval battle. Get ready to fight off ships with fire, without letting them get close.

The Jackal will propose to Caesar that he abolish the Senate and take over imperial rule. This is where you will attack him. After the battle, there is one more target left.

Get past the guards and get to Caesar. It is you who will strike the first blow, and only then the rest of the senators will get involved.

During the quest “The Creed Is Born,” Aya will threaten Cleopatra with death if she does not go to Egypt and begin her duties.

Next, Bayek's wife will spread the influence of the order of assassins to Rome. He will also take on a new name - Amunet. In parallel to this, the hero himself will create the order’s base in Memphis. After this, the passage of Assassin's Creed: Origins is completed.

Vidoe: complete walkthrough of Assassin's Creed Origins

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