Walkthrough Hearthstone: “Curse of Naxxramas. Walkthrough Lair of the Frost Wyrm in Normal Mode Strategy for Playing Against Kel'Thuzad

Lair of the Frostwyrm is the fifth and final part of the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. Only 2 bosses are waiting for you behind the closed doors of this dungeon, but do not relax: these 2 types can give you a lot of trouble!


The first one who will be waiting for you in the last part of the adventure of Naxxramas is Sapphiron. His hero power, Frost Breath, allows the boss to destroy all enemy creatures at the start of his turn, as long as they weren't frozen. Crazy ability, right? Adds fuel to the fire and the fact that this ability costs him absolutely nothing. Unique cards - Frozen Hero and Pure Cold.

Safiron deck

  • Ice Lance x2
  • Manasmey x2
  • Ice Arrow x2
  • Treasure Collector x2
  • Unstable Ghoul x2
  • Skeleton Blacksmith x2
  • Shadow of Naxxramas x2
  • Dancing Blades x2
  • Cone of Cold x2
  • Necroknight x2
  • Wailing Soul x2
  • Pure cold x2
  • Slime Belcher x2
  • Blizzard x2
  • Ice Elemental x2

Game strategy against Safiron

Despite Safiron's imposing ability, in normal mode It's not that hard to defeat him. First, you will start the game with a Frozen Hero on the table. The ability of this creature lies in the fact that it is always under the effect of freezing, and also gives invulnerability to Ice breath to creatures located to the left and right of it. Thus, one of the winning tactics will be to play no more than two creatures. After the death of one of them, play a new, stronger one. Safiron's deck is not that strong, so you can easily defeat him. You can also use creatures such as Nerubian Egg, Harvesting Golem and Possessed Creeper, the death of which will be disadvantageous for Saphiron.

Another style of play against Saphiron is to use a large number of spells with a minimal set of creatures in a given deck. Since the deck of this boss has a large amount of freeze, the use of characters with weapons here is undesirable. Therefore, the Mage will be the class with which you can defeat Safiron without much effort.

Deck against Safiron


After defeating Saphiron, you will receive two copies of the Fissile Ooze as a reward.


Kel'Thuzad is the final boss of the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. He is the most feared and powerful boss in this dungeon set - the boss of bosses, so to speak. However, he also has his weaknesses.

Kel'Thuzad's Hero Power can be divided into 2 phases. He starts the game with the ability Ice Blast - allows you to deal 2 damage to the enemy hero and apply the effect of freezing. Due to the fact that this ability is free, Kel'Thuzad will make sure to use it at the beginning of each of his turns. The second ability of the last boss of the Chain is similar to the Priest Mind Control card, only it costs 2 mana less. Kel'Thuzad will gain access to this ability as soon as you remove all armor from him, even if it happens in the middle of a turn.

Unique cards - Mr. Bigglesworth and Icecrown Guardian.

Kel'Thuzad Deck

  • Ice Shock x2
  • Delicious Zombie x2
  • Ice Arrow x2
  • Shadow Bolt x2
  • Servant of Pain x2
  • Skeleton Blacksmith x2
  • Shadow of Naxxramas x2
  • Dark Cultist x2
  • Stone Gargoyle x1
  • Cone of Cold x1
  • Dark Madness x1
  • Abomination x2
  • Slime Belcher x2
  • Blizzard x1
  • Ice Elemental x2
  • Twisting Nether x2

Strategy for playing against Kel'Thuzad

Against a boss like Kel'Thuzad, any fast aggro deck will do. So the most suitable classes in the confrontation with him are the Hunter and the Zoo Warlock. There is no specific strategy in the game against Kel'Thuzad - try to play as many cheap creatures as possible and inflict as much damage as possible on him in a short period of time. Don't be discouraged if you spend a lot of time trying to complete it - after all, this is the final boss of the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. Below I will describe the tactics of playing for the Warlock.

Warlock's aggro deck will probably be the most optimal choice in the confrontation with Kel'Thuzad. Include a large number of creatures that cost 1 - 2 mana, as well as those creatures that can strengthen the minions already on the table (Abusive Sergeant, Dark Iron Dwarf, Argus Defender). It is also desirable to have Soulfire in your deck - it will help to cope with an early threat from the opponent.

Even after following all the above tips, we cannot guarantee you victory over the final boss. If he manages to draw cards like Blizzard and Twisting Nether, you will most likely fail - so playing around them is useless.

By the time you take all of Kel'Thuzad's armor off, make sure you can deal a significant amount of damage to him on the next turn. Also, keep in mind that Kel'Thuzad's Hero Power will also change to Chains. Therefore, you must be sure that you can handle any of your creatures on the board.

Deck against Kel'Thuzad


After you defeat the final boss of the Lair of the Frostwyrm, as well as the entire Naxxramas adventure in general, you will receive two copies of the Shadow of Naxxramas card. And the reward for completing this dungeon will be for you legendary card Kel'Thuzad.

Hello everyone! Today the long-awaited day has come when we can visit the Lair of the Ice Wyrm - the final quarter of Naxxramas's adventure, and in this article we will figure out how to defeat Sapphiron and Kel "Thuzad - it is with them that we need to fight in order to get the coveted cards.

So let's get started!



Sapphiron with his Ice Breath destroys all non-frozen creatures and does it for free

Not a very nice ability, right? But nothing, we can handle it, I suggest trying out the shaman deck.

At the start of the game, a 2/10 frozen minion will spawn on your side of the table, granting invulnerability to Sapphiron's ability to creatures flanked by it.

Accordingly, the maximum of your creatures on the table is 2. Which is not bad.

Let's start over, starting hand

The more of these cards you have in your hand, the easier it will be to get past the boss, if it comes across, leave it too, you can successfully breed Nerubian eggs.


Actually, our goal is to copy the Frozen Hero with the Faceless Manipulator so that we can put two more creatures. We put Nerubian eggs outside the "invulnerability field" in order to get Nerub 4/4 on the next turn. Use the evil eye on especially unpleasant creatures, the main thing is to defend yourself at the beginning of the game. After you get two Frozen, expose the creatures. help clean the table, and protect against the encroachment of enemy creatures. help you pick up the cards. Use a bunch of + on fat creatures. The second Faceless Manipulator can copy .

By the way, let's talk a little more about the role in this deck. It is clear that it is needed to deal damage, but Sapphiron will constantly freeze this or that creature with spells, and this freeze will not interfere with Ragnaros, while another fat creature will stand still, so if you have it, be sure to take it. The same goes for and, she will give you one of the sleep cards, which will definitely come in handy, even if it's just a Dream. will prevent Sapphiron from casting freezing spells, but will heal the Freezing hero, or one of the creatures. Also put totems if mana remains, because if a healer falls out, then he will have time to do his job before the end of the turn, and in our case it decides.


Here he is, cute

Kel "Thuzad with an Ice Blast deals 2 damage and freezes the enemy hero, also for free, in addition, at the beginning of the game he has 10 armor, in addition to 30 health.

Since Kel "Thuzad deals 2 damage every turn, it makes sense to take the Priest in order to be able to heal. With this deck, he can even be defeated in heroics.

Starting hand

Let's leave it, it's fine too. Save the Nerubian Eggs towards the middle of the game.


The fight against Kel "Thuzad (I can't help laughing from this name)))) consists of two stages: first you demolish his armor, and then his ability changes. Now this is a Chain that takes control of your random creature until the end of the turn, costs it's 8 mana in heroics - forever. In addition, two 3/3 provocateurs appear on his side.

Actually, at the beginning of the game there is nothing supernatural. Expose creatures, use to almost certainly steal . will help clean the table, and "hatch" Nerubov. Also, KelThuzad will field , so don't put too many creatures on the board. Place Nerubian Eggs as soon as they appear in your hand, anyway

How to play as a hunter is written in the passage of the first quarter. The only one who was able to strengthen standard deck, - "Mental Technician". If the opponent has 4 or more creatures, he will convert one of them to your side.

The ideal starting hand looks like this: Mental Tech, Frost Trap, Release the Dogs. If one of these cards does not arrive on time, defeat is assured. The difficulty lies in the fact that at the beginning there is a demon with 3/4 parameters on the table at Heigan. His ability allows you to deal 3 damage instead of 2 and at the same time costs nothing. Therefore, on the second turn, you need to force the opponent to return the creature to his hand, and then try to gain a foothold on the table.



Dead Aura Hero Power (0 Mana): Deals 3 damage to the enemy Hero.

In the fight against Loathib, the priest is the best choice. The deck should consist mainly of cards that restore health to the hero. The most important thing is to win early game and put a couple of creatures on the battlefield. Very useful map v starting hand becomes Shadow Word: Pain. The spell will eliminate the Bog Creeper, allowing you to attack the hero and trade with other enemy creatures.

After you have managed to gain a foothold on the table, replenish your health and wait for Loatheb to start placing spores. Break them and attack the creature until nothing remains of it.



normal mode


Spider Whisper Hero Power (2 Mana): Summons a 3/1 Nerub to the battlefield.

The key card in Anub'Rekan's deck is Lord of Death (Ability: "Taunt. Deathrattle: Your opponent puts a creature from his deck onto the battlefield"). If you have Cairn Bloodhoof and Ragnaros in your collection, be sure to put them in your deck. There is a chance that one of the minions will be able to put on the battlefield.

Both cards also look great in a paladin deck.

Most importantly, collect 2-3 mana cards in your starting hand. Then the “heavyweights” will enter the battle, which will help to consolidate the advantage and finish off the opponent. Note that Anub'Rekan has three spells that destroy all creatures with 3 health. So walk carefully, otherwise you may end up with nothing.

If legendary cards are a problem, collect budget deck to the hunter. This class is perfect for clearing the first quarter.

At the start, you need to collect the main combination "Hungry Buzzard" + "Let the dogs down". If it is not there, the hunter will not be in trouble on the 5th or 6th move. The combination works great when the opponent's table is full of creatures. Not only do you draw a lot of cards, but you slow down the pace of the game.

As a fallback, there is a spell "Stalking". Don't try to play it on the first turn or you'll ruin everything. First, it is very important to collect as much as possible more maps. "Stalking" saves at the moment when you need to draw a card that ends the game. For example, the spell "Command" Take! "".

Tactics with such a deck is simple: most of the time you need to attack the hero and periodically clear the board of enemy creatures. It is very important at the same time to “fatten” the “Carrion Hyena”, which will divert the attention of the enemy to itself.

Grand Widow Farlin

Rain of Fire Hero Power (2 Mana): Fires a shot for each card in the opponent's hand.

Farlena likes it when a player has a lot of cards in his hand. This gives her the ability to deal more damage than anyone else could ever dream of. Therefore, it is necessary to act extremely aggressively against it from the first moves. The fewer cards in hand, the better.



Cocoon Hero Power (3 Mana): Returns a random enemy minion to their hand.

Compared to the two previous characters, Mexna is not that strong. The deck consists of weak creatures, and she rarely uses her ability. A cheap hunter deck does a great job with all three opponents.

Test mode


The main opponent in this match will be Farlina. How to play against her, you learned in the first quarter. Therefore, try to collect a combination of "Fissile Ooze" + "Sign of Nature" (or "Power of the Wild") at the very beginning. The slug will split at the end of the turn and you will have an exact copy of it. This will allow you to take control of the table and calmly play all the cards in your hand.


The robber will have to fight Mexna. Since the player's deck consists mainly of creatures, the initiative must be seized before 3-4 turns. Leave creatures with a mana cost of two or less in your hand. Fissile Ooze, Brotherhood Leader, and Rookie Engineer are great places to start.

Don't forget that there are two Sea Giants in Mexna's deck. So when you see Master Hunter in your hand (ability: “Battlecry: Destroys a creature with 7 or higher attack”), don’t rush to put it on the table just like that. Most likely, it will come in handy more than once. Young Brewmaster will help you re-play this card (ability: "Battlecry: Returns your minion from the battlefield to your hand").



Spider Whisper Hero Power (2 Mana): Summons a 4/4 Nerub to the battlefield.

Compared to normal mode, the hero's health has increased from 30 to 45 units. The character has also become much more powerful - now he puts a creature with parameters 4/4 instead of 3/1 on the battlefield.

In this case, there are two options: beat him again with a paladin or hunter deck. The tactics of the assassination does not change.


Grand Widow Farlin

Rain of Fire Hero Power (1 Mana): Fires a shot for each card in the opponent's hand.

Farlena's strengths are that, firstly, she uses the hero power for 1 mana, and secondly, the worshiper creature has 2/4 parameters and the ability "Your hero gains +3 attacks until the end of the turn" (and not +1). When there are several such minions on the battlefield, the death of the hero comes very quickly. Therefore, it is very important not to let her take over the table.


Cocoon Hero Power (0 Mana): Returns two random enemy creatures to their hand.

At the beginning of the battle, Mexna has two Possessed Crawler creatures on the board. In this situation, the insidious spider can be won by two or even three classes: a priest, a hunter and a magician.

When playing as a hunter, it is very important to get Explosive Trap and Ironbeak in your starting hand. The role of the latter is that he first imposes the effect of silence on the spiders. After that, you can safely kill them.

Once the operation to disable enemy creatures is completed, it is very important to quickly put three, and preferably four creatures on the table. Otherwise, you simply won't be able to cope with Mexna's aggressive strategy and will lose.

In the case of the priest, the situation is similar. Only he has more spells and creatures in his hands that allow him to change the outcome of the meeting.

Tactics for the mage is even easier. Freeze all minions until turn 7, then incinerate them with Fire Wave. Then you play Alexstrasza on turn 9, and then finish it off with a combination of three spells "Fireball" + " Fire ball» + «Ice Arrow» . And victory in your pocket.

The magician's deck contains a large number of spells that will help destroy the enemy. So look at the situation, how best to use them.

Most recently, Blizzard, in another announcement, announced the development of a fresh update for its card game. It will be called "Goblins and Gnomes", contain as many as 120 new cards and will be released in December of this year, that is, very soon. I read this announcement and remembered that I had not even fully told you about the update. And this is generally a shame and a shame on my gray head. After all, only the last quarter remained unconsidered, which, moreover, I had been open for a long time and all that remained to be done was to go through it and write a review. Therefore, please do not throw slippers much, I will now correct the situation. So, my review of the last quarter called "The Lair of the Ice Wyrm."

(The lair of the ice serpent in which the villain Kel'Thuzad lives)

This time we will be confronted by only two heroes, from whom it blows cold.


(Paladin Uther VS Sapphiron)

Sapphiron has the Ice Breath hero power, which costs zero mana to use and destroys all non-frozen enemy creatures (that is, our creatures). How to fight with him, so nasty, you ask. Do not worry. On your first turn, you will receive a frozen hero card on your side of the field, which grants frost breath immunity to creatures on either side of you. Therefore, it is logical that we play against Sapphiron with only two creatures and it is desirable that they be fatter. And if one of them is killed, just post a new one. Alas, this tactic does not work for heroic mode. In it, Sapphiron has 45 hit points and there is no frozen hero on the field. I suspect it will show up there if you lower Sapphiron's hit points to 30. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to verify this. The maximum that I managed was to reduce his life to 31. Therefore, be sure to write in the comments if you can defeat him under such conditions.

(behind the frozen hero as behind a stone wall)

For defeating Sapphiron, you will receive two Fission Ooze cards.

(The Fissile Ooze card is revealed)


(Mage Jaina VS Kel'Thuzad)

Kel "Thuzad initially has 30 units of energy and 10 units of armor. It has the power of the Ice Blast hero, which costs zero mana, deals two damage to the enemy hero (that is, us), and even freezes him. At first glance, it seems that you should not take heroes with weapons against Kel "Thuzad, as they still won't be able to use them. This is not entirely true. The most important thing is to quickly remove all the armor from the adversary. As soon as this happens, Kel "Thuzad will change "Ice Blast" to "Chains", which cost eight mana and allow you to gain control over a random creature of yours until the end of the turn. Well, he will summon two provocateurs, which, however, will not help him much.

(Kel "Thuzad loves to do various meanness)

For defeating Kel'Thuzad, you will receive two Shadow of Naxxramas cards.

(Map "Shadow of Naxxramos" revealed)

And, of course, the legendary card "Kel" Thuzad.

(Legendary card "Kel" Thuzad revealed)

Now let's move on to testing. More precisely, to the test, because this time there is only one, and in it we will play Paladin Uther.

Paladin Uther vs Kel'Thuzad

Since Uther’s deck is full of Dividing Slug cards, as well as cards with a buff, it will not be difficult to defeat Kel "Thuzad. The main thing is to have a measure and do not put all your creatures on the field at once. Remember the Twisting Nether card, which destroys all creatures .

(most importantly - do not overdo it;))

For completing the challenge, you will receive two Vengeance cards.

(Vengeance card revealed)

And, as a bonus, here is such a nice picture.

(defeated Kel "Thuzad with the same cat that we sometimes "stroke when loading")

Well, that's all. Now you can sit quietly, save coins and wait for the next update - the one about goblins and gnomes.

A gameplay video in which I defeat Kel'Thuzad with the Rogue Valira. For those who don't understand why I don't clear the table and lay out all my creatures, let me remind you that Kel'Thuzad has a couple of Twisting Nether cards. And he always uses them when only my cards remain on the table.

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